Merge "Avoid using dex cache array pointers in libart."
diff --git a/build/ b/build/
index 0e2dad9..d9d09bc 100644
--- a/build/
+++ b/build/
@@ -188,10 +188,12 @@
compiler/dex/ \
compiler/dex/ \
compiler/dex/ \
+ compiler/dex/quick/ \
compiler/dwarf/ \
compiler/driver/ \
compiler/ \
compiler/ \
+ compiler/jni/ \
compiler/jni/ \
compiler/linker/arm64/ \
compiler/linker/arm/ \
@@ -212,6 +214,7 @@
compiler/optimizing/ \
compiler/optimizing/ \
compiler/optimizing/ \
+ compiler/optimizing/ \
compiler/optimizing/ \
compiler/optimizing/ \
compiler/optimizing/ \
@@ -405,7 +408,7 @@
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $$(art_gtest_filename)
LOCAL_C_INCLUDES += $$(ART_C_INCLUDES) art/runtime $$(art_gtest_extra_c_includes)
- LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES += libartd $$(art_gtest_extra_shared_libraries) libart-gtest
+ LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES += libartd $$(art_gtest_extra_shared_libraries) libart-gtest libart-disassembler
diff --git a/compiler/ b/compiler/
index 7611f50..ac95abd 100644
--- a/compiler/
+++ b/compiler/
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
dex/quick/ \
dex/quick/ \
dex/quick/ \
+ dex/quick/ \
dex/quick/ \
dex/quick/mips/ \
dex/quick/mips/ \
@@ -103,6 +104,7 @@
optimizing/ \
optimizing/ \
optimizing/ \
+ optimizing/ \
optimizing/ \
optimizing/ \
optimizing/ \
@@ -150,6 +152,7 @@ \ \ \
+ \ \ \ \
diff --git a/compiler/cfi_test.h b/compiler/cfi_test.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9181792
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/cfi_test.h
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include <vector>
+#include <memory>
+#include <sstream>
+#include "arch/instruction_set.h"
+#include "dwarf/dwarf_test.h"
+#include "dwarf/headers.h"
+#include "disassembler/disassembler.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
+namespace art {
+class CFITest : public dwarf::DwarfTest {
+ public:
+ void GenerateExpected(FILE* f, InstructionSet isa, const char* isa_str,
+ const std::vector<uint8_t>& actual_asm,
+ const std::vector<uint8_t>& actual_cfi) {
+ std::vector<std::string> lines;
+ // Print the raw bytes.
+ fprintf(f, "static constexpr uint8_t expected_asm_%s[] = {", isa_str);
+ HexDump(f, actual_asm);
+ fprintf(f, "\n};\n");
+ fprintf(f, "static constexpr uint8_t expected_cfi_%s[] = {", isa_str);
+ HexDump(f, actual_cfi);
+ fprintf(f, "\n};\n");
+ // Pretty-print CFI opcodes.
+ constexpr bool is64bit = false;
+ dwarf::DebugFrameOpCodeWriter<> initial_opcodes;
+ dwarf::WriteEhFrameCIE(is64bit, dwarf::Reg(8), initial_opcodes, &eh_frame_data_);
+ dwarf::WriteEhFrameFDE(is64bit, 0, 0, actual_asm.size(), &actual_cfi, &eh_frame_data_);
+ ReformatCfi(Objdump(false, "-W"), &lines);
+ // Pretty-print assembly.
+ auto* opts = new DisassemblerOptions(false,, true);
+ std::unique_ptr<Disassembler> disasm(Disassembler::Create(isa, opts));
+ std::stringstream stream;
+ const uint8_t* base = + (isa == kThumb2 ? 1 : 0);
+ disasm->Dump(stream, base, base + actual_asm.size());
+ ReformatAsm(&stream, &lines);
+ // Print CFI and assembly interleaved.
+ std::stable_sort(lines.begin(), lines.end(), CompareByAddress);
+ for (const std::string& line : lines) {
+ fprintf(f, "// %s\n", line.c_str());
+ }
+ fprintf(f, "\n");
+ }
+ private:
+ // Helper - get offset just past the end of given string.
+ static size_t FindEndOf(const std::string& str, const char* substr) {
+ size_t pos = str.find(substr);
+ CHECK_NE(std::string::npos, pos);
+ return pos + strlen(substr);
+ }
+ // Spit to lines and remove raw instruction bytes.
+ static void ReformatAsm(std::stringstream* stream,
+ std::vector<std::string>* output) {
+ std::string line;
+ while (std::getline(*stream, line)) {
+ line = line.substr(0, FindEndOf(line, ": ")) +
+ line.substr(FindEndOf(line, "\t"));
+ size_t pos;
+ while ((pos = line.find(" ")) != std::string::npos) {
+ line = line.replace(pos, 2, " ");
+ }
+ while (!line.empty() && line.back() == ' ') {
+ line.pop_back();
+ }
+ output->push_back(line);
+ }
+ }
+ // Find interesting parts of objdump output and prefix the lines with address.
+ static void ReformatCfi(const std::vector<std::string>& lines,
+ std::vector<std::string>* output) {
+ std::string address;
+ for (const std::string& line : lines) {
+ if (line.find("DW_CFA_nop") != std::string::npos) {
+ // Ignore.
+ } else if (line.find("DW_CFA_advance_loc") != std::string::npos) {
+ // The last 8 characters are the address.
+ address = "0x" + line.substr(line.size() - 8);
+ } else if (line.find("DW_CFA_") != std::string::npos) {
+ std::string new_line(line);
+ // "bad register" warning is caused by always using host (x86) objdump.
+ const char* bad_reg = "bad register: ";
+ size_t pos;
+ if ((pos = new_line.find(bad_reg)) != std::string::npos) {
+ new_line = new_line.replace(pos, strlen(bad_reg), "");
+ }
+ // Remove register names in parentheses since they have x86 names.
+ if ((pos = new_line.find(" (")) != std::string::npos) {
+ new_line = new_line.replace(pos, FindEndOf(new_line, ")") - pos, "");
+ }
+ // Use the .cfi_ prefix.
+ new_line = ".cfi_" + new_line.substr(FindEndOf(new_line, "DW_CFA_"));
+ output->push_back(address + ": " + new_line);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Compare strings by the address prefix.
+ static bool CompareByAddress(const std::string& lhs, const std::string& rhs) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(lhs[10], ':');
+ EXPECT_EQ(rhs[10], ':');
+ return strncmp(lhs.c_str(), rhs.c_str(), 10) < 0;
+ }
+ // Pretty-print byte array. 12 bytes per line.
+ static void HexDump(FILE* f, const std::vector<uint8_t>& data) {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) {
+ fprintf(f, i % 12 == 0 ? "\n " : " "); // Whitespace.
+ fprintf(f, "0x%02X,", data[i]);
+ }
+ }
+} // namespace art
diff --git a/compiler/ b/compiler/
index eeed877..4f7a970 100644
--- a/compiler/
+++ b/compiler/
@@ -188,39 +188,6 @@
return ret;
-CompiledMethod* CompiledMethod::SwapAllocCompiledMethodStackMap(
- CompilerDriver* driver,
- InstructionSet instruction_set,
- const ArrayRef<const uint8_t>& quick_code,
- const size_t frame_size_in_bytes,
- const uint32_t core_spill_mask,
- const uint32_t fp_spill_mask,
- const ArrayRef<const uint8_t>& stack_map) {
- SwapAllocator<CompiledMethod> alloc(driver->GetSwapSpaceAllocator());
- CompiledMethod* ret = alloc.allocate(1);
- alloc.construct(ret, driver, instruction_set, quick_code, frame_size_in_bytes, core_spill_mask,
- fp_spill_mask, nullptr, ArrayRef<const uint8_t>(), stack_map,
- ArrayRef<const uint8_t>(), ArrayRef<const uint8_t>(),
- ArrayRef<const LinkerPatch>());
- return ret;
-CompiledMethod* CompiledMethod::SwapAllocCompiledMethodCFI(
- CompilerDriver* driver,
- InstructionSet instruction_set,
- const ArrayRef<const uint8_t>& quick_code,
- const size_t frame_size_in_bytes,
- const uint32_t core_spill_mask,
- const uint32_t fp_spill_mask,
- const ArrayRef<const uint8_t>& cfi_info) {
- SwapAllocator<CompiledMethod> alloc(driver->GetSwapSpaceAllocator());
- CompiledMethod* ret = alloc.allocate(1);
- alloc.construct(ret, driver, instruction_set, quick_code, frame_size_in_bytes, core_spill_mask,
- fp_spill_mask, nullptr, ArrayRef<const uint8_t>(),
- ArrayRef<const uint8_t>(), ArrayRef<const uint8_t>(),
- cfi_info, ArrayRef<const LinkerPatch>());
- return ret;
void CompiledMethod::ReleaseSwapAllocatedCompiledMethod(CompilerDriver* driver, CompiledMethod* m) {
diff --git a/compiler/compiled_method.h b/compiler/compiled_method.h
index 506b47b..480d021 100644
--- a/compiler/compiled_method.h
+++ b/compiler/compiled_method.h
@@ -320,7 +320,7 @@
const ArrayRef<const uint8_t>& vmap_table,
const ArrayRef<const uint8_t>& native_gc_map,
const ArrayRef<const uint8_t>& cfi_info,
- const ArrayRef<const LinkerPatch>& patches = ArrayRef<const LinkerPatch>());
+ const ArrayRef<const LinkerPatch>& patches);
virtual ~CompiledMethod();
@@ -336,24 +336,7 @@
const ArrayRef<const uint8_t>& vmap_table,
const ArrayRef<const uint8_t>& native_gc_map,
const ArrayRef<const uint8_t>& cfi_info,
- const ArrayRef<const LinkerPatch>& patches = ArrayRef<const LinkerPatch>());
- static CompiledMethod* SwapAllocCompiledMethodStackMap(
- CompilerDriver* driver,
- InstructionSet instruction_set,
- const ArrayRef<const uint8_t>& quick_code,
- const size_t frame_size_in_bytes,
- const uint32_t core_spill_mask,
- const uint32_t fp_spill_mask,
- const ArrayRef<const uint8_t>& stack_map);
- static CompiledMethod* SwapAllocCompiledMethodCFI(CompilerDriver* driver,
- InstructionSet instruction_set,
- const ArrayRef<const uint8_t>& quick_code,
- const size_t frame_size_in_bytes,
- const uint32_t core_spill_mask,
- const uint32_t fp_spill_mask,
- const ArrayRef<const uint8_t>& cfi_info);
+ const ArrayRef<const LinkerPatch>& patches);
static void ReleaseSwapAllocatedCompiledMethod(CompilerDriver* driver, CompiledMethod* m);
diff --git a/compiler/compiler.h b/compiler/compiler.h
index a04641e..94b0fe3 100644
--- a/compiler/compiler.h
+++ b/compiler/compiler.h
@@ -63,13 +63,6 @@
virtual uintptr_t GetEntryPointOf(mirror::ArtMethod* method) const
SHARED_LOCKS_REQUIRED(Locks::mutator_lock_) = 0;
- virtual bool WriteElf(art::File* file,
- OatWriter* oat_writer,
- const std::vector<const art::DexFile*>& dex_files,
- const std::string& android_root,
- bool is_host) const
- SHARED_LOCKS_REQUIRED(Locks::mutator_lock_) = 0;
uint64_t GetMaximumCompilationTimeBeforeWarning() const {
return maximum_compilation_time_before_warning_;
@@ -107,9 +100,6 @@
return driver_;
- // Whether to produce 64-bit ELF files for 64-bit targets. Leave this off for now.
- static constexpr bool kProduce64BitELFFiles = false;
CompilerDriver* const driver_;
const uint64_t maximum_compilation_time_before_warning_;
diff --git a/compiler/dex/mir_graph.h b/compiler/dex/mir_graph.h
index d6c4b64..85b1344 100644
--- a/compiler/dex/mir_graph.h
+++ b/compiler/dex/mir_graph.h
@@ -1458,6 +1458,7 @@
friend class GvnDeadCodeEliminationTest;
friend class LocalValueNumberingTest;
friend class TopologicalSortOrderTest;
+ friend class QuickCFITest;
} // namespace art
diff --git a/compiler/dex/quick/arm/ b/compiler/dex/quick/arm/
index 518e3ea..3d18af6 100644
--- a/compiler/dex/quick/arm/
+++ b/compiler/dex/quick/arm/
@@ -355,7 +355,16 @@
+static dwarf::Reg DwarfCoreReg(int num) {
+ return dwarf::Reg::ArmCore(num);
+static dwarf::Reg DwarfFpReg(int num) {
+ return dwarf::Reg::ArmFp(num);
void ArmMir2Lir::GenEntrySequence(RegLocation* ArgLocs, RegLocation rl_method) {
+ DCHECK_EQ(cfi_.GetCurrentCFAOffset(), 0); // empty stack.
int spill_count = num_core_spills_ + num_fp_spills_;
* On entry, r0, r1, r2 & r3 are live. Let the register allocation
@@ -403,28 +412,32 @@
/* Spill core callee saves */
- if (core_spill_mask_ == 0u) {
- // Nothing to spill.
- } else if ((core_spill_mask_ & ~(0xffu | (1u << rs_rARM_LR.GetRegNum()))) == 0u) {
- // Spilling only low regs and/or LR, use 16-bit PUSH.
