Merge "Update known buildbot failures for ProcessBuilderTest"
diff --git a/compiler/ b/compiler/
index 7a34683..c787dc5 100644
--- a/compiler/
+++ b/compiler/
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
 #include "gc/accounting/card_table-inl.h"
 #include "gc/accounting/heap_bitmap.h"
 #include "gc/accounting/space_bitmap-inl.h"
+#include "gc/collector/concurrent_copying.h"
 #include "gc/heap.h"
 #include "gc/space/large_object_space.h"
 #include "gc/space/space-inl.h"
@@ -1823,6 +1824,11 @@
   const auto it = saved_hashcode_map_.find(obj);
   dst->SetLockWord(it != saved_hashcode_map_.end() ?
       LockWord::FromHashCode(it->second, 0u) : LockWord::Default(), false);
+  if (kUseBakerReadBarrier && gc::collector::ConcurrentCopying::kGrayDirtyImmuneObjects) {
+    // Treat all of the objects in the image as marked to avoid unnecessary dirty pages. This is
+    // safe since we mark all of the objects that may reference non immune objects as gray.
+    CHECK(dst->AtomicSetMarkBit(0, 1));
+  }
   FixupObject(obj, dst);
diff --git a/compiler/image_writer.h b/compiler/image_writer.h
index 626a975..7d13656 100644
--- a/compiler/image_writer.h
+++ b/compiler/image_writer.h
@@ -217,8 +217,7 @@
   // uint32 = typeof(lockword_)
   // Subtract read barrier bits since we want these to remain 0, or else it may result in DCHECK
   // failures due to invalid read barrier bits during object field reads.
-  static const size_t kBinShift = BitSizeOf<uint32_t>() - kBinBits -
-      LockWord::kReadBarrierStateSize;
+  static const size_t kBinShift = BitSizeOf<uint32_t>() - kBinBits - LockWord::kGCStateSize;
   // 111000.....0
   static const size_t kBinMask = ((static_cast<size_t>(1) << kBinBits) - 1) << kBinShift;
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index 115cee6..bccde49 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -609,6 +609,8 @@
     DCHECK_NE(obj_.reg(), LR);
     DCHECK_NE(obj_.reg(), WSP);
     DCHECK_NE(obj_.reg(), WZR);
+    // WIP0 is used by the slow path as a temp, it can not be the object register.
+    DCHECK_NE(obj_.reg(), IP0);
     DCHECK(0 <= obj_.reg() && obj_.reg() < kNumberOfWRegisters) << obj_.reg();
     // "Compact" slow path, saving two moves.
@@ -751,10 +753,7 @@
                (instruction_->AsInvoke()->GetIntrinsic() == Intrinsics::kUnsafeGetObjectVolatile))
             << instruction_->AsInvoke()->GetIntrinsic();
         DCHECK_EQ(offset_, 0U);
-        DCHECK(index_.IsRegisterPair());
-        // UnsafeGet's offset location is a register pair, the low
-        // part contains the correct offset.
-        index = index_.ToLow();
+        DCHECK(index_.IsRegister());
@@ -1284,17 +1283,21 @@
       UseScratchRegisterScope temps(GetVIXLAssembler());
       HConstant* src_cst = source.GetConstant();
       CPURegister temp;
-      if (src_cst->IsIntConstant() || src_cst->IsNullConstant()) {
-        temp = temps.AcquireW();
-      } else if (src_cst->IsLongConstant()) {
-        temp = temps.AcquireX();
-      } else if (src_cst->IsFloatConstant()) {
-        temp = temps.AcquireS();
+      if (src_cst->IsZeroBitPattern()) {
+        temp = (src_cst->IsLongConstant() || src_cst->IsDoubleConstant()) ? xzr : wzr;
       } else {
-        DCHECK(src_cst->IsDoubleConstant());
-        temp = temps.AcquireD();
+        if (src_cst->IsIntConstant()) {
+          temp = temps.AcquireW();
+        } else if (src_cst->IsLongConstant()) {
+          temp = temps.AcquireX();
+        } else if (src_cst->IsFloatConstant()) {
+          temp = temps.AcquireS();
+        } else {
+          DCHECK(src_cst->IsDoubleConstant());
+          temp = temps.AcquireD();
+        }
+        MoveConstant(temp, src_cst);
-      MoveConstant(temp, src_cst);
       __ Str(temp, StackOperandFrom(destination));
     } else {
       DCHECK(source.IsStackSlot() || source.IsDoubleStackSlot());
diff --git a/runtime/arch/arm/quick_entrypoints_arm.S b/runtime/arch/arm/quick_entrypoints_arm.S
index 34d3158..8828dce 100644
--- a/runtime/arch/arm/quick_entrypoints_arm.S
+++ b/runtime/arch/arm/quick_entrypoints_arm.S
@@ -520,7 +520,7 @@
     ldr    r2, [r9, #THREAD_ID_OFFSET]
     ldrex  r1, [r0, #MIRROR_OBJECT_LOCK_WORD_OFFSET]
     mov    r3, r1
-    and    r3, #LOCK_WORD_READ_BARRIER_STATE_MASK_TOGGLED  @ zero the read barrier bits
+    and    r3, #LOCK_WORD_GC_STATE_MASK_SHIFTED_TOGGLED  @ zero the gc bits
     cbnz   r3, .Lnot_unlocked         @ already thin locked
     @ unlocked case - r1: original lock word that's zero except for the read barrier bits.
     orr    r2, r1, r2                 @ r2 holds thread id with count of 0 with preserved read barrier bits
@@ -536,9 +536,9 @@
     cbnz   r2, .Lslow_lock            @ lock word and self thread id's match -> recursive lock
                                       @ else contention, go to slow path
     mov    r3, r1                     @ copy the lock word to check count overflow.
-    and    r3, #LOCK_WORD_READ_BARRIER_STATE_MASK_TOGGLED  @ zero the read barrier bits.
+    and    r3, #LOCK_WORD_GC_STATE_MASK_SHIFTED_TOGGLED  @ zero the gc bits.
     add    r2, r3, #LOCK_WORD_THIN_LOCK_COUNT_ONE  @ increment count in lock word placing in r2 to check overflow
-    lsr    r3, r2, LOCK_WORD_READ_BARRIER_STATE_SHIFT  @ if either of the upper two bits (28-29) are set, we overflowed.
+    lsr    r3, r2, #LOCK_WORD_GC_STATE_SHIFT    @ if the first gc state bit is set, we overflowed.
     cbnz   r3, .Lslow_lock            @ if we overflow the count go slow path
     add    r2, r1, #LOCK_WORD_THIN_LOCK_COUNT_ONE  @ increment count for real
     strex  r3, r2, [r0, #MIRROR_OBJECT_LOCK_WORD_OFFSET] @ strex necessary for read barrier bits
@@ -581,17 +581,17 @@
     cbnz   r2, .Lslow_unlock          @ if either of the top two bits are set, go slow path
     ldr    r2, [r9, #THREAD_ID_OFFSET]
     mov    r3, r1                     @ copy lock word to check thread id equality
-    and    r3, #LOCK_WORD_READ_BARRIER_STATE_MASK_TOGGLED  @ zero the read barrier bits
+    and    r3, #LOCK_WORD_GC_STATE_MASK_SHIFTED_TOGGLED  @ zero the gc bits
     eor    r3, r3, r2                 @ lock_word.ThreadId() ^ self->ThreadId()
     uxth   r3, r3                     @ zero top 16 bits
     cbnz   r3, .Lslow_unlock          @ do lock word and self thread id's match?
     mov    r3, r1                     @ copy lock word to detect transition to unlocked
-    and    r3, #LOCK_WORD_READ_BARRIER_STATE_MASK_TOGGLED  @ zero the read barrier bits
+    and    r3, #LOCK_WORD_GC_STATE_MASK_SHIFTED_TOGGLED  @ zero the gc bits
     bpl    .Lrecursive_thin_unlock
     @ transition to unlocked
     mov    r3, r1
-    and    r3, #LOCK_WORD_READ_BARRIER_STATE_MASK  @ r3: zero except for the preserved read barrier bits
+    and    r3, #LOCK_WORD_GC_STATE_MASK_SHIFTED  @ r3: zero except for the preserved gc bits
     dmb    ish                        @ full (LoadStore|StoreStore) memory barrier
     str    r3, [r0, #MIRROR_OBJECT_LOCK_WORD_OFFSET]
@@ -1772,6 +1772,20 @@
 .macro READ_BARRIER_MARK_REG name, reg
 ENTRY \name
+    // Null check so that we can load the lock word.
