Compiler: LIR restructuring

Continuing restructuring of the compiler.  In this installment,
all LIR reverences are moved from compiler_ir down to quick.  Further,
all Portable data is moved to from compiler_ir down to portable.

In short, the great dumping ground of CompilationUnit has been
split into three smaller dumping grounds of MIRGraph, Codegen
and MIRConverter.  From here, subsequent CLs will repartition
those smaller dumping grounds into (hopefully) more coherent classes.
As a result, most function signatures have been altered to remove
the passing around of a CompilationUnit* pointer.

Change-Id: I7195f7baecd81e87786a952e18bbce0b6ceeaac4
diff --git a/src/compiler/dex/mir_graph.h b/src/compiler/dex/mir_graph.h
index 8329010..514205d 100644
--- a/src/compiler/dex/mir_graph.h
+++ b/src/compiler/dex/mir_graph.h
@@ -114,7 +114,191 @@
 #define DF_USES_FP              (DF_FP_A | DF_FP_B | DF_FP_C)
-extern const int oat_data_flow_attributes[kMirOpLast];
+enum OatMethodAttributes {
+  kIsLeaf,            // Method is leaf.
+  kHasLoop,           // Method contains simple loop.
+#define METHOD_IS_LEAF          (1 << kIsLeaf)
+#define METHOD_HAS_LOOP         (1 << kHasLoop)
+// Minimum field size to contain Dalvik v_reg number.
+#define VREG_NUM_WIDTH 16
+#define INVALID_SREG (-1)
+#define INVALID_REG (0xFF)
+/* SSA encodings for special registers */
+#define SSA_METHOD_BASEREG (-2)
+/* First compiler temp basereg, grows smaller */
+#define MIR_IGNORE_NULL_CHECK           (1 << kMIRIgnoreNullCheck)
+#define MIR_NULL_CHECK_ONLY             (1 << kMIRNullCheckOnly)
+#define MIR_IGNORE_RANGE_CHECK          (1 << kMIRIgnoreRangeCheck)
+#define MIR_RANGE_CHECK_ONLY            (1 << kMIRRangeCheckOnly)
+#define MIR_INLINED                     (1 << kMIRInlined)
+#define MIR_INLINED_PRED                (1 << kMIRInlinedPred)
+#define MIR_CALLEE                      (1 << kMIRCallee)
+#define MIR_IGNORE_SUSPEND_CHECK        (1 << kMIRIgnoreSuspendCheck)
+#define MIR_DUP                         (1 << kMIRDup)
+ * In general, vreg/sreg describe Dalvik registers that originated with dx.  However,
+ * it is useful to have compiler-generated temporary registers and have them treated
+ * in the same manner as dx-generated virtual registers.  This struct records the SSA
+ * name of compiler-introduced temporaries.
+ */
+struct CompilerTemp {
+  int s_reg;
+// When debug option enabled, records effectiveness of null and range check elimination.
+struct Checkstats {
+  int null_checks;
+  int null_checks_eliminated;
+  int range_checks;
+  int range_checks_eliminated;
+// Dataflow attributes of a basic block.
+struct BasicBlockDataFlow {
+  ArenaBitVector* use_v;
+  ArenaBitVector* def_v;
+  ArenaBitVector* live_in_v;
+  ArenaBitVector* phi_v;
+  int* vreg_to_ssa_map;
+  ArenaBitVector* ending_null_check_v;
+ * Normalized use/def for a MIR operation using SSA names rather than vregs.  Note that
+ * uses/defs retain the Dalvik convention that long operations operate on a pair of 32-bit
+ * vregs.  For example, "ADD_LONG v0, v2, v3" would have 2 defs (v0/v1) and 4 uses (v2/v3, v4/v5).
+ * Following SSA renaming, this is the primary struct used by code generators to locate
+ * operand and result registers.  This is a somewhat confusing and unhelpful convention that
+ * we may want to revisit in the future.
+ */
+struct SSARepresentation {
+  int num_uses;
+  int* uses;
+  bool* fp_use;
+  int num_defs;
+  int* defs;
+  bool* fp_def;
+ * The Midlevel Intermediate Representation node, which may be largely considered a
+ * wrapper around a Dalvik byte code.
