Revert "Redesign implementation of RegisterNativeAllocation."
This reverts commit 6bfc37d875b2556b3f1d95b00a785a09dc94ccb0.
Test failures in 004-NativeAllocations.
Bug: 29156652
Bug: 32576211
Change-Id: Ic54c67caf913024485a5c0621857d68a6fb710fa
diff --git a/runtime/gc/ b/runtime/gc/
index 522e0bf..34d8284 100644
--- a/runtime/gc/
+++ b/runtime/gc/
@@ -127,6 +127,8 @@
// Dump the rosalloc stats on SIGQUIT.
static constexpr bool kDumpRosAllocStatsOnSigQuit = false;
+static constexpr size_t kNativeAllocationHistogramBuckets = 16;
// Extra added to the heap growth multiplier. Used to adjust the GC ergonomics for the read barrier
// config.
static constexpr double kExtraHeapGrowthMultiplier = kUseReadBarrier ? 1.0 : 0.0;
@@ -192,12 +194,18 @@
+ native_footprint_gc_watermark_(initial_size),
+ native_need_to_run_finalization_(false),
- new_native_bytes_allocated_(0),
- old_native_bytes_allocated_(0),
+ native_bytes_allocated_(0),
+ native_histogram_lock_("Native allocation lock"),
+ native_allocation_histogram_("Native allocation sizes",
+ 1U,
+ kNativeAllocationHistogramBuckets),
+ native_free_histogram_("Native free sizes", 1U, kNativeAllocationHistogramBuckets),
@@ -1093,9 +1101,19 @@
- os << "Registered native bytes allocated: "
- << old_native_bytes_allocated_.LoadRelaxed() + new_native_bytes_allocated_.LoadRelaxed()
- << "\n";
+ {
+ MutexLock mu(Thread::Current(), native_histogram_lock_);
+ if (native_allocation_histogram_.SampleSize() > 0u) {
+ os << "Histogram of native allocation ";
+ native_allocation_histogram_.DumpBins(os);
+ os << " bucket size " << native_allocation_histogram_.BucketWidth() << "\n";
+ }
+ if (native_free_histogram_.SampleSize() > 0u) {
+ os << "Histogram of native free ";
+ native_free_histogram_.DumpBins(os);
+ os << " bucket size " << native_free_histogram_.BucketWidth() << "\n";
+ }
+ }
@@ -2627,13 +2645,6 @@
// Approximate heap size.
ATRACE_INT("Heap size (KB)", bytes_allocated_before_gc / KB);
- if (gc_type == NonStickyGcType()) {
- // Move all bytes from new_native_bytes_allocated_ to
- // old_native_bytes_allocated_ now that GC has been triggered, resetting
- // new_native_bytes_allocated_ to zero in the process.
- old_native_bytes_allocated_.FetchAndAddRelaxed(new_native_bytes_allocated_.ExchangeRelaxed(0));
- }
DCHECK_LT(gc_type, collector::kGcTypeMax);
DCHECK_NE(gc_type, collector::kGcTypeNone);
@@ -3493,6 +3504,18 @@
return false;
+void Heap::UpdateMaxNativeFootprint() {
+ size_t native_size = native_bytes_allocated_.LoadRelaxed();
+ // TODO: Tune the native heap utilization to be a value other than the java heap utilization.
+ size_t target_size = native_size / GetTargetHeapUtilization();
+ if (target_size > native_size + max_free_) {
+ target_size = native_size + max_free_;
+ } else if (target_size < native_size + min_free_) {
+ target_size = native_size + min_free_;
+ }
+ native_footprint_gc_watermark_ = std::min(growth_limit_, target_size);
collector::GarbageCollector* Heap::FindCollectorByGcType(collector::GcType gc_type) {
for (const auto& collector : garbage_collectors_) {
if (collector->GetCollectorType() == collector_type_ &&
@@ -3529,9 +3552,11 @@
target_size = bytes_allocated + delta * multiplier;
target_size = std::min(target_size, bytes_allocated + adjusted_max_free);
target_size = std::max(target_size, bytes_allocated + adjusted_min_free);
+ native_need_to_run_finalization_ = true;
next_gc_type_ = collector::kGcTypeSticky;
} else {
- collector::GcType non_sticky_gc_type = NonStickyGcType();
+ collector::GcType non_sticky_gc_type =
+ HasZygoteSpace() ? collector::kGcTypePartial : collector::kGcTypeFull;
// Find what the next non sticky collector will be.