- constexpr int lr_bit_shift = rs_rARM_LR.GetRegNum() - 8;
- NewLIR1(kThumbPush,
- (core_spill_mask_ & ~(1u << rs_rARM_LR.GetRegNum())) |
- ((core_spill_mask_ & (1u << rs_rARM_LR.GetRegNum())) >> lr_bit_shift));
- } else if (IsPowerOfTwo(core_spill_mask_)) {
- // kThumb2Push cannot be used to spill a single register.
- NewLIR1(kThumb2Push1, CTZ(core_spill_mask_));
- } else {
- NewLIR1(kThumb2Push, core_spill_mask_);
+ if (core_spill_mask_ != 0u) {
+ if ((core_spill_mask_ & ~(0xffu | (1u << rs_rARM_LR.GetRegNum()))) == 0u) {
+ // Spilling only low regs and/or LR, use 16-bit PUSH.
+ constexpr int lr_bit_shift = rs_rARM_LR.GetRegNum() - 8;
+ NewLIR1(kThumbPush,
+ (core_spill_mask_ & ~(1u << rs_rARM_LR.GetRegNum())) |
+ ((core_spill_mask_ & (1u << rs_rARM_LR.GetRegNum())) >> lr_bit_shift));
+ } else if (IsPowerOfTwo(core_spill_mask_)) {
+ // kThumb2Push cannot be used to spill a single register.
+ NewLIR1(kThumb2Push1, CTZ(core_spill_mask_));
+ } else {
+ NewLIR1(kThumb2Push, core_spill_mask_);
+ }
+ cfi_.AdjustCFAOffset(num_core_spills_ * kArmPointerSize);
+ cfi_.RelOffsetForMany(DwarfCoreReg(0), 0, core_spill_mask_, kArmPointerSize);
/* Need to spill any FP regs? */
- if (num_fp_spills_) {
+ if (num_fp_spills_ != 0u) {
* NOTE: fp spills are a little different from core spills in that
* they are pushed as a contiguous block. When promoting from
* the fp set, we must allocate all singles from s16..highest-promoted
NewLIR1(kThumb2VPushCS, num_fp_spills_);
+ cfi_.AdjustCFAOffset(num_fp_spills_ * kArmPointerSize);
+ cfi_.RelOffsetForMany(DwarfFpReg(0), 0, fp_spill_mask_, kArmPointerSize);
const int spill_size = spill_count * 4;
@@ -445,12 +458,14 @@
m2l_->LoadWordDisp(rs_rARM_SP, sp_displace_ - 4, rs_rARM_LR);
m2l_->OpRegImm(kOpAdd, rs_rARM_SP, sp_displace_);
+ m2l_->cfi().AdjustCFAOffset(-sp_displace_);
ThreadOffset<4> func_offset = QUICK_ENTRYPOINT_OFFSET(4, pThrowStackOverflow);
// Load the entrypoint directly into the pc instead of doing a load + branch. Assumes
// codegen and target are in thumb2 mode.
// NOTE: native pointer.
m2l_->LoadWordDisp(rs_rARM_SELF, func_offset.Int32Value(), rs_rARM_PC);
+ m2l_->cfi().AdjustCFAOffset(sp_displace_);
@@ -465,6 +480,7 @@
// Need to restore LR since we used it as a temp.
AddSlowPath(new(arena_)StackOverflowSlowPath(this, branch, true, spill_size));
OpRegCopy(rs_rARM_SP, rs_rARM_LR); // Establish stack
+ cfi_.AdjustCFAOffset(frame_size_without_spills);
} else {
* If the frame is small enough we are guaranteed to have enough space that remains to
@@ -475,6 +491,7 @@
OpRegRegImm(kOpSub, rs_rARM_SP, rs_rARM_SP, frame_size_without_spills);
+ cfi_.AdjustCFAOffset(frame_size_without_spills);
LIR* branch = OpCmpBranch(kCondUlt, rs_rARM_SP, rs_r12, nullptr);
@@ -484,9 +501,11 @@
// Implicit stack overflow check has already been done. Just make room on the
// stack for the frame now.
OpRegImm(kOpSub, rs_rARM_SP, frame_size_without_spills);
+ cfi_.AdjustCFAOffset(frame_size_without_spills);
} else {
OpRegImm(kOpSub, rs_rARM_SP, frame_size_without_spills);
+ cfi_.AdjustCFAOffset(frame_size_without_spills);
FlushIns(ArgLocs, rl_method);
@@ -507,7 +526,9 @@
void ArmMir2Lir::GenExitSequence() {
+ cfi_.RememberState();
int spill_count = num_core_spills_ + num_fp_spills_;
* In the exit path, r0/r1 are live - make sure they aren't
* allocated by the register utilities as temps.
@@ -515,34 +536,47 @@
- OpRegImm(kOpAdd, rs_rARM_SP, frame_size_ - (spill_count * 4));
+ int adjust = frame_size_ - (spill_count * kArmPointerSize);
+ OpRegImm(kOpAdd, rs_rARM_SP, adjust);
+ cfi_.AdjustCFAOffset(-adjust);
/* Need to restore any FP callee saves? */
if (num_fp_spills_) {
NewLIR1(kThumb2VPopCS, num_fp_spills_);
+ cfi_.AdjustCFAOffset(-num_fp_spills_ * kArmPointerSize);
+ cfi_.RestoreMany(DwarfFpReg(0), fp_spill_mask_);
- if ((core_spill_mask_ & (1 << rs_rARM_LR.GetRegNum())) != 0) {
- /* Unspill rARM_LR to rARM_PC */
+ bool unspill_LR_to_PC = (core_spill_mask_ & (1 << rs_rARM_LR.GetRegNum())) != 0;
+ if (unspill_LR_to_PC) {
core_spill_mask_ &= ~(1 << rs_rARM_LR.GetRegNum());
core_spill_mask_ |= (1 << rs_rARM_PC.GetRegNum());
- if (core_spill_mask_ == 0u) {
- // Nothing to unspill.
- } else if ((core_spill_mask_ & ~(0xffu | (1u << rs_rARM_PC.GetRegNum()))) == 0u) {
- // Unspilling only low regs and/or PC, use 16-bit POP.
- constexpr int pc_bit_shift = rs_rARM_PC.GetRegNum() - 8;
- NewLIR1(kThumbPop,
- (core_spill_mask_ & ~(1u << rs_rARM_PC.GetRegNum())) |
- ((core_spill_mask_ & (1u << rs_rARM_PC.GetRegNum())) >> pc_bit_shift));
- } else if (IsPowerOfTwo(core_spill_mask_)) {
- // kThumb2Pop cannot be used to unspill a single register.
- NewLIR1(kThumb2Pop1, CTZ(core_spill_mask_));
- } else {
- NewLIR1(kThumb2Pop, core_spill_mask_);
+ if (core_spill_mask_ != 0u) {
+ if ((core_spill_mask_ & ~(0xffu | (1u << rs_rARM_PC.GetRegNum()))) == 0u) {
+ // Unspilling only low regs and/or PC, use 16-bit POP.
+ constexpr int pc_bit_shift = rs_rARM_PC.GetRegNum() - 8;
+ NewLIR1(kThumbPop,
+ (core_spill_mask_ & ~(1u << rs_rARM_PC.GetRegNum())) |
+ ((core_spill_mask_ & (1u << rs_rARM_PC.GetRegNum())) >> pc_bit_shift));
+ } else if (IsPowerOfTwo(core_spill_mask_)) {
+ // kThumb2Pop cannot be used to unspill a single register.
+ NewLIR1(kThumb2Pop1, CTZ(core_spill_mask_));
+ } else {
+ NewLIR1(kThumb2Pop, core_spill_mask_);
+ }
+ // If we pop to PC, there is no further epilogue code.
+ if (!unspill_LR_to_PC) {
+ cfi_.AdjustCFAOffset(-num_core_spills_ * kArmPointerSize);
+ cfi_.RestoreMany(DwarfCoreReg(0), core_spill_mask_);
+ DCHECK_EQ(cfi_.GetCurrentCFAOffset(), 0); // empty stack.
+ }
- if ((core_spill_mask_ & (1 << rs_rARM_PC.GetRegNum())) == 0) {
+ if (!unspill_LR_to_PC) {
/* We didn't pop to rARM_PC, so must do a bv rARM_LR */
NewLIR1(kThumbBx, rs_rARM_LR.GetReg());
+ // The CFI should be restored for any code that follows the exit block.
+ cfi_.RestoreState();
+ cfi_.DefCFAOffset(frame_size_);
void ArmMir2Lir::GenSpecialExitSequence() {
@@ -564,11 +598,16 @@
NewLIR1(kThumbPush, (1u << rs_r0.GetRegNum()) | // ArtMethod*
(core_spill_mask_ & ~(1u << rs_rARM_LR.GetRegNum())) | // Spills other than LR.
(1u << 8)); // LR encoded for 16-bit push.
+ cfi_.AdjustCFAOffset(frame_size_);
+ // Do not generate CFI for scratch register r0.
+ cfi_.RelOffsetForMany(DwarfCoreReg(0), 4, core_spill_mask_, kArmPointerSize);
void ArmMir2Lir::GenSpecialExitForSuspend() {
// Pop the frame. (ArtMethod* no longer needed but restore it anyway.)
NewLIR1(kThumb2Pop, (1u << rs_r0.GetRegNum()) | core_spill_mask_); // 32-bit because of LR.
+ cfi_.AdjustCFAOffset(-frame_size_);
+ cfi_.RestoreMany(DwarfCoreReg(0), core_spill_mask_);
static bool ArmUseRelativeCall(CompilationUnit* cu, const MethodReference& target_method) {
diff --git a/compiler/dex/quick/arm/ b/compiler/dex/quick/arm/
index c3371cf..25ea694 100644
--- a/compiler/dex/quick/arm/
+++ b/compiler/dex/quick/arm/
@@ -1273,13 +1273,14 @@
if (pc_rel_temp_ != nullptr) {
// Now, if the dex cache array base temp is used only once outside any loops (weight = 1),
- // avoid the promotion, otherwise boost the weight by factor 4 because the full PC-relative
- // load sequence is 4 instructions long.
+ // avoid the promotion, otherwise boost the weight by factor 3 because the full PC-relative
+ // load sequence is 4 instructions long and by promoting the PC base we save up to 3
+ // instructions per use.
int p_map_idx = SRegToPMap(pc_rel_temp_->s_reg_low);
if (core_counts[p_map_idx].count == 1) {
core_counts[p_map_idx].count = 0;
} else {
- core_counts[p_map_idx].count *= 4;
+ core_counts[p_map_idx].count *= 3;
diff --git a/compiler/dex/quick/arm64/ b/compiler/dex/quick/arm64/
index 6b47bba..4abbd77 100644
--- a/compiler/dex/quick/arm64/
+++ b/compiler/dex/quick/arm64/
@@ -282,7 +282,13 @@
+static dwarf::Reg DwarfCoreReg(int num) {
+ return dwarf::Reg::Arm64Core(num);
void Arm64Mir2Lir::GenEntrySequence(RegLocation* ArgLocs, RegLocation rl_method) {
+ DCHECK_EQ(cfi_.GetCurrentCFAOffset(), 0); // empty stack.
* On entry, x0 to x7 are live. Let the register allocation
* mechanism know so it doesn't try to use any of them when
@@ -345,6 +351,7 @@
if (spilled_already != frame_size_) {
OpRegImm(kOpSub, rs_sp, frame_size_without_spills);
+ cfi_.AdjustCFAOffset(frame_size_without_spills);
if (!skip_overflow_check) {
@@ -361,12 +368,14 @@
// Unwinds stack.
m2l_->OpRegImm(kOpAdd, rs_sp, sp_displace_);
+ m2l_->cfi().AdjustCFAOffset(-sp_displace_);
ThreadOffset<8> func_offset = QUICK_ENTRYPOINT_OFFSET(8, pThrowStackOverflow);
m2l_->LoadWordDisp(rs_xSELF, func_offset.Int32Value(), rs_xIP0);
m2l_->NewLIR1(kA64Br1x, rs_xIP0.GetReg());
+ m2l_->cfi().AdjustCFAOffset(sp_displace_);
@@ -393,6 +402,7 @@
void Arm64Mir2Lir::GenExitSequence() {
+ cfi_.RememberState();
* In the exit path, r0/r1 are live - make sure they aren't
* allocated by the register utilities as temps.
@@ -403,6 +413,9 @@
// Finally return.
+ // The CFI should be restored for any code that follows the exit block.
+ cfi_.RestoreState();
+ cfi_.DefCFAOffset(frame_size_);
void Arm64Mir2Lir::GenSpecialExitSequence() {
@@ -419,11 +432,16 @@
NewLIR4(WIDE(kA64StpPre4rrXD), rs_x0.GetReg(), rs_xLR.GetReg(), rs_sp.GetReg(), -frame_size_ / 8);
+ cfi_.AdjustCFAOffset(frame_size_);
+ // Do not generate CFI for scratch register x0.
+ cfi_.RelOffset(DwarfCoreReg(rxLR), 8);
void Arm64Mir2Lir::GenSpecialExitForSuspend() {
// Pop the frame. (ArtMethod* no longer needed but restore it anyway.)
