Improve tracking of memory locations in LVN.
Rewrite the tracking of values stored in memory to allow
recognizing the same value after storing it in memory and
loading it back to vreg. Drop reliance on value name
ordering for memory versioning in preparation for GVN.
Also fix a few minor issues in LVN.
Change-Id: Ifabe2d47d669d9ec43942cea6fd157e41af77ec8
diff --git a/compiler/dex/ b/compiler/dex/
index c0068b2..6259496 100644
--- a/compiler/dex/
+++ b/compiler/dex/
@@ -21,8 +21,48 @@
namespace art {
-uint16_t LocalValueNumbering::GetFieldId(const DexFile* dex_file, uint16_t field_idx) {
- FieldReference key = { dex_file, field_idx };
+namespace { // anonymous namespace
+// Operations used for value map keys instead of actual opcode.
+static constexpr uint16_t kInvokeMemoryVersionBumpOp = Instruction::INVOKE_DIRECT;
+static constexpr uint16_t kUnresolvedSFieldOp = Instruction::SPUT;
+static constexpr uint16_t kResolvedSFieldOp = Instruction::SGET;
+static constexpr uint16_t kUnresolvedIFieldOp = Instruction::IPUT;
+static constexpr uint16_t kNonAliasingIFieldOp = Instruction::IGET;
+static constexpr uint16_t kAliasingIFieldOp = Instruction::IGET_WIDE;
+static constexpr uint16_t kAliasingIFieldStartVersionOp = Instruction::IGET_WIDE;
+static constexpr uint16_t kAliasingIFieldBumpVersionOp = Instruction::IGET_OBJECT;
+static constexpr uint16_t kArrayAccessLocOp = Instruction::APUT;
+static constexpr uint16_t kNonAliasingArrayOp = Instruction::AGET;
+static constexpr uint16_t kNonAliasingArrayStartVersionOp = Instruction::AGET_WIDE;
+static constexpr uint16_t kAliasingArrayOp = Instruction::AGET_OBJECT;
+static constexpr uint16_t kAliasingArrayMemoryVersionOp = Instruction::AGET_BOOLEAN;
+static constexpr uint16_t kAliasingArrayBumpVersionOp = Instruction::AGET_BYTE;
+} // anonymous namespace
+LocalValueNumbering::LocalValueNumbering(CompilationUnit* cu, ScopedArenaAllocator* allocator)
+ : cu_(cu),
+ last_value_(0u),
+ sreg_value_map_(std::less<uint16_t>(), allocator->Adapter()),
+ sreg_wide_value_map_(std::less<uint16_t>(), allocator->Adapter()),
+ value_map_(std::less<uint64_t>(), allocator->Adapter()),
+ global_memory_version_(0u),
+ aliasing_ifield_version_map_(std::less<uint16_t>(), allocator->Adapter()),
+ non_aliasing_array_version_map_(std::less<uint16_t>(), allocator->Adapter()),
+ field_index_map_(FieldReferenceComparator(), allocator->Adapter()),
+ non_aliasing_refs_(std::less<uint16_t>(), allocator->Adapter()),
+ non_aliasing_ifields_(NonAliasingIFieldKeyComparator(), allocator->Adapter()),
+ escaped_array_refs_(EscapedArrayKeyComparator(), allocator->Adapter()),
+ range_checked_(RangeCheckKeyComparator() , allocator->Adapter()),
+ null_checked_(std::less<uint16_t>(), allocator->Adapter()) {
+ std::fill_n(unresolved_sfield_version_, kFieldTypeCount, 0u);
+ std::fill_n(unresolved_ifield_version_, kFieldTypeCount, 0u);
+ std::fill_n(aliasing_array_version_, kFieldTypeCount, 0u);
+uint16_t LocalValueNumbering::GetFieldId(const MirFieldInfo& field_info) {
+ FieldReference key = { field_info.DeclaringDexFile(), field_info.DeclaringFieldIndex() };
auto it = field_index_map_.find(key);
if (it != field_index_map_.end()) {
return it->second;
@@ -32,62 +72,6 @@
return id;
-void LocalValueNumbering::AdvanceGlobalMemory() {
- // See AdvanceMemoryVersion() for explanation.
- global_memory_version_ = next_memory_version_;
- ++next_memory_version_;
-uint16_t LocalValueNumbering::GetMemoryVersion(uint16_t base, uint16_t field, uint16_t type) {
- // See AdvanceMemoryVersion() for explanation.
- MemoryVersionKey key = { base, field, type };
- MemoryVersionMap::iterator it = memory_version_map_.find(key);
- uint16_t memory_version = (it != memory_version_map_.end()) ? it->second : 0u;
- if (base != NO_VALUE && non_aliasing_refs_.find(base) == non_aliasing_refs_.end()) {
- // Check modifications by potentially aliased access.
- MemoryVersionKey aliased_access_key = { NO_VALUE, field, type };
- auto aa_it = memory_version_map_.find(aliased_access_key);
- if (aa_it != memory_version_map_.end() && aa_it->second > memory_version) {
- memory_version = aa_it->second;
- }
- memory_version = std::max(memory_version, global_memory_version_);
- } else if (base != NO_VALUE) {
- // Ignore global_memory_version_ for access via unique references.
- } else {
- memory_version = std::max(memory_version, global_memory_version_);
- }
- return memory_version;
-uint16_t LocalValueNumbering::AdvanceMemoryVersion(uint16_t base, uint16_t field, uint16_t type) {
- // When we read the same value from memory, we want to assign the same value name to it.
- // However, we need to be careful not to assign the same value name if the memory location
- // may have been written to between the reads. To avoid that we do "memory versioning".
- //
- // For each write to a memory location (instance field, static field, array element) we assign
- // a new memory version number to the location identified by the value name of the base register,
- // the field id and type, or "{ base, field, type }". For static fields the "base" is NO_VALUE
- // since they are not accessed via a reference. For arrays the "field" is NO_VALUE since they
- // don't have a field id.
- //
- // To account for the possibility of aliased access to the same memory location via different
- // "base", we also store the memory version number with the key "{ NO_VALUE, field, type }"
- // if "base" is an aliasing reference and check it in GetMemoryVersion() on reads via
- // aliasing references. A global memory version is set for method calls as a method can
- // potentially write to any memory location accessed via an aliasing reference.
- uint16_t result = next_memory_version_;
- ++next_memory_version_;
- MemoryVersionKey key = { base, field, type };
- memory_version_map_.Overwrite(key, result);
- if (base != NO_VALUE && non_aliasing_refs_.find(base) == non_aliasing_refs_.end()) {
- // Advance memory version for aliased access.
- MemoryVersionKey aliased_access_key = { NO_VALUE, field, type };
- memory_version_map_.Overwrite(aliased_access_key, result);
- }
- return result;
uint16_t LocalValueNumbering::MarkNonAliasingNonNull(MIR* mir) {
uint16_t res = GetOperandValue(mir->ssa_rep->defs[0]);
SetOperandValue(mir->ssa_rep->defs[0], res);
@@ -97,43 +81,332 @@
return res;
-void LocalValueNumbering::MakeArgsAliasing(MIR* mir) {
- for (size_t i = 0u, count = mir->ssa_rep->num_uses; i != count; ++i) {
- uint16_t reg = GetOperandValue(mir->ssa_rep->uses[i]);
- non_aliasing_refs_.erase(reg);
- }
+bool LocalValueNumbering::IsNonAliasing(uint16_t reg) {
+ return non_aliasing_refs_.find(reg) != non_aliasing_refs_.end();
+bool LocalValueNumbering::IsNonAliasingIField(uint16_t reg, uint16_t field_id, uint16_t type) {
+ if (IsNonAliasing(reg)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ NonAliasingIFieldKey key = { reg, field_id, type };
+ return non_aliasing_ifields_.count(key) != 0u;
+bool LocalValueNumbering::IsNonAliasingArray(uint16_t reg, uint16_t type) {
+ if (IsNonAliasing(reg)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ EscapedArrayKey key = { reg, type };
+ return escaped_array_refs_.count(key) != 0u;
void LocalValueNumbering::HandleNullCheck(MIR* mir, uint16_t reg) {
- if (null_checked_.find(reg) != null_checked_.end()) {
- if (cu_->verbose) {
- LOG(INFO) << "Removing null check for 0x" << std::hex << mir->offset;
+ auto lb = null_checked_.lower_bound(reg);
+ if (lb != null_checked_.end() && *lb == reg) {
+ if (LIKELY(Good())) {
+ if (cu_->verbose) {
+ LOG(INFO) << "Removing null check for 0x" << std::hex << mir->offset;
+ }
+ mir->optimization_flags |= MIR_IGNORE_NULL_CHECK;
- mir->optimization_flags |= MIR_IGNORE_NULL_CHECK;
} else {
- null_checked_.insert(reg);
+ null_checked_.insert(lb, reg);
void LocalValueNumbering::HandleRangeCheck(MIR* mir, uint16_t array, uint16_t index) {
- if (ValueExists(ARRAY_REF, array, index, NO_VALUE)) {
- if (cu_->verbose) {
- LOG(INFO) << "Removing range check for 0x" << std::hex << mir->offset;
+ RangeCheckKey key = { array, index };
+ auto lb = range_checked_.lower_bound(key);
+ if (lb != range_checked_.end() && !RangeCheckKeyComparator()(key, *lb)) {
+ if (LIKELY(Good())) {
+ if (cu_->verbose) {
+ LOG(INFO) << "Removing range check for 0x" << std::hex << mir->offset;
+ }
+ mir->optimization_flags |= MIR_IGNORE_RANGE_CHECK;
- mir->optimization_flags |= MIR_IGNORE_RANGE_CHECK;
+ } else {
+ // Mark range check completed.
+ range_checked_.insert(lb, key);
- // Use side effect to note range check completed.