+    cmp \reg, #0
+    beq .Lret_rb_\name
+    // Check lock word for mark bit, if marked return.
+    push {r0}
+    cbz r0, .Lslow_rb_\name
+    // Restore LR and return.
+    pop   {r0}
+    bx    lr
+    pop   {r0}
     push  {r0-r4, r9, r12, lr}          @ save return address and core caller-save registers
     .cfi_adjust_cfa_offset 32
     .cfi_rel_offset r0, 0
@@ -1831,6 +1845,8 @@
     pop   {r0-r4, r9, r12, pc}          @ restore caller-save registers and return
+    bx lr
 END \name
diff --git a/runtime/arch/arm64/quick_entrypoints_arm64.S b/runtime/arch/arm64/quick_entrypoints_arm64.S
index a5be52d..51094d5 100644
--- a/runtime/arch/arm64/quick_entrypoints_arm64.S
+++ b/runtime/arch/arm64/quick_entrypoints_arm64.S
@@ -1090,7 +1090,7 @@
     ldr    w2, [xSELF, #THREAD_ID_OFFSET] // TODO: Can the thread ID really change during the loop?
     ldxr   w1, [x4]
     mov    x3, x1
-    and    w3, w3, #LOCK_WORD_READ_BARRIER_STATE_MASK_TOGGLED  // zero the read barrier bits
+    and    w3, w3, #LOCK_WORD_GC_STATE_MASK_SHIFTED_TOGGLED  // zero the gc bits
     cbnz   w3, .Lnot_unlocked         // already thin locked
     // unlocked case - x1: original lock word that's zero except for the read barrier bits.
     orr    x2, x1, x2                 // x2 holds thread id with count of 0 with preserved read barrier bits
@@ -1106,9 +1106,9 @@
     cbnz   w2, .Lslow_lock            // lock word and self thread id's match -> recursive lock
                                       // else contention, go to slow path
     mov    x3, x1                     // copy the lock word to check count overflow.
-    and    w3, w3, #LOCK_WORD_READ_BARRIER_STATE_MASK_TOGGLED  // zero the read barrier bits.
+    and    w3, w3, #LOCK_WORD_GC_STATE_MASK_SHIFTED_TOGGLED  // zero the gc bits.
     add    w2, w3, #LOCK_WORD_THIN_LOCK_COUNT_ONE  // increment count in lock word placing in w2 to check overflow
-    lsr    w3, w2, LOCK_WORD_READ_BARRIER_STATE_SHIFT  // if either of the upper two bits (28-29) are set, we overflowed.
+    lsr    w3, w2, #LOCK_WORD_GC_STATE_SHIFT     // if the first gc state bit is set, we overflowed.
     cbnz   w3, .Lslow_lock            // if we overflow the count go slow path
     add    w2, w1, #LOCK_WORD_THIN_LOCK_COUNT_ONE  // increment count for real
     stxr   w3, w2, [x4]
@@ -1152,17 +1152,17 @@
     cbnz   w2, .Lslow_unlock          // if either of the top two bits are set, go slow path
     ldr    w2, [xSELF, #THREAD_ID_OFFSET]
     mov    x3, x1                     // copy lock word to check thread id equality
-    and    w3, w3, #LOCK_WORD_READ_BARRIER_STATE_MASK_TOGGLED  // zero the read barrier bits
+    and    w3, w3, #LOCK_WORD_GC_STATE_MASK_SHIFTED_TOGGLED  // zero the gc bits
     eor    w3, w3, w2                 // lock_word.ThreadId() ^ self->ThreadId()
     uxth   w3, w3                     // zero top 16 bits
     cbnz   w3, .Lslow_unlock          // do lock word and self thread id's match?
     mov    x3, x1                     // copy lock word to detect transition to unlocked
-    and    w3, w3, #LOCK_WORD_READ_BARRIER_STATE_MASK_TOGGLED  // zero the read barrier bits
+    and    w3, w3, #LOCK_WORD_GC_STATE_MASK_SHIFTED_TOGGLED  // zero the gc bits
     bpl    .Lrecursive_thin_unlock
     // transition to unlocked
     mov    x3, x1
-    and    w3, w3, #LOCK_WORD_READ_BARRIER_STATE_MASK  // w3: zero except for the preserved read barrier bits
+    and    w3, w3, #LOCK_WORD_GC_STATE_MASK_SHIFTED  // w3: zero except for the preserved read barrier bits
     dmb    ish                        // full (LoadStore|StoreStore) memory barrier
     str    w3, [x4]
@@ -1791,12 +1791,20 @@
     ldr    x2, [x1, #ART_METHOD_DEX_CACHE_TYPES_OFFSET_64]    // Load dex cache resolved types array
                                                               // Load the class (x2)
     ldr    w2, [x2, x0, lsl #COMPRESSED_REFERENCE_SIZE_SHIFT]
-                                                              // Read barrier for class load.
+    // Most common case: GC is not marking.
-    cbnz   x3, .Lart_quick_alloc_object_region_tlab_class_load_read_barrier_slow_path
+    cbnz   x3, .Lart_quick_alloc_object_region_tlab_marking
     ALLOC_OBJECT_TLAB_FAST_PATH .Lart_quick_alloc_object_region_tlab_slow_path
+    // GC is marking, check the lock word of the class for the mark bit.
+    // If the class is null, go slow path. The check is required to read the lock word.
+    cbz    w2, .Lart_quick_alloc_object_region_tlab_slow_path
+    // Class is not null, check mark bit in lock word.
+    ldr    w3, [x2, #MIRROR_OBJECT_LOCK_WORD_OFFSET]
+    // If the bit is not zero, do the allocation.
+    tbnz    w3, #LOCK_WORD_MARK_BIT_SHIFT, .Lart_quick_alloc_object_region_tlab_do_allocation
                                                               // The read barrier slow path. Mark
                                                               // the class.
     stp    x0, x1, [sp, #-32]!                                // Save registers (x0, x1, lr).
@@ -1807,7 +1815,7 @@
     ldp    x0, x1, [sp, #0]                                   // Restore registers.
     ldr    xLR, [sp, #16]
     add    sp, sp, #32
-    b      .Lart_quick_alloc_object_region_tlab_class_load_read_barrier_slow_path_exit
+    b      .Lart_quick_alloc_object_region_tlab_do_allocation
     SETUP_REFS_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME          // Save callee saves in case of GC.
     mov    x2, xSELF                           // Pass Thread::Current.
@@ -2265,6 +2273,8 @@
 .macro READ_BARRIER_MARK_REG name, wreg, xreg
 ENTRY \name
+    // Reference is null, no work to do at all.
+    cbz \wreg, .Lret_rb_\name
      * Allocate 46 stack slots * 8 = 368 bytes:
      * - 20 slots for core registers X0-X19
@@ -2272,6 +2282,11 @@
      * -  1 slot for return address register XLR
      * -  1 padding slot for 16-byte stack alignment
+    // Use wIP0 as temp and check the mark bit of the reference. wIP0 is not used by the compiler.
+    ldr   wIP0, [\xreg, #MIRROR_OBJECT_LOCK_WORD_OFFSET]
+    tbz   wIP0, #LOCK_WORD_MARK_BIT_SHIFT, .Lslow_path_rb_\name
+    ret
     // Save all potentially live caller-save core registers.
     stp   x0, x1,   [sp, #-368]!
     .cfi_adjust_cfa_offset 368
@@ -2360,6 +2375,7 @@
     .cfi_restore x30
     add sp, sp, #368
     .cfi_adjust_cfa_offset -368
 END \name
diff --git a/runtime/arch/x86/quick_entrypoints_x86.S b/runtime/arch/x86/quick_entrypoints_x86.S
index 77e04e7..6c9239f 100644
--- a/runtime/arch/x86/quick_entrypoints_x86.S
+++ b/runtime/arch/x86/quick_entrypoints_x86.S
@@ -1028,7 +1028,13 @@
     movl 0(%edx, %eax, COMPRESSED_REFERENCE_SIZE), %edx
                                                                // Read barrier for class load.
-    jne .Lart_quick_alloc_object_region_tlab_class_load_read_barrier_slow_path
+    jz .Lart_quick_alloc_object_region_tlab_class_load_read_barrier_slow_path_exit
+    // Null check so that we can load the lock word.