NewLIR4(WIDE(kA64LdpPost4rrXD), rs_x0.GetReg(), rs_xLR.GetReg(), rs_sp.GetReg(), frame_size_ / 8);
+ cfi_.AdjustCFAOffset(-frame_size_);
+ cfi_.Restore(DwarfCoreReg(rxLR));
static bool Arm64UseRelativeCall(CompilationUnit* cu, const MethodReference& target_method) {
diff --git a/compiler/dex/quick/arm64/ b/compiler/dex/quick/arm64/
index a9d9f3d..20f61f2 100644
--- a/compiler/dex/quick/arm64/
+++ b/compiler/dex/quick/arm64/
@@ -1458,6 +1458,14 @@
return reg_mask;
+static dwarf::Reg DwarfCoreReg(int num) {
+ return dwarf::Reg::Arm64Core(num);
+static dwarf::Reg DwarfFpReg(int num) {
+ return dwarf::Reg::Arm64Fp(num);
static void SpillCoreRegs(Arm64Mir2Lir* m2l, RegStorage base, int offset, uint32_t reg_mask) {
int reg1 = -1, reg2 = -1;
const int reg_log2_size = 3;
@@ -1466,9 +1474,12 @@
reg_mask = GenPairWise(reg_mask, & reg1, & reg2);
if (UNLIKELY(reg2 < 0)) {
m2l->NewLIR3(WIDE(kA64Str3rXD), RegStorage::Solo64(reg1).GetReg(), base.GetReg(), offset);
+ m2l->cfi().RelOffset(DwarfCoreReg(reg1), offset << reg_log2_size);
} else {
m2l->NewLIR4(WIDE(kA64Stp4rrXD), RegStorage::Solo64(reg2).GetReg(),
RegStorage::Solo64(reg1).GetReg(), base.GetReg(), offset);
+ m2l->cfi().RelOffset(DwarfCoreReg(reg2), offset << reg_log2_size);
+ m2l->cfi().RelOffset(DwarfCoreReg(reg1), (offset + 1) << reg_log2_size);
@@ -1483,9 +1494,12 @@
if (UNLIKELY(reg2 < 0)) {
m2l->NewLIR3(WIDE(kA64Str3fXD), RegStorage::FloatSolo64(reg1).GetReg(), base.GetReg(),
+ m2l->cfi().RelOffset(DwarfFpReg(reg1), offset << reg_log2_size);
} else {
m2l->NewLIR4(WIDE(kA64Stp4ffXD), RegStorage::FloatSolo64(reg2).GetReg(),
RegStorage::FloatSolo64(reg1).GetReg(), base.GetReg(), offset);
+ m2l->cfi().RelOffset(DwarfFpReg(reg2), offset << reg_log2_size);
+ m2l->cfi().RelOffset(DwarfFpReg(reg1), (offset + 1) << reg_log2_size);
@@ -1493,6 +1507,7 @@
static int SpillRegsPreSub(Arm64Mir2Lir* m2l, uint32_t core_reg_mask, uint32_t fp_reg_mask,
int frame_size) {
m2l->OpRegRegImm(kOpSub, rs_sp, rs_sp, frame_size);
+ m2l->cfi().AdjustCFAOffset(frame_size);
int core_count = POPCOUNT(core_reg_mask);
@@ -1552,11 +1567,15 @@
base.GetReg(), -all_offset);
+ m2l->cfi().AdjustCFAOffset(all_offset * kArm64PointerSize);
+ m2l->cfi().RelOffset(DwarfFpReg(reg1), kArm64PointerSize);
} else {
base.GetReg(), -all_offset);
+ m2l->cfi().AdjustCFAOffset(all_offset * kArm64PointerSize);
+ m2l->cfi().RelOffset(DwarfFpReg(reg1), 0);
cur_offset = 0; // That core reg needs to go into the upper half.
} else {
@@ -1564,10 +1583,15 @@
fp_reg_mask = GenPairWise(fp_reg_mask, ®1, ®2);
m2l->NewLIR4(WIDE(kA64StpPre4ffXD), RegStorage::FloatSolo64(reg2).GetReg(),
RegStorage::FloatSolo64(reg1).GetReg(), base.GetReg(), -all_offset);
+ m2l->cfi().AdjustCFAOffset(all_offset * kArm64PointerSize);
+ m2l->cfi().RelOffset(DwarfFpReg(reg2), 0);
+ m2l->cfi().RelOffset(DwarfFpReg(reg1), kArm64PointerSize);
} else {
fp_reg_mask = ExtractReg(fp_reg_mask, ®1);
m2l->NewLIR4(WIDE(kA64StpPre4ffXD), rs_d0.GetReg(), RegStorage::FloatSolo64(reg1).GetReg(),
base.GetReg(), -all_offset);
+ m2l->cfi().AdjustCFAOffset(all_offset * kArm64PointerSize);
+ m2l->cfi().RelOffset(DwarfFpReg(reg1), kArm64PointerSize);
} else {
@@ -1580,12 +1604,19 @@
core_reg_mask = ExtractReg(core_reg_mask, ®1);
m2l->NewLIR4(WIDE(kA64StpPre4rrXD), rs_xzr.GetReg(),
RegStorage::Solo64(reg1).GetReg(), base.GetReg(), -all_offset);
+ m2l->cfi().AdjustCFAOffset(all_offset * kArm64PointerSize);
+ m2l->cfi().RelOffset(DwarfCoreReg(reg1), kArm64PointerSize);
} else {
core_reg_mask = GenPairWise(core_reg_mask, ®1, ®2);
m2l->NewLIR4(WIDE(kA64StpPre4rrXD), RegStorage::Solo64(reg2).GetReg(),
RegStorage::Solo64(reg1).GetReg(), base.GetReg(), -all_offset);
+ m2l->cfi().AdjustCFAOffset(all_offset * kArm64PointerSize);
+ m2l->cfi().RelOffset(DwarfCoreReg(reg2), 0);
+ m2l->cfi().RelOffset(DwarfCoreReg(reg1), kArm64PointerSize);
+ DCHECK_EQ(m2l->cfi().GetCurrentCFAOffset(),
+ static_cast<int>(all_offset * kArm64PointerSize));
if (fp_count != 0) {
for (; fp_reg_mask != 0;) {
@@ -1594,10 +1625,13 @@
if (UNLIKELY(reg2 < 0)) {
m2l->NewLIR3(WIDE(kA64Str3fXD), RegStorage::FloatSolo64(reg1).GetReg(), base.GetReg(),
+ m2l->cfi().RelOffset(DwarfFpReg(reg1), cur_offset * kArm64PointerSize);
// Do not increment offset here, as the second half will be filled by a core reg.
} else {
m2l->NewLIR4(WIDE(kA64Stp4ffXD), RegStorage::FloatSolo64(reg2).GetReg(),
RegStorage::FloatSolo64(reg1).GetReg(), base.GetReg(), cur_offset);
+ m2l->cfi().RelOffset(DwarfFpReg(reg2), cur_offset * kArm64PointerSize);
+ m2l->cfi().RelOffset(DwarfFpReg(reg1), (cur_offset + 1) * kArm64PointerSize);
cur_offset += 2;
@@ -1610,6 +1644,7 @@
core_reg_mask = ExtractReg(core_reg_mask, ®1);
m2l->NewLIR3(WIDE(kA64Str3rXD), RegStorage::Solo64(reg1).GetReg(), base.GetReg(),
cur_offset + 1);
+ m2l->cfi().RelOffset(DwarfCoreReg(reg1), (cur_offset + 1) * kArm64PointerSize);
cur_offset += 2; // Half-slot filled now.
@@ -1620,6 +1655,8 @@
core_reg_mask = GenPairWise(core_reg_mask, ®1, ®2);
m2l->NewLIR4(WIDE(kA64Stp4rrXD), RegStorage::Solo64(reg2).GetReg(),
RegStorage::Solo64(reg1).GetReg(), base.GetReg(), cur_offset);
+ m2l->cfi().RelOffset(DwarfCoreReg(reg2), cur_offset * kArm64PointerSize);
+ m2l->cfi().RelOffset(DwarfCoreReg(reg1), (cur_offset + 1) * kArm64PointerSize);
DCHECK_EQ(cur_offset, all_offset);
@@ -1650,10 +1687,13 @@
reg_mask = GenPairWise(reg_mask, & reg1, & reg2);
if (UNLIKELY(reg2 < 0)) {
m2l->NewLIR3(WIDE(kA64Ldr3rXD), RegStorage::Solo64(reg1).GetReg(), base.GetReg(), offset);
+ m2l->cfi().Restore(DwarfCoreReg(reg1));
} else {
DCHECK_LE(offset, 63);
m2l->NewLIR4(WIDE(kA64Ldp4rrXD), RegStorage::Solo64(reg2).GetReg(),
RegStorage::Solo64(reg1).GetReg(), base.GetReg(), offset);
+ m2l->cfi().Restore(DwarfCoreReg(reg2));
+ m2l->cfi().Restore(DwarfCoreReg(reg1));
@@ -1667,9 +1707,12 @@
if (UNLIKELY(reg2 < 0)) {
m2l->NewLIR3(WIDE(kA64Ldr3fXD), RegStorage::FloatSolo64(reg1).GetReg(), base.GetReg(),
+ m2l->cfi().Restore(DwarfFpReg(reg1));
} else {
m2l->NewLIR4(WIDE(kA64Ldp4ffXD), RegStorage::FloatSolo64(reg2).GetReg(),
RegStorage::FloatSolo64(reg1).GetReg(), base.GetReg(), offset);
+ m2l->cfi().Restore(DwarfFpReg(reg2));
+ m2l->cfi().Restore(DwarfFpReg(reg1));
@@ -1711,6 +1754,7 @@
early_drop = RoundDown(early_drop, 16);
OpRegImm64(kOpAdd, rs_sp, early_drop);
+ cfi_.AdjustCFAOffset(-early_drop);
// Unspill.
@@ -1724,7 +1768,9 @@
// Drop the (rest of) the frame.
- OpRegImm64(kOpAdd, rs_sp, frame_size - early_drop);
+ int adjust = frame_size - early_drop;
+ OpRegImm64(kOpAdd, rs_sp, adjust);
+ cfi_.AdjustCFAOffset(-adjust);
bool Arm64Mir2Lir::GenInlinedReverseBits(CallInfo* info, OpSize size) {
diff --git a/compiler/dex/quick/ b/compiler/dex/quick/
index 232a228..5ea36c2 100644
--- a/compiler/dex/quick/
+++ b/compiler/dex/quick/
@@ -541,13 +541,11 @@
DCHECK(tab_rec->anchor->flags.fixup != kFixupNone);
bx_offset = tab_rec->anchor->offset + 4;
- case kX86:
- bx_offset = 0;
- break;
case kX86_64:
// RIP relative to switch table.
bx_offset = tab_rec->offset;
+ case kX86:
case kArm64:
case kMips:
case kMips64:
@@ -1072,6 +1070,9 @@
+ cfi_(&last_lir_insn_,
+ cu->compiler_driver->GetCompilerOptions().GetIncludeDebugSymbols(),
+ arena),
in_to_reg_storage_mapping_(arena) {
@@ -1164,7 +1165,7 @@
ArrayRef<const uint8_t>(encoded_mapping_table_),
ArrayRef<const uint8_t>(vmap_encoder.GetData()),
ArrayRef<const uint8_t>(native_gc_map_),
- ArrayRef<const uint8_t>(),
+ ArrayRef<const uint8_t>(*cfi_.Patch(code_buffer_.size())),
ArrayRef<const LinkerPatch>(patches_));
diff --git a/compiler/dex/quick/ b/compiler/dex/quick/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5cfb0ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/dex/quick/
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "lazy_debug_frame_opcode_writer.h"
+#include "mir_to_lir.h"
+namespace art {
+namespace dwarf {
+const ArenaVector<uint8_t>* LazyDebugFrameOpCodeWriter::Patch(size_t code_size) {
+ if (!this->enabled_) {
+ DCHECK(this->data()->empty());
+ return this->data();
+ }
+ if (!patched_) {
+ patched_ = true;
+ // Move our data buffer to temporary variable.
+ ArenaVector<uint8_t> old_opcodes(this->opcodes_.get_allocator());
+ old_opcodes.swap(this->opcodes_);
+ // Refill our data buffer with patched opcodes.
+ this->opcodes_.reserve(old_opcodes.size() + advances_.size() + 4);
+ size_t pos = 0;
+ for (auto advance : advances_) {
+ DCHECK_GE(advance.pos, pos);
+ // Copy old data up to the point when advance was issued.
+ this->opcodes_.insert(this->opcodes_.end(),
+ old_opcodes.begin() + pos,
+ old_opcodes.begin() + advance.pos);
+ pos = advance.pos;
+ // This may be null if there is no slow-path code after return.
+ LIR* next_lir = NEXT_LIR(advance.last_lir_insn);
+ // Insert the advance command with its final offset.
+ Base::AdvancePC(next_lir != nullptr ? next_lir->offset : code_size);
+ }
+ // Copy the final segment.
+ this->opcodes_.insert(this->opcodes_.end(),
+ old_opcodes.begin() + pos,
+ old_opcodes.end());
+ Base::AdvancePC(code_size);
+ }
+ return this->data();
+} // namespace dwarf
+} // namespace art
diff --git a/compiler/dex/quick/lazy_debug_frame_opcode_writer.h b/compiler/dex/quick/lazy_debug_frame_opcode_writer.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94ffd7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/dex/quick/lazy_debug_frame_opcode_writer.h
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "base/arena_allocator.h"
+#include "base/arena_containers.h"
+#include "dwarf/debug_frame_opcode_writer.h"
+namespace art {
+struct LIR;
+namespace dwarf {
+// When we are generating the CFI code, we do not know the instuction offsets,
+// this class stores the LIR references and patches the instruction stream later.
