ARM: Reduce the number of branches generated for HCondition and HSelect
Test: m test-art-target-run-test-570-checker-select
Change-Id: I87d2e87eb2fd30355101df07eb3754b013cedf63
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index 2d2d810..11b8ddb 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -1687,14 +1687,21 @@
-static vixl32::Condition GenerateLongTestConstant(HCondition* condition,
- bool invert,
- CodeGeneratorARMVIXL* codegen) {
+static std::pair<vixl32::Condition, vixl32::Condition> GenerateLongTestConstant(
+ HCondition* condition,
+ bool invert,
+ CodeGeneratorARMVIXL* codegen) {
DCHECK_EQ(condition->GetLeft()->GetType(), Primitive::kPrimLong);
const LocationSummary* const locations = condition->GetLocations();
- IfCondition cond = invert ? condition->GetOppositeCondition() : condition->GetCondition();
- vixl32::Condition ret = eq;
+ IfCondition cond = condition->GetCondition();
+ IfCondition opposite = condition->GetOppositeCondition();
+ if (invert) {
+ std::swap(cond, opposite);
+ }
+ std::pair<vixl32::Condition, vixl32::Condition> ret(eq, ne);
const Location left = locations->InAt(0);
const Location right = locations->InAt(1);
@@ -1713,13 +1720,14 @@
case kCondAE: {
__ Cmp(left_high, High32Bits(value));
+ // We use the scope because of the IT block that follows.
ExactAssemblyScope guard(codegen->GetVIXLAssembler(),
2 * vixl32::k16BitT32InstructionSizeInBytes,
__ it(eq);
__ cmp(eq, left_low, Low32Bits(value));
- ret = ARMUnsignedCondition(cond);
+ ret = std::make_pair(ARMUnsignedCondition(cond), ARMUnsignedCondition(opposite));
case kCondLE:
@@ -1727,15 +1735,19 @@
// Trivially true or false.
if (value == std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max()) {
__ Cmp(left_low, left_low);
- ret = cond == kCondLE ? eq : ne;
+ ret = cond == kCondLE ? std::make_pair(eq, ne) : std::make_pair(ne, eq);
if (cond == kCondLE) {
+ DCHECK_EQ(opposite, kCondGT);
cond = kCondLT;
+ opposite = kCondGE;
} else {
DCHECK_EQ(cond, kCondGT);
+ DCHECK_EQ(opposite, kCondLE);
cond = kCondGE;
+ opposite = kCondLT;
@@ -1746,7 +1758,7 @@
__ Cmp(left_low, Low32Bits(value));
__ Sbcs(temps.Acquire(), left_high, High32Bits(value));
- ret = ARMCondition(cond);
+ ret = std::make_pair(ARMCondition(cond), ARMCondition(opposite));
@@ -1757,14 +1769,21 @@
return ret;
-static vixl32::Condition GenerateLongTest(HCondition* condition,
- bool invert,
- CodeGeneratorARMVIXL* codegen) {
+static std::pair<vixl32::Condition, vixl32::Condition> GenerateLongTest(
+ HCondition* condition,
+ bool invert,
+ CodeGeneratorARMVIXL* codegen) {
DCHECK_EQ(condition->GetLeft()->GetType(), Primitive::kPrimLong);
const LocationSummary* const locations = condition->GetLocations();
- IfCondition cond = invert ? condition->GetOppositeCondition() : condition->GetCondition();
- vixl32::Condition ret = eq;
+ IfCondition cond = condition->GetCondition();
+ IfCondition opposite = condition->GetOppositeCondition();
+ if (invert) {
+ std::swap(cond, opposite);
+ }
+ std::pair<vixl32::Condition, vixl32::Condition> ret(eq, ne);
Location left = locations->InAt(0);
Location right = locations->InAt(1);
@@ -1779,22 +1798,27 @@
case kCondAE: {
__ Cmp(HighRegisterFrom(left), HighRegisterFrom(right));
+ // We use the scope because of the IT block that follows.
