GC-independent image layout.
Make sure we visit objects in a defined order, independent
of their order in the heap. The new order depends only on
dex file contents and contents of initialized classes,
thus any non-determinism would have to be contributed by
the class initialization itself rather than GC.
Test: m test-art-host-gtest
Test: testrunner.py --host --optimizing
Test: aosp_taimen-userdebug boots.
Test: run-gtests.sh
Test: testrunner.py --target --optimizing
Bug: 26687569
Change-Id: I62521322289a22eb13faae526ba2c3589e6ab381
diff --git a/dex2oat/linker/image_writer.cc b/dex2oat/linker/image_writer.cc
index afd221f..336250d 100644
--- a/dex2oat/linker/image_writer.cc
+++ b/dex2oat/linker/image_writer.cc
@@ -222,6 +222,51 @@
obj->AsDexCache()->GetDexFile())) {
return false;
+ // Exclude also dex_cache->GetLocation() for those dex caches, unless some image dex cache
+ // has the same location (this happens for tests).
+ // FIXME: Do it some other way, this is broken if a class initializer explicitly interns
+ // the location string and stores it in a static field.
+ // We could try and restrict IsImageObject() to the LayoutHelper, make explicit exclusion
+ // in VerifyImageBinSlotsAssigned() and use IsImageBinSlotAssigned() for all checks after
+ // the layout.
+ if (obj->IsString()) {
+ Thread* self = Thread::Current();
+ ClassLinker* class_linker = Runtime::Current()->GetClassLinker();
+ ReaderMutexLock mu(self, *Locks::dex_lock_);
+ bool non_image_dex_cache_found = false;
+ for (const ClassLinker::DexCacheData& data : class_linker->GetDexCachesData()) {
+ ObjPtr<mirror::DexCache> dex_cache =
+ ObjPtr<mirror::DexCache>::DownCast(self->DecodeJObject(data.weak_root));
+ if (dex_cache == nullptr) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (dex_cache->GetLocation() == obj) {
+ if (ContainsElement(compiler_options_.GetDexFilesForOatFile(), dex_cache->GetDexFile())) {
+ return true; // Image dex cache location.
+ }
+ non_image_dex_cache_found = true;
+ }
+ }
+ return !non_image_dex_cache_found;
+ }
+ return true;
+bool ImageWriter::IsImageDexCache(ObjPtr<mirror::DexCache> dex_cache) const {
+ // For boot image, we keep all dex caches.
+ if (compiler_options_.IsBootImage()) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Dex caches already in the boot image do not belong to the image being written.
+ if (IsInBootImage(dex_cache.Ptr())) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Dex caches for the boot class path components that are not part of the boot image
+ // cannot be garbage collected in PrepareImageAddressSpace() but we do not want to
+ // include them in the app image.
+ if (!ContainsElement(compiler_options_.GetDexFilesForOatFile(), dex_cache->GetDexFile())) {
+ return false;
+ }
return true;
@@ -317,7 +362,7 @@
ObjPtr<mirror::ClassLoader> class_loader = GetAppClassLoader();
std::vector<ObjPtr<mirror::DexCache>> dex_caches = FindDexCaches(self);
for (ObjPtr<mirror::DexCache> dex_cache : dex_caches) {
- if (!IsImageObject(dex_cache)) {
+ if (!IsImageDexCache(dex_cache)) {
continue; // Boot image DexCache is not written to the app image.
PreloadDexCache(dex_cache, class_loader);
@@ -978,26 +1023,6 @@
-void ImageWriter::UpdateImageOffset(mirror::Object* obj, uintptr_t offset) {
- DCHECK(IsImageOffsetAssigned(obj)) << obj << " " << offset;
- obj->SetLockWord(LockWord::FromForwardingAddress(offset), false);
- DCHECK_EQ(obj->GetLockWord(false).ReadBarrierState(), 0u);
-void ImageWriter::AssignImageOffset(mirror::Object* object, ImageWriter::BinSlot bin_slot) {
- DCHECK(object != nullptr);
- DCHECK_NE(image_objects_offset_begin_, 0u);
- size_t oat_index = GetOatIndex(object);
- ImageInfo& image_info = GetImageInfo(oat_index);
- size_t bin_slot_offset = image_info.GetBinSlotOffset(bin_slot.GetBin());
- size_t new_offset = bin_slot_offset + bin_slot.GetIndex();
- DCHECK_ALIGNED(new_offset, kObjectAlignment);
- SetImageOffset(object, new_offset);
- DCHECK_LT(new_offset, image_info.image_end_);
bool ImageWriter::IsImageOffsetAssigned(mirror::Object* object) const {
// Will also return true if the bin slot was assigned since we are reusing the lock word.
DCHECK(object != nullptr);
@@ -1073,7 +1098,7 @@
for (const ClassLinker::DexCacheData& data : class_linker->GetDexCachesData()) {
ObjPtr<mirror::DexCache> dex_cache =
- if (dex_cache == nullptr || !IsImageObject(dex_cache)) {
+ if (dex_cache == nullptr || !IsImageDexCache(dex_cache)) {
const DexFile* dex_file = dex_cache->GetDexFile();
@@ -1082,7 +1107,7 @@
<< "; possibly in class path";
DexCacheArraysLayout layout(target_ptr_size_, dex_file);
- size_t oat_index = GetOatIndexForDexCache(dex_cache);
+ size_t oat_index = GetOatIndexForDexFile(dex_file);
ImageInfo& image_info = GetImageInfo(oat_index);
uint32_t start = image_info.dex_cache_array_starts_.Get(dex_file);
DCHECK_EQ(dex_file->NumTypeIds() != 0u, dex_cache->GetResolvedTypes() != nullptr);
@@ -1838,7 +1863,7 @@
for (ObjPtr<mirror::DexCache> dex_cache : dex_caches) {
// Pass the class loader associated with the DexCache. This can either be
// the app's `class_loader` or `nullptr` if boot class loader.