collector::GarbageCollector* non_sticky_collector = FindCollectorByGcType(non_sticky_gc_type);
// If the throughput of the current sticky GC >= throughput of the non sticky collector, then
@@ -3682,7 +3707,7 @@
collector::GcType next_gc_type = next_gc_type_;
// If forcing full and next gc type is sticky, override with a non-sticky type.
if (force_full && next_gc_type == collector::kGcTypeSticky) {
- next_gc_type = NonStickyGcType();
+ next_gc_type = HasZygoteSpace() ? collector::kGcTypePartial : collector::kGcTypeFull;
if (CollectGarbageInternal(next_gc_type, kGcCauseBackground, false) ==
collector::kGcTypeNone) {
@@ -3838,51 +3863,71 @@
-void Heap::TriggerGcForNativeAlloc(Thread* self) {
- if (!IsGCRequestPending()) {
- if (IsGcConcurrent()) {
- RequestConcurrentGC(self, /*force_full*/true);
- } else {
- CollectGarbageInternal(NonStickyGcType(), kGcCauseForNativeAlloc, false);
+void Heap::RegisterNativeAllocation(JNIEnv* env, size_t bytes) {
+ Thread* self = ThreadForEnv(env);
+ {
+ MutexLock mu(self, native_histogram_lock_);
+ native_allocation_histogram_.AddValue(bytes);
+ }
+ if (native_need_to_run_finalization_) {
+ RunFinalization(env, kNativeAllocationFinalizeTimeout);
+ UpdateMaxNativeFootprint();
+ native_need_to_run_finalization_ = false;
+ }
+ // Total number of native bytes allocated.
+ size_t new_native_bytes_allocated = native_bytes_allocated_.FetchAndAddSequentiallyConsistent(bytes);
+ new_native_bytes_allocated += bytes;
+ if (new_native_bytes_allocated > native_footprint_gc_watermark_) {
+ collector::GcType gc_type = HasZygoteSpace() ? collector::kGcTypePartial :
+ collector::kGcTypeFull;
+ // The second watermark is higher than the gc watermark. If you hit this it means you are
+ // allocating native objects faster than the GC can keep up with.
+ if (new_native_bytes_allocated > growth_limit_) {
+ if (WaitForGcToComplete(kGcCauseForNativeAlloc, self) != collector::kGcTypeNone) {
+ // Just finished a GC, attempt to run finalizers.
+ RunFinalization(env, kNativeAllocationFinalizeTimeout);
+ CHECK(!env->ExceptionCheck());
+ // Native bytes allocated may be updated by finalization, refresh it.
+ new_native_bytes_allocated = native_bytes_allocated_.LoadRelaxed();
+ }
+ // If we still are over the watermark, attempt a GC for alloc and run finalizers.
+ if (new_native_bytes_allocated > growth_limit_) {
+ CollectGarbageInternal(gc_type, kGcCauseForNativeAlloc, false);
+ RunFinalization(env, kNativeAllocationFinalizeTimeout);
+ native_need_to_run_finalization_ = false;
+ CHECK(!env->ExceptionCheck());
+ }
+ // We have just run finalizers, update the native watermark since it is very likely that
+ // finalizers released native managed allocations.
+ UpdateMaxNativeFootprint();
+ } else if (!IsGCRequestPending()) {
+ if (IsGcConcurrent()) {
+ RequestConcurrentGC(self, true); // Request non-sticky type.
+ } else {
+ CollectGarbageInternal(gc_type, kGcCauseForNativeAlloc, false);
+ }
-void Heap::RegisterNativeAllocation(JNIEnv* env, size_t bytes) {
- // See the REDESIGN section of go/understanding-register-native-allocation
- // for an explanation of how RegisterNativeAllocation works.
