ART: Remove graph coloring register allocator.
Test: m test-art-host-gtest
Bug: 281793697
Change-Id: Ic73a8a06e08437847db943bc3df148ca65b5f9a9
diff --git a/compiler/Android.bp b/compiler/Android.bp
index ea45897..acb15d9 100644
--- a/compiler/Android.bp
+++ b/compiler/Android.bp
@@ -80,7 +80,6 @@
- "optimizing/",
diff --git a/compiler/driver/ b/compiler/driver/
index 603596f..3ed5f88 100644
--- a/compiler/driver/
+++ b/compiler/driver/
@@ -121,7 +121,8 @@
if (option == "linear-scan") {
register_allocation_strategy_ = RegisterAllocator::Strategy::kRegisterAllocatorLinearScan;
} else if (option == "graph-color") {
- register_allocation_strategy_ = RegisterAllocator::Strategy::kRegisterAllocatorGraphColor;
+ LOG(ERROR) << "Graph coloring allocator has been removed, using linear scan instead.";
+ register_allocation_strategy_ = RegisterAllocator::Strategy::kRegisterAllocatorLinearScan;
} else {
*error_msg = "Unrecognized register allocation strategy. Try linear-scan, or graph-color.";
return false;
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index e4c2d74..f8b057d 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@
#include "base/scoped_arena_containers.h"
#include "base/bit_vector-inl.h"
#include "code_generator.h"
-#include "register_allocator_graph_color.h"
#include "register_allocator_linear_scan.h"
#include "ssa_liveness_analysis.h"
@@ -45,8 +44,8 @@
return std::unique_ptr<RegisterAllocator>(
new (allocator) RegisterAllocatorLinearScan(allocator, codegen, analysis));
case kRegisterAllocatorGraphColor:
- return std::unique_ptr<RegisterAllocator>(
- new (allocator) RegisterAllocatorGraphColor(allocator, codegen, analysis));
+ LOG(FATAL) << "Graph coloring register allocator has been removed.";
LOG(FATAL) << "Invalid register allocation strategy: " << strategy;
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
deleted file mode 100644
index a7c891d..0000000
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2086 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include "register_allocator_graph_color.h"
-#include "code_generator.h"
-#include "linear_order.h"
-#include "register_allocation_resolver.h"
-#include "ssa_liveness_analysis.h"
-#include "thread-current-inl.h"
-namespace art HIDDEN {
-// Highest number of registers that we support for any platform. This can be used for std::bitset,
-// for example, which needs to know its size at compile time.
-static constexpr size_t kMaxNumRegs = 32;
-// The maximum number of graph coloring attempts before triggering a DCHECK.
-// This is meant to catch changes to the graph coloring algorithm that undermine its forward
-// progress guarantees. Forward progress for the algorithm means splitting live intervals on
-// every graph coloring attempt so that eventually the interference graph will be sparse enough
-// to color. The main threat to forward progress is trying to split short intervals which cannot be
-// split further; this could cause infinite looping because the interference graph would never
-// change. This is avoided by prioritizing short intervals before long ones, so that long
-// intervals are split when coloring fails.
-static constexpr size_t kMaxGraphColoringAttemptsDebug = 100;
-// We always want to avoid spilling inside loops.
-static constexpr size_t kLoopSpillWeightMultiplier = 10;
-// If we avoid moves in single jump blocks, we can avoid jumps to jumps.
-static constexpr size_t kSingleJumpBlockWeightMultiplier = 2;
-// We avoid moves in blocks that dominate the exit block, since these blocks will
-// be executed on every path through the method.
-static constexpr size_t kDominatesExitBlockWeightMultiplier = 2;
-enum class CoalesceKind {
- kAdjacentSibling, // Prevents moves at interval split points.
- kFixedOutputSibling, // Prevents moves from a fixed output location.
- kFixedInput, // Prevents moves into a fixed input location.
- kNonlinearControlFlow, // Prevents moves between blocks.
- kPhi, // Prevents phi resolution moves.
- kFirstInput, // Prevents a single input move.
- kAnyInput, // May lead to better instruction selection / smaller encodings.
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const CoalesceKind& kind) {
- return os << static_cast<typename std::underlying_type<CoalesceKind>::type>(kind);
-static size_t LoopDepthAt(HBasicBlock* block) {
- HLoopInformation* loop_info = block->GetLoopInformation();
- size_t depth = 0;
- while (loop_info != nullptr) {
- ++depth;
- loop_info = loop_info->GetPreHeader()->GetLoopInformation();
- }
- return depth;
-// Return the runtime cost of inserting a move instruction at the specified location.
-static size_t CostForMoveAt(size_t position, const SsaLivenessAnalysis& liveness) {
- HBasicBlock* block = liveness.GetBlockFromPosition(position / 2);
- DCHECK(block != nullptr);
- size_t cost = 1;
- if (block->IsSingleJump()) {
- cost *= kSingleJumpBlockWeightMultiplier;
- }
- if (block->Dominates(block->GetGraph()->GetExitBlock())) {
- cost *= kDominatesExitBlockWeightMultiplier;
- }
- for (size_t loop_depth = LoopDepthAt(block); loop_depth > 0; --loop_depth) {
- cost *= kLoopSpillWeightMultiplier;
- }
- return cost;
-// In general, we estimate coalesce priority by whether it will definitely avoid a move,
-// and by how likely it is to create an interference graph that's harder to color.
-static size_t ComputeCoalescePriority(CoalesceKind kind,
- size_t position,
- const SsaLivenessAnalysis& liveness) {
- if (kind == CoalesceKind::kAnyInput) {
- // This type of coalescing can affect instruction selection, but not moves, so we
- // give it the lowest priority.
- return 0;
- } else {
- return CostForMoveAt(position, liveness);
- }
-enum class CoalesceStage {
- kWorklist, // Currently in the iterative coalescing worklist.
- kActive, // Not in a worklist, but could be considered again during iterative coalescing.
- kInactive, // No longer considered until last-chance coalescing.
- kDefunct, // Either the two nodes interfere, or have already been coalesced.
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const CoalesceStage& stage) {
- return os << static_cast<typename std::underlying_type<CoalesceStage>::type>(stage);
-// Represents a coalesce opportunity between two nodes.
-struct CoalesceOpportunity : public ArenaObject<kArenaAllocRegisterAllocator> {
- CoalesceOpportunity(InterferenceNode* a,
- InterferenceNode* b,
- CoalesceKind kind,
- size_t position,
- const SsaLivenessAnalysis& liveness)
- : node_a(a),
- node_b(b),
- stage(CoalesceStage::kWorklist),
- priority(ComputeCoalescePriority(kind, position, liveness)) {}
- // Compare two coalesce opportunities based on their priority.
- // Return true if lhs has a lower priority than that of rhs.
- static bool CmpPriority(const CoalesceOpportunity* lhs,
- const CoalesceOpportunity* rhs) {
- return lhs->priority < rhs->priority;
- }
- InterferenceNode* const node_a;
- InterferenceNode* const node_b;
- // The current stage of this coalesce opportunity, indicating whether it is in a worklist,
- // and whether it should still be considered.
- CoalesceStage stage;
- // The priority of this coalesce opportunity, based on heuristics.
- const size_t priority;
-enum class NodeStage {
- kInitial, // Uninitialized.
- kPrecolored, // Marks fixed nodes.
- kSafepoint, // Marks safepoint nodes.
- kPrunable, // Marks uncolored nodes in the interference graph.
- kSimplifyWorklist, // Marks non-move-related nodes with degree less than the number of registers.
- kFreezeWorklist, // Marks move-related nodes with degree less than the number of registers.
- kSpillWorklist, // Marks nodes with degree greater or equal to the number of registers.
- kPruned // Marks nodes already pruned from the interference graph.
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const NodeStage& stage) {
- return os << static_cast<typename std::underlying_type<NodeStage>::type>(stage);
-// Returns the estimated cost of spilling a particular live interval.
-static float ComputeSpillWeight(LiveInterval* interval, const SsaLivenessAnalysis& liveness) {
- if (interval->HasRegister()) {
- // Intervals with a fixed register cannot be spilled.
- return std::numeric_limits<float>::min();
- }
- size_t length = interval->GetLength();
- if (length == 1) {
- // Tiny intervals should have maximum priority, since they cannot be split any further.
- return std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
- }
- size_t use_weight = 0;
- if (interval->GetDefinedBy() != nullptr && interval->DefinitionRequiresRegister()) {
- // Cost for spilling at a register definition point.
- use_weight += CostForMoveAt(interval->GetStart() + 1, liveness);
- }
- // Process uses in the range (interval->GetStart(), interval->GetEnd()], i.e.
- // [interval->GetStart() + 1, interval->GetEnd() + 1)
- auto matching_use_range = FindMatchingUseRange(interval->GetUses().begin(),
- interval->GetUses().end(),
- interval->GetStart() + 1u,
- interval->GetEnd() + 1u);
- for (const UsePosition& use : matching_use_range) {
- if (use.GetUser() != nullptr && use.RequiresRegister()) {
- // Cost for spilling at a register use point.
- use_weight += CostForMoveAt(use.GetUser()->GetLifetimePosition() - 1, liveness);
- }
- }
- // We divide by the length of the interval because we want to prioritize
- // short intervals; we do not benefit much if we split them further.
- return static_cast<float>(use_weight) / static_cast<float>(length);
-// Interference nodes make up the interference graph, which is the primary data structure in
-// graph coloring register allocation. Each node represents a single live interval, and contains
-// a set of adjacent nodes corresponding to intervals overlapping with its own. To save memory,
-// pre-colored nodes never contain outgoing edges (only incoming ones).
-// As nodes are pruned from the interference graph, incoming edges of the pruned node are removed,
-// but outgoing edges remain in order to later color the node based on the colors of its neighbors.
-// Note that a pair interval is represented by a single node in the interference graph, which
-// essentially requires two colors. One consequence of this is that the degree of a node is not
-// necessarily equal to the number of adjacent nodes--instead, the degree reflects the maximum
-// number of colors with which a node could interfere. We model this by giving edges different
-// weights (1 or 2) to control how much it increases the degree of adjacent nodes.
-// For example, the edge between two single nodes will have weight 1. On the other hand,
-// the edge between a single node and a pair node will have weight 2. This is because the pair
-// node could block up to two colors for the single node, and because the single node could
-// block an entire two-register aligned slot for the pair node.
-// The degree is defined this way because we use it to decide whether a node is guaranteed a color,
-// and thus whether it is safe to prune it from the interference graph early on.
-class InterferenceNode : public ArenaObject<kArenaAllocRegisterAllocator> {
- public:
- InterferenceNode(LiveInterval* interval,
- const SsaLivenessAnalysis& liveness)
- : stage(NodeStage::kInitial),
- interval_(interval),
- adjacent_nodes_(nullptr),
- coalesce_opportunities_(nullptr),
- out_degree_(interval->HasRegister() ? std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() : 0),
- alias_(this),
- spill_weight_(ComputeSpillWeight(interval, liveness)),
- requires_color_(interval->RequiresRegister()),
- needs_spill_slot_(false) {
- DCHECK(!interval->IsHighInterval()) << "Pair nodes should be represented by the low interval";
- }
- void AddInterference(InterferenceNode* other,
- bool guaranteed_not_interfering_yet,
- ScopedArenaDeque<ScopedArenaVector<InterferenceNode*>>* storage) {
- DCHECK(!IsPrecolored()) << "To save memory, fixed nodes should not have outgoing interferences";
- DCHECK_NE(this, other) << "Should not create self loops in the interference graph";
- DCHECK_EQ(this, alias_) << "Should not add interferences to a node that aliases another";
- DCHECK_NE(stage, NodeStage::kPruned);
- DCHECK_NE(other->stage, NodeStage::kPruned);
- if (adjacent_nodes_ == nullptr) {
- ScopedArenaVector<InterferenceNode*>::allocator_type adapter(storage->get_allocator());
- storage->emplace_back(adapter);
- adjacent_nodes_ = &storage->back();
- }
- if (guaranteed_not_interfering_yet) {
- DCHECK(!ContainsElement(GetAdjacentNodes(), other));
- adjacent_nodes_->push_back(other);
- out_degree_ += EdgeWeightWith(other);
- } else {
- if (!ContainsElement(GetAdjacentNodes(), other)) {
- adjacent_nodes_->push_back(other);
- out_degree_ += EdgeWeightWith(other);
- }
- }
- }
- void RemoveInterference(InterferenceNode* other) {
- DCHECK_EQ(this, alias_) << "Should not remove interferences from a coalesced node";
- DCHECK_EQ(other->stage, NodeStage::kPruned) << "Should only remove interferences when pruning";
- if (adjacent_nodes_ != nullptr) {
- auto it = std::find(adjacent_nodes_->begin(), adjacent_nodes_->end(), other);
- if (it != adjacent_nodes_->end()) {
- adjacent_nodes_->erase(it);
- out_degree_ -= EdgeWeightWith(other);
- }
- }
- }
- bool ContainsInterference(InterferenceNode* other) const {
- DCHECK(!IsPrecolored()) << "Should not query fixed nodes for interferences";
- DCHECK_EQ(this, alias_) << "Should not query a coalesced node for interferences";
- return ContainsElement(GetAdjacentNodes(), other);
- }
- LiveInterval* GetInterval() const {
- return interval_;
- }
- ArrayRef<InterferenceNode*> GetAdjacentNodes() const {
- return adjacent_nodes_ != nullptr
- ? ArrayRef<InterferenceNode*>(*adjacent_nodes_)
- : ArrayRef<InterferenceNode*>();
- }
- size_t GetOutDegree() const {
- // Pre-colored nodes have infinite degree.
