ART: Dead block removal
Adds a new pass which finds all unreachable blocks, typically due to
simplifying an if-condition to a constant, and removes them from the
graph. The patch also slightly generalizes the graph-transforming
Change-Id: Iff7c97f1d10b52886f3cd7401689ebe1bfdbf456
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index 6ab57b8..3205b5e 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -672,6 +672,11 @@
input->AddUseAt(this, inputs_.Size() - 1);
+void HPhi::RemoveInputAt(size_t index) {
+ RemoveAsUserOfInput(index);
+ inputs_.DeleteAt(index);
#define DEFINE_ACCEPT(name, super) \
void H##name::Accept(HGraphVisitor* visitor) { \
visitor->Visit##name(this); \
@@ -867,6 +872,15 @@
return !GetPhis().IsEmpty() && GetFirstPhi()->GetNext() == nullptr;
+size_t HInstructionList::CountSize() const {
+ size_t size = 0;
+ HInstruction* current = first_instruction_;
+ for (; current != nullptr; current = current->GetNext()) {
+ size++;
+ }
+ return size;
void HInstructionList::SetBlockOfInstructions(HBasicBlock* block) const {
for (HInstruction* current = first_instruction_;
current != nullptr;
@@ -898,40 +912,167 @@
-void HBasicBlock::DisconnectFromAll() {
- DCHECK(dominated_blocks_.IsEmpty()) << "Unimplemented scenario";
+void HBasicBlock::DisconnectAndDelete() {
+ // Dominators must be removed after all the blocks they dominate. This way
+ // a loop header is removed last, a requirement for correct loop information
+ // iteration.
+ DCHECK(dominated_blocks_.IsEmpty());
+ // Remove the block from all loops it is included in.
+ for (HLoopInformationOutwardIterator it(*this); !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
+ HLoopInformation* loop_info = it.Current();
+ loop_info->Remove(this);
+ if (loop_info->IsBackEdge(*this)) {
+ // This deliberately leaves the loop in an inconsistent state and will
+ // fail SSAChecker unless the entire loop is removed during the pass.
+ loop_info->RemoveBackEdge(this);
+ }
+ }
+ // Disconnect the block from its predecessors and update their control-flow
+ // instructions.
for (size_t i = 0, e = predecessors_.Size(); i < e; ++i) {
- predecessors_.Get(i)->successors_.Delete(this);
+ HBasicBlock* predecessor = predecessors_.Get(i);
+ HInstruction* last_instruction = predecessor->GetLastInstruction();
+ predecessor->RemoveInstruction(last_instruction);
+ predecessor->RemoveSuccessor(this);
+ if (predecessor->GetSuccessors().Size() == 1u) {
+ DCHECK(last_instruction->IsIf());
+ predecessor->AddInstruction(new (graph_->GetArena()) HGoto());
+ } else {
+ // The predecessor has no remaining successors and therefore must be dead.
+ // We deliberately leave it without a control-flow instruction so that the
+ // SSAChecker fails unless it is not removed during the pass too.
+ DCHECK_EQ(predecessor->GetSuccessors().Size(), 0u);
+ }
- for (size_t i = 0, e = successors_.Size(); i < e; ++i) {
- successors_.Get(i)->predecessors_.Delete(this);
- }
- dominator_->dominated_blocks_.Delete(this);
+ // Disconnect the block from its successors and update their dominators
+ // and phis.
+ for (size_t i = 0, e = successors_.Size(); i < e; ++i) {
+ HBasicBlock* successor = successors_.Get(i);
+ // Delete this block from the list of predecessors.
+ size_t this_index = successor->GetPredecessorIndexOf(this);
+ successor->predecessors_.DeleteAt(this_index);
+ // Check that `successor` has other predecessors, otherwise `this` is the
+ // dominator of `successor` which violates the order DCHECKed at the top.
+ DCHECK(!successor->predecessors_.IsEmpty());
+ // Recompute the successor's dominator.
+ HBasicBlock* old_dominator = successor->GetDominator();
+ HBasicBlock* new_dominator = successor->predecessors_.Get(0);
+ for (size_t j = 1, f = successor->predecessors_.Size(); j < f; ++j) {
+ new_dominator = graph_->FindCommonDominator(
+ new_dominator, successor->predecessors_.Get(j));
+ }
+ if (old_dominator != new_dominator) {
+ successor->SetDominator(new_dominator);
+ old_dominator->RemoveDominatedBlock(successor);
+ new_dominator->AddDominatedBlock(successor);
+ }
+ // Remove this block's entries in the successor's phis.
