Merge and
These used to be two different processes in bash and python.
It is part of just single step now with no bash-python transitions.
Therefore move the relatively trivial "main" method with the rest
of the build code.
Test: generated build artifacts are identical
Change-Id: I29bd68e3bdc8ad8349b3f054502da06606e76f0a
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..aa3a053
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,586 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+This scripts compiles Java files which are needed to execute run-tests.
+It is intended to be used only from soong genrule.
+import argparse
+import functools
+import glob
+import os
+import shlex
+import shutil
+import subprocess
+import tempfile
+import zipfile
+from argparse import ArgumentParser
+from fcntl import lockf, LOCK_EX, LOCK_NB
+from importlib.machinery import SourceFileLoader
+from multiprocessing import Pool
+from multiprocessing.pool import ApplyResult
+from os import environ, getcwd, chdir, cpu_count, remove, path
+from os.path import join, basename
+from pathlib import Path
+from re import match
+from shutil import copytree, rmtree
+from subprocess import run
+from typing import Dict
+USE_RBE_FOR_JAVAC = 100 # Percentage of tests that can use RBE (between 0 and 100)
+USE_RBE_FOR_D8 = 100 # Percentage of tests that can use RBE (between 0 and 100)
+ZIP = "prebuilts/build-tools/linux-x86/bin/soong_zip"
+lock_file = None # Keep alive as long as this process is alive.
+class BuildTestContext:
+ def __init__(self, args, build_top, sbox, test_name, test_dir):
+ self.test_dir = test_dir
+ self.mode = args.mode
+ self.jvm = (self.mode == "jvm")
+ = (self.mode == "host")
+ = (self.mode == "target")
+ assert self.jvm or or
+ java_home = os.environ.get("JAVA_HOME")
+ tools_dir = os.path.abspath(join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../../../out/bin"))
+ self.android_build_top = build_top
+ self.art_test_run_test_bootclasspath = join(build_top, args.bootclasspath)
+ self.d8 = join(tools_dir, "d8")
+ self.d8_flags = []
+ self.hiddenapi = join(tools_dir, "hiddenapi")
+ self.jasmin = join(tools_dir, "jasmin")
+ = join(java_home, "bin/java")
+ self.javac = join(java_home, "bin/javac")
+ self.javac_args = "-g -Xlint:-options -source 1.8 -target 1.8"
+ self.need_dex = ( or
+ self.sbox_path = sbox
+ self.smali = join(tools_dir, "smali")
+ self.smali_flags = []
+ self.soong_zip = join(build_top, "prebuilts/build-tools/linux-x86/bin/soong_zip")
+ self.test_name = test_name
+ self.zipalign = join(build_top, "prebuilts/build-tools/linux-x86/bin/zipalign")
+ # Minimal environment needed for bash commands that we execute.
+ self.bash_env = {
+ "ANDROID_BUILD_TOP": self.android_build_top,
+ "D8": self.d8,
+ "JAVA":,
+ "JAVAC": self.javac,
+ "JAVAC_ARGS": self.javac_args,
+ "JAVA_HOME": java_home,
+ "PATH": os.environ["PATH"],
+ "SMALI": self.smali,
+ "SOONG_ZIP": self.soong_zip,
+ "TEST_NAME": self.test_name,
+ }
+ def bash(self, cmd):
+ return, shell=True, env=self.bash_env, check=True)
+ def default_build(self, **kwargs):
+ globals()['default_build'](self, **kwargs)
+def rm(*patterns):
+ for pattern in patterns:
+ for path in glob.glob(pattern):
+ if os.path.isdir(path):
+ shutil.rmtree(path)
+ else:
+ os.remove(path)
+def default_build(
+ ctx,
+ use_desugar=True,
+ use_hiddenapi=True,
+ need_dex=None,
+ experimental="no-experiment",
+ zip_compression_method="deflate",
+ zip_align_bytes=None,
+ api_level=None,
+ javac_args=[],
+ d8_flags=[],
+ smali_args=[],
+ has_smali=None,
+ has_jasmin=None,
+ ):
+ ANDROID_BUILD_TOP = ctx.android_build_top
+ SBOX_PATH = ctx.sbox_path
+ CWD = os.getcwd()
+ TEST_NAME = ctx.test_name
+ ART_TEST_RUN_TEST_BOOTCLASSPATH = path.relpath(ctx.art_test_run_test_bootclasspath, CWD)
+ NEED_DEX = ctx.need_dex if need_dex is None else need_dex
+ RBE_exec_root = os.environ.get("RBE_exec_root")
+ RBE_rewrapper = path.join(ANDROID_BUILD_TOP, "prebuilts/remoteexecution-client/live/rewrapper")
+ # Set default values for directories.