- DCHECK_IMPLIES(IsPrecolored(), out_degree_ == std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max());
- return out_degree_;
- }
- void AddCoalesceOpportunity(CoalesceOpportunity* opportunity,
- ScopedArenaDeque<ScopedArenaVector<CoalesceOpportunity*>>* storage) {
- if (coalesce_opportunities_ == nullptr) {
- ScopedArenaVector<CoalesceOpportunity*>::allocator_type adapter(storage->get_allocator());
- storage->emplace_back(adapter);
- coalesce_opportunities_ = &storage->back();
- }
- coalesce_opportunities_->push_back(opportunity);
- }
- void ClearCoalesceOpportunities() {
- coalesce_opportunities_ = nullptr;
- }
- bool IsMoveRelated() const {
- for (CoalesceOpportunity* opportunity : GetCoalesceOpportunities()) {
- if (opportunity->stage == CoalesceStage::kWorklist ||
- opportunity->stage == CoalesceStage::kActive) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- // Return whether this node already has a color.
- // Used to find fixed nodes in the interference graph before coloring.
- bool IsPrecolored() const {
- return interval_->HasRegister();
- }
- bool IsPair() const {
- return interval_->HasHighInterval();
- }
- void SetAlias(InterferenceNode* rep) {
- DCHECK_NE(rep->stage, NodeStage::kPruned);
- DCHECK_EQ(this, alias_) << "Should only set a node's alias once";
- alias_ = rep;
- }
- InterferenceNode* GetAlias() {
- if (alias_ != this) {
- // Recurse in order to flatten tree of alias pointers.
- alias_ = alias_->GetAlias();
- }
- return alias_;
- }
- ArrayRef<CoalesceOpportunity*> GetCoalesceOpportunities() const {
- return coalesce_opportunities_ != nullptr
- ? ArrayRef<CoalesceOpportunity*>(*coalesce_opportunities_)
- : ArrayRef<CoalesceOpportunity*>();
- }
- float GetSpillWeight() const {
- return spill_weight_;
- }
- bool RequiresColor() const {
- return requires_color_;
- }
- // We give extra weight to edges adjacent to pair nodes. See the general comment on the
- // interference graph above.
- size_t EdgeWeightWith(const InterferenceNode* other) const {
- return (IsPair() || other->IsPair()) ? 2 : 1;
- }
- bool NeedsSpillSlot() const {
- return needs_spill_slot_;
- }
- void SetNeedsSpillSlot() {
- needs_spill_slot_ = true;
- }
- // The current stage of this node, indicating which worklist it belongs to.
- NodeStage stage;
- private:
- // The live interval that this node represents.
- LiveInterval* const interval_;
- // All nodes interfering with this one.
- // We use an unsorted vector as a set, since a tree or hash set is too heavy for the
- // set sizes that we encounter. Using a vector leads to much better performance.
- ScopedArenaVector<InterferenceNode*>* adjacent_nodes_; // Owned by ColoringIteration.
- // Interference nodes that this node should be coalesced with to reduce moves.
- ScopedArenaVector<CoalesceOpportunity*>* coalesce_opportunities_; // Owned by ColoringIteration.
- // The maximum number of colors with which this node could interfere. This could be more than
- // the number of adjacent nodes if this is a pair node, or if some adjacent nodes are pair nodes.
- // We use "out" degree because incoming edges come from nodes already pruned from the graph,
- // and do not affect the coloring of this node.
- // Pre-colored nodes are treated as having infinite degree.
- size_t out_degree_;
- // The node representing this node in the interference graph.
- // Initially set to `this`, and only changed if this node is coalesced into another.
- InterferenceNode* alias_;
- // The cost of splitting and spilling this interval to the stack.
- // Nodes with a higher spill weight should be prioritized when assigning registers.
- // This is essentially based on use density and location; short intervals with many uses inside
- // deeply nested loops have a high spill weight.
- const float spill_weight_;
- const bool requires_color_;
- bool needs_spill_slot_;
-// The order in which we color nodes is important. To guarantee forward progress,
-// we prioritize intervals that require registers, and after that we prioritize
-// short intervals. That way, if we fail to color a node, it either won't require a
-// register, or it will be a long interval that can be split in order to make the
-// interference graph sparser.
-// To improve code quality, we prioritize intervals used frequently in deeply nested loops.
-// (This metric is secondary to the forward progress requirements above.)
-// TODO: May also want to consider:
-// - Constants (since they can be rematerialized)
-// - Allocated spill slots
-static bool HasGreaterNodePriority(const InterferenceNode* lhs,
- const InterferenceNode* rhs) {
- // (1) Prioritize the node that requires a color.
- if (lhs->RequiresColor() != rhs->RequiresColor()) {
- return lhs->RequiresColor();
- }
- // (2) Prioritize the interval that has a higher spill weight.
- return lhs->GetSpillWeight() > rhs->GetSpillWeight();
-// A ColoringIteration holds the many data structures needed for a single graph coloring attempt,
-// and provides methods for each phase of the attempt.
-class ColoringIteration {
- public:
- ColoringIteration(RegisterAllocatorGraphColor* register_allocator,
- ScopedArenaAllocator* allocator,
- bool processing_core_regs,
- size_t num_regs)
- : register_allocator_(register_allocator),
- allocator_(allocator),
- processing_core_regs_(processing_core_regs),
- num_regs_(num_regs),
- interval_node_map_(allocator->Adapter(kArenaAllocRegisterAllocator)),
- prunable_nodes_(allocator->Adapter(kArenaAllocRegisterAllocator)),
- pruned_nodes_(allocator->Adapter(kArenaAllocRegisterAllocator)),
- simplify_worklist_(allocator->Adapter(kArenaAllocRegisterAllocator)),
- freeze_worklist_(allocator->Adapter(kArenaAllocRegisterAllocator)),
- spill_worklist_(HasGreaterNodePriority, allocator->Adapter(kArenaAllocRegisterAllocator)),
- coalesce_worklist_(CoalesceOpportunity::CmpPriority,
- allocator->Adapter(kArenaAllocRegisterAllocator)),
- adjacent_nodes_links_(allocator->Adapter(kArenaAllocRegisterAllocator)),
- coalesce_opportunities_links_(allocator->Adapter(kArenaAllocRegisterAllocator)) {}
- // Use the intervals collected from instructions to construct an
- // interference graph mapping intervals to adjacency lists.
- // Also, collect synthesized safepoint nodes, used to keep
- // track of live intervals across safepoints.
- // TODO: Should build safepoints elsewhere.
- void BuildInterferenceGraph(const ScopedArenaVector<LiveInterval*>& intervals,
- const ScopedArenaVector<InterferenceNode*>& physical_nodes);
- // Add coalesce opportunities to interference nodes.
- void FindCoalesceOpportunities();
- // Prune nodes from the interference graph to be colored later. Build
- // a stack (pruned_nodes) containing these intervals in an order determined
- // by various heuristics.
- void PruneInterferenceGraph();
- // Process pruned_intervals_ to color the interference graph, spilling when
- // necessary. Returns true if successful. Else, some intervals have been
- // split, and the interference graph should be rebuilt for another attempt.
- bool ColorInterferenceGraph();
- // Return prunable nodes.
- // The register allocator will need to access prunable nodes after coloring
- // in order to tell the code generator which registers have been assigned.
- ArrayRef<InterferenceNode* const> GetPrunableNodes() const {
- return ArrayRef<InterferenceNode* const>(prunable_nodes_);
- }
- private:
- // Create a coalesce opportunity between two nodes.
- void CreateCoalesceOpportunity(InterferenceNode* a,
- InterferenceNode* b,
- CoalesceKind kind,
- size_t position);
- // Add an edge in the interference graph, if valid.
- // Note that `guaranteed_not_interfering_yet` is used to optimize adjacency set insertion
- // when possible.
- void AddPotentialInterference(InterferenceNode* from,
- InterferenceNode* to,
- bool guaranteed_not_interfering_yet,
- bool both_directions = true);
- // Invalidate all coalesce opportunities this node has, so that it (and possibly its neighbors)
- // may be pruned from the interference graph.
- void FreezeMoves(InterferenceNode* node);
- // Prune a node from the interference graph, updating worklists if necessary.
- void PruneNode(InterferenceNode* node);
- // Add coalesce opportunities associated with this node to the coalesce worklist.
- void EnableCoalesceOpportunities(InterferenceNode* node);
- // If needed, from `node` from the freeze worklist to the simplify worklist.
- void CheckTransitionFromFreezeWorklist(InterferenceNode* node);
- // Return true if `into` is colored, and `from` can be coalesced with `into` conservatively.
- bool PrecoloredHeuristic(InterferenceNode* from, InterferenceNode* into);
- // Return true if `from` and `into` are uncolored, and can be coalesced conservatively.
- bool UncoloredHeuristic(InterferenceNode* from, InterferenceNode* into);
- void Coalesce(CoalesceOpportunity* opportunity);
- // Merge `from` into `into` in the interference graph.
- void Combine(InterferenceNode* from, InterferenceNode* into);
- // A reference to the register allocator instance,
- // needed to split intervals and assign spill slots.
- RegisterAllocatorGraphColor* register_allocator_;
- // A scoped arena allocator used for a single graph coloring attempt.
- ScopedArenaAllocator* allocator_;
- const bool processing_core_regs_;
- const size_t num_regs_;
- // A map from live intervals to interference nodes.
- ScopedArenaHashMap<LiveInterval*, InterferenceNode*> interval_node_map_;
- // Uncolored nodes that should be pruned from the interference graph.
- ScopedArenaVector<InterferenceNode*> prunable_nodes_;
- // A stack of nodes pruned from the interference graph, waiting to be pruned.
- ScopedArenaStdStack<InterferenceNode*> pruned_nodes_;
- // A queue containing low degree, non-move-related nodes that can pruned immediately.
- ScopedArenaDeque<InterferenceNode*> simplify_worklist_;
- // A queue containing low degree, move-related nodes.
- ScopedArenaDeque<InterferenceNode*> freeze_worklist_;
- // A queue containing high degree nodes.
- // If we have to prune from the spill worklist, we cannot guarantee
- // the pruned node a color, so we order the worklist by priority.
- ScopedArenaPriorityQueue<InterferenceNode*, decltype(&HasGreaterNodePriority)> spill_worklist_;
- // A queue containing coalesce opportunities.
- // We order the coalesce worklist by priority, since some coalesce opportunities (e.g., those
- // inside of loops) are more important than others.