ExactAssemblyScope guard(codegen->GetVIXLAssembler(),
2 * vixl32::k16BitT32InstructionSizeInBytes,
__ it(eq);
__ cmp(eq, LowRegisterFrom(left), LowRegisterFrom(right));
- ret = ARMUnsignedCondition(cond);
+ ret = std::make_pair(ARMUnsignedCondition(cond), ARMUnsignedCondition(opposite));
case kCondLE:
case kCondGT:
if (cond == kCondLE) {
+ DCHECK_EQ(opposite, kCondGT);
cond = kCondGE;
+ opposite = kCondLT;
} else {
DCHECK_EQ(cond, kCondGT);
+ DCHECK_EQ(opposite, kCondLE);
cond = kCondLT;
+ opposite = kCondGE;
std::swap(left, right);
@@ -1805,7 +1829,7 @@
__ Cmp(LowRegisterFrom(left), LowRegisterFrom(right));
__ Sbcs(temps.Acquire(), HighRegisterFrom(left), HighRegisterFrom(right));
- ret = ARMCondition(cond);
+ ret = std::make_pair(ARMCondition(cond), ARMCondition(opposite));
@@ -1816,69 +1840,62 @@
return ret;
-static vixl32::Condition GenerateTest(HInstruction* instruction,
- Location loc,
- bool invert,
- CodeGeneratorARMVIXL* codegen) {
- DCHECK(!instruction->IsConstant());
+static std::pair<vixl32::Condition, vixl32::Condition> GenerateTest(HCondition* condition,
+ bool invert,
+ CodeGeneratorARMVIXL* codegen) {
+ const Primitive::Type type = condition->GetLeft()->GetType();
+ IfCondition cond = condition->GetCondition();
+ IfCondition opposite = condition->GetOppositeCondition();
+ std::pair<vixl32::Condition, vixl32::Condition> ret(eq, ne);
- vixl32::Condition ret = invert ? eq : ne;
+ if (invert) {
+ std::swap(cond, opposite);
+ }
- if (IsBooleanValueOrMaterializedCondition(instruction)) {
- __ Cmp(RegisterFrom(loc), 0);
+ if (type == Primitive::kPrimLong) {
+ ret = condition->GetLocations()->InAt(1).IsConstant()
+ ? GenerateLongTestConstant(condition, invert, codegen)
+ : GenerateLongTest(condition, invert, codegen);
+ } else if (Primitive::IsFloatingPointType(type)) {
+ GenerateVcmp(condition, codegen);
+ __ Vmrs(RegisterOrAPSR_nzcv(kPcCode), FPSCR);
+ ret = std::make_pair(ARMFPCondition(cond, condition->IsGtBias()),
+ ARMFPCondition(opposite, condition->IsGtBias()));
} else {
- HCondition* const condition = instruction->AsCondition();
- const Primitive::Type type = condition->GetLeft()->GetType();
- const IfCondition cond = invert ? condition->GetOppositeCondition() : condition->GetCondition();
- if (type == Primitive::kPrimLong) {
- ret = condition->GetLocations()->InAt(1).IsConstant()
- ? GenerateLongTestConstant(condition, invert, codegen)
- : GenerateLongTest(condition, invert, codegen);
- } else if (Primitive::IsFloatingPointType(type)) {
- GenerateVcmp(condition, codegen);
- __ Vmrs(RegisterOrAPSR_nzcv(kPcCode), FPSCR);
- ret = ARMFPCondition(cond, condition->IsGtBias());
- } else {
- DCHECK(Primitive::IsIntegralType(type) || type == Primitive::kPrimNot) << type;
- __ Cmp(InputRegisterAt(condition, 0), InputOperandAt(condition, 1));
- ret = ARMCondition(cond);
- }
+ DCHECK(Primitive::IsIntegralType(type) || type == Primitive::kPrimNot) << type;
+ __ Cmp(InputRegisterAt(condition, 0), InputOperandAt(condition, 1));
+ ret = std::make_pair(ARMCondition(cond), ARMCondition(opposite));
return ret;
-static bool CanGenerateTest(HInstruction* condition, ArmVIXLAssembler* assembler) {
- if (!IsBooleanValueOrMaterializedCondition(condition)) {
- const HCondition* const cond = condition->AsCondition();
