ART: Initialize fields of ParsedOptions

Avoids certain paths where we touched uninitialized fields.

Bug: 17330858
Change-Id: Ia68161b12eefefacad6fc524f487f8e2caf6342a
diff --git a/runtime/ b/runtime/
index 7ac5bce..0a59d85 100644
--- a/runtime/
+++ b/runtime/
@@ -30,6 +30,85 @@
 namespace art {
+    :
+    boot_class_path_(nullptr),
+    check_jni_(kIsDebugBuild),                      // -Xcheck:jni is off by default for regular
+                                                    // builds but on by default in debug builds.
+    force_copy_(false),
+    compiler_callbacks_(nullptr),
+    is_zygote_(false),
+    must_relocate_(kDefaultMustRelocate),
+    dex2oat_enabled_(true),
+    image_dex2oat_enabled_(true),
+    interpreter_only_(kPoisonHeapReferences),       // kPoisonHeapReferences currently works with
+                                                    // the interpreter only.
+                                                    // TODO: make it work with the compiler.
+    is_explicit_gc_disabled_(false),
+    use_tlab_(false),
+    verify_pre_gc_heap_(false),
+    verify_pre_sweeping_heap_(kIsDebugBuild),       // Pre sweeping is the one that usually fails
+                                                    // if the GC corrupted the heap.
+    verify_post_gc_heap_(false),
+    verify_pre_gc_rosalloc_(kIsDebugBuild),
+    verify_pre_sweeping_rosalloc_(false),
+    verify_post_gc_rosalloc_(false),
+    long_pause_log_threshold_(gc::Heap::kDefaultLongPauseLogThreshold),
+    long_gc_log_threshold_(gc::Heap::kDefaultLongGCLogThreshold),
+    dump_gc_performance_on_shutdown_(false),
+    ignore_max_footprint_(false),
+    heap_initial_size_(gc::Heap::kDefaultInitialSize),
+    heap_maximum_size_(gc::Heap::kDefaultMaximumSize),
+    heap_growth_limit_(0),                          // 0 means no growth limit.
+    heap_min_free_(gc::Heap::kDefaultMinFree),
+    heap_max_free_(gc::Heap::kDefaultMaxFree),
+    heap_non_moving_space_capacity_(gc::Heap::kDefaultNonMovingSpaceCapacity),
+    heap_target_utilization_(gc::Heap::kDefaultTargetUtilization),
+    foreground_heap_growth_multiplier_(gc::Heap::kDefaultHeapGrowthMultiplier),
+    parallel_gc_threads_(1),
+    conc_gc_threads_(1),                            // Only the main GC thread, no workers.
+    collector_type_(                                // The default GC type is set in makefiles.
+        gc::kCollectorTypeCMS),
+        gc::kCollectorTypeSS),
+    gc::kCollectorTypeGSS),
+    gc::kCollectorTypeCMS),
+#error "ART default GC type must be set"
+    background_collector_type_(gc::kCollectorTypeHomogeneousSpaceCompact),
+                                                    // If background_collector_type_ is
+                                                    // kCollectorTypeNone, it defaults to the
+                                                    // collector_type_ after parsing options. If
+                                                    // you set this to kCollectorTypeHSpaceCompact
+                                                    // then we will do an hspace compaction when
+                                                    // we transition to background instead of a
+                                                    // normal collector transition.
+    stack_size_(0),                                 // 0 means default.
+    max_spins_before_thin_lock_inflation_(Monitor::kDefaultMaxSpinsBeforeThinLockInflation),
+    low_memory_mode_(false),
+    lock_profiling_threshold_(0),
+    method_trace_(false),
+    method_trace_file_("/data/method-trace-file.bin"),
+    method_trace_file_size_(10 * MB),
+    hook_is_sensitive_thread_(nullptr),
+    hook_vfprintf_(vfprintf),
+    hook_exit_(exit),
+    hook_abort_(nullptr),                           // We don't call abort(3) by default; see
+                                                    // Runtime::Abort.
+    profile_clock_source_(kDefaultTraceClockSource),
+    verify_(true),
+    image_isa_(kRuntimeISA),
+    use_homogeneous_space_compaction_for_oom_(false),  // If we are using homogeneous space
+                                                       // compaction then default background
+                                                       // compaction to off since homogeneous
+                                                       // space compactions when we transition
+                                                       // to not jank perceptible.
+    min_interval_homogeneous_space_compaction_by_oom_(MsToNs(100 * 1000))  // 100s.
+    {}
 ParsedOptions* ParsedOptions::Create(const RuntimeOptions& options, bool ignore_unrecognized) {
   std::unique_ptr<ParsedOptions> parsed(new ParsedOptions());
   if (parsed->Parse(options, ignore_unrecognized)) {
@@ -175,77 +254,9 @@
   if (class_path_string != NULL) {
     class_path_string_ = class_path_string;
-  // -Xcheck:jni is off by default for regular builds but on by default in debug builds.