- ScopedArenaPriorityQueue<CoalesceOpportunity*,
- decltype(&CoalesceOpportunity::CmpPriority)> coalesce_worklist_;
- // Storage for links to adjacent nodes for interference nodes.
- // Using std::deque so that elements do not move when adding new ones.
- ScopedArenaDeque<ScopedArenaVector<InterferenceNode*>> adjacent_nodes_links_;
- // Storage for links to coalesce opportunities for interference nodes.
- // Using std::deque so that elements do not move when adding new ones.
- ScopedArenaDeque<ScopedArenaVector<CoalesceOpportunity*>> coalesce_opportunities_links_;
- DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ColoringIteration);
-static bool IsCoreInterval(LiveInterval* interval) {
- return !DataType::IsFloatingPointType(interval->GetType());
-static size_t ComputeReservedArtMethodSlots(const CodeGenerator& codegen) {
- return static_cast<size_t>(InstructionSetPointerSize(codegen.GetInstructionSet())) / kVRegSize;
-RegisterAllocatorGraphColor::RegisterAllocatorGraphColor(ScopedArenaAllocator* allocator,
- CodeGenerator* codegen,
- const SsaLivenessAnalysis& liveness,
- bool iterative_move_coalescing)
- : RegisterAllocator(allocator, codegen, liveness),
- iterative_move_coalescing_(iterative_move_coalescing),
- core_intervals_(allocator->Adapter(kArenaAllocRegisterAllocator)),
- fp_intervals_(allocator->Adapter(kArenaAllocRegisterAllocator)),
- temp_intervals_(allocator->Adapter(kArenaAllocRegisterAllocator)),
- safepoints_(allocator->Adapter(kArenaAllocRegisterAllocator)),
- physical_core_nodes_(allocator->Adapter(kArenaAllocRegisterAllocator)),
- physical_fp_nodes_(allocator->Adapter(kArenaAllocRegisterAllocator)),
- num_int_spill_slots_(0),
- num_double_spill_slots_(0),
- num_float_spill_slots_(0),
- num_long_spill_slots_(0),
- catch_phi_spill_slot_counter_(0),
- reserved_art_method_slots_(ComputeReservedArtMethodSlots(*codegen)),
- reserved_out_slots_(codegen->GetGraph()->GetMaximumNumberOfOutVRegs()) {
- // Before we ask for blocked registers, set them up in the code generator.
- codegen->SetupBlockedRegisters();
- // Initialize physical core register live intervals and blocked registers.
- // This includes globally blocked registers, such as the stack pointer.
- physical_core_nodes_.resize(codegen_->GetNumberOfCoreRegisters(), nullptr);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < codegen_->GetNumberOfCoreRegisters(); ++i) {
- LiveInterval* interval = LiveInterval::MakeFixedInterval(allocator_, i, DataType::Type::kInt32);
- physical_core_nodes_[i] = new (allocator_) InterferenceNode(interval, liveness);
- physical_core_nodes_[i]->stage = NodeStage::kPrecolored;
- core_intervals_.push_back(interval);
- if (codegen_->IsBlockedCoreRegister(i)) {
- interval->AddRange(0, liveness.GetMaxLifetimePosition());
- }
- }
- // Initialize physical floating point register live intervals and blocked registers.
- physical_fp_nodes_.resize(codegen_->GetNumberOfFloatingPointRegisters(), nullptr);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < codegen_->GetNumberOfFloatingPointRegisters(); ++i) {
- LiveInterval* interval =
- LiveInterval::MakeFixedInterval(allocator_, i, DataType::Type::kFloat32);
- physical_fp_nodes_[i] = new (allocator_) InterferenceNode(interval, liveness);
- physical_fp_nodes_[i]->stage = NodeStage::kPrecolored;
- fp_intervals_.push_back(interval);
- if (codegen_->IsBlockedFloatingPointRegister(i)) {
- interval->AddRange(0, liveness.GetMaxLifetimePosition());
- }
- }
-RegisterAllocatorGraphColor::~RegisterAllocatorGraphColor() {}
-void RegisterAllocatorGraphColor::AllocateRegisters() {
- // (1) Collect and prepare live intervals.
- ProcessInstructions();
- for (bool processing_core_regs : {true, false}) {
- ScopedArenaVector<LiveInterval*>& intervals = processing_core_regs
- ? core_intervals_
- : fp_intervals_;
- size_t num_registers = processing_core_regs
- ? codegen_->GetNumberOfCoreRegisters()
- : codegen_->GetNumberOfFloatingPointRegisters();
- size_t attempt = 0;
- while (true) {
- ++attempt;
- DCHECK(attempt <= kMaxGraphColoringAttemptsDebug)
- << "Exceeded debug max graph coloring register allocation attempts. "
- << "This could indicate that the register allocator is not making forward progress, "
- << "which could be caused by prioritizing the wrong live intervals. (Short intervals "
- << "should be prioritized over long ones, because they cannot be split further.)";
- // Many data structures are cleared between graph coloring attempts, so we reduce
- // total memory usage by using a new scoped arena allocator for each attempt.
- ScopedArenaAllocator coloring_attempt_allocator(allocator_->GetArenaStack());
- ColoringIteration iteration(this,
- &coloring_attempt_allocator,
- processing_core_regs,
- num_registers);
- // (2) Build the interference graph.
- ScopedArenaVector<InterferenceNode*>& physical_nodes = processing_core_regs
- ? physical_core_nodes_
- : physical_fp_nodes_;
- iteration.BuildInterferenceGraph(intervals, physical_nodes);
- // (3) Add coalesce opportunities.
- // If we have tried coloring the graph a suspiciously high number of times, give
- // up on move coalescing, just in case the coalescing heuristics are not conservative.
- // (This situation will be caught if DCHECKs are turned on.)
- if (iterative_move_coalescing_ && attempt <= kMaxGraphColoringAttemptsDebug) {
- iteration.FindCoalesceOpportunities();
- }
- // (4) Prune all uncolored nodes from interference graph.
- iteration.PruneInterferenceGraph();
- // (5) Color pruned nodes based on interferences.
- bool successful = iteration.ColorInterferenceGraph();
- // We manually clear coalesce opportunities for physical nodes,
- // since they persist across coloring attempts.
- for (InterferenceNode* node : physical_core_nodes_) {
- node->ClearCoalesceOpportunities();
- }
- for (InterferenceNode* node : physical_fp_nodes_) {
- node->ClearCoalesceOpportunities();
- }
- if (successful) {
- // Assign spill slots.
- AllocateSpillSlots(iteration.GetPrunableNodes());
- // Tell the code generator which registers were allocated.
- // We only look at prunable_nodes because we already told the code generator about
- // fixed intervals while processing instructions. We also ignore the fixed intervals
- // placed at the top of catch blocks.
- for (InterferenceNode* node : iteration.GetPrunableNodes()) {
- LiveInterval* interval = node->GetInterval();
- if (interval->HasRegister()) {
- Location low_reg = processing_core_regs
- ? Location::RegisterLocation(interval->GetRegister())
- : Location::FpuRegisterLocation(interval->GetRegister());
- codegen_->AddAllocatedRegister(low_reg);
- if (interval->HasHighInterval()) {
- LiveInterval* high = interval->GetHighInterval();
- DCHECK(high->HasRegister());
- Location high_reg = processing_core_regs
- ? Location::RegisterLocation(high->GetRegister())
- : Location::FpuRegisterLocation(high->GetRegister());
- codegen_->AddAllocatedRegister(high_reg);
- }
- } else {
- DCHECK_IMPLIES(interval->HasHighInterval(),
- !interval->GetHighInterval()->HasRegister());
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- } // while unsuccessful
- } // for processing_core_instructions
- // (6) Resolve locations and deconstruct SSA form.
- RegisterAllocationResolver(codegen_, liveness_)
- .Resolve(ArrayRef<HInstruction* const>(safepoints_),
- reserved_art_method_slots_ + reserved_out_slots_,
- num_int_spill_slots_,
- num_long_spill_slots_,
- num_float_spill_slots_,
- num_double_spill_slots_,
- catch_phi_spill_slot_counter_,
- ArrayRef<LiveInterval* const>(temp_intervals_));
- if (kIsDebugBuild) {
- Validate(/*log_fatal_on_failure*/ true);
- }
-bool RegisterAllocatorGraphColor::Validate(bool log_fatal_on_failure) {
- for (bool processing_core_regs : {true, false}) {
- ScopedArenaAllocator allocator(allocator_->GetArenaStack());
- ScopedArenaVector<LiveInterval*> intervals(
- allocator.Adapter(kArenaAllocRegisterAllocatorValidate));
- for (size_t i = 0; i < liveness_.GetNumberOfSsaValues(); ++i) {
- HInstruction* instruction = liveness_.GetInstructionFromSsaIndex(i);
- LiveInterval* interval = instruction->GetLiveInterval();
- if (interval != nullptr && IsCoreInterval(interval) == processing_core_regs) {
- intervals.push_back(instruction->GetLiveInterval());
- }
- }
- ScopedArenaVector<InterferenceNode*>& physical_nodes = processing_core_regs
- ? physical_core_nodes_
- : physical_fp_nodes_;
- for (InterferenceNode* fixed : physical_nodes) {
- LiveInterval* interval = fixed->GetInterval();
- if (interval->GetFirstRange() != nullptr) {
- // Ideally we would check fixed ranges as well, but currently there are times when
- // two fixed intervals for the same register will overlap. For example, a fixed input
- // and a fixed output may sometimes share the same register, in which there will be two
- // fixed intervals for the same place.
- }
- }
- for (LiveInterval* temp : temp_intervals_) {
- if (IsCoreInterval(temp) == processing_core_regs) {
- intervals.push_back(temp);
- }
- }
- size_t spill_slots = num_int_spill_slots_
- + num_long_spill_slots_
- + num_float_spill_slots_
- + num_double_spill_slots_
- + catch_phi_spill_slot_counter_;
- bool ok = ValidateIntervals(ArrayRef<LiveInterval* const>(intervals),
- spill_slots,
- reserved_art_method_slots_ + reserved_out_slots_,
- *codegen_,
- processing_core_regs,
- log_fatal_on_failure);
- if (!ok) {
- return false;
- }
- } // for processing_core_regs
- return true;
-void RegisterAllocatorGraphColor::ProcessInstructions() {
- for (HBasicBlock* block : codegen_->GetGraph()->GetLinearPostOrder()) {
- // Note that we currently depend on this ordering, since some helper
- // code is designed for linear scan register allocation.
- for (HBackwardInstructionIterator instr_it(block->GetInstructions());
- !instr_it.Done();
- instr_it.Advance()) {
- ProcessInstruction(instr_it.Current());
- }
- for (HInstructionIterator phi_it(block->GetPhis()); !phi_it.Done(); phi_it.Advance()) {
- ProcessInstruction(phi_it.Current());
- }
- if (block->IsCatchBlock()
- || (block->IsLoopHeader() && block->GetLoopInformation()->IsIrreducible())) {
- // By blocking all registers at the top of each catch block or irreducible loop, we force
- // intervals belonging to the live-in set of the catch/header block to be spilled.
- // TODO(ngeoffray): Phis in this block could be allocated in register.
- size_t position = block->GetLifetimeStart();
- BlockRegisters(position, position + 1);
- }
- }
-bool RegisterAllocatorGraphColor::TryRemoveSuspendCheckEntry(HInstruction* instruction) {
- LocationSummary* locations = instruction->GetLocations();
- if (instruction->IsSuspendCheckEntry() && !codegen_->NeedsSuspendCheckEntry()) {
- // TODO: We do this here because we do not want the suspend check to artificially
- // create live registers. We should find another place, but this is currently the
- // simplest.
- DCHECK_EQ(locations->GetTempCount(), 0u);
- instruction->GetBlock()->RemoveInstruction(instruction);
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-void RegisterAllocatorGraphColor::ProcessInstruction(HInstruction* instruction) {
- LocationSummary* locations = instruction->GetLocations();
- if (locations == nullptr) {
- return;
- }
- if (TryRemoveSuspendCheckEntry(instruction)) {
- return;
- }
- CheckForTempLiveIntervals(instruction);
- CheckForSafepoint(instruction);
- if (locations->WillCall()) {
- // If a call will happen, create fixed intervals for caller-save registers.
