Continuing register cleanup

Ready for review.

Continue the process of using RegStorage rather than
ints to hold register value in the top layers of codegen.
Given the huge number of changes in this CL, I've attempted
to minimize the number of actual logic changes.  With this
CL, the use of ints for registers has largely been eliminated
except in the lowest utility levels.  "Wide" utility routines
have been updated to take a single RegStorage rather than
a pair of ints representing low and high registers.

Upcoming CLs will be smaller and more targeted.  My expectations:
   o Allocate float double registers as a single double rather than
     a pair of float single registers.
   o Refactor to push code which assumes long and double Dalvik
     values are held in a pair of register to the target dependent
   o Clean-up of the xxx_mir.h files to reduce the amount of #defines
     for registers.  May also do a register renumbering to bring all
     of our targets' register naming more consistent.  Possibly
     introduce a target-independent float/non-float test at the
     RegStorage level.

Change-Id: I646de7392bdec94595dd2c6f76e0f1c4331096ff
diff --git a/compiler/dex/quick/mir_to_lir.h b/compiler/dex/quick/mir_to_lir.h
index 51fe8f1..1c8f6dc 100644
--- a/compiler/dex/quick/mir_to_lir.h
+++ b/compiler/dex/quick/mir_to_lir.h
@@ -440,9 +440,11 @@
     LIR* InsertCaseLabel(DexOffset vaddr, int keyVal);
     void MarkPackedCaseLabels(Mir2Lir::SwitchTable* tab_rec);
     void MarkSparseCaseLabels(Mir2Lir::SwitchTable* tab_rec);
+    // Handle bookkeeping to convert a wide RegLocation to a narow RegLocation.  No code generated.
+    RegLocation NarrowRegLoc(RegLocation loc);
     // Shared by all targets - implemented in
-    void ConvertMemOpIntoMove(LIR* orig_lir, int dest, int src);
+    void ConvertMemOpIntoMove(LIR* orig_lir, RegStorage dest, RegStorage src);
     void ApplyLoadStoreElimination(LIR* head_lir, LIR* tail_lir);
     void ApplyLoadHoisting(LIR* head_lir, LIR* tail_lir);
     void ApplyLocalOptimizations(LIR* head_lir, LIR* tail_lir);
@@ -461,28 +463,36 @@
     void Clobber(int reg) {
+    void Clobber(RegStorage reg);
     void ClobberSRegBody(RegisterInfo* p, int num_regs, int s_reg);
     void ClobberSReg(int s_reg);
     int SRegToPMap(int s_reg);
-    void RecordCorePromotion(int reg, int s_reg);
-    int AllocPreservedCoreReg(int s_reg);
-    void RecordFpPromotion(int reg, int s_reg);
-    int AllocPreservedSingle(int s_reg);
-    int AllocPreservedDouble(int s_reg);
-    int AllocTempBody(RegisterInfo* p, int num_regs, int* next_temp, bool required);
-    virtual int AllocTempDouble();
-    int AllocFreeTemp();
-    int AllocTemp();
-    int AllocTempFloat();
+    void RecordCorePromotion(RegStorage reg, int s_reg);
+    RegStorage AllocPreservedCoreReg(int s_reg);
+    void RecordFpPromotion(RegStorage reg, int s_reg);
+    RegStorage AllocPreservedSingle(int s_reg);
+    RegStorage AllocPreservedDouble(int s_reg);
+    RegStorage AllocTempBody(RegisterInfo* p, int num_regs, int* next_temp, bool required);
+    virtual RegStorage AllocTempDouble();
+    RegStorage AllocFreeTemp();
+    RegStorage AllocTemp();
+    RegStorage AllocTempFloat();
     RegisterInfo* AllocLiveBody(RegisterInfo* p, int num_regs, int s_reg);
     RegisterInfo* AllocLive(int s_reg, int reg_class);
     void FreeTemp(int reg);
+    void FreeTemp(RegStorage reg);
     RegisterInfo* IsLive(int reg);