+ if (successor->predecessors_.Size() == 1u) {
+ // The successor has just one predecessor left. Replace phis with the only
+ // remaining input.
+ for (HInstructionIterator phi_it(successor->GetPhis()); !phi_it.Done(); phi_it.Advance()) {
+ HPhi* phi = phi_it.Current()->AsPhi();
+ phi->ReplaceWith(phi->InputAt(1 - this_index));
+ successor->RemovePhi(phi);
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (HInstructionIterator phi_it(successor->GetPhis()); !phi_it.Done(); phi_it.Advance()) {
+ phi_it.Current()->AsPhi()->RemoveInputAt(this_index);
+ }
+ }
+ }
- dominator_ = nullptr;
- graph_ = nullptr;
+ // Disconnect from the dominator.
+ dominator_->RemoveDominatedBlock(this);
+ SetDominator(nullptr);
+ // Delete from the graph. The function safely deletes remaining instructions
+ // and updates the reverse post order.
+ graph_->DeleteDeadBlock(this);
+ SetGraph(nullptr);
void HBasicBlock::MergeWith(HBasicBlock* other) {
- DCHECK(successors_.IsEmpty()) << "Unimplemented block merge scenario";
- DCHECK(dominated_blocks_.IsEmpty()
- || (dominated_blocks_.Size() == 1 && dominated_blocks_.Get(0) == other))
- << "Unimplemented block merge scenario";
+ DCHECK_EQ(GetGraph(), other->GetGraph());
+ DCHECK(GetDominatedBlocks().Contains(other));
+ DCHECK_EQ(GetSuccessors().Size(), 1u);
+ DCHECK_EQ(GetSuccessors().Get(0), other);
+ DCHECK_EQ(other->GetPredecessors().Size(), 1u);
+ DCHECK_EQ(other->GetPredecessors().Get(0), this);
- successors_.Reset();
- dominated_blocks_.Reset();
+ // Move instructions from `other` to `this`.
+ DCHECK(EndsWithControlFlowInstruction());
+ RemoveInstruction(GetLastInstruction());
- other->GetInstructions().SetBlockOfInstructions(this);
+ other->instructions_.SetBlockOfInstructions(this);
+ other->instructions_.Clear();
- while (!other->GetSuccessors().IsEmpty()) {
- HBasicBlock* successor = other->GetSuccessors().Get(0);
+ // Remove `other` from the loops it is included in.
+ for (HLoopInformationOutwardIterator it(*other); !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
+ HLoopInformation* loop_info = it.Current();
+ loop_info->Remove(other);
+ if (loop_info->IsBackEdge(*other)) {
+ loop_info->ClearBackEdges();
+ loop_info->AddBackEdge(this);
+ }
+ }
+ // Update links to the successors of `other`.
+ successors_.Reset();
+ while (!other->successors_.IsEmpty()) {
+ HBasicBlock* successor = other->successors_.Get(0);
successor->ReplacePredecessor(other, this);
+ // Update the dominator tree.
+ dominated_blocks_.Delete(other);
+ for (size_t i = 0, e = other->GetDominatedBlocks().Size(); i < e; ++i) {
+ HBasicBlock* dominated = other->GetDominatedBlocks().Get(i);
+ dominated_blocks_.Add(dominated);
+ dominated->SetDominator(this);
+ }
+ other->dominated_blocks_.Reset();
+ other->dominator_ = nullptr;
+ // Clear the list of predecessors of `other` in preparation of deleting it.
+ other->predecessors_.Reset();
+ // Delete `other` from the graph. The function updates reverse post order.
+ graph_->DeleteDeadBlock(other);
+ other->SetGraph(nullptr);
+void HBasicBlock::MergeWithInlined(HBasicBlock* other) {
+ DCHECK_NE(GetGraph(), other->GetGraph());
+ DCHECK(GetDominatedBlocks().IsEmpty());
+ DCHECK(GetSuccessors().IsEmpty());
+ DCHECK(!EndsWithControlFlowInstruction());
+ DCHECK_EQ(other->GetPredecessors().Size(), 1u);
+ DCHECK(other->GetPredecessors().Get(0)->IsEntryBlock());
+ DCHECK(other->GetPhis().IsEmpty());
+ DCHECK(!other->IsInLoop());
+ // Move instructions from `other` to `this`.