- (void)LookupValue(ARRAY_REF, array, index, NO_VALUE);
void LocalValueNumbering::HandlePutObject(MIR* mir) {
// If we're storing a non-aliasing reference, stop tracking it as non-aliasing now.
uint16_t base = GetOperandValue(mir->ssa_rep->uses[0]);
- non_aliasing_refs_.erase(base);
+ HandleEscapingRef(base);
+void LocalValueNumbering::HandleEscapingRef(uint16_t base) {
+ auto it = non_aliasing_refs_.find(base);
+ if (it != non_aliasing_refs_.end()) {
+ uint64_t iget_key = BuildKey(Instruction::IGET, base, 0u, 0u);
+ for (auto iget_it = value_map_.lower_bound(iget_key), iget_end = value_map_.end();
+ iget_it != iget_end && EqualOpAndOperand1(iget_it->first, iget_key); ++iget_it) {
+ uint16_t field_id = ExtractOperand2(iget_it->first);
+ uint16_t type = ExtractModifier(iget_it->first);
+ NonAliasingIFieldKey key = { base, field_id, type };
+ non_aliasing_ifields_.insert(key);
+ }
+ uint64_t aget_key = BuildKey(kNonAliasingArrayStartVersionOp, base, 0u, 0u);
+ auto aget_it = value_map_.lower_bound(aget_key);
+ if (aget_it != value_map_.end() && EqualOpAndOperand1(aget_key, aget_it->first)) {
+ DCHECK_EQ(ExtractOperand2(aget_it->first), kNoValue);
+ uint16_t type = ExtractModifier(aget_it->first);
+ EscapedArrayKey key = { base, type };
+ escaped_array_refs_.insert(key);
+ }
+ non_aliasing_refs_.erase(it);
+ }
+uint16_t LocalValueNumbering::HandleAGet(MIR* mir, uint16_t opcode) {
+ // uint16_t type = opcode - Instruction::AGET;
+ uint16_t array = GetOperandValue(mir->ssa_rep->uses[0]);
+ HandleNullCheck(mir, array);
+ uint16_t index = GetOperandValue(mir->ssa_rep->uses[1]);
+ HandleRangeCheck(mir, array, index);
+ uint16_t type = opcode - Instruction::AGET;
+ // Establish value number for loaded register.
+ uint16_t res;
+ if (IsNonAliasingArray(array, type)) {
+ // Get the start version that accounts for aliasing within the array (different index names).
+ uint16_t start_version = LookupValue(kNonAliasingArrayStartVersionOp, array, kNoValue, type);
+ // Find the current version from the non_aliasing_array_version_map_.
+ uint16_t memory_version = start_version;
+ auto it = non_aliasing_array_version_map_.find(start_version);
+ if (it != non_aliasing_array_version_map_.end()) {
+ memory_version = it->second;
+ } else {
+ // Just use the start_version.
+ }
+ res = LookupValue(kNonAliasingArrayOp, array, index, memory_version);
+ } else {
+ // Get the memory version of aliased array accesses of this type.
+ uint16_t memory_version = LookupValue(kAliasingArrayMemoryVersionOp, global_memory_version_,
+ aliasing_array_version_[type], kNoValue);
+ res = LookupValue(kAliasingArrayOp, array, index, memory_version);
+ }
+ if (opcode == Instruction::AGET_WIDE) {
+ SetOperandValueWide(mir->ssa_rep->defs[0], res);
+ } else {
+ SetOperandValue(mir->ssa_rep->defs[0], res);
+ }
+ return res;
+void LocalValueNumbering::HandleAPut(MIR* mir, uint16_t opcode) {
+ int array_idx = (opcode == Instruction::APUT_WIDE) ? 2 : 1;
+ int index_idx = array_idx + 1;
+ uint16_t array = GetOperandValue(mir->ssa_rep->uses[array_idx]);
+ HandleNullCheck(mir, array);
+ uint16_t index = GetOperandValue(mir->ssa_rep->uses[index_idx]);
+ HandleRangeCheck(mir, array, index);
+ uint16_t type = opcode - Instruction::APUT;
+ uint16_t value = (opcode == Instruction::APUT_WIDE)
+ ? GetOperandValueWide(mir->ssa_rep->uses[0])
+ : GetOperandValue(mir->ssa_rep->uses[0]);
+ if (IsNonAliasing(array)) {
+ // Get the start version that accounts for aliasing within the array (different index values).
+ uint16_t start_version = LookupValue(kNonAliasingArrayStartVersionOp, array, kNoValue, type);
+ auto it = non_aliasing_array_version_map_.find(start_version);
+ uint16_t memory_version = start_version;
+ if (it != non_aliasing_array_version_map_.end()) {
+ memory_version = it->second;
+ }
+ // We need to take 4 values (array, index, memory_version, value) into account for bumping
+ // the memory version but the key can take only 3. Merge array and index into a location.
+ uint16_t array_access_location = LookupValue(kArrayAccessLocOp, array, index, kNoValue);
+ // Bump the version, adding to the chain.
+ memory_version = LookupValue(kAliasingArrayBumpVersionOp, memory_version,
+ array_access_location, value);
+ non_aliasing_array_version_map_.Overwrite(start_version, memory_version);
+ StoreValue(kNonAliasingArrayOp, array, index, memory_version, value);
+ } else {
+ // Get the memory version based on global_memory_version_ and aliasing_array_version_[type].
+ uint16_t memory_version = LookupValue(kAliasingArrayMemoryVersionOp, global_memory_version_,
+ aliasing_array_version_[type], kNoValue);
+ if (HasValue(kAliasingArrayOp, array, index, memory_version, value)) {
+ // This APUT can be eliminated, it stores the same value that's already in the field.
+ // TODO: Eliminate the APUT.
+ return;
+ }
+ // We need to take 4 values (array, index, memory_version, value) into account for bumping
+ // the memory version but the key can take only 3. Merge array and index into a location.
+ uint16_t array_access_location = LookupValue(kArrayAccessLocOp, array, index, kNoValue);
+ // Bump the version, adding to the chain.
+ uint16_t bumped_version = LookupValue(kAliasingArrayBumpVersionOp, memory_version,
+ array_access_location, value);
+ aliasing_array_version_[type] = bumped_version;
+ memory_version = LookupValue(kAliasingArrayMemoryVersionOp, global_memory_version_,
+ bumped_version, kNoValue);
+ StoreValue(kAliasingArrayOp, array, index, memory_version, value);
+ // Clear escaped array refs for this type.
+ EscapedArrayKey array_key = { type, 0u };
+ auto it = escaped_array_refs_.lower_bound(array_key), end = escaped_array_refs_.end();
+ while (it != end && it->type == type) {
+ it = escaped_array_refs_.erase(it);
+ }
+ }
+uint16_t LocalValueNumbering::HandleIGet(MIR* mir, uint16_t opcode) {
+ uint16_t base = GetOperandValue(mir->ssa_rep->uses[0]);
+ HandleNullCheck(mir, base);
+ const MirFieldInfo& field_info = cu_->mir_graph->GetIFieldLoweringInfo(mir);
+ uint16_t res;
+ if (!field_info.IsResolved() || field_info.IsVolatile()) {
+ // Volatile fields always get a new memory version; field id is irrelevant.
+ // Unresolved fields may be volatile, so handle them as such to be safe.
+ // Use result s_reg - will be unique.
+ res = LookupValue(kNoValue, mir->ssa_rep->defs[0], kNoValue, kNoValue);
+ } else {
+ uint16_t type = opcode - Instruction::IGET;
+ uint16_t field_id = GetFieldId(field_info);
+ if (IsNonAliasingIField(base, field_id, type)) {
+ res = LookupValue(kNonAliasingIFieldOp, base, field_id, type);
+ } else {
+ // Get the start version that accounts for aliasing with unresolved fields of the same type
+ // and make it unique for the field by including the field_id.
+ uint16_t start_version = LookupValue(kAliasingIFieldStartVersionOp, global_memory_version_,
+ unresolved_ifield_version_[type], field_id);
+ // Find the current version from the aliasing_ifield_version_map_.
+ uint16_t memory_version = start_version;
+ auto version_it = aliasing_ifield_version_map_.find(start_version);
+ if (version_it != aliasing_ifield_version_map_.end()) {
+ memory_version = version_it->second;
+ } else {
+ // Just use the start_version.
+ }
+ res = LookupValue(kAliasingIFieldOp, base, field_id, memory_version);
+ }
+ }
+ if (opcode == Instruction::IGET_WIDE) {
+ SetOperandValueWide(mir->ssa_rep->defs[0], res);
+ } else {
+ SetOperandValue(mir->ssa_rep->defs[0], res);
+ }
+ return res;
+void LocalValueNumbering::HandleIPut(MIR* mir, uint16_t opcode) {
+ uint16_t type = opcode - Instruction::IPUT;
+ int base_reg = (opcode == Instruction::IPUT_WIDE) ? 2 : 1;
+ uint16_t base = GetOperandValue(mir->ssa_rep->uses[base_reg]);
+ HandleNullCheck(mir, base);
+ const MirFieldInfo& field_info = cu_->mir_graph->GetIFieldLoweringInfo(mir);
+ if (!field_info.IsResolved()) {
+ // Unresolved fields always alias with everything of the same type.
+ // Use mir->offset as modifier; without elaborate inlining, it will be unique.
+ unresolved_ifield_version_[type] =
+ LookupValue(kUnresolvedIFieldOp, kNoValue, kNoValue, mir->offset);
+ // Treat fields of escaped references of the same type as potentially modified.
+ NonAliasingIFieldKey key = { type, 0u, 0u }; // lowest possible key of this type.
+ auto it = non_aliasing_ifields_.lower_bound(key), end = non_aliasing_ifields_.end();
+ while (it != end && it->type == type) {
+ it = non_aliasing_ifields_.erase(it);
+ }
+ } else if (field_info.IsVolatile()) {
+ // Nothing to do, resolved volatile fields always get a new memory version anyway and
+ // can't alias with resolved non-volatile fields.