+    testl %edx, %edx
+    jz .Lart_quick_alloc_object_region_tlab_class_load_read_barrier_slow_path_exit
+    // Check the mark bit, if it is 1 return.
+    jz .Lart_quick_alloc_object_region_tlab_class_load_read_barrier_slow_path
     ALLOC_OBJECT_TLAB_FAST_PATH .Lart_quick_alloc_object_region_tlab_slow_path
@@ -1065,7 +1071,7 @@
     test LITERAL(LOCK_WORD_STATE_MASK), %ecx         // test the 2 high bits.
     jne  .Lslow_lock                      // slow path if either of the two high bits are set.
     movl %ecx, %edx                       // save lock word (edx) to keep read barrier bits.
-    andl LITERAL(LOCK_WORD_READ_BARRIER_STATE_MASK_TOGGLED), %ecx  // zero the read barrier bits.
+    andl LITERAL(LOCK_WORD_GC_STATE_MASK_SHIFTED_TOGGLED), %ecx  // zero the gc bits.
     test %ecx, %ecx
     jnz  .Lalready_thin                   // lock word contains a thin lock
     // unlocked case - edx: original lock word, eax: obj.
@@ -1081,9 +1087,9 @@
     cmpw %cx, %dx                         // do we hold the lock already?
     jne  .Lslow_lock
     movl %edx, %ecx                       // copy the lock word to check count overflow.
-    andl LITERAL(LOCK_WORD_READ_BARRIER_STATE_MASK_TOGGLED), %ecx  // zero the read barrier bits.
+    andl LITERAL(LOCK_WORD_GC_STATE_MASK_SHIFTED_TOGGLED), %ecx  // zero the read barrier bits.
     addl LITERAL(LOCK_WORD_THIN_LOCK_COUNT_ONE), %ecx  // increment recursion count for overflow check.
-    test LITERAL(LOCK_WORD_READ_BARRIER_STATE_MASK), %ecx  // overflowed if either of the upper two bits (28-29) are set.
+    test LITERAL(LOCK_WORD_GC_STATE_MASK_SHIFTED), %ecx  // overflowed if the first gc state bit is set.
     jne  .Lslow_lock                      // count overflowed so go slow
     movl %eax, %ecx                       // save obj to use eax for cmpxchg.
     movl %edx, %eax                       // copy the lock word as the old val for cmpxchg.
@@ -1137,13 +1143,13 @@
     cmpw %cx, %dx                         // does the thread id match?
     jne  .Lslow_unlock
     movl %ecx, %edx                       // copy the lock word to detect new count of 0.
-    andl LITERAL(LOCK_WORD_READ_BARRIER_STATE_MASK_TOGGLED), %edx  // zero the read barrier bits.
+    andl LITERAL(LOCK_WORD_GC_STATE_MASK_SHIFTED_TOGGLED), %edx  // zero the gc bits.
     jae  .Lrecursive_thin_unlock
     // update lockword, cmpxchg necessary for read barrier bits.
     movl %eax, %edx                       // edx: obj
     movl %ecx, %eax                       // eax: old lock word.
-    andl LITERAL(LOCK_WORD_READ_BARRIER_STATE_MASK), %ecx  // ecx: new lock word zero except original rb bits.
+    andl LITERAL(LOCK_WORD_GC_STATE_MASK_SHIFTED), %ecx  // ecx: new lock word zero except original rb bits.
     movl %ecx, MIRROR_OBJECT_LOCK_WORD_OFFSET(%edx)
@@ -1923,6 +1929,14 @@
 //   convention (e.g. standard callee-save registers are preserved).
+    // Null check so that we can load the lock word.
+    test REG_VAR(reg), REG_VAR(reg)
+    jz .Lret_rb_\name
+    // Check the mark bit, if it is 1 return.
+    jz .Lslow_rb_\name
+    ret
     // Save all potentially live caller-save core registers.
     PUSH eax
     PUSH ecx
@@ -1970,6 +1984,7 @@
     POP_REG_NE edx, RAW_VAR(reg)
     POP_REG_NE ecx, RAW_VAR(reg)
     POP_REG_NE eax, RAW_VAR(reg)
diff --git a/runtime/arch/x86_64/quick_entrypoints_x86_64.S b/runtime/arch/x86_64/quick_entrypoints_x86_64.S
index 784ec39..127d7db 100644
--- a/runtime/arch/x86_64/quick_entrypoints_x86_64.S
+++ b/runtime/arch/x86_64/quick_entrypoints_x86_64.S
@@ -989,7 +989,13 @@
                                                                // Load the class
     movl 0(%rdx, %rdi, COMPRESSED_REFERENCE_SIZE), %edx
-    jne .Lart_quick_alloc_object_region_tlab_class_load_read_barrier_slow_path
+    jz .Lart_quick_alloc_object_region_tlab_class_load_read_barrier_slow_path_exit
+    // Null check so that we can load the lock word.
+    testl %edx, %edx
+    jz .Lart_quick_alloc_object_region_tlab_class_load_read_barrier_slow_path_exit
+    // Check the mark bit, if it is 1 return.
+    jz .Lart_quick_alloc_object_region_tlab_class_load_read_barrier_slow_path
     ALLOC_OBJECT_TLAB_FAST_PATH .Lart_quick_alloc_object_region_tlab_slow_path
@@ -1022,7 +1028,7 @@
     test LITERAL(LOCK_WORD_STATE_MASK), %ecx         // Test the 2 high bits.
     jne  .Lslow_lock                      // Slow path if either of the two high bits are set.
     movl %ecx, %edx                       // save lock word (edx) to keep read barrier bits.
-    andl LITERAL(LOCK_WORD_READ_BARRIER_STATE_MASK_TOGGLED), %ecx  // zero the read barrier bits.
+    andl LITERAL(LOCK_WORD_GC_STATE_MASK_SHIFTED_TOGGLED), %ecx  // zero the gc bits.
     test %ecx, %ecx
     jnz  .Lalready_thin                   // Lock word contains a thin lock.
     // unlocked case - edx: original lock word, edi: obj.
@@ -1037,9 +1043,9 @@
     cmpw %cx, %dx                         // do we hold the lock already?
     jne  .Lslow_lock
     movl %edx, %ecx                       // copy the lock word to check count overflow.
-    andl LITERAL(LOCK_WORD_READ_BARRIER_STATE_MASK_TOGGLED), %ecx  // zero the read barrier bits.
+    andl LITERAL(LOCK_WORD_GC_STATE_MASK_SHIFTED_TOGGLED), %ecx  // zero the gc bits.
     addl LITERAL(LOCK_WORD_THIN_LOCK_COUNT_ONE), %ecx  // increment recursion count
-    test LITERAL(LOCK_WORD_READ_BARRIER_STATE_MASK), %ecx  // overflowed if either of the upper two bits (28-29) are set
+    test LITERAL(LOCK_WORD_READ_BARRIER_STATE_MASK), %ecx  // overflowed if the upper bit (28) is set
     jne  .Lslow_lock                      // count overflowed so go slow
     movl %edx, %eax                       // copy the lock word as the old val for cmpxchg.
     addl LITERAL(LOCK_WORD_THIN_LOCK_COUNT_ONE), %edx   // increment recursion count again for real.
@@ -1074,12 +1080,12 @@
     cmpw %cx, %dx                         // does the thread id match?
     jne  .Lslow_unlock
     movl %ecx, %edx                       // copy the lock word to detect new count of 0.
-    andl LITERAL(LOCK_WORD_READ_BARRIER_STATE_MASK_TOGGLED), %edx  // zero the read barrier bits.
+    andl LITERAL(LOCK_WORD_GC_STATE_MASK_SHIFTED_TOGGLED), %edx  // zero the gc bits.
     jae  .Lrecursive_thin_unlock
     // update lockword, cmpxchg necessary for read barrier bits.
     movl %ecx, %eax                       // eax: old lock word.
-    andl LITERAL(LOCK_WORD_READ_BARRIER_STATE_MASK), %ecx  // ecx: new lock word zero except original rb bits.
+    andl LITERAL(LOCK_WORD_GC_STATE_MASK_SHIFTED), %ecx  // ecx: new lock word zero except original gc bits.
     movl %ecx, MIRROR_OBJECT_LOCK_WORD_OFFSET(%edi)
@@ -1833,6 +1839,14 @@
 //   convention (e.g. standard callee-save registers are preserved).