+class LazyDebugFrameOpCodeWriter FINAL
+ : public DebugFrameOpCodeWriter<ArenaAllocatorAdapter<uint8_t>> {
+ typedef DebugFrameOpCodeWriter<ArenaAllocatorAdapter<uint8_t>> Base;
+ public:
+ // This method is implicitely called the by opcode writers.
+ virtual void ImplicitlyAdvancePC() OVERRIDE {
+ DCHECK_EQ(patched_, false);
+ DCHECK_EQ(this->current_pc_, 0);
+ advances_.push_back({this->data()->size(), *last_lir_insn_});
+ }
+ const ArenaVector<uint8_t>* Patch(size_t code_size);
+ explicit LazyDebugFrameOpCodeWriter(LIR** last_lir_insn, bool enable_writes,
+ ArenaAllocator* allocator)
+ : Base(enable_writes, allocator->Adapter()),
+ last_lir_insn_(last_lir_insn),
+ advances_(allocator->Adapter()),
+ patched_(false) {
+ }
+ private:
+ typedef struct {
+ size_t pos;
+ LIR* last_lir_insn;
+ } Advance;
+ using Base::data; // Hidden. Use Patch method instead.
+ LIR** last_lir_insn_;
+ ArenaVector<Advance> advances_;
+ bool patched_;
+ DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(LazyDebugFrameOpCodeWriter);
+} // namespace dwarf
+} // namespace art
diff --git a/compiler/dex/quick/mips/ b/compiler/dex/quick/mips/
index c932df6..05570e4 100644
--- a/compiler/dex/quick/mips/
+++ b/compiler/dex/quick/mips/
@@ -238,7 +238,12 @@
+static dwarf::Reg DwarfCoreReg(int num) {
+ return dwarf::Reg::MipsCore(num);
void MipsMir2Lir::GenEntrySequence(RegLocation* ArgLocs, RegLocation rl_method) {
+ DCHECK_EQ(cfi_.GetCurrentCFAOffset(), 0);
int spill_count = num_core_spills_ + num_fp_spills_;
* On entry, A0, A1, A2 & A3 are live. On Mips64, A4, A5, A6 & A7 are also live.
@@ -304,10 +309,12 @@
// RA is offset 0 since we push in reverse order.
m2l_->LoadWordDisp(m2l_->TargetPtrReg(kSp), 0, m2l_->TargetPtrReg(kLr));
m2l_->OpRegImm(kOpAdd, m2l_->TargetPtrReg(kSp), sp_displace_);
+ m2l_->cfi().AdjustCFAOffset(-sp_displace_);
RegStorage r_tgt = m2l_->CallHelperSetup(kQuickThrowStackOverflow); // Doesn't clobber LR.
m2l_->CallHelper(r_tgt, kQuickThrowStackOverflow, false /* MarkSafepointPC */,
false /* UseLink */);
+ m2l_->cfi().AdjustCFAOffset(sp_displace_);
@@ -318,8 +325,10 @@
AddSlowPath(new(arena_)StackOverflowSlowPath(this, branch, spill_count * ptr_size));
// TODO: avoid copy for small frame sizes.
OpRegCopy(rs_sp, new_sp); // Establish stack.
+ cfi_.AdjustCFAOffset(frame_sub);
} else {
OpRegImm(kOpSub, rs_sp, frame_sub);
+ cfi_.AdjustCFAOffset(frame_sub);
FlushIns(ArgLocs, rl_method);
@@ -337,6 +346,7 @@
void MipsMir2Lir::GenExitSequence() {
+ cfi_.RememberState();
* In the exit path, rMIPS_RET0/rMIPS_RET1 are live - make sure they aren't
* allocated by the register utilities as temps.
@@ -346,6 +356,9 @@
OpReg(kOpBx, TargetPtrReg(kLr));
+ // The CFI should be restored for any code that follows the exit block.
+ cfi_.RestoreState();
+ cfi_.DefCFAOffset(frame_size_);
void MipsMir2Lir::GenSpecialExitSequence() {
@@ -364,15 +377,20 @@
const RegStorage rs_sp = TargetPtrReg(kSp);
OpRegImm(kOpSub, rs_sp, frame_size_);
+ cfi_.AdjustCFAOffset(frame_size_);
StoreWordDisp(rs_sp, frame_size_ - (cu_->target64 ? 8 : 4), TargetPtrReg(kLr));
+ cfi_.RelOffset(DwarfCoreReg(rRA), frame_size_ - (cu_->target64 ? 8 : 4));
StoreWordDisp(rs_sp, 0, TargetPtrReg(kArg0));
+ // Do not generate CFI for scratch register A0.
void MipsMir2Lir::GenSpecialExitForSuspend() {
// Pop the frame. Don't pop ArtMethod*, it's no longer needed.
const RegStorage rs_sp = TargetPtrReg(kSp);
LoadWordDisp(rs_sp, frame_size_ - (cu_->target64 ? 8 : 4), TargetPtrReg(kLr));
+ cfi_.Restore(DwarfCoreReg(rRA));
OpRegImm(kOpAdd, rs_sp, frame_size_);
+ cfi_.AdjustCFAOffset(-frame_size_);
@@ -385,43 +403,7 @@
Mir2Lir* cg = static_cast<Mir2Lir*>(cu->cg.get());
if (direct_code != 0 && direct_method != 0) {
switch (state) {
- case 0: // Get the current Method* [sets kArg0]
- if (direct_code != static_cast<uintptr_t>(-1)) {
- if (cu->target64) {
- cg->LoadConstantWide(cg->TargetPtrReg(kInvokeTgt), direct_code);
- } else {
- cg->LoadConstant(cg->TargetPtrReg(kInvokeTgt), direct_code);
- }
- } else {
- cg->LoadCodeAddress(target_method, type, kInvokeTgt);
- }
- if (direct_method != static_cast<uintptr_t>(-1)) {
- if (cu->target64) {
- cg->LoadConstantWide(cg->TargetReg(kArg0, kRef), direct_method);
- } else {
- cg->LoadConstant(cg->TargetReg(kArg0, kRef), direct_method);
- }
- } else {
- cg->LoadMethodAddress(target_method, type, kArg0);
- }
- break;
- default:
- return -1;
- }
- } else {
- RegStorage arg0_ref = cg->TargetReg(kArg0, kRef);
- switch (state) {
- case 0: // Get the current Method* [sets kArg0]
- // TUNING: we can save a reg copy if Method* has been promoted.
- cg->LoadCurrMethodDirect(arg0_ref);
- break;
- case 1: // Get method->dex_cache_resolved_methods_
- cg->LoadRefDisp(arg0_ref,
- mirror::ArtMethod::DexCacheResolvedMethodsOffset().Int32Value(),
- arg0_ref,
- kNotVolatile);
- // Set up direct code if known.
- if (direct_code != 0) {
+ case 0: // Get the current Method* [sets kArg0]
if (direct_code != static_cast<uintptr_t>(-1)) {
if (cu->target64) {
cg->LoadConstantWide(cg->TargetPtrReg(kInvokeTgt), direct_code);
@@ -429,29 +411,65 @@
cg->LoadConstant(cg->TargetPtrReg(kInvokeTgt), direct_code);
} else {
- CHECK_LT(target_method.dex_method_index, target_method.dex_file->NumMethodIds());
cg->LoadCodeAddress(target_method, type, kInvokeTgt);
- }
- break;
- case 2: // Grab target method*
- CHECK_EQ(cu->dex_file, target_method.dex_file);
- cg->LoadRefDisp(arg0_ref,
- mirror::ObjectArray<mirror::Object>::
- OffsetOfElement(target_method.dex_method_index).Int32Value(),
- arg0_ref,
- kNotVolatile);
- break;
- case 3: // Grab the code from the method*
- if (direct_code == 0) {
- int32_t offset = mirror::ArtMethod::EntryPointFromQuickCompiledCodeOffset(
- InstructionSetPointerSize(cu->instruction_set)).Int32Value();
- // Get the compiled code address [use *alt_from or kArg0, set kInvokeTgt]
- cg->LoadWordDisp(arg0_ref, offset, cg->TargetPtrReg(kInvokeTgt));
- }
- break;
- default:
- return -1;
+ if (direct_method != static_cast<uintptr_t>(-1)) {
+ if (cu->target64) {
+ cg->LoadConstantWide(cg->TargetReg(kArg0, kRef), direct_method);
+ } else {
+ cg->LoadConstant(cg->TargetReg(kArg0, kRef), direct_method);
+ }
+ } else {
+ cg->LoadMethodAddress(target_method, type, kArg0);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ return -1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ RegStorage arg0_ref = cg->TargetReg(kArg0, kRef);
+ switch (state) {
+ case 0: // Get the current Method* [sets kArg0]
+ // TUNING: we can save a reg copy if Method* has been promoted.
+ cg->LoadCurrMethodDirect(arg0_ref);
+ break;
+ case 1: // Get method->dex_cache_resolved_methods_
+ cg->LoadRefDisp(arg0_ref,
+ mirror::ArtMethod::DexCacheResolvedMethodsOffset().Int32Value(),
+ arg0_ref,
+ kNotVolatile);
+ // Set up direct code if known.
+ if (direct_code != 0) {
+ if (direct_code != static_cast<uintptr_t>(-1)) {
+ if (cu->target64) {
+ cg->LoadConstantWide(cg->TargetPtrReg(kInvokeTgt), direct_code);
+ } else {
+ cg->LoadConstant(cg->TargetPtrReg(kInvokeTgt), direct_code);
+ }
+ } else {
+ CHECK_LT(target_method.dex_method_index, target_method.dex_file->NumMethodIds());
+ cg->LoadCodeAddress(target_method, type, kInvokeTgt);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2: // Grab target method*
+ CHECK_EQ(cu->dex_file, target_method.dex_file);
+ cg->LoadRefDisp(arg0_ref,
+ mirror::ObjectArray<mirror::Object>::
+ OffsetOfElement(target_method.dex_method_index).Int32Value(),
+ arg0_ref,
+ kNotVolatile);
+ break;
+ case 3: // Grab the code from the method*
+ if (direct_code == 0) {
+ int32_t offset = mirror::ArtMethod::EntryPointFromQuickCompiledCodeOffset(
+ InstructionSetPointerSize(cu->instruction_set)).Int32Value();
+ // Get the compiled code address [use *alt_from or kArg0, set kInvokeTgt]
+ cg->LoadWordDisp(arg0_ref, offset, cg->TargetPtrReg(kInvokeTgt));
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ return -1;
return state + 1;
diff --git a/compiler/dex/quick/mips/ b/compiler/dex/quick/mips/
index 626b36e..1ca8bb6 100644
--- a/compiler/dex/quick/mips/
+++ b/compiler/dex/quick/mips/
@@ -237,12 +237,12 @@
// note the operands are swapped for the mtc1 and mthc1 instr.
// Here if dest is fp reg and src is core reg.
if (fpuIs32Bit_) {
- NewLIR2(kMipsMtc1, r_src.GetLowReg(), r_dest.GetLowReg());
- NewLIR2(kMipsMtc1, r_src.GetHighReg(), r_dest.GetHighReg());
+ NewLIR2(kMipsMtc1, r_src.GetLowReg(), r_dest.GetLowReg());
+ NewLIR2(kMipsMtc1, r_src.GetHighReg(), r_dest.GetHighReg());
} else {
- r_dest = Fp64ToSolo32(r_dest);
- NewLIR2(kMipsMtc1, r_src.GetLowReg(), r_dest.GetReg());
- NewLIR2(kMipsMthc1, r_src.GetHighReg(), r_dest.GetReg());
+ r_dest = Fp64ToSolo32(r_dest);
+ NewLIR2(kMipsMtc1, r_src.GetLowReg(), r_dest.GetReg());
+ NewLIR2(kMipsMthc1, r_src.GetHighReg(), r_dest.GetReg());
} else {
@@ -309,7 +309,13 @@
RegLocation MipsMir2Lir::GenDivRemLit(RegLocation rl_dest, RegStorage reg1, int lit, bool is_div) {
RegStorage t_reg = AllocTemp();
- NewLIR3(kMipsAddiu, t_reg.GetReg(), rZERO, lit);
+ // lit is guarantee to be a 16-bit constant
+ if (IsUint<16>(lit)) {
+ NewLIR3(kMipsOri, t_reg.GetReg(), rZERO, lit);
+ } else {
+ // Addiu will sign extend the entire width (32 or 64) of the register.
