Fix broken gtests after SuspendCheck optimization

Fixes hardcoded graph dumps in pretty printer tests and an assumption
that non-zero branch offset in dex implies presence of HInstructions.

Change-Id: Iee273c06b7b36410b4621107bef2f3592ece2f5b
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index eed5614..c509606 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -1077,11 +1077,10 @@
   if (target_offset <= 0) {
     // DX generates back edges to the first encountered return. We can save
     // time of later passes by not adding redundant suspend checks.
-    if (target_offset != 0) {
-      DCHECK(target->GetLastInstruction() != nullptr);
-      if (target->GetLastInstruction()->IsReturn()) {
-        return;
-      }
+    HInstruction* last_in_target = target->GetLastInstruction();
+    if (last_in_target != nullptr &&
+        (last_in_target->IsReturn() || last_in_target->IsReturnVoid())) {
+      return;
     // Add a suspend check to backward branches which may potentially loop. We