+static bool CanGenerateTest(HCondition* condition, ArmVIXLAssembler* assembler) {
+ if (condition->GetLeft()->GetType() == Primitive::kPrimLong) {
+ const LocationSummary* const locations = condition->GetLocations();
+ const IfCondition c = condition->GetCondition();
- if (cond->GetLeft()->GetType() == Primitive::kPrimLong) {
- const LocationSummary* const locations = cond->GetLocations();
- const IfCondition c = cond->GetCondition();
+ if (locations->InAt(1).IsConstant()) {
+ const int64_t value = Int64ConstantFrom(locations->InAt(1));
- if (locations->InAt(1).IsConstant()) {
- const int64_t value = Int64ConstantFrom(locations->InAt(1));
- if (c < kCondLT || c > kCondGE) {
- // Since IT blocks longer than a 16-bit instruction are deprecated by ARMv8,
- // we check that the least significant half of the first input to be compared
- // is in a low register (the other half is read outside an IT block), and
- // the constant fits in an 8-bit unsigned integer, so that a 16-bit CMP
- // encoding can be used.
- if (!LowRegisterFrom(locations->InAt(0)).IsLow() || !IsUint<8>(Low32Bits(value))) {
- return false;
- }
- // TODO(VIXL): The rest of the checks are there to keep the backend in sync with
- // the previous one, but are not strictly necessary.
- } else if (c == kCondLE || c == kCondGT) {
- if (value < std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max() &&
- !assembler->ShifterOperandCanHold(SBC, High32Bits(value + 1), kCcSet)) {
- return false;
- }
- } else if (!assembler->ShifterOperandCanHold(SBC, High32Bits(value), kCcSet)) {
+ if (c < kCondLT || c > kCondGE) {
+ // Since IT blocks longer than a 16-bit instruction are deprecated by ARMv8,
+ // we check that the least significant half of the first input to be compared
+ // is in a low register (the other half is read outside an IT block), and
+ // the constant fits in an 8-bit unsigned integer, so that a 16-bit CMP
+ // encoding can be used.
+ if (!LowRegisterFrom(locations->InAt(0)).IsLow() || !IsUint<8>(Low32Bits(value))) {
return false;
+ // TODO(VIXL): The rest of the checks are there to keep the backend in sync with
+ // the previous one, but are not strictly necessary.
+ } else if (c == kCondLE || c == kCondGT) {
+ if (value < std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max() &&
+ !assembler->ShifterOperandCanHold(SBC, High32Bits(value + 1), kCcSet)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else if (!assembler->ShifterOperandCanHold(SBC, High32Bits(value), kCcSet)) {
+ return false;
@@ -2445,14 +2462,6 @@
void InstructionCodeGeneratorARMVIXL::VisitExit(HExit* exit ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) {
-void InstructionCodeGeneratorARMVIXL::GenerateFPJumps(HCondition* cond,
- vixl32::Label* true_label,
- vixl32::Label* false_label ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) {
- // To branch on the result of the FP compare we transfer FPSCR to APSR (encoded as PC in VMRS).
- __ Vmrs(RegisterOrAPSR_nzcv(kPcCode), FPSCR);
- __ B(ARMFPCondition(cond->GetCondition(), cond->IsGtBias()), true_label);
void InstructionCodeGeneratorARMVIXL::GenerateLongComparesAndJumps(HCondition* cond,
vixl32::Label* true_label,
vixl32::Label* false_label) {
@@ -2469,7 +2478,6 @@
// Set the conditions for the test, remembering that == needs to be
// decided using the low words.