+    RegisterInfo* IsLive(RegStorage reg);
     RegisterInfo* IsTemp(int reg);
+    RegisterInfo* IsTemp(RegStorage reg);
     RegisterInfo* IsPromoted(int reg);
+    RegisterInfo* IsPromoted(RegStorage reg);
     bool IsDirty(int reg);
+    bool IsDirty(RegStorage reg);
     void LockTemp(int reg);
+    void LockTemp(RegStorage reg);
     void ResetDef(int reg);
+    void ResetDef(RegStorage reg);
     void NullifyRange(LIR *start, LIR *finish, int s_reg1, int s_reg2);
     void MarkDef(RegLocation rl, LIR *start, LIR *finish);
     void MarkDefWide(RegLocation rl, LIR *start, LIR *finish);
@@ -494,15 +504,19 @@
     void FlushSpecificReg(RegisterInfo* info);
     void FlushAllRegsBody(RegisterInfo* info, int num_regs);
     void FlushAllRegs();
-    bool RegClassMatches(int reg_class, int reg);
-    void MarkLive(int reg, int s_reg);
+    bool RegClassMatches(int reg_class, RegStorage reg);
+    void MarkLive(RegStorage reg, int s_reg);
     void MarkTemp(int reg);
+    void MarkTemp(RegStorage reg);
     void UnmarkTemp(int reg);
+    void UnmarkTemp(RegStorage reg);
     void MarkPair(int low_reg, int high_reg);
     void MarkClean(RegLocation loc);
     void MarkDirty(RegLocation loc);
     void MarkInUse(int reg);
+    void MarkInUse(RegStorage reg);
     void CopyRegInfo(int new_reg, int old_reg);
+    void CopyRegInfo(RegStorage new_reg, RegStorage old_reg);
     bool CheckCorePoolSanity();
     RegLocation UpdateLoc(RegLocation loc);
     virtual RegLocation UpdateLocWide(RegLocation loc);
@@ -546,14 +560,12 @@
     void HandleSlowPaths();
     void GenBarrier();
     LIR* GenCheck(ConditionCode c_code, ThrowKind kind);
-    LIR* GenImmedCheck(ConditionCode c_code, int reg, int imm_val,
-                       ThrowKind kind);
-    LIR* GenNullCheck(int m_reg, int opt_flags);
     void MarkPossibleNullPointerException(int opt_flags);
     void MarkPossibleStackOverflowException();
-    void ForceImplicitNullCheck(int reg, int opt_flags);
-    LIR* GenRegRegCheck(ConditionCode c_code, int reg1, int reg2,
-                        ThrowKind kind);
+    void ForceImplicitNullCheck(RegStorage reg, int opt_flags);
+    LIR* GenImmedCheck(ConditionCode c_code, RegStorage reg, int imm_val, ThrowKind kind);
+    LIR* GenNullCheck(RegStorage m_reg, int opt_flags);
+    LIR* GenRegRegCheck(ConditionCode c_code, RegStorage reg1, RegStorage reg2, ThrowKind kind);
     void GenCompareAndBranch(Instruction::Code opcode, RegLocation rl_src1,
                              RegLocation rl_src2, LIR* taken, LIR* fall_through);
     void GenCompareZeroAndBranch(Instruction::Code opcode, RegLocation rl_src,
@@ -579,10 +591,8 @@
     void GenConstString(uint32_t string_idx, RegLocation rl_dest);
     void GenNewInstance(uint32_t type_idx, RegLocation rl_dest);
     void GenThrow(RegLocation rl_src);
-    void GenInstanceof(uint32_t type_idx, RegLocation rl_dest,
-                       RegLocation rl_src);
-    void GenCheckCast(uint32_t insn_idx, uint32_t type_idx,
-                      RegLocation rl_src);
+    void GenInstanceof(uint32_t type_idx, RegLocation rl_dest, RegLocation rl_src);
+    void GenCheckCast(uint32_t insn_idx, uint32_t type_idx, RegLocation rl_src);
     void GenLong3Addr(OpKind first_op, OpKind second_op, RegLocation rl_dest,
                       RegLocation rl_src1, RegLocation rl_src2);
     void GenShiftOpLong(Instruction::Code opcode, RegLocation rl_dest,
@@ -602,10 +612,11 @@