-  check_jni_ = kIsDebugBuild;
-  force_copy_ = false;
-  heap_initial_size_ = gc::Heap::kDefaultInitialSize;
-  heap_maximum_size_ = gc::Heap::kDefaultMaximumSize;
-  heap_min_free_ = gc::Heap::kDefaultMinFree;
-  heap_max_free_ = gc::Heap::kDefaultMaxFree;
-  heap_non_moving_space_capacity_ = gc::Heap::kDefaultNonMovingSpaceCapacity;
-  heap_target_utilization_ = gc::Heap::kDefaultTargetUtilization;
-  foreground_heap_growth_multiplier_ = gc::Heap::kDefaultHeapGrowthMultiplier;
-  heap_growth_limit_ = 0;  // 0 means no growth limit .
   // Default to number of processors minus one since the main GC thread also does work.
   parallel_gc_threads_ = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_CONF) - 1;
-  // Only the main GC thread, no workers.
-  conc_gc_threads_ = 0;
-  // The default GC type is set in makefiles.
-  collector_type_ = gc::kCollectorTypeCMS;
-  collector_type_ = gc::kCollectorTypeSS;
-  collector_type_ = gc::kCollectorTypeGSS;
-#error "ART default GC type must be set"
-  // If we are using homogeneous space compaction then default background compaction to off since
-  // homogeneous space compactions when we transition to not jank perceptible.
-  use_homogeneous_space_compaction_for_oom_ = false;
-  // If background_collector_type_ is kCollectorTypeNone, it defaults to the collector_type_ after
-  // parsing options. If you set this to kCollectorTypeHSpaceCompact then we will do an hspace
-  // compaction when we transition to background instead of a normal collector transition.
-  background_collector_type_ = gc::kCollectorTypeHomogeneousSpaceCompact;
-  stack_size_ = 0;  // 0 means default.
-  max_spins_before_thin_lock_inflation_ = Monitor::kDefaultMaxSpinsBeforeThinLockInflation;
-  low_memory_mode_ = false;
-  use_tlab_ = false;
-  min_interval_homogeneous_space_compaction_by_oom_ = MsToNs(100 * 1000);  // 100s.
-  verify_pre_gc_heap_ = false;
-  // Pre sweeping is the one that usually fails if the GC corrupted the heap.
-  verify_pre_sweeping_heap_ = kIsDebugBuild;
-  verify_post_gc_heap_ = false;
-  verify_pre_gc_rosalloc_ = kIsDebugBuild;
-  verify_pre_sweeping_rosalloc_ = false;
-  verify_post_gc_rosalloc_ = false;
-  compiler_callbacks_ = nullptr;
-  is_zygote_ = false;
-  must_relocate_ = kDefaultMustRelocate;
-  dex2oat_enabled_ = true;
-  image_dex2oat_enabled_ = true;
-  if (kPoisonHeapReferences) {
-    // kPoisonHeapReferences currently works only with the interpreter only.
-    // TODO: make it work with the compiler.
-    interpreter_only_ = true;
-  } else {
-    interpreter_only_ = false;
-  }
-  is_explicit_gc_disabled_ = false;
-  long_pause_log_threshold_ = gc::Heap::kDefaultLongPauseLogThreshold;
-  long_gc_log_threshold_ = gc::Heap::kDefaultLongGCLogThreshold;
-  dump_gc_performance_on_shutdown_ = false;
-  ignore_max_footprint_ = false;
-  lock_profiling_threshold_ = 0;
-  hook_is_sensitive_thread_ = NULL;
-  hook_vfprintf_ = vfprintf;
-  hook_exit_ = exit;
-  hook_abort_ = NULL;  // We don't call abort(3) by default; see Runtime::Abort.
 //  gLogVerbosity.class_linker = true;  // TODO: don't check this in!
 //  gLogVerbosity.compiler = true;  // TODO: don't check this in!
@@ -261,15 +272,6 @@
 //  gLogVerbosity.threads = true;  // TODO: don't check this in!
 //  gLogVerbosity.verifier = true;  // TODO: don't check this in!
-  method_trace_ = false;
-  method_trace_file_ = "/data/method-trace-file.bin";
-  method_trace_file_size_ = 10 * MB;
-  profile_clock_source_ = kDefaultTraceClockSource;
-  verify_ = true;
-  image_isa_ = kRuntimeISA;
   for (size_t i = 0; i < options.size(); ++i) {
     if (true && options[0].first == "-Xzygote") {
       LOG(INFO) << "option[" << i << "]=" << options[i].first;
diff --git a/runtime/parsed_options.h b/runtime/parsed_options.h
index c147465..3839e19 100644
--- a/runtime/parsed_options.h
+++ b/runtime/parsed_options.h
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@
   uint64_t min_interval_homogeneous_space_compaction_by_oom_;
-  ParsedOptions() {}
+  ParsedOptions();
   void Usage(const char* fmt, ...);
   void UsageMessage(FILE* stream, const char* fmt, ...);