Merge "Update run-test 097-duplicate-method"
am: e9b6bea

* commit 'e9b6bea979ee9a450ebc4b5611514ba3f82f24d8':
  Update run-test 097-duplicate-method
diff --git a/build/ b/build/
index a06f45a..953cfc0 100644
--- a/build/
+++ b/build/
@@ -16,14 +16,10 @@
 include art/build/
+ART_CPPLINT := art/tools/
 ART_CPPLINT_FILTER := --filter=-whitespace/line_length,-build/include,-readability/function,-readability/streams,-readability/todo,-runtime/references,-runtime/sizeof,-runtime/threadsafe_fn,-runtime/printf
-# This:
-#  1) Gets a list of all .h & .cc files in the art directory.
-#  2) Prepends 'art/' to each of them to make the full name.
-#  3) removes art/runtime/elf.h from the list.
-ART_CPPLINT_SRC := $(filter-out $(LOCAL_PATH)/runtime/elf.h, $(addprefix $(LOCAL_PATH)/, $(call all-subdir-named-files,*.h) $(call all-subdir-named-files,*$(ART_CPP_EXTENSION))))
+ART_CPPLINT_SRC := $(shell find art -name "*.h" -o -name "*$(ART_CPP_EXTENSION)" | grep -v art/compiler/llvm/generated/ | grep -v art/runtime/elf\.h)
 # "mm cpplint-art" to verify we aren't regressing
 .PHONY: cpplint-art
diff --git a/profman/ b/profman/
index 58e8a3a..ac18657 100644
--- a/profman/
+++ b/profman/
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
   for (size_t i = 0; i < new_info.size(); i++) {
     // Merge all data into a single object.
-    if (!info.Load(new_info[i])) {
+    if (!info.MergeWith(new_info[i])) {
       LOG(WARNING) << "Could not merge profile data at index " << i;
       return kErrorBadProfiles;
diff --git a/profman/ b/profman/
index b0d5df2..157ffc4 100644
--- a/profman/
+++ b/profman/
@@ -102,8 +102,8 @@
   ProfileCompilationInfo expected;
-  ASSERT_TRUE(expected.Load(info1));
-  ASSERT_TRUE(expected.Load(info2));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(expected.MergeWith(info1));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(expected.MergeWith(info2));
   // The information from profiles must remain the same.
@@ -145,9 +145,9 @@
   ProfileCompilationInfo expected;
-  ASSERT_TRUE(expected.Load(info1));
-  ASSERT_TRUE(expected.Load(info2));
-  ASSERT_TRUE(expected.Load(reference_info));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(expected.MergeWith(info1));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(expected.MergeWith(info2));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(expected.MergeWith(reference_info));
   // The information from profiles must remain the same.
diff --git a/runtime/ b/runtime/
index 99e38d9..20946f0 100644
--- a/runtime/
+++ b/runtime/
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
 #include "experimental_flags.h"
 #include "gc_root-inl.h"
 #include "gc/accounting/card_table-inl.h"
-#include "gc/accounting/heap_bitmap.h"
+#include "gc/accounting/heap_bitmap-inl.h"
 #include "gc/heap.h"
 #include "gc/space/image_space.h"
 #include "handle_scope-inl.h"
@@ -96,6 +96,7 @@
 namespace art {
 static constexpr bool kSanityCheckObjects = kIsDebugBuild;
+static constexpr bool kVerifyArtMethodDeclaringClasses = true;
 static void ThrowNoClassDefFoundError(const char* fmt, ...)
