Introduce MIN/MAX/ABS as HIR nodes.

Having explicit MIN/MAX/ABS operations (in contrast
with intrinsics) simplifies recognition and optimization
of these common operations (e.g. constant folding, hoisting,
detection of saturation arithmetic). Furthermore, mapping
conditionals, selectors, intrinsics, etc. (some still TBD)
onto these operations generalizes the way they are optimized
downstream substantially.

Bug: b/65164101

Test: test-art-host,target

Change-Id: I69240683339356e5a012802f179298f0b04c6726
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index 13518ad..4fef027 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -4690,6 +4690,254 @@
+static void CreateMinMaxLocations(ArenaAllocator* allocator, HBinaryOperation* minmax) {
+  LocationSummary* locations = new (allocator) LocationSummary(minmax);
+  switch (minmax->GetResultType()) {
+    case DataType::Type::kInt32:
+      locations->SetInAt(0, Location::RequiresRegister());
+      locations->SetInAt(1, Location::RequiresRegister());
+      locations->SetOut(Location::RequiresRegister(), Location::kNoOutputOverlap);
+      break;
+    case DataType::Type::kInt64:
+      locations->SetInAt(0, Location::RequiresRegister());
+      locations->SetInAt(1, Location::RequiresRegister());
+      locations->SetOut(Location::SameAsFirstInput());
+      break;
+    case DataType::Type::kFloat32:
+      locations->SetInAt(0, Location::RequiresFpuRegister());
+      locations->SetInAt(1, Location::RequiresFpuRegister());
+      locations->SetOut(Location::SameAsFirstInput());
+      locations->AddTemp(Location::RequiresRegister());
+      break;
+    case DataType::Type::kFloat64:
+      locations->SetInAt(0, Location::RequiresFpuRegister());
+      locations->SetInAt(1, Location::RequiresFpuRegister());
+      locations->SetOut(Location::SameAsFirstInput());
+      break;
+    default:
+      LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected type for HMinMax " << minmax->GetResultType();
+  }
+void InstructionCodeGeneratorARMVIXL::GenerateMinMax(LocationSummary* locations, bool is_min) {
+  Location op1_loc = locations->InAt(0);
+  Location op2_loc = locations->InAt(1);
+  Location out_loc = locations->Out();
+  vixl32::Register op1 = RegisterFrom(op1_loc);
+  vixl32::Register op2 = RegisterFrom(op2_loc);
+  vixl32::Register out = RegisterFrom(out_loc);
+  __ Cmp(op1, op2);
+  {
+    ExactAssemblyScope aas(GetVIXLAssembler(),
+                           3 * kMaxInstructionSizeInBytes,
+                           CodeBufferCheckScope::kMaximumSize);
+    __ ite(is_min ? lt : gt);
+    __ mov(is_min ? lt : gt, out, op1);
+    __ mov(is_min ? ge : le, out, op2);
+  }
+void InstructionCodeGeneratorARMVIXL::GenerateMinMaxLong(LocationSummary* locations, bool is_min) {
+  Location op1_loc = locations->InAt(0);
+  Location op2_loc = locations->InAt(1);
+  Location out_loc = locations->Out();
+  // Optimization: don't generate any code if inputs are the same.
+  if (op1_loc.Equals(op2_loc)) {
+    DCHECK(out_loc.Equals(op1_loc));  // out_loc is set as SameAsFirstInput() in location builder.
+    return;
+  }
+  vixl32::Register op1_lo = LowRegisterFrom(op1_loc);
+  vixl32::Register op1_hi = HighRegisterFrom(op1_loc);
+  vixl32::Register op2_lo = LowRegisterFrom(op2_loc);
+  vixl32::Register op2_hi = HighRegisterFrom(op2_loc);
+  vixl32::Register out_lo = LowRegisterFrom(out_loc);
+  vixl32::Register out_hi = HighRegisterFrom(out_loc);
+  UseScratchRegisterScope temps(GetVIXLAssembler());
+  const vixl32::Register temp = temps.Acquire();
+  DCHECK(op1_lo.Is(out_lo));
+  DCHECK(op1_hi.Is(out_hi));
+  // Compare op1 >= op2, or op1 < op2.