- bool is_app_image_dex_cache = compiler_options_.IsAppImage() && IsImageObject(dex_cache);
+ bool is_app_image_dex_cache = compiler_options_.IsAppImage() && IsImageDexCache(dex_cache);
PruneDexCache(dex_cache, is_app_image_dex_cache ? GetAppClassLoader() : nullptr);
@@ -1912,7 +1937,7 @@
const DexFile* dex_file = dex_cache->GetDexFile();
- if (IsImageObject(dex_cache)) {
+ if (IsImageDexCache(dex_cache)) {
dex_cache_count += image_dex_files.find(dex_file) != image_dex_files.end() ? 1u : 0u;
@@ -1931,7 +1956,7 @@
const DexFile* dex_file = dex_cache->GetDexFile();
- if (IsImageObject(dex_cache)) {
+ if (IsImageDexCache(dex_cache)) {
non_image_dex_caches += image_dex_files.find(dex_file) != image_dex_files.end() ? 1u : 0u;
@@ -1945,7 +1970,7 @@
const DexFile* dex_file = dex_cache->GetDexFile();
- if (IsImageObject(dex_cache) &&
+ if (IsImageDexCache(dex_cache) &&
image_dex_files.find(dex_file) != image_dex_files.end()) {
dex_caches->Set<false>(i, dex_cache.Ptr());
@@ -1976,173 +2001,156 @@
image_roots->Set<false>(ImageHeader::kBootImageLiveObjects, boot_image_live_objects.Get());
} else {
DCHECK(boot_image_live_objects == nullptr);
+ image_roots->Set<false>(ImageHeader::kAppImageClassLoader, GetAppClassLoader());
for (int32_t i = 0; i != image_roots_size; ++i) {
- if (compiler_options_.IsAppImage() && i == ImageHeader::kAppImageClassLoader) {
- // image_roots[ImageHeader::kAppImageClassLoader] will be set later for app image.
- continue;
- }
CHECK(image_roots->Get(i) != nullptr);
return image_roots.Get();
-mirror::Object* ImageWriter::TryAssignBinSlot(WorkStack& work_stack,
- mirror::Object* obj,
- size_t oat_index) {
- if (obj == nullptr || !IsImageObject(obj)) {
- // Object is null or already in the image, there is no work to do.
- return obj;
- }
- if (!IsImageBinSlotAssigned(obj)) {
- if (obj->IsString()) {
- ObjPtr<mirror::String> str = obj->AsString();
- InternTable* intern_table = Runtime::Current()->GetInternTable();
- Thread* const self = Thread::Current();
- if (intern_table->LookupStrong(self, str) == str) {
- DCHECK(std::none_of(image_infos_.begin(),
- image_infos_.end(),
- [=](ImageInfo& info) REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
- return info.intern_table_->LookupStrong(self, str) != nullptr;
- }));
- ObjPtr<mirror::String> interned =
- GetImageInfo(oat_index).intern_table_->InternStrongImageString(str);
- DCHECK_EQ(interned, obj);
- }
- } else if (obj->IsDexCache()) {
- oat_index = GetOatIndexForDexCache(obj->AsDexCache());
- } else if (obj->IsClass()) {
- // Visit and assign offsets for fields and field arrays.
- ObjPtr<mirror::Class> as_klass = obj->AsClass();
- ObjPtr<mirror::DexCache> dex_cache = as_klass->GetDexCache();
- DCHECK(!as_klass->IsErroneous()) << as_klass->GetStatus();
- if (compiler_options_.IsAppImage()) {
- // Extra sanity, no boot loader classes should be left!
- CHECK(!IsBootClassLoaderClass(as_klass)) << as_klass->PrettyClass();
- }
- LengthPrefixedArray<ArtField>* fields[] = {
- as_klass->GetSFieldsPtr(), as_klass->GetIFieldsPtr(),
- };
- // Overwrite the oat index value since the class' dex cache is more accurate of where it
- // belongs.
- oat_index = GetOatIndexForDexCache(dex_cache);
- ImageInfo& image_info = GetImageInfo(oat_index);
- if (!compiler_options_.IsAppImage()) {
- // Note: Avoid locking to prevent lock order violations from root visiting;
- // image_info.class_table_ is only accessed from the image writer.
- image_info.class_table_->InsertWithoutLocks(as_klass);
- }
- for (LengthPrefixedArray<ArtField>* cur_fields : fields) {
- // Total array length including header.
- if (cur_fields != nullptr) {
- const size_t header_size = LengthPrefixedArray<ArtField>::ComputeSize(0);
- // Forward the entire array at once.
- auto it = native_object_relocations_.find(cur_fields);
- CHECK(it == native_object_relocations_.end()) << "Field array " << cur_fields
- << " already forwarded";
- size_t offset = image_info.GetBinSlotSize(Bin::kArtField);
- DCHECK(!IsInBootImage(cur_fields));
- native_object_relocations_.emplace(
- cur_fields,
- NativeObjectRelocation {
- oat_index, offset, NativeObjectRelocationType::kArtFieldArray
- });
- offset += header_size;
- // Forward individual fields so that we can quickly find where they belong.
- for (size_t i = 0, count = cur_fields->size(); i < count; ++i) {
- // Need to forward arrays separate of fields.
- ArtField* field = &cur_fields->At(i);
- auto it2 = native_object_relocations_.find(field);
- CHECK(it2 == native_object_relocations_.end()) << "Field at index=" << i
- << " already assigned " << field->PrettyField() << " static=" << field->IsStatic();
- DCHECK(!IsInBootImage(field));
- native_object_relocations_.emplace(
- field,
- NativeObjectRelocation { oat_index,
- offset,
- NativeObjectRelocationType::kArtField });
- offset += sizeof(ArtField);
- }
- image_info.IncrementBinSlotSize(
- Bin::kArtField, header_size + cur_fields->size() * sizeof(ArtField));
- DCHECK_EQ(offset, image_info.GetBinSlotSize(Bin::kArtField));
- }
- }
- // Visit and assign offsets for methods.
