jni: Add @CriticalNative optimization to speed up JNI transitions

Change-Id: I963059ac3a72dd8e6a867596c356d7062deb6da7
diff --git a/compiler/jni/quick/calling_convention.h b/compiler/jni/quick/calling_convention.h
index 995fa51..3d89146 100644
--- a/compiler/jni/quick/calling_convention.h
+++ b/compiler/jni/quick/calling_convention.h
@@ -161,6 +161,12 @@
   size_t NumArgs() const {
     return num_args_;
+  // Implicit argument count: 1 for instance functions, 0 for static functions.
+  // (The implicit argument is only relevant to the shorty, i.e.
+  // the 0th arg is not in the shorty if it's implicit).
+  size_t NumImplicitArgs() const {
+    return IsStatic() ? 0 : 1;
+  }
   size_t NumLongOrDoubleArgs() const {
     return num_long_or_double_args_;
@@ -281,6 +287,7 @@
   static std::unique_ptr<JniCallingConvention> Create(ArenaAllocator* arena,
                                                       bool is_static,
                                                       bool is_synchronized,
+                                                      bool is_critical_native,
                                                       const char* shorty,
                                                       InstructionSet instruction_set);
@@ -288,7 +295,8 @@
   // always at the bottom of a frame, but this doesn't work for outgoing
   // native args). Includes alignment.
   virtual size_t FrameSize() = 0;
-  // Size of outgoing arguments, including alignment
+  // Size of outgoing arguments (stack portion), including alignment.
+  // -- Arguments that are passed via registers are excluded from this size.
   virtual size_t OutArgSize() = 0;
   // Number of references in stack indirect reference table
   size_t ReferenceCount() const;
@@ -319,8 +327,11 @@
   bool IsCurrentParamAFloatOrDouble();
   bool IsCurrentParamADouble();
   bool IsCurrentParamALong();
+  bool IsCurrentParamALongOrDouble() {
+    return IsCurrentParamALong() || IsCurrentParamADouble();
+  }
   bool IsCurrentParamJniEnv();
-  size_t CurrentParamSize();
+  size_t CurrentParamSize() const;
   virtual bool IsCurrentParamInRegister() = 0;
   virtual bool IsCurrentParamOnStack() = 0;
   virtual ManagedRegister CurrentParamRegister() = 0;
@@ -359,18 +370,62 @@
     kObjectOrClass = 1
+  // TODO: remove this constructor once all are changed to the below one.
   JniCallingConvention(bool is_static,
                        bool is_synchronized,
                        const char* shorty,
                        PointerSize frame_pointer_size)
-      : CallingConvention(is_static, is_synchronized, shorty, frame_pointer_size) {}
+      : CallingConvention(is_static, is_synchronized, shorty, frame_pointer_size),
+        is_critical_native_(false) {}
+  JniCallingConvention(bool is_static,
+                       bool is_synchronized,
+                       bool is_critical_native,
+                       const char* shorty,
+                       PointerSize frame_pointer_size)
+      : CallingConvention(is_static, is_synchronized, shorty, frame_pointer_size),
+        is_critical_native_(is_critical_native) {}
   // Number of stack slots for outgoing arguments, above which the handle scope is
   // located
   virtual size_t NumberOfOutgoingStackArgs() = 0;
-  size_t NumberOfExtraArgumentsForJni();
+  size_t NumberOfExtraArgumentsForJni() const;
+  // Does the transition have a StackHandleScope?
+  bool HasHandleScope() const;
+  // Does the transition have a local reference segment state?
+  bool HasLocalReferenceSegmentState() const;
+  // Has a JNIEnv* parameter implicitly?
+  bool HasJniEnv() const;
+  // Has a 'jclass' parameter implicitly?
+  bool HasSelfClass() const;
+  // Are there extra JNI arguments (JNIEnv* and maybe jclass)?
+  bool HasExtraArgumentsForJni() const;
+  // Returns the position of itr_args_, fixed up by removing the offset of extra JNI arguments.
+  unsigned int GetIteratorPositionWithinShorty() const;
+  // Is the current argument (at the iterator) an extra argument for JNI?
+  bool IsCurrentArgExtraForJni() const;
+  const bool is_critical_native_;
+ private:
+  // Shorthand for switching on the switch value but only IF there are extra JNI arguments.
+  //
+  // Puts the case value into return_value.
+  // * (switch_value == kJniEnv) => case_jni_env
+  // * (switch_value == kObjectOrClass) => case_object_or_class
+  //
+  // Returns false otherwise (or if there are no extra JNI arguments).
+  bool SwitchExtraJniArguments(size_t switch_value,
+                               bool case_jni_env,
+                               bool case_object_or_class,
+                               /* out parameters */
+                               bool* return_value) const;
 }  // namespace art