+  __ Cmp(out_lo, op2_lo);
+  __ Sbcs(temp, out_hi, op2_hi);
+  // Now GE/LT condition code is correct for the long comparison.
+  {
+    vixl32::ConditionType cond = is_min ? ge : lt;
+    ExactAssemblyScope it_scope(GetVIXLAssembler(),
+                                3 * kMaxInstructionSizeInBytes,
+                                CodeBufferCheckScope::kMaximumSize);
+    __ itt(cond);
+    __ mov(cond, out_lo, op2_lo);
+    __ mov(cond, out_hi, op2_hi);
+  }
+void InstructionCodeGeneratorARMVIXL::GenerateMinMaxFloat(HInstruction* min_max, bool is_min) {
+  LocationSummary* locations = min_max->GetLocations();
+  Location op1_loc = locations->InAt(0);
+  Location op2_loc = locations->InAt(1);
+  Location out_loc = locations->Out();
+  // Optimization: don't generate any code if inputs are the same.
+  if (op1_loc.Equals(op2_loc)) {
+    DCHECK(out_loc.Equals(op1_loc));  // out_loc is set as SameAsFirstInput() in location builder.
+    return;
+  }
+  vixl32::SRegister op1 = SRegisterFrom(op1_loc);
+  vixl32::SRegister op2 = SRegisterFrom(op2_loc);
+  vixl32::SRegister out = SRegisterFrom(out_loc);
+  UseScratchRegisterScope temps(GetVIXLAssembler());
+  const vixl32::Register temp1 = temps.Acquire();
+  vixl32::Register temp2 = RegisterFrom(locations->GetTemp(0));
+  vixl32::Label nan, done;
+  vixl32::Label* final_label = codegen_->GetFinalLabel(min_max, &done);
+  DCHECK(op1.Is(out));
+  __ Vcmp(op1, op2);
+  __ Vmrs(RegisterOrAPSR_nzcv(kPcCode), FPSCR);
+  __ B(vs, &nan, /* far_target */ false);  // if un-ordered, go to NaN handling.
+  // op1 <> op2
+  vixl32::ConditionType cond = is_min ? gt : lt;
+  {
+    ExactAssemblyScope it_scope(GetVIXLAssembler(),
+                                2 * kMaxInstructionSizeInBytes,
+                                CodeBufferCheckScope::kMaximumSize);
+    __ it(cond);
+    __ vmov(cond, F32, out, op2);
+  }
+  // for <>(not equal), we've done min/max calculation.
+  __ B(ne, final_label, /* far_target */ false);
+  // handle op1 == op2, max(+0.0,-0.0), min(+0.0,-0.0).
+  __ Vmov(temp1, op1);
+  __ Vmov(temp2, op2);
+  if (is_min) {
+    __ Orr(temp1, temp1, temp2);
+  } else {
+    __ And(temp1, temp1, temp2);
+  }
+  __ Vmov(out, temp1);
+  __ B(final_label);
+  // handle NaN input.
+  __ Bind(&nan);
+  __ Movt(temp1, High16Bits(kNanFloat));  // 0x7FC0xxxx is a NaN.
+  __ Vmov(out, temp1);
+  if (done.IsReferenced()) {
+    __ Bind(&done);
+  }
+void InstructionCodeGeneratorARMVIXL::GenerateMinMaxDouble(HInstruction* min_max, bool is_min) {
+  LocationSummary* locations = min_max->GetLocations();
+  Location op1_loc = locations->InAt(0);
+  Location op2_loc = locations->InAt(1);
+  Location out_loc = locations->Out();
+  // Optimization: don't generate any code if inputs are the same.