- size_t num_methods = as_klass->NumMethods();
- if (num_methods != 0) {
- bool any_dirty = false;
- for (auto& m : as_klass->GetMethods(target_ptr_size_)) {
- if (WillMethodBeDirty(&m)) {
- any_dirty = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- NativeObjectRelocationType type = any_dirty
- ? NativeObjectRelocationType::kArtMethodDirty
- : NativeObjectRelocationType::kArtMethodClean;
- Bin bin_type = BinTypeForNativeRelocationType(type);
- // Forward the entire array at once, but header first.
- const size_t method_alignment = ArtMethod::Alignment(target_ptr_size_);
- const size_t method_size = ArtMethod::Size(target_ptr_size_);
- const size_t header_size = LengthPrefixedArray<ArtMethod>::ComputeSize(0,
- method_size,
- method_alignment);
- LengthPrefixedArray<ArtMethod>* array = as_klass->GetMethodsPtr();
- auto it = native_object_relocations_.find(array);
- CHECK(it == native_object_relocations_.end())
- << "Method array " << array << " already forwarded";
- size_t offset = image_info.GetBinSlotSize(bin_type);
- DCHECK(!IsInBootImage(array));
- native_object_relocations_.emplace(array,
+void ImageWriter::RecordNativeRelocations(ObjPtr<mirror::Object> obj, size_t oat_index) {
+ if (obj->IsString()) {
+ ObjPtr<mirror::String> str = obj->AsString();
+ InternTable* intern_table = Runtime::Current()->GetInternTable();
+ Thread* const self = Thread::Current();
+ if (intern_table->LookupStrong(self, str) == str) {
+ DCHECK(std::none_of(image_infos_.begin(),
+ image_infos_.end(),
+ [=](ImageInfo& info) REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+ return info.intern_table_->LookupStrong(self, str) != nullptr;
+ }));
+ ObjPtr<mirror::String> interned =
+ GetImageInfo(oat_index).intern_table_->InternStrongImageString(str);
+ DCHECK_EQ(interned, obj);
+ }
+ } else if (obj->IsDexCache()) {
+ DCHECK_EQ(oat_index, GetOatIndexForDexFile(obj->AsDexCache()->GetDexFile()));
+ } else if (obj->IsClass()) {
+ // Visit and assign offsets for fields and field arrays.
+ ObjPtr<mirror::Class> as_klass = obj->AsClass();
+ DCHECK_EQ(oat_index, GetOatIndexForClass(as_klass));
+ DCHECK(!as_klass->IsErroneous()) << as_klass->GetStatus();
+ if (compiler_options_.IsAppImage()) {
+ // Extra sanity, no boot loader classes should be left!
+ CHECK(!IsBootClassLoaderClass(as_klass)) << as_klass->PrettyClass();
+ }
+ LengthPrefixedArray<ArtField>* fields[] = {
+ as_klass->GetSFieldsPtr(), as_klass->GetIFieldsPtr(),
+ };
+ ImageInfo& image_info = GetImageInfo(oat_index);
+ if (!compiler_options_.IsAppImage()) {
+ // Note: Avoid locking to prevent lock order violations from root visiting;
+ // image_info.class_table_ is only accessed from the image writer.
+ image_info.class_table_->InsertWithoutLocks(as_klass);
+ }
+ for (LengthPrefixedArray<ArtField>* cur_fields : fields) {
+ // Total array length including header.
+ if (cur_fields != nullptr) {
+ const size_t header_size = LengthPrefixedArray<ArtField>::ComputeSize(0);
+ // Forward the entire array at once.
+ auto it = native_object_relocations_.find(cur_fields);
+ CHECK(it == native_object_relocations_.end()) << "Field array " << cur_fields
+ << " already forwarded";
+ size_t offset = image_info.GetBinSlotSize(Bin::kArtField);
+ DCHECK(!IsInBootImage(cur_fields));
+ native_object_relocations_.emplace(
+ cur_fields,
NativeObjectRelocation {
- oat_index,
- offset,
- any_dirty ? NativeObjectRelocationType::kArtMethodArrayDirty
- : NativeObjectRelocationType::kArtMethodArrayClean });
- image_info.IncrementBinSlotSize(bin_type, header_size);
- for (auto& m : as_klass->GetMethods(target_ptr_size_)) {
- AssignMethodOffset(&m, type, oat_index);
+ oat_index, offset, NativeObjectRelocationType::kArtFieldArray
+ });
+ offset += header_size;
+ // Forward individual fields so that we can quickly find where they belong.
+ for (size_t i = 0, count = cur_fields->size(); i < count; ++i) {
+ // Need to forward arrays separate of fields.
+ ArtField* field = &cur_fields->At(i);
+ auto it2 = native_object_relocations_.find(field);
+ CHECK(it2 == native_object_relocations_.end()) << "Field at index=" << i
+ << " already assigned " << field->PrettyField() << " static=" << field->IsStatic();
+ DCHECK(!IsInBootImage(field));
+ native_object_relocations_.emplace(
+ field,
+ NativeObjectRelocation { oat_index,
+ offset,
+ NativeObjectRelocationType::kArtField });
+ offset += sizeof(ArtField);
- (any_dirty ? dirty_methods_ : clean_methods_) += num_methods;
+ image_info.IncrementBinSlotSize(
+ Bin::kArtField, header_size + cur_fields->size() * sizeof(ArtField));
+ DCHECK_EQ(offset, image_info.GetBinSlotSize(Bin::kArtField));
- // Assign offsets for all runtime methods in the IMT since these may hold conflict tables
- // live.
- if (as_klass->ShouldHaveImt()) {
- ImTable* imt = as_klass->GetImt(target_ptr_size_);
- if (TryAssignImTableOffset(imt, oat_index)) {
- // Since imt's can be shared only do this the first time to not double count imt method
- // fixups.