+ HAS_SMALI = path.exists("smali") if has_smali is None else has_smali
+ HAS_JASMIN = path.exists("jasmin") if has_jasmin is None else has_jasmin
+ HAS_SRC = path.exists("src")
+ HAS_SRC_ART = path.exists("src-art")
+ HAS_SRC2 = path.exists("src2")
+ HAS_SRC_MULTIDEX = path.exists("src-multidex")
+ HAS_SMALI_MULTIDEX = path.exists("smali-multidex")
+ HAS_JASMIN_MULTIDEX = path.exists("jasmin-multidex")
+ HAS_SMALI_EX = path.exists("smali-ex")
+ HAS_SRC_EX = path.exists("src-ex")
+ HAS_SRC_EX2 = path.exists("src-ex2")
+ HAS_SRC_AOTEX = path.exists("src-aotex")
+ HAS_SRC_BCPEX = path.exists("src-bcpex")
+ HAS_HIDDENAPI_SPEC = path.exists("hiddenapi-flags.csv")
+ JAVAC_ARGS = shlex.split(ctx.javac_args) + javac_args
+ SMALI_ARGS = ctx.smali_flags + smali_args
+ D8_FLAGS = ctx.d8_flags + d8_flags
+ BUILD_MODE = ctx.mode
+ # Setup experimental API level mappings in a bash associative array.
+ EXPERIMENTAL_API_LEVEL["no-experiment"] = "26"
+ EXPERIMENTAL_API_LEVEL["default-methods"] = "24"
+ EXPERIMENTAL_API_LEVEL["parameter-annotations"] = "25"
+ EXPERIMENTAL_API_LEVEL["agents"] = "26"
+ EXPERIMENTAL_API_LEVEL["method-handles"] = "26"
+ EXPERIMENTAL_API_LEVEL["var-handles"] = "28"
+ if BUILD_MODE == "jvm":
+ # No desugaring on jvm because it supports the latest functionality.
+ use_desugar = False
+ # Do not attempt to build src-art directories on jvm,
+ # since it would fail without libcore.
+ HAS_SRC_ART = False
+ # Set API level for smali and d8.
+ if not api_level:
+ api_level = EXPERIMENTAL_API_LEVEL[experimental]
+ # Add API level arguments to smali and dx
+ SMALI_ARGS.extend(["--api", str(api_level)])
+ D8_FLAGS.extend(["--min-api", str(api_level)])
+ def run(executable, args):
+ cmd = shlex.split(executable) + args
+ if executable.endswith(".sh"):
+ cmd = ["/bin/bash"] + cmd
+ env = ctx.bash_env
+ env.update({k: v for k, v in os.environ.items() if k.startswith("RBE_")})
+ p =,
+ encoding=os.sys.stdout.encoding,
+ env=ctx.bash_env,
+ stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+ if p.returncode != 0:
+ raise Exception("Command failed with exit code {}\n$ {}\n{}".format(
+ p.returncode, " ".join(cmd), p.stdout))
+ return p
+ # Helper functions to execute tools.
