update existing deapexer calls

deapexer extract call now requires explicit blkid and fsck.erofs binary in the support of different filesystem support of APEX content extraction. As a result, existing deapexer calls that does not explicitly provide blkid and fsck.erofs needs to be updated.

BUG: b/195515562, b/240288941
Change-Id: I22dcd52c2650aa1fe71a77f15d955fc886b010a9
diff --git a/Android.mk b/Android.mk
index 573a36c..bc2f431 100644
--- a/Android.mk
+++ b/Android.mk
@@ -553,7 +553,10 @@
     rm -rf $$apex_dir && \
     mkdir -p $$apex_dir && \
     debugfs=$(HOST_OUT)/bin/debugfs_static && \
-    $(HOST_OUT)/bin/deapexer --debugfs_path $$debugfs extract $$apex_file $$apex_dir; \
+    blkid=$(HOST_OUT)/bin/blkid && \
+    fsckerofs=$(HOST_OUT)/bin/fsck.erofs && \
+    $(HOST_OUT)/bin/deapexer --debugfs_path $$debugfs --blkid_path $$blkid \
+		--fsckerofs_path $$fsckerofs extract $$apex_file $$apex_dir; \
   fi && \
   for f in $(2); do \
     sf=$$apex_dir/$$f && \