- // TODO: Note that it may be beneficial to later split intervals at this point,
- // so that we allow last-minute moves from a caller-save register
- // to a callee-save register.
- BlockRegisters(instruction->GetLifetimePosition(),
- instruction->GetLifetimePosition() + 1,
- /*caller_save_only*/ true);
- }
- CheckForFixedInputs(instruction);
- LiveInterval* interval = instruction->GetLiveInterval();
- if (interval == nullptr) {
- // Instructions lacking a valid output location do not have a live interval.
- DCHECK(!locations->Out().IsValid());
- return;
- }
- // Low intervals act as representatives for their corresponding high interval.
- DCHECK(!interval->IsHighInterval());
- if (codegen_->NeedsTwoRegisters(interval->GetType())) {
- interval->AddHighInterval();
- }
- AddSafepointsFor(instruction);
- CheckForFixedOutput(instruction);
- AllocateSpillSlotForCatchPhi(instruction);
- ScopedArenaVector<LiveInterval*>& intervals = IsCoreInterval(interval)
- ? core_intervals_
- : fp_intervals_;
- if (interval->HasSpillSlot() || instruction->IsConstant()) {
- // Note that if an interval already has a spill slot, then its value currently resides
- // in the stack (e.g., parameters). Thus we do not have to allocate a register until its first
- // register use. This is also true for constants, which can be materialized at any point.
- size_t first_register_use = interval->FirstRegisterUse();
- if (first_register_use != kNoLifetime) {
- LiveInterval* split = SplitBetween(interval, interval->GetStart(), first_register_use - 1);
- intervals.push_back(split);
- } else {
- // We won't allocate a register for this value.
- }
- } else {
- intervals.push_back(interval);
- }
-void RegisterAllocatorGraphColor::CheckForFixedInputs(HInstruction* instruction) {
- // We simply block physical registers where necessary.
- // TODO: Ideally we would coalesce the physical register with the register
- // allocated to the input value, but this can be tricky if, e.g., there
- // could be multiple physical register uses of the same value at the
- // same instruction. Furthermore, there's currently no distinction between
- // fixed inputs to a call (which will be clobbered) and other fixed inputs (which
- // may not be clobbered).
- LocationSummary* locations = instruction->GetLocations();
- size_t position = instruction->GetLifetimePosition();
- for (size_t i = 0; i < locations->GetInputCount(); ++i) {
- Location input = locations->InAt(i);
- if (input.IsRegister() || input.IsFpuRegister()) {
- BlockRegister(input, position, position + 1);
- codegen_->AddAllocatedRegister(input);
- } else if (input.IsPair()) {
- BlockRegister(input.ToLow(), position, position + 1);
- BlockRegister(input.ToHigh(), position, position + 1);
- codegen_->AddAllocatedRegister(input.ToLow());
- codegen_->AddAllocatedRegister(input.ToHigh());
- }
- }
-void RegisterAllocatorGraphColor::CheckForFixedOutput(HInstruction* instruction) {
- // If an instruction has a fixed output location, we give the live interval a register and then
- // proactively split it just after the definition point to avoid creating too many interferences
- // with a fixed node.
- LiveInterval* interval = instruction->GetLiveInterval();
- Location out = interval->GetDefinedBy()->GetLocations()->Out();
- size_t position = instruction->GetLifetimePosition();
- DCHECK_GE(interval->GetEnd() - position, 2u);
- if (out.IsUnallocated() && out.GetPolicy() == Location::kSameAsFirstInput) {
- out = instruction->GetLocations()->InAt(0);
- }
- if (out.IsRegister() || out.IsFpuRegister()) {
- interval->SetRegister(out.reg());
- codegen_->AddAllocatedRegister(out);
- Split(interval, position + 1);
- } else if (out.IsPair()) {
- interval->SetRegister(out.low());
- interval->GetHighInterval()->SetRegister(out.high());
- codegen_->AddAllocatedRegister(out.ToLow());
- codegen_->AddAllocatedRegister(out.ToHigh());
- Split(interval, position + 1);
- } else if (out.IsStackSlot() || out.IsDoubleStackSlot()) {
- interval->SetSpillSlot(out.GetStackIndex());
- } else {
- DCHECK(out.IsUnallocated() || out.IsConstant());
- }
-void RegisterAllocatorGraphColor::AddSafepointsFor(HInstruction* instruction) {
- LiveInterval* interval = instruction->GetLiveInterval();
- for (size_t safepoint_index = safepoints_.size(); safepoint_index > 0; --safepoint_index) {
- HInstruction* safepoint = safepoints_[safepoint_index - 1u];
- size_t safepoint_position = safepoint->GetLifetimePosition();
- // Test that safepoints_ are ordered in the optimal way.
- DCHECK(safepoint_index == safepoints_.size() ||
- safepoints_[safepoint_index]->GetLifetimePosition() < safepoint_position);
- if (safepoint_position == interval->GetStart()) {
- // The safepoint is for this instruction, so the location of the instruction
- // does not need to be saved.
- DCHECK_EQ(safepoint_index, safepoints_.size());
- DCHECK_EQ(safepoint, instruction);
- continue;
- } else if (interval->IsDeadAt(safepoint_position)) {
- break;
- } else if (!interval->Covers(safepoint_position)) {
- // Hole in the interval.
- continue;
- }
- interval->AddSafepoint(safepoint);
- }
-void RegisterAllocatorGraphColor::CheckForTempLiveIntervals(HInstruction* instruction) {
- LocationSummary* locations = instruction->GetLocations();
- size_t position = instruction->GetLifetimePosition();
- for (size_t i = 0; i < locations->GetTempCount(); ++i) {
- Location temp = locations->GetTemp(i);
- if (temp.IsRegister() || temp.IsFpuRegister()) {
- BlockRegister(temp, position, position + 1);
- codegen_->AddAllocatedRegister(temp);
- } else {
- DCHECK(temp.IsUnallocated());
- switch (temp.GetPolicy()) {
- case Location::kRequiresRegister: {
- LiveInterval* interval =
- LiveInterval::MakeTempInterval(allocator_, DataType::Type::kInt32);
- interval->AddTempUse(instruction, i);
- core_intervals_.push_back(interval);
- temp_intervals_.push_back(interval);
- break;
- }
- case Location::kRequiresFpuRegister: {
- LiveInterval* interval =
- LiveInterval::MakeTempInterval(allocator_, DataType::Type::kFloat64);
- interval->AddTempUse(instruction, i);
- fp_intervals_.push_back(interval);
- temp_intervals_.push_back(interval);
- if (codegen_->NeedsTwoRegisters(DataType::Type::kFloat64)) {
- interval->AddHighInterval(/*is_temp*/ true);
- temp_intervals_.push_back(interval->GetHighInterval());
- }
- break;
- }
- default:
- LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected policy for temporary location "
- << temp.GetPolicy();
- }
- }
- }
-void RegisterAllocatorGraphColor::CheckForSafepoint(HInstruction* instruction) {
- LocationSummary* locations = instruction->GetLocations();
- if (locations->NeedsSafepoint()) {
- safepoints_.push_back(instruction);
- }
-LiveInterval* RegisterAllocatorGraphColor::TrySplit(LiveInterval* interval, size_t position) {
- if (interval->GetStart() < position && position < interval->GetEnd()) {
- return Split(interval, position);
- } else {
- return interval;
- }
-void RegisterAllocatorGraphColor::SplitAtRegisterUses(LiveInterval* interval) {
- DCHECK(!interval->IsHighInterval());
- // Split just after a register definition.
- if (interval->IsParent() && interval->DefinitionRequiresRegister()) {
- interval = TrySplit(interval, interval->GetStart() + 1);
- }
- // Process uses in the range [interval->GetStart(), interval->GetEnd()], i.e.
- // [interval->GetStart(), interval->GetEnd() + 1)
- auto matching_use_range = FindMatchingUseRange(interval->GetUses().begin(),
- interval->GetUses().end(),
- interval->GetStart(),
- interval->GetEnd() + 1u);
- // Split around register uses.
- for (const UsePosition& use : matching_use_range) {
- if (use.RequiresRegister()) {
- size_t position = use.GetPosition();
- interval = TrySplit(interval, position - 1);
- if (liveness_.GetInstructionFromPosition(position / 2)->IsControlFlow()) {
- // If we are at the very end of a basic block, we cannot split right
- // at the use. Split just after instead.
- interval = TrySplit(interval, position + 1);
- } else {
- interval = TrySplit(interval, position);
- }
- }
- }
-void RegisterAllocatorGraphColor::AllocateSpillSlotForCatchPhi(HInstruction* instruction) {
- if (instruction->IsPhi() && instruction->AsPhi()->IsCatchPhi()) {
- HPhi* phi = instruction->AsPhi();
- LiveInterval* interval = phi->GetLiveInterval();
- HInstruction* previous_phi = phi->GetPrevious();
- DCHECK(previous_phi == nullptr ||
- previous_phi->AsPhi()->GetRegNumber() <= phi->GetRegNumber())
- << "Phis expected to be sorted by vreg number, "
- << "so that equivalent phis are adjacent.";
- if (phi->IsVRegEquivalentOf(previous_phi)) {
- // Assign the same spill slot.
- DCHECK(previous_phi->GetLiveInterval()->HasSpillSlot());
- interval->SetSpillSlot(previous_phi->GetLiveInterval()->GetSpillSlot());
- } else {
- interval->SetSpillSlot(catch_phi_spill_slot_counter_);
- catch_phi_spill_slot_counter_ += interval->NumberOfSpillSlotsNeeded();
- }
- }
-void RegisterAllocatorGraphColor::BlockRegister(Location location,
- size_t start,
- size_t end) {
- DCHECK(location.IsRegister() || location.IsFpuRegister());
- int reg = location.reg();
- LiveInterval* interval = location.IsRegister()
- ? physical_core_nodes_[reg]->GetInterval()
- : physical_fp_nodes_[reg]->GetInterval();
- DCHECK(interval->GetRegister() == reg);
- bool blocked_by_codegen = location.IsRegister()
- ? codegen_->IsBlockedCoreRegister(reg)
- : codegen_->IsBlockedFloatingPointRegister(reg);
- if (blocked_by_codegen) {
- // We've already blocked this register for the entire method. (And adding a
- // range inside another range violates the preconditions of AddRange).
- } else {
- interval->AddRange(start, end);
- }
-void RegisterAllocatorGraphColor::BlockRegisters(size_t start, size_t end, bool caller_save_only) {
- for (size_t i = 0; i < codegen_->GetNumberOfCoreRegisters(); ++i) {
- if (!caller_save_only || !codegen_->IsCoreCalleeSaveRegister(i)) {
- BlockRegister(Location::RegisterLocation(i), start, end);
- }
- }
- for (size_t i = 0; i < codegen_->GetNumberOfFloatingPointRegisters(); ++i) {
- if (!caller_save_only || !codegen_->IsFloatingPointCalleeSaveRegister(i)) {
- BlockRegister(Location::FpuRegisterLocation(i), start, end);
- }
- }
-void ColoringIteration::AddPotentialInterference(InterferenceNode* from,
- InterferenceNode* to,
- bool guaranteed_not_interfering_yet,
- bool both_directions) {
- if (from->IsPrecolored()) {
- // We save space by ignoring outgoing edges from fixed nodes.
- } else if (to->IsPrecolored()) {
- // It is important that only a single node represents a given fixed register in the
- // interference graph. We retrieve that node here.
- const ScopedArenaVector<InterferenceNode*>& physical_nodes =
- to->GetInterval()->IsFloatingPoint() ? register_allocator_->physical_fp_nodes_
- : register_allocator_->physical_core_nodes_;
- InterferenceNode* physical_node = physical_nodes[to->GetInterval()->GetRegister()];
- from->AddInterference(
- physical_node, /*guaranteed_not_interfering_yet*/ false, &adjacent_nodes_links_);
- DCHECK_EQ(to->GetInterval()->GetRegister(), physical_node->GetInterval()->GetRegister());
- DCHECK_EQ(to->GetAlias(), physical_node) << "Fixed nodes should alias the canonical fixed node";
- // If a node interferes with a fixed pair node, the weight of the edge may
- // be inaccurate after using the alias of the pair node, because the alias of the pair node
- // is a singular node.