- size_t new_value = bytes + new_native_bytes_allocated_.FetchAndAddRelaxed(bytes);
- if (new_value > NativeAllocationBlockingGcWatermark()) {
- // Wait for a new GC to finish and finalizers to run, because the
- // allocation rate is too high.
- Thread* self = ThreadForEnv(env);
- WaitForGcToComplete(kGcCauseForNativeAlloc, self);
- TriggerGcForNativeAlloc(self);
- WaitForGcToComplete(kGcCauseForNativeAlloc, self);
- RunFinalization(env, kNativeAllocationFinalizeTimeout);
- CHECK(!env->ExceptionCheck());
- } else if (new_value > NativeAllocationGcWatermark() && !IsGCRequestPending()) {
- // Trigger another GC because there have been enough native bytes
- // allocated since the last GC.
- TriggerGcForNativeAlloc(ThreadForEnv(env));
+void Heap::RegisterNativeFree(JNIEnv* env, size_t bytes) {
+ size_t expected_size;
+ {
+ MutexLock mu(Thread::Current(), native_histogram_lock_);
+ native_free_histogram_.AddValue(bytes);
-void Heap::RegisterNativeFree(JNIEnv*, size_t bytes) {
- // Take the bytes freed out of new_native_bytes_allocated_ first. If
- // new_native_bytes_allocated_ reaches zero, take the remaining bytes freed
- // out of old_native_bytes_allocated_ to ensure all freed bytes are
- // accounted for.
- size_t allocated;
- size_t new_freed_bytes;
do {
- allocated = new_native_bytes_allocated_.LoadRelaxed();
- new_freed_bytes = std::min(allocated, bytes);
- } while (!new_native_bytes_allocated_.CompareExchangeWeakRelaxed(allocated,
- allocated - new_freed_bytes));
- if (new_freed_bytes < bytes) {
- old_native_bytes_allocated_.FetchAndSubRelaxed(bytes - new_freed_bytes);
- }
+ expected_size = native_bytes_allocated_.LoadRelaxed();
+ if (UNLIKELY(bytes > expected_size)) {
+ ScopedObjectAccess soa(env);
+ env->ThrowNew(WellKnownClasses::java_lang_RuntimeException,
+ StringPrintf("Attempted to free %zd native bytes with only %zd native bytes "
+ "registered as allocated", bytes, expected_size).c_str());
+ break;
+ }
+ } while (!native_bytes_allocated_.CompareExchangeWeakRelaxed(expected_size,
+ expected_size - bytes));
size_t Heap::GetTotalMemory() const {
diff --git a/runtime/gc/heap.h b/runtime/gc/heap.h
index b2a4142..3a8e29b 100644
--- a/runtime/gc/heap.h
+++ b/runtime/gc/heap.h
@@ -260,9 +260,9 @@
void RegisterNativeAllocation(JNIEnv* env, size_t bytes)
- REQUIRES(!*gc_complete_lock_, !*pending_task_lock_);
+ REQUIRES(!*gc_complete_lock_, !*pending_task_lock_, !native_histogram_lock_);
void RegisterNativeFree(JNIEnv* env, size_t bytes)
- REQUIRES(!*gc_complete_lock_, !*pending_task_lock_);
+ REQUIRES(!*gc_complete_lock_, !*pending_task_lock_, !native_histogram_lock_);
// Change the allocator, updates entrypoints.
void ChangeAllocator(AllocatorType allocator)
@@ -562,7 +562,7 @@
space::Space* FindSpaceFromAddress(const void* ptr) const
- void DumpForSigQuit(std::ostream& os) REQUIRES(!*gc_complete_lock_);
+ void DumpForSigQuit(std::ostream& os) REQUIRES(!*gc_complete_lock_, !native_histogram_lock_);
// Do a pending collector transition.
void DoPendingCollectorTransition() REQUIRES(!*gc_complete_lock_, !*pending_task_lock_);
@@ -679,7 +679,7 @@
// GC performance measuring
void DumpGcPerformanceInfo(std::ostream& os)
- REQUIRES(!*gc_complete_lock_);
+ REQUIRES(!*gc_complete_lock_, !native_histogram_lock_);
void ResetGcPerformanceInfo() REQUIRES(!*gc_complete_lock_);
// Thread pool.