+  if (op1_loc.Equals(op2_loc)) {
+    DCHECK(out_loc.Equals(op1_loc));  // out_loc is set as SameAsFirstInput() in.
+    return;
+  }
+  vixl32::DRegister op1 = DRegisterFrom(op1_loc);
+  vixl32::DRegister op2 = DRegisterFrom(op2_loc);
+  vixl32::DRegister out = DRegisterFrom(out_loc);
+  vixl32::Label handle_nan_eq, done;
+  vixl32::Label* final_label = codegen_->GetFinalLabel(min_max, &done);
+  DCHECK(op1.Is(out));
+  __ Vcmp(op1, op2);
+  __ Vmrs(RegisterOrAPSR_nzcv(kPcCode), FPSCR);
+  __ B(vs, &handle_nan_eq, /* far_target */ false);  // if un-ordered, go to NaN handling.
+  // op1 <> op2
+  vixl32::ConditionType cond = is_min ? gt : lt;
+  {
+    ExactAssemblyScope it_scope(GetVIXLAssembler(),
+                                2 * kMaxInstructionSizeInBytes,
+                                CodeBufferCheckScope::kMaximumSize);
+    __ it(cond);
+    __ vmov(cond, F64, out, op2);
+  }
+  // for <>(not equal), we've done min/max calculation.
+  __ B(ne, final_label, /* far_target */ false);
+  // handle op1 == op2, max(+0.0,-0.0).
+  if (!is_min) {
+    __ Vand(F64, out, op1, op2);
+    __ B(final_label);
+  }
+  // handle op1 == op2, min(+0.0,-0.0), NaN input.
+  __ Bind(&handle_nan_eq);
+  __ Vorr(F64, out, op1, op2);  // assemble op1/-0.0/NaN.
+  if (done.IsReferenced()) {
+    __ Bind(&done);
+  }
+void LocationsBuilderARMVIXL::VisitMin(HMin* min) {
+  CreateMinMaxLocations(GetGraph()->GetAllocator(), min);
+void InstructionCodeGeneratorARMVIXL::VisitMin(HMin* min) {
+  switch (min->GetResultType()) {
+    case DataType::Type::kInt32:
+      GenerateMinMax(min->GetLocations(), /*is_min*/ true);
+      break;
+    case DataType::Type::kInt64:
+      GenerateMinMaxLong(min->GetLocations(), /*is_min*/ true);
+      break;
+    case DataType::Type::kFloat32:
+      GenerateMinMaxFloat(min, /*is_min*/ true);
+      break;
+    case DataType::Type::kFloat64:
+      GenerateMinMaxDouble(min, /*is_min*/ true);
+      break;
+    default:
+      LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected type for HMin " << min->GetResultType();
+  }
+void LocationsBuilderARMVIXL::VisitMax(HMax* max) {
+  CreateMinMaxLocations(GetGraph()->GetAllocator(), max);
+void InstructionCodeGeneratorARMVIXL::VisitMax(HMax* max) {
+  switch (max->GetResultType()) {
+    case DataType::Type::kInt32:
+      GenerateMinMax(max->GetLocations(), /*is_min*/ false);
+      break;
+    case DataType::Type::kInt64:
+      GenerateMinMaxLong(max->GetLocations(), /*is_min*/ false);
+      break;
+    case DataType::Type::kFloat32:
+      GenerateMinMaxFloat(max, /*is_min*/ false);
+      break;
+    case DataType::Type::kFloat64:
+      GenerateMinMaxDouble(max, /*is_min*/ false);
+      break;
+    default:
+      LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected type for HMax " << max->GetResultType();
+  }
 void LocationsBuilderARMVIXL::VisitAbs(HAbs* abs) {
   LocationSummary* locations = new (GetGraph()->GetAllocator()) LocationSummary(abs);
   switch (abs->GetResultType()) {