Add --serial-dexing and --verbose-dex-stats flags to Vogar
Serial dexing limits the number of simultaneously spawned dexer
processes to one which reduces the maximum used memory by Vogar. This
helps not to attempt to use more resources than available on
art-buildbot building/testing machines.
Verbose dex stats adds the output of '/usr/bin/time -v <dexer>' to
Vogar's output and helps to get resource usage information for dexer
Bug: 233990659
Test: art/tools/ --mode=device
Change-Id: I433998f223ecf2b38196211ee5d4ff83042f743e
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
index de1636d..92ae77e 100755
--- a/tools/
+++ b/tools/
@@ -430,6 +430,12 @@
if args.mode != "jvm":
cmd.append("--timeout {}".format(get_timeout_secs()))
cmd.append("--toolchain d8 --language CUR")
+ # --serial-dexing instructs Vogar to spawn at most one dexer at any given
+ # moment of time which reduces overall memory usage.
+ # --verbose-dex-stats wraps dexer calls in '/usr/bin/time -v' and adds
+ # its output to the stdout log.
+ # See http://b/233990659.
+ cmd.append("--serial-dexing --verbose-dex-stats")
if args.jit:
cmd.append("--vm-arg -Xcompiler-option --vm-arg --compiler-filter=quicken")
cmd.append("--vm-arg -Xusejit:{}".format(str(args.jit).lower()))