jni: Add @CriticalNative optimization to speed up JNI transitions
Change-Id: I963059ac3a72dd8e6a867596c356d7062deb6da7
diff --git a/compiler/jni/quick/x86/calling_convention_x86.cc b/compiler/jni/quick/x86/calling_convention_x86.cc
index 1d06f26..0bfcc3f 100644
--- a/compiler/jni/quick/x86/calling_convention_x86.cc
+++ b/compiler/jni/quick/x86/calling_convention_x86.cc
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
namespace x86 {
static_assert(kX86PointerSize == PointerSize::k32, "Unexpected x86 pointer size");
+static_assert(kStackAlignment >= 16u, "IA-32 cdecl requires at least 16 byte stack alignment");
static constexpr ManagedRegister kCalleeSaveRegisters[] = {
// Core registers.
@@ -190,9 +191,15 @@
// JNI calling convention
-X86JniCallingConvention::X86JniCallingConvention(bool is_static, bool is_synchronized,
+X86JniCallingConvention::X86JniCallingConvention(bool is_static,
+ bool is_synchronized,
+ bool is_critical_native,
const char* shorty)
- : JniCallingConvention(is_static, is_synchronized, shorty, kX86PointerSize) {
+ : JniCallingConvention(is_static,
+ is_synchronized,
+ is_critical_native,
+ shorty,
+ kX86PointerSize) {
uint32_t X86JniCallingConvention::CoreSpillMask() const {
@@ -204,13 +211,31 @@
size_t X86JniCallingConvention::FrameSize() {
- // Method*, return address and callee save area size, local reference segment state
- size_t frame_data_size = static_cast<size_t>(kX86PointerSize) +
- (2 + CalleeSaveRegisters().size()) * kFramePointerSize;
- // References plus 2 words for HandleScope header
- size_t handle_scope_size = HandleScope::SizeOf(kX86PointerSize, ReferenceCount());
+ // Method*, PC return address and callee save area size, local reference segment state
+ const size_t method_ptr_size = static_cast<size_t>(kX86PointerSize);
+ const size_t pc_return_addr_size = kFramePointerSize;
+ const size_t callee_save_area_size = CalleeSaveRegisters().size() * kFramePointerSize;
+ size_t frame_data_size = method_ptr_size + pc_return_addr_size + callee_save_area_size;
+ if (LIKELY(HasLocalReferenceSegmentState())) { // local ref. segment state
+ // Local reference segment state is sometimes excluded.
+ frame_data_size += kFramePointerSize;
+ }
+ // References plus link_ (pointer) and number_of_references_ (uint32_t) for HandleScope header
+ const size_t handle_scope_size = HandleScope::SizeOf(kX86PointerSize, ReferenceCount());
+ size_t total_size = frame_data_size;
+ if (LIKELY(HasHandleScope())) {
+ // HandleScope is sometimes excluded.
+ total_size += handle_scope_size; // handle scope size
+ }
// Plus return value spill area size
- return RoundUp(frame_data_size + handle_scope_size + SizeOfReturnValue(), kStackAlignment);
+ total_size += SizeOfReturnValue();
+ return RoundUp(total_size, kStackAlignment);
+ // TODO: Same thing as x64 except using different pointer size. Refactor?
size_t X86JniCallingConvention::OutArgSize() {
@@ -239,11 +264,13 @@
size_t X86JniCallingConvention::NumberOfOutgoingStackArgs() {
- size_t static_args = IsStatic() ? 1 : 0; // count jclass
+ size_t static_args = HasSelfClass() ? 1 : 0; // count jclass
// regular argument parameters and this
size_t param_args = NumArgs() + NumLongOrDoubleArgs();
// count JNIEnv* and return pc (pushed after Method*)
- size_t total_args = static_args + param_args + 2;
+ size_t internal_args = 1 /* return pc */ + (HasJniEnv() ? 1 : 0 /* jni env */);
+ // No register args.
+ size_t total_args = static_args + param_args + internal_args;
return total_args;