Continuing register cleanup

Ready for review.

Continue the process of using RegStorage rather than
ints to hold register value in the top layers of codegen.
Given the huge number of changes in this CL, I've attempted
to minimize the number of actual logic changes.  With this
CL, the use of ints for registers has largely been eliminated
except in the lowest utility levels.  "Wide" utility routines
have been updated to take a single RegStorage rather than
a pair of ints representing low and high registers.

Upcoming CLs will be smaller and more targeted.  My expectations:
   o Allocate float double registers as a single double rather than
     a pair of float single registers.
   o Refactor to push code which assumes long and double Dalvik
     values are held in a pair of register to the target dependent
   o Clean-up of the xxx_mir.h files to reduce the amount of #defines
     for registers.  May also do a register renumbering to bring all
     of our targets' register naming more consistent.  Possibly
     introduce a target-independent float/non-float test at the
     RegStorage level.

Change-Id: I646de7392bdec94595dd2c6f76e0f1c4331096ff
diff --git a/compiler/dex/quick/mips/ b/compiler/dex/quick/mips/
index 95fd6e7..972457a 100644
--- a/compiler/dex/quick/mips/
+++ b/compiler/dex/quick/mips/
@@ -32,8 +32,8 @@
  * The lack of pc-relative loads on Mips presents somewhat of a challenge
  * for our PIC switch table strategy.  To materialize the current location
- * we'll do a dummy JAL and reference our tables using r_RA as the
- * base register.  Note that r_RA will be used both as the base to
+ * we'll do a dummy JAL and reference our tables using rRA as the
+ * base register.  Note that rRA will be used both as the base to
  * locate the switch table data and as the reference base for the switch
  * target offsets stored in the table.  We'll use a special pseudo-instruction
  * to represent the jal and trigger the construction of the
@@ -42,21 +42,21 @@
  * The test loop will look something like:
- *   ori   rEnd, r_ZERO, #table_size  ; size in bytes
- *   jal   BaseLabel         ; stores "return address" (BaseLabel) in r_RA
+ *   ori   r_end, rZERO, #table_size  ; size in bytes
+ *   jal   BaseLabel         ; stores "return address" (BaseLabel) in rRA
  *   nop                     ; opportunistically fill
  * BaseLabel:
- *   addiu rBase, r_RA, <table> - <BaseLabel>  ; table relative to BaseLabel
-     addu  rEnd, rEnd, rBase                   ; end of table
+ *   addiu r_base, rRA, <table> - <BaseLabel>    ; table relative to BaseLabel
+     addu  r_end, r_end, r_base                   ; end of table
  *   lw    r_val, [rSP, v_reg_off]                ; Test Value
  * loop:
- *   beq   rBase, rEnd, done
- *   lw    r_key, 0(rBase)
- *   addu  rBase, 8
+ *   beq   r_base, r_end, done
+ *   lw    r_key, 0(r_base)
+ *   addu  r_base, 8
  *   bne   r_val, r_key, loop
- *   lw    r_disp, -4(rBase)
- *   addu  r_RA, r_disp
- *   jr    r_RA
+ *   lw    r_disp, -4(r_base)
+ *   addu  rRA, r_disp
+ *   jr    rRA
  * done:
@@ -82,18 +82,18 @@
   int size_hi = byte_size >> 16;
   int size_lo = byte_size & 0xffff;
-  int rEnd = AllocTemp();
+  RegStorage r_end = AllocTemp();
   if (size_hi) {
-    NewLIR2(kMipsLui, rEnd, size_hi);
+    NewLIR2(kMipsLui, r_end.GetReg(), size_hi);
   // Must prevent code motion for the curr pc pair
   GenBarrier();  // Scheduling barrier
   NewLIR0(kMipsCurrPC);  // Really a jal to .+8
   // Now, fill the branch delay slot
   if (size_hi) {
-    NewLIR3(kMipsOri, rEnd, rEnd, size_lo);
+    NewLIR3(kMipsOri, r_end.GetReg(), r_end.GetReg(), size_lo);
   } else {
-    NewLIR3(kMipsOri, rEnd, r_ZERO, size_lo);
+    NewLIR3(kMipsOri, r_end.GetReg(), rZERO, size_lo);
   GenBarrier();  // Scheduling barrier
@@ -101,24 +101,24 @@
   LIR* base_label = NewLIR0(kPseudoTargetLabel);
   // Remember base label so offsets can be computed later
   tab_rec->anchor = base_label;
-  int rBase = AllocTemp();
-  NewLIR4(kMipsDelta, rBase, 0, WrapPointer(base_label), WrapPointer(tab_rec));
-  OpRegRegReg(kOpAdd, rEnd, rEnd, rBase);
+  RegStorage r_base = AllocTemp();
+  NewLIR4(kMipsDelta, r_base.GetReg(), 0, WrapPointer(base_label), WrapPointer(tab_rec));
+  OpRegRegReg(kOpAdd, r_end, r_end, r_base);
   // Grab switch test value
   rl_src = LoadValue(rl_src, kCoreReg);
   // Test loop
-  int r_key = AllocTemp();
+  RegStorage r_key = AllocTemp();
   LIR* loop_label = NewLIR0(kPseudoTargetLabel);
-  LIR* exit_branch = OpCmpBranch(kCondEq, rBase, rEnd, NULL);
-  LoadWordDisp(rBase, 0, r_key);
-  OpRegImm(kOpAdd, rBase, 8);
-  OpCmpBranch(kCondNe, rl_src.reg.GetReg(), r_key, loop_label);
-  int r_disp = AllocTemp();
-  LoadWordDisp(rBase, -4, r_disp);
-  OpRegRegReg(kOpAdd, r_RA, r_RA, r_disp);
-  OpReg(kOpBx, r_RA);
+  LIR* exit_branch = OpCmpBranch(kCondEq, r_base, r_end, NULL);
+  LoadWordDisp(r_base, 0, r_key);
+  OpRegImm(kOpAdd, r_base, 8);
+  OpCmpBranch(kCondNe, rl_src.reg, r_key, loop_label);
+  RegStorage r_disp = AllocTemp();
+  LoadWordDisp(r_base, -4, r_disp);
+  OpRegRegReg(kOpAdd, rs_rRA, rs_rRA, r_disp);
+  OpReg(kOpBx, rs_rRA);
   // Loop exit
   LIR* exit_label = NewLIR0(kPseudoTargetLabel);
@@ -129,13 +129,13 @@
  * Code pattern will look something like:
  *   lw    r_val
- *   jal   BaseLabel         ; stores "return address" (BaseLabel) in r_RA
+ *   jal   BaseLabel         ; stores "return address" (BaseLabel) in rRA
  *   nop                     ; opportunistically fill
  *   [subiu r_val, bias]      ; Remove bias if low_val != 0
  *   bound check -> done
- *   lw    r_disp, [r_RA, r_val]
- *   addu  r_RA, r_disp
- *   jr    r_RA
+ *   lw    r_disp, [rRA, r_val]
+ *   addu  rRA, r_disp
+ *   jr    rRA
  * done:
 void MipsMir2Lir::GenPackedSwitch(MIR* mir, DexOffset table_offset,
@@ -160,9 +160,9 @@
   // Prepare the bias.  If too big, handle 1st stage here
   int low_key = s4FromSwitchData(&table[2]);
   bool large_bias = false;
-  int r_key;
+  RegStorage r_key;
   if (low_key == 0) {
-    r_key = rl_src.reg.GetReg();
+    r_key = rl_src.reg;
   } else if ((low_key & 0xffff) != low_key) {
     r_key = AllocTemp();
     LoadConstant(r_key, low_key);
@@ -179,9 +179,9 @@
   } else {
     if (large_bias) {
-      OpRegRegReg(kOpSub, r_key, rl_src.reg.GetReg(), r_key);
+      OpRegRegReg(kOpSub, r_key, rl_src.reg, r_key);
     } else {
-      OpRegRegImm(kOpSub, r_key, rl_src.reg.GetReg(), low_key);
+      OpRegRegImm(kOpSub, r_key, rl_src.reg, low_key);
   GenBarrier();  // Scheduling barrier
@@ -195,16 +195,16 @@
   LIR* branch_over = OpCmpImmBranch(kCondHi, r_key, size-1, NULL);
   // Materialize the table base pointer
-  int rBase = AllocTemp();
-  NewLIR4(kMipsDelta, rBase, 0, WrapPointer(base_label), WrapPointer(tab_rec));
+  RegStorage r_base = AllocTemp();
+  NewLIR4(kMipsDelta, r_base.GetReg(), 0, WrapPointer(base_label), WrapPointer(tab_rec));
   // Load the displacement from the switch table
-  int r_disp = AllocTemp();
-  LoadBaseIndexed(rBase, r_key, r_disp, 2, kWord);
+  RegStorage r_disp = AllocTemp();
+  LoadBaseIndexed(r_base, r_key, r_disp, 2, kWord);
-  // Add to r_AP and go
-  OpRegRegReg(kOpAdd, r_RA, r_RA, r_disp);
-  OpReg(kOpBx, r_RA);
+  // Add to rAP and go
+  OpRegRegReg(kOpAdd, rs_rRA, rs_rRA, r_disp);
+  OpReg(kOpBx, rs_rRA);
   /* branch_over target here */
   LIR* target = NewLIR0(kPseudoTargetLabel);
@@ -238,13 +238,13 @@
   // Making a call - use explicit registers
   FlushAllRegs();   /* Everything to home location */
-  LoadValueDirectFixed(rl_src, rMIPS_ARG0);
+  LoadValueDirectFixed(rl_src, rs_rMIPS_ARG0);
   // Must prevent code motion for the curr pc pair
   NewLIR0(kMipsCurrPC);  // Really a jal to .+8
   // Now, fill the branch delay slot with the helper load
-  int r_tgt = LoadHelper(QUICK_ENTRYPOINT_OFFSET(pHandleFillArrayData));
+  RegStorage r_tgt = LoadHelper(QUICK_ENTRYPOINT_OFFSET(pHandleFillArrayData));
   GenBarrier();  // Scheduling barrier
   // Construct BaseLabel and set up table base register
@@ -262,10 +262,10 @@
 void MipsMir2Lir::GenMoveException(RegLocation rl_dest) {
   int ex_offset = Thread::ExceptionOffset().Int32Value();
   RegLocation rl_result = EvalLoc(rl_dest, kCoreReg, true);
-  int reset_reg = AllocTemp();
-  LoadWordDisp(rMIPS_SELF, ex_offset, rl_result.reg.GetReg());
+  RegStorage reset_reg = AllocTemp();
+  LoadWordDisp(rs_rMIPS_SELF, ex_offset, rl_result.reg);
   LoadConstant(reset_reg, 0);
-  StoreWordDisp(rMIPS_SELF, ex_offset, reset_reg);
+  StoreWordDisp(rs_rMIPS_SELF, ex_offset, reset_reg);
   StoreValue(rl_dest, rl_result);
@@ -273,14 +273,13 @@
  * Mark garbage collection card. Skip if the value we're storing is null.
-void MipsMir2Lir::MarkGCCard(int val_reg, int tgt_addr_reg) {
-  int reg_card_base = AllocTemp();
-  int reg_card_no = AllocTemp();
+void MipsMir2Lir::MarkGCCard(RegStorage val_reg, RegStorage tgt_addr_reg) {
+  RegStorage reg_card_base = AllocTemp();
+  RegStorage reg_card_no = AllocTemp();
   LIR* branch_over = OpCmpImmBranch(kCondEq, val_reg, 0, NULL);
-  LoadWordDisp(rMIPS_SELF, Thread::CardTableOffset().Int32Value(), reg_card_base);
+  LoadWordDisp(rs_rMIPS_SELF, Thread::CardTableOffset().Int32Value(), reg_card_base);
   OpRegRegImm(kOpLsr, reg_card_no, tgt_addr_reg, gc::accounting::CardTable::kCardShift);
-  StoreBaseIndexed(reg_card_base, reg_card_no, reg_card_base, 0,
-                   kUnsignedByte);
+  StoreBaseIndexed(reg_card_base, reg_card_no, reg_card_base, 0, kUnsignedByte);
   LIR* target = NewLIR0(kPseudoTargetLabel);
   branch_over->target = target;
@@ -307,11 +306,11 @@
   bool skip_overflow_check = (mir_graph_->MethodIsLeaf() &&
       (static_cast<size_t>(frame_size_) < Thread::kStackOverflowReservedBytes));
-  int check_reg = AllocTemp();
-  int new_sp = AllocTemp();
+  RegStorage check_reg = AllocTemp();
+  RegStorage new_sp = AllocTemp();
   if (!skip_overflow_check) {
     /* Load stack limit */
-    LoadWordDisp(rMIPS_SELF, Thread::StackEndOffset().Int32Value(), check_reg);
+    LoadWordDisp(rs_rMIPS_SELF, Thread::StackEndOffset().Int32Value(), check_reg);
   /* Spill core callee saves */
@@ -329,24 +328,24 @@
         // LR is offset 0 since we push in reverse order.
-        m2l_->LoadWordDisp(kMipsRegSP, 0, kMipsRegLR);
-        m2l_->OpRegImm(kOpAdd, kMipsRegSP, sp_displace_);
+        m2l_->LoadWordDisp(rs_rMIPS_SP, 0, rs_rRA);
+        m2l_->OpRegImm(kOpAdd, rs_rMIPS_SP, sp_displace_);
         ThreadOffset func_offset = QUICK_ENTRYPOINT_OFFSET(pThrowStackOverflow);
-        int r_tgt = m2l_->CallHelperSetup(func_offset);  // Doesn't clobber LR.
+        RegStorage r_tgt = m2l_->CallHelperSetup(func_offset);  // Doesn't clobber LR.
         m2l_->CallHelper(r_tgt, func_offset, false /* MarkSafepointPC */, false /* UseLink */);
       const size_t sp_displace_;
-    OpRegRegImm(kOpSub, new_sp, rMIPS_SP, frame_sub);
+    OpRegRegImm(kOpSub, new_sp, rs_rMIPS_SP, frame_sub);
     LIR* branch = OpCmpBranch(kCondUlt, new_sp, check_reg, nullptr);
     AddSlowPath(new(arena_)StackOverflowSlowPath(this, branch, spill_count * 4));
     // TODO: avoid copy for small frame sizes.
-    OpRegCopy(rMIPS_SP, new_sp);     // Establish stack
+    OpRegCopy(rs_rMIPS_SP, new_sp);     // Establish stack
   } else {
-    OpRegImm(kOpSub, rMIPS_SP, frame_sub);
+    OpRegImm(kOpSub, rs_rMIPS_SP, frame_sub);
   FlushIns(ArgLocs, rl_method);
@@ -367,11 +366,11 @@
-  OpReg(kOpBx, r_RA);
+  OpReg(kOpBx, rs_rRA);
 void MipsMir2Lir::GenSpecialExitSequence() {
-  OpReg(kOpBx, r_RA);
+  OpReg(kOpBx, rs_rRA);
 }  // namespace art