- // TODO: consider avoiding jumps with temporary and CMP low+SBC high
switch (if_cond) {
case kCondEQ:
case kCondNE:
@@ -2540,31 +2548,44 @@
void InstructionCodeGeneratorARMVIXL::GenerateCompareTestAndBranch(HCondition* condition,
vixl32::Label* true_target_in,
vixl32::Label* false_target_in) {
+ if (CanGenerateTest(condition, codegen_->GetAssembler())) {
+ vixl32::Label* non_fallthrough_target;
+ bool invert;
+ if (true_target_in == nullptr) {
+ DCHECK(false_target_in != nullptr);
+ non_fallthrough_target = false_target_in;
+ invert = true;
+ } else {
+ non_fallthrough_target = true_target_in;
+ invert = false;
+ }
+ const auto cond = GenerateTest(condition, invert, codegen_);
+ __ B(cond.first, non_fallthrough_target);
+ if (false_target_in != nullptr && false_target_in != non_fallthrough_target) {
+ __ B(false_target_in);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
// Generated branching requires both targets to be explicit. If either of the
// targets is nullptr (fallthrough) use and bind `fallthrough` instead.
vixl32::Label fallthrough;
vixl32::Label* true_target = (true_target_in == nullptr) ? &fallthrough : true_target_in;
vixl32::Label* false_target = (false_target_in == nullptr) ? &fallthrough : false_target_in;
- Primitive::Type type = condition->InputAt(0)->GetType();
- switch (type) {
- case Primitive::kPrimLong:
- GenerateLongComparesAndJumps(condition, true_target, false_target);
- break;
- case Primitive::kPrimFloat:
- case Primitive::kPrimDouble:
- GenerateVcmp(condition, codegen_);
- GenerateFPJumps(condition, true_target, false_target);
- break;
- default:
- LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected compare type " << type;
- }
+ DCHECK_EQ(condition->InputAt(0)->GetType(), Primitive::kPrimLong);
+ GenerateLongComparesAndJumps(condition, true_target, false_target);
if (false_target != &fallthrough) {
__ B(false_target);
- if (true_target_in == nullptr || false_target_in == nullptr) {
+ if (fallthrough.IsReferenced()) {
__ Bind(&fallthrough);
@@ -2759,7 +2780,8 @@
if (!Primitive::IsFloatingPointType(type) &&
- CanGenerateTest(condition, codegen_->GetAssembler())) {
+ (IsBooleanValueOrMaterializedCondition(condition) ||
+ CanGenerateTest(condition->AsCondition(), codegen_->GetAssembler()))) {
bool invert = false;
if (out.Equals(second)) {
@@ -2783,15 +2805,24 @@
codegen_->MoveLocation(out, src.Equals(first) ? second : first, type);
- const vixl32::Condition cond = GenerateTest(condition, locations->InAt(2), invert, codegen_);
+ std::pair<vixl32::Condition, vixl32::Condition> cond(eq, ne);
+ if (IsBooleanValueOrMaterializedCondition(condition)) {
+ __ Cmp(InputRegisterAt(select, 2), 0);
+ cond = invert ? std::make_pair(eq, ne) : std::make_pair(ne, eq);
+ } else {
+ cond = GenerateTest(condition->AsCondition(), invert, codegen_);
+ }
const size_t instr_count = out.IsRegisterPair() ? 4 : 2;
+ // We use the scope because of the IT block that follows.