+ } else {
+ uint16_t field_id = GetFieldId(field_info);
+ uint16_t value = (opcode == Instruction::IPUT_WIDE)
+ ? GetOperandValueWide(mir->ssa_rep->uses[0])
+ : GetOperandValue(mir->ssa_rep->uses[0]);
+ if (IsNonAliasing(base)) {
+ StoreValue(kNonAliasingIFieldOp, base, field_id, type, value);
+ } else {
+ // Get the start version that accounts for aliasing with unresolved fields of the same type
+ // and make it unique for the field by including the field_id.
+ uint16_t start_version = LookupValue(kAliasingIFieldStartVersionOp, global_memory_version_,
+ unresolved_ifield_version_[type], field_id);
+ // Find the old version from the aliasing_ifield_version_map_.
+ uint16_t old_version = start_version;
+ auto version_it = aliasing_ifield_version_map_.find(start_version);
+ if (version_it != aliasing_ifield_version_map_.end()) {
+ old_version = version_it->second;
+ }
+ // Check if the field currently contains the value, making this a NOP.
+ if (HasValue(kAliasingIFieldOp, base, field_id, old_version, value)) {
+ // This IPUT can be eliminated, it stores the same value that's already in the field.
+ // TODO: Eliminate the IPUT.
+ return;
+ }
+ // Bump the version, adding to the chain started by start_version.
+ uint16_t memory_version = LookupValue(kAliasingIFieldBumpVersionOp, old_version, base, value);
+ // Update the aliasing_ifield_version_map_ so that HandleIGet() can get the memory_version
+ // without knowing the values used to build the chain.
+ aliasing_ifield_version_map_.Overwrite(start_version, memory_version);
+ StoreValue(kAliasingIFieldOp, base, field_id, memory_version, value);
+ // Clear non-aliasing fields for this field_id.
+ NonAliasingIFieldKey field_key = { type, field_id, 0u };
+ auto it = non_aliasing_ifields_.lower_bound(field_key), end = non_aliasing_ifields_.end();
+ while (it != end && it->field_id == field_id) {
+ DCHECK_EQ(type, it->type);
+ it = non_aliasing_ifields_.erase(it);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+uint16_t LocalValueNumbering::HandleSGet(MIR* mir, uint16_t opcode) {
+ const MirFieldInfo& field_info = cu_->mir_graph->GetSFieldLoweringInfo(mir);
+ uint16_t res;
+ if (!field_info.IsResolved() || field_info.IsVolatile()) {
+ // Volatile fields always get a new memory version; field id is irrelevant.
+ // Unresolved fields may be volatile, so handle them as such to be safe.
+ // Use result s_reg - will be unique.
+ res = LookupValue(kNoValue, mir->ssa_rep->defs[0], kNoValue, kNoValue);
+ } else {
+ uint16_t field_id = GetFieldId(field_info);
+ // Resolved non-volatile static fields can alias with non-resolved fields of the same type,
+ // so we need to use unresolved_sfield_version_[type] in addition to global_memory_version_
+ // to determine the version of the field.
+ uint16_t type = opcode - Instruction::SGET;
+ res = LookupValue(kResolvedSFieldOp, field_id,
+ unresolved_sfield_version_[type], global_memory_version_);
+ }
+ if (opcode == Instruction::SGET_WIDE) {
+ SetOperandValueWide(mir->ssa_rep->defs[0], res);
+ } else {
+ SetOperandValue(mir->ssa_rep->defs[0], res);
+ }
+ return res;
+void LocalValueNumbering::HandleSPut(MIR* mir, uint16_t opcode) {
+ uint16_t type = opcode - Instruction::SPUT;
+ const MirFieldInfo& field_info = cu_->mir_graph->GetSFieldLoweringInfo(mir);
+ if (!field_info.IsResolved()) {
+ // Unresolved fields always alias with everything of the same type.
+ // Use mir->offset as modifier; without elaborate inlining, it will be unique.
+ unresolved_sfield_version_[type] =
+ LookupValue(kUnresolvedSFieldOp, kNoValue, kNoValue, mir->offset);
+ } else if (field_info.IsVolatile()) {
+ // Nothing to do, resolved volatile fields always get a new memory version anyway and
+ // can't alias with resolved non-volatile fields.
+ } else {
+ uint16_t field_id = GetFieldId(field_info);
+ uint16_t value = (opcode == Instruction::SPUT_WIDE)
+ ? GetOperandValueWide(mir->ssa_rep->uses[0])
+ : GetOperandValue(mir->ssa_rep->uses[0]);
+ // Resolved non-volatile static fields can alias with non-resolved fields of the same type,
+ // so we need to use unresolved_sfield_version_[type] in addition to global_memory_version_
+ // to determine the version of the field.
+ uint16_t type = opcode - Instruction::SGET;
+ StoreValue(kResolvedSFieldOp, field_id,
+ unresolved_sfield_version_[type], global_memory_version_, value);
+ }
uint16_t LocalValueNumbering::GetValueNumber(MIR* mir) {
- uint16_t res = NO_VALUE;
+ uint16_t res = kNoValue;
uint16_t opcode = mir->dalvikInsn.opcode;
switch (opcode) {
case Instruction::NOP:
@@ -176,9 +449,14 @@
// Nothing defined but the result will be unique and non-null.
if (mir->next != nullptr && mir->next->dalvikInsn.opcode == Instruction::MOVE_RESULT_OBJECT) {
+ // TUNING: We could track value names stored in the array.
// The MOVE_RESULT_OBJECT will be processed next and we'll return the value name then.
- MakeArgsAliasing(mir);
+ // All args escaped (if references).
+ for (size_t i = 0u, count = mir->ssa_rep->num_uses; i != count; ++i) {
+ uint16_t reg = GetOperandValue(mir->ssa_rep->uses[i]);
+ HandleEscapingRef(reg);
+ }
case Instruction::INVOKE_DIRECT:
@@ -197,8 +475,17 @@
case Instruction::INVOKE_STATIC:
case Instruction::INVOKE_STATIC_RANGE:
if ((mir->optimization_flags & MIR_INLINED) == 0) {
- AdvanceGlobalMemory();
- MakeArgsAliasing(mir);
+ // Use mir->offset as modifier; without elaborate inlining, it will be unique.
+ global_memory_version_ = LookupValue(kInvokeMemoryVersionBumpOp, 0u, 0u, mir->offset);
+ // Make ref args aliasing.
+ for (size_t i = 0u, count = mir->ssa_rep->num_uses; i != count; ++i) {
+ uint16_t reg = GetOperandValue(mir->ssa_rep->uses[i]);
+ non_aliasing_refs_.erase(reg);
+ }
+ // All fields of escaped references need to be treated as potentially modified.
+ non_aliasing_ifields_.clear();
+ // Array elements may also have been modified via escaped array refs.
+ escaped_array_refs_.clear();
@@ -211,13 +498,24 @@
case Instruction::MOVE_EXCEPTION:
case Instruction::NEW_INSTANCE:
- case Instruction::CONST_STRING:
- case Instruction::CONST_STRING_JUMBO:
case Instruction::CONST_CLASS:
case Instruction::NEW_ARRAY:
// 1 result, treat as unique each time, use result s_reg - will be unique.
res = MarkNonAliasingNonNull(mir);
+ case Instruction::CONST_STRING:
+ case Instruction::CONST_STRING_JUMBO:
+ // These strings are internalized, so assign value based on the string pool index.
+ res = LookupValue(Instruction::CONST_STRING, Low16Bits(mir->dalvikInsn.vB),
+ High16Bits(mir->dalvikInsn.vB), 0);
+ SetOperandValue(mir->ssa_rep->defs[0], res);
+ null_checked_.insert(res); // May already be there.
+ // NOTE: Hacking the contents of an internalized string via reflection is possible
+ // but the behavior is undefined. Therefore, we consider the string constant and
+ // the reference non-aliasing.
+ // TUNING: We could keep this property even if the reference "escapes".
+ non_aliasing_refs_.insert(res); // May already be there.
+ break;
case Instruction::MOVE_RESULT_WIDE:
// 1 wide result, treat as unique each time, use result s_reg - will be unique.
res = GetOperandValueWide(mir->ssa_rep->defs[0]);
@@ -255,7 +553,7 @@
case Instruction::CONST_4:
case Instruction::CONST_16:
res = LookupValue(Instruction::CONST, Low16Bits(mir->dalvikInsn.vB),
- High16Bits(mir->dalvikInsn.vB >> 16), 0);
+ High16Bits(mir->dalvikInsn.vB), 0);
SetOperandValue(mir->ssa_rep->defs[0], res);
@@ -310,7 +608,7 @@
case Instruction::FLOAT_TO_INT: {
// res = op + 1 operand
uint16_t operand1 = GetOperandValue(mir->ssa_rep->uses[0]);
- res = LookupValue(opcode, operand1, NO_VALUE, NO_VALUE);
+ res = LookupValue(opcode, operand1, kNoValue, kNoValue);
SetOperandValue(mir->ssa_rep->defs[0], res);
@@ -320,8 +618,8 @@
case Instruction::DOUBLE_TO_FLOAT:
case Instruction::DOUBLE_TO_INT: {
// res = op + 1 wide operand
- uint16_t operand1 = GetOperandValue(mir->ssa_rep->uses[0]);
- res = LookupValue(opcode, operand1, NO_VALUE, NO_VALUE);
+ uint16_t operand1 = GetOperandValueWide(mir->ssa_rep->uses[0]);
+ res = LookupValue(opcode, operand1, kNoValue, kNoValue);
SetOperandValue(mir->ssa_rep->defs[0], res);
@@ -334,7 +632,7 @@
case Instruction::NEG_DOUBLE: {
// wide res = op + 1 wide operand
uint16_t operand1 = GetOperandValueWide(mir->ssa_rep->uses[0]);
- res = LookupValue(opcode, operand1, NO_VALUE, NO_VALUE);
+ res = LookupValue(opcode, operand1, kNoValue, kNoValue);
SetOperandValueWide(mir->ssa_rep->defs[0], res);
@@ -344,8 +642,8 @@
case Instruction::INT_TO_DOUBLE:
case Instruction::INT_TO_LONG: {
// wide res = op + 1 operand
- uint16_t operand1 = GetOperandValueWide(mir->ssa_rep->uses[0]);
- res = LookupValue(opcode, operand1, NO_VALUE, NO_VALUE);
+ uint16_t operand1 = GetOperandValue(mir->ssa_rep->uses[0]);
+ res = LookupValue(opcode, operand1, kNoValue, kNoValue);
SetOperandValueWide(mir->ssa_rep->defs[0], res);
@@ -356,7 +654,7 @@
// res = op + 2 wide operands
uint16_t operand1 = GetOperandValueWide(mir->ssa_rep->uses[0]);
uint16_t operand2 = GetOperandValueWide(mir->ssa_rep->uses[2]);
- res = LookupValue(opcode, operand1, operand2, NO_VALUE);
+ res = LookupValue(opcode, operand1, operand2, kNoValue);
SetOperandValue(mir->ssa_rep->defs[0], res);
@@ -388,7 +686,7 @@
// res = op + 2 operands
uint16_t operand1 = GetOperandValue(mir->ssa_rep->uses[0]);
uint16_t operand2 = GetOperandValue(mir->ssa_rep->uses[1]);
- res = LookupValue(opcode, operand1, operand2, NO_VALUE);
+ res = LookupValue(opcode, operand1, operand2, kNoValue);
SetOperandValue(mir->ssa_rep->defs[0], res);
@@ -422,7 +720,7 @@
// wide res = op + 2 wide operands
uint16_t operand1 = GetOperandValueWide(mir->ssa_rep->uses[0]);
uint16_t operand2 = GetOperandValueWide(mir->ssa_rep->uses[2]);
- res = LookupValue(opcode, operand1, operand2, NO_VALUE);
+ res = LookupValue(opcode, operand1, operand2, kNoValue);
SetOperandValueWide(mir->ssa_rep->defs[0], res);
@@ -435,8 +733,8 @@
case Instruction::USHR_LONG_2ADDR: {
// wide res = op + 1 wide operand + 1 operand
uint16_t operand1 = GetOperandValueWide(mir->ssa_rep->uses[0]);
- uint16_t operand2 = GetOperandValueWide(mir->ssa_rep->uses[2]);
- res = LookupValue(opcode, operand1, operand2, NO_VALUE);
+ uint16_t operand2 = GetOperandValue(mir->ssa_rep->uses[2]);
+ res = LookupValue(opcode, operand1, operand2, kNoValue);
SetOperandValueWide(mir->ssa_rep->defs[0], res);
@@ -454,7 +752,7 @@
// res = op + 2 operands
uint16_t operand1 = GetOperandValue(mir->ssa_rep->uses[0]);
uint16_t operand2 = GetOperandValue(mir->ssa_rep->uses[1]);
- res = LookupValue(opcode, operand1, operand2, NO_VALUE);
+ res = LookupValue(opcode, operand1, operand2, kNoValue);
SetOperandValue(mir->ssa_rep->defs[0], res);
@@ -481,7 +779,7 @@
// Same as res = op + 2 operands, except use vC as operand 2
uint16_t operand1 = GetOperandValue(mir->ssa_rep->uses[0]);
uint16_t operand2 = LookupValue(Instruction::CONST, mir->dalvikInsn.vC, 0, 0);
- res = LookupValue(opcode, operand1, operand2, NO_VALUE);
+ res = LookupValue(opcode, operand1, operand2, kNoValue);
SetOperandValue(mir->ssa_rep->defs[0], res);
@@ -492,21 +790,8 @@
case Instruction::AGET_BOOLEAN:
case Instruction::AGET_BYTE:
case Instruction::AGET_CHAR:
- case Instruction::AGET_SHORT: {
- uint16_t type = opcode - Instruction::AGET;
- uint16_t array = GetOperandValue(mir->ssa_rep->uses[0]);
- HandleNullCheck(mir, array);
- uint16_t index = GetOperandValue(mir->ssa_rep->uses[1]);
- HandleRangeCheck(mir, array, index);
- // Establish value number for loaded register. Note use of memory version.
- uint16_t memory_version = GetMemoryVersion(array, NO_VALUE, type);
- uint16_t res = LookupValue(ARRAY_REF, array, index, memory_version);
- if (opcode == Instruction::AGET_WIDE) {
- SetOperandValueWide(mir->ssa_rep->defs[0], res);
- } else {
- SetOperandValue(mir->ssa_rep->defs[0], res);
- }
- }
+ case Instruction::AGET_SHORT:
+ res = HandleAGet(mir, opcode);
case Instruction::APUT_OBJECT:
@@ -517,17 +802,8 @@
case Instruction::APUT_BYTE:
case Instruction::APUT_BOOLEAN:
case Instruction::APUT_SHORT:
- case Instruction::APUT_CHAR: {
- uint16_t type = opcode - Instruction::APUT;
- int array_idx = (opcode == Instruction::APUT_WIDE) ? 2 : 1;
- int index_idx = array_idx + 1;
- uint16_t array = GetOperandValue(mir->ssa_rep->uses[array_idx]);
- HandleNullCheck(mir, array);
- uint16_t index = GetOperandValue(mir->ssa_rep->uses[index_idx]);
- HandleRangeCheck(mir, array, index);
- // Rev the memory version
- AdvanceMemoryVersion(array, NO_VALUE, type);
- }
+ case Instruction::APUT_CHAR:
+ HandleAPut(mir, opcode);
case Instruction::IGET_OBJECT:
@@ -536,33 +812,8 @@
case Instruction::IGET_BOOLEAN:
case Instruction::IGET_BYTE:
case Instruction::IGET_CHAR:
- case Instruction::IGET_SHORT: {
- uint16_t type = opcode - Instruction::IGET;
- uint16_t base = GetOperandValue(mir->ssa_rep->uses[0]);
- HandleNullCheck(mir, base);
- const MirFieldInfo& field_info = cu_->mir_graph->GetIFieldLoweringInfo(mir);
- uint16_t memory_version;
- uint16_t field_id;
- if (!field_info.IsResolved() || field_info.IsVolatile()) {
- // Volatile fields always get a new memory version; field id is irrelevant.
- // Unresolved fields may be volatile, so handle them as such to be safe.
- field_id = 0u;
- memory_version = next_memory_version_;
- ++next_memory_version_;
- } else {
- DCHECK(field_info.IsResolved());
- field_id = GetFieldId(field_info.DeclaringDexFile(), field_info.DeclaringFieldIndex());
- memory_version = std::max(unresolved_ifield_version_[type],
- GetMemoryVersion(base, field_id, type));
- }
- if (opcode == Instruction::IGET_WIDE) {
- res = LookupValue(Instruction::IGET_WIDE, base, field_id, memory_version);
- SetOperandValueWide(mir->ssa_rep->defs[0], res);
- } else {
- res = LookupValue(Instruction::IGET, base, field_id, memory_version);
- SetOperandValue(mir->ssa_rep->defs[0], res);
- }
- }
+ case Instruction::IGET_SHORT:
+ res = HandleIGet(mir, opcode);
case Instruction::IPUT_OBJECT:
@@ -573,24 +824,8 @@
case Instruction::IPUT_BOOLEAN:
case Instruction::IPUT_BYTE:
case Instruction::IPUT_CHAR:
- case Instruction::IPUT_SHORT: {
- uint16_t type = opcode - Instruction::IPUT;
- int base_reg = (opcode == Instruction::IPUT_WIDE) ? 2 : 1;
- uint16_t base = GetOperandValue(mir->ssa_rep->uses[base_reg]);
- HandleNullCheck(mir, base);
- const MirFieldInfo& field_info = cu_->mir_graph->GetIFieldLoweringInfo(mir);
- if (!field_info.IsResolved()) {
- // Unresolved fields always alias with everything of the same type.
- unresolved_ifield_version_[type] = next_memory_version_;
- ++next_memory_version_;
- } else if (field_info.IsVolatile()) {
- // Nothing to do, resolved volatile fields always get a new memory version anyway and
- // can't alias with resolved non-volatile fields.
- } else {
- AdvanceMemoryVersion(base, GetFieldId(field_info.DeclaringDexFile(),
- field_info.DeclaringFieldIndex()), type);
- }
- }
+ case Instruction::IPUT_SHORT:
+ HandleIPut(mir, opcode);
case Instruction::SGET_OBJECT:
@@ -599,31 +834,8 @@
case Instruction::SGET_BOOLEAN:
case Instruction::SGET_BYTE:
case Instruction::SGET_CHAR:
- case Instruction::SGET_SHORT: {
- uint16_t type = opcode - Instruction::SGET;
- const MirFieldInfo& field_info = cu_->mir_graph->GetSFieldLoweringInfo(mir);
- uint16_t memory_version;
- uint16_t field_id;
- if (!field_info.IsResolved() || field_info.IsVolatile()) {
- // Volatile fields always get a new memory version; field id is irrelevant.
- // Unresolved fields may be volatile, so handle them as such to be safe.
- field_id = 0u;
- memory_version = next_memory_version_;
- ++next_memory_version_;
- } else {
- DCHECK(field_info.IsResolved());
- field_id = GetFieldId(field_info.DeclaringDexFile(), field_info.DeclaringFieldIndex());
- memory_version = std::max(unresolved_sfield_version_[type],
- GetMemoryVersion(NO_VALUE, field_id, type));
- }
- if (opcode == Instruction::SGET_WIDE) {
- res = LookupValue(Instruction::SGET_WIDE, NO_VALUE, field_id, memory_version);
- SetOperandValueWide(mir->ssa_rep->defs[0], res);
- } else {
- res = LookupValue(Instruction::SGET, NO_VALUE, field_id, memory_version);
- SetOperandValue(mir->ssa_rep->defs[0], res);
- }
- }
+ case Instruction::SGET_SHORT:
+ res = HandleSGet(mir, opcode);
case Instruction::SPUT_OBJECT:
@@ -634,21 +846,8 @@
case Instruction::SPUT_BOOLEAN:
case Instruction::SPUT_BYTE:
case Instruction::SPUT_CHAR:
- case Instruction::SPUT_SHORT: {
- uint16_t type = opcode - Instruction::SPUT;
- const MirFieldInfo& field_info = cu_->mir_graph->GetSFieldLoweringInfo(mir);
- if (!field_info.IsResolved()) {
- // Unresolved fields always alias with everything of the same type.
- unresolved_sfield_version_[type] = next_memory_version_;
- ++next_memory_version_;
- } else if (field_info.IsVolatile()) {
- // Nothing to do, resolved volatile fields always get a new memory version anyway and
- // can't alias with resolved non-volatile fields.
- } else {
- AdvanceMemoryVersion(NO_VALUE, GetFieldId(field_info.DeclaringDexFile(),
- field_info.DeclaringFieldIndex()), type);
- }
- }
+ case Instruction::SPUT_SHORT:
+ HandleSPut(mir, opcode);
return res;
diff --git a/compiler/dex/local_value_numbering.h b/compiler/dex/local_value_numbering.h
index 0c2b6a7..2a815be 100644
--- a/compiler/dex/local_value_numbering.h
+++ b/compiler/dex/local_value_numbering.h
@@ -23,15 +23,33 @@
#include "utils/scoped_arena_allocator.h"
#include "utils/scoped_arena_containers.h"
-#define NO_VALUE 0xffff
-#define ARRAY_REF 0xfffe
namespace art {
class DexFile;
+class MirFieldInfo;
class LocalValueNumbering {
+ public:
+ LocalValueNumbering(CompilationUnit* cu, ScopedArenaAllocator* allocator);
+ uint16_t GetValueNumber(MIR* mir);
+ // LocalValueNumbering should be allocated on the ArenaStack (or the native stack).
+ static void* operator new(size_t size, ScopedArenaAllocator* allocator) {
+ return allocator->Alloc(sizeof(LocalValueNumbering), kArenaAllocMIR);
+ }
+ // Allow delete-expression to destroy a LocalValueNumbering object without deallocation.
+ static void operator delete(void* ptr) { UNUSED(ptr); }
+ // Checks that the value names didn't overflow.
+ bool Good() const {
+ return last_value_ < kNoValue;
+ }
+ static constexpr uint16_t kNoValue = 0xffffu;
// Field types correspond to the ordering of GET/PUT instructions; this order is the same
// op 0
@@ -43,7 +61,7 @@
// op_SHORT 6
static constexpr size_t kFieldTypeCount = 7;
- // FieldReference represents either a unique resolved field or all unresolved fields together.
+ // FieldReference represents a unique resolved field.
struct FieldReference {
const DexFile* dex_file;
uint16_t field_idx;
@@ -58,48 +76,107 @@
- struct MemoryVersionKey {
+ // Maps field key to field id for resolved fields.
+ typedef ScopedArenaSafeMap<FieldReference, uint32_t, FieldReferenceComparator> FieldIndexMap;
+ struct RangeCheckKey {
+ uint16_t array;
+ uint16_t index;
+ };
+ struct RangeCheckKeyComparator {
+ bool operator()(const RangeCheckKey& lhs, const RangeCheckKey& rhs) const {
+ if (lhs.array != rhs.array) {
+ return lhs.array < rhs.array;
+ }
+ return lhs.index < rhs.index;
+ }
+ };
+ typedef ScopedArenaSet<RangeCheckKey, RangeCheckKeyComparator> RangeCheckSet;
+ typedef ScopedArenaSafeMap<uint16_t, uint16_t> AliasingIFieldVersionMap;
+ typedef ScopedArenaSafeMap<uint16_t, uint16_t> NonAliasingArrayVersionMap;
+ struct NonAliasingIFieldKey {
uint16_t base;
uint16_t field_id;
uint16_t type;
- struct MemoryVersionKeyComparator {
- bool operator()(const MemoryVersionKey& lhs, const MemoryVersionKey& rhs) const {
- if (lhs.base != rhs.base) {
- return lhs.base < rhs.base;
+ struct NonAliasingIFieldKeyComparator {
+ bool operator()(const NonAliasingIFieldKey& lhs, const NonAliasingIFieldKey& rhs) const {
+ // Compare the type first. This allows iterating across all the entries for a certain type
+ // as needed when we need to purge them for an unresolved field IPUT.
+ if (lhs.type != rhs.type) {
+ return lhs.type < rhs.type;
+ // Compare the field second. This allows iterating across all the entries for a certain
+ // field as needed when we need to purge them for an aliasing field IPUT.
if (lhs.field_id != rhs.field_id) {
return lhs.field_id < rhs.field_id;
- return lhs.type < rhs.type;
+ // Compare the base last.
+ return lhs.base < rhs.base;
+ // Set of instance fields still holding non-aliased values after the base has been stored.
+ typedef ScopedArenaSet<NonAliasingIFieldKey, NonAliasingIFieldKeyComparator> NonAliasingFieldSet;
+ struct EscapedArrayKey {
+ uint16_t base;
+ uint16_t type;
+ };
+ struct EscapedArrayKeyComparator {
+ bool operator()(const EscapedArrayKey& lhs, const EscapedArrayKey& rhs) const {
+ // Compare the type first. This allows iterating across all the entries for a certain type
+ // as needed when we need to purge them for an unresolved field APUT.
+ if (lhs.type != rhs.type) {
+ return lhs.type < rhs.type;
+ }
+ // Compare the base last.
+ return lhs.base < rhs.base;
+ }
+ };
+ // Set of previously non-aliasing array refs that escaped.
+ typedef ScopedArenaSet<EscapedArrayKey, EscapedArrayKeyComparator> EscapedArraySet;
// Key is s_reg, value is value name.
typedef ScopedArenaSafeMap<uint16_t, uint16_t> SregValueMap;
// Key is concatenation of opcode, operand1, operand2 and modifier, value is value name.
typedef ScopedArenaSafeMap<uint64_t, uint16_t> ValueMap;
// Key represents a memory address, value is generation.
- typedef ScopedArenaSafeMap<MemoryVersionKey, uint16_t, MemoryVersionKeyComparator
- > MemoryVersionMap;
- // Maps field key to field id for resolved fields.
- typedef ScopedArenaSafeMap<FieldReference, uint32_t, FieldReferenceComparator> FieldIndexMap;
// A set of value names.
typedef ScopedArenaSet<uint16_t> ValueNameSet;
- public:
- static LocalValueNumbering* Create(CompilationUnit* cu) {
- std::unique_ptr<ScopedArenaAllocator> allocator(ScopedArenaAllocator::Create(&cu->arena_stack));
- void* addr = allocator->Alloc(sizeof(LocalValueNumbering), kArenaAllocMisc);
- return new(addr) LocalValueNumbering(cu, allocator.release());
- }
static uint64_t BuildKey(uint16_t op, uint16_t operand1, uint16_t operand2, uint16_t modifier) {
return (static_cast<uint64_t>(op) << 48 | static_cast<uint64_t>(operand1) << 32 |
static_cast<uint64_t>(operand2) << 16 | static_cast<uint64_t>(modifier));
+ static uint16_t ExtractOp(uint64_t key) {
+ return static_cast<uint16_t>(key >> 48);
+ }
+ static uint16_t ExtractOperand1(uint64_t key) {
+ return static_cast<uint16_t>(key >> 32);
+ }
+ static uint16_t ExtractOperand2(uint64_t key) {
+ return static_cast<uint16_t>(key >> 16);
+ }
+ static uint16_t ExtractModifier(uint64_t key) {
+ return static_cast<uint16_t>(key);
+ }
+ static bool EqualOpAndOperand1(uint64_t key1, uint64_t key2) {
+ return static_cast<uint32_t>(key1 >> 32) == static_cast<uint32_t>(key2 >> 32);
+ }
uint16_t LookupValue(uint16_t op, uint16_t operand1, uint16_t operand2, uint16_t modifier) {
uint16_t res;
uint64_t key = BuildKey(op, operand1, operand2, modifier);
@@ -107,12 +184,26 @@
if (it != value_map_.end()) {
res = it->second;
} else {
- res = value_map_.size() + 1;
+ ++last_value_;
+ res = last_value_;
value_map_.Put(key, res);
return res;
+ void StoreValue(uint16_t op, uint16_t operand1, uint16_t operand2, uint16_t modifier,
+ uint16_t value) {
+ uint64_t key = BuildKey(op, operand1, operand2, modifier);
+ value_map_.Overwrite(key, value);
+ }
+ bool HasValue(uint16_t op, uint16_t operand1, uint16_t operand2, uint16_t modifier,
+ uint16_t value) const {
+ uint64_t key = BuildKey(op, operand1, operand2, modifier);
+ ValueMap::const_iterator it = value_map_.find(key);
+ return (it != value_map_.end() && it->second == value);
+ };
bool ValueExists(uint16_t op, uint16_t operand1, uint16_t operand2, uint16_t modifier) const {
uint64_t key = BuildKey(op, operand1, operand2, modifier);
ValueMap::const_iterator it = value_map_.find(key);
@@ -129,13 +220,13 @@
uint16_t GetOperandValue(int s_reg) {
- uint16_t res = NO_VALUE;
+ uint16_t res = kNoValue;
SregValueMap::iterator it = sreg_value_map_.find(s_reg);
if (it != sreg_value_map_.end()) {
res = it->second;
} else {
// First use
- res = LookupValue(NO_VALUE, s_reg, NO_VALUE, NO_VALUE);
+ res = LookupValue(kNoValue, s_reg, kNoValue, kNoValue);
sreg_value_map_.Put(s_reg, res);
return res;
@@ -151,63 +242,61 @@
uint16_t GetOperandValueWide(int s_reg) {
- uint16_t res = NO_VALUE;
+ uint16_t res = kNoValue;
SregValueMap::iterator it = sreg_wide_value_map_.find(s_reg);
if (it != sreg_wide_value_map_.end()) {
res = it->second;
} else {
// First use
- res = LookupValue(NO_VALUE, s_reg, NO_VALUE, NO_VALUE);
+ res = LookupValue(kNoValue, s_reg, kNoValue, kNoValue);
sreg_wide_value_map_.Put(s_reg, res);
return res;
- uint16_t GetValueNumber(MIR* mir);
- // Allow delete-expression to destroy a LocalValueNumbering object without deallocation.
- static void operator delete(void* ptr) { UNUSED(ptr); }
- private:
- LocalValueNumbering(CompilationUnit* cu, ScopedArenaAllocator* allocator)
- : cu_(cu),
- allocator_(allocator),
- sreg_value_map_(std::less<uint16_t>(), allocator->Adapter()),
- sreg_wide_value_map_(std::less<uint16_t>(), allocator->Adapter()),
- value_map_(std::less<uint64_t>(), allocator->Adapter()),
- next_memory_version_(1u),
- global_memory_version_(0u),
- memory_version_map_(MemoryVersionKeyComparator(), allocator->Adapter()),
- field_index_map_(FieldReferenceComparator(), allocator->Adapter()),
- non_aliasing_refs_(std::less<uint16_t>(), allocator->Adapter()),
- null_checked_(std::less<uint16_t>(), allocator->Adapter()) {
- std::fill_n(unresolved_sfield_version_, kFieldTypeCount, 0u);
- std::fill_n(unresolved_ifield_version_, kFieldTypeCount, 0u);
- }
- uint16_t GetFieldId(const DexFile* dex_file, uint16_t field_idx);
- void AdvanceGlobalMemory();
- uint16_t GetMemoryVersion(uint16_t base, uint16_t field, uint16_t type);
- uint16_t AdvanceMemoryVersion(uint16_t base, uint16_t field, uint16_t type);
+ uint16_t GetFieldId(const MirFieldInfo& field_info);
uint16_t MarkNonAliasingNonNull(MIR* mir);
- void MakeArgsAliasing(MIR* mir);
+ bool IsNonAliasing(uint16_t reg);
+ bool IsNonAliasingIField(uint16_t reg, uint16_t field_id, uint16_t type);
+ bool IsNonAliasingArray(uint16_t reg, uint16_t type);
void HandleNullCheck(MIR* mir, uint16_t reg);
void HandleRangeCheck(MIR* mir, uint16_t array, uint16_t index);
void HandlePutObject(MIR* mir);
+ void HandleEscapingRef(uint16_t base);
+ uint16_t HandleAGet(MIR* mir, uint16_t opcode);
+ void HandleAPut(MIR* mir, uint16_t opcode);
+ uint16_t HandleIGet(MIR* mir, uint16_t opcode);
+ void HandleIPut(MIR* mir, uint16_t opcode);
+ uint16_t HandleSGet(MIR* mir, uint16_t opcode);
+ void HandleSPut(MIR* mir, uint16_t opcode);
CompilationUnit* const cu_;
- std::unique_ptr<ScopedArenaAllocator> allocator_;
+ // We have 32-bit last_value_ so that we can detect when we run out of value names, see Good().
+ // We usually don't check Good() until the end of LVN unless we're about to modify code.
+ uint32_t last_value_;
SregValueMap sreg_value_map_;
SregValueMap sreg_wide_value_map_;
ValueMap value_map_;
- uint16_t next_memory_version_;
+ // Data for dealing with memory clobbering and store/load aliasing.
uint16_t global_memory_version_;
uint16_t unresolved_sfield_version_[kFieldTypeCount];
uint16_t unresolved_ifield_version_[kFieldTypeCount];
- MemoryVersionMap memory_version_map_;
+ uint16_t aliasing_array_version_[kFieldTypeCount];
+ AliasingIFieldVersionMap aliasing_ifield_version_map_;
+ NonAliasingArrayVersionMap non_aliasing_array_version_map_;
FieldIndexMap field_index_map_;
// Value names of references to objects that cannot be reached through a different value name.
ValueNameSet non_aliasing_refs_;
+ // Instance fields still holding non-aliased values after the base has escaped.
+ NonAliasingFieldSet non_aliasing_ifields_;
+ // Previously non-aliasing array refs that escaped but can still be used for non-aliasing AGET.
+ EscapedArraySet escaped_array_refs_;
+ // Range check and null check elimination.
+ RangeCheckSet range_checked_;
ValueNameSet null_checked_;
diff --git a/compiler/dex/ b/compiler/dex/
index e56e016..efc4fc8 100644
--- a/compiler/dex/
+++ b/compiler/dex/
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
struct MIRDef {
static constexpr size_t kMaxSsaDefs = 2;
- static constexpr size_t kMaxSsaUses = 3;
+ static constexpr size_t kMaxSsaUses = 4;
Instruction::Code opcode;
int64_t value;
@@ -55,6 +55,8 @@
{ opcode, value, 0u, 0, { }, 1, { reg } }
#define DEF_CONST_WIDE(opcode, reg, value) \
{ opcode, value, 0u, 0, { }, 2, { reg, reg + 1 } }
+#define DEF_CONST_STRING(opcode, reg, index) \
+ { opcode, index, 0u, 0, { }, 1, { reg } }
#define DEF_IGET(opcode, reg, obj, field_info) \
{ opcode, 0u, field_info, 1, { obj }, 1, { reg } }
#define DEF_IGET_WIDE(opcode, reg, obj, field_info) \
@@ -71,6 +73,14 @@
{ opcode, 0u, field_info, 1, { reg }, 0, { } }
#define DEF_SPUT_WIDE(opcode, reg, field_info) \
{ opcode, 0u, field_info, 2, { reg, reg + 1 }, 0, { } }
+#define DEF_AGET(opcode, reg, obj, idx) \
+ { opcode, 0u, 0u, 2, { obj, idx }, 1, { reg } }
+#define DEF_AGET_WIDE(opcode, reg, obj, idx) \
+ { opcode, 0u, 0u, 2, { obj, idx }, 2, { reg, reg + 1 } }
+#define DEF_APUT(opcode, reg, obj, idx) \
+ { opcode, 0u, 0u, 3, { reg, obj, idx }, 0, { } }
+#define DEF_APUT_WIDE(opcode, reg, obj, idx) \
+ { opcode, 0u, 0u, 4, { reg, reg + 1, obj, idx }, 0, { } }
#define DEF_INVOKE1(opcode, reg) \
{ opcode, 0u, 0u, 1, { reg }, 0, { } }
#define DEF_UNIQUE_REF(opcode, reg) \
@@ -163,6 +173,7 @@
for (size_t i = 0; i != mir_count_; ++i) {
value_names_[i] = lvn_->GetValueNumber(&mirs_[i]);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lvn_->Good());
@@ -170,8 +181,11 @@
- lvn_(LocalValueNumbering::Create(&cu_)) {
+ allocator_(),
+ lvn_() {
cu_.mir_graph.reset(new MIRGraph(&cu_, &cu_.arena));
+ allocator_.reset(ScopedArenaAllocator::Create(&cu_.arena_stack));
+ lvn_.reset(new (allocator_.get()) LocalValueNumbering(&cu_, allocator_.get()));
ArenaPool pool_;
@@ -180,12 +194,13 @@
MIR* mirs_;
std::vector<SSARepresentation> ssa_reps_;
std::vector<uint16_t> value_names_;
+ std::unique_ptr<ScopedArenaAllocator> allocator_;
std::unique_ptr<LocalValueNumbering> lvn_;
-TEST_F(LocalValueNumberingTest, TestIGetIGetInvokeIGet) {
+TEST_F(LocalValueNumberingTest, IGetIGetInvokeIGet) {
static const IFieldDef ifields[] = {
- { 1u, 1u, 1u, false }
+ { 1u, 1u, 1u, false },
static const MIRDef mirs[] = {
DEF_IGET(Instruction::IGET, 0u, 10u, 0u),
@@ -206,15 +221,15 @@
EXPECT_EQ(mirs_[3].optimization_flags, MIR_IGNORE_NULL_CHECK);
-TEST_F(LocalValueNumberingTest, TestIGetIPutIGetIGetIGet) {
+TEST_F(LocalValueNumberingTest, IGetIPutIGetIGetIGet) {
static const IFieldDef ifields[] = {
{ 1u, 1u, 1u, false },
{ 2u, 1u, 2u, false },
static const MIRDef mirs[] = {
- DEF_IGET(Instruction::IGET, 0u, 10u, 0u),
- DEF_IPUT(Instruction::IPUT, 1u, 11u, 0u), // May alias.
- DEF_IGET(Instruction::IGET, 2u, 10u, 0u),
+ DEF_IGET(Instruction::IGET_OBJECT, 0u, 10u, 0u),
+ DEF_IPUT(Instruction::IPUT_OBJECT, 1u, 11u, 0u), // May alias.
+ DEF_IGET(Instruction::IGET_OBJECT, 2u, 10u, 0u),
DEF_IGET(Instruction::IGET, 3u, 0u, 1u),
DEF_IGET(Instruction::IGET, 4u, 2u, 1u),
@@ -232,7 +247,7 @@
EXPECT_EQ(mirs_[4].optimization_flags, 0u);
-TEST_F(LocalValueNumberingTest, TestUniquePreserve1) {
+TEST_F(LocalValueNumberingTest, UniquePreserve1) {
static const IFieldDef ifields[] = {
{ 1u, 1u, 1u, false },
@@ -253,7 +268,7 @@
EXPECT_EQ(mirs_[3].optimization_flags, MIR_IGNORE_NULL_CHECK);
-TEST_F(LocalValueNumberingTest, TestUniquePreserve2) {
+TEST_F(LocalValueNumberingTest, UniquePreserve2) {
static const IFieldDef ifields[] = {
{ 1u, 1u, 1u, false },
@@ -274,7 +289,7 @@
EXPECT_EQ(mirs_[3].optimization_flags, MIR_IGNORE_NULL_CHECK);
-TEST_F(LocalValueNumberingTest, TestUniquePreserveAndEscape) {
+TEST_F(LocalValueNumberingTest, UniquePreserveAndEscape) {
static const IFieldDef ifields[] = {
{ 1u, 1u, 1u, false },
@@ -298,7 +313,7 @@
EXPECT_EQ(mirs_[5].optimization_flags, MIR_IGNORE_NULL_CHECK);
-TEST_F(LocalValueNumberingTest, TestVolatile) {
+TEST_F(LocalValueNumberingTest, Volatile) {
static const IFieldDef ifields[] = {
{ 1u, 1u, 1u, false },
{ 2u, 1u, 2u, true },
@@ -322,4 +337,264 @@
EXPECT_EQ(mirs_[3].optimization_flags, 0u);
+TEST_F(LocalValueNumberingTest, UnresolvedIField) {
+ static const IFieldDef ifields[] = {
+ { 1u, 1u, 1u, false }, // Resolved field #1.
+ { 2u, 1u, 2u, false }, // Resolved field #2.
+ { 3u, 0u, 0u, false }, // Unresolved field.
+ };
+ static const MIRDef mirs[] = {
+ DEF_UNIQUE_REF(Instruction::NEW_INSTANCE, 20u),
+ DEF_IGET(Instruction::IGET, 1u, 20u, 0u), // Resolved field #1, unique object.
+ DEF_IGET(Instruction::IGET, 2u, 21u, 0u), // Resolved field #1.
+ DEF_IGET_WIDE(Instruction::IGET_WIDE, 3u, 21u, 1u), // Resolved field #2.
+ DEF_IGET(Instruction::IGET, 4u, 22u, 2u), // IGET doesn't clobber anything.
+ DEF_IGET(Instruction::IGET, 5u, 20u, 0u), // Resolved field #1, unique object.
+ DEF_IGET(Instruction::IGET, 6u, 21u, 0u), // Resolved field #1.
+ DEF_IGET_WIDE(Instruction::IGET_WIDE, 7u, 21u, 1u), // Resolved field #2.
+ DEF_IPUT(Instruction::IPUT, 8u, 22u, 2u), // IPUT clobbers field #1 (#2 if wide).
+ DEF_IGET(Instruction::IGET, 9u, 20u, 0u), // Resolved field #1, unique object.
+ DEF_IGET(Instruction::IGET, 10u, 21u, 0u), // Resolved field #1, new value name.
+ DEF_IGET_WIDE(Instruction::IGET_WIDE, 11u, 21u, 1u), // Resolved field #2.
+ };
+ PrepareIFields(ifields);
+ PrepareMIRs(mirs);
+ PerformLVN();
+ ASSERT_EQ(value_names_.size(), 12u);
+ EXPECT_EQ(value_names_[1], value_names_[5]);
+ EXPECT_EQ(value_names_[2], value_names_[6]);
+ EXPECT_EQ(value_names_[3], value_names_[7]);
+ EXPECT_EQ(value_names_[1], value_names_[9]);
+ EXPECT_NE(value_names_[2], value_names_[10]); // This aliased with unresolved IPUT.
+ EXPECT_EQ(value_names_[3], value_names_[11]);
+ EXPECT_EQ(mirs_[0].optimization_flags, 0u);
+ EXPECT_EQ(mirs_[1].optimization_flags, MIR_IGNORE_NULL_CHECK);
+ EXPECT_EQ(mirs_[2].optimization_flags, 0u);
+ EXPECT_EQ(mirs_[3].optimization_flags, MIR_IGNORE_NULL_CHECK);
+ EXPECT_EQ(mirs_[4].optimization_flags, 0u);
+ for (size_t i = 5u; i != mir_count_; ++i) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(mirs_[i].optimization_flags, MIR_IGNORE_NULL_CHECK);
+ }
+TEST_F(LocalValueNumberingTest, UnresolvedSField) {
+ static const SFieldDef sfields[] = {
+ { 1u, 1u, 1u, false }, // Resolved field #1.
+ { 2u, 1u, 2u, false }, // Resolved field #2.
+ { 3u, 0u, 0u, false }, // Unresolved field.
+ };
+ static const MIRDef mirs[] = {
+ DEF_SGET(Instruction::SGET, 0u, 0u), // Resolved field #1.
+ DEF_SGET_WIDE(Instruction::SGET_WIDE, 1u, 1u), // Resolved field #2.
+ DEF_SGET(Instruction::SGET, 2u, 2u), // SGET doesn't clobber anything.
+ DEF_SGET(Instruction::SGET, 3u, 0u), // Resolved field #1.
+ DEF_SGET_WIDE(Instruction::SGET_WIDE, 4u, 1u), // Resolved field #2.
+ DEF_SPUT(Instruction::SPUT, 5u, 2u), // SPUT clobbers field #1 (#2 is wide).
+ DEF_SGET(Instruction::SGET, 6u, 0u), // Resolved field #1.
+ DEF_SGET_WIDE(Instruction::SGET_WIDE, 7u, 1u), // Resolved field #2.
+ };
+ PrepareSFields(sfields);
+ PrepareMIRs(mirs);
+ PerformLVN();
+ ASSERT_EQ(value_names_.size(), 8u);
+ EXPECT_EQ(value_names_[0], value_names_[3]);
+ EXPECT_EQ(value_names_[1], value_names_[4]);
+ EXPECT_NE(value_names_[0], value_names_[6]); // This aliased with unresolved IPUT.
+ EXPECT_EQ(value_names_[1], value_names_[7]);
+ for (size_t i = 0u; i != mir_count_; ++i) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(mirs_[i].optimization_flags, 0u) << i;
+ }
+TEST_F(LocalValueNumberingTest, ConstString) {
+ static const MIRDef mirs[] = {
+ DEF_CONST_STRING(Instruction::CONST_STRING, 0u, 0u),
+ DEF_CONST_STRING(Instruction::CONST_STRING, 1u, 0u),
+ DEF_CONST_STRING(Instruction::CONST_STRING, 2u, 2u),
+ DEF_CONST_STRING(Instruction::CONST_STRING, 3u, 0u),
+ DEF_INVOKE1(Instruction::INVOKE_DIRECT, 2u),
+ DEF_CONST_STRING(Instruction::CONST_STRING, 4u, 2u),
+ };
+ PrepareMIRs(mirs);
+ PerformLVN();
+ ASSERT_EQ(value_names_.size(), 6u);
+ EXPECT_EQ(value_names_[1], value_names_[0]);
+ EXPECT_NE(value_names_[2], value_names_[0]);
+ EXPECT_EQ(value_names_[3], value_names_[0]);
+ EXPECT_EQ(value_names_[5], value_names_[2]);
+TEST_F(LocalValueNumberingTest, SameValueInDifferentMemoryLocations) {
+ static const IFieldDef ifields[] = {
+ { 1u, 1u, 1u, false },
+ { 2u, 1u, 2u, false },
+ };
+ static const SFieldDef sfields[] = {
+ { 3u, 1u, 3u, false },
+ };
+ static const MIRDef mirs[] = {
+ DEF_IGET(Instruction::IGET, 0u, 10u, 0u),
+ DEF_IPUT(Instruction::IPUT, 0u, 10u, 1u),
+ DEF_SPUT(Instruction::SPUT, 0u, 0u),
+ DEF_APUT(Instruction::APUT, 0u, 11u, 12u),
+ DEF_IGET(Instruction::IGET, 1u, 10u, 0u),
+ DEF_IGET(Instruction::IGET, 2u, 10u, 1u),
+ DEF_AGET(Instruction::AGET, 3u, 11u, 12u),
+ DEF_SGET(Instruction::SGET, 4u, 0u),
+ };
+ PrepareIFields(ifields);
+ PrepareSFields(sfields);
+ PrepareMIRs(mirs);
+ PerformLVN();
+ ASSERT_EQ(value_names_.size(), 8u);
+ EXPECT_EQ(value_names_[4], value_names_[0]);
+ EXPECT_EQ(value_names_[5], value_names_[0]);
+ EXPECT_EQ(value_names_[6], value_names_[0]);
+ EXPECT_EQ(value_names_[7], value_names_[0]);
+ EXPECT_EQ(mirs_[0].optimization_flags, 0u);
+ EXPECT_EQ(mirs_[1].optimization_flags, MIR_IGNORE_NULL_CHECK);
+ EXPECT_EQ(mirs_[2].optimization_flags, 0u);
+ EXPECT_EQ(mirs_[3].optimization_flags, 0u);
+ EXPECT_EQ(mirs_[4].optimization_flags, MIR_IGNORE_NULL_CHECK);
+ EXPECT_EQ(mirs_[5].optimization_flags, MIR_IGNORE_NULL_CHECK);
+ EXPECT_EQ(mirs_[7].optimization_flags, 0u);
+TEST_F(LocalValueNumberingTest, UniqueArrayAliasing) {
+ static const MIRDef mirs[] = {
+ DEF_UNIQUE_REF(Instruction::NEW_ARRAY, 20u),
+ DEF_AGET(Instruction::AGET, 1u, 20u, 40u),
+ DEF_APUT(Instruction::APUT, 2u, 20u, 41u), // May alias with index for sreg 40u.
+ DEF_AGET(Instruction::AGET, 3u, 20u, 40u),
+ };
+ PrepareMIRs(mirs);
+ PerformLVN();
+ ASSERT_EQ(value_names_.size(), 4u);
+ EXPECT_NE(value_names_[1], value_names_[3]);
+ EXPECT_EQ(mirs_[0].optimization_flags, 0u);
+ EXPECT_EQ(mirs_[1].optimization_flags, MIR_IGNORE_NULL_CHECK);
+ EXPECT_EQ(mirs_[2].optimization_flags, MIR_IGNORE_NULL_CHECK);
+TEST_F(LocalValueNumberingTest, EscapingRefs) {
+ static const IFieldDef ifields[] = {
+ { 1u, 1u, 1u, false }, // Field #1.
+ { 2u, 1u, 2u, false }, // Field #2.
+ { 3u, 1u, 3u, false }, // Reference field for storing escaping refs.
+ { 4u, 1u, 4u, false }, // Wide.
+ { 5u, 0u, 0u, false }, // Unresolved field, int.
+ { 6u, 0u, 0u, false }, // Unresolved field, wide.
+ };
+ static const MIRDef mirs[] = {
+ DEF_UNIQUE_REF(Instruction::NEW_INSTANCE, 20u),
+ DEF_IGET(Instruction::IGET, 1u, 20u, 0u),
+ DEF_IGET(Instruction::IGET, 2u, 20u, 1u),
+ DEF_IPUT(Instruction::IPUT_OBJECT, 20u, 30u, 2u), // Ref escapes.
+ DEF_IGET(Instruction::IGET, 4u, 20u, 0u),
+ DEF_IGET(Instruction::IGET, 5u, 20u, 1u),
+ DEF_IPUT(Instruction::IPUT, 6u, 31u, 0u), // May alias with field #1.
+ DEF_IGET(Instruction::IGET, 7u, 20u, 0u), // New value.
+ DEF_IGET(Instruction::IGET, 8u, 20u, 1u), // Still the same.
+ DEF_IPUT_WIDE(Instruction::IPUT_WIDE, 9u, 31u, 3u), // No aliasing, different type.
+ DEF_IGET(Instruction::IGET, 10u, 20u, 0u),
+ DEF_IGET(Instruction::IGET, 11u, 20u, 1u),
+ DEF_IPUT_WIDE(Instruction::IPUT_WIDE, 12u, 31u, 5u), // No aliasing, different type.
+ DEF_IGET(Instruction::IGET, 13u, 20u, 0u),
+ DEF_IGET(Instruction::IGET, 14u, 20u, 1u),
+ DEF_IPUT(Instruction::IPUT, 15u, 31u, 4u), // Aliasing, same type.
+ DEF_IGET(Instruction::IGET, 16u, 20u, 0u),
+ DEF_IGET(Instruction::IGET, 17u, 20u, 1u),
+ };
+ PrepareIFields(ifields);
+ PrepareMIRs(mirs);
+ PerformLVN();
+ ASSERT_EQ(value_names_.size(), 18u);
+ EXPECT_EQ(value_names_[1], value_names_[4]);
+ EXPECT_EQ(value_names_[2], value_names_[5]);
+ EXPECT_NE(value_names_[4], value_names_[7]); // New value.
+ EXPECT_EQ(value_names_[5], value_names_[8]);
+ EXPECT_EQ(value_names_[7], value_names_[10]);
+ EXPECT_EQ(value_names_[8], value_names_[11]);
+ EXPECT_EQ(value_names_[10], value_names_[13]);
+ EXPECT_EQ(value_names_[11], value_names_[14]);
+ EXPECT_NE(value_names_[13], value_names_[16]); // New value.
+ EXPECT_NE(value_names_[14], value_names_[17]); // New value.
+ for (size_t i = 0u; i != mir_count_; ++i) {
+ int expected = (i != 0u && i != 3u && i != 6u) ? MIR_IGNORE_NULL_CHECK : 0u;
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected, mirs_[i].optimization_flags) << i;
+ }
+TEST_F(LocalValueNumberingTest, EscapingArrayRefs) {
+ static const MIRDef mirs[] = {
+ DEF_UNIQUE_REF(Instruction::NEW_ARRAY, 20u),
+ DEF_AGET(Instruction::AGET, 1u, 20u, 40u),
+ DEF_AGET(Instruction::AGET, 2u, 20u, 41u),
+ DEF_APUT(Instruction::APUT_OBJECT, 20u, 30u, 42u), // Array ref escapes.
+ DEF_AGET(Instruction::AGET, 4u, 20u, 40u),
+ DEF_AGET(Instruction::AGET, 5u, 20u, 41u),
+ DEF_APUT_WIDE(Instruction::APUT_WIDE, 6u, 31u, 43u), // No aliasing, different type.
+ DEF_AGET(Instruction::AGET, 7u, 20u, 40u),
+ DEF_AGET(Instruction::AGET, 8u, 20u, 41u),
+ DEF_APUT(Instruction::APUT, 9u, 32u, 40u), // May alias with all elements.
+ DEF_AGET(Instruction::AGET, 10u, 20u, 40u), // New value (same index name).
+ DEF_AGET(Instruction::AGET, 11u, 20u, 41u), // New value (different index name).
+ };
+ PrepareMIRs(mirs);
+ PerformLVN();
+ ASSERT_EQ(value_names_.size(), 12u);
+ EXPECT_EQ(value_names_[1], value_names_[4]);
+ EXPECT_EQ(value_names_[2], value_names_[5]);
+ EXPECT_EQ(value_names_[4], value_names_[7]);
+ EXPECT_EQ(value_names_[5], value_names_[8]);
+ EXPECT_NE(value_names_[7], value_names_[10]); // New value.
+ EXPECT_NE(value_names_[8], value_names_[11]); // New value.
+ for (size_t i = 0u; i != mir_count_; ++i) {
+ int expected =
+ ((i != 0u && i != 3u && i != 6u && i != 9u) ? MIR_IGNORE_NULL_CHECK : 0u) |
+ ((i >= 4 && i != 6u && i != 9u) ? MIR_IGNORE_RANGE_CHECK : 0u);
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected, mirs_[i].optimization_flags) << i;
+ }
+TEST_F(LocalValueNumberingTest, StoringSameValueKeepsMemoryVersion) {
+ static const IFieldDef ifields[] = {
+ { 1u, 1u, 1u, false },
+ };
+ static const MIRDef mirs[] = {
+ DEF_IGET(Instruction::IGET, 0u, 10u, 0u),
+ DEF_IGET(Instruction::IGET, 1u, 11u, 0u),
+ DEF_IPUT(Instruction::IPUT, 1u, 11u, 0u), // Store the same value.
+ DEF_IGET(Instruction::IGET, 3u, 10u, 0u),
+ DEF_AGET(Instruction::AGET, 4u, 12u, 40u),
+ DEF_AGET(Instruction::AGET, 5u, 13u, 40u),
+ DEF_APUT(Instruction::APUT, 5u, 13u, 40u), // Store the same value.
+ DEF_AGET(Instruction::AGET, 7u, 12u, 40u),
+ };
+ PrepareIFields(ifields);
+ PrepareMIRs(mirs);
+ PerformLVN();
+ ASSERT_EQ(value_names_.size(), 8u);
+ EXPECT_NE(value_names_[0], value_names_[1]);
+ EXPECT_EQ(value_names_[0], value_names_[3]);
+ EXPECT_NE(value_names_[4], value_names_[5]);
+ EXPECT_EQ(value_names_[4], value_names_[7]);
+ for (size_t i = 0u; i != mir_count_; ++i) {
+ int expected =
+ ((i == 2u || i == 3u || i == 6u || i == 7u) ? MIR_IGNORE_NULL_CHECK : 0u) |
+ ((i == 6u || i == 7u) ? MIR_IGNORE_RANGE_CHECK : 0u);
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected, mirs_[i].optimization_flags) << i;
+ }
} // namespace art
diff --git a/compiler/dex/ b/compiler/dex/
index 1d4aef2..256686e 100644
--- a/compiler/dex/
+++ b/compiler/dex/
@@ -320,9 +320,11 @@
return true;
bool use_lvn = bb->use_lvn;
+ std::unique_ptr<ScopedArenaAllocator> allocator;
std::unique_ptr<LocalValueNumbering> local_valnum;
if (use_lvn) {
- local_valnum.reset(LocalValueNumbering::Create(cu_));
+ allocator.reset(ScopedArenaAllocator::Create(&cu_->arena_stack));
+ local_valnum.reset(new (allocator.get()) LocalValueNumbering(cu_, allocator.get()));
while (bb != NULL) {
for (MIR* mir = bb->first_mir_insn; mir != NULL; mir = mir->next) {
@@ -550,6 +552,9 @@
bb = ((cu_->disable_opt & (1 << kSuppressExceptionEdges)) != 0) ? NextDominatedBlock(bb) : NULL;
+ if (use_lvn && UNLIKELY(!local_valnum->Good())) {
+ LOG(WARNING) << "LVN overflow in " << PrettyMethod(cu_->method_idx, *cu_->dex_file);
+ }
return true;
diff --git a/runtime/safe_map.h b/runtime/safe_map.h
index 190db60..bf3a15e 100644
--- a/runtime/safe_map.h
+++ b/runtime/safe_map.h
@@ -65,6 +65,9 @@
iterator find(const K& k) { return map_.find(k); }
const_iterator find(const K& k) const { return map_.find(k); }
+ iterator lower_bound(const K& k) { return map_.lower_bound(k); }
+ const_iterator lower_bound(const K& k) const { return map_.lower_bound(k); }
size_type count(const K& k) const { return map_.count(k); }
// Note that unlike std::map's operator[], this doesn't return a reference to the value.