@@ -979,6 +979,10 @@
void PostGcVerificationPaused(collector::GarbageCollector* gc)
REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_, !*gc_complete_lock_);
+ // Update the watermark for the native allocated bytes based on the current number of native
+ // bytes allocated and the target utilization ratio.
+ void UpdateMaxNativeFootprint();
// Find a collector based on GC type.
collector::GarbageCollector* FindCollectorByGcType(collector::GcType gc_type);
@@ -1062,36 +1066,6 @@
REQUIRES(!*gc_complete_lock_, !*pending_task_lock_, !*backtrace_lock_);
- collector::GcType NonStickyGcType() const {
- return HasZygoteSpace() ? collector::kGcTypePartial : collector::kGcTypeFull;
- }
- // Helper function for RegisterNativeAllocation. Request a non-sticky GC for
- // NativeAlloc if one isn't currently running. The GC is performed in place
- // if the garbage collector is not concurrent.
- void TriggerGcForNativeAlloc(Thread* self) REQUIRES(!*gc_complete_lock_, !*pending_task_lock_);
- // How large new_native_bytes_allocated_ can grow before we trigger a new
- // GC.
- ALWAYS_INLINE size_t NativeAllocationGcWatermark() const {
- // Reuse max_free_ for the native allocation gc watermark, so that the
- // native heap is treated in the same way as the Java heap in the case
- // where the gc watermark update would exceed max_free_. Using max_free_
- // instead of the target utilization means the watermark doesn't depend on
- // the current number of registered native allocations.
- return max_free_;
- }
- // How large new_native_bytes_allocated_ can grow while GC is in progress
- // before we block the allocating thread to allow GC to catch up.
- ALWAYS_INLINE size_t NativeAllocationBlockingGcWatermark() const {
- // Historically the native allocations were bounded by growth_limit_. This
- // uses that same value, dividing growth_limit_ by 2 to account for
- // the fact that now the bound is relative to the number of retained
- // registered native allocations rather than absolute.
- return growth_limit_ / 2;
- }
// All-known continuous spaces, where objects lie within fixed bounds.
std::vector<space::ContinuousSpace*> continuous_spaces_ GUARDED_BY(Locks::mutator_lock_);
@@ -1210,6 +1184,12 @@
// a GC should be triggered.
size_t max_allowed_footprint_;
+ // The watermark at which a concurrent GC is requested by registerNativeAllocation.
+ size_t native_footprint_gc_watermark_;
+ // Whether or not we need to run finalizers in the next native allocation.
+ bool native_need_to_run_finalization_;
// When num_bytes_allocated_ exceeds this amount then a concurrent GC should be requested so that
// it completes ahead of an allocation failing.
size_t concurrent_start_bytes_;
@@ -1223,18 +1203,13 @@
// Number of bytes allocated. Adjusted after each allocation and free.
Atomic<size_t> num_bytes_allocated_;
- // Number of registered native bytes allocated since the last time GC was
- // triggered. Adjusted after each RegisterNativeAllocation and
- // RegisterNativeFree. Used to determine when to trigger GC for native
- // allocations.
- // See the REDESIGN section of go/understanding-register-native-allocation.
- Atomic<size_t> new_native_bytes_allocated_;
+ // Bytes which are allocated and managed by native code but still need to be accounted for.
+ Atomic<size_t> native_bytes_allocated_;
- // Number of registered native bytes allocated prior to the last time GC was
- // triggered, for debugging purposes. The current number of registered
- // native bytes is determined by taking the sum of
- // old_native_bytes_allocated_ and new_native_bytes_allocated_.
- Atomic<size_t> old_native_bytes_allocated_;
+ // Native allocation stats.
+ Mutex native_histogram_lock_;
+ Histogram<uint64_t> native_allocation_histogram_;
+ Histogram<uint64_t> native_free_histogram_;
// Number of bytes freed by thread local buffer revokes. This will
// cancel out the ahead-of-time bulk counting of bytes allocated in