Upgrade to latest dlmalloc. Refactor Heap and related APIs to use STL like naming.

We fail assertions in the existing heap code, as does Dalvik. This refactoring
is to clean the heap and space APIs and to reduce duplication of data
and thereby solve a failing assertion in the card table.

This change also wires up clearing of soft references including before
out-of-memory errors are reported.

In doing this change it was made clear that mspaces are buggy (and
violating invariants with the garbage collector). This
change upgrades to an un-Android molested version of dlmalloc-2.8.5 and
implements a version of the mspace morecore routine under ART control.

run-test 061-out-of-memory is updated for current heap sizes.

Change-Id: I377e83ab2a8c78afb9b1881f03356929e2c9dc64
diff --git a/src/heap_bitmap.h b/src/heap_bitmap.h
index 31adebc..0d6de60 100644
--- a/src/heap_bitmap.h
+++ b/src/heap_bitmap.h
@@ -51,9 +51,11 @@
   typedef void ScanCallback(Object* obj, void* finger, void* arg);
-  typedef void SweepCallback(size_t numPtrs, void** ptrs, void* arg);
+  typedef void SweepCallback(size_t numPtrs, Object** ptrs, void* arg);
-  static HeapBitmap* Create(const char* name, byte* base, size_t length);
+  // Initialize a HeapBitmap so that it points to a bitmap large enough to cover a heap at
+  // heap_begin of heap_capacity bytes, where objects are guaranteed to be kAlignment-aligned.
+  static HeapBitmap* Create(const char* name, byte* heap_begin, size_t heap_capacity);
@@ -70,11 +72,11 @@
   inline bool Test(const Object* obj) {
     uintptr_t addr = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(obj);
     DCHECK(HasAddress(obj)) << obj;
-    DCHECK(words_ != NULL);
-    DCHECK_GE(addr, base_);
-    if (addr <= max_) {
-      const uintptr_t offset = addr - base_;
-      return (words_[HB_OFFSET_TO_INDEX(offset)] & HB_OFFSET_TO_MASK(offset)) != 0;
+    DCHECK(bitmap_begin_ != NULL);
+    DCHECK_GE(addr, heap_begin_);
+    if (addr <= heap_end_) {
+      const uintptr_t offset = addr - heap_begin_;
+      return (bitmap_begin_[HB_OFFSET_TO_INDEX(offset)] & HB_OFFSET_TO_MASK(offset)) != 0;
     } else {
       return false;
@@ -94,47 +96,50 @@
                         SweepCallback* thunk, void* arg);
-  HeapBitmap(const void* base, size_t length)
-      : words_(NULL),
-        num_bytes_(length),
-        base_(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(base)) {
-  };
+  // TODO: heap_end_ is initialized so that the heap bitmap is empty, this doesn't require the -1,
+  // however, we document that this is expected on heap_end_
+  HeapBitmap(const char* name, MemMap* mem_map, word* bitmap_begin, size_t bitmap_size, const void* heap_begin)
+      : mem_map_(mem_map), bitmap_begin_(bitmap_begin), bitmap_size_(bitmap_size),
+        heap_begin_(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(heap_begin)), heap_end_(heap_begin_ - 1),
+        name_(name) {}
   inline void Modify(const Object* obj, bool do_set) {
     uintptr_t addr = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(obj);
-    DCHECK_GE(addr, base_);
-    const uintptr_t offset = addr - base_;
+    DCHECK_GE(addr, heap_begin_);
+    const uintptr_t offset = addr - heap_begin_;
     const size_t index = HB_OFFSET_TO_INDEX(offset);
     const word mask = HB_OFFSET_TO_MASK(offset);
-    DCHECK_LT(index, num_bytes_ / kWordSize);
+    DCHECK_LT(index, bitmap_size_ / kWordSize);
     if (do_set) {
-      if (addr > max_) {
-        max_ = addr;
+      if (addr > heap_end_) {
+        heap_end_ = addr;
-      words_[index] |= mask;
+      bitmap_begin_[index] |= mask;
     } else {
-      words_[index] &= ~mask;
+      bitmap_begin_[index] &= ~mask;
-  bool Init(const char* name, const byte* base, size_t length);
+  // Backing storage for bitmap.
   UniquePtr<MemMap> mem_map_;
-  word* words_;
+  // This bitmap itself, word sized for efficiency in scanning.
+  word* const bitmap_begin_;
-  size_t num_bytes_;
+  // Size of this bitmap.
+  const size_t bitmap_size_;
-  // The base address, which corresponds to the word containing the
-  // first bit in the bitmap.
-  uintptr_t base_;
+  // The base address of the heap, which corresponds to the word containing the first bit in the
+  // bitmap.
+  const uintptr_t heap_begin_;
   // The highest pointer value ever returned by an allocation from
   // this heap.  I.e., the highest address that may correspond to a
-  // set bit.  If there are no bits set, (max_ < base_).
-  uintptr_t max_;
+  // set bit.  If there are no bits set, (heap_end_ < heap_begin_).
+  uintptr_t heap_end_;
-  const char* name_;
+  // Name of this bitmap.
+  const char* const name_;
 }  // namespace art