     __attribute__((__format__(__printf__, 1, 2)))
@@ -1197,6 +1198,23 @@
   ClassTable* const table_;
+class VerifyDeclaringClassVisitor : public ArtMethodVisitor {
+ public:
+  VerifyDeclaringClassVisitor() SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_, Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_)
+      : live_bitmap_(Runtime::Current()->GetHeap()->GetLiveBitmap()) {}
+  virtual void Visit(ArtMethod* method)
+      SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_, Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_) {
+    mirror::Class* klass = method->GetDeclaringClassUnchecked();
+    if (klass != nullptr) {
+      CHECK(live_bitmap_->Test(klass)) << "Image method has unmarked declaring class";
+    }
+  }
+ private:
+  gc::accounting::HeapBitmap* const live_bitmap_;
 bool ClassLinker::UpdateAppImageClassLoadersAndDexCaches(
     gc::space::ImageSpace* space,
     Handle<mirror::ClassLoader> class_loader,
@@ -1426,6 +1444,15 @@
+  if (kVerifyArtMethodDeclaringClasses) {
+    ScopedTrace timing("Verify declaring classes");
+    ReaderMutexLock rmu(self, *Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_);
+    VerifyDeclaringClassVisitor visitor;
+    header.GetImageSection(ImageHeader::kSectionArtMethods).VisitPackedArtMethods(
+        &visitor,
+        space->Begin(),
+        sizeof(void*));
+  }
   return true;
diff --git a/runtime/jit/ b/runtime/jit/
index 7e73e5c..8ca60b2 100644
--- a/runtime/jit/
+++ b/runtime/jit/
@@ -87,6 +87,11 @@
+void Jit::DumpForSigQuit(std::ostream& os) {
+  DumpInfo(os);
+  ProfileSaver::DumpInstanceInfo(os);
 void Jit::AddTimingLogger(const TimingLogger& logger) {
@@ -224,7 +229,7 @@
 void Jit::StopProfileSaver() {
   if (save_profiling_info_ && ProfileSaver::IsStarted()) {
-    ProfileSaver::Stop();
+    ProfileSaver::Stop(dump_info_on_shutdown_);
diff --git a/runtime/jit/jit.h b/runtime/jit/jit.h
index 37d0bdb..e3fa89d 100644
--- a/runtime/jit/jit.h
+++ b/runtime/jit/jit.h
@@ -84,9 +84,7 @@
                          const std::string& app_dir);
   void StopProfileSaver();
-  void DumpForSigQuit(std::ostream& os) REQUIRES(!lock_) {
-    DumpInfo(os);
-  }
+  void DumpForSigQuit(std::ostream& os) REQUIRES(!lock_);
   static void NewTypeLoadedIfUsingJit(mirror::Class* type)
diff --git a/runtime/jit/ b/runtime/jit/
index f181ca3..e864d87 100644
--- a/runtime/jit/
+++ b/runtime/jit/
@@ -49,15 +49,27 @@
-bool ProfileCompilationInfo::SaveProfilingInfo(
-    const std::string& filename,
+bool ProfileCompilationInfo::AddMethodsAndClasses(
     const std::vector<ArtMethod*>& methods,
     const std::set<DexCacheResolvedClasses>& resolved_classes) {
-  if (methods.empty() && resolved_classes.empty()) {
-    VLOG(profiler) << "No info to save to " << filename;
-    return true;
+  ScopedObjectAccess soa(Thread::Current());
+  for (ArtMethod* method : methods) {
+    const DexFile* dex_file = method->GetDexFile();
+    if (!AddMethodIndex(GetProfileDexFileKey(dex_file->GetLocation()),
+                        dex_file->GetLocationChecksum(),
+                        method->GetDexMethodIndex())) {
+      return false;
+    }
+  for (const DexCacheResolvedClasses& dex_cache : resolved_classes) {
+    if (!AddResolvedClasses(dex_cache)) {
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
+  return true;
+bool ProfileCompilationInfo::MergeAndSave(const std::string& filename, uint64_t* bytes_written) {
   ScopedTrace trace(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
   ScopedFlock flock;
   std::string error;
@@ -68,26 +80,28 @@
   int fd = flock.GetFile()->Fd();
-  ProfileCompilationInfo info;
-  if (!info.Load(fd)) {
+  // Load the file but keep a copy around to be able to infer if the content has changed.
+  ProfileCompilationInfo fileInfo;
+  if (!fileInfo.Load(fd)) {
     LOG(WARNING) << "Could not load previous profile data from file " << filename;
     return false;
-  {
-    ScopedObjectAccess soa(Thread::Current());
-    for (ArtMethod* method : methods) {
-      const DexFile* dex_file = method->GetDexFile();
-      if (!info.AddMethodIndex(GetProfileDexFileKey(dex_file->GetLocation()),
-                               dex_file->GetLocationChecksum(),
-                               method->GetDexMethodIndex())) {
-        return false;
-      }
-    }
-    for (const DexCacheResolvedClasses& dex_cache : resolved_classes) {
-      info.AddResolvedClasses(dex_cache);
-    }
+  // Merge the content of file into the current object.
+  if (!MergeWith(fileInfo)) {
+    LOG(WARNING) << "Could not merge previous profile data from file " << filename;
+  // If after the merge we have the same data as what is the file there's no point
+  // in actually doing the write. The file will be exactly the same as before.
+  if (Equals(fileInfo)) {
+    if (bytes_written != nullptr) {
+      *bytes_written = 0;
+    }
+    return true;
+  }
+  // We need to clear the data because we don't support append to the profiles yet.
   if (!flock.GetFile()->ClearContent()) {
     PLOG(WARNING) << "Could not clear profile file: " << filename;
     return false;
@@ -95,16 +109,44 @@
   // This doesn't need locking because we are trying to lock the file for exclusive
   // access and fail immediately if we can't.
