x86_64: Implement VarHandle.get() for static and instance fields.

The implementation follows code structure for arm64.

VarHandle{Acquire,Opaque,Volatile}.get() have the same implementaiton as
VarHandle.get() on x86-64 due to the x86 memory model.

Benchmarks improvements (using benchmarks provided by

  benchmark                    before  after
  GetStaticFieldInt            2.277   0.00179
  GetStaticFieldString         2.307   0.00214
  GetFieldInt                  2.532   0.00173
  GetFieldString               2.587   0.00203
  GetAcquireStaticFieldInt     2.279   0.00177
  GetAcquireStaticFieldString  2.358   0.00214
  GetAcquireFieldInt           2.548   0.00173
  GetAcquireFieldString        2.612   0.00202
  GetOpaqueStaticFieldInt      2.274   0.00177
  GetOpaqueStaticFieldString   2.348   0.00213
  GetOpaqueFieldInt            2.554   0.00172
  GetOpaqueFieldString         2.619   0.00207
  GetVolatileStaticFieldInt    2.252   0.00177
  GetVolatileStaticFieldString 2.343   0.00214
  GetVolatileFieldInt          2.550   0.00172
  GetVolatileFieldString       2.617   0.00202

Bug: 65872996

Test: lunch aosp_cf_x86_64_phone-userdebug \
  && art/test.py --host -r -t 712-varhandle-invocations --64
Test: Repeat with ART_USE_READ_BARRIER=false.
Test: Repeat with ART_HEAP_POISONING=true.

Change-Id: I1796faf6cb86b6882de459a02f5728ea56e4b668
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_x86_64.h b/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_x86_64.h
index 6038223..c566edf 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_x86_64.h
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_x86_64.h
@@ -231,6 +231,17 @@
   X86_64Assembler* GetAssembler() const { return assembler_; }
+  // Generate a GC root reference load:
+  //
+  //   root <- *address
+  //
+  // while honoring read barriers based on read_barrier_option.
+  void GenerateGcRootFieldLoad(HInstruction* instruction,
+                               Location root,
+                               const Address& address,
+                               Label* fixup_label,
+                               ReadBarrierOption read_barrier_option);
   // Generate code for the given suspend check. If not null, `successor`
   // is the block to branch to if the suspend check is not needed, and after
@@ -286,16 +297,6 @@
                                          Location obj,
                                          uint32_t offset,
                                          ReadBarrierOption read_barrier_option);
-  // Generate a GC root reference load:
-  //
-  //   root <- *address
-  //
-  // while honoring read barriers based on read_barrier_option.
-  void GenerateGcRootFieldLoad(HInstruction* instruction,
-                               Location root,
-                               const Address& address,
-                               Label* fixup_label,
-                               ReadBarrierOption read_barrier_option);
   void PushOntoFPStack(Location source, uint32_t temp_offset,
                        uint32_t stack_adjustment, bool is_float);