                        RegLocation rl_src1, RegLocation rl_src2);
     // Shared by all targets - implemented in
-    int CallHelperSetup(ThreadOffset helper_offset);
-    LIR* CallHelper(int r_tgt, ThreadOffset helper_offset, bool safepoint_pc, bool use_link = true);
+    LIR* CallHelper(RegStorage r_tgt, ThreadOffset helper_offset, bool safepoint_pc,
+                    bool use_link = true);
+    RegStorage CallHelperSetup(ThreadOffset helper_offset);
     void CallRuntimeHelperImm(ThreadOffset helper_offset, int arg0, bool safepoint_pc);
-    void CallRuntimeHelperReg(ThreadOffset helper_offset, int arg0, bool safepoint_pc);
+    void CallRuntimeHelperReg(ThreadOffset helper_offset, RegStorage arg0, bool safepoint_pc);
     void CallRuntimeHelperRegLocation(ThreadOffset helper_offset, RegLocation arg0,
                                       bool safepoint_pc);
     void CallRuntimeHelperImmImm(ThreadOffset helper_offset, int arg0, int arg1,
@@ -614,21 +625,21 @@
                                          RegLocation arg1, bool safepoint_pc);
     void CallRuntimeHelperRegLocationImm(ThreadOffset helper_offset, RegLocation arg0,
                                          int arg1, bool safepoint_pc);
-    void CallRuntimeHelperImmReg(ThreadOffset helper_offset, int arg0, int arg1,
+    void CallRuntimeHelperImmReg(ThreadOffset helper_offset, int arg0, RegStorage arg1,
                                  bool safepoint_pc);
-    void CallRuntimeHelperRegImm(ThreadOffset helper_offset, int arg0, int arg1,
+    void CallRuntimeHelperRegImm(ThreadOffset helper_offset, RegStorage arg0, int arg1,
                                  bool safepoint_pc);
     void CallRuntimeHelperImmMethod(ThreadOffset helper_offset, int arg0,
                                     bool safepoint_pc);
-    void CallRuntimeHelperRegMethod(ThreadOffset helper_offset, int arg0, bool safepoint_pc);
-    void CallRuntimeHelperRegMethodRegLocation(ThreadOffset helper_offset, int arg0,
+    void CallRuntimeHelperRegMethod(ThreadOffset helper_offset, RegStorage arg0, bool safepoint_pc);
+    void CallRuntimeHelperRegMethodRegLocation(ThreadOffset helper_offset, RegStorage arg0,
                                                RegLocation arg2, bool safepoint_pc);
     void CallRuntimeHelperRegLocationRegLocation(ThreadOffset helper_offset,
                                                  RegLocation arg0, RegLocation arg1,
                                                  bool safepoint_pc);
-    void CallRuntimeHelperRegReg(ThreadOffset helper_offset, int arg0, int arg1,
+    void CallRuntimeHelperRegReg(ThreadOffset helper_offset, RegStorage arg0, RegStorage arg1,
                                  bool safepoint_pc);
-    void CallRuntimeHelperRegRegImm(ThreadOffset helper_offset, int arg0, int arg1,
+    void CallRuntimeHelperRegRegImm(ThreadOffset helper_offset, RegStorage arg0, RegStorage arg1,
                                     int arg2, bool safepoint_pc);
     void CallRuntimeHelperImmMethodRegLocation(ThreadOffset helper_offset, int arg0,
                                                RegLocation arg2, bool safepoint_pc);
@@ -698,16 +709,16 @@
     // Shared by all targets - implemented in
     RegLocation LoadCurrMethod();
-    void LoadCurrMethodDirect(int r_tgt);
-    LIR* LoadConstant(int r_dest, int value);
-    LIR* LoadWordDisp(int rBase, int displacement, int r_dest);
+    void LoadCurrMethodDirect(RegStorage r_tgt);
