Reduce memory used by CompiledMethods.
Use LengthPrefixedArray<>s instead of SwapVector<>s to store
CompiledMethod data and get rid of the unnecessary members
of CompiledMethod to reduce dex2oat memory usage. Refactor
the deduplication from CompilerDriver to a new class.
Use HashSet<> instead of std::set<> for the DedupeSet<> to
further decrease the memory usage and improve performance.
This reduces the dex2oat memory usage when compiling boot
image on Nexus 5 (with Optimizing, -j1) by ~6.75MiB (5%).
This also reduces the compile time by ~2.2% (~1.6% dex2oat
time; with Optimizing, without -j).
Change-Id: I974f1f5e58350de2bf487a2bca3907fa05fb80ea
diff --git a/compiler/driver/compiler_driver.h b/compiler/driver/compiler_driver.h
index 0dc8261..485cdcf 100644
--- a/compiler/driver/compiler_driver.h
+++ b/compiler/driver/compiler_driver.h
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
#include "class_reference.h"
#include "compiler.h"
#include "dex_file.h"
+#include "driver/compiled_method_storage.h"
#include "invoke_type.h"
#include "method_reference.h"
#include "mirror/class.h" // For mirror::Class::Status.
@@ -38,10 +39,7 @@
#include "runtime.h"
#include "safe_map.h"
#include "thread_pool.h"
-#include "utils/array_ref.h"
-#include "utils/dedupe_set.h"
#include "utils/dex_cache_arrays_layout.h"
-#include "utils/swap_space.h"
namespace art {
@@ -80,8 +78,6 @@
-static constexpr bool kUseMurmur3Hash = true;
class CompilerDriver {
// Create a compiler targeting the requested "instruction_set".
@@ -388,10 +384,6 @@
support_boot_image_fixup_ = support_boot_image_fixup;
- SwapAllocator<void>& GetSwapSpaceAllocator() {
- return *swap_space_allocator_.get();
- }
bool WriteElf(const std::string& android_root,
bool is_host,
const std::vector<const DexFile*>& dex_files,
@@ -431,10 +423,10 @@
void SetDedupeEnabled(bool dedupe_enabled) {
- dedupe_enabled_ = dedupe_enabled;
+ compiled_method_storage_.SetDedupeEnabled(dedupe_enabled);
bool DedupeEnabled() const {
- return dedupe_enabled_;
+ return compiled_method_storage_.DedupeEnabled();
// Checks if class specified by type_idx is one of the image_classes_
@@ -455,13 +447,6 @@
uint16_t class_def_idx,
const DexFile& dex_file) const;
- SwapVector<uint8_t>* DeduplicateCode(const ArrayRef<const uint8_t>& code);
- SwapSrcMap* DeduplicateSrcMappingTable(const ArrayRef<SrcMapElem>& src_map);
- SwapVector<uint8_t>* DeduplicateMappingTable(const ArrayRef<const uint8_t>& code);
- SwapVector<uint8_t>* DeduplicateVMapTable(const ArrayRef<const uint8_t>& code);
- SwapVector<uint8_t>* DeduplicateGCMap(const ArrayRef<const uint8_t>& code);
- SwapVector<uint8_t>* DeduplicateCFIInfo(const ArrayRef<const uint8_t>& cfi_info);
// Should the compiler run on this method given profile information?
bool SkipCompilation(const std::string& method_name);
@@ -479,6 +464,10 @@
return compiler_kind_;
+ CompiledMethodStorage* GetCompiledMethodStorage() {
+ return &compiled_method_storage_;
+ }
// Return whether the declaring class of `resolved_member` is
// available to `referrer_class` for read or write access using two
@@ -599,11 +588,6 @@
ThreadPool* thread_pool, TimingLogger* timings)
- // Swap pool and allocator used for native allocations. May be file-backed. Needs to be first
- // as other fields rely on this.