- for (size_t i = 0; i < ImTable::kSize; ++i) {
- ArtMethod* imt_method = imt->Get(i, target_ptr_size_);
- DCHECK(imt_method != nullptr);
- if (imt_method->IsRuntimeMethod() &&
- !IsInBootImage(imt_method) &&
- !NativeRelocationAssigned(imt_method)) {
- AssignMethodOffset(imt_method, NativeObjectRelocationType::kRuntimeMethod, oat_index);
- }
+ }
+ // Visit and assign offsets for methods.
+ size_t num_methods = as_klass->NumMethods();
+ if (num_methods != 0) {
+ bool any_dirty = false;
+ for (auto& m : as_klass->GetMethods(target_ptr_size_)) {
+ if (WillMethodBeDirty(&m)) {
+ any_dirty = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ NativeObjectRelocationType type = any_dirty
+ ? NativeObjectRelocationType::kArtMethodDirty
+ : NativeObjectRelocationType::kArtMethodClean;
+ Bin bin_type = BinTypeForNativeRelocationType(type);
+ // Forward the entire array at once, but header first.
+ const size_t method_alignment = ArtMethod::Alignment(target_ptr_size_);
+ const size_t method_size = ArtMethod::Size(target_ptr_size_);
+ const size_t header_size = LengthPrefixedArray<ArtMethod>::ComputeSize(0,
+ method_size,
+ method_alignment);
+ LengthPrefixedArray<ArtMethod>* array = as_klass->GetMethodsPtr();
+ auto it = native_object_relocations_.find(array);
+ CHECK(it == native_object_relocations_.end())
+ << "Method array " << array << " already forwarded";
+ size_t offset = image_info.GetBinSlotSize(bin_type);
+ DCHECK(!IsInBootImage(array));
+ native_object_relocations_.emplace(array,
+ NativeObjectRelocation {
+ oat_index,
+ offset,
+ any_dirty ? NativeObjectRelocationType::kArtMethodArrayDirty
+ : NativeObjectRelocationType::kArtMethodArrayClean });
+ image_info.IncrementBinSlotSize(bin_type, header_size);
+ for (auto& m : as_klass->GetMethods(target_ptr_size_)) {
+ AssignMethodOffset(&m, type, oat_index);
+ }
+ (any_dirty ? dirty_methods_ : clean_methods_) += num_methods;
+ }
+ // Assign offsets for all runtime methods in the IMT since these may hold conflict tables
+ // live.
+ if (as_klass->ShouldHaveImt()) {
+ ImTable* imt = as_klass->GetImt(target_ptr_size_);
+ if (TryAssignImTableOffset(imt, oat_index)) {
+ // Since imt's can be shared only do this the first time to not double count imt method
+ // fixups.
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < ImTable::kSize; ++i) {
+ ArtMethod* imt_method = imt->Get(i, target_ptr_size_);
+ DCHECK(imt_method != nullptr);
+ if (imt_method->IsRuntimeMethod() &&
+ !IsInBootImage(imt_method) &&
+ !NativeRelocationAssigned(imt_method)) {
+ AssignMethodOffset(imt_method, NativeObjectRelocationType::kRuntimeMethod, oat_index);
- } else if (obj->IsClassLoader()) {
- // Register the class loader if it has a class table.
- // The fake boot class loader should not get registered.
- ObjPtr<mirror::ClassLoader> class_loader = obj->AsClassLoader();
- if (class_loader->GetClassTable() != nullptr) {
- DCHECK(compiler_options_.IsAppImage());
- if (class_loader == GetAppClassLoader()) {
- ImageInfo& image_info = GetImageInfo(oat_index);
- // Note: Avoid locking to prevent lock order violations from root visiting;
- // image_info.class_table_ table is only accessed from the image writer
- // and class_loader->GetClassTable() is iterated but not modified.
- image_info.class_table_->CopyWithoutLocks(*class_loader->GetClassTable());
- }
- }
- AssignImageBinSlot(obj, oat_index);
- work_stack.emplace(obj, oat_index);
+ } else if (obj->IsClassLoader()) {
+ // Register the class loader if it has a class table.
+ // The fake boot class loader should not get registered.
+ ObjPtr<mirror::ClassLoader> class_loader = obj->AsClassLoader();
+ if (class_loader->GetClassTable() != nullptr) {
+ DCHECK(compiler_options_.IsAppImage());
+ if (class_loader == GetAppClassLoader()) {
+ ImageInfo& image_info = GetImageInfo(oat_index);
+ // Note: Avoid locking to prevent lock order violations from root visiting;
+ // image_info.class_table_ table is only accessed from the image writer
+ // and class_loader->GetClassTable() is iterated but not modified.
+ image_info.class_table_->CopyWithoutLocks(*class_loader->GetClassTable());
+ }
+ }
- return obj;
bool ImageWriter::NativeRelocationAssigned(void* ptr) const {
@@ -2201,23 +2209,135 @@
image_info.IncrementBinSlotSize(bin_type, ArtMethod::Size(target_ptr_size_));
-void ImageWriter::UnbinObjectsIntoOffset(mirror::Object* obj) {
- DCHECK(!IsInBootImage(obj));
- CHECK(obj != nullptr);
- // We know the bin slot, and the total bin sizes for all objects by now,
- // so calculate the object's final image offset.