-  bool result = info.Save(fd);
+  bool result = Save(fd);
   if (result) {
     VLOG(profiler) << "Successfully saved profile info to " << filename
         << " Size: " << GetFileSizeBytes(filename);
+    if (bytes_written != nullptr) {
+      *bytes_written = GetFileSizeBytes(filename);
+    }
   } else {
     VLOG(profiler) << "Failed to save profile info to " << filename;
   return result;
+bool ProfileCompilationInfo::SaveProfilingInfo(
+    const std::string& filename,
+    const std::vector<ArtMethod*>& methods,
+    const std::set<DexCacheResolvedClasses>& resolved_classes,
+    uint64_t* bytes_written) {
+  if (methods.empty() && resolved_classes.empty()) {
+    VLOG(profiler) << "No info to save to " << filename;
+    if (bytes_written != nullptr) {
+      *bytes_written = 0;
+    }
+    return true;
+  }
+  ProfileCompilationInfo info;
+  if (!info.AddMethodsAndClasses(methods, resolved_classes)) {
+    LOG(WARNING) << "Checksum mismatch when processing methods and resolved classes for "
+        << filename;
+    if (bytes_written != nullptr) {
+      *bytes_written = 0;
+    }
+    return false;
+  }
+  return info.MergeAndSave(filename, bytes_written);
 static bool WriteToFile(int fd, const std::ostringstream& os) {
   std::string data(os.str());
   const char *p = data.c_str();
@@ -334,7 +376,7 @@
   return true;
-bool ProfileCompilationInfo::Load(const ProfileCompilationInfo& other) {
+bool ProfileCompilationInfo::MergeWith(const ProfileCompilationInfo& other) {
   for (const auto& other_it : other.info_) {
     const std::string& other_dex_location = other_it.first;
     const DexFileData& other_dex_data = other_it.second;
@@ -387,6 +429,14 @@
   return total;
+uint32_t ProfileCompilationInfo::GetNumberOfResolvedClasses() const {
+  uint32_t total = 0;
+  for (const auto& it : info_) {
+    total += it.second.class_set.size();
+  }
+  return total;
 std::string ProfileCompilationInfo::DumpInfo(const std::vector<const DexFile*>* dex_files,
                                              bool print_full_dex_location) const {
   std::ostringstream os;
@@ -442,4 +492,10 @@
   return ret;
+void ProfileCompilationInfo::ClearResolvedClasses() {
+  for (auto& pair : info_) {
+    pair.second.class_set.clear();
+  }
 }  // namespace art
diff --git a/runtime/jit/offline_profiling_info.h b/runtime/jit/offline_profiling_info.h
index df03244..2c819f1 100644
--- a/runtime/jit/offline_profiling_info.h
+++ b/runtime/jit/offline_profiling_info.h
@@ -46,16 +46,26 @@
   // If not (the locking is not blocking), the function does not save and returns false.
   static bool SaveProfilingInfo(const std::string& filename,
                                 const std::vector<ArtMethod*>& methods,
-                                const std::set<DexCacheResolvedClasses>& resolved_classes);
+                                const std::set<DexCacheResolvedClasses>& resolved_classes,
+                                uint64_t* bytes_written = nullptr);
+  // Add the given methods and classes to the current profile object.
+  bool AddMethodsAndClasses(const std::vector<ArtMethod*>& methods,
+                            const std::set<DexCacheResolvedClasses>& resolved_classes);
   // Loads profile information from the given file descriptor.
   bool Load(int fd);
-  // Loads the data from another ProfileCompilationInfo object.
-  bool Load(const ProfileCompilationInfo& info);
+  // Merge the data from another ProfileCompilationInfo into the current object.
+  bool MergeWith(const ProfileCompilationInfo& info);
   // Saves the profile data to the given file descriptor.
   bool Save(int fd);
+  // Loads and merges profile information from the given file into the current
+  // object and tries to save it back to disk.
+  bool MergeAndSave(const std::string& filename, uint64_t* bytes_written);
   // Returns the number of methods that were profiled.
   uint32_t GetNumberOfMethods() const;
+  // Returns the number of resolved classes that were profiled.
+  uint32_t GetNumberOfResolvedClasses() const;
   // Returns true if the method reference is present in the profiling info.
   bool ContainsMethod(const MethodReference& method_ref) const;
@@ -70,8 +80,8 @@
   std::string DumpInfo(const std::vector<const DexFile*>* dex_files,
                        bool print_full_dex_location = true) const;
-  // For testing purposes.
   bool Equals(const ProfileCompilationInfo& other);
   static std::string GetProfileDexFileKey(const std::string& dex_location);
   // Returns the class descriptors for all of the classes in the profiles' class sets.
@@ -79,6 +89,9 @@
   // profile info stuff to generate a map back to the dex location.
   std::set<DexCacheResolvedClasses> GetResolvedClasses() const;
+  // Clears the resolved classes from the current object.