+ soong_zip = functools.partial(run, ctx.soong_zip)
+ zipalign = functools.partial(run, ctx.zipalign)
+ javac = functools.partial(run, ctx.javac)
+ jasmin = functools.partial(run, ctx.jasmin)
+ smali = functools.partial(run, ctx.smali)
+ d8 = functools.partial(run, ctx.d8)
+ hiddenapi = functools.partial(run, ctx.hiddenapi)
+ if "RBE_server_address" in os.environ:
+ version = match(r"Version: (\d*)\.(\d*)\.(\d*)", run(RBE_rewrapper, ["--version"]).stdout)
+ assert version, "Could not parse RBE version"
+ assert tuple(map(int, version.groups())) >= (0, 76, 0), "Please update " + RBE_rewrapper
+ def rbe_wrap(args, inputs=set()):
+ with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w+t", dir=RBE_exec_root) as input_list:
+ for arg in args:
+ inputs.update(filter(path.exists, arg.split(":")))
+ input_list.writelines([path.relpath(i, RBE_exec_root)+"\n" for i in inputs])
+ input_list.flush()
+ return run(RBE_rewrapper, [
+ "--platform=" + os.environ["RBE_platform"],
+ "--input_list_paths=" +,
+ ] + args)
+ if USE_RBE_FOR_JAVAC > (hash(TEST_NAME) % 100): # Use for given percentage of tests.
+ def javac(args):
+ output = path.relpath(path.join(CWD, args[args.index("-d") + 1]), RBE_exec_root)
+ return rbe_wrap([
+ "--output_directories", output,
+ os.path.relpath(ctx.javac, CWD),
+ ] + args)
+ if USE_RBE_FOR_D8 > (hash(TEST_NAME) % 100): # Use for given percentage of tests.
+ def d8(args):
+ inputs = set([path.join(SBOX_PATH, "tools/out/framework/d8.jar")])
+ output = path.relpath(path.join(CWD, args[args.index("--output") + 1]), RBE_exec_root)
+ return rbe_wrap([
+ "--output_files" if output.endswith(".jar") else "--output_directories", output,
+ "--toolchain_inputs=prebuilts/jdk/jdk11/linux-x86/bin/java",
+ os.path.relpath(ctx.d8, CWD)] + args, inputs)
+ # If wrapper script exists, use it instead of the default javac.
+ if os.path.exists(""):
+ javac = functools.partial(run, "")
+ def find(root, name):
+ return sorted(glob.glob(path.join(root, "**", name), recursive=True))
+ def zip(zip_target, *files):
+ zip_args = ["-o", zip_target]
+ if zip_compression_method == "store":
+ zip_args.extend(["-L", "0"])
+ for f in files:
+ zip_args.extend(["-f", f])
+ soong_zip(zip_args)
+ if zip_align_bytes:
+ # zipalign does not operate in-place, so write results to a temp file.
+ with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(dir=".") as tmp_dir:
+ tmp_file = path.join(tmp_dir, "")
+ zipalign(["-f", str(zip_align_bytes), zip_target, tmp_file])
+ # replace original zip target with our temp file.
+ os.rename(tmp_file, zip_target)
+ def make_jasmin(out_directory, jasmin_sources):
+ os.makedirs(out_directory, exist_ok=True)
+ jasmin(["-d", out_directory] + sorted(jasmin_sources))
+ # Like regular javac but may include libcore on the bootclasspath.
+ def javac_with_bootclasspath(args):
+ flags = JAVAC_ARGS + ["-encoding", "utf8"]
+ if BUILD_MODE != "jvm":
+ flags.extend(["-bootclasspath", ART_TEST_RUN_TEST_BOOTCLASSPATH])
+ javac(flags + args)
+ # Make a "dex" file given a directory of classes. This will be
+ # packaged in a jar file.
+ def make_dex(name):
+ d8_inputs = find(name, "*.class")
+ d8_output = name + ".jar"
+ dex_output = name + ".dex"
+ if use_desugar:
+ else:
+ flags = ["--no-desugaring"]
+ assert d8_inputs
+ d8(D8_FLAGS + flags + ["--output", d8_output] + d8_inputs)
+ # D8 outputs to JAR files today rather than DEX files as DX used
+ # to. To compensate, we extract the DEX from d8's output to meet the
+ # expectations of make_dex callers.