- DCHECK(IsImageBinSlotAssigned(obj));
- BinSlot bin_slot = GetImageBinSlot(obj);
- // Change the lockword from a bin slot into an offset
- AssignImageOffset(obj, bin_slot);
-class ImageWriter::VisitReferencesVisitor {
+class ImageWriter::LayoutHelper {
- VisitReferencesVisitor(ImageWriter* image_writer, WorkStack* work_stack, size_t oat_index)
- : image_writer_(image_writer), work_stack_(work_stack), oat_index_(oat_index) {}
+ explicit LayoutHelper(ImageWriter* image_writer)
+ : image_writer_(image_writer) {}
+ void ProcessDexFileObjects(Thread* self) REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
+ void ProcessRoots(VariableSizedHandleScope* handles) REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
+ void ProcessWorkQueue() REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
+ void VisitReferences(ObjPtr<mirror::Object> obj, size_t oat_index)
+ REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
+ void VerifyImageBinSlotsAssigned() REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
+ private:
+ class CollectClassesVisitor;
+ class CollectRootsVisitor;
+ class VisitReferencesVisitor;
+ using WorkQueue = std::deque<std::pair<ObjPtr<mirror::Object>, size_t>>;
+ bool TryAssignBinSlot(ObjPtr<mirror::Object> obj, size_t oat_index)
+ REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
+ ImageWriter* const image_writer_;
+ // Work list of <object, oat_index> for objects. Everything in the queue must already be
+ // assigned a bin slot.
+ WorkQueue work_queue_;
+class ImageWriter::LayoutHelper::CollectClassesVisitor : public ClassVisitor {
+ public:
+ explicit CollectClassesVisitor(ImageWriter* image_writer)
+ : image_writer_(image_writer),
+ dex_files_(image_writer_->compiler_options_.GetDexFilesForOatFile()) {}
+ bool operator()(ObjPtr<mirror::Class> klass) override REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+ if (image_writer_->IsImageObject(klass)) {
+ ObjPtr<mirror::Class> component_type = klass;
+ size_t dimension = 0u;
+ while (component_type->IsArrayClass()) {
+ ++dimension;
+ component_type = component_type->GetComponentType();
+ }
+ DCHECK(!component_type->IsProxyClass());
+ size_t dex_file_index;
+ uint32_t class_def_index = 0u;
+ if (UNLIKELY(component_type->IsPrimitive())) {
+ DCHECK(image_writer_->compiler_options_.IsBootImage());
+ dex_file_index = 0u;
+ class_def_index = enum_cast<uint32_t>(component_type->GetPrimitiveType());
+ } else {
+ auto it = std::find(dex_files_.begin(), dex_files_.end(), &component_type->GetDexFile());
+ DCHECK(it != dex_files_.end());
+ dex_file_index = std::distance(dex_files_.begin(), it) + 1u; // 0 is for primitive types.
+ class_def_index = component_type->GetDexClassDefIndex();
+ }
+ klasses_.push_back({klass, dex_file_index, class_def_index, dimension});
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ WorkQueue SortAndReleaseClasses()
+ REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+ std::sort(klasses_.begin(), klasses_.end());
+ WorkQueue result;
+ size_t last_dex_file_index = static_cast<size_t>(-1);
+ size_t last_oat_index = static_cast<size_t>(-1);
+ for (const ClassEntry& entry : klasses_) {
+ if (last_dex_file_index != entry.dex_file_index) {
+ if (UNLIKELY(entry.dex_file_index == 0u)) {
+ last_oat_index = GetDefaultOatIndex(); // Primitive type.
+ } else {
+ uint32_t dex_file_index = entry.dex_file_index - 1u; // 0 is for primitive types.
+ last_oat_index = image_writer_->GetOatIndexForDexFile(dex_files_[dex_file_index]);
+ }
+ last_dex_file_index = entry.dex_file_index;
+ }
+ result.emplace_back(entry.klass, last_oat_index);
+ }
+ klasses_.clear();
+ return result;
+ }
+ private:
+ struct ClassEntry {
+ ObjPtr<mirror::Class> klass;
+ // We shall sort classes by dex file, class def index and array dimension.
+ size_t dex_file_index;
+ uint32_t class_def_index;
+ size_t dimension;
+ bool operator<(const ClassEntry& other) const {
+ return std::tie(dex_file_index, class_def_index, dimension) <
+ std::tie(other.dex_file_index, other.class_def_index, other.dimension);
+ }
+ };
+ ImageWriter* const image_writer_;
+ ArrayRef<const DexFile* const> dex_files_;
+ std::deque<ClassEntry> klasses_;
+class ImageWriter::LayoutHelper::CollectRootsVisitor {
+ public:
+ CollectRootsVisitor() = default;
+ std::vector<ObjPtr<mirror::Object>> ReleaseRoots() {
+ std::vector<ObjPtr<mirror::Object>> roots;
+ roots.swap(roots_);
+ return roots;
+ }
+ void VisitRootIfNonNull(StackReference<mirror::Object>* ref) {
+ if (!ref->IsNull()) {
+ roots_.push_back(ref->AsMirrorPtr());
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ std::vector<ObjPtr<mirror::Object>> roots_;
+class ImageWriter::LayoutHelper::VisitReferencesVisitor {
+ public:
+ VisitReferencesVisitor(LayoutHelper* helper, size_t oat_index)
+ : helper_(helper), oat_index_(oat_index) {}
// Fix up separately since we also need to fix up method entrypoints.
ALWAYS_INLINE void VisitRootIfNonNull(mirror::CompressedReference<mirror::Object>* root) const
@@ -2249,50 +2369,134 @@
mirror::Object* VisitReference(mirror::Object* ref) const REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
- return image_writer_->TryAssignBinSlot(*work_stack_, ref, oat_index_);
+ if (helper_->TryAssignBinSlot(ref, oat_index_)) {
+ // Remember how many objects we're adding at the front of the queue as we want
+ // to reverse that range to process these references in the order of addition.