- // We could make special pair fixed nodes, but that ends up being too conservative because
- // a node could then interfere with both {r1} and {r1,r2}, leading to a degree of
- // three rather than two.
- // Instead, we explicitly add an interference with the high node of the fixed pair node.
- // TODO: This is too conservative at time for pair nodes, but the fact that fixed pair intervals
- // can be unaligned on x86 complicates things.
- if (to->IsPair()) {
- InterferenceNode* high_node =
- physical_nodes[to->GetInterval()->GetHighInterval()->GetRegister()];
- DCHECK_EQ(to->GetInterval()->GetHighInterval()->GetRegister(),
- high_node->GetInterval()->GetRegister());
- from->AddInterference(
- high_node, /*guaranteed_not_interfering_yet*/ false, &adjacent_nodes_links_);
- }
- } else {
- // Standard interference between two uncolored nodes.
- from->AddInterference(to, guaranteed_not_interfering_yet, &adjacent_nodes_links_);
- }
- if (both_directions) {
- AddPotentialInterference(to, from, guaranteed_not_interfering_yet, /*both_directions*/ false);
- }
-// Returns true if `in_node` represents an input interval of `out_node`, and the output interval
-// is allowed to have the same register as the input interval.
-// TODO: Ideally we should just produce correct intervals in liveness analysis.
-// We would need to refactor the current live interval layout to do so, which is
-// no small task.
-static bool CheckInputOutputCanOverlap(InterferenceNode* in_node, InterferenceNode* out_node) {
- LiveInterval* output_interval = out_node->GetInterval();
- HInstruction* defined_by = output_interval->GetDefinedBy();
- if (defined_by == nullptr) {
- // This must not be a definition point.
- return false;
- }
- LocationSummary* locations = defined_by->GetLocations();
- if (locations->OutputCanOverlapWithInputs()) {
- // This instruction does not allow the output to reuse a register from an input.
- return false;
- }
- LiveInterval* input_interval = in_node->GetInterval();
- LiveInterval* next_sibling = input_interval->GetNextSibling();
- size_t def_position = defined_by->GetLifetimePosition();
- size_t use_position = def_position + 1;
- if (next_sibling != nullptr && next_sibling->GetStart() == use_position) {
- // The next sibling starts at the use position, so reusing the input register in the output
- // would clobber the input before it's moved into the sibling interval location.
- return false;
- }
- if (!input_interval->IsDeadAt(use_position) && input_interval->CoversSlow(use_position)) {
- // The input interval is live after the use position.
- return false;
- }
- HInputsRef inputs = defined_by->GetInputs();
- for (size_t i = 0; i < inputs.size(); ++i) {
- if (inputs[i]->GetLiveInterval()->GetSiblingAt(def_position) == input_interval) {
- DCHECK(input_interval->SameRegisterKind(*output_interval));
- return true;
- }
- }
- // The input interval was not an input for this instruction.
- return false;
-void ColoringIteration::BuildInterferenceGraph(
- const ScopedArenaVector<LiveInterval*>& intervals,
- const ScopedArenaVector<InterferenceNode*>& physical_nodes) {
- DCHECK(interval_node_map_.empty() && prunable_nodes_.empty());
- // Build the interference graph efficiently by ordering range endpoints
- // by position and doing a linear sweep to find interferences. (That is, we
- // jump from endpoint to endpoint, maintaining a set of intervals live at each
- // point. If two nodes are ever in the live set at the same time, then they
- // interfere with each other.)
- //
- // We order by both position and (secondarily) by whether the endpoint
- // begins or ends a range; we want to process range endings before range
- // beginnings at the same position because they should not conflict.
- //
- // For simplicity, we create a tuple for each endpoint, and then sort the tuples.
- // Tuple contents: (position, is_range_beginning, node).
- ScopedArenaVector<std::tuple<size_t, bool, InterferenceNode*>> range_endpoints(
- allocator_->Adapter(kArenaAllocRegisterAllocator));
- // We reserve plenty of space to avoid excessive copying.
- range_endpoints.reserve(4 * prunable_nodes_.size());
- for (LiveInterval* parent : intervals) {
- for (LiveInterval* sibling = parent; sibling != nullptr; sibling = sibling->GetNextSibling()) {
- LiveRange* range = sibling->GetFirstRange();
- if (range != nullptr) {
- InterferenceNode* node =
- new (allocator_) InterferenceNode(sibling, register_allocator_->liveness_);
- interval_node_map_.insert(std::make_pair(sibling, node));
- if (sibling->HasRegister()) {
- // Fixed nodes should alias the canonical node for the corresponding register.
- node->stage = NodeStage::kPrecolored;
- InterferenceNode* physical_node = physical_nodes[sibling->GetRegister()];
- node->SetAlias(physical_node);
- DCHECK_EQ(node->GetInterval()->GetRegister(),
- physical_node->GetInterval()->GetRegister());
- } else {
- node->stage = NodeStage::kPrunable;
- prunable_nodes_.push_back(node);
- }
- while (range != nullptr) {
- range_endpoints.push_back(std::make_tuple(range->GetStart(), true, node));
- range_endpoints.push_back(std::make_tuple(range->GetEnd(), false, node));
- range = range->GetNext();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Sort the endpoints.
- // We explicitly ignore the third entry of each tuple (the node pointer) in order
- // to maintain determinism.
- std::sort(range_endpoints.begin(), range_endpoints.end(),
- [] (const std::tuple<size_t, bool, InterferenceNode*>& lhs,
- const std::tuple<size_t, bool, InterferenceNode*>& rhs) {
- return std::tie(std::get<0>(lhs), std::get<1>(lhs))
- < std::tie(std::get<0>(rhs), std::get<1>(rhs));
- });
- // Nodes live at the current position in the linear sweep.
- ScopedArenaVector<InterferenceNode*> live(allocator_->Adapter(kArenaAllocRegisterAllocator));
- // Linear sweep. When we encounter the beginning of a range, we add the corresponding node to the
- // live set. When we encounter the end of a range, we remove the corresponding node
- // from the live set. Nodes interfere if they are in the live set at the same time.
- for (auto it = range_endpoints.begin(); it != range_endpoints.end(); ++it) {
- bool is_range_beginning;
- InterferenceNode* node;
- size_t position;
- // Extract information from the tuple, including the node this tuple represents.
- std::tie(position, is_range_beginning, node) = *it;
- if (is_range_beginning) {
- bool guaranteed_not_interfering_yet = position == node->GetInterval()->GetStart();
- for (InterferenceNode* conflicting : live) {
- DCHECK_NE(node, conflicting);
- if (CheckInputOutputCanOverlap(conflicting, node)) {
- // We do not add an interference, because the instruction represented by `node` allows
- // its output to share a register with an input, represented here by `conflicting`.
- } else {
- AddPotentialInterference(node, conflicting, guaranteed_not_interfering_yet);
- }
- }
- DCHECK(std::find(live.begin(), live.end(), node) == live.end());
- live.push_back(node);
- } else {
- // End of range.
- auto live_it = std::find(live.begin(), live.end(), node);
- DCHECK(live_it != live.end());
- live.erase(live_it);
- }
- }
- DCHECK(live.empty());
-void ColoringIteration::CreateCoalesceOpportunity(InterferenceNode* a,
- InterferenceNode* b,
- CoalesceKind kind,
- size_t position) {
- DCHECK_EQ(a->IsPair(), b->IsPair())
- << "Nodes of different memory widths should never be coalesced";
- CoalesceOpportunity* opportunity =
- new (allocator_) CoalesceOpportunity(a, b, kind, position, register_allocator_->liveness_);
- a->AddCoalesceOpportunity(opportunity, &coalesce_opportunities_links_);
- b->AddCoalesceOpportunity(opportunity, &coalesce_opportunities_links_);
- coalesce_worklist_.push(opportunity);
-// When looking for coalesce opportunities, we use the interval_node_map_ to find the node
-// corresponding to an interval. Note that not all intervals are in this map, notably the parents
-// of constants and stack arguments. (However, these interval should not be involved in coalesce
-// opportunities anyway, because they're not going to be in registers.)
-void ColoringIteration::FindCoalesceOpportunities() {
- DCHECK(coalesce_worklist_.empty());
- for (InterferenceNode* node : prunable_nodes_) {
- LiveInterval* interval = node->GetInterval();
- // Coalesce siblings.
- LiveInterval* next_sibling = interval->GetNextSibling();
- if (next_sibling != nullptr && interval->GetEnd() == next_sibling->GetStart()) {
- auto it = interval_node_map_.find(next_sibling);
- if (it != interval_node_map_.end()) {
- InterferenceNode* sibling_node = it->second;
- CreateCoalesceOpportunity(node,
- sibling_node,
- CoalesceKind::kAdjacentSibling,
- interval->GetEnd());
- }
- }
- // Coalesce fixed outputs with this interval if this interval is an adjacent sibling.
- LiveInterval* parent = interval->GetParent();
- if (parent->HasRegister()
- && parent->GetNextSibling() == interval
- && parent->GetEnd() == interval->GetStart()) {
- auto it = interval_node_map_.find(parent);
- if (it != interval_node_map_.end()) {
- InterferenceNode* parent_node = it->second;
- CreateCoalesceOpportunity(node,
- parent_node,
- CoalesceKind::kFixedOutputSibling,
- parent->GetEnd());
- }
- }
- // Try to prevent moves across blocks.
- // Note that this does not lead to many succeeding coalesce attempts, so could be removed
- // if found to add to compile time.
- const SsaLivenessAnalysis& liveness = register_allocator_->liveness_;
- if (interval->IsSplit() && liveness.IsAtBlockBoundary(interval->GetStart() / 2)) {
- // If the start of this interval is at a block boundary, we look at the
- // location of the interval in blocks preceding the block this interval
- // starts at. This can avoid a move between the two blocks.
- HBasicBlock* block = liveness.GetBlockFromPosition(interval->GetStart() / 2);
- for (HBasicBlock* predecessor : block->GetPredecessors()) {
- size_t position = predecessor->GetLifetimeEnd() - 1;
- LiveInterval* existing = interval->GetParent()->GetSiblingAt(position);
- if (existing != nullptr) {
- auto it = interval_node_map_.find(existing);
- if (it != interval_node_map_.end()) {
- InterferenceNode* existing_node = it->second;
- CreateCoalesceOpportunity(node,
- existing_node,
- CoalesceKind::kNonlinearControlFlow,
- position);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Coalesce phi inputs with the corresponding output.
- HInstruction* defined_by = interval->GetDefinedBy();
- if (defined_by != nullptr && defined_by->IsPhi()) {
- ArrayRef<HBasicBlock* const> predecessors(defined_by->GetBlock()->GetPredecessors());
- HInputsRef inputs = defined_by->GetInputs();
- for (size_t i = 0, e = inputs.size(); i < e; ++i) {
- // We want the sibling at the end of the appropriate predecessor block.
- size_t position = predecessors[i]->GetLifetimeEnd() - 1;
- LiveInterval* input_interval = inputs[i]->GetLiveInterval()->GetSiblingAt(position);
- auto it = interval_node_map_.find(input_interval);
- if (it != interval_node_map_.end()) {
- InterferenceNode* input_node = it->second;
- CreateCoalesceOpportunity(node, input_node, CoalesceKind::kPhi, position);
- }
- }
- }
- // Coalesce output with first input when policy is kSameAsFirstInput.
- if (defined_by != nullptr) {
- Location out = defined_by->GetLocations()->Out();
- if (out.IsUnallocated() && out.GetPolicy() == Location::kSameAsFirstInput) {
- LiveInterval* input_interval
- = defined_by->InputAt(0)->GetLiveInterval()->GetSiblingAt(interval->GetStart() - 1);
- // TODO: Could we consider lifetime holes here?
