odrefresh: support --zygote-arch in target variant
The new flag will override the value from ro.zygote.
Bug: 205750213
Test: odrefresh completes in the VM with hacks, with ro.zygote. With
this change, odrefresh can still complete without ro.zygote.
Change-Id: I1bbf7d9a09b5e4ba60ebcd23384f1ad2b52ea668
diff --git a/odrefresh/odrefresh_main.cc b/odrefresh/odrefresh_main.cc
index ce7d015..1cd4d5a 100644
--- a/odrefresh/odrefresh_main.cc
+++ b/odrefresh/odrefresh_main.cc
@@ -194,13 +194,7 @@
- const std::string zygote = android::base::GetProperty("ro.zygote", {});
- ZygoteKind zygote_kind;
- if (!ParseZygoteKind(zygote.c_str(), &zygote_kind)) {
- LOG(FATAL) << "Unknown zygote: " << QuotePath(zygote);
- }
- config->SetZygoteKind(zygote_kind);
+ std::string zygote;
int n = 1;
for (; n < argc - 1; ++n) {
const char* arg = argv[n];
@@ -227,10 +221,23 @@
ArgumentError("Failed to parse integer: %s", value.c_str());
+ } else if (ArgumentMatches(arg, "--zygote-arch=", &value)) {
+ zygote = value;
} else if (!InitializeCommonConfig(arg, config)) {
UsageError("Unrecognized argument: '%s'", arg);
+ if (zygote.empty()) {
+ // Use ro.zygote by default, if not overridden by --zygote-arch flag.
+ zygote = android::base::GetProperty("ro.zygote", {});
+ }
+ ZygoteKind zygote_kind;
+ if (!ParseZygoteKind(zygote.c_str(), &zygote_kind)) {
+ LOG(FATAL) << "Unknown zygote: " << QuotePath(zygote);
+ }
+ config->SetZygoteKind(zygote_kind);
return n;
@@ -241,6 +248,7 @@
"--dalvik-cache=<DIR> Write artifacts to .../<DIR> rather than .../dalvik-cache");
UsageError("--max-execution-seconds=<N> Maximum timeout of all compilation combined");
UsageError("--max-child-process-seconds=<N> Maximum timeout of each compilation task");
+ UsageError("--zygote-arch=<STRING> Zygote kind that overrides ro.zygote");
int InitializeConfig(int argc, char** argv, OdrConfig* config) {