+ helper_->work_queue_.emplace_front(ref, oat_index_);
+ }
+ return ref;
- ImageWriter* const image_writer_;
- WorkStack* const work_stack_;
+ LayoutHelper* const helper_;
const size_t oat_index_;
-class ImageWriter::GetRootsVisitor : public RootVisitor {
- public:
- explicit GetRootsVisitor(std::vector<mirror::Object*>* roots) : roots_(roots) {}
+void ImageWriter::LayoutHelper::ProcessDexFileObjects(Thread* self) {
+ Runtime* runtime = Runtime::Current();
+ ClassLinker* class_linker = runtime->GetClassLinker();
- void VisitRoots(mirror::Object*** roots,
- size_t count,
- const RootInfo& info ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) override
- REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
- for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
- roots_->push_back(*roots[i]);
+ // To ensure deterministic output, populate the work queue with objects in a pre-defined order.
+ // Note: If we decide to implement a profile-guided layout, this is the place to do so.
+ // Get initial work queue with the image classes and assign their bin slots.
+ CollectClassesVisitor visitor(image_writer_);
+ class_linker->VisitClasses(&visitor);
+ DCHECK(work_queue_.empty());
+ work_queue_ = visitor.SortAndReleaseClasses();
+ for (const std::pair<ObjPtr<mirror::Object>, size_t>& entry : work_queue_) {
+ DCHECK(entry.first->IsClass());
+ bool assigned = TryAssignBinSlot(entry.first, entry.second);
+ DCHECK(assigned);
+ }
+ // Assign bin slots to strings and dex caches.
+ for (const DexFile* dex_file : image_writer_->compiler_options_.GetDexFilesForOatFile()) {
+ auto it = image_writer_->dex_file_oat_index_map_.find(dex_file);
+ DCHECK(it != image_writer_->dex_file_oat_index_map_.end()) << dex_file->GetLocation();
+ const size_t oat_index = it->second;
+ // Assign bin slots for strings defined in this dex file in StringId (lexicographical) order.
+ InternTable* const intern_table = runtime->GetInternTable();
+ for (size_t i = 0, count = dex_file->NumStringIds(); i < count; ++i) {
+ uint32_t utf16_length;
+ const char* utf8_data = dex_file->StringDataAndUtf16LengthByIdx(dex::StringIndex(i),
+ &utf16_length);
+ ObjPtr<mirror::String> string = intern_table->LookupStrong(self, utf16_length, utf8_data);
+ if (string != nullptr && image_writer_->IsImageObject(string)) {
+ // Try to assign bin slot to this string but do not add it to the work list.
+ // The only reference in a String is its class, processed above for the boot image.
+ bool assigned = TryAssignBinSlot(string, oat_index);
+ DCHECK(assigned ||
+ // We could have seen the same string in an earlier dex file.
+ dex_file != image_writer_->compiler_options_.GetDexFilesForOatFile().front());
+ }
+ }
+ // Assign bin slot to this file's dex cache and add it to the end of the work queue.
+ ObjPtr<mirror::DexCache> dex_cache = class_linker->FindDexCache(self, *dex_file);
+ DCHECK(dex_cache != nullptr);
+ bool assigned = TryAssignBinSlot(dex_cache, oat_index);
+ DCHECK(assigned);
+ work_queue_.emplace_back(dex_cache, oat_index);
+ }
+ // Since classes and dex caches have been assigned to their bins, when we process a class
+ // we do not follow through the class references or dex caches, so we correctly process
+ // only objects actually belonging to that class before taking a new class from the queue.
+ // If multiple class statics reference the same object (directly or indirectly), the object
+ // is treated as belonging to the first encountered referencing class.
+ ProcessWorkQueue();
+void ImageWriter::LayoutHelper::ProcessRoots(VariableSizedHandleScope* handles) {
+ // Assing bin slots to the image objects referenced by `handles`, add them to the work queue
+ // and process the work queue. These objects are the image roots and boot image live objects
+ // and they reference other objects needed for the image, for example the array of dex cache
+ // references, or the pre-allocated exceptions for the boot image.
+ DCHECK(work_queue_.empty());
+ CollectRootsVisitor visitor;
+ handles->VisitRoots(visitor);
+ for (ObjPtr<mirror::Object> root : visitor.ReleaseRoots()) {
+ if (TryAssignBinSlot(root, GetDefaultOatIndex())) {
+ work_queue_.emplace_back(root, GetDefaultOatIndex());
+ ProcessWorkQueue();
- void VisitRoots(mirror::CompressedReference<mirror::Object>** roots,
- size_t count,
- const RootInfo& info ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) override
+void ImageWriter::LayoutHelper::ProcessWorkQueue() {
+ while (!work_queue_.empty()) {
+ std::pair<ObjPtr<mirror::Object>, size_t> pair = work_queue_.front();
+ work_queue_.pop_front();
+ VisitReferences(/*obj=*/ pair.first, /*oat_index=*/ pair.second);
+ }
+void ImageWriter::LayoutHelper::VisitReferences(ObjPtr<mirror::Object> obj, size_t oat_index) {
+ size_t old_work_queue_size = work_queue_.size();
+ VisitReferencesVisitor visitor(this, oat_index);
+ // Walk references and assign bin slots for them.
+ obj->VisitReferences</*kVisitNativeRoots=*/ true, kVerifyNone, kWithoutReadBarrier>(
+ visitor,
+ visitor);
+ // Put the added references in the queue in the order in which they were added.
+ // The visitor just pushes them to the front as it visits them.
+ DCHECK_LE(old_work_queue_size, work_queue_.size());
+ size_t num_added = work_queue_.size() - old_work_queue_size;
+ std::reverse(work_queue_.begin(), work_queue_.begin() + num_added);
+void ImageWriter::LayoutHelper::VerifyImageBinSlotsAssigned() {
+ auto ensure_bin_slots_assigned = [&](mirror::Object* obj)
REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
- for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
- roots_->push_back(roots[i]->AsMirrorPtr());
+ if (image_writer_->IsImageObject(obj)) {
+ CHECK(image_writer_->IsImageBinSlotAssigned(obj)) << mirror::Object::PrettyTypeOf(obj)
+ << " " << obj;
- }
+ };
+ Runtime::Current()->GetHeap()->VisitObjects(ensure_bin_slots_assigned);
- private:
- std::vector<mirror::Object*>* const roots_;
-void ImageWriter::ProcessWorkStack(WorkStack* work_stack) {
- while (!work_stack->empty()) {
- std::pair<mirror::Object*, size_t> pair(work_stack->top());
- work_stack->pop();
- VisitReferencesVisitor visitor(this, work_stack, /*oat_index*/ pair.second);
- // Walk references and assign bin slots for them.