+ NewLIR3(kMipsAddiu, t_reg.GetReg(), rZERO, lit);
+ }
RegLocation rl_result = GenDivRem(rl_dest, reg1, t_reg, is_div);
return rl_result;
@@ -815,20 +821,20 @@
OpKind op = kOpBkpt;
switch (opcode) {
- case Instruction::SHL_LONG:
- case Instruction::SHL_LONG_2ADDR:
- op = kOpLsl;
- break;
- case Instruction::SHR_LONG:
- case Instruction::SHR_LONG_2ADDR:
- op = kOpAsr;
- break;
- case Instruction::USHR_LONG:
- case Instruction::USHR_LONG_2ADDR:
- op = kOpLsr;
- break;
- default:
- LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected case: " << opcode;
+ case Instruction::SHL_LONG:
+ case Instruction::SHL_LONG_2ADDR:
+ op = kOpLsl;
+ break;
+ case Instruction::SHR_LONG:
+ case Instruction::SHR_LONG_2ADDR:
+ op = kOpAsr;
+ break;
+ case Instruction::USHR_LONG:
+ case Instruction::USHR_LONG_2ADDR:
+ op = kOpLsr;
+ break;
+ default:
+ LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected case: " << opcode;
rl_shift = LoadValue(rl_shift, kCoreReg);
rl_src1 = LoadValueWide(rl_src1, kCoreReg);
diff --git a/compiler/dex/quick/mips/ b/compiler/dex/quick/mips/
index a94fad7..4c0bd83 100644
--- a/compiler/dex/quick/mips/
+++ b/compiler/dex/quick/mips/
@@ -830,6 +830,10 @@
return OpReg(kOpBlx, r_tgt);
+static dwarf::Reg DwarfCoreReg(int num) {
+ return dwarf::Reg::MipsCore(num);
void MipsMir2Lir::SpillCoreRegs() {
if (num_core_spills_ == 0) {
@@ -839,11 +843,13 @@
int offset = num_core_spills_ * ptr_size;
const RegStorage rs_sp = TargetPtrReg(kSp);
OpRegImm(kOpSub, rs_sp, offset);
+ cfi_.AdjustCFAOffset(offset);
for (int reg = 0; mask; mask >>= 1, reg++) {
if (mask & 0x1) {
offset -= ptr_size;
StoreWordDisp(rs_sp, offset,
cu_->target64 ? RegStorage::Solo64(reg) : RegStorage::Solo32(reg));
+ cfi_.RelOffset(DwarfCoreReg(reg), offset);
@@ -861,9 +867,11 @@
offset -= ptr_size;
LoadWordDisp(rs_sp, offset,
cu_->target64 ? RegStorage::Solo64(reg) : RegStorage::Solo32(reg));
+ cfi_.Restore(DwarfCoreReg(reg));
OpRegImm(kOpAdd, rs_sp, frame_size_);
+ cfi_.AdjustCFAOffset(-frame_size_);
bool MipsMir2Lir::IsUnconditionalBranch(LIR* lir) {
diff --git a/compiler/dex/quick/ b/compiler/dex/quick/
index ed8e21e..961cd4f 100644
--- a/compiler/dex/quick/
+++ b/compiler/dex/quick/
@@ -1253,11 +1253,14 @@
GenEntrySequence(&mir_graph_->reg_location_[start_vreg], mir_graph_->GetMethodLoc());
+ DCHECK_EQ(cfi_.GetCurrentCFAOffset(), frame_size_);
} else if (bb->block_type == kExitBlock) {
+ DCHECK_EQ(cfi_.GetCurrentCFAOffset(), frame_size_);
+ DCHECK_EQ(cfi_.GetCurrentCFAOffset(), frame_size_);
for (mir = bb->first_mir_insn; mir != NULL; mir = mir->next) {
diff --git a/compiler/dex/quick/mir_to_lir.h b/compiler/dex/quick/mir_to_lir.h
index 1624c84..db59714 100644
--- a/compiler/dex/quick/mir_to_lir.h
+++ b/compiler/dex/quick/mir_to_lir.h
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
#include "dex/quick/resource_mask.h"
#include "entrypoints/quick/quick_entrypoints_enum.h"
#include "invoke_type.h"
+#include "lazy_debug_frame_opcode_writer.h"
#include "leb128.h"
#include "safe_map.h"
#include "utils/array_ref.h"
@@ -635,7 +636,7 @@
RegisterClass ShortyToRegClass(char shorty_type);
RegisterClass LocToRegClass(RegLocation loc);
int ComputeFrameSize();
- virtual void Materialize();
+ void Materialize();
virtual CompiledMethod* GetCompiledMethod();
void MarkSafepointPC(LIR* inst);
void MarkSafepointPCAfter(LIR* after);
@@ -776,7 +777,7 @@
virtual RegLocation EvalLoc(RegLocation loc, int reg_class, bool update);
- void AnalyzeMIR(RefCounts* core_counts, MIR* mir, uint32_t weight);
+ virtual void AnalyzeMIR(RefCounts* core_counts, MIR* mir, uint32_t weight);
virtual void CountRefs(RefCounts* core_counts, RefCounts* fp_counts, size_t num_regs);
void DumpCounts(const RefCounts* arr, int size, const char* msg);
virtual void DoPromotion();
@@ -1508,6 +1509,12 @@
return 0;
+ /**
+ * @brief Buffer of DWARF's Call Frame Information opcodes.
+ * @details It is used by debuggers and other tools to unwind the call stack.
+ */
+ dwarf::LazyDebugFrameOpCodeWriter& cfi() { return cfi_; }
Mir2Lir(CompilationUnit* cu, MIRGraph* mir_graph, ArenaAllocator* arena);
@@ -1770,6 +1777,13 @@
// Update references from prev_mir to mir.
void UpdateReferenceVRegs(MIR* mir, MIR* prev_mir, BitVector* references);
+ /**
+ * Returns true if the frame spills the given core register.
+ */
+ bool CoreSpillMaskContains(int reg) {
+ return (core_spill_mask_ & (1u << reg)) != 0;
+ }
// TODO: add accessors for these.
LIR* literal_list_; // Constants.
@@ -1858,6 +1872,8 @@
// if pc_rel_temp_ isn't nullptr.
uint32_t dex_cache_arrays_min_offset_;
+ dwarf::LazyDebugFrameOpCodeWriter cfi_;
// ABI support
class ShortyArg {
@@ -1917,6 +1933,8 @@
static bool SizeMatchesTypeForEntrypoint(OpSize size, Primitive::Type type);
+ friend class QuickCFITest;
}; // Class Mir2Lir
} // namespace art
diff --git a/compiler/dex/quick/ b/compiler/dex/quick/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e62166
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/dex/quick/
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include <vector>
+#include <memory>
+#include "arch/instruction_set.h"
+#include "arch/instruction_set_features.h"
+#include "cfi_test.h"
+#include "dex/compiler_ir.h"
+#include "dex/mir_graph.h"
+#include "dex/pass_manager.h"
+#include "dex/quick/dex_file_to_method_inliner_map.h"
+#include "dex/quick/quick_compiler.h"
+#include "dex/quick/mir_to_lir.h"
+#include "dex/verification_results.h"
+#include "driver/compiler_driver.h"
+#include "driver/compiler_options.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
+#include "dex/quick/"
+namespace art {
+// Run the tests only on host.
+class QuickCFITest : public CFITest {
+ public:
+ // Enable this flag to generate the expected outputs.
+ static constexpr bool kGenerateExpected = false;
+ void TestImpl(InstructionSet isa, const char* isa_str,
+ const std::vector<uint8_t>& expected_asm,
+ const std::vector<uint8_t>& expected_cfi) {
+ // Setup simple compiler context.
+ ArenaPool pool;
+ ArenaAllocator arena(&pool);
+ CompilerOptions compiler_options(
+ CompilerOptions::kDefaultCompilerFilter,
+ CompilerOptions::kDefaultHugeMethodThreshold,
+ CompilerOptions::kDefaultLargeMethodThreshold,
+ CompilerOptions::kDefaultSmallMethodThreshold,
+ CompilerOptions::kDefaultTinyMethodThreshold,
+ CompilerOptions::kDefaultNumDexMethodsThreshold,
+ true, // generate_gdb_information.
+ false,
+ CompilerOptions::kDefaultTopKProfileThreshold,
+ false,
+ true, // include_debug_symbols.
+ false,
+ false,
+ false,
+ false,
+ nullptr,
+ new PassManagerOptions(),
+ nullptr,
+ false);
+ VerificationResults verification_results(&compiler_options);
+ DexFileToMethodInlinerMap method_inliner_map;
+ std::unique_ptr<const InstructionSetFeatures> isa_features;
+ std::string error;
+ isa_features.reset(InstructionSetFeatures::FromVariant(isa, "default", &error));
+ CompilerDriver driver(&compiler_options, &verification_results, &method_inliner_map,
+ Compiler::kQuick, isa, isa_features.get(),
+ false, 0, 0, 0, false, false, "", 0, -1, "");
+ ClassLinker* linker = nullptr;
+ CompilationUnit cu(&pool, isa, &driver, linker);
+ DexFile::CodeItem code_item { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, { 0 } }; // NOLINT
+ cu.mir_graph.reset(new MIRGraph(&cu, &arena));
+ cu.mir_graph->current_code_item_ = &code_item;
+ // Generate empty method with some spills.
+ std::unique_ptr<Mir2Lir> m2l(QuickCompiler::GetCodeGenerator(&cu, nullptr));
+ m2l->frame_size_ = 64u;
+ m2l->CompilerInitializeRegAlloc();
+ for (const auto& info : m2l->reg_pool_->core_regs_) {
+ if (m2l->num_core_spills_ < 2 && !info->IsTemp() && !info->InUse()) {
+ m2l->core_spill_mask_ |= 1 << info->GetReg().GetReg();
+ m2l->num_core_spills_++;
+ }
+ }
+ for (const auto& info : m2l->reg_pool_->sp_regs_) {
+ if (m2l->num_fp_spills_ < 2 && !info->IsTemp() && !info->InUse()) {
+ m2l->fp_spill_mask_ |= 1 << info->GetReg().GetReg();
+ m2l->num_fp_spills_++;
+ }
+ }
+ m2l->AdjustSpillMask();
+ m2l->GenEntrySequence(NULL, m2l->LocCReturnRef());
+ m2l->GenExitSequence();
+ m2l->HandleSlowPaths();
+ m2l->AssembleLIR();
+ std::vector<uint8_t> actual_asm(m2l->code_buffer_.begin(), m2l->code_buffer_.end());
+ auto const& cfi_data = m2l->cfi().Patch(actual_asm.size());
+ std::vector<uint8_t> actual_cfi(cfi_data->begin(), cfi_data->end());
+ EXPECT_EQ(m2l->cfi().GetCurrentPC(), static_cast<int>(actual_asm.size()));
+ if (kGenerateExpected) {
+ GenerateExpected(stdout, isa, isa_str, actual_asm, actual_cfi);
+ } else {
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_asm, actual_asm);
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_cfi, actual_cfi);
+ }
+ }
+#define TEST_ISA(isa) \
+ TEST_F(QuickCFITest, isa) { \
+ std::vector<uint8_t> expected_asm(expected_asm_##isa, \
+ expected_asm_##isa + arraysize(expected_asm_##isa)); \
+ std::vector<uint8_t> expected_cfi(expected_cfi_##isa, \
+ expected_cfi_##isa + arraysize(expected_cfi_##isa)); \
+ TestImpl(isa, #isa, expected_asm, expected_cfi); \
+ }
+#endif // HAVE_ANDROID_OS
+} // namespace art
diff --git a/compiler/dex/quick/ b/compiler/dex/quick/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..634fdee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/dex/quick/
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+static constexpr uint8_t expected_asm_kThumb2[] = {
+ 0x60, 0xB5, 0x2D, 0xED, 0x02, 0x8A, 0x8B, 0xB0, 0x00, 0x90, 0x0B, 0xB0,
+ 0xBD, 0xEC, 0x02, 0x8A, 0x60, 0xBD, 0x00, 0x00,
+static constexpr uint8_t expected_cfi_kThumb2[] = {
+ 0x42, 0x0E, 0x0C, 0x85, 0x03, 0x86, 0x02, 0x8E, 0x01, 0x44, 0x0E, 0x14,
+ 0x05, 0x50, 0x05, 0x05, 0x51, 0x04, 0x42, 0x0E, 0x40, 0x42, 0x0A, 0x42,
+ 0x0E, 0x14, 0x44, 0x0E, 0x0C, 0x06, 0x50, 0x06, 0x51, 0x44, 0x0B, 0x0E,
+ 0x40,
+// 0x00000000: push {r5, r6, lr}
+// 0x00000002: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 12
+// 0x00000002: .cfi_offset: r5 at cfa-12
+// 0x00000002: .cfi_offset: r6 at cfa-8
+// 0x00000002: .cfi_offset: r14 at cfa-4
+// 0x00000002: vpush.f32 {s16-s17}
+// 0x00000006: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 20
+// 0x00000006: .cfi_offset_extended: r80 at cfa-20
+// 0x00000006: .cfi_offset_extended: r81 at cfa-16
+// 0x00000006: sub sp, sp, #44
+// 0x00000008: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 64
+// 0x00000008: str r0, [sp, #0]
+// 0x0000000a: .cfi_remember_state
+// 0x0000000a: add sp, sp, #44
+// 0x0000000c: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 20
+// 0x0000000c: vpop.f32 {s16-s17}
+// 0x00000010: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 12
+// 0x00000010: .cfi_restore_extended: r80
+// 0x00000010: .cfi_restore_extended: r81
+// 0x00000010: pop {r5, r6, pc}
+// 0x00000012: lsls r0, r0, #0
+// 0x00000014: .cfi_restore_state
+// 0x00000014: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 64
+static constexpr uint8_t expected_asm_kArm64[] = {
+ 0xFF, 0x03, 0x01, 0xD1, 0xE8, 0xA7, 0x01, 0x6D, 0xF4, 0xD7, 0x02, 0xA9,
+ 0xFE, 0x1F, 0x00, 0xF9, 0xE0, 0x03, 0x00, 0xB9, 0xE8, 0xA7, 0x41, 0x6D,