+ with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(dir=".") as tmp_dir:
+ zipfile.ZipFile(d8_output, "r").extractall(tmp_dir)
+ os.rename(path.join(tmp_dir, "classes.dex"), dex_output)
+ # Merge all the dex files.
+ # Skip non-existing files, but at least 1 file must exist.
+ def make_dexmerge(*dex_files_to_merge):
+ # Dex file that acts as the destination.
+ dst_file = dex_files_to_merge[0]
+ # Skip any non-existing files.
+ dex_files_to_merge = list(filter(path.exists, dex_files_to_merge))
+ # NB: We merge even if there is just single input.
+ # It is useful to normalize non-deterministic smali output.
+ tmp_dir = "dexmerge"
+ os.makedirs(tmp_dir)
+ d8(["--min-api", api_level, "--output", tmp_dir] + dex_files_to_merge)
+ assert not path.exists(path.join(tmp_dir, "classes2.dex"))
+ for input_dex in dex_files_to_merge:
+ os.remove(input_dex)
+ os.rename(path.join(tmp_dir, "classes.dex"), dst_file)
+ os.rmdir(tmp_dir)
+ def make_hiddenapi(*dex_files):
+ args = ["encode"]
+ for dex_file in dex_files:
+ args.extend(["--input-dex=" + dex_file, "--output-dex=" + dex_file])
+ args.append("--api-flags=hiddenapi-flags.csv")
+ args.append("--no-force-assign-all")
+ hiddenapi(args)
+ if path.exists("classes.dex"):
+ zip(TEST_NAME + ".jar", "classes.dex")
+ return
+ def has_multidex():
+ def add_to_cp_args(old_cp_args, path):
+ if len(old_cp_args) == 0:
+ return ["-cp", path]
+ else:
+ return ["-cp", old_cp_args[1] + ":" + path]
+ src_tmp_all = []
+ make_jasmin("jasmin_classes", find("jasmin", "*.j"))
+ src_tmp_all = add_to_cp_args(src_tmp_all, "jasmin_classes")
+ make_jasmin("jasmin_classes2", find("jasmin-multidex", "*.j"))
+ src_tmp_all = add_to_cp_args(src_tmp_all, "jasmin_classes2")
+ # To allow circular references, compile src/, src-multidex/, src-aotex/,
+ # src-bcpex/, src-ex/ together and pass the output as class path argument.
+ # Replacement sources in src-art/, src2/ and src-ex2/ can replace symbols
+ # used by the other src-* sources we compile here but everything needed to
+ # compile the other src-* sources should be present in src/ (and jasmin*/).
+ os.makedirs("classes-tmp-all")
+ javac_with_bootclasspath(["-implicit:none"] + src_tmp_all +
+ ["-d", "classes-tmp-all"] +
+ find("src", "*.java") +
+ find("src-multidex", "*.java") +
+ find("src-aotex", "*.java") +
+ find("src-bcpex", "*.java") +
+ find("src-ex", "*.java"))
+ src_tmp_all = add_to_cp_args(src_tmp_all, "classes-tmp-all")
+ os.makedirs("classes-aotex")
+ javac_with_bootclasspath(["-implicit:none"] + src_tmp_all +
+ ["-d", "classes-aotex"] +
+ find("src-aotex", "*.java"))
+ if NEED_DEX:
+ make_dex("classes-aotex")
+ # rename it so it shows up as "classes.dex" in the zip file.
+ os.rename("classes-aotex.dex", "classes.dex")
+ zip(TEST_NAME + "-aotex.jar", "classes.dex")
+ os.makedirs("classes-bcpex")
+ javac_with_bootclasspath(["-implicit:none"] + src_tmp_all +
+ ["-d", "classes-bcpex"] +
+ find("src-bcpex", "*.java"))
+ if NEED_DEX:
+ make_dex("classes-bcpex")
+ # rename it so it shows up as "classes.dex" in the zip file.