- std::unique_ptr<SwapSpace> swap_space_;
- std::unique_ptr<SwapAllocator<void> > swap_space_allocator_;
ProfileFile profile_file_;
bool profile_present_;
@@ -663,7 +647,6 @@
class AOTCompilationStats;
std::unique_ptr<AOTCompilationStats> stats_;
- bool dedupe_enabled_;
bool dump_stats_;
const bool dump_passes_;
const std::string dump_cfg_file_name_;
@@ -678,93 +661,7 @@
bool support_boot_image_fixup_;
- // DeDuplication data structures, these own the corresponding byte arrays.
- template <typename ContentType>
- class DedupeHashFunc {
- public:
- size_t operator()(const ArrayRef<ContentType>& array) const {
- const uint8_t* data = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(;
- static_assert(IsPowerOfTwo(sizeof(ContentType)),
- "ContentType is not power of two, don't know whether array layout is as assumed");
- uint32_t len = sizeof(ContentType) * array.size();
- if (kUseMurmur3Hash) {
- static constexpr uint32_t c1 = 0xcc9e2d51;
- static constexpr uint32_t c2 = 0x1b873593;
- static constexpr uint32_t r1 = 15;
- static constexpr uint32_t r2 = 13;
- static constexpr uint32_t m = 5;
- static constexpr uint32_t n = 0xe6546b64;
- uint32_t hash = 0;
- const int nblocks = len / 4;
- typedef __attribute__((__aligned__(1))) uint32_t unaligned_uint32_t;
- const unaligned_uint32_t *blocks = reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t*>(data);
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < nblocks; i++) {
- uint32_t k = blocks[i];
- k *= c1;
- k = (k << r1) | (k >> (32 - r1));
- k *= c2;
- hash ^= k;
- hash = ((hash << r2) | (hash >> (32 - r2))) * m + n;
- }
- const uint8_t *tail = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(data + nblocks * 4);
- uint32_t k1 = 0;
- switch (len & 3) {
- case 3:
- k1 ^= tail[2] << 16;
- case 2:
- k1 ^= tail[1] << 8;
- case 1:
- k1 ^= tail[0];
- k1 *= c1;
- k1 = (k1 << r1) | (k1 >> (32 - r1));
- k1 *= c2;
- hash ^= k1;
- }
- hash ^= len;
- hash ^= (hash >> 16);
- hash *= 0x85ebca6b;
- hash ^= (hash >> 13);
- hash *= 0xc2b2ae35;
- hash ^= (hash >> 16);
- return hash;
- } else {
- size_t hash = 0x811c9dc5;
- for (uint32_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
- hash = (hash * 16777619) ^ data[i];
- }
- hash += hash << 13;
- hash ^= hash >> 7;
- hash += hash << 3;
- hash ^= hash >> 17;
- hash += hash << 5;
- return hash;
- }
- }
- };
- DedupeSet<ArrayRef<const uint8_t>,
- SwapVector<uint8_t>, size_t, DedupeHashFunc<const uint8_t>, 4> dedupe_code_;
- DedupeSet<ArrayRef<SrcMapElem>,
- SwapSrcMap, size_t, DedupeHashFunc<SrcMapElem>, 4> dedupe_src_mapping_table_;
- DedupeSet<ArrayRef<const uint8_t>,
- SwapVector<uint8_t>, size_t, DedupeHashFunc<const uint8_t>, 4> dedupe_mapping_table_;
- DedupeSet<ArrayRef<const uint8_t>,
- SwapVector<uint8_t>, size_t, DedupeHashFunc<const uint8_t>, 4> dedupe_vmap_table_;
- DedupeSet<ArrayRef<const uint8_t>,
- SwapVector<uint8_t>, size_t, DedupeHashFunc<const uint8_t>, 4> dedupe_gc_map_;
- DedupeSet<ArrayRef<const uint8_t>,
- SwapVector<uint8_t>, size_t, DedupeHashFunc<const uint8_t>, 4> dedupe_cfi_info_;
+ CompiledMethodStorage compiled_method_storage_;
friend class CompileClassVisitor;