- if (input_interval->GetEnd() == interval->GetStart()) {
- auto it = interval_node_map_.find(input_interval);
- if (it != interval_node_map_.end()) {
- InterferenceNode* input_node = it->second;
- CreateCoalesceOpportunity(node,
- input_node,
- CoalesceKind::kFirstInput,
- interval->GetStart());
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // An interval that starts an instruction (that is, it is not split), may
- // re-use the registers used by the inputs of that instruction, based on the
- // location summary.
- if (defined_by != nullptr) {
- DCHECK(!interval->IsSplit());
- LocationSummary* locations = defined_by->GetLocations();
- if (!locations->OutputCanOverlapWithInputs()) {
- HInputsRef inputs = defined_by->GetInputs();
- for (size_t i = 0; i < inputs.size(); ++i) {
- size_t def_point = defined_by->GetLifetimePosition();
- // TODO: Getting the sibling at the def_point might not be quite what we want
- // for fixed inputs, since the use will be *at* the def_point rather than after.
- LiveInterval* input_interval = inputs[i]->GetLiveInterval()->GetSiblingAt(def_point);
- if (input_interval != nullptr &&
- input_interval->HasHighInterval() == interval->HasHighInterval()) {
- auto it = interval_node_map_.find(input_interval);
- if (it != interval_node_map_.end()) {
- InterferenceNode* input_node = it->second;
- CreateCoalesceOpportunity(node,
- input_node,
- CoalesceKind::kAnyInput,
- interval->GetStart());
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Try to prevent moves into fixed input locations.
- // Process uses in the range (interval->GetStart(), interval->GetEnd()], i.e.
- // [interval->GetStart() + 1, interval->GetEnd() + 1)
- auto matching_use_range = FindMatchingUseRange(interval->GetUses().begin(),
- interval->GetUses().end(),
- interval->GetStart() + 1u,
- interval->GetEnd() + 1u);
- for (const UsePosition& use : matching_use_range) {
- HInstruction* user = use.GetUser();
- if (user == nullptr) {
- // User may be null for certain intervals, such as temp intervals.
- continue;
- }
- LocationSummary* locations = user->GetLocations();
- Location input = locations->InAt(use.GetInputIndex());
- if (input.IsRegister() || input.IsFpuRegister()) {
- // TODO: Could try to handle pair interval too, but coalescing with fixed pair nodes
- // is currently not supported.
- InterferenceNode* fixed_node = input.IsRegister()
- ? register_allocator_->physical_core_nodes_[input.reg()]
- : register_allocator_->physical_fp_nodes_[input.reg()];
- CreateCoalesceOpportunity(node,
- fixed_node,
- CoalesceKind::kFixedInput,
- user->GetLifetimePosition());
- }
- }
- } // for node in prunable_nodes
-static bool IsLowDegreeNode(InterferenceNode* node, size_t num_regs) {
- return node->GetOutDegree() < num_regs;
-static bool IsHighDegreeNode(InterferenceNode* node, size_t num_regs) {
- return !IsLowDegreeNode(node, num_regs);
-void ColoringIteration::PruneInterferenceGraph() {
- DCHECK(pruned_nodes_.empty()
- && simplify_worklist_.empty()
- && freeze_worklist_.empty()
- && spill_worklist_.empty());
- // When pruning the graph, we refer to nodes with degree less than num_regs as low degree nodes,
- // and all others as high degree nodes. The distinction is important: low degree nodes are
- // guaranteed a color, while high degree nodes are not.
- // Build worklists. Note that the coalesce worklist has already been
- // filled by FindCoalesceOpportunities().
- for (InterferenceNode* node : prunable_nodes_) {
- DCHECK(!node->IsPrecolored()) << "Fixed nodes should never be pruned";
- if (IsLowDegreeNode(node, num_regs_)) {
- if (node->GetCoalesceOpportunities().empty()) {
- // Simplify Worklist.
- node->stage = NodeStage::kSimplifyWorklist;
- simplify_worklist_.push_back(node);
- } else {
- // Freeze Worklist.
- node->stage = NodeStage::kFreezeWorklist;
- freeze_worklist_.push_back(node);
- }
- } else {
- // Spill worklist.
- node->stage = NodeStage::kSpillWorklist;
- spill_worklist_.push(node);
- }
- }
- // Prune graph.
- // Note that we do not remove a node from its current worklist if it moves to another, so it may
- // be in multiple worklists at once; the node's `phase` says which worklist it is really in.
- while (true) {
- if (!simplify_worklist_.empty()) {
- // Prune low-degree nodes.
- // TODO: pop_back() should work as well, but it didn't; we get a
- // failed check while pruning. We should look into this.
- InterferenceNode* node = simplify_worklist_.front();
- simplify_worklist_.pop_front();
- DCHECK_EQ(node->stage, NodeStage::kSimplifyWorklist) << "Cannot move from simplify list";
- DCHECK_LT(node->GetOutDegree(), num_regs_) << "Nodes in simplify list should be low degree";
- DCHECK(!node->IsMoveRelated()) << "Nodes in simplify list should not be move related";
- PruneNode(node);
- } else if (!coalesce_worklist_.empty()) {
- // Coalesce.
- CoalesceOpportunity* opportunity =;
- coalesce_worklist_.pop();
- if (opportunity->stage == CoalesceStage::kWorklist) {
- Coalesce(opportunity);
- }
- } else if (!freeze_worklist_.empty()) {
- // Freeze moves and prune a low-degree move-related node.
- InterferenceNode* node = freeze_worklist_.front();
- freeze_worklist_.pop_front();
- if (node->stage == NodeStage::kFreezeWorklist) {
- DCHECK_LT(node->GetOutDegree(), num_regs_) << "Nodes in freeze list should be low degree";
- DCHECK(node->IsMoveRelated()) << "Nodes in freeze list should be move related";
- FreezeMoves(node);
- PruneNode(node);
- }
- } else if (!spill_worklist_.empty()) {
- // We spill the lowest-priority node, because pruning a node earlier
- // gives it a higher chance of being spilled.
- InterferenceNode* node =;
- spill_worklist_.pop();
- if (node->stage == NodeStage::kSpillWorklist) {
- DCHECK_GE(node->GetOutDegree(), num_regs_) << "Nodes in spill list should be high degree";
- FreezeMoves(node);
- PruneNode(node);
- }
- } else {
- // Pruning complete.
- break;
- }
- }
- DCHECK_EQ(prunable_nodes_.size(), pruned_nodes_.size());
-void ColoringIteration::EnableCoalesceOpportunities(InterferenceNode* node) {
- for (CoalesceOpportunity* opportunity : node->GetCoalesceOpportunities()) {
- if (opportunity->stage == CoalesceStage::kActive) {
- opportunity->stage = CoalesceStage::kWorklist;
- coalesce_worklist_.push(opportunity);
- }
- }
-void ColoringIteration::PruneNode(InterferenceNode* node) {
- DCHECK_NE(node->stage, NodeStage::kPruned);
- DCHECK(!node->IsPrecolored());
- node->stage = NodeStage::kPruned;
- pruned_nodes_.push(node);
- for (InterferenceNode* adj : node->GetAdjacentNodes()) {
- DCHECK_NE(adj->stage, NodeStage::kPruned) << "Should be no interferences with pruned nodes";
- if (adj->IsPrecolored()) {
- // No effect on pre-colored nodes; they're never pruned.
- } else {
- // Remove the interference.
- bool was_high_degree = IsHighDegreeNode(adj, num_regs_);
- DCHECK(adj->ContainsInterference(node))
- << "Missing reflexive interference from non-fixed node";
- adj->RemoveInterference(node);
- // Handle transitions from high degree to low degree.
- if (was_high_degree && IsLowDegreeNode(adj, num_regs_)) {
- EnableCoalesceOpportunities(adj);
- for (InterferenceNode* adj_adj : adj->GetAdjacentNodes()) {
- EnableCoalesceOpportunities(adj_adj);
- }
- DCHECK_EQ(adj->stage, NodeStage::kSpillWorklist);
- if (adj->IsMoveRelated()) {
- adj->stage = NodeStage::kFreezeWorklist;
- freeze_worklist_.push_back(adj);
- } else {
- adj->stage = NodeStage::kSimplifyWorklist;
- simplify_worklist_.push_back(adj);
- }
- }
- }
- }
-void ColoringIteration::CheckTransitionFromFreezeWorklist(InterferenceNode* node) {
- if (IsLowDegreeNode(node, num_regs_) && !node->IsMoveRelated()) {
- DCHECK_EQ(node->stage, NodeStage::kFreezeWorklist);
- node->stage = NodeStage::kSimplifyWorklist;
- simplify_worklist_.push_back(node);
- }
-void ColoringIteration::FreezeMoves(InterferenceNode* node) {
- for (CoalesceOpportunity* opportunity : node->GetCoalesceOpportunities()) {
- if (opportunity->stage == CoalesceStage::kDefunct) {
- // Constrained moves should remain constrained, since they will not be considered
- // during last-chance coalescing.
- } else {
- opportunity->stage = CoalesceStage::kInactive;
- }
- InterferenceNode* other = opportunity->node_a->GetAlias() == node
- ? opportunity->node_b->GetAlias()
- : opportunity->node_a->GetAlias();
- if (other != node && other->stage == NodeStage::kFreezeWorklist) {
- DCHECK(IsLowDegreeNode(node, num_regs_));
- CheckTransitionFromFreezeWorklist(other);
- }
- }
-bool ColoringIteration::PrecoloredHeuristic(InterferenceNode* from,
- InterferenceNode* into) {
- if (!into->IsPrecolored()) {
- // The uncolored heuristic will cover this case.
- return false;
- }
- if (from->IsPair() || into->IsPair()) {
- // TODO: Merging from a pair node is currently not supported, since fixed pair nodes
- // are currently represented as two single fixed nodes in the graph, and `into` is
- // only one of them. (We may lose the implicit connections to the second one in a merge.)
- return false;
- }
- // If all adjacent nodes of `from` are "ok", then we can conservatively merge with `into`.
- // Reasons an adjacent node `adj` can be "ok":
- // (1) If `adj` is low degree, interference with `into` will not affect its existing
- // colorable guarantee. (Notice that coalescing cannot increase its degree.)
- // (2) If `adj` is pre-colored, it already interferes with `into`. See (3).
- // (3) If there's already an interference with `into`, coalescing will not add interferences.
- for (InterferenceNode* adj : from->GetAdjacentNodes()) {
- if (IsLowDegreeNode(adj, num_regs_) || adj->IsPrecolored() || adj->ContainsInterference(into)) {
- // Ok.
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
-bool ColoringIteration::UncoloredHeuristic(InterferenceNode* from,
- InterferenceNode* into) {
- if (into->IsPrecolored()) {
- // The pre-colored heuristic will handle this case.
- return false;
- }
- // Arbitrary cap to improve compile time. Tests show that this has negligible affect
- // on generated code.
- if (from->GetOutDegree() + into->GetOutDegree() > 2 * num_regs_) {
- return false;
- }
- // It's safe to coalesce two nodes if the resulting node has fewer than `num_regs` neighbors
- // of high degree. (Low degree neighbors can be ignored, because they will eventually be
- // pruned from the interference graph in the simplify stage.)
- size_t high_degree_interferences = 0;
- for (InterferenceNode* adj : from->GetAdjacentNodes()) {
- if (IsHighDegreeNode(adj, num_regs_)) {
- high_degree_interferences += from->EdgeWeightWith(adj);
- }
- }
- for (InterferenceNode* adj : into->GetAdjacentNodes()) {
- if (IsHighDegreeNode(adj, num_regs_)) {
- if (from->ContainsInterference(adj)) {
- // We've already counted this adjacent node.
- // Furthermore, its degree will decrease if coalescing succeeds. Thus, it's possible that
- // we should not have counted it at all. (This extends the textbook Briggs coalescing test,
- // but remains conservative.)
- if (adj->GetOutDegree() - into->EdgeWeightWith(adj) < num_regs_) {
- high_degree_interferences -= from->EdgeWeightWith(adj);
- }
- } else {
- high_degree_interferences += into->EdgeWeightWith(adj);
- }
- }
- }
- return high_degree_interferences < num_regs_;
-void ColoringIteration::Combine(InterferenceNode* from,
- InterferenceNode* into) {
- from->SetAlias(into);
- // Add interferences.