+    LIR* LoadConstant(RegStorage r_dest, int value);
+    LIR* LoadWordDisp(RegStorage r_base, int displacement, RegStorage r_dest);
     RegLocation LoadValue(RegLocation rl_src, RegisterClass op_kind);
     RegLocation LoadValueWide(RegLocation rl_src, RegisterClass op_kind);
-    void LoadValueDirect(RegLocation rl_src, int r_dest);
-    void LoadValueDirectFixed(RegLocation rl_src, int r_dest);
-    void LoadValueDirectWide(RegLocation rl_src, int reg_lo, int reg_hi);
-    void LoadValueDirectWideFixed(RegLocation rl_src, int reg_lo, int reg_hi);
-    LIR* StoreWordDisp(int rBase, int displacement, int r_src);
+    void LoadValueDirect(RegLocation rl_src, RegStorage r_dest);
+    void LoadValueDirectFixed(RegLocation rl_src, RegStorage r_dest);
+    void LoadValueDirectWide(RegLocation rl_src, RegStorage r_dest);
+    void LoadValueDirectWideFixed(RegLocation rl_src, RegStorage r_dest);
+    LIR* StoreWordDisp(RegStorage r_base, int displacement, RegStorage r_src);
      * @brief Used to do the final store in the destination as per bytecode semantics.
@@ -794,49 +805,58 @@
      * @param check_value The immediate to compare to.
      * @returns The branch instruction that was generated.
-    virtual LIR* OpCmpMemImmBranch(ConditionCode cond, int temp_reg, int base_reg,
+    virtual LIR* OpCmpMemImmBranch(ConditionCode cond, RegStorage temp_reg, RegStorage base_reg,
                                    int offset, int check_value, LIR* target);
     // Required for target - codegen helpers.
     virtual bool SmallLiteralDivRem(Instruction::Code dalvik_opcode, bool is_div,
                                     RegLocation rl_src, RegLocation rl_dest, int lit) = 0;
-    virtual int LoadHelper(ThreadOffset offset) = 0;
     virtual LIR* CheckSuspendUsingLoad() = 0;
-    virtual LIR* LoadBaseDisp(int rBase, int displacement, int r_dest, OpSize size, int s_reg) = 0;
-    virtual LIR* LoadBaseDispWide(int rBase, int displacement, int r_dest_lo, int r_dest_hi,
+    virtual RegStorage LoadHelper(ThreadOffset offset) = 0;
+    virtual LIR* LoadBaseDisp(RegStorage r_base, int displacement, RegStorage r_dest, OpSize size,
+                              int s_reg) = 0;
+    virtual LIR* LoadBaseDispWide(RegStorage r_base, int displacement, RegStorage r_dest,
                                   int s_reg) = 0;
-    virtual LIR* LoadBaseIndexed(int rBase, int r_index, int r_dest, int scale, OpSize size) = 0;
-    virtual LIR* LoadBaseIndexedDisp(int rBase, int r_index, int scale, int displacement,
-                                     int r_dest, int r_dest_hi, OpSize size, int s_reg) = 0;
-    virtual LIR* LoadConstantNoClobber(int r_dest, int value) = 0;
-    virtual LIR* LoadConstantWide(int r_dest_lo, int r_dest_hi, int64_t value) = 0;
-    virtual LIR* StoreBaseDisp(int rBase, int displacement, int r_src, OpSize size) = 0;
-    virtual LIR* StoreBaseDispWide(int rBase, int displacement, int r_src_lo, int r_src_hi) = 0;
-    virtual LIR* StoreBaseIndexed(int rBase, int r_index, int r_src, int scale, OpSize size) = 0;
-    virtual LIR* StoreBaseIndexedDisp(int rBase, int r_index, int scale, int displacement,
-                                      int r_src, int r_src_hi, OpSize size, int s_reg) = 0;
-    virtual void MarkGCCard(int val_reg, int tgt_addr_reg) = 0;
+    virtual LIR* LoadBaseIndexed(RegStorage r_base, RegStorage r_index, RegStorage r_dest,
+                                 int scale, OpSize size) = 0;