+ 0xF4, 0xD7, 0x42, 0xA9, 0xFE, 0x1F, 0x40, 0xF9, 0xFF, 0x03, 0x01, 0x91,
+ 0xC0, 0x03, 0x5F, 0xD6,
+static constexpr uint8_t expected_cfi_kArm64[] = {
+ 0x44, 0x0E, 0x40, 0x44, 0x05, 0x48, 0x0A, 0x05, 0x49, 0x08, 0x44, 0x94,
+ 0x06, 0x95, 0x04, 0x44, 0x9E, 0x02, 0x44, 0x0A, 0x44, 0x06, 0x48, 0x06,
+ 0x49, 0x44, 0xD4, 0xD5, 0x44, 0xDE, 0x44, 0x0E, 0x00, 0x44, 0x0B, 0x0E,
+ 0x40,
+// 0x00000000: sub sp, sp, #0x40 (64)
+// 0x00000004: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 64
+// 0x00000004: stp d8, d9, [sp, #24]
+// 0x00000008: .cfi_offset_extended: r72 at cfa-40
+// 0x00000008: .cfi_offset_extended: r73 at cfa-32
+// 0x00000008: stp x20, x21, [sp, #40]
+// 0x0000000c: .cfi_offset: r20 at cfa-24
+// 0x0000000c: .cfi_offset: r21 at cfa-16
+// 0x0000000c: str lr, [sp, #56]
+// 0x00000010: .cfi_offset: r30 at cfa-8
+// 0x00000010: str w0, [sp]
+// 0x00000014: .cfi_remember_state
+// 0x00000014: ldp d8, d9, [sp, #24]
+// 0x00000018: .cfi_restore_extended: r72
+// 0x00000018: .cfi_restore_extended: r73
+// 0x00000018: ldp x20, x21, [sp, #40]
+// 0x0000001c: .cfi_restore: r20
+// 0x0000001c: .cfi_restore: r21
+// 0x0000001c: ldr lr, [sp, #56]
+// 0x00000020: .cfi_restore: r30
+// 0x00000020: add sp, sp, #0x40 (64)
+// 0x00000024: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 0
+// 0x00000024: ret
+// 0x00000028: .cfi_restore_state
+// 0x00000028: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 64
+static constexpr uint8_t expected_asm_kX86[] = {
+ 0x83, 0xEC, 0x3C, 0x89, 0x6C, 0x24, 0x34, 0x89, 0x74, 0x24, 0x38, 0x89,
+ 0x04, 0x24, 0x8B, 0x6C, 0x24, 0x34, 0x8B, 0x74, 0x24, 0x38, 0x83, 0xC4,
+ 0x3C, 0xC3, 0x00, 0x00,
+static constexpr uint8_t expected_cfi_kX86[] = {
+ 0x43, 0x0E, 0x40, 0x44, 0x85, 0x03, 0x44, 0x86, 0x02, 0x43, 0x0A, 0x44,
+ 0xC5, 0x44, 0xC6, 0x43, 0x0E, 0x04, 0x43, 0x0B, 0x0E, 0x40,
+// 0x00000000: sub esp, 60
+// 0x00000003: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 64
+// 0x00000003: mov [esp + 52], ebp
+// 0x00000007: .cfi_offset: r5 at cfa-12
+// 0x00000007: mov [esp + 56], esi
+// 0x0000000b: .cfi_offset: r6 at cfa-8
+// 0x0000000b: mov [esp], eax
+// 0x0000000e: .cfi_remember_state
+// 0x0000000e: mov ebp, [esp + 52]
+// 0x00000012: .cfi_restore: r5
+// 0x00000012: mov esi, [esp + 56]
+// 0x00000016: .cfi_restore: r6
+// 0x00000016: add esp, 60
+// 0x00000019: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 4
+// 0x00000019: ret
+// 0x0000001a: addb [eax], al
+// 0x0000001c: .cfi_restore_state
+// 0x0000001c: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 64
+static constexpr uint8_t expected_asm_kX86_64[] = {
+ 0x48, 0x83, 0xEC, 0x38, 0x48, 0x89, 0x5C, 0x24, 0x28, 0x48, 0x89, 0x6C,
+ 0x24, 0x30, 0xF2, 0x44, 0x0F, 0x11, 0x64, 0x24, 0x18, 0xF2, 0x44, 0x0F,
+ 0x11, 0x6C, 0x24, 0x20, 0x48, 0x8B, 0xC7, 0x89, 0x3C, 0x24, 0x48, 0x8B,
+ 0x5C, 0x24, 0x28, 0x48, 0x8B, 0x6C, 0x24, 0x30, 0xF2, 0x44, 0x0F, 0x10,
+ 0x64, 0x24, 0x18, 0xF2, 0x44, 0x0F, 0x10, 0x6C, 0x24, 0x20, 0x48, 0x83,
+ 0xC4, 0x38, 0xC3, 0x00,
+static constexpr uint8_t expected_cfi_kX86_64[] = {
+ 0x44, 0x0E, 0x40, 0x45, 0x83, 0x06, 0x45, 0x86, 0x04, 0x47, 0x9D, 0x0A,
+ 0x47, 0x9E, 0x08, 0x46, 0x0A, 0x45, 0xC3, 0x45, 0xC6, 0x47, 0xDD, 0x47,
+ 0xDE, 0x44, 0x0E, 0x08, 0x42, 0x0B, 0x0E, 0x40,
+// 0x00000000: subq rsp, 56
+// 0x00000004: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 64
+// 0x00000004: movq [rsp + 40], rbx
+// 0x00000009: .cfi_offset: r3 at cfa-24
+// 0x00000009: movq [rsp + 48], rbp
+// 0x0000000e: .cfi_offset: r6 at cfa-16
+// 0x0000000e: movsd [rsp + 24], xmm12
+// 0x00000015: .cfi_offset: r29 at cfa-40
+// 0x00000015: movsd [rsp + 32], xmm13
+// 0x0000001c: .cfi_offset: r30 at cfa-32
+// 0x0000001c: movq rax, rdi
+// 0x0000001f: mov [rsp], edi
+// 0x00000022: .cfi_remember_state
+// 0x00000022: movq rbx, [rsp + 40]
+// 0x00000027: .cfi_restore: r3
+// 0x00000027: movq rbp, [rsp + 48]
+// 0x0000002c: .cfi_restore: r6
+// 0x0000002c: movsd xmm12, [rsp + 24]
+// 0x00000033: .cfi_restore: r29
+// 0x00000033: movsd xmm13, [rsp + 32]
+// 0x0000003a: .cfi_restore: r30
+// 0x0000003a: addq rsp, 56
+// 0x0000003e: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 8
+// 0x0000003e: ret
+// 0x0000003f: addb al, al
+// 0x00000040: .cfi_restore_state
+// 0x00000040: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 64
+static constexpr uint8_t expected_asm_kMips[] = {
+ 0xF4, 0xFF, 0xBD, 0x27, 0x08, 0x00, 0xB2, 0xAF, 0x04, 0x00, 0xB3, 0xAF,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0xBF, 0xAF, 0xCC, 0xFF, 0xBD, 0x27, 0x25, 0x10, 0x80, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0xA4, 0xAF, 0x3C, 0x00, 0xB2, 0x8F, 0x38, 0x00, 0xB3, 0x8F,
+ 0x34, 0x00, 0xBF, 0x8F, 0x40, 0x00, 0xBD, 0x27, 0x09, 0x00, 0xE0, 0x03,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+static constexpr uint8_t expected_cfi_kMips[] = {
+ 0x44, 0x0E, 0x0C, 0x44, 0x92, 0x01, 0x44, 0x93, 0x02, 0x44, 0x9F, 0x03,
+ 0x44, 0x0E, 0x40, 0x48, 0x0A, 0x44, 0xD2, 0x44, 0xD3, 0x44, 0xDF, 0x44,
+ 0x0E, 0x00, 0x48, 0x0B, 0x0E, 0x40,
+// 0x00000000: addiu r29, r29, -12
+// 0x00000004: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 12
+// 0x00000004: sw r18, +8(r29)
+// 0x00000008: .cfi_offset: r18 at cfa-4
+// 0x00000008: sw r19, +4(r29)
+// 0x0000000c: .cfi_offset: r19 at cfa-8
+// 0x0000000c: sw r31, +0(r29)
+// 0x00000010: .cfi_offset: r31 at cfa-12
+// 0x00000010: addiu r29, r29, -52
+// 0x00000014: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 64
+// 0x00000014: or r2, r4, r0
+// 0x00000018: sw r4, +0(r29)
+// 0x0000001c: .cfi_remember_state
+// 0x0000001c: lw r18, +60(r29)
+// 0x00000020: .cfi_restore: r18
+// 0x00000020: lw r19, +56(r29)
+// 0x00000024: .cfi_restore: r19
+// 0x00000024: lw r31, +52(r29)
+// 0x00000028: .cfi_restore: r31
+// 0x00000028: addiu r29, r29, 64
+// 0x0000002c: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 0
+// 0x0000002c: jalr r0, r31
+// 0x00000030: nop
+// 0x00000034: .cfi_restore_state
+// 0x00000034: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 64
+static constexpr uint8_t expected_asm_kMips64[] = {
+ 0xE8, 0xFF, 0xBD, 0x67, 0x10, 0x00, 0xB2, 0xFF, 0x08, 0x00, 0xB3, 0xFF,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0xBF, 0xFF, 0xD8, 0xFF, 0xBD, 0x67, 0x25, 0x10, 0x80, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0xA4, 0xAF, 0x38, 0x00, 0xB2, 0xDF, 0x30, 0x00, 0xB3, 0xDF,
+ 0x28, 0x00, 0xBF, 0xDF, 0x40, 0x00, 0xBD, 0x67, 0x09, 0x00, 0xE0, 0x03,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+static constexpr uint8_t expected_cfi_kMips64[] = {
+ 0x44, 0x0E, 0x18, 0x44, 0x92, 0x02, 0x44, 0x93, 0x04, 0x44, 0x9F, 0x06,
+ 0x44, 0x0E, 0x40, 0x48, 0x0A, 0x44, 0xD2, 0x44, 0xD3, 0x44, 0xDF, 0x44,
+ 0x0E, 0x00, 0x48, 0x0B, 0x0E, 0x40,
+// 0x00000000: daddiu r29, r29, -24
+// 0x00000004: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 24
+// 0x00000004: sd r18, +16(r29)
+// 0x00000008: .cfi_offset: r18 at cfa-8
+// 0x00000008: sd r19, +8(r29)
+// 0x0000000c: .cfi_offset: r19 at cfa-16
+// 0x0000000c: sd r31, +0(r29)
+// 0x00000010: .cfi_offset: r31 at cfa-24
+// 0x00000010: daddiu r29, r29, -40
+// 0x00000014: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 64
+// 0x00000014: or r2, r4, r0
+// 0x00000018: sw r4, +0(r29)
+// 0x0000001c: .cfi_remember_state
+// 0x0000001c: ld r18, +56(r29)
+// 0x00000020: .cfi_restore: r18
+// 0x00000020: ld r19, +48(r29)
+// 0x00000024: .cfi_restore: r19
+// 0x00000024: ld r31, +40(r29)
+// 0x00000028: .cfi_restore: r31
+// 0x00000028: daddiu r29, r29, 64
+// 0x0000002c: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 0
+// 0x0000002c: jr r31
+// 0x00000030: nop
+// 0x00000034: .cfi_restore_state
+// 0x00000034: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 64
diff --git a/compiler/dex/quick/ b/compiler/dex/quick/
index 01652d6..fc3e687 100644
--- a/compiler/dex/quick/
+++ b/compiler/dex/quick/
@@ -793,21 +793,7 @@
-bool QuickCompiler::WriteElf(art::File* file,
- OatWriter* oat_writer,
- const std::vector<const art::DexFile*>& dex_files,
- const std::string& android_root,
- bool is_host) const {
- if (kProduce64BitELFFiles && Is64BitInstructionSet(GetCompilerDriver()->GetInstructionSet())) {
- return art::ElfWriterQuick64::Create(file, oat_writer, dex_files, android_root, is_host,
- *GetCompilerDriver());
- } else {
- return art::ElfWriterQuick32::Create(file, oat_writer, dex_files, android_root, is_host,
- *GetCompilerDriver());
- }
-Mir2Lir* QuickCompiler::GetCodeGenerator(CompilationUnit* cu, void* compilation_unit) const {
+Mir2Lir* QuickCompiler::GetCodeGenerator(CompilationUnit* cu, void* compilation_unit) {
Mir2Lir* mir_to_lir = nullptr;
switch (cu->instruction_set) {
diff --git a/compiler/dex/quick/quick_compiler.h b/compiler/dex/quick/quick_compiler.h
index 5153a9e..8d2c324 100644
--- a/compiler/dex/quick/quick_compiler.h
+++ b/compiler/dex/quick/quick_compiler.h
@@ -52,15 +52,7 @@
uintptr_t GetEntryPointOf(mirror::ArtMethod* method) const OVERRIDE
- bool WriteElf(art::File* file,
- OatWriter* oat_writer,
- const std::vector<const art::DexFile*>& dex_files,
- const std::string& android_root,
- bool is_host) const
- SHARED_LOCKS_REQUIRED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
- Mir2Lir* GetCodeGenerator(CompilationUnit* cu, void* compilation_unit) const;
+ static Mir2Lir* GetCodeGenerator(CompilationUnit* cu, void* compilation_unit);
void InitCompilationUnit(CompilationUnit& cu) const OVERRIDE;
diff --git a/compiler/dex/quick/x86/ b/compiler/dex/quick/x86/
index 118ab1d..af19f5e 100644
--- a/compiler/dex/quick/x86/
+++ b/compiler/dex/quick/x86/
@@ -544,7 +544,6 @@
{ kX86CallI, kCall, IS_UNARY_OP | IS_BRANCH, { 0, 0, 0xE8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, false }, "CallI", "!0d" },
{ kX86Ret, kNullary, NO_OPERAND | IS_BRANCH, { 0, 0, 0xC3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false }, "Ret", "" },
- { kX86StartOfMethod, kMacro, IS_UNARY_OP | REG_DEF0 | SETS_CCODES, { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false }, "StartOfMethod", "!0r" },
{ kX86PcRelLoadRA, kPcRel, IS_LOAD | IS_QUIN_OP | REG_DEF0_USE12, { 0, 0, 0x8B, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false }, "PcRelLoadRA", "!0r,[!1r+!2r<<!3d+!4p]" },
{ kX86PcRelAdr, kPcRel, IS_LOAD | IS_BINARY_OP | REG_DEF0, { 0, 0, 0xB8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, false }, "PcRelAdr", "!0r,!1p" },
{ kX86RepneScasw, kNullary, NO_OPERAND | REG_USEA | REG_USEC | SETS_CCODES, { 0x66, 0xF2, 0xAF, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false }, "RepNE ScasW", "" },
@@ -865,13 +864,6 @@
DCHECK_EQ(entry->opcode, kX86PcRelAdr);
return 5; // opcode with reg + 4 byte immediate
- case kMacro: // lir operands - 0: reg
- DCHECK_EQ(lir->opcode, static_cast<int>(kX86StartOfMethod));
- return 5 /* call opcode + 4 byte displacement */ + 1 /* pop reg */ +
- ComputeSize(&X86Mir2Lir::EncodingMap[cu_->target64 ? kX86Sub64RI : kX86Sub32RI],
- lir->operands[0], NO_REG, NO_REG, 0) -
- // Shorter ax encoding.