- pair.first->VisitReferences</*kVisitNativeRoots*/true, kVerifyNone, kWithoutReadBarrier>(
- visitor,
- visitor);
+bool ImageWriter::LayoutHelper::TryAssignBinSlot(ObjPtr<mirror::Object> obj, size_t oat_index) {
+ if (obj == nullptr || !image_writer_->IsImageObject(obj.Ptr())) {
+ // Object is null or already in the image, there is no work to do.
+ return false;
+ bool assigned = false;
+ if (!image_writer_->IsImageBinSlotAssigned(obj.Ptr())) {
+ image_writer_->RecordNativeRelocations(obj, oat_index);
+ image_writer_->AssignImageBinSlot(obj.Ptr(), oat_index);
+ assigned = true;
+ }
+ return assigned;
void ImageWriter::CalculateNewObjectOffsets() {
@@ -2354,36 +2558,9 @@
// From this point on, there shall be no GC anymore and no objects shall be allocated.
// We can now assign a BitSlot to each object and store it in its lockword.
- // Work list of <object, oat_index> for objects. Everything on the stack must already be
- // assigned a bin slot.
- WorkStack work_stack;
- // Special case interned strings to put them in the image they are likely to be resolved from.
- for (const DexFile* dex_file : compiler_options_.GetDexFilesForOatFile()) {
- auto it = dex_file_oat_index_map_.find(dex_file);
- DCHECK(it != dex_file_oat_index_map_.end()) << dex_file->GetLocation();
- const size_t oat_index = it->second;
- InternTable* const intern_table = runtime->GetInternTable();
- for (size_t i = 0, count = dex_file->NumStringIds(); i < count; ++i) {
- uint32_t utf16_length;
- const char* utf8_data = dex_file->StringDataAndUtf16LengthByIdx(dex::StringIndex(i),
- &utf16_length);
- mirror::String* string = intern_table->LookupStrong(self, utf16_length, utf8_data).Ptr();
- TryAssignBinSlot(work_stack, string, oat_index);
- }
- }
- // Get the GC roots and then visit them separately to avoid lock violations since the root visitor
- // visits roots while holding various locks.
- {
- std::vector<mirror::Object*> roots;
- GetRootsVisitor root_visitor(&roots);
- runtime->VisitRoots(&root_visitor);
- for (mirror::Object* obj : roots) {
- TryAssignBinSlot(work_stack, obj, GetDefaultOatIndex());
- }
- }
- ProcessWorkStack(&work_stack);
+ LayoutHelper layout_helper(this);
+ layout_helper.ProcessDexFileObjects(self);
+ layout_helper.ProcessRoots(&handles);
// For app images, there may be objects that are only held live by the boot image. One
// example is finalizer references. Forward these objects so that EnsureBinSlotAssignedCallback
@@ -2394,33 +2571,18 @@
gc::accounting::ContinuousSpaceBitmap* live_bitmap = space->GetLiveBitmap();
- [this, &work_stack](mirror::Object* obj)
+ [&layout_helper](mirror::Object* obj)
REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
- VisitReferencesVisitor visitor(this, &work_stack, GetDefaultOatIndex());
- // Visit all references and try to assign bin slots for them (calls TryAssignBinSlot).
- obj->VisitReferences</*kVisitNativeRoots*/true, kVerifyNone, kWithoutReadBarrier>(
- visitor,
- visitor);
+ // Visit all references and try to assign bin slots for them.
+ layout_helper.VisitReferences(obj, GetDefaultOatIndex());
- // Process the work stack in case anything was added by TryAssignBinSlot.
- ProcessWorkStack(&work_stack);
- // Store the class loader in the class roots.
- CHECK_EQ(image_roots.size(), 1u);
- image_roots[0]->Set<false>(ImageHeader::kAppImageClassLoader, GetAppClassLoader());
+ // Process the work queue in case anything was added in VisitReferences().
+ layout_helper.ProcessWorkQueue();
// Verify that all objects have assigned image bin slots.
- {
- auto ensure_bin_slots_assigned = [&](mirror::Object* obj)
- REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
- if (IsImageObject(obj)) {
- CHECK(IsImageBinSlotAssigned(obj)) << mirror::Object::PrettyTypeOf(obj) << " " << obj;
- }
- };
- heap->VisitObjects(ensure_bin_slots_assigned);
- }
+ layout_helper.VerifyImageBinSlotsAssigned();
// Calculate size of the dex cache arrays slot and prepare offsets.
@@ -3568,10 +3730,17 @@
return it->second;
-size_t ImageWriter::GetOatIndexForDexCache(ObjPtr<mirror::DexCache> dex_cache) const {
- return (dex_cache == nullptr)
- ? GetDefaultOatIndex()
- : GetOatIndexForDexFile(dex_cache->GetDexFile());
+size_t ImageWriter::GetOatIndexForClass(ObjPtr<mirror::Class> klass) const {
+ while (klass->IsArrayClass()) {
+ klass = klass->GetComponentType();
+ }
+ if (UNLIKELY(klass->IsPrimitive())) {
+ DCHECK(klass->GetDexCache() == nullptr);
+ return GetDefaultOatIndex();
+ } else {
+ DCHECK(klass->GetDexCache() != nullptr);
+ return GetOatIndexForDexFile(&klass->GetDexFile());
+ }
void ImageWriter::UpdateOatFileLayout(size_t oat_index,
diff --git a/dex2oat/linker/image_writer.h b/dex2oat/linker/image_writer.h
index f74a220..290b50f 100644
--- a/dex2oat/linker/image_writer.h
+++ b/dex2oat/linker/image_writer.h
@@ -157,8 +157,8 @@
// of references to the image or across oat files.
size_t GetOatIndexForDexFile(const DexFile* dex_file) const;
- // Get the index of the oat file containing the dex file served by the dex cache.