+ os.rename("classes-bcpex.dex", "classes.dex")
+ zip(TEST_NAME + "-bcpex.jar", "classes.dex")
+ if HAS_SRC:
+ os.makedirs("classes", exist_ok=True)
+ javac_with_bootclasspath(["-implicit:none"] + src_tmp_all +
+ ["-d", "classes"] + find("src", "*.java"))
+ os.makedirs("classes", exist_ok=True)
+ javac_with_bootclasspath(["-implicit:none"] + src_tmp_all +
+ ["-d", "classes"] + find("src-art", "*.java"))
+ os.makedirs("classes2")
+ javac_with_bootclasspath(["-implicit:none"] + src_tmp_all +
+ ["-d", "classes2"] +
+ find("src-multidex", "*.java"))
+ if NEED_DEX:
+ make_dex("classes2")
+ if HAS_SRC2:
+ os.makedirs("classes", exist_ok=True)
+ javac_with_bootclasspath(["-implicit:none"] + src_tmp_all +
+ ["-d", "classes"] +
+ find("src2", "*.java"))
+ # If the classes directory is not-empty, package classes in a DEX file.
+ # NB: some tests provide classes rather than java files.
+ if find("classes", "*"):
+ if NEED_DEX:
+ make_dex("classes")
+ # Compile Jasmin classes as if they were part of the classes.dex file.
+ if NEED_DEX:
+ make_dex("jasmin_classes")
+ make_dexmerge("classes.dex", "jasmin_classes.dex")
+ else:
+ # Move jasmin classes into classes directory so that they are picked up
+ # with -cp classes.
+ os.makedirs("classes", exist_ok=True)
+ shutil.copytree("jasmin_classes", "classes", dirs_exist_ok=True)
+ # Compile Smali classes
+ smali(["-JXmx512m", "assemble"] + SMALI_ARGS +
+ ["--output", "smali_classes.dex"] + find("smali", "*.smali"))
+ assert path.exists("smali_classes.dex")
+ # Merge smali files into classes.dex,
+ # this takes priority over any jasmin files.
+ make_dexmerge("classes.dex", "smali_classes.dex")
+ # Compile Jasmin classes in jasmin-multidex as if they were part of
+ # the classes2.jar
+ if NEED_DEX:
+ make_dex("jasmin_classes2")
+ make_dexmerge("classes2.dex", "jasmin_classes2.dex")
+ else:
+ # Move jasmin classes into classes2 directory so that
+ # they are picked up with -cp classes2.
+ os.makedirs("classes2", exist_ok=True)
+ shutil.copytree("jasmin_classes2", "classes2", dirs_exist_ok=True)
+ shutil.rmtree("jasmin_classes2")
+ # Compile Smali classes
+ smali(["-JXmx512m", "assemble"] + SMALI_ARGS +
+ ["--output", "smali_classes2.dex"] + find("smali-multidex", "*.smali"))
+ # Merge smali_classes2.dex into classes2.dex
+ make_dexmerge("classes2.dex", "smali_classes2.dex")
+ if HAS_SRC_EX:
+ os.makedirs("classes-ex", exist_ok=True)
+ javac_with_bootclasspath(["-implicit:none"] + src_tmp_all +
+ ["-d", "classes-ex"] + find("src-ex", "*.java"))
+ if HAS_SRC_EX2:
+ os.makedirs("classes-ex", exist_ok=True)
+ javac_with_bootclasspath(["-implicit:none"] + src_tmp_all +
+ ["-d", "classes-ex"] + find("src-ex2", "*.java"))
+ if path.exists("classes-ex") and NEED_DEX:
+ make_dex("classes-ex")
+ # Compile Smali classes
+ smali(["-JXmx512m", "assemble"] + SMALI_ARGS +
+ ["--output", "smali_classes-ex.dex"] + find("smali-ex", "*.smali"))
+ assert path.exists("smali_classes-ex.dex")
+ # Merge smali files into classes-ex.dex.