+  void ClearResolvedClasses();
   struct DexFileData {
     explicit DexFileData(uint32_t location_checksum) : checksum(location_checksum) {}
diff --git a/runtime/jit/ b/runtime/jit/
index fdd8c6e..54fd69f 100644
--- a/runtime/jit/
+++ b/runtime/jit/
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
     return methods;
-  bool AddData(const std::string& dex_location,
+  bool AddMethod(const std::string& dex_location,
                uint32_t checksum,
                uint16_t method_index,
                ProfileCompilationInfo* info) {
@@ -118,8 +118,8 @@
   ProfileCompilationInfo saved_info;
   // Save a few methods.
   for (uint16_t i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
-    ASSERT_TRUE(AddData("dex_location1", /* checksum */ 1, /* method_idx */ i, &saved_info));
-    ASSERT_TRUE(AddData("dex_location2", /* checksum */ 2, /* method_idx */ i, &saved_info));
+    ASSERT_TRUE(AddMethod("dex_location1", /* checksum */ 1, /* method_idx */ i, &saved_info));
+    ASSERT_TRUE(AddMethod("dex_location2", /* checksum */ 2, /* method_idx */ i, &saved_info));
   ASSERT_EQ(0, profile.GetFile()->Flush());
@@ -132,9 +132,9 @@
   // Save more methods.
   for (uint16_t i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
-    ASSERT_TRUE(AddData("dex_location1", /* checksum */ 1, /* method_idx */ i, &saved_info));
-    ASSERT_TRUE(AddData("dex_location2", /* checksum */ 2, /* method_idx */ i, &saved_info));
-    ASSERT_TRUE(AddData("dex_location3", /* checksum */ 3, /* method_idx */ i, &saved_info));
+    ASSERT_TRUE(AddMethod("dex_location1", /* checksum */ 1, /* method_idx */ i, &saved_info));
+    ASSERT_TRUE(AddMethod("dex_location2", /* checksum */ 2, /* method_idx */ i, &saved_info));
+    ASSERT_TRUE(AddMethod("dex_location3", /* checksum */ 3, /* method_idx */ i, &saved_info));
@@ -147,25 +147,25 @@
-TEST_F(ProfileCompilationInfoTest, AddDataFail) {
+TEST_F(ProfileCompilationInfoTest, AddMethodsAndClassesFail) {
   ScratchFile profile;
   ProfileCompilationInfo info;
-  ASSERT_TRUE(AddData("dex_location", /* checksum */ 1, /* method_idx */ 1, &info));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(AddMethod("dex_location", /* checksum */ 1, /* method_idx */ 1, &info));
   // Trying to add info for an existing file but with a different checksum.
-  ASSERT_FALSE(AddData("dex_location", /* checksum */ 2, /* method_idx */ 2, &info));
+  ASSERT_FALSE(AddMethod("dex_location", /* checksum */ 2, /* method_idx */ 2, &info));
-TEST_F(ProfileCompilationInfoTest, LoadFail) {
+TEST_F(ProfileCompilationInfoTest, MergeFail) {
   ScratchFile profile;
   ProfileCompilationInfo info1;
-  ASSERT_TRUE(AddData("dex_location", /* checksum */ 1, /* method_idx */ 1, &info1));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(AddMethod("dex_location", /* checksum */ 1, /* method_idx */ 1, &info1));
   // Use the same file, change the checksum.
   ProfileCompilationInfo info2;
-  ASSERT_TRUE(AddData("dex_location", /* checksum */ 2, /* method_idx */ 2, &info2));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(AddMethod("dex_location", /* checksum */ 2, /* method_idx */ 2, &info2));
-  ASSERT_FALSE(info1.Load(info2));
+  ASSERT_FALSE(info1.MergeWith(info2));
 }  // namespace art
diff --git a/runtime/jit/ b/runtime/jit/
index 6fe17db..81d81a5 100644
--- a/runtime/jit/
+++ b/runtime/jit/
@@ -29,18 +29,18 @@
 // An arbitrary value to throttle save requests. Set to 2s for now.
 static constexpr const uint64_t kMilisecondsToNano = 1000000;
-static constexpr const uint64_t kMinimumTimeBetweenCodeCacheUpdatesNs = 2000 * kMilisecondsToNano;
 // TODO: read the constants from ProfileOptions,
 // Add a random delay each time we go to sleep so that we don't hammer the CPU
 // with all profile savers running at the same time.
