No need to lock when calling Thread.interrupted.

Also intrinsify the Thread.interrupted call.

The rationale behind this optimization is that the flag can only
have two values, and only self can set it to false.

Test: libcore, jdwp, run-tests, 050-sync-test
Change-Id: I5c2b43bf872ba0bfafcb54b2cfcd19181864bc4c
diff --git a/compiler/utils/ b/compiler/utils/
index f8c4008..eaaf815 100644
--- a/compiler/utils/
+++ b/compiler/utils/
@@ -5535,7 +5535,7 @@
   "  f0:	f1bc 0f00 	cmp.w	ip, #0\n",
   "  f4:	bf18      	it	ne\n",
   "  f6:	f20d 4c01 	addwne	ip, sp, #1025	; 0x401\n",
-  "  fa:	f8d9 c084 	ldr.w	ip, [r9, #132]	; 0x84\n",
+  "  fa:	f8d9 c08c 	ldr.w	ip, [r9, #140]	; 0x8c\n",
   "  fe:	f1bc 0f00 	cmp.w	ip, #0\n",
   " 102:	d171      	bne.n	1e8 <VixlJniHelpers+0x1e8>\n",
   " 104:	f8cd c7ff 	str.w	ip, [sp, #2047]	; 0x7ff\n",
@@ -5610,7 +5610,7 @@
   " 214:	ecbd 8a10 	vpop	{s16-s31}\n",
   " 218:	e8bd 8de0 	ldmia.w	sp!, {r5, r6, r7, r8, sl, fp, pc}\n",
   " 21c:	4660      	mov	r0, ip\n",
-  " 21e:	f8d9 c2b8 	ldr.w	ip, [r9, #696]	; 0x2b8\n",
+  " 21e:	f8d9 c2c0 	ldr.w	ip, [r9, #704]	; 0x2c0\n",
   " 222:	47e0      	blx	ip\n",