ExactAssemblyScope guard(GetVIXLAssembler(),
instr_count * vixl32::k16BitT32InstructionSizeInBytes,
if (out.IsRegister()) {
- __ it(cond);
- __ mov(cond, RegisterFrom(out), OperandFrom(src, type));
+ __ it(cond.first);
+ __ mov(cond.first, RegisterFrom(out), OperandFrom(src, type));
} else {
@@ -2809,10 +2840,10 @@
operand_low = LowRegisterFrom(src);
- __ it(cond);
- __ mov(cond, LowRegisterFrom(out), operand_low);
- __ it(cond);
- __ mov(cond, HighRegisterFrom(out), operand_high);
+ __ it(cond.first);
+ __ mov(cond.first, LowRegisterFrom(out), operand_low);
+ __ it(cond.first);
+ __ mov(cond.first, HighRegisterFrom(out), operand_high);
@@ -2865,7 +2896,7 @@
locations->SetInAt(0, Location::RequiresRegister());
locations->SetInAt(1, Location::RegisterOrConstant(cond->InputAt(1)));
if (!cond->IsEmittedAtUseSite()) {
- locations->SetOut(Location::RequiresRegister(), Location::kOutputOverlap);
+ locations->SetOut(Location::RequiresRegister(), Location::kNoOutputOverlap);
@@ -2892,50 +2923,48 @@
- Location right = cond->GetLocations()->InAt(1);
- vixl32::Register out = OutputRegister(cond);
- vixl32::Label true_label, false_label;
+ const vixl32::Register out = OutputRegister(cond);
- switch (cond->InputAt(0)->GetType()) {
- default: {
- // Integer case.
- if (right.IsRegister()) {
- __ Cmp(InputRegisterAt(cond, 0), InputOperandAt(cond, 1));
- } else {
- DCHECK(right.IsConstant());
- __ Cmp(InputRegisterAt(cond, 0),
- CodeGenerator::GetInt32ValueOf(right.GetConstant()));
- }
- ExactAssemblyScope aas(GetVIXLAssembler(),
- 3 * vixl32::kMaxInstructionSizeInBytes,
- CodeBufferCheckScope::kMaximumSize);
- __ ite(ARMCondition(cond->GetCondition()));
- __ mov(ARMCondition(cond->GetCondition()), OutputRegister(cond), 1);
- __ mov(ARMCondition(cond->GetOppositeCondition()), OutputRegister(cond), 0);
- return;
- }
- case Primitive::kPrimLong:
- GenerateLongComparesAndJumps(cond, &true_label, &false_label);
- break;
- case Primitive::kPrimFloat:
- case Primitive::kPrimDouble:
- GenerateVcmp(cond, codegen_);
- GenerateFPJumps(cond, &true_label, &false_label);
- break;
+ if (out.IsLow() && CanGenerateTest(cond, codegen_->GetAssembler())) {
+ const auto condition = GenerateTest(cond, false, codegen_);
+ // We use the scope because of the IT block that follows.
+ ExactAssemblyScope guard(GetVIXLAssembler(),
+ 4 * vixl32::k16BitT32InstructionSizeInBytes,
+ CodeBufferCheckScope::kExactSize);
+ __ it(condition.first);
+ __ mov(condition.first, out, 1);
+ __ it(condition.second);
+ __ mov(condition.second, out, 0);
+ return;
// Convert the jumps into the result.
vixl32::Label done_label;
- vixl32::Label* final_label = codegen_->GetFinalLabel(cond, &done_label);
+ vixl32::Label* const final_label = codegen_->GetFinalLabel(cond, &done_label);
- // False case: result = 0.
- __ Bind(&false_label);
- __ Mov(out, 0);
- __ B(final_label);
+ if (cond->InputAt(0)->GetType() == Primitive::kPrimLong) {
+ vixl32::Label true_label, false_label;
- // True case: result = 1.
- __ Bind(&true_label);
- __ Mov(out, 1);
+ GenerateLongComparesAndJumps(cond, &true_label, &false_label);
+ // False case: result = 0.
+ __ Bind(&false_label);
+ __ Mov(out, 0);
+ __ B(final_label);
+ // True case: result = 1.
+ __ Bind(&true_label);
+ __ Mov(out, 1);
+ } else {
+ DCHECK(CanGenerateTest(cond, codegen_->GetAssembler()));
+ const auto condition = GenerateTest(cond, false, codegen_);
+ __ Mov(LeaveFlags, out, 0);
+ __ B(condition.second, final_label, /* far_target */ false);
+ __ Mov(out, 1);
+ }
if (done_label.IsReferenced()) {
__ Bind(&done_label);