- (RegStorage::RegNum(lir->operands[0]) == rs_rAX.GetRegNum() ? 1 : 0);
case kUnimplemented:
@@ -1586,8 +1578,8 @@
int32_t raw_index, int scale, int32_t table_or_disp) {
int disp;
if (entry->opcode == kX86PcRelLoadRA) {
- const EmbeddedData* tab_rec = UnwrapPointer<EmbeddedData>(table_or_disp);
- disp = tab_rec->offset;
+ const SwitchTable* tab_rec = UnwrapPointer<SwitchTable>(table_or_disp);
+ disp = tab_rec->offset - tab_rec->anchor->offset;
} else {
DCHECK(entry->opcode == kX86PcRelAdr);
const EmbeddedData* tab_rec = UnwrapPointer<EmbeddedData>(raw_base_or_table);
@@ -1621,23 +1613,6 @@
DCHECK_EQ(0, entry->skeleton.ax_opcode);
-void X86Mir2Lir::EmitMacro(const X86EncodingMap* entry, int32_t raw_reg, int32_t offset) {
- DCHECK_EQ(entry->opcode, kX86StartOfMethod) << entry->name;
- DCHECK_EQ(false, entry->skeleton.r8_form);
- EmitPrefix(entry, raw_reg, NO_REG, NO_REG);
- code_buffer_.push_back(0xE8); // call +0
- code_buffer_.push_back(0);
- code_buffer_.push_back(0);
- code_buffer_.push_back(0);
- code_buffer_.push_back(0);
- uint8_t low_reg = LowRegisterBits(raw_reg);
- code_buffer_.push_back(0x58 + low_reg); // pop reg
- EmitRegImm(&X86Mir2Lir::EncodingMap[cu_->target64 ? kX86Sub64RI : kX86Sub32RI],
- raw_reg, offset + 5 /* size of call +0 */);
void X86Mir2Lir::EmitUnimplemented(const X86EncodingMap* entry, LIR* lir) {
UNIMPLEMENTED(WARNING) << "encoding kind for " << entry->name << " "
<< BuildInsnString(entry->fmt, lir, 0);
@@ -1780,7 +1755,8 @@
// Offset is relative to next instruction.
lir->operands[2] = target - (lir->offset + lir->flags.size);
} else {
- lir->operands[2] = target;
+ const LIR* anchor = UnwrapPointer<LIR>(lir->operands[4]);
+ lir->operands[2] = target - anchor->offset;
int newSize = GetInsnSize(lir);
if (newSize != lir->flags.size) {
lir->flags.size = newSize;
@@ -1951,9 +1927,6 @@
EmitPcRel(entry, lir->operands[0], lir->operands[1], lir->operands[2],
lir->operands[3], lir->operands[4]);
- case kMacro: // lir operands - 0: reg
- EmitMacro(entry, lir->operands[0], lir->offset);
- break;
case kNop: // TODO: these instruction kinds are missing implementations.
case kThreadReg:
case kRegArrayImm:
@@ -2044,9 +2017,13 @@
// We will remove the method address if we never ended up using it
- if (store_method_addr_ && !store_method_addr_used_) {
- setup_method_address_[0]->flags.is_nop = true;
- setup_method_address_[1]->flags.is_nop = true;
+ if (pc_rel_base_reg_.Valid() && !pc_rel_base_reg_used_) {
+ if (kIsDebugBuild) {
+ LOG(WARNING) << "PC-relative addressing base promoted but unused in "
+ << PrettyMethod(cu_->method_idx, *cu_->dex_file);
+ }
+ setup_pc_rel_base_reg_->flags.is_nop = true;
+ NEXT_LIR(setup_pc_rel_base_reg_)->flags.is_nop = true;
diff --git a/compiler/dex/quick/x86/ b/compiler/dex/quick/x86/
index 18fae17..d7a5eb0 100644
--- a/compiler/dex/quick/x86/
+++ b/compiler/dex/quick/x86/
@@ -97,29 +97,23 @@
// Add the offset from the table to the table base.
OpRegReg(kOpAdd, addr_for_jump, table_base);
+ tab_rec->anchor = nullptr; // Unused for x86-64.
} else {
- // Materialize a pointer to the switch table.
- RegStorage start_of_method_reg;
- if (base_of_code_ != nullptr) {
- // We can use the saved value.
- RegLocation rl_method = mir_graph_->GetRegLocation(base_of_code_->s_reg_low);
- rl_method = LoadValue(rl_method, kCoreReg);
- start_of_method_reg = rl_method.reg;
- store_method_addr_used_ = true;
- } else {
- start_of_method_reg = AllocTempRef();
- NewLIR1(kX86StartOfMethod, start_of_method_reg.GetReg());
- }
+ // Get the PC to a register and get the anchor.
+ LIR* anchor;
+ RegStorage r_pc = GetPcAndAnchor(&anchor);
// Load the displacement from the switch table.
addr_for_jump = AllocTemp();
- NewLIR5(kX86PcRelLoadRA, addr_for_jump.GetReg(), start_of_method_reg.GetReg(), keyReg.GetReg(),
+ NewLIR5(kX86PcRelLoadRA, addr_for_jump.GetReg(), r_pc.GetReg(), keyReg.GetReg(),
2, WrapPointer(tab_rec));
- // Add displacement to start of method.
- OpRegReg(kOpAdd, addr_for_jump, start_of_method_reg);
+ // Add displacement and r_pc to get the address.
+ OpRegReg(kOpAdd, addr_for_jump, r_pc);
+ tab_rec->anchor = anchor;
// ..and go!
- tab_rec->anchor = NewLIR1(kX86JmpR, addr_for_jump.GetReg());
+ NewLIR1(kX86JmpR, addr_for_jump.GetReg());
/* branch_over target here */
LIR* target = NewLIR0(kPseudoTargetLabel);
@@ -150,6 +144,10 @@
+static dwarf::Reg DwarfCoreReg(bool is_x86_64, int num) {
+ return is_x86_64 ? dwarf::Reg::X86_64Core(num) : dwarf::Reg::X86Core(num);
void X86Mir2Lir::GenEntrySequence(RegLocation* ArgLocs, RegLocation rl_method) {
* On entry, rX86_ARG0, rX86_ARG1, rX86_ARG2 are live. Let the register
@@ -184,7 +182,9 @@
/* Build frame, return address already on stack */
+ cfi_.SetCurrentCFAOffset(GetInstructionSetPointerSize(cu_->instruction_set));
OpRegImm(kOpSub, rs_rSP, frame_size_ - GetInstructionSetPointerSize(cu_->instruction_set));
+ cfi_.DefCFAOffset(frame_size_);
/* Spill core callee saves */
@@ -201,10 +201,12 @@
const RegStorage local_rs_rSP = cu_->target64 ? rs_rX86_SP_64 : rs_rX86_SP_32;
m2l_->OpRegImm(kOpAdd, local_rs_rSP, sp_displace_);
+ m2l_->cfi().AdjustCFAOffset(-sp_displace_);
// Assumes codegen and target are in thumb2 mode.
m2l_->CallHelper(RegStorage::InvalidReg(), kQuickThrowStackOverflow,
false /* MarkSafepointPC */, false /* UseLink */);
+ m2l_->cfi().AdjustCFAOffset(sp_displace_);
@@ -235,14 +237,12 @@
FlushIns(ArgLocs, rl_method);
- if (base_of_code_ != nullptr) {
- RegStorage method_start = TargetPtrReg(kArg0);
- // We have been asked to save the address of the method start for later use.
- setup_method_address_[0] = NewLIR1(kX86StartOfMethod, method_start.GetReg());
- int displacement = SRegOffset(base_of_code_->s_reg_low);
- // Native pointer - must be natural word size.
- setup_method_address_[1] = StoreBaseDisp(rs_rSP, displacement, method_start,
- cu_->target64 ? k64 : k32, kNotVolatile);
+ // We can promote the PC of an anchor for PC-relative addressing to a register
+ // if it's used at least twice. Without investigating where we should lazily
+ // load the reference, we conveniently load it after flushing inputs.
+ if (pc_rel_base_reg_.Valid()) {
+ DCHECK(!cu_->target64);
+ setup_pc_rel_base_reg_ = OpLoadPc(pc_rel_base_reg_);
@@ -251,6 +251,7 @@
void X86Mir2Lir::GenExitSequence() {
+ cfi_.RememberState();
* In the exit path, rX86_RET0/rX86_RET1 are live - make sure they aren't
* allocated by the register utilities as temps.
@@ -264,7 +265,12 @@
const RegStorage rs_rSP = cu_->target64 ? rs_rX86_SP_64 : rs_rX86_SP_32;
int adjust = frame_size_ - GetInstructionSetPointerSize(cu_->instruction_set);
OpRegImm(kOpAdd, rs_rSP, adjust);
+ cfi_.AdjustCFAOffset(-adjust);
+ // There is only the return PC on the stack now.
+ // The CFI should be restored for any code that follows the exit block.
+ cfi_.RestoreState();
+ cfi_.DefCFAOffset(frame_size_);
void X86Mir2Lir::GenSpecialExitSequence() {
@@ -275,6 +281,8 @@
// Keep 16-byte stack alignment, there's already the return address, so
// - for 32-bit push EAX, i.e. ArtMethod*, ESI, EDI,
// - for 64-bit push RAX, i.e. ArtMethod*.
+ const int kRegSize = cu_->target64 ? 8 : 4;
+ cfi_.SetCurrentCFAOffset(kRegSize); // Return address.
if (!cu_->target64) {
@@ -292,17 +300,29 @@
if (!cu_->target64) {
NewLIR1(kX86Push32R, rs_rDI.GetReg());
+ cfi_.AdjustCFAOffset(kRegSize);
+ cfi_.RelOffset(DwarfCoreReg(cu_->target64, rs_rDI.GetRegNum()), 0);
NewLIR1(kX86Push32R, rs_rSI.GetReg());
+ cfi_.AdjustCFAOffset(kRegSize);
+ cfi_.RelOffset(DwarfCoreReg(cu_->target64, rs_rSI.GetRegNum()), 0);
NewLIR1(kX86Push32R, TargetReg(kArg0, kRef).GetReg()); // ArtMethod*
+ cfi_.AdjustCFAOffset(kRegSize);
+ // Do not generate CFI for scratch register.
void X86Mir2Lir::GenSpecialExitForSuspend() {
+ const int kRegSize = cu_->target64 ? 8 : 4;
// Pop the frame. (ArtMethod* no longer needed but restore it anyway.)
