ART: Use C++17 extract/modify/insert pattern.
Test: m test-art-host-gtest
Test: --host --optimizing
Bug: 123750182
Change-Id: I2721948a566cc11d351324d173b4e1c8e5e54f53
diff --git a/compiler/utils/ b/compiler/utils/
index dee83d1..841ff1c 100644
--- a/compiler/utils/
+++ b/compiler/utils/
@@ -115,12 +115,11 @@
? free_by_size_.end()
: free_by_size_.lower_bound(FreeBySizeEntry { size, free_by_start_.begin() });
if (it != free_by_size_.end()) {
- auto entry = it->free_by_start_entry;
- SpaceChunk old_chunk = *entry;
+ SpaceChunk old_chunk = *it->free_by_start_entry;
if (old_chunk.size == size) {
} else {
- // Try to avoid deallocating and allocating the std::set<> nodes.
+ // Avoid deallocating and allocating the std::set<> nodes.
// This would be much simpler if we could use replace() from Boost.Bimap.
// The free_by_start_ map contains disjoint intervals ordered by the `ptr`.
@@ -128,24 +127,9 @@
it->free_by_start_entry->ptr += size;
it->free_by_start_entry->size -= size;
- // The free_by_size_ map is ordered by the `size` and then `free_by_start_entry->ptr`.
- // Adjusting the `ptr` above does not change that ordering but decreasing `size` can
- // push the node before the previous node(s).
- if (it == free_by_size_.begin()) {
- it->size -= size;
- } else {
- auto prev = it;
- --prev;
- FreeBySizeEntry new_value(old_chunk.size - size, entry);
- if (free_by_size_.key_comp()(*prev, new_value)) {
- it->size -= size;
- } else {
- // Changing in place would break the std::set<> ordering, we need to remove and insert.
- // TODO: When C++17 becomes available, use std::map<>::extract(), modify, insert.
- free_by_size_.erase(it);
- free_by_size_.insert(new_value);
- }
- }
+ auto node = free_by_size_.extract(it);
+ node.value().size -= size;
+ free_by_size_.insert(std::move(node));
return old_chunk.ptr;
} else {