- for (InterferenceNode* adj : from->GetAdjacentNodes()) {
- bool was_low_degree = IsLowDegreeNode(adj, num_regs_);
- AddPotentialInterference(adj, into, /*guaranteed_not_interfering_yet*/ false);
- if (was_low_degree && IsHighDegreeNode(adj, num_regs_)) {
- // This is a (temporary) transition to a high degree node. Its degree will decrease again
- // when we prune `from`, but it's best to be consistent about the current worklist.
- adj->stage = NodeStage::kSpillWorklist;
- spill_worklist_.push(adj);
- }
- }
- // Add coalesce opportunities.
- for (CoalesceOpportunity* opportunity : from->GetCoalesceOpportunities()) {
- if (opportunity->stage != CoalesceStage::kDefunct) {
- into->AddCoalesceOpportunity(opportunity, &coalesce_opportunities_links_);
- }
- }
- EnableCoalesceOpportunities(from);
- // Prune and update worklists.
- PruneNode(from);
- if (IsLowDegreeNode(into, num_regs_)) {
- // Coalesce(...) takes care of checking for a transition to the simplify worklist.
- DCHECK_EQ(into->stage, NodeStage::kFreezeWorklist);
- } else if (into->stage == NodeStage::kFreezeWorklist) {
- // This is a transition to a high degree node.
- into->stage = NodeStage::kSpillWorklist;
- spill_worklist_.push(into);
- } else {
- DCHECK(into->stage == NodeStage::kSpillWorklist || into->stage == NodeStage::kPrecolored);
- }
-void ColoringIteration::Coalesce(CoalesceOpportunity* opportunity) {
- InterferenceNode* from = opportunity->node_a->GetAlias();
- InterferenceNode* into = opportunity->node_b->GetAlias();
- DCHECK_NE(from->stage, NodeStage::kPruned);
- DCHECK_NE(into->stage, NodeStage::kPruned);
- if (from->IsPrecolored()) {
- // If we have one pre-colored node, make sure it's the `into` node.
- std::swap(from, into);
- }
- if (from == into) {
- // These nodes have already been coalesced.
- opportunity->stage = CoalesceStage::kDefunct;
- CheckTransitionFromFreezeWorklist(from);
- } else if (from->IsPrecolored() || from->ContainsInterference(into)) {
- // These nodes interfere.
- opportunity->stage = CoalesceStage::kDefunct;
- CheckTransitionFromFreezeWorklist(from);
- CheckTransitionFromFreezeWorklist(into);
- } else if (PrecoloredHeuristic(from, into)
- || UncoloredHeuristic(from, into)) {
- // We can coalesce these nodes.
- opportunity->stage = CoalesceStage::kDefunct;
- Combine(from, into);
- CheckTransitionFromFreezeWorklist(into);
- } else {
- // We cannot coalesce, but we may be able to later.
- opportunity->stage = CoalesceStage::kActive;
- }
-// Build a mask with a bit set for each register assigned to some
-// interval in `intervals`.
-template <typename Container>
-static std::bitset<kMaxNumRegs> BuildConflictMask(const Container& intervals) {
- std::bitset<kMaxNumRegs> conflict_mask;
- for (InterferenceNode* adjacent : intervals) {
- LiveInterval* conflicting = adjacent->GetInterval();
- if (conflicting->HasRegister()) {
- conflict_mask.set(conflicting->GetRegister());
- if (conflicting->HasHighInterval()) {
- DCHECK(conflicting->GetHighInterval()->HasRegister());
- conflict_mask.set(conflicting->GetHighInterval()->GetRegister());
- }
- } else {
- DCHECK(!conflicting->HasHighInterval()
- || !conflicting->GetHighInterval()->HasRegister());
- }
- }
- return conflict_mask;
-bool RegisterAllocatorGraphColor::IsCallerSave(size_t reg, bool processing_core_regs) {
- return processing_core_regs
- ? !codegen_->IsCoreCalleeSaveRegister(reg)
- : !codegen_->IsFloatingPointCalleeSaveRegister(reg);
-static bool RegisterIsAligned(size_t reg) {
- return reg % 2 == 0;
-static size_t FindFirstZeroInConflictMask(std::bitset<kMaxNumRegs> conflict_mask) {
- // We use CTZ (count trailing zeros) to quickly find the lowest 0 bit.
- // Note that CTZ is undefined if all bits are 0, so we special-case it.
- return conflict_mask.all() ? conflict_mask.size() : CTZ(~conflict_mask.to_ulong());
-bool ColoringIteration::ColorInterferenceGraph() {
- DCHECK_LE(num_regs_, kMaxNumRegs) << "kMaxNumRegs is too small";
- ScopedArenaVector<LiveInterval*> colored_intervals(
- allocator_->Adapter(kArenaAllocRegisterAllocator));
- bool successful = true;
- while (!pruned_nodes_.empty()) {
- InterferenceNode* node =;
- pruned_nodes_.pop();
- LiveInterval* interval = node->GetInterval();
- size_t reg = 0;
- InterferenceNode* alias = node->GetAlias();
- if (alias != node) {
- // This node was coalesced with another.
- LiveInterval* alias_interval = alias->GetInterval();
- if (alias_interval->HasRegister()) {
- reg = alias_interval->GetRegister();
- DCHECK(!BuildConflictMask(node->GetAdjacentNodes())[reg])
- << "This node conflicts with the register it was coalesced with";
- } else {
- DCHECK(false) << node->GetOutDegree() << " " << alias->GetOutDegree() << " "
- << "Move coalescing was not conservative, causing a node to be coalesced "
- << "with another node that could not be colored";
- if (interval->RequiresRegister()) {
- successful = false;
- }
- }
- } else {
- // Search for free register(s).
- std::bitset<kMaxNumRegs> conflict_mask = BuildConflictMask(node->GetAdjacentNodes());
- if (interval->HasHighInterval()) {
- // Note that the graph coloring allocator assumes that pair intervals are aligned here,
- // excluding pre-colored pair intervals (which can currently be unaligned on x86). If we
- // change the alignment requirements here, we will have to update the algorithm (e.g.,
- // be more conservative about the weight of edges adjacent to pair nodes.)
- while (reg < num_regs_ - 1 && (conflict_mask[reg] || conflict_mask[reg + 1])) {
- reg += 2;
- }
- // Try to use a caller-save register first.
- for (size_t i = 0; i < num_regs_ - 1; i += 2) {
- bool low_caller_save = register_allocator_->IsCallerSave(i, processing_core_regs_);
- bool high_caller_save = register_allocator_->IsCallerSave(i + 1, processing_core_regs_);
- if (!conflict_mask[i] && !conflict_mask[i + 1]) {
- if (low_caller_save && high_caller_save) {
- reg = i;
- break;
- } else if (low_caller_save || high_caller_save) {
- reg = i;
- // Keep looking to try to get both parts in caller-save registers.
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- // Not a pair interval.
- reg = FindFirstZeroInConflictMask(conflict_mask);
- // Try to use caller-save registers first.
- for (size_t i = 0; i < num_regs_; ++i) {
- if (!conflict_mask[i] && register_allocator_->IsCallerSave(i, processing_core_regs_)) {
- reg = i;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- // Last-chance coalescing.
- for (CoalesceOpportunity* opportunity : node->GetCoalesceOpportunities()) {
- if (opportunity->stage == CoalesceStage::kDefunct) {
- continue;
- }
- LiveInterval* other_interval = opportunity->node_a->GetAlias() == node
- ? opportunity->node_b->GetAlias()->GetInterval()
- : opportunity->node_a->GetAlias()->GetInterval();
- if (other_interval->HasRegister()) {
- size_t coalesce_register = other_interval->GetRegister();
- if (interval->HasHighInterval()) {
- if (!conflict_mask[coalesce_register] &&
- !conflict_mask[coalesce_register + 1] &&
- RegisterIsAligned(coalesce_register)) {
- reg = coalesce_register;
- break;
- }
- } else if (!conflict_mask[coalesce_register]) {
- reg = coalesce_register;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (reg < (interval->HasHighInterval() ? num_regs_ - 1 : num_regs_)) {
- // Assign register.
- DCHECK(!interval->HasRegister());
- interval->SetRegister(reg);
- colored_intervals.push_back(interval);
- if (interval->HasHighInterval()) {
- DCHECK(!interval->GetHighInterval()->HasRegister());
- interval->GetHighInterval()->SetRegister(reg + 1);
- colored_intervals.push_back(interval->GetHighInterval());
- }
- } else if (interval->RequiresRegister()) {
- // The interference graph is too dense to color. Make it sparser by
- // splitting this live interval.
- successful = false;
- register_allocator_->SplitAtRegisterUses(interval);
- // We continue coloring, because there may be additional intervals that cannot
- // be colored, and that we should split.
- } else {
- // Spill.
- node->SetNeedsSpillSlot();
- }
- }
- // If unsuccessful, reset all register assignments.
- if (!successful) {
- for (LiveInterval* interval : colored_intervals) {
- interval->ClearRegister();
- }
- }
- return successful;
-void RegisterAllocatorGraphColor::AllocateSpillSlots(ArrayRef<InterferenceNode* const> nodes) {
- // The register allocation resolver will organize the stack based on value type,
- // so we assign stack slots for each value type separately.
- ScopedArenaAllocator allocator(allocator_->GetArenaStack());
- ScopedArenaAllocatorAdapter<void> adapter = allocator.Adapter(kArenaAllocRegisterAllocator);
- ScopedArenaVector<LiveInterval*> double_intervals(adapter);
- ScopedArenaVector<LiveInterval*> long_intervals(adapter);
- ScopedArenaVector<LiveInterval*> float_intervals(adapter);
- ScopedArenaVector<LiveInterval*> int_intervals(adapter);
- // The set of parent intervals already handled.
- ScopedArenaSet<LiveInterval*> seen(adapter);
- // Find nodes that need spill slots.
- for (InterferenceNode* node : nodes) {
- if (!node->NeedsSpillSlot()) {
- continue;
- }
- LiveInterval* parent = node->GetInterval()->GetParent();
- if (seen.find(parent) != seen.end()) {
- // We've already handled this interval.
- // This can happen if multiple siblings of the same interval request a stack slot.
- continue;
- }
- seen.insert(parent);
- HInstruction* defined_by = parent->GetDefinedBy();
- if (parent->HasSpillSlot()) {
- // We already have a spill slot for this value that we can reuse.
- } else if (defined_by->IsParameterValue()) {
- // Parameters already have a stack slot.
- parent->SetSpillSlot(codegen_->GetStackSlotOfParameter(defined_by->AsParameterValue()));
- } else if (defined_by->IsCurrentMethod()) {
- // The current method is always at stack slot 0.
- parent->SetSpillSlot(0);
- } else if (defined_by->IsConstant()) {
- // Constants don't need a spill slot.
- } else {
- // We need to find a spill slot for this interval. Place it in the correct
- // worklist to be processed later.
- switch (node->GetInterval()->GetType()) {
- case DataType::Type::kFloat64:
- double_intervals.push_back(parent);
- break;
- case DataType::Type::kInt64:
- long_intervals.push_back(parent);
- break;
- case DataType::Type::kFloat32:
- float_intervals.push_back(parent);
- break;
- case DataType::Type::kReference:
- case DataType::Type::kInt32:
- case DataType::Type::kUint16:
- case DataType::Type::kUint8:
- case DataType::Type::kInt8:
- case DataType::Type::kBool:
- case DataType::Type::kInt16:
- int_intervals.push_back(parent);
- break;
- case DataType::Type::kUint32:
- case DataType::Type::kUint64:
- case DataType::Type::kVoid:
- LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected type for interval " << node->GetInterval()->GetType();
- }
- }
- }
- // Color spill slots for each value type.