NewLIR1(kX86Pop32R, TargetReg(kArg0, kRef).GetReg()); // ArtMethod*
+ cfi_.AdjustCFAOffset(-kRegSize);
if (!cu_->target64) {
NewLIR1(kX86Pop32R, rs_rSI.GetReg());
+ cfi_.AdjustCFAOffset(-kRegSize);
+ cfi_.Restore(DwarfCoreReg(cu_->target64, rs_rSI.GetRegNum()));
NewLIR1(kX86Pop32R, rs_rDI.GetReg());
+ cfi_.AdjustCFAOffset(-kRegSize);
+ cfi_.Restore(DwarfCoreReg(cu_->target64, rs_rDI.GetRegNum()));
diff --git a/compiler/dex/quick/x86/codegen_x86.h b/compiler/dex/quick/x86/codegen_x86.h
index a98a99e..72580a3 100644
--- a/compiler/dex/quick/x86/codegen_x86.h
+++ b/compiler/dex/quick/x86/codegen_x86.h
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
namespace art {
-class X86Mir2Lir : public Mir2Lir {
+class X86Mir2Lir FINAL : public Mir2Lir {
class InToRegStorageX86_64Mapper : public InToRegStorageMapper {
@@ -375,6 +375,10 @@
LIR* GenCallInsn(const MirMethodLoweringInfo& method_info) OVERRIDE;
+ void AnalyzeMIR(RefCounts* core_counts, MIR* mir, uint32_t weight) OVERRIDE;
+ void CountRefs(RefCounts* core_counts, RefCounts* fp_counts, size_t num_regs) OVERRIDE;
+ void DoPromotion() OVERRIDE;
* @brief Handle x86 specific literals
@@ -488,7 +492,6 @@
void EmitCallThread(const X86EncodingMap* entry, int32_t disp);
void EmitPcRel(const X86EncodingMap* entry, int32_t raw_reg, int32_t raw_base_or_table,
int32_t raw_index, int scale, int32_t table_or_disp);
- void EmitMacro(const X86EncodingMap* entry, int32_t raw_reg, int32_t offset);
void EmitUnimplemented(const X86EncodingMap* entry, LIR* lir);
void GenFusedLongCmpImmBranch(BasicBlock* bb, RegLocation rl_src1,
int64_t val, ConditionCode ccode);
@@ -859,12 +862,6 @@
void SpillFPRegs();
- * @brief Perform MIR analysis before compiling method.
- * @note Invokes Mir2LiR::Materialize after analysis.
- */
- void Materialize();
- /*
* Mir2Lir's UpdateLoc() looks to see if the Dalvik value is currently live in any temp register
* without regard to data type. In practice, this can result in UpdateLoc returning a
* location record for a Dalvik float value in a core register, and vis-versa. For targets
@@ -878,67 +875,39 @@
RegLocation UpdateLocWideTyped(RegLocation loc);
- * @brief Analyze MIR before generating code, to prepare for the code generation.
- */
- void AnalyzeMIR();
- /*
- * @brief Analyze one basic block.
- * @param bb Basic block to analyze.
- */
- void AnalyzeBB(BasicBlock* bb);
- /*
- * @brief Analyze one extended MIR instruction
- * @param opcode MIR instruction opcode.
- * @param bb Basic block containing instruction.
- * @param mir Extended instruction to analyze.
- */
- void AnalyzeExtendedMIR(int opcode, BasicBlock* bb, MIR* mir);
- /*
- * @brief Analyze one MIR instruction
- * @param opcode MIR instruction opcode.
- * @param bb Basic block containing instruction.
- * @param mir Instruction to analyze.
- */
- virtual void AnalyzeMIR(int opcode, BasicBlock* bb, MIR* mir);
- /*
* @brief Analyze one MIR float/double instruction
* @param opcode MIR instruction opcode.
- * @param bb Basic block containing instruction.
* @param mir Instruction to analyze.
+ * @return true iff the instruction needs to load a literal using PC-relative addressing.
- virtual void AnalyzeFPInstruction(int opcode, BasicBlock* bb, MIR* mir);
+ bool AnalyzeFPInstruction(int opcode, MIR* mir);
* @brief Analyze one use of a double operand.
* @param rl_use Double RegLocation for the operand.
+ * @return true iff the instruction needs to load a literal using PC-relative addressing.
- void AnalyzeDoubleUse(RegLocation rl_use);
+ bool AnalyzeDoubleUse(RegLocation rl_use);
* @brief Analyze one invoke-static MIR instruction
- * @param opcode MIR instruction opcode.
- * @param bb Basic block containing instruction.
* @param mir Instruction to analyze.
+ * @return true iff the instruction needs to load a literal using PC-relative addressing.
- void AnalyzeInvokeStatic(int opcode, BasicBlock* bb, MIR* mir);
+ bool AnalyzeInvokeStaticIntrinsic(MIR* mir);
// Information derived from analysis of MIR
- // The compiler temporary for the code address of the method.
- CompilerTemp *base_of_code_;
+ // The base register for PC-relative addressing if promoted (32-bit only).
+ RegStorage pc_rel_base_reg_;
- // Have we decided to compute a ptr to code and store in temporary VR?
- bool store_method_addr_;
+ // Have we actually used the pc_rel_base_reg_?
+ bool pc_rel_base_reg_used_;
- // Have we used the stored method address?
- bool store_method_addr_used_;
- // Instructions to remove if we didn't use the stored method address.
- LIR* setup_method_address_[2];
+ // Pointer to the "call +0" insn that sets up the promoted register for PC-relative addressing.
+ // The anchor "pop" insn is NEXT_LIR(setup_pc_rel_base_reg_). The whole "call +0; pop <reg>"
+ // sequence will be removed in AssembleLIR() if we do not actually use PC-relative addressing.
+ LIR* setup_pc_rel_base_reg_; // There are 2 chained insns (no reordering allowed).
// Instructions needing patching with Method* values.
ArenaVector<LIR*> method_address_insns_;
@@ -992,6 +961,14 @@
uintptr_t direct_code, uintptr_t direct_method,
InvokeType type);
+ LIR* OpLoadPc(RegStorage r_dest);
+ RegStorage GetPcAndAnchor(LIR** anchor, RegStorage r_tmp = RegStorage::InvalidReg());
+ // When we don't know the proper offset for the value, pick one that will force
+ // 4 byte offset. We will fix this up in the assembler or linker later to have
+ // the right value.
+ static constexpr int kDummy32BitOffset = 256;
static const X86EncodingMap EncodingMap[kX86Last];
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const X86OpCode& rhs);
diff --git a/compiler/dex/quick/x86/ b/compiler/dex/quick/x86/
index d8616a7..cfe0480 100755
--- a/compiler/dex/quick/x86/
+++ b/compiler/dex/quick/x86/
@@ -756,24 +756,6 @@
branch_nan->target = NewLIR0(kPseudoTargetLabel);
LoadConstantWide(rl_result.reg, INT64_C(0x7ff8000000000000));
- // The base_of_code_ compiler temp is non-null when it is reserved
- // for being able to do data accesses relative to method start.
- if (base_of_code_ != nullptr) {
- // Loading from the constant pool may have used base of code register.
- // However, the code here generates logic in diamond shape and not all
- // paths load base of code register. Therefore, we ensure it is clobbered so
- // that the temp caching system does not believe it is live at merge point.
- RegLocation rl_method = mir_graph_->GetRegLocation(base_of_code_->s_reg_low);
- if (rl_method.wide) {
- rl_method = UpdateLocWide(rl_method);
- } else {
- rl_method = UpdateLoc(rl_method);
- }
- if (rl_method.location == kLocPhysReg) {
- Clobber(rl_method.reg);
- }
- }
LIR* branch_exit_nan = NewLIR1(kX86Jmp8, 0);
// Handle Min/Max. Copy greater/lesser value from src2.
branch_cond1->target = NewLIR0(kPseudoTargetLabel);
diff --git a/compiler/dex/quick/x86/ b/compiler/dex/quick/x86/
index 5def5c8..1043815 100755
--- a/compiler/dex/quick/x86/
+++ b/compiler/dex/quick/x86/
@@ -830,6 +830,10 @@
return rl_result;
+static dwarf::Reg DwarfCoreReg(bool is_x86_64, int num) {
+ return is_x86_64 ? dwarf::Reg::X86_64Core(num) : dwarf::Reg::X86Core(num);
bool X86Mir2Lir::GenInlinedMinMax(CallInfo* info, bool is_min, bool is_long) {
DCHECK(cu_->instruction_set == kX86 || cu_->instruction_set == kX86_64);
@@ -928,6 +932,7 @@
// Do we have a free register for intermediate calculations?
RegStorage tmp = AllocTemp(false);
+ const int kRegSize = cu_->target64 ? 8 : 4;
if (tmp == RegStorage::InvalidReg()) {
* No, will use 'edi'.
@@ -946,6 +951,11 @@
tmp = rs_rDI;
NewLIR1(kX86Push32R, tmp.GetReg());
+ cfi_.AdjustCFAOffset(kRegSize);
+ // Record cfi only if it is not already spilled.
+ if (!CoreSpillMaskContains(tmp.GetReg())) {
+ cfi_.RelOffset(DwarfCoreReg(cu_->target64, tmp.GetReg()), 0);
+ }
// Now we are ready to do calculations.
@@ -957,6 +967,10 @@
// Let's put pop 'edi' here to break a bit the dependency chain.
if (tmp == rs_rDI) {
NewLIR1(kX86Pop32R, tmp.GetReg());
+ cfi_.AdjustCFAOffset(-kRegSize);
+ if (!CoreSpillMaskContains(tmp.GetReg())) {
+ cfi_.Restore(DwarfCoreReg(cu_->target64, tmp.GetReg()));
+ }
} else {
@@ -1104,6 +1118,7 @@
// If is_long, high half is in info->args[5]
RegLocation rl_src_new_value = info->args[is_long ? 6 : 5]; // int, long or Object
// If is_long, high half is in info->args[7]
+ const int kRegSize = cu_->target64 ? 8 : 4;
if (is_long && cu_->target64) {
// RAX must hold expected for CMPXCHG. Neither rl_new_value, nor r_ptr may be in RAX.
@@ -1125,7 +1140,6 @@
} else if (is_long) {
// TODO: avoid unnecessary loads of SI and DI when the values are in registers.
- // TODO: CFI support.
RegStorage r_tmp1 = RegStorage::MakeRegPair(rs_rAX, rs_rDX);
@@ -1148,11 +1162,21 @@
NewLIR1(kX86Push32R, rs_rDI.GetReg());
+ cfi_.AdjustCFAOffset(kRegSize);
+ // Record cfi only if it is not already spilled.
+ if (!CoreSpillMaskContains(rs_rDI.GetReg())) {
+ cfi_.RelOffset(DwarfCoreReg(cu_->target64, rs_rDI.GetReg()), 0);
+ }
if (push_si) {
NewLIR1(kX86Push32R, rs_rSI.GetReg());
+ cfi_.AdjustCFAOffset(kRegSize);
+ // Record cfi only if it is not already spilled.
+ if (!CoreSpillMaskContains(rs_rSI.GetReg())) {
+ cfi_.RelOffset(DwarfCoreReg(cu_->target64, rs_rSI.GetReg()), 0);
+ }
ScopedMemRefType mem_ref_type(this, ResourceMask::kDalvikReg);
const size_t push_offset = (push_si ? 4u : 0u) + (push_di ? 4u : 0u);
@@ -1183,11 +1207,19 @@
NewLIR1(kX86Pop32R, rs_rSI.GetReg());
+ cfi_.AdjustCFAOffset(-kRegSize);
+ if (!CoreSpillMaskContains(rs_rSI.GetReg())) {
+ cfi_.Restore(DwarfCoreReg(cu_->target64, rs_rSI.GetRegNum()));
+ }
if (push_di) {
NewLIR1(kX86Pop32R, rs_rDI.GetReg());
+ cfi_.AdjustCFAOffset(-kRegSize);
+ if (!CoreSpillMaskContains(rs_rDI.GetReg())) {
+ cfi_.Restore(DwarfCoreReg(cu_->target64, rs_rDI.GetRegNum()));
+ }
} else {
@@ -1324,11 +1356,6 @@
return true;
-// When we don't know the proper offset for the value, pick one that will force
-// 4 byte offset. We will fix this up in the assembler or linker later to have
-// the right value.
-static constexpr int kDummy32BitOffset = 256;
void X86Mir2Lir::OpPcRelLoad(RegStorage reg, LIR* target) {
if (cu_->target64) {
// We can do this directly using RIP addressing.
@@ -1339,27 +1366,48 @@
- CHECK(base_of_code_ != nullptr);
- // Address the start of the method
- RegLocation rl_method = mir_graph_->GetRegLocation(base_of_code_->s_reg_low);
- if (rl_method.wide) {
- LoadValueDirectWideFixed(rl_method, reg);
- } else {
- LoadValueDirectFixed(rl_method, reg);
- }
- store_method_addr_used_ = true;
+ // Get the PC to a register and get the anchor.
+ LIR* anchor;
+ RegStorage r_pc = GetPcAndAnchor(&anchor);
// Load the proper value from the literal area.
ScopedMemRefType mem_ref_type(this, ResourceMask::kLiteral);
- LIR* res = NewLIR3(kX86Mov32RM, reg.GetReg(), reg.GetReg(), kDummy32BitOffset);
+ LIR* res = NewLIR3(kX86Mov32RM, reg.GetReg(), r_pc.GetReg(), kDummy32BitOffset);
+ res->operands[4] = WrapPointer(anchor);
res->target = target;
res->flags.fixup = kFixupLoad;
bool X86Mir2Lir::CanUseOpPcRelDexCacheArrayLoad() const {
- // TODO: Implement for 32-bit.
- return cu_->target64 && dex_cache_arrays_layout_.Valid();
+ return dex_cache_arrays_layout_.Valid();
+LIR* X86Mir2Lir::OpLoadPc(RegStorage r_dest) {
+ DCHECK(!cu_->target64);
+ LIR* call = NewