MIPS: Fix art_quick_instrumentation_entry/exit
This is a follow-up change for
This fixes following tests for both MIPS32 and MIPS64:
* 099-vmdebug
* 304-method-tracing
* 545-tracing-and-jit
* 570-checker-osr
* 597-deopt-new-string
* 802-deoptimization
* 988-method-trace
* 989-method-trace-throw
Test: ./testrunner.py --optimizing --target in QEMU (MIPS64R6)
Test: ./testrunner.py --optimizing --target on CI20 (MIPS32R2)
Change-Id: I064588283b65971f07150eb30a1fcf90c765eb40
diff --git a/runtime/arch/mips/quick_entrypoints_mips.S b/runtime/arch/mips/quick_entrypoints_mips.S
index d1da67f..a5a65e6 100644
--- a/runtime/arch/mips/quick_entrypoints_mips.S
+++ b/runtime/arch/mips/quick_entrypoints_mips.S
@@ -2003,10 +2003,11 @@
ENTRY art_quick_instrumentation_entry
sw $a0, 28($sp) # save arg0 in free arg slot
- move $a3, $ra # pass $ra
+ addiu $a3, $sp, ARG_SLOT_SIZE # Pass $sp.
la $t9, artInstrumentationMethodEntryFromCode
- jalr $t9 # (Method*, Object*, Thread*, LR)
+ jalr $t9 # (Method*, Object*, Thread*, SP)
move $a2, rSELF # pass Thread::Current
+ beqz $v0, .Ldeliver_instrumentation_entry_exception
move $t9, $v0 # $t9 holds reference to code
lw $a0, 28($sp) # restore arg0 from free arg slot
@@ -2024,26 +2025,35 @@
addiu $sp, $sp, -16 # allocate temp storage on the stack
.cfi_adjust_cfa_offset 16
- sw $v0, ARG_SLOT_SIZE+12($sp)
- .cfi_rel_offset 2, ARG_SLOT_SIZE+12
- sw $v1, ARG_SLOT_SIZE+8($sp)
- .cfi_rel_offset 3, ARG_SLOT_SIZE+8
+ sw $v0, ARG_SLOT_SIZE+8($sp)
+ .cfi_rel_offset 2, ARG_SLOT_SIZE+8
+ sw $v1, ARG_SLOT_SIZE+12($sp)
+ .cfi_rel_offset 3, ARG_SLOT_SIZE+12
s.d $f0, ARG_SLOT_SIZE($sp)
- s.d $f0, 16($sp) # pass fpr result
- move $a2, $v0 # pass gpr result
- move $a3, $v1
- addiu $a1, $sp, ARG_SLOT_SIZE+16 # pass $sp (remove arg slots and temp storage)
+ addiu $a3, $sp, ARG_SLOT_SIZE # Pass fpr_res pointer.
+ addiu $a2, $sp, ARG_SLOT_SIZE+8 # Pass gpr_res pointer.
+ addiu $a1, $sp, ARG_SLOT_SIZE+16 # Pass $sp (remove arg slots and temp storage).
la $t9, artInstrumentationMethodExitFromCode
- jalr $t9 # (Thread*, SP, gpr_res, fpr_res)
- move $a0, rSELF # pass Thread::Current
- move $t9, $v0 # set aside returned link register
- move $ra, $v1 # set link register for deoptimization
- lw $v0, ARG_SLOT_SIZE+12($sp) # restore return values
- lw $v1, ARG_SLOT_SIZE+8($sp)
+ jalr $t9 # (Thread*, SP, gpr_res*, fpr_res*)
+ move $a0, rSELF # Pass Thread::Current.
+ move $t9, $v0 # Set aside returned link register.
+ move $ra, $v1 # Set link register for deoptimization.
+ lw $v0, ARG_SLOT_SIZE+8($sp) # Restore return values.
+ lw $v1, ARG_SLOT_SIZE+12($sp)
l.d $f0, ARG_SLOT_SIZE($sp)
- jalr $zero, $t9 # return
- addiu $sp, $sp, ARG_SLOT_SIZE+FRAME_SIZE_SAVE_REFS_ONLY+16 # restore stack
- .cfi_adjust_cfa_offset -(ARG_SLOT_SIZE+FRAME_SIZE_SAVE_REFS_ONLY+16)
+ addiu $sp, $sp, 16
+ .cfi_adjust_cfa_offset -16
+ beqz $t9, .Ldo_deliver_instrumentation_exception
+ nop # Deliver exception if we got nullptr as function.
+ jalr $zero, $t9 # Otherwise, return.
+ nop
+ # Deliver exception for art_quick_instrumentation_entry placed after
+ # art_quick_instrumentation_exit so that the fallthrough works.
END art_quick_instrumentation_exit