+ */
+struct MIR {
+  DecodedInstruction dalvikInsn;
+  unsigned int width;
+  unsigned int offset;
+  int m_unit_index;               // From which method was this MIR included
+  MIR* prev;
+  MIR* next;
+  SSARepresentation* ssa_rep;
+  int optimization_flags;
+  union {
+    // Establish link between two halves of throwing instructions.
+    MIR* throw_insn;
+    // Saved opcode for NOP'd MIRs
+    Instruction::Code original_opcode;
+  } meta;
+struct BasicBlock {
+  int id;
+  int dfs_id;
+  bool visited;
+  bool hidden;
+  bool catch_entry;
+  bool explicit_throw;
+  bool conditional_branch;
+  bool terminated_by_return;        // Block ends with a Dalvik return opcode.
+  bool dominates_return;            // Is a member of return extended basic block.
+  uint16_t start_offset;
+  uint16_t nesting_depth;
+  BBType block_type;
+  MIR* first_mir_insn;
+  MIR* last_mir_insn;
+  BasicBlock* fall_through;
+  BasicBlock* taken;
+  BasicBlock* i_dom;                // Immediate dominator.
+  BasicBlockDataFlow* data_flow_info;
+  GrowableList* predecessors;
+  ArenaBitVector* dominators;
+  ArenaBitVector* i_dominated;      // Set nodes being immediately dominated.
+  ArenaBitVector* dom_frontier;     // Dominance frontier.
+  struct {                          // For one-to-many successors like.
+    BlockListType block_list_type;  // switch and exception handling.
+    GrowableList blocks;
+  } successor_block_list;
+ * The "blocks" field in "successor_block_list" points to an array of elements with the type
+ * "SuccessorBlockInfo".  For catch blocks, key is type index for the exception.  For swtich
+ * blocks, key is the case value.
+ */
+struct SuccessorBlockInfo {
+  BasicBlock* block;
+  int key;
+ * Whereas a SSA name describes a definition of a Dalvik vreg, the RegLocation describes
+ * the type of an SSA name (and, can also be used by code generators to record where the
+ * value is located (i.e. - physical register, frame, spill, etc.).  For each SSA name (SReg)
+ * there is a RegLocation.
+ * FIXME: The orig_sreg field was added as a workaround for llvm bitcode generation.  With
+ * the latest restructuring, we should be able to remove it and rely on s_reg_low throughout.
+ */
+struct RegLocation {
+  RegLocationType location:3;
+  unsigned wide:1;
+  unsigned defined:1;   // Do we know the type?
+  unsigned is_const:1;  // Constant, value in mir_graph->constant_values[].
+  unsigned fp:1;        // Floating point?
+  unsigned core:1;      // Non-floating point?
+  unsigned ref:1;       // Something GC cares about.
+  unsigned high_word:1; // High word of pair?
+  unsigned home:1;      // Does this represent the home location?
+  uint8_t low_reg;      // First physical register.
+  uint8_t high_reg;     // 2nd physical register (if wide).
+  int32_t s_reg_low;    // SSA name for low Dalvik word.
+  int32_t orig_sreg;    // TODO: remove after Bitcode gen complete
+                        // and consolodate usage w/ s_reg_low.
+ * Collection of information describing an invoke, and the destination of
+ * the subsequent MOVE_RESULT (if applicable).  Collected as a unit to enable
+ * more efficient invoke code generation.
+ */
+struct CallInfo {
+  int num_arg_words;    // Note: word count, not arg count.
+  RegLocation* args;    // One for each word of arguments.
+  RegLocation result;   // Eventual target of MOVE_RESULT.
+  int opt_flags;
+  InvokeType type;
+  uint32_t dex_idx;
+  uint32_t index;       // Method idx for invokes, type idx for FilledNewArray.
+  uintptr_t direct_code;
+  uintptr_t direct_method;
+  RegLocation target;    // Target of following move_result.
+  bool skip_this;
+  bool is_range;
+  int offset;            // Dalvik offset.