+    virtual LIR* LoadBaseIndexedDisp(RegStorage r_base, RegStorage r_index, int scale,
+                                     int displacement, RegStorage r_dest, RegStorage r_dest_hi,
+                                     OpSize size, int s_reg) = 0;
+    virtual LIR* LoadConstantNoClobber(RegStorage r_dest, int value) = 0;
+    virtual LIR* LoadConstantWide(RegStorage r_dest, int64_t value) = 0;
+    virtual LIR* StoreBaseDisp(RegStorage r_base, int displacement, RegStorage r_src,
+                               OpSize size) = 0;
+    virtual LIR* StoreBaseDispWide(RegStorage r_base, int displacement, RegStorage r_src) = 0;
+    virtual LIR* StoreBaseIndexed(RegStorage r_base, RegStorage r_index, RegStorage r_src,
+                                  int scale, OpSize size) = 0;
+    virtual LIR* StoreBaseIndexedDisp(RegStorage r_base, RegStorage r_index, int scale,
+                                      int displacement, RegStorage r_src, RegStorage r_src_hi,
+                                      OpSize size, int s_reg) = 0;
+    virtual void MarkGCCard(RegStorage val_reg, RegStorage tgt_addr_reg) = 0;
     // Required for target - register utilities.
     virtual bool IsFpReg(int reg) = 0;
+    virtual bool IsFpReg(RegStorage reg) = 0;
     virtual bool SameRegType(int reg1, int reg2) = 0;
-    virtual int AllocTypedTemp(bool fp_hint, int reg_class) = 0;
+    virtual RegStorage AllocTypedTemp(bool fp_hint, int reg_class) = 0;
     virtual RegStorage AllocTypedTempWide(bool fp_hint, int reg_class) = 0;
+    // TODO: elminate S2d.
     virtual int S2d(int low_reg, int high_reg) = 0;
-    virtual int TargetReg(SpecialTargetRegister reg) = 0;
-    virtual int GetArgMappingToPhysicalReg(int arg_num) = 0;
+    virtual RegStorage TargetReg(SpecialTargetRegister reg) = 0;
+    virtual RegStorage GetArgMappingToPhysicalReg(int arg_num) = 0;
     virtual RegLocation GetReturnAlt() = 0;
     virtual RegLocation GetReturnWideAlt() = 0;
     virtual RegLocation LocCReturn() = 0;
     virtual RegLocation LocCReturnDouble() = 0;
     virtual RegLocation LocCReturnFloat() = 0;
     virtual RegLocation LocCReturnWide() = 0;
+    // TODO: use to reduce/eliminate xx_FPREG() macro use.
     virtual uint32_t FpRegMask() = 0;
     virtual uint64_t GetRegMaskCommon(int reg) = 0;
     virtual void AdjustSpillMask() = 0;
     virtual void ClobberCallerSave() = 0;
-    virtual void FlushReg(int reg) = 0;
-    virtual void FlushRegWide(int reg1, int reg2) = 0;
+    virtual void FlushReg(RegStorage reg) = 0;
+    virtual void FlushRegWide(RegStorage reg) = 0;
     virtual void FreeCallTemps() = 0;
     virtual void FreeRegLocTemps(RegLocation rl_keep, RegLocation rl_free) = 0;
     virtual void LockCallTemps() = 0;
@@ -893,20 +913,17 @@
     virtual bool GenInlinedPeek(CallInfo* info, OpSize size) = 0;
     virtual bool GenInlinedPoke(CallInfo* info, OpSize size) = 0;
     virtual void GenNegLong(RegLocation rl_dest, RegLocation rl_src) = 0;
-    virtual void GenOrLong(Instruction::Code,
-                           RegLocation rl_dest, RegLocation rl_src1,
+    virtual void GenOrLong(Instruction::Code, RegLocation rl_dest, RegLocation rl_src1,
                            RegLocation rl_src2) = 0;
-    virtual void GenSubLong(Instruction::Code,
-                            RegLocation rl_dest, RegLocation rl_src1,
+    virtual void GenSubLong(Instruction::Code, RegLocation rl_dest, RegLocation rl_src1,