+    // Null check so that we can load the lock word.
+    testq REG_VAR(reg), REG_VAR(reg)
+    jz .Lret_rb_\name
+    // Check the mark bit, if it is 1 return.
+    jz .Lslow_rb_\name
+    ret
     // Save all potentially live caller-save core registers.
     PUSH rax
     PUSH rcx
@@ -1897,6 +1911,7 @@
     POP_REG_NE rdx, RAW_VAR(reg)
     POP_REG_NE rcx, RAW_VAR(reg)
     POP_REG_NE rax, RAW_VAR(reg)
diff --git a/runtime/ b/runtime/
index dff2802..a6eb5f6 100644
--- a/runtime/
+++ b/runtime/
@@ -441,7 +441,7 @@
                                                    const OatDexFile* oat_dex_file,
                                                    std::string* error_msg) {
   DCHECK(base != nullptr);
-  DCHECK_NE(size, 0UL);
+  DCHECK_NE(size, 0U);
   CHECK_ALIGNED(base, 4);  // various dex file structures must be word aligned
   std::unique_ptr<DexFile> dex_file(
       new DexFile(base, size, location, location_checksum, mem_map, oat_dex_file));
diff --git a/runtime/gc/collector/concurrent_copying-inl.h b/runtime/gc/collector/concurrent_copying-inl.h
index 4019a5b..fb774a4 100644
--- a/runtime/gc/collector/concurrent_copying-inl.h
+++ b/runtime/gc/collector/concurrent_copying-inl.h
@@ -154,11 +154,30 @@
 inline mirror::Object* ConcurrentCopying::MarkFromReadBarrier(mirror::Object* from_ref) {
+  mirror::Object* ret;
+  // TODO: Delete GetMarkBit check when all of the callers properly check the bit. Remaining caller
+  // is array allocations.
+  if (from_ref == nullptr || from_ref->GetMarkBit()) {
+    return from_ref;
+  }
   // TODO: Consider removing this check when we are done investigating slow paths. b/30162165
   if (UNLIKELY(mark_from_read_barrier_measurements_)) {
-    return MarkFromReadBarrierWithMeasurements(from_ref);
+    ret = MarkFromReadBarrierWithMeasurements(from_ref);
+  } else {
+    ret = Mark(from_ref);
-  return Mark(from_ref);
+  // Only set the mark bit for baker barrier.
+  if (kUseBakerReadBarrier && LIKELY(!rb_mark_bit_stack_full_ && ret->AtomicSetMarkBit(0, 1))) {
+    // If the mark stack is full, we may temporarily go to mark and back to unmarked. Seeing both
+    // values are OK since the only race is doing an unnecessary Mark.
+    if (!rb_mark_bit_stack_->AtomicPushBack(ret)) {
+      // Mark stack is full, set the bit back to zero.
+      CHECK(ret->AtomicSetMarkBit(1, 0));
+      // Set rb_mark_bit_stack_full_, this is racy but OK since AtomicPushBack is thread safe.
+      rb_mark_bit_stack_full_ = true;
+    }
+  }
+  return ret;
 inline mirror::Object* ConcurrentCopying::GetFwdPtr(mirror::Object* from_ref) {
diff --git a/runtime/gc/collector/ b/runtime/gc/collector/
index d7221e4..071537d 100644
--- a/runtime/gc/collector/
+++ b/runtime/gc/collector/
@@ -42,9 +42,6 @@
 namespace collector {
 static constexpr size_t kDefaultGcMarkStackSize = 2 * MB;
-// If kGrayDirtyImmuneObjects is true then we gray dirty objects in the GC pause to prevent dirty
-// pages.
-static constexpr bool kGrayDirtyImmuneObjects = true;
 // If kFilterModUnionCards then we attempt to filter cards that don't need to be dirty in the mod
 // union table. Disabled since it does not seem to help the pause much.
 static constexpr bool kFilterModUnionCards = kIsDebugBuild;
@@ -52,6 +49,9 @@
 // ConcurrentCopying::Scan. May be used to diagnose possibly unnecessary read barriers.
 // Only enabled for kIsDebugBuild to avoid performance hit.
 static constexpr bool kDisallowReadBarrierDuringScan = kIsDebugBuild;
+// Slow path mark stack size, increase this if the stack is getting full and it is causing
+// performance problems.
+static constexpr size_t kReadBarrierMarkStackSize = 512 * KB;
 ConcurrentCopying::ConcurrentCopying(Heap* heap,
                                      const std::string& name_prefix,
@@ -63,6 +63,10 @@
       gc_mark_stack_(accounting::ObjectStack::Create("concurrent copying gc mark stack",
+      rb_mark_bit_stack_(accounting::ObjectStack::Create("rb copying gc mark stack",
+                                                         kReadBarrierMarkStackSize,
+                                                         kReadBarrierMarkStackSize)),
+      rb_mark_bit_stack_full_(false),
       mark_stack_lock_("concurrent copying mark stack lock", kMarkSweepMarkStackLock),
       is_marking_(false), is_active_(false), is_asserting_to_space_invariant_(false),
@@ -187,6 +191,7 @@
+  rb_mark_bit_stack_full_ = false;
   mark_from_read_barrier_measurements_ = measure_read_barrier_slow_path_;
   if (measure_read_barrier_slow_path_) {
@@ -914,9 +919,9 @@
     collector_->AssertToSpaceInvariant(nullptr, MemberOffset(0), ref);
     if (kUseBakerReadBarrier) {
-      CHECK(ref->GetReadBarrierPointer() == ReadBarrier::WhitePtr())
+      CHECK_EQ(ref->GetReadBarrierPointer(), ReadBarrier::WhitePtr())
           << "Ref " << ref << " " << PrettyTypeOf(ref)
-          << " has non-white rb_ptr " << ref->GetReadBarrierPointer();
+          << " has non-white rb_ptr ";
@@ -982,7 +987,7 @@
     VerifyNoFromSpaceRefsFieldVisitor visitor(collector);
     obj->VisitReferences(visitor, visitor);
     if (kUseBakerReadBarrier) {
-      CHECK(obj->GetReadBarrierPointer() == ReadBarrier::WhitePtr())
+      CHECK_EQ(obj->GetReadBarrierPointer(), ReadBarrier::WhitePtr())
           << "obj=" << obj << " non-white rb_ptr " << obj->GetReadBarrierPointer();
@@ -2243,6 +2248,15 @@
+    if (kUseBakerReadBarrier) {
+      TimingLogger::ScopedTiming split("EmptyRBMarkBitStack", GetTimings());
+      DCHECK(rb_mark_bit_stack_.get() != nullptr);
+      const auto* limit = rb_mark_bit_stack_->End();
+      for (StackReference<mirror::Object>* it = rb_mark_bit_stack_->Begin(); it != limit; ++it) {
+        CHECK(it->AsMirrorPtr()->AtomicSetMarkBit(1, 0));
+      }
+      rb_mark_bit_stack_->Reset();
+    }
   if (measure_read_barrier_slow_path_) {
     MutexLock mu(self, rb_slow_path_histogram_lock_);
diff --git a/runtime/gc/collector/concurrent_copying.h b/runtime/gc/collector/concurrent_copying.h
index 72112fa..a862802 100644
--- a/runtime/gc/collector/concurrent_copying.h
+++ b/runtime/gc/collector/concurrent_copying.h
@@ -57,6 +57,9 @@
   static constexpr bool kEnableFromSpaceAccountingCheck = kIsDebugBuild;
   // Enable verbose mode.
   static constexpr bool kVerboseMode = false;
+  // If kGrayDirtyImmuneObjects is true then we gray dirty objects in the GC pause to prevent dirty
+  // pages.