+const RegLocation bad_loc = {kLocDalvikFrame, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+                             INVALID_REG, INVALID_REG, INVALID_SREG, INVALID_SREG};
 class MIRGraph {
@@ -213,8 +397,6 @@
   void DumpRegLocTable(RegLocation* table, int count);
-  int ComputeFrameSize();
   void BasicBlockOptimization();
   bool IsConst(int32_t s_reg) const {
@@ -273,6 +455,69 @@
     return GET_ELEM_N(ssa_strings_, char*, ssa_reg);
+  RegLocation GetRawSrc(MIR* mir, int num)
+  {
+    DCHECK(num < mir->ssa_rep->num_uses);
+    RegLocation res = reg_location_[mir->ssa_rep->uses[num]];
+    return res;
+  }
+  RegLocation GetRawDest(MIR* mir)
+  {
+    DCHECK_GT(mir->ssa_rep->num_defs, 0);
+    RegLocation res = reg_location_[mir->ssa_rep->defs[0]];
+    return res;
+  }
+  RegLocation GetDest(MIR* mir)
+  {
+    RegLocation res = GetRawDest(mir);
+    DCHECK(!res.wide);
+    return res;
+  }
+  RegLocation GetSrc(MIR* mir, int num)
+  {
+    RegLocation res = GetRawSrc(mir, num);
+    DCHECK(!res.wide);
+    return res;
+  }
+  RegLocation GetDestWide(MIR* mir)
+  {
+    RegLocation res = GetRawDest(mir);
+    DCHECK(res.wide);
+    return res;
+  }
+  RegLocation GetSrcWide(MIR* mir, int low)
+  {
+    RegLocation res = GetRawSrc(mir, low);
+    DCHECK(res.wide);
+    return res;
+  }
+  RegLocation GetBadLoc() {
+    return bad_loc;
+  }
+  int GetMethodSReg() {
+    return method_sreg_;
+  }
+  bool MethodIsLeaf() {
+    return attributes_ & METHOD_IS_LEAF;
+  }
+  RegLocation GetRegLocation(int index) {
+    DCHECK((index >= 0) && (index > num_ssa_regs_));
+    return reg_location_[index];
+  }
+  RegLocation GetMethodLoc() {
+    return reg_location_[method_sreg_];
+  }
   void BasicBlockCombine();
   void CodeLayout();
   void DumpCheckStats();
@@ -284,6 +529,23 @@
   void SSATransformation();
   void CheckForDominanceFrontier(BasicBlock* dom_bb, const BasicBlock* succ_bb);
   void NullCheckElimination();
+  bool SetFp(int index, bool is_fp);
+  bool SetCore(int index, bool is_core);
+  bool SetRef(int index, bool is_ref);
+  bool SetWide(int index, bool is_wide);
+  bool SetHigh(int index, bool is_high);
+  void AppendMIR(BasicBlock* bb, MIR* mir);
+  void PrependMIR(BasicBlock* bb, MIR* mir);
+  void InsertMIRAfter(BasicBlock* bb, MIR* current_mir, MIR* new_mir);
+  char* GetDalvikDisassembly(const MIR* mir);
+  void ReplaceSpecialChars(std::string& str);
+  std::string GetSSAName(int ssa_reg);
+  std::string GetSSANameWithConst(int ssa_reg, bool singles_only);
+  void GetBlockName(BasicBlock* bb, char* name);
+  const char* GetShortyFromTargetIdx(int);
+  void DumpMIRGraph();
+  CallInfo* NewMemCallInfo(BasicBlock* bb, MIR* mir, InvokeType type, bool is_range);
    * IsDebugBuild sanity check: keep track of the Dex PCs for catch entries so that later on
@@ -291,6 +553,14 @@
    std::set<uint32_t> catches_;
+   // TODO: make these private.
+   RegLocation* reg_location_;                         // Map SSA names to location.
+   GrowableList compiler_temps_;
+   SafeMap<unsigned int, unsigned int> block_id_map_;  // Block collapse lookup cache.
+   static const int oat_data_flow_attributes_[kMirOpLast];
+   static const char* extended_mir_op_names_[kMirOpLast - kMirOpFirst];
    int FindCommonParent(int block1, int block2);
@@ -393,6 +663,9 @@
    int* opcode_count_;                            // Dex opcode coverage stats.
    int num_ssa_regs_;                             // Number of names following SSA transformation.
    std::vector<BasicBlock*> extended_basic_blocks_; // Heads of block "traces".
+   int method_sreg_;
+   unsigned int attributes_;
+   Checkstats* checkstats_;
 }  // namespace art