                             RegLocation rl_src2) = 0;
-    virtual void GenXorLong(Instruction::Code,
-                            RegLocation rl_dest, RegLocation rl_src1,
+    virtual void GenXorLong(Instruction::Code, RegLocation rl_dest, RegLocation rl_src1,
                             RegLocation rl_src2) = 0;
-    virtual LIR* GenRegMemCheck(ConditionCode c_code, int reg1, int base,
+    virtual LIR* GenRegMemCheck(ConditionCode c_code, RegStorage reg1, RegStorage base,
                                 int offset, ThrowKind kind) = 0;
-    virtual RegLocation GenDivRem(RegLocation rl_dest, int reg_lo, int reg_hi,
+    virtual RegLocation GenDivRem(RegLocation rl_dest, RegStorage reg_lo, RegStorage reg_hi,
                                   bool is_div) = 0;
-    virtual RegLocation GenDivRemLit(RegLocation rl_dest, int reg_lo, int lit,
+    virtual RegLocation GenDivRemLit(RegLocation rl_dest, RegStorage reg_lo, int lit,
                                      bool is_div) = 0;
      * @brief Generate an integer div or rem operation by a literal.
@@ -925,10 +942,9 @@
      * @param lit Divisor.
      * @param is_div 'true' if this is a division, 'false' for a remainder.
-    virtual RegLocation GenDivRemLit(RegLocation rl_dest, RegLocation rl_src1,
-                                     int lit, bool is_div) = 0;
-    virtual void GenCmpLong(RegLocation rl_dest, RegLocation rl_src1,
-                            RegLocation rl_src2) = 0;
+    virtual RegLocation GenDivRemLit(RegLocation rl_dest, RegLocation rl_src1, int lit,
+                                     bool is_div) = 0;
+    virtual void GenCmpLong(RegLocation rl_dest, RegLocation rl_src1, RegLocation rl_src2) = 0;
      * @brief Used for generating code that throws ArithmeticException if both registers are zero.
@@ -936,15 +952,12 @@
      * @param reg_lo The register holding the lower 32-bits.
      * @param reg_hi The register holding the upper 32-bits.
-    virtual void GenDivZeroCheck(int reg_lo, int reg_hi) = 0;
+    virtual void GenDivZeroCheck(RegStorage reg) = 0;
-    virtual void GenEntrySequence(RegLocation* ArgLocs,
-                                  RegLocation rl_method) = 0;
+    virtual void GenEntrySequence(RegLocation* ArgLocs, RegLocation rl_method) = 0;
     virtual void GenExitSequence() = 0;
-    virtual void GenFillArrayData(DexOffset table_offset,
-                                  RegLocation rl_src) = 0;
-    virtual void GenFusedFPCmpBranch(BasicBlock* bb, MIR* mir, bool gt_bias,
-                                     bool is_double) = 0;
+    virtual void GenFillArrayData(DexOffset table_offset, RegLocation rl_src) = 0;
+    virtual void GenFusedFPCmpBranch(BasicBlock* bb, MIR* mir, bool gt_bias, bool is_double) = 0;
     virtual void GenFusedLongCmpBranch(BasicBlock* bb, MIR* mir) = 0;
@@ -965,40 +978,37 @@
     virtual void GenMemBarrier(MemBarrierKind barrier_kind) = 0;
     virtual void GenMoveException(RegLocation rl_dest) = 0;
-    virtual void GenMultiplyByTwoBitMultiplier(RegLocation rl_src,
-                                               RegLocation rl_result, int lit, int first_bit,
-                                               int second_bit) = 0;
+    virtual void GenMultiplyByTwoBitMultiplier(RegLocation rl_src, RegLocation rl_result, int lit,
+                                               int first_bit, int second_bit) = 0;
     virtual void GenNegDouble(RegLocation rl_dest, RegLocation rl_src) = 0;
     virtual void GenNegFloat(RegLocation rl_dest, RegLocation rl_src) = 0;
-    virtual void GenPackedSwitch(MIR* mir, DexOffset table_offset,
-                                 RegLocation rl_src) = 0;
-    virtual void GenSparseSwitch(MIR* mir, DexOffset table_offset,
-                                 RegLocation rl_src) = 0;
+    virtual void GenPackedSwitch(MIR* mir, DexOffset table_offset, RegLocation rl_src) = 0;
+    virtual void GenSparseSwitch(MIR* mir, DexOffset table_offset, RegLocation rl_src) = 0;
     virtual void GenArrayGet(int opt_flags, OpSize size, RegLocation rl_array,
                              RegLocation rl_index, RegLocation rl_dest, int scale) = 0;
     virtual void GenArrayPut(int opt_flags, OpSize size, RegLocation rl_array,
                              RegLocation rl_index, RegLocation rl_src, int scale,
                              bool card_mark) = 0;
-    virtual void GenShiftImmOpLong(Instruction::Code opcode,
-                                   RegLocation rl_dest, RegLocation rl_src1,
-                                   RegLocation rl_shift) = 0;
+    virtual void GenShiftImmOpLong(Instruction::Code opcode, RegLocation rl_dest,
+                                   RegLocation rl_src1, RegLocation rl_shift) = 0;
     // Required for target - single operation generators.
     virtual LIR* OpUnconditionalBranch(LIR* target) = 0;
-    virtual LIR* OpCmpBranch(ConditionCode cond, int src1, int src2, LIR* target) = 0;
-    virtual LIR* OpCmpImmBranch(ConditionCode cond, int reg, int check_value, LIR* target) = 0;
+    virtual LIR* OpCmpBranch(ConditionCode cond, RegStorage src1, RegStorage src2, LIR* target) = 0;
+    virtual LIR* OpCmpImmBranch(ConditionCode cond, RegStorage reg, int check_value,
+                                LIR* target) = 0;
     virtual LIR* OpCondBranch(ConditionCode cc, LIR* target) = 0;
-    virtual LIR* OpDecAndBranch(ConditionCode c_code, int reg, LIR* target) = 0;
-    virtual LIR* OpFpRegCopy(int r_dest, int r_src) = 0;
+    virtual LIR* OpDecAndBranch(ConditionCode c_code, RegStorage reg, LIR* target) = 0;
+    virtual LIR* OpFpRegCopy(RegStorage r_dest, RegStorage r_src) = 0;
     virtual LIR* OpIT(ConditionCode cond, const char* guide) = 0;
-    virtual LIR* OpMem(OpKind op, int rBase, int disp) = 0;
-    virtual LIR* OpPcRelLoad(int reg, LIR* target) = 0;
-    virtual LIR* OpReg(OpKind op, int r_dest_src) = 0;
-    virtual LIR* OpRegCopy(int r_dest, int r_src) = 0;
-    virtual LIR* OpRegCopyNoInsert(int r_dest, int r_src) = 0;
-    virtual LIR* OpRegImm(OpKind op, int r_dest_src1, int value) = 0;
-    virtual LIR* OpRegMem(OpKind op, int r_dest, int rBase, int offset) = 0;
-    virtual LIR* OpRegReg(OpKind op, int r_dest_src1, int r_src2) = 0;
+    virtual LIR* OpMem(OpKind op, RegStorage r_base, int disp) = 0;
+    virtual LIR* OpPcRelLoad(RegStorage reg, LIR* target) = 0;
+    virtual LIR* OpReg(OpKind op, RegStorage r_dest_src) = 0;
+    virtual LIR* OpRegCopy(RegStorage r_dest, RegStorage r_src) = 0;
+    virtual LIR* OpRegCopyNoInsert(RegStorage r_dest, RegStorage r_src) = 0;
+    virtual LIR* OpRegImm(OpKind op, RegStorage r_dest_src1, int value) = 0;
+    virtual LIR* OpRegMem(OpKind op, RegStorage r_dest, RegStorage r_base, int offset) = 0;
+    virtual LIR* OpRegReg(OpKind op, RegStorage r_dest_src1, RegStorage r_src2) = 0;
      * @brief Used to generate an LIR that does a load from mem to reg.