+ make_dexmerge("classes-ex.dex", "smali_classes-ex.dex")
+ if path.exists("classes-ex.dex"):
+ # Apply hiddenapi on the dex files if the test has API list file(s).
+ if use_hiddenapi and HAS_HIDDENAPI_SPEC:
+ make_hiddenapi("classes-ex.dex")
+ # quick shuffle so that the stored name is "classes.dex"
+ os.rename("classes.dex", "classes-1.dex")
+ os.rename("classes-ex.dex", "classes.dex")
+ zip(TEST_NAME + "-ex.jar", "classes.dex")
+ os.rename("classes.dex", "classes-ex.dex")
+ os.rename("classes-1.dex", "classes.dex")
+ # Apply hiddenapi on the dex files if the test has API list file(s).
+ if NEED_DEX and use_hiddenapi and HAS_HIDDENAPI_SPEC:
+ if has_multidex():
+ make_hiddenapi("classes.dex", "classes2.dex")
+ else:
+ make_hiddenapi("classes.dex")
+ # Create a single dex jar with two dex files for multidex.
+ if NEED_DEX:
+ if path.exists("classes2.dex"):
+ zip(TEST_NAME + ".jar", "classes.dex", "classes2.dex")
+ else:
+ zip(TEST_NAME + ".jar", "classes.dex")
+def copy_sources(args, ziproot: Path, mode: str, srcdir: Path) -> Path:
+ """Copy test files from Android tree into the build sandbox and return its path."""
+ dstdir = ziproot / mode /
+ copytree(srcdir, dstdir)
+ return dstdir
+def build_test(ctx: BuildTestContext) -> None:
+ """Run the build script for single run-test"""
+ chdir(ctx.test_dir)
+ script = ctx.test_dir / ""
+ if script.exists():
+ module = SourceFileLoader("build_" + ctx.test_name,
+ str(script)).load_module()
+ else:
+ default_build(ctx)
+# If we build just individual shard, we want to split the work among all the cores,
+# but if the build system builds all shards, we don't want to overload the machine.
+# We don't know which situation we are in, so as simple work-around, we use a lock
+# file to allow only one shard to use multiprocessing at the same time.
+def use_multiprocessing(mode: str) -> bool:
+ global lock_file
+ lock_path = join(environ["TMPDIR"], "art-test-run-test-build-py-" + mode)
+ lock_file = open(lock_path, "w")
+ try:
+ lockf(lock_file, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB)
+ return True # We are the only instance of this script in the build system.
+ except BlockingIOError:
+ return False # Some other instance is already running.
+def main() -> None:
+ parser = ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--out", help="Path of the generated ZIP file with the build data")
+ parser.add_argument("--mode", choices=["host", "jvm", "target"])
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--shard", help="Identifies subset of tests to build (00..99)")
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--bootclasspath", help="JAR files used for javac compilation")
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ build_top = Path(getcwd())
+ sbox = Path(__file__).absolute().parent.parent.parent.parent.parent
+ assert == "sbox" and len( == 40
+ ziproot = sbox / "zip"
+ srcdirs = sorted(build_top.glob("art/test/*"))
+ srcdirs = [s for s in srcdirs if match("\d*{}-.*".format(args.shard),]
+ dstdirs = [copy_sources(args, ziproot, args.mode, s) for s in srcdirs]
+ # Use multiprocessing (i.e. forking) since tests modify their current working directory.
+ with Pool(cpu_count() if use_multiprocessing(args.mode) else 1) as pool:
+ jobs: Dict[Path, ApplyResult] = {}
+ for dstdir in dstdirs:
+ ctx = BuildTestContext(args, build_top, sbox,, dstdir)
+ jobs[dstdir] = pool.apply_async(build_test, (ctx,))
+ for dstdir, job in jobs.items():
+ try:
+ job.get()
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise Exception("Failed to build " + from e.__cause__
+ # Create the final zip file which contains the content of the temporary directory.
+ proc = run([ZIP, "-o", args.out, "-C", ziproot, "-D", ziproot], check=True)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()