- size_t GetOatIndexForDexCache(ObjPtr<mirror::DexCache> dex_cache) const
+ // Get the index of the oat file containing the definition of the class.
+ size_t GetOatIndexForClass(ObjPtr<mirror::Class> klass) const
// Update the oat layout for the given oat file.
@@ -171,8 +171,6 @@
void UpdateOatFileHeader(size_t oat_index, const OatHeader& oat_header);
- using WorkStack = std::stack<std::pair<mirror::Object*, size_t>>;
bool AllocMemory();
// Mark the objects defined in this space in the given live bitmap.
@@ -401,20 +399,16 @@
// We use the lock word to store the offset of the object in the image.
- void AssignImageOffset(mirror::Object* object, BinSlot bin_slot)
- REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
void SetImageOffset(mirror::Object* object, size_t offset)
bool IsImageOffsetAssigned(mirror::Object* object) const
size_t GetImageOffset(mirror::Object* object) const REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
- void UpdateImageOffset(mirror::Object* obj, uintptr_t offset)
- REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
void PrepareDexCacheArraySlots() REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
void AssignImageBinSlot(mirror::Object* object, size_t oat_index)
- mirror::Object* TryAssignBinSlot(WorkStack& work_stack, mirror::Object* obj, size_t oat_index)
+ void RecordNativeRelocations(ObjPtr<mirror::Object> obj, size_t oat_index)
void SetImageBinSlot(mirror::Object* object, BinSlot bin_slot)
@@ -480,8 +474,6 @@
// Lays out where the image objects will be at runtime.
void CalculateNewObjectOffsets()
- void ProcessWorkStack(WorkStack* work_stack)
- REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
void CreateHeader(size_t oat_index)
ObjPtr<mirror::ObjectArray<mirror::Object>> CollectDexCaches(Thread* self, size_t oat_index) const
@@ -492,8 +484,6 @@
void CalculateObjectBinSlots(mirror::Object* obj)
- void UnbinObjectsIntoOffset(mirror::Object* obj)
- REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
// Creates the contiguous image in memory and adjusts pointers.
void CopyAndFixupNativeData(size_t oat_index) REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
@@ -681,6 +671,12 @@
// For an app image, boot image objects and boot class path dex caches are excluded.
bool IsImageObject(ObjPtr<mirror::Object> obj) const REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
+ // Return true if `dex_cache` belongs to the image we're writing.
+ // For a boot image, this is true for all dex caches.
+ // For an app image, boot class path dex caches are excluded.
+ bool IsImageDexCache(ObjPtr<mirror::DexCache> dex_cache) const
+ REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
// Return true if `obj` is inside of the boot image space. This may only return true if we are
// compiling an app image.
bool IsInBootImage(const void* obj) const;
@@ -692,7 +688,7 @@
size_t GetOatIndex(mirror::Object* object) const REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
// The oat index for shared data in multi-image and all data in single-image compilation.
- size_t GetDefaultOatIndex() const {
+ static constexpr size_t GetDefaultOatIndex() {
return 0u;
@@ -802,17 +798,15 @@
// Region alignment bytes wasted.
size_t region_alignment_wasted_ = 0u;
- class ImageFileGuard;
class FixupClassVisitor;
class FixupRootVisitor;
class FixupVisitor;
- class GetRootsVisitor;
+ class ImageFileGuard;
+ class LayoutHelper;
class NativeLocationVisitor;
class PruneClassesVisitor;
class PruneClassLoaderClassesVisitor;
class PruneObjectReferenceVisitor;
- class RegisterBootClassPathClassesVisitor;
- class VisitReferencesVisitor;
* A visitor class for extracting object/offset pairs.
diff --git a/runtime/class_linker.cc b/runtime/class_linker.cc
index 0c8d539..2d19bfc 100644
--- a/runtime/class_linker.cc
+++ b/runtime/class_linker.cc
@@ -2538,7 +2538,9 @@
return nullptr;
- ObjPtr<mirror::String> location = intern_table_->InternStrong(dex_file.GetLocation().c_str());
+ // Use InternWeak() so that the location String can be collected when the ClassLoader
+ // with this DexCache is collected.
+ ObjPtr<mirror::String> location = intern_table_->InternWeak(dex_file.GetLocation().c_str());
if (location == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
diff --git a/runtime/intern_table.cc b/runtime/intern_table.cc
index 3f728cb..96f70d1 100644
--- a/runtime/intern_table.cc
+++ b/runtime/intern_table.cc
@@ -289,6 +289,11 @@
return Insert(s, true, false);
+ObjPtr<mirror::String> InternTable::InternWeak(const char* utf8_data) {
+ DCHECK(utf8_data != nullptr);
+ return InternWeak(mirror::String::AllocFromModifiedUtf8(Thread::Current(), utf8_data));
ObjPtr<mirror::String> InternTable::InternWeak(ObjPtr<mirror::String> s) {
return Insert(s, false, false);
diff --git a/runtime/intern_table.h b/runtime/intern_table.h
index 745821d..a5301a5 100644
--- a/runtime/intern_table.h
+++ b/runtime/intern_table.h
@@ -132,6 +132,10 @@
// Interns a potentially new string in the 'weak' table. May cause thread suspension.
+ ObjPtr<mirror::String> InternWeak(const char* utf8_data) REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_)
+ REQUIRES(!Roles::uninterruptible_);
+ // Interns a potentially new string in the 'weak' table. May cause thread suspension.
ObjPtr<mirror::String> InternWeak(ObjPtr<mirror::String> s) REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_)