- ColorSpillSlots(ArrayRef<LiveInterval* const>(double_intervals), &num_double_spill_slots_);
- ColorSpillSlots(ArrayRef<LiveInterval* const>(long_intervals), &num_long_spill_slots_);
- ColorSpillSlots(ArrayRef<LiveInterval* const>(float_intervals), &num_float_spill_slots_);
- ColorSpillSlots(ArrayRef<LiveInterval* const>(int_intervals), &num_int_spill_slots_);
-void RegisterAllocatorGraphColor::ColorSpillSlots(ArrayRef<LiveInterval* const> intervals,
- /* out */ size_t* num_stack_slots_used) {
- // We cannot use the original interference graph here because spill slots are assigned to
- // all of the siblings of an interval, whereas an interference node represents only a single
- // sibling. So, we assign spill slots linear-scan-style by sorting all the interval endpoints
- // by position, and assigning the lowest spill slot available when we encounter an interval
- // beginning. We ignore lifetime holes for simplicity.
- ScopedArenaAllocator allocator(allocator_->GetArenaStack());
- ScopedArenaVector<std::tuple<size_t, bool, LiveInterval*>> interval_endpoints(
- allocator.Adapter(kArenaAllocRegisterAllocator));
- for (LiveInterval* parent_interval : intervals) {
- DCHECK(parent_interval->IsParent());
- DCHECK(!parent_interval->HasSpillSlot());
- size_t start = parent_interval->GetStart();
- size_t end = parent_interval->GetLastSibling()->GetEnd();
- DCHECK_LT(start, end);
- interval_endpoints.push_back(std::make_tuple(start, true, parent_interval));
- interval_endpoints.push_back(std::make_tuple(end, false, parent_interval));
- }
- // Sort by position.
- // We explicitly ignore the third entry of each tuple (the interval pointer) in order
- // to maintain determinism.
- std::sort(interval_endpoints.begin(), interval_endpoints.end(),
- [] (const std::tuple<size_t, bool, LiveInterval*>& lhs,
- const std::tuple<size_t, bool, LiveInterval*>& rhs) {
- return std::tie(std::get<0>(lhs), std::get<1>(lhs))
- < std::tie(std::get<0>(rhs), std::get<1>(rhs));
- });
- ArenaBitVector taken(&allocator, 0, true, kArenaAllocRegisterAllocator);
- for (auto it = interval_endpoints.begin(), end = interval_endpoints.end(); it != end; ++it) {
- // Extract information from the current tuple.
- LiveInterval* parent_interval;
- bool is_interval_beginning;
- size_t position;
- std::tie(position, is_interval_beginning, parent_interval) = *it;
- size_t number_of_spill_slots_needed = parent_interval->NumberOfSpillSlotsNeeded();
- if (is_interval_beginning) {
- DCHECK(!parent_interval->HasSpillSlot());
- DCHECK_EQ(position, parent_interval->GetStart());
- // Find first available free stack slot(s).
- size_t slot = 0;
- for (; ; ++slot) {
- bool found = true;
- for (size_t s = slot, u = slot + number_of_spill_slots_needed; s < u; s++) {
- if (taken.IsBitSet(s)) {
- found = false;
- break; // failure
- }
- }
- if (found) {
- break; // success
- }
- }
- parent_interval->SetSpillSlot(slot);
- *num_stack_slots_used = std::max(*num_stack_slots_used, slot + number_of_spill_slots_needed);
- if (number_of_spill_slots_needed > 1 && *num_stack_slots_used % 2 != 0) {
- // The parallel move resolver requires that there be an even number of spill slots
- // allocated for pair value types.
- ++(*num_stack_slots_used);
- }
- for (size_t s = slot, u = slot + number_of_spill_slots_needed; s < u; s++) {
- taken.SetBit(s);
- }
- } else {
- DCHECK_EQ(position, parent_interval->GetLastSibling()->GetEnd());
- DCHECK(parent_interval->HasSpillSlot());
- // Free up the stack slot(s) used by this interval.
- size_t slot = parent_interval->GetSpillSlot();
- for (size_t s = slot, u = slot + number_of_spill_slots_needed; s < u; s++) {
- DCHECK(taken.IsBitSet(s));
- taken.ClearBit(s);
- }
- }
- }
- DCHECK_EQ(taken.NumSetBits(), 0u);
-} // namespace art
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/register_allocator_graph_color.h b/compiler/optimizing/register_allocator_graph_color.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e10152..0000000
--- a/compiler/optimizing/register_allocator_graph_color.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include "arch/instruction_set.h"
-#include "base/arena_object.h"
-#include "base/array_ref.h"
-#include "base/macros.h"
-#include "base/scoped_arena_containers.h"
-#include "register_allocator.h"
-namespace art HIDDEN {
-class CodeGenerator;
-class HBasicBlock;
-class HGraph;
-class HInstruction;
-class HParallelMove;
-class Location;
-class SsaLivenessAnalysis;
-class InterferenceNode;
-struct CoalesceOpportunity;
-enum class CoalesceKind;
- * A graph coloring register allocator.
- *
- * The algorithm proceeds as follows:
- * (1) Build an interference graph, where nodes represent live intervals, and edges represent
- * interferences between two intervals. Coloring this graph with k colors is isomorphic to
- * finding a valid register assignment with k registers.
- * (2) To color the graph, first prune all nodes with degree less than k, since these nodes are
- * guaranteed a color. (No matter how we color their adjacent nodes, we can give them a
- * different color.) As we prune nodes from the graph, more nodes may drop below degree k,
- * enabling further pruning. The key is to maintain the pruning order in a stack, so that we
- * can color the nodes in the reverse order.
- * When there are no more nodes with degree less than k, we start pruning alternate nodes based
- * on heuristics. Since these nodes are not guaranteed a color, we are careful to
- * prioritize nodes that require a register. We also prioritize short intervals, because
- * short intervals cannot be split very much if coloring fails (see below). "Prioritizing"
- * a node amounts to pruning it later, since it will have fewer interferences if we prune other
- * nodes first.
- * (3) We color nodes in the reverse order in which we pruned them. If we cannot assign
- * a node a color, we do one of two things:
- * - If the node requires a register, we consider the current coloring attempt a failure.
- * However, we split the node's live interval in order to make the interference graph
- * sparser, so that future coloring attempts may succeed.
- * - If the node does not require a register, we simply assign it a location on the stack.
- *
- * If iterative move coalescing is enabled, the algorithm also attempts to conservatively
- * combine nodes in the graph that would prefer to have the same color. (For example, the output
- * of a phi instruction would prefer to have the same register as at least one of its inputs.)
- * There are several additional steps involved with this:
- * - We look for coalesce opportunities by examining each live interval, a step similar to that
- * used by linear scan when looking for register hints.
- * - When pruning the graph, we maintain a worklist of coalesce opportunities, as well as a worklist
- * of low degree nodes that have associated coalesce opportunities. Only when we run out of
- * coalesce opportunities do we start pruning coalesce-associated nodes.
- * - When pruning a node, if any nodes transition from high degree to low degree, we add
- * associated coalesce opportunities to the worklist, since these opportunities may now succeed.
- * - Whether two nodes can be combined is decided by two different heuristics--one used when
- * coalescing uncolored nodes, and one used for coalescing an uncolored node with a colored node.
- * It is vital that we only combine two nodes if the node that remains is guaranteed to receive
- * a color. This is because additionally spilling is more costly than failing to coalesce.
- * - Even if nodes are not coalesced while pruning, we keep the coalesce opportunities around
- * to be used as last-chance register hints when coloring. If nothing else, we try to use
- * caller-save registers before callee-save registers.
- *
- * A good reference for graph coloring register allocation is
- * "Modern Compiler Implementation in Java" (Andrew W. Appel, 2nd Edition).
- */
-class RegisterAllocatorGraphColor : public RegisterAllocator {
- public:
- RegisterAllocatorGraphColor(ScopedArenaAllocator* allocator,
- CodeGenerator* codegen,
- const SsaLivenessAnalysis& analysis,
- bool iterative_move_coalescing = true);
- ~RegisterAllocatorGraphColor() override;
- void AllocateRegisters() override;
- bool Validate(bool log_fatal_on_failure) override;
- private:
- // Collect all intervals and prepare for register allocation.
- void ProcessInstructions();
- void ProcessInstruction(HInstruction* instruction);
- // If any inputs require specific registers, block those registers
- // at the position of this instruction.
- void CheckForFixedInputs(HInstruction* instruction);
- // If the output of an instruction requires a specific register, split
- // the interval and assign the register to the first part.
- void CheckForFixedOutput(HInstruction* instruction);
- // Add all applicable safepoints to a live interval.
- // Currently depends on instruction processing order.
- void AddSafepointsFor(HInstruction* instruction);
- // Collect all live intervals associated with the temporary locations
- // needed by an instruction.
- void CheckForTempLiveIntervals(HInstruction* instruction);
- // If a safe point is needed, add a synthesized interval to later record
- // the number of live registers at this point.
- void CheckForSafepoint(HInstruction* instruction);
- // Try to remove the SuspendCheck at function entry. Returns true if it was successful.
- bool TryRemoveSuspendCheckEntry(HInstruction* instruction);
- // Split an interval, but only if `position` is inside of `interval`.
- // Return either the new interval, or the original interval if not split.
- static LiveInterval* TrySplit(LiveInterval* interval, size_t position);
- // To ensure every graph can be colored, split live intervals
- // at their register defs and uses. This creates short intervals with low
- // degree in the interference graph, which are prioritized during graph
- // coloring.
- void SplitAtRegisterUses(LiveInterval* interval);
- // If the given instruction is a catch phi, give it a spill slot.
- void AllocateSpillSlotForCatchPhi(HInstruction* instruction);
- // Ensure that the given register cannot be allocated for a given range.
- void BlockRegister(Location location, size_t start, size_t end);
- void BlockRegisters(size_t start, size_t end, bool caller_save_only = false);
- bool IsCallerSave(size_t reg, bool processing_core_regs);
- // Assigns stack slots to a list of intervals, ensuring that interfering intervals are not
- // assigned the same stack slot.
- void ColorSpillSlots(ArrayRef<LiveInterval* const> nodes, /* out */ size_t* num_stack_slots_used);
- // Provide stack slots to nodes that need them.
- void AllocateSpillSlots(ArrayRef<InterferenceNode* const> nodes);
- // Whether iterative move coalescing should be performed. Iterative move coalescing
- // improves code quality, but increases compile time.
- const bool iterative_move_coalescing_;
- // Live intervals, split by kind (core and floating point).
- // These should not contain high intervals, as those are represented by
- // the corresponding low interval throughout register allocation.
- ScopedArenaVector<LiveInterval*> core_intervals_;
- ScopedArenaVector<LiveInterval*> fp_intervals_;
- // Intervals for temporaries, saved for special handling in the resolution phase.
- ScopedArenaVector<LiveInterval*> temp_intervals_;
- // Safepoints, saved for special handling while processing instructions.
- ScopedArenaVector<HInstruction*> safepoints_;
- // Interference nodes representing specific registers. These are "pre-colored" nodes
- // in the interference graph.
- ScopedArenaVector<InterferenceNode*> physical_core_nodes_;
- ScopedArenaVector<InterferenceNode*> physical_fp_nodes_;
- // Allocated stack slot counters.
- size_t num_int_spill_slots_;
- size_t num_double_spill_slots_;
- size_t num_float_spill_slots_;
- size_t num_long_spill_slots_;
- size_t catch_phi_spill_slot_counter_;
- // Number of stack slots needed for the pointer to the current method.
- // This is 1 for 32-bit architectures, and 2 for 64-bit architectures.
- const size_t reserved_art_method_slots_;
- // Number of stack slots needed for outgoing arguments.
- const size_t reserved_out_slots_;
- friend class ColoringIteration;
- DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(RegisterAllocatorGraphColor);
-} // namespace art
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index d316aa5..0d2d206 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -84,7 +84,8 @@
TEST_F(RegisterAllocatorTest, test_name##_LinearScan) {\
-TEST_F(RegisterAllocatorTest, test_name##_GraphColor) {\
+/* Note: Graph coloring register allocator has been removed, so the test is DISABLED. */ \
+TEST_F(RegisterAllocatorTest, DISABLED_##test_name##_GraphColor) {\