@@ -1008,7 +1018,8 @@
      * @param move_type Specification on the move desired (size, alignment, register kind).
      * @return Returns the generate move LIR.
-    virtual LIR* OpMovRegMem(int r_dest, int r_base, int offset, MoveType move_type) = 0;
+    virtual LIR* OpMovRegMem(RegStorage r_dest, RegStorage r_base, int offset,
+                             MoveType move_type) = 0;
      * @brief Used to generate an LIR that does a store from reg to mem.
@@ -1019,7 +1030,8 @@
      * @param is_aligned Whether the memory location is known to be aligned.
      * @return Returns the generate move LIR.
-    virtual LIR* OpMovMemReg(int r_base, int offset, int r_src, MoveType move_type) = 0;
+    virtual LIR* OpMovMemReg(RegStorage r_base, int offset, RegStorage r_src,
+                             MoveType move_type) = 0;
      * @brief Used for generating a conditional register to register operation.
@@ -1029,16 +1041,18 @@
      * @param r_src The source physical register.
      * @return Returns the newly created LIR or null in case of creation failure.
-    virtual LIR* OpCondRegReg(OpKind op, ConditionCode cc, int r_dest, int r_src) = 0;
+    virtual LIR* OpCondRegReg(OpKind op, ConditionCode cc, RegStorage r_dest, RegStorage r_src) = 0;
-    virtual LIR* OpRegRegImm(OpKind op, int r_dest, int r_src1, int value) = 0;
-    virtual LIR* OpRegRegReg(OpKind op, int r_dest, int r_src1, int r_src2) = 0;
+    virtual LIR* OpRegRegImm(OpKind op, RegStorage r_dest, RegStorage r_src1, int value) = 0;
+    virtual LIR* OpRegRegReg(OpKind op, RegStorage r_dest, RegStorage r_src1,
+                             RegStorage r_src2) = 0;
     virtual LIR* OpTestSuspend(LIR* target) = 0;
     virtual LIR* OpThreadMem(OpKind op, ThreadOffset thread_offset) = 0;
-    virtual LIR* OpVldm(int rBase, int count) = 0;
-    virtual LIR* OpVstm(int rBase, int count) = 0;
-    virtual void OpLea(int rBase, int reg1, int reg2, int scale, int offset) = 0;
-    virtual void OpRegCopyWide(int dest_lo, int dest_hi, int src_lo, int src_hi) = 0;
+    virtual LIR* OpVldm(RegStorage r_base, int count) = 0;
+    virtual LIR* OpVstm(RegStorage r_base, int count) = 0;
+    virtual void OpLea(RegStorage r_base, RegStorage reg1, RegStorage reg2, int scale,
+                       int offset) = 0;
+    virtual void OpRegCopyWide(RegStorage dest, RegStorage src) = 0;
     virtual void OpTlsCmp(ThreadOffset offset, int val) = 0;
     virtual bool InexpensiveConstantInt(int32_t value) = 0;
     virtual bool InexpensiveConstantFloat(int32_t value) = 0;
@@ -1050,7 +1064,7 @@
     virtual void GenMonitorExit(int opt_flags, RegLocation rl_src);
     // Temp workaround
-    void Workaround7250540(RegLocation rl_dest, int value);
+    void Workaround7250540(RegLocation rl_dest, RegStorage zero_reg);
     Mir2Lir(CompilationUnit* cu, MIRGraph* mir_graph, ArenaAllocator* arena);
@@ -1163,7 +1177,7 @@
      * @param wide Whether the argument is 64-bit or not.
      * @return Returns the register (or register pair) for the loaded argument.
-    int LoadArg(int in_position, bool wide = false);
+    RegStorage LoadArg(int in_position, bool wide = false);
      * @brief Used to load a VR argument directly to a specified register location.