+  static constexpr bool kGrayDirtyImmuneObjects = true;
   ConcurrentCopying(Heap* heap,
                     const std::string& name_prefix = "",
@@ -230,6 +233,8 @@
   space::RegionSpace* region_space_;      // The underlying region space.
   std::unique_ptr<Barrier> gc_barrier_;
   std::unique_ptr<accounting::ObjectStack> gc_mark_stack_;
+  std::unique_ptr<accounting::ObjectStack> rb_mark_bit_stack_;
+  bool rb_mark_bit_stack_full_;
   std::vector<mirror::Object*> false_gray_stack_ GUARDED_BY(mark_stack_lock_);
   Mutex mark_stack_lock_ DEFAULT_MUTEX_ACQUIRED_AFTER;
   std::vector<accounting::ObjectStack*> revoked_mark_stacks_
diff --git a/runtime/gc/ b/runtime/gc/
index a92cb24..5485cd2 100644
--- a/runtime/gc/
+++ b/runtime/gc/
@@ -2538,6 +2538,17 @@
+  if (kUseBakerReadBarrier && gc::collector::ConcurrentCopying::kGrayDirtyImmuneObjects) {
+    // Treat all of the objects in the zygote as marked to avoid unnecessary dirty pages. This is
+    // safe since we mark all of the objects that may reference non immune objects as gray.
+    zygote_space_->GetLiveBitmap()->VisitMarkedRange(
+        reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(zygote_space_->Begin()),
+        reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(zygote_space_->Limit()),
+        [](mirror::Object* obj) SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+      CHECK(obj->AtomicSetMarkBit(0, 1));
+    });
+  }
   // Create the zygote space mod union table.
   accounting::ModUnionTable* mod_union_table =
       new accounting::ModUnionTableCardCache("zygote space mod-union table", this,
diff --git a/runtime/generated/asm_support_gen.h b/runtime/generated/asm_support_gen.h
index 5d62b59..f5d5181 100644
--- a/runtime/generated/asm_support_gen.h
+++ b/runtime/generated/asm_support_gen.h
@@ -74,12 +74,22 @@
 DEFINE_CHECK_EQ(static_cast<uint32_t>(LOCK_WORD_STATE_MASK), (static_cast<uint32_t>(art::LockWord::kStateMaskShifted)))
 DEFINE_CHECK_EQ(static_cast<int32_t>(LOCK_WORD_READ_BARRIER_STATE_SHIFT), (static_cast<int32_t>(art::LockWord::kReadBarrierStateShift)))
 DEFINE_CHECK_EQ(static_cast<uint32_t>(LOCK_WORD_READ_BARRIER_STATE_MASK), (static_cast<uint32_t>(art::LockWord::kReadBarrierStateMaskShifted)))
 DEFINE_CHECK_EQ(static_cast<uint32_t>(LOCK_WORD_READ_BARRIER_STATE_MASK_TOGGLED), (static_cast<uint32_t>(art::LockWord::kReadBarrierStateMaskShiftedToggled)))
 DEFINE_CHECK_EQ(static_cast<int32_t>(LOCK_WORD_THIN_LOCK_COUNT_ONE), (static_cast<int32_t>(art::LockWord::kThinLockCountOne)))
+DEFINE_CHECK_EQ(static_cast<uint32_t>(LOCK_WORD_GC_STATE_MASK_SHIFTED), (static_cast<uint32_t>(art::LockWord::kGCStateMaskShifted)))
+DEFINE_CHECK_EQ(static_cast<uint32_t>(LOCK_WORD_GC_STATE_MASK_SHIFTED_TOGGLED), (static_cast<uint32_t>(art::LockWord::kGCStateMaskShiftedToggled)))
+DEFINE_CHECK_EQ(static_cast<int32_t>(LOCK_WORD_GC_STATE_SHIFT), (static_cast<int32_t>(art::LockWord::kGCStateShift)))
+DEFINE_CHECK_EQ(static_cast<int32_t>(LOCK_WORD_MARK_BIT_SHIFT), (static_cast<int32_t>(art::LockWord::kMarkBitStateShift)))
+DEFINE_CHECK_EQ(static_cast<uint32_t>(LOCK_WORD_MARK_BIT_MASK_SHIFTED), (static_cast<uint32_t>(art::LockWord::kMarkBitStateMaskShifted)))
 DEFINE_CHECK_EQ(static_cast<size_t>(OBJECT_ALIGNMENT_MASK), (static_cast<size_t>(art::kObjectAlignment - 1)))
diff --git a/runtime/globals.h b/runtime/globals.h
index 0b44c47..9045d40 100644
--- a/runtime/globals.h
+++ b/runtime/globals.h
@@ -47,7 +47,8 @@
 // Required object alignment
-static constexpr size_t kObjectAlignment = 8;
+static constexpr size_t kObjectAlignmentShift = 3;
+static constexpr size_t kObjectAlignment = 1u << kObjectAlignmentShift;
 static constexpr size_t kLargeObjectAlignment = kPageSize;
 // Whether or not this is a debug build. Useful in conditionals where NDEBUG isn't.
diff --git a/runtime/lock_word-inl.h b/runtime/lock_word-inl.h
index 341501b..4a2a293 100644
--- a/runtime/lock_word-inl.h
+++ b/runtime/lock_word-inl.h
@@ -43,17 +43,15 @@
 inline size_t LockWord::ForwardingAddress() const {
   DCHECK_EQ(GetState(), kForwardingAddress);
-  return value_ << kStateSize;
+  return value_ << kForwardingAddressShift;
 inline LockWord::LockWord() : value_(0) {
   DCHECK_EQ(GetState(), kUnlocked);
-inline LockWord::LockWord(Monitor* mon, uint32_t rb_state)
-    : value_(mon->GetMonitorId() | (rb_state << kReadBarrierStateShift) |
-             (kStateFat << kStateShift)) {
-  DCHECK_EQ(rb_state & ~kReadBarrierStateMask, 0U);
+inline LockWord::LockWord(Monitor* mon, uint32_t gc_state)
+    : value_(mon->GetMonitorId() | (gc_state << kGCStateShift) | (kStateFat << kStateShift)) {
 #ifndef __LP64__
   DCHECK_ALIGNED(mon, kMonitorIdAlignment);
diff --git a/runtime/lock_word.h b/runtime/lock_word.h
index 5d0d204..538b6eb 100644
--- a/runtime/lock_word.h
+++ b/runtime/lock_word.h
@@ -35,27 +35,27 @@
  * the state. The four possible states are fat locked, thin/unlocked, hash code, and forwarding
  * address. When the lock word is in the "thin" state and its bits are formatted as follows:
- *  |33|22|222222221111|1111110000000000|
- *  |10|98|765432109876|5432109876543210|
- *  |00|rb| lock count |thread id owner |
+ *  |33|2|2|222222221111|1111110000000000|
+ *  |10|9|8|765432109876|5432109876543210|
+ *  |00|m|r| lock count |thread id owner |
  * When the lock word is in the "fat" state and its bits are formatted as follows:
- *  |33|22|2222222211111111110000000000|
- *  |10|98|7654321098765432109876543210|
- *  |01|rb| MonitorId                  |
+ *  |33|2|2|2222222211111111110000000000|
+ *  |10|9|8|7654321098765432109876543210|
+ *  |01|m|r| MonitorId                  |
  * When the lock word is in hash state and its bits are formatted as follows:
- *  |33|22|2222222211111111110000000000|
- *  |10|98|7654321098765432109876543210|
- *  |10|rb| HashCode                   |
+ *  |33|2|2|2222222211111111110000000000|
+ *  |10|9|8|7654321098765432109876543210|
+ *  |10|m|r| HashCode                   |
- * When the lock word is in fowarding address state and its bits are formatted as follows:
+ * When the lock word is in forwarding address state and its bits are formatted as follows:
- *  |33|22|2222222211111111110000000000|
- *  |10|98|7654321098765432109876543210|
- *  |11| ForwardingAddress             |
+ *  |33|2|22222222211111111110000000000|
+ *  |10|9|87654321098765432109876543210|
+ *  |11|0| ForwardingAddress           |
  * The rb bits store the read barrier state.
@@ -64,11 +64,13 @@
   enum SizeShiftsAndMasks {  // private marker to avoid from processing.
     // Number of bits to encode the state, currently just fat or thin/unlocked or hash code.
     kStateSize = 2,
-    kReadBarrierStateSize = 2,
+    kReadBarrierStateSize = 1,
+    kMarkBitStateSize = 1,
     // Number of bits to encode the thin lock owner.
     kThinLockOwnerSize = 16,
     // Remaining bits are the recursive lock count.
-    kThinLockCountSize = 32 - kThinLockOwnerSize - kStateSize - kReadBarrierStateSize,
+    kThinLockCountSize = 32 - kThinLockOwnerSize - kStateSize - kReadBarrierStateSize -
+        kMarkBitStateSize,
     // Thin lock bits. Owner in lowest bits.
     kThinLockOwnerShift = 0,
@@ -81,25 +83,43 @@
     kThinLockCountOne = 1 << kThinLockCountShift,  // == 65536 (0x10000)
     // State in the highest bits.
-    kStateShift = kReadBarrierStateSize + kThinLockCountSize + kThinLockCountShift,
+    kStateShift = kReadBarrierStateSize + kThinLockCountSize + kThinLockCountShift +
+        kMarkBitStateSize,
     kStateMask = (1 << kStateSize) - 1,
     kStateMaskShifted = kStateMask << kStateShift,
     kStateThinOrUnlocked = 0,
     kStateFat = 1,
     kStateHash = 2,
     kStateForwardingAddress = 3,
+    // Read barrier bit.
     kReadBarrierStateShift = kThinLockCountSize + kThinLockCountShift,
     kReadBarrierStateMask = (1 << kReadBarrierStateSize) - 1,
     kReadBarrierStateMaskShifted = kReadBarrierStateMask << kReadBarrierStateShift,
     kReadBarrierStateMaskShiftedToggled = ~kReadBarrierStateMaskShifted,
+    // Mark bit.
+    kMarkBitStateShift = kReadBarrierStateSize + kReadBarrierStateShift,
+    kMarkBitStateMask = (1 << kMarkBitStateSize) - 1,
+    kMarkBitStateMaskShifted = kMarkBitStateMask << kMarkBitStateShift,
+    kMarkBitStateMaskShiftedToggled = ~kMarkBitStateMaskShifted,
+    // GC state is mark bit and read barrier state.
+    kGCStateSize = kReadBarrierStateSize + kMarkBitStateSize,
+    kGCStateShift = kReadBarrierStateShift,
+    kGCStateMaskShifted = kReadBarrierStateMaskShifted | kMarkBitStateMaskShifted,
+    kGCStateMaskShiftedToggled = ~kGCStateMaskShifted,
     // When the state is kHashCode, the non-state bits hold the hashcode.
     // Note Object.hashCode() has the hash code layout hardcoded.
     kHashShift = 0,
-    kHashSize = 32 - kStateSize - kReadBarrierStateSize,
+    kHashSize = 32 - kStateSize - kReadBarrierStateSize - kMarkBitStateSize,
     kHashMask = (1 << kHashSize) - 1,
     kMaxHash = kHashMask,
+    // Forwarding address shift.
+    kForwardingAddressShift = kObjectAlignmentShift,
     kMonitorIdShift = kHashShift,
     kMonitorIdSize = kHashSize,
     kMonitorIdMask = kHashMask,
@@ -108,31 +128,31 @@
     kMaxMonitorId = kMaxHash
-  static LockWord FromThinLockId(uint32_t thread_id, uint32_t count, uint32_t rb_state) {
+  static LockWord FromThinLockId(uint32_t thread_id, uint32_t count, uint32_t gc_state) {
     CHECK_LE(thread_id, static_cast<uint32_t>(kThinLockMaxOwner));
     CHECK_LE(count, static_cast<uint32_t>(kThinLockMaxCount));
-    DCHECK_EQ(rb_state & ~kReadBarrierStateMask, 0U);
-    return LockWord((thread_id << kThinLockOwnerShift) | (count << kThinLockCountShift) |
-                    (rb_state << kReadBarrierStateShift) |
+    // DCHECK_EQ(gc_bits & kGCStateMaskToggled, 0U);
+    return LockWord((thread_id << kThinLockOwnerShift) |
+                    (count << kThinLockCountShift) |
+                    (gc_state << kGCStateShift) |
                     (kStateThinOrUnlocked << kStateShift));
   static LockWord FromForwardingAddress(size_t target) {
     DCHECK_ALIGNED(target, (1 << kStateSize));
-    return LockWord((target >> kStateSize) | (kStateForwardingAddress << kStateShift));
+    return LockWord((target >> kForwardingAddressShift) | (kStateForwardingAddress << kStateShift));
-  static LockWord FromHashCode(uint32_t hash_code, uint32_t rb_state) {
+  static LockWord FromHashCode(uint32_t hash_code, uint32_t gc_state) {
     CHECK_LE(hash_code, static_cast<uint32_t>(kMaxHash));
-    DCHECK_EQ(rb_state & ~kReadBarrierStateMask, 0U);
+    // DCHECK_EQ(gc_bits & kGCStateMaskToggled, 0U);
     return LockWord((hash_code << kHashShift) |
-                    (rb_state << kReadBarrierStateShift) |
+                    (gc_state << kGCStateShift) |
                     (kStateHash << kStateShift));
-  static LockWord FromDefault(uint32_t rb_state) {
-    DCHECK_EQ(rb_state & ~kReadBarrierStateMask, 0U);
-    return LockWord(rb_state << kReadBarrierStateShift);
+  static LockWord FromDefault(uint32_t gc_state) {
+    return LockWord(gc_state << kGCStateShift);
   static bool IsDefault(LockWord lw) {
@@ -154,7 +174,7 @@
   LockState GetState() const {
     if ((!kUseReadBarrier && UNLIKELY(value_ == 0)) ||
-        (kUseReadBarrier && UNLIKELY((value_ & kReadBarrierStateMaskShiftedToggled) == 0))) {
+        (kUseReadBarrier && UNLIKELY((value_ & kGCStateMaskShiftedToggled) == 0))) {
       return kUnlocked;
     } else {
       uint32_t internal_state = (value_ >> kStateShift) & kStateMask;
@@ -176,6 +196,10 @@
     return (value_ >> kReadBarrierStateShift) & kReadBarrierStateMask;
+  uint32_t GCState() const {
+    return (value_ & kGCStateMaskShifted) >> kGCStateShift;
+  }
   void SetReadBarrierState(uint32_t rb_state) {
     DCHECK_EQ(rb_state & ~kReadBarrierStateMask, 0U);
     DCHECK_NE(static_cast<uint32_t>(GetState()), static_cast<uint32_t>(kForwardingAddress));
@@ -184,6 +208,19 @@
     value_ |= (rb_state & kReadBarrierStateMask) << kReadBarrierStateShift;
+  uint32_t MarkBitState() const {
+    return (value_ >> kMarkBitStateShift) & kMarkBitStateMask;
+  }
+  void SetMarkBitState(uint32_t mark_bit) {
+    DCHECK_EQ(mark_bit & ~kMarkBitStateMask, 0U);
+    DCHECK_NE(static_cast<uint32_t>(GetState()), static_cast<uint32_t>(kForwardingAddress));
+    // Clear and or the bits.
+    value_ &= kMarkBitStateMaskShiftedToggled;
+    value_ |= mark_bit << kMarkBitStateShift;
+  }
   // Return the owner thin lock thread id.
   uint32_t ThinLockOwner() const;
@@ -197,7 +234,7 @@
   size_t ForwardingAddress() const;
   // Constructor a lock word for inflation to use a Monitor.
-  LockWord(Monitor* mon, uint32_t rb_state);
+  LockWord(Monitor* mon, uint32_t gc_state);
   // Return the hash code stored in the lock word, must be kHashCode state.
   int32_t GetHashCode() const;
@@ -207,7 +244,7 @@
     if (kIncludeReadBarrierState) {
       return lw1.GetValue() == lw2.GetValue();
-    return lw1.GetValueWithoutReadBarrierState() == lw2.GetValueWithoutReadBarrierState();
+    return lw1.GetValueWithoutGCState() == lw2.GetValueWithoutGCState();
   void Dump(std::ostream& os) {
@@ -248,9 +285,9 @@
     return value_;
-  uint32_t GetValueWithoutReadBarrierState() const {
+  uint32_t GetValueWithoutGCState() const {
-    return value_ & ~(kReadBarrierStateMask << kReadBarrierStateShift);
+    return value_ & kGCStateMaskShiftedToggled;
   // Only Object should be converting LockWords to/from uints.
diff --git a/runtime/mirror/object-inl.h b/runtime/mirror/object-inl.h
index 0592c6c..0495c95 100644
--- a/runtime/mirror/object-inl.h
+++ b/runtime/mirror/object-inl.h
@@ -147,10 +147,20 @@
+inline uint32_t Object::GetMarkBit() {
+  return GetLockWord(false).MarkBitState();
+  LOG(FATAL) << "Unreachable";
 inline void Object::SetReadBarrierPointer(Object* rb_ptr) {
   DCHECK_EQ(reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(rb_ptr) >> 32, 0U);
+  DCHECK_NE(rb_ptr, ReadBarrier::BlackPtr()) << "Setting to black is not supported";
   LockWord lw = GetLockWord(false);
   SetLockWord(lw, false);
@@ -173,6 +183,8 @@
   DCHECK_EQ(reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(expected_rb_ptr) >> 32, 0U);
   DCHECK_EQ(reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(rb_ptr) >> 32, 0U);
+  DCHECK_NE(expected_rb_ptr, ReadBarrier::BlackPtr()) << "Setting to black is not supported";
+  DCHECK_NE(rb_ptr, ReadBarrier::BlackPtr()) << "Setting to black is not supported";
   LockWord expected_lw;
   LockWord new_lw;
   do {
@@ -216,6 +228,24 @@
+inline bool Object::AtomicSetMarkBit(uint32_t expected_mark_bit, uint32_t mark_bit) {
+  LockWord expected_lw;
+  LockWord new_lw;
+  do {
+    LockWord lw = GetLockWord(false);
+    if (UNLIKELY(lw.MarkBitState() != expected_mark_bit)) {
+      // Lost the race.
+      return false;
+    }
+    expected_lw = lw;
+    new_lw = lw;
+    new_lw.SetMarkBitState(mark_bit);
+    // Since this is only set from the mutator, we can use the non release Cas.
+  } while (!CasLockWordWeakRelaxed(expected_lw, new_lw));
+  return true;
 inline void Object::AssertReadBarrierPointer() const {
   if (kUseBakerReadBarrier) {
     Object* obj = const_cast<Object*>(this);
diff --git a/runtime/mirror/ b/runtime/mirror/
index 701c600..13c536e 100644
--- a/runtime/mirror/
+++ b/runtime/mirror/
@@ -163,8 +163,7 @@
       case LockWord::kUnlocked: {
         // Try to compare and swap in a new hash, if we succeed we will return the hash on the next
         // loop iteration.
-        LockWord hash_word = LockWord::FromHashCode(GenerateIdentityHashCode(),
-                                                    lw.ReadBarrierState());
+        LockWord hash_word = LockWord::FromHashCode(GenerateIdentityHashCode(), lw.GCState());
         DCHECK_EQ(hash_word.GetState(), LockWord::kHashCode);
         if (const_cast<Object*>(this)->CasLockWordWeakRelaxed(lw, hash_word)) {
           return hash_word.GetHashCode();
diff --git a/runtime/mirror/object.h b/runtime/mirror/object.h
index a4bdbad..5b129bf 100644
--- a/runtime/mirror/object.h
+++ b/runtime/mirror/object.h
@@ -93,6 +93,7 @@
   template<VerifyObjectFlags kVerifyFlags = kDefaultVerifyFlags>
   void SetClass(Class* new_klass) SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_);
+  // TODO: Clean this up and change to return int32_t
   Object* GetReadBarrierPointer() SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_);
@@ -103,6 +104,12 @@
   template<bool kCasRelease = false>
   ALWAYS_INLINE bool AtomicSetReadBarrierPointer(Object* expected_rb_ptr, Object* rb_ptr)
+  ALWAYS_INLINE uint32_t GetMarkBit() SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_);
+  ALWAYS_INLINE bool AtomicSetMarkBit(uint32_t expected_mark_bit, uint32_t mark_bit)
+      SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_);
   void AssertReadBarrierPointer() const SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_);
   // The verifier treats all interfaces as java.lang.Object and relies on runtime checks in
diff --git a/runtime/ b/runtime/
index bf9f931..e863ea9 100644
--- a/runtime/
+++ b/runtime/
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
       return false;
-  LockWord fat(this, lw.ReadBarrierState());
+  LockWord fat(this, lw.GCState());
   // Publish the updated lock word, which may race with other threads.
   bool success = GetObject()->CasLockWordWeakSequentiallyConsistent(lw, fat);
   // Lock profiling.
@@ -774,20 +774,21 @@
         return false;
       // Deflate to a thin lock.
-      LockWord new_lw = LockWord::FromThinLockId(owner->GetThreadId(), monitor->lock_count_,
-                                                 lw.ReadBarrierState());
+      LockWord new_lw = LockWord::FromThinLockId(owner->GetThreadId(),
+                                                 monitor->lock_count_,
+                                                 lw.GCState());
       // Assume no concurrent read barrier state changes as mutators are suspended.
       obj->SetLockWord(new_lw, false);
       VLOG(monitor) << "Deflated " << obj << " to thin lock " << owner->GetTid() << " / "
           << monitor->lock_count_;
     } else if (monitor->HasHashCode()) {
-      LockWord new_lw = LockWord::FromHashCode(monitor->GetHashCode(), lw.ReadBarrierState());
+      LockWord new_lw = LockWord::FromHashCode(monitor->GetHashCode(), lw.GCState());
       // Assume no concurrent read barrier state changes as mutators are suspended.
       obj->SetLockWord(new_lw, false);
       VLOG(monitor) << "Deflated " << obj << " to hash monitor " << monitor->GetHashCode();
     } else {
       // No lock and no hash, just put an empty lock word inside the object.
-      LockWord new_lw = LockWord::FromDefault(lw.ReadBarrierState());
+      LockWord new_lw = LockWord::FromDefault(lw.GCState());
       // Assume no concurrent read barrier state changes as mutators are suspended.
       obj->SetLockWord(new_lw, false);
       VLOG(monitor) << "Deflated" << obj << " to empty lock word";
@@ -876,7 +877,7 @@
     LockWord lock_word = h_obj->GetLockWord(true);
     switch (lock_word.GetState()) {
       case LockWord::kUnlocked: {
-        LockWord thin_locked(LockWord::FromThinLockId(thread_id, 0, lock_word.ReadBarrierState()));
+        LockWord thin_locked(LockWord::FromThinLockId(thread_id, 0, lock_word.GCState()));
         if (h_obj->CasLockWordWeakSequentiallyConsistent(lock_word, thin_locked)) {
           AtraceMonitorLock(self, h_obj.Get(), false /* is_wait */);
           // CasLockWord enforces more than the acquire ordering we need here.
@@ -890,8 +891,9 @@
           // We own the lock, increase the recursion count.
           uint32_t new_count = lock_word.ThinLockCount() + 1;
           if (LIKELY(new_count <= LockWord::kThinLockMaxCount)) {
-            LockWord thin_locked(LockWord::FromThinLockId(thread_id, new_count,
-                                                          lock_word.ReadBarrierState()));
+            LockWord thin_locked(LockWord::FromThinLockId(thread_id,
+                                                          new_count,
+                                                          lock_word.GCState()));
             if (!kUseReadBarrier) {
               h_obj->SetLockWord(thin_locked, true);
               AtraceMonitorLock(self, h_obj.Get(), false /* is_wait */);
@@ -975,9 +977,9 @@
           LockWord new_lw = LockWord::Default();
           if (lock_word.ThinLockCount() != 0) {
             uint32_t new_count = lock_word.ThinLockCount() - 1;
-            new_lw = LockWord::FromThinLockId(thread_id, new_count, lock_word.ReadBarrierState());
+            new_lw = LockWord::FromThinLockId(thread_id, new_count, lock_word.GCState());
           } else {
-            new_lw = LockWord::FromDefault(lock_word.ReadBarrierState());
+            new_lw = LockWord::FromDefault(lock_word.GCState());
           if (!kUseReadBarrier) {
             DCHECK_EQ(new_lw.ReadBarrierState(), 0U);
diff --git a/runtime/read_barrier.h b/runtime/read_barrier.h
index 42e959c..5d32c09 100644
--- a/runtime/read_barrier.h
+++ b/runtime/read_barrier.h
@@ -99,8 +99,9 @@
   // Note: These couldn't be constexpr pointers as reinterpret_cast isn't compatible with them.
   static constexpr uintptr_t white_ptr_ = 0x0;    // Not marked.
   static constexpr uintptr_t gray_ptr_ = 0x1;     // Marked, but not marked through. On mark stack.
+  // TODO: black_ptr_ is unused, we should remove it.
   static constexpr uintptr_t black_ptr_ = 0x2;    // Marked through. Used for non-moving objects.
-  static constexpr uintptr_t rb_ptr_mask_ = 0x3;  // The low 2 bits for white|gray|black.