-static constexpr const uint64_t kRandomDelayMaxMs = 20 * 1000;  // 20 seconds
+static constexpr const uint64_t kRandomDelayMaxMs = 30 * 1000;  // 30 seconds
 static constexpr const uint64_t kMaxBackoffMs = 5 * 60 * 1000;  // 5 minutes
-static constexpr const uint64_t kSavePeriodMs = 10 * 1000;  // 10 seconds
-static constexpr const uint64_t kInitialDelayMs = 2 * 1000;  // 2 seconds
+static constexpr const uint64_t kSavePeriodMs = 20 * 1000;  // 20 seconds
+static constexpr const uint64_t kSaveResolvedClassesDelayMs = 2 * 1000;  // 2 seconds
 static constexpr const double kBackoffCoef = 1.5;
-static constexpr const uint32_t kMinimumNrOrMethodsToSave = 10;
+static constexpr const uint32_t kMinimumNumberOfMethodsToSave = 10;
+static constexpr const uint32_t kMinimumNumberOfClassesToSave = 10;
 ProfileSaver* ProfileSaver::instance_ = nullptr;
 pthread_t ProfileSaver::profiler_pthread_ = 0U;
@@ -52,12 +52,24 @@
                            const std::string& app_data_dir)
     : jit_code_cache_(jit_code_cache),
-      code_cache_last_update_time_ns_(0),
-      first_profile_(true),
+      last_save_number_of_methods_(0),
+      last_save_number_of_classes__(0),
       wait_lock_("ProfileSaver wait lock"),
-      period_condition_("ProfileSaver period condition", wait_lock_) {
+      period_condition_("ProfileSaver period condition", wait_lock_),
+      total_bytes_written_(0),
+      total_number_of_writes_(0),
+      total_number_of_code_cache_queries_(0),
+      total_number_of_skipped_writes_(0),
+      total_number_of_failed_writes_(0),
+      total_ms_of_sleep_(0),
+      total_ns_of_work_(0),
+      total_number_of_foreign_dex_marks_(0),
+      max_number_of_profile_entries_cached_(0) {
   AddTrackedLocations(output_filename, code_paths);
+  // We only need to save the resolved classes if the profile file is empty.
+  // Otherwise we must have already save them (we always do it during the first
+  // ever profile save).
   app_data_dir_ = "";
   if (!app_data_dir.empty()) {
     // The application directory is used to determine which dex files are owned by app.
@@ -80,14 +92,13 @@
   uint64_t save_period_ms = kSavePeriodMs;
   VLOG(profiler) << "Save profiling information every " << save_period_ms << " ms";
-  bool first_iteration = true;
+  bool cache_resolved_classes = true;
   while (!ShuttingDown(self)) {
     uint64_t sleep_time_ms;
-    if (first_iteration) {
+    if (cache_resolved_classes) {
       // Sleep less long for the first iteration since we want to record loaded classes shortly
       // after app launch.
-      sleep_time_ms = kInitialDelayMs;
+      sleep_time_ms = kSaveResolvedClassesDelayMs;
     } else {
       const uint64_t random_sleep_delay_ms = rand() % kRandomDelayMaxMs;
       sleep_time_ms = save_period_ms + random_sleep_delay_ms;
@@ -96,43 +107,81 @@
       MutexLock mu(self, wait_lock_);
       period_condition_.TimedWait(self, sleep_time_ms, 0);
+    total_ms_of_sleep_ += sleep_time_ms;
     if (ShuttingDown(self)) {
-    if (!ProcessProfilingInfo() && save_period_ms < kMaxBackoffMs) {
-      // If we don't need to save now it is less likely that we will need to do
-      // so in the future. Increase the time between saves according to the
-      // kBackoffCoef, but make it no larger than kMaxBackoffMs.
-      save_period_ms = static_cast<uint64_t>(kBackoffCoef * save_period_ms);
+    uint64_t start = NanoTime();
+    if (cache_resolved_classes) {
+      // TODO(calin) This only considers the case of the primary profile file.
+      // Anything that gets loaded in the same VM will not have their resolved
+      // classes save (unless they started before the initial saving was done).
+      FetchAndCacheResolvedClasses();
     } else {
-      // Reset the period to the initial value as it's highly likely to JIT again.
-      save_period_ms = kSavePeriodMs;
+      bool profile_saved_to_disk = ProcessProfilingInfo();
+      if (!profile_saved_to_disk && save_period_ms < kMaxBackoffMs) {
+        // If we don't need to save now it is less likely that we will need to do
+        // so in the future. Increase the time between saves according to the
+        // kBackoffCoef, but make it no larger than kMaxBackoffMs.
+        save_period_ms = static_cast<uint64_t>(kBackoffCoef * save_period_ms);
+      } else {
+        // Reset the period to the initial value as it's highly likely to JIT again.