+ instructions_.Add(other->GetInstructions());
+ other->instructions_.SetBlockOfInstructions(this);
+ // Update links to the successors of `other`.
+ successors_.Reset();
+ while (!other->successors_.IsEmpty()) {
+ HBasicBlock* successor = other->successors_.Get(0);
+ successor->ReplacePredecessor(other, this);
+ }
+ // Update the dominator tree.
for (size_t i = 0, e = other->GetDominatedBlocks().Size(); i < e; ++i) {
HBasicBlock* dominated = other->GetDominatedBlocks().Get(i);
@@ -973,6 +1114,24 @@
+void HGraph::DeleteDeadBlock(HBasicBlock* block) {
+ DCHECK_EQ(block->GetGraph(), this);
+ DCHECK(block->GetSuccessors().IsEmpty());
+ DCHECK(block->GetPredecessors().IsEmpty());
+ DCHECK(block->GetDominatedBlocks().IsEmpty());
+ DCHECK(block->GetDominator() == nullptr);
+ for (HBackwardInstructionIterator it(block->GetInstructions()); !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
+ block->RemoveInstruction(it.Current());
+ }
+ for (HBackwardInstructionIterator it(block->GetPhis()); !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
+ block->RemovePhi(it.Current()->AsPhi());
+ }
+ reverse_post_order_.Delete(block);
+ blocks_.Put(block->GetBlockId(), nullptr);
void HGraph::InlineInto(HGraph* outer_graph, HInvoke* invoke) {
if (GetBlocks().Size() == 3) {
// Simple case of an entry block, a body block, and an exit block.
@@ -1005,7 +1164,7 @@
HBasicBlock* first = entry_block_->GetSuccessors().Get(0);
- at->MergeWith(first);
+ at->MergeWithInlined(first);
// Update all predecessors of the exit block (now the `to` block)
@@ -1137,53 +1296,6 @@
-void HGraph::MergeEmptyBranches(HBasicBlock* start_block, HBasicBlock* end_block) {
- // Find the two branches of an If.
- DCHECK_EQ(start_block->GetSuccessors().Size(), 2u);
- HBasicBlock* left_branch = start_block->GetSuccessors().Get(0);
- HBasicBlock* right_branch = start_block->GetSuccessors().Get(1);
- // Make sure this is a diamond control-flow path.
- DCHECK_EQ(left_branch->GetSuccessors().Get(0), end_block);
- DCHECK_EQ(right_branch->GetSuccessors().Get(0), end_block);
- DCHECK_EQ(end_block->GetPredecessors().Size(), 2u);
- DCHECK_EQ(start_block, end_block->GetDominator());
- // Disconnect the branches and merge the two blocks. This will move
- // all instructions from 'end_block' to 'start_block'.
- DCHECK(left_branch->IsSingleGoto());
- DCHECK(right_branch->IsSingleGoto());
- left_branch->DisconnectFromAll();
- right_branch->DisconnectFromAll();
- start_block->RemoveInstruction(start_block->GetLastInstruction());
- start_block->MergeWith(end_block);
- // Delete the now redundant blocks from the graph.
- blocks_.Put(left_branch->GetBlockId(), nullptr);
- blocks_.Put(right_branch->GetBlockId(), nullptr);
- blocks_.Put(end_block->GetBlockId(), nullptr);
- // Update reverse post order.
- reverse_post_order_.Delete(left_branch);
- reverse_post_order_.Delete(right_branch);
- reverse_post_order_.Delete(end_block);
- // Update loops which contain the code.
- for (HLoopInformationOutwardIterator it(*start_block); !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
- HLoopInformation* loop_info = it.Current();
- DCHECK(loop_info->Contains(*left_branch));
- DCHECK(loop_info->Contains(*right_branch));
- DCHECK(loop_info->Contains(*end_block));
- loop_info->Remove(left_branch);
- loop_info->Remove(right_branch);
- loop_info->Remove(end_block);
- if (loop_info->IsBackEdge(*end_block)) {
- loop_info->RemoveBackEdge(end_block);
- loop_info->AddBackEdge(start_block);
- }
- }
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const ReferenceTypeInfo& rhs) {
ScopedObjectAccess soa(Thread::Current());
os << "["