Use the linux_bionic product to clean up the build tree hacks.
Test: env DIST_DIR=out/dist art/tools/ \
Comparing the out/dist directories before and after the change, there
are only some small diffs in support tools (aapt2, apexer, avbtool,
and conv_apex_manifest). There are no diffs in any ART binaries,
shared libs, or jars.
Bug: 229123823
Change-Id: Ib161418c5c55f3d9907a729c3c6e9d5e78fafce0
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
index c3345cc..bbe71b6 100755
--- a/tools/
+++ b/tools/
@@ -16,9 +16,6 @@
# This will build a target using linux_bionic. It can be called with normal make
# flags.
-# TODO This runs a 'm clean' prior to building the targets in order to ensure
-# that obsolete kati files don't mess up the build.
set -e
@@ -27,61 +24,30 @@
exit 1
+export TARGET_PRODUCT=linux_bionic
+# Avoid Soong error about invalid dependencies on disabled libLLVM_android,
+# which we get due to the --soong-only mode. (Another variant is to set
# TODO(b/194433871): Set MODULE_BUILD_FROM_SOURCE to disable prebuilt modules,
# which Soong otherwise can create duplicate install rules for in --soong-only
# mode.
# Switch the build system to unbundled mode in the reduced manifest branch.
if [ ! -d frameworks/base ]; then
- soong_args="$soong_args TARGET_BUILD_UNBUNDLED=true"
-vars="$(build/soong/soong_ui.bash --dumpvars-mode --vars="OUT_DIR")"
+vars="$(build/soong/soong_ui.bash --dumpvars-mode --vars="OUT_DIR BUILD_NUMBER")"
# Assign to a variable and eval that, since bash ignores any error status from
# the command substitution if it's directly on the eval line.
eval $vars
-# TODO(b/31559095) Figure out a better way to do this.
-# There is no good way to force soong to generate host-bionic builds currently
-# so this is a hacky workaround.
+# This file is currently not created in --soong-only mode, but some build
+# targets depend on it.
+printf %s "${BUILD_NUMBER}" > ${OUT_DIR}/soong/build_number.txt
-tmp_soong_var=$(mktemp --tmpdir soong.variables.bak.XXXXXX)
-TARGET_PRODUCT=aosp_x86 build/soong/soong_ui.bash --make-mode $soong_args ${OUT_DIR}/soong/build_number.txt
-tmp_build_number=$(cat ${OUT_DIR}/soong/build_number.txt)
-cat $OUT_DIR/soong/soong.variables > ${tmp_soong_var}
-# See comment above about b/123645297 for why we cannot just do m clean. Clear
-# out all files except for intermediates and installed files and dexpreopt.config.
-find $OUT_DIR/ -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 \
- -not -name soong \
- -not -name host \
- -not -name target | xargs -I '{}' rm -rf '{}'
-find $OUT_DIR/soong/ -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 \
- -not -name .intermediates \
- -not -name host \
- -not -name dexpreopt.config \
- -not -name target | xargs -I '{}' rm -rf '{}'
-python3 <<END - ${tmp_soong_var} ${OUT_DIR}/soong/soong.variables
-import json
-import sys
-x = json.load(open(sys.argv[1]))
-x['Allow_missing_dependencies'] = True
-x['HostArch'] = 'x86_64'
-x['CrossHost'] = 'linux_bionic'
-x['CrossHostArch'] = 'x86_64'
-if 'CrossHostSecondaryArch' in x:
- del x['CrossHostSecondaryArch']
-json.dump(x, open(sys.argv[2], mode='w'))
-rm $tmp_soong_var
-# Write a new build-number
-echo ${tmp_build_number}_SOONG_ONLY_BUILD > ${OUT_DIR}/soong/build_number.txt
-build/soong/soong_ui.bash --make-mode --skip-config --soong-only $soong_args "$@"
+build/soong/soong_ui.bash --make-mode --soong-only "$@"