+        save_period_ms = kSavePeriodMs;
+      }
-    first_iteration = false;
+    cache_resolved_classes = false;
+    total_ns_of_work_ += (NanoTime() - start);
+ProfileCompilationInfo* ProfileSaver::GetCachedProfiledInfo(const std::string& filename) {
+  auto info_it = profile_cache_.find(filename);
+  if (info_it == profile_cache_.end()) {
+    info_it = profile_cache_.Put(filename, ProfileCompilationInfo());
+  }
+  return &info_it->second;
+void ProfileSaver::FetchAndCacheResolvedClasses() {
+  ScopedTrace trace(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
+  ClassLinker* const class_linker = Runtime::Current()->GetClassLinker();
+  std::set<DexCacheResolvedClasses> resolved_classes =
+      class_linker->GetResolvedClasses(/*ignore boot classes*/ true);
+  MutexLock mu(Thread::Current(), *Locks::profiler_lock_);
+  uint64_t total_number_of_profile_entries_cached = 0;
+  for (const auto& it : tracked_dex_base_locations_) {
+      std::set<DexCacheResolvedClasses> resolved_classes_for_location;
+    const std::string& filename = it.first;
+    const std::set<std::string>& locations = it.second;
+    for (const DexCacheResolvedClasses& classes : resolved_classes) {
+      if (locations.find(classes.GetDexLocation()) != locations.end()) {
+        resolved_classes_for_location.insert(classes);
+      }
+    }
+    ProfileCompilationInfo* info = GetCachedProfiledInfo(filename);
+    info->AddMethodsAndClasses(std::vector<ArtMethod*>(), resolved_classes_for_location);
+    total_number_of_profile_entries_cached += resolved_classes_for_location.size();
+  }
+  max_number_of_profile_entries_cached_ = std::max(
+      max_number_of_profile_entries_cached_,
+      total_number_of_profile_entries_cached);
 bool ProfileSaver::ProcessProfilingInfo() {
   ScopedTrace trace(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
-  uint64_t last_update_time_ns = jit_code_cache_->GetLastUpdateTimeNs();
-  if (!first_profile_ && last_update_time_ns - code_cache_last_update_time_ns_
-          < kMinimumTimeBetweenCodeCacheUpdatesNs) {
-    VLOG(profiler) << "Not enough time has passed since the last code cache update."
-        << "Last update: " << last_update_time_ns
-        << " Last save: " << code_cache_last_update_time_ns_;
-    return false;
-  }
-  uint64_t start = NanoTime();
-  code_cache_last_update_time_ns_ = last_update_time_ns;
   SafeMap<std::string, std::set<std::string>> tracked_locations;
     // Make a copy so that we don't hold the lock while doing I/O.
     MutexLock mu(Thread::Current(), *Locks::profiler_lock_);
     tracked_locations = tracked_dex_base_locations_;
+  bool profile_file_saved = false;
+  uint64_t total_number_of_profile_entries_cached = 0;
   for (const auto& it : tracked_locations) {
     if (ShuttingDown(Thread::Current())) {
       return true;
@@ -143,29 +192,56 @@
       ScopedObjectAccess soa(Thread::Current());
       jit_code_cache_->GetCompiledArtMethods(locations, methods);
-    }
-    // Always save for the first one for loaded classes profile.
-    if (methods.size() < kMinimumNrOrMethodsToSave && !first_profile_) {
-      VLOG(profiler) << "Not enough information to save to: " << filename
-          <<" Nr of methods: " << methods.size();
-      return false;
+      total_number_of_code_cache_queries_++;
-    std::set<DexCacheResolvedClasses> resolved_classes;
-    if (first_profile_) {
-      ClassLinker* const class_linker = Runtime::Current()->GetClassLinker();
-      resolved_classes = class_linker->GetResolvedClasses(/*ignore boot classes*/true);
-    }
+    ProfileCompilationInfo* cached_info = GetCachedProfiledInfo(filename);
+    cached_info->AddMethodsAndClasses(methods, std::set<DexCacheResolvedClasses>());
+    uint32_t delta_number_of_methods =
+        cached_info->GetNumberOfMethods() - last_save_number_of_methods_;
+    uint32_t delta_number_of_classes =
+        cached_info->GetNumberOfResolvedClasses() - last_save_number_of_classes__;
-    if (!ProfileCompilationInfo::SaveProfilingInfo(filename, methods, resolved_classes)) {
+    if (delta_number_of_methods < kMinimumNumberOfMethodsToSave &&
+        delta_number_of_classes < kMinimumNumberOfClassesToSave) {
+     VLOG(profiler) << "Not enough information to save to: " << filename
+          << " Nr of methods: " << delta_number_of_methods
+          << " Nr of classes: " << delta_number_of_classes;
+      total_number_of_skipped_writes_++;
+      continue;
+    }
+    uint64_t bytes_written;
+    if (cached_info->MergeAndSave(filename, &bytes_written)) {
+      last_save_number_of_methods_ = cached_info->GetNumberOfMethods();
+      last_save_number_of_classes__ = cached_info->GetNumberOfResolvedClasses();
+      // Clear resolved classes. No need to store them around as
+      // they don't change after the first write.
+      cached_info->ClearResolvedClasses();
+      if (bytes_written > 0) {
+        total_number_of_writes_++;
+        total_bytes_written_ += bytes_written;
+      } else {
+        // At this point we could still have avoided the write.
+        // We load and merge the data from the file lazily at its first ever
+        // save attempt. So, whatever we are trying to save could already be
+        // in the file.