+  static constexpr uintptr_t rb_ptr_mask_ = 0x1;  // The low bits for white|gray.
 }  // namespace art
diff --git a/test/615-checker-arm64-zr-parallel-move/expected.txt b/test/615-checker-arm64-zr-parallel-move/expected.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/615-checker-arm64-zr-parallel-move/expected.txt
diff --git a/test/615-checker-arm64-zr-parallel-move/info.txt b/test/615-checker-arm64-zr-parallel-move/info.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..199755d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/615-checker-arm64-zr-parallel-move/info.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Checker test to verify we correctly use wzr and xzr to synthesize zero constants.
diff --git a/test/615-checker-arm64-zr-parallel-move/src/ b/test/615-checker-arm64-zr-parallel-move/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5024f28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/615-checker-arm64-zr-parallel-move/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+public class Main {
+  public static boolean doThrow = false;
+  public void $noinline$foo(int in_w1,
+                            int in_w2,
+                            int in_w3,
+                            int in_w4,
+                            int in_w5,
+                            int in_w6,
+                            int in_w7,
+                            int on_stack_int,
+                            long on_stack_long,
+                            float in_s0,
+                            float in_s1,
+                            float in_s2,
+                            float in_s3,
+                            float in_s4,
+                            float in_s5,
+                            float in_s6,
+                            float in_s7,
+                            float on_stack_float,
+                            double on_stack_double) {
+    if (doThrow) throw new Error();
+  }
+  // We expect a parallel move that moves four times the zero constant to stack locations.
+  /// CHECK-START-ARM64: void register (after)
+  /// CHECK:             ParallelMove {{.*#0->[0-9x]+\(sp\).*#0->[0-9x]+\(sp\).*#0->[0-9x]+\(sp\).*#0->[0-9x]+\(sp\).*}}
+  // Those four moves should generate four 'store' instructions using directly the zero register.
+  /// CHECK-START-ARM64: void disassembly (after)
+  /// CHECK-DAG:         {{(str|stur)}} wzr, [sp, #{{[0-9]+}}]
+  /// CHECK-DAG:         {{(str|stur)}} xzr, [sp, #{{[0-9]+}}]
+  /// CHECK-DAG:         {{(str|stur)}} wzr, [sp, #{{[0-9]+}}]
+  /// CHECK-DAG:         {{(str|stur)}} xzr, [sp, #{{[0-9]+}}]
+  public void bar() {
+    $noinline$foo(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,     // Integral values in registers.
+                  0, 0L,                   // Integral values on the stack.
+                  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,  // Floating-point values in registers.
+                  0.0f, 0.0);              // Floating-point values on the stack.
+  }
+  public static void main(String args[]) {}
diff --git a/test/common/ b/test/common/
index 806e130..ee2ee1a 100644
--- a/test/common/
+++ b/test/common/
@@ -130,18 +130,18 @@
-  ScopedObjectAccess soa(Thread::Current());
+  ArtMethod* method = nullptr;
+  {
+    ScopedObjectAccess soa(Thread::Current());
-  ScopedUtfChars chars(env, method_name);
-  CHECK(chars.c_str() != nullptr);
-  mirror::Class* klass = soa.Decode<mirror::Class*>(cls);
-  ArtMethod* method = klass->FindDeclaredDirectMethodByName(chars.c_str(), kRuntimePointerSize);
+    ScopedUtfChars chars(env, method_name);
+    CHECK(chars.c_str() != nullptr);
+    method = soa.Decode<mirror::Class*>(cls)->FindDeclaredDirectMethodByName(
+        chars.c_str(), kRuntimePointerSize);
+  }
   jit::JitCodeCache* code_cache = jit->GetCodeCache();
   OatQuickMethodHeader* header = nullptr;
-  // Make sure there is a profiling info, required by the compiler.
-  ProfilingInfo::Create(soa.Self(), method, /* retry_allocation */ true);
   while (true) {
     header = OatQuickMethodHeader::FromEntryPoint(method->GetEntryPointFromQuickCompiledCode());
     if (code_cache->ContainsPc(header->GetCode())) {
@@ -149,6 +149,9 @@
     } else {
       // Sleep to yield to the compiler thread.
+      ScopedObjectAccess soa(Thread::Current());
+      // Make sure there is a profiling info, required by the compiler.
+      ProfilingInfo::Create(soa.Self(), method, /* retry_allocation */ true);
       // Will either ensure it's compiled or do the compilation itself.
       jit->CompileMethod(method, soa.Self(), /* osr */ false);
diff --git a/test/etc/run-test-jar b/test/etc/run-test-jar
index 64bf4f3..c6c9380 100755
--- a/test/etc/run-test-jar
+++ b/test/etc/run-test-jar
@@ -553,12 +553,10 @@
     if [ "$TIME_OUT" = "timeout" ]; then
       # Add timeout command if time out is desired.
-      # Note: We use nested timeouts. The inner timeout sends SIGRTMIN+2 (usually 36) to ART, which
-      #       will induce a full thread dump before abort. However, dumping threads might deadlock,
-      #       so the outer timeout sends the regular SIGTERM after an additional minute to ensure
-      #       termination (without dumping all threads).
-      TIME_PLUS_ONE=$(($TIME_OUT_VALUE + 60))
-      cmdline="timeout ${TIME_PLUS_ONE}s timeout -s SIGRTMIN+2 ${TIME_OUT_VALUE}s $cmdline"
+      # Note: We first send SIGRTMIN+2 (usually 36) to ART, which will induce a full thread dump
+      #       before abort. However, dumping threads might deadlock, so we also use the "-k"
+      #       option to definitely kill the child.
+      cmdline="timeout -k 120s -s SIGRTMIN+2 ${TIME_OUT_VALUE}s $cmdline"
     if [ "$DEV_MODE" = "y" ]; then
diff --git a/tools/ahat/src/ b/tools/ahat/src/
index 3cdb40c..8769d11 100644
--- a/tools/ahat/src/
+++ b/tools/ahat/src/
@@ -95,9 +95,7 @@
       return null;
-    // TODO: When perflib provides a better way to get the length of the
-    // array, we should use that here.
-    int numChars = chars.getValues().length;
+    int numChars = chars.getLength();
     int count = getIntField(inst, "count", numChars);
     if (count == 0) {
       return "";
diff --git a/tools/cpp-define-generator/constant_lockword.def b/tools/cpp-define-generator/constant_lockword.def
index c1e6099..67ed5b5 100644
--- a/tools/cpp-define-generator/constant_lockword.def
+++ b/tools/cpp-define-generator/constant_lockword.def
@@ -30,5 +30,12 @@
 DEFINE_LOCK_WORD_EXPR(READ_BARRIER_STATE_MASK_TOGGLED, uint32_t, kReadBarrierStateMaskShiftedToggled)
 DEFINE_LOCK_WORD_EXPR(THIN_LOCK_COUNT_ONE,       int32_t,  kThinLockCountOne)
diff --git a/tools/libcore_failures.txt b/tools/libcore_failures.txt
index 094f8bf..8d87e4f 100644
--- a/tools/libcore_failures.txt
+++ b/tools/libcore_failures.txt
@@ -36,6 +36,15 @@
   names: [""]
+  description: "TCP_USER_TIMEOUT is not defined on host's tcp.h (glibc-2.15-4.8).",
+  result: EXEC_FAILED,
+  modes: [host],
+  names: ["",
+          "",
+          ""],
+  bug: 30402085
   description: "Issue with incorrect device time (1970)",
   result: EXEC_FAILED,
   modes: [device],
@@ -174,38 +183,7 @@
   description: "Failing tests after OpenJDK move.",
   result: EXEC_FAILED,
   bug: 26326992,
-  names: ["",
-          "",
-          "",
-          "",
-          "",
-          "",
-          "",
-          "",
-          "",
-          "",
-          "",
-          "libcore.javax.crypto.CipherTest#testCipher_getInstance_WrongType_Failure",
-          "libcore.javax.crypto.CipherTest#testDecryptBufferZeroSize_mustDecodeToEmptyString",
-          "",
-          "",
-          "",
-          "",
-          "",
-          "",
-          "",
-          "",
-          "",
-          "",
-          "",
-          "",
-          "",
-          "",
-          "",
-          "",
-          "",
-          "org.apache.harmony.crypto.tests.javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpecTest#testGetFormat",
-          ""]
+  names: [""]
   description: "Missing resource in classpath",