+        total_number_of_skipped_writes_++;
+      }
+      profile_file_saved = true;
+    } else {
       LOG(WARNING) << "Could not save profiling info to " << filename;
-      return false;
+      total_number_of_failed_writes_++;
+      // TODO: (calin): if we failed because of bad profiling data or parsing
+      // errors we should clear the profile file.
-    VLOG(profiler) << "Profile process time: " << PrettyDuration(NanoTime() - start);
+    total_number_of_profile_entries_cached +=
+        cached_info->GetNumberOfMethods() +
+        cached_info->GetNumberOfResolvedClasses();
-  first_profile_ = false;
-  return true;
+  max_number_of_profile_entries_cached_ = std::max(
+      max_number_of_profile_entries_cached_,
+      total_number_of_profile_entries_cached);
+  return profile_file_saved;
 void* ProfileSaver::RunProfileSaverThread(void* arg) {
@@ -219,7 +295,7 @@
       "Profile saver thread");
-void ProfileSaver::Stop() {
+void ProfileSaver::Stop(bool dump_info) {
   ProfileSaver* profile_saver = nullptr;
   pthread_t profiler_pthread = 0U;
@@ -237,6 +313,9 @@
     instance_->shutting_down_ = true;
+    if (dump_info) {
+      instance_->DumpInfo(LOG(INFO));
+    }
@@ -283,7 +362,9 @@
   std::string app_data_dir;
     MutexLock mu(Thread::Current(), *Locks::profiler_lock_);
-    DCHECK(instance_ != nullptr);
+    if (instance_ == nullptr) {
+      return;
+    }
     // Make a copy so that we don't hold the lock while doing I/O.
     for (const auto& it : instance_->tracked_dex_base_locations_) {
       app_code_paths.insert(it.second.begin(), it.second.end());
@@ -292,24 +373,30 @@
     app_data_dir = instance_->app_data_dir_;
-  MaybeRecordDexUseInternal(dex_location,
-                            app_code_paths,
-                            foreign_dex_profile_path,
-                            app_data_dir);
+  bool mark_created = MaybeRecordDexUseInternal(dex_location,
+                                                app_code_paths,
+                                                foreign_dex_profile_path,
+                                                app_data_dir);
+  if (mark_created) {
+    MutexLock mu(Thread::Current(), *Locks::profiler_lock_);
+    if (instance_ != nullptr) {
+      instance_->total_number_of_foreign_dex_marks_++;
+    }
+  }
-void ProfileSaver::MaybeRecordDexUseInternal(
+bool ProfileSaver::MaybeRecordDexUseInternal(
       const std::string& dex_location,
       const std::set<std::string>& app_code_paths,
       const std::string& foreign_dex_profile_path,
       const std::string& app_data_dir) {
   if (dex_location.empty()) {
     LOG(WARNING) << "Asked to record foreign dex use with an empty dex location.";
-    return;
+    return false;
   if (foreign_dex_profile_path.empty()) {
     LOG(WARNING) << "Asked to record foreign dex use without a valid profile path ";
-    return;
+    return false;
   UniqueCPtr<const char[]> dex_location_real_path(realpath(dex_location.c_str(), nullptr));
@@ -322,12 +409,12 @@
   if (, app_data_dir.length(), app_data_dir) == 0) {
     // The dex location is under the application folder. Nothing to record.
-    return;
+    return false;
   if (app_code_paths.find(dex_location) != app_code_paths.end()) {
     // The dex location belongs to the application code paths. Nothing to record.
-    return;
+    return false;
   // Do another round of checks with the real paths.
   // Note that we could cache all the real locations in the saver (since it's an expensive
@@ -344,7 +431,7 @@
         : real_app_code_location.get());
     if (real_app_code_location_str == dex_location_real_path_str) {
       // The dex location belongs to the application code paths. Nothing to record.
-      return;
+      return false;
@@ -362,12 +449,37 @@
     if (close(fd) != 0) {
       PLOG(WARNING) << "Could not close file after flagging foreign dex use " << flag_path;
+    return true;
   } else {
     if (errno != EEXIST) {
       // Another app could have already created the file.
       PLOG(WARNING) << "Could not create foreign dex use mark " << flag_path;
+      return false;
+    return true;
+void ProfileSaver::DumpInstanceInfo(std::ostream& os) {
+  MutexLock mu(Thread::Current(), *Locks::profiler_lock_);
+  if (instance_ != nullptr) {
+    instance_->DumpInfo(os);
+  }
+void ProfileSaver::DumpInfo(std::ostream& os) {
+  os << "ProfileSaver total_bytes_written=" << total_bytes_written_ << '\n'
+     << "ProfileSaver total_number_of_writes=" << total_number_of_writes_ << '\n'
+     << "ProfileSaver total_number_of_code_cache_queries="
+     << total_number_of_code_cache_queries_ << '\n'
+     << "ProfileSaver total_number_of_skipped_writes=" << total_number_of_skipped_writes_ << '\n'
+     << "ProfileSaver total_number_of_failed_writes=" << total_number_of_failed_writes_ << '\n'
+     << "ProfileSaver total_ms_of_sleep=" << total_ms_of_sleep_ << '\n'
+     << "ProfileSaver total_ms_of_work=" << (total_ns_of_work_ / kMilisecondsToNano) << '\n'
+     << "ProfileSaver total_number_of_foreign_dex_marks="
+     << total_number_of_foreign_dex_marks_ << '\n'
+     << "ProfileSaver max_number_profile_entries_cached="
+    << max_number_of_profile_entries_cached_ << '\n';
 }   // namespace art
diff --git a/runtime/jit/profile_saver.h b/runtime/jit/profile_saver.h
index e7eab95..91390fe 100644
--- a/runtime/jit/profile_saver.h
+++ b/runtime/jit/profile_saver.h
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
   // Stops the profile saver thread.
   // NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS for static function calling into member function with excludes lock.
-  static void Stop()
+  static void Stop(bool dump_info_)
       REQUIRES(!Locks::profiler_lock_, !wait_lock_)
@@ -46,6 +46,9 @@
   static void NotifyDexUse(const std::string& dex_location);
+  // If the profile saver is running, dumps statistics to the `os`. Otherwise it does nothing.
+  static void DumpInstanceInfo(std::ostream& os);
   ProfileSaver(const std::string& output_filename,
                jit::JitCodeCache* jit_code_cache,
@@ -70,12 +73,22 @@
                            const std::vector<std::string>& code_paths)
-  static void MaybeRecordDexUseInternal(
+  // Retrieves the cached profile compilation info for the given profile file.
+  // If no entry exists, a new empty one will be created, added to the cache and
+  // then returned.
+  ProfileCompilationInfo* GetCachedProfiledInfo(const std::string& filename);
+  // Fetches the current resolved classes from the ClassLinker and stores them
+  // in the profile_cache_ for later save.
+  void FetchAndCacheResolvedClasses();
+  static bool MaybeRecordDexUseInternal(
       const std::string& dex_location,
       const std::set<std::string>& tracked_locations,
       const std::string& foreign_dex_profile_path,
       const std::string& app_data_dir);
+  void DumpInfo(std::ostream& os);
   // The only instance of the saver.
   static ProfileSaver* instance_ GUARDED_BY(Locks::profiler_lock_);
   // Profile saver thread.
@@ -86,14 +99,31 @@
   std::string foreign_dex_profile_path_;
   std::string app_data_dir_;
-  uint64_t code_cache_last_update_time_ns_;
   bool shutting_down_ GUARDED_BY(Locks::profiler_lock_);
-  bool first_profile_ = true;
+  uint32_t last_save_number_of_methods_;
+  uint32_t last_save_number_of_classes__;
+  // A local cache for the profile information. Maps each tracked file to its
+  // profile information. The size of this cache is usually very small and tops
+  // to just a few hundreds entries in the ProfileCompilationInfo objects.
+  // It helps avoiding unnecessary writes to disk.
+  SafeMap<std::string, ProfileCompilationInfo> profile_cache_;
   // Save period condition support.
   ConditionVariable period_condition_ GUARDED_BY(wait_lock_);
+  uint64_t total_bytes_written_;
+  uint64_t total_number_of_writes_;
+  uint64_t total_number_of_code_cache_queries_;
+  uint64_t total_number_of_skipped_writes_;
+  uint64_t total_number_of_failed_writes_;
+  uint64_t total_ms_of_sleep_;
+  uint64_t total_ns_of_work_;
+  uint64_t total_number_of_foreign_dex_marks_;
+  // TODO(calin): replace with an actual size.
+  uint64_t max_number_of_profile_entries_cached_;
diff --git a/runtime/ b/runtime/
index 472a85c..6a50b8e 100644
--- a/runtime/
+++ b/runtime/
@@ -1459,6 +1459,14 @@
   return stat(filename.c_str(), &buffer) == 0;
+bool FileExistsAndNotEmpty(const std::string& filename) {
+  struct stat buffer;
+  if (stat(filename.c_str(), &buffer) != 0) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  return buffer.st_size > 0;
 std::string PrettyDescriptor(Primitive::Type type) {
   return PrettyDescriptor(Primitive::Descriptor(type));
diff --git a/runtime/utils.h b/runtime/utils.h
index 83ac0b8..c1e88a4 100644
--- a/runtime/utils.h
+++ b/runtime/utils.h
@@ -296,6 +296,7 @@
 // Returns true if the file exists.
 bool FileExists(const std::string& filename);
+bool FileExistsAndNotEmpty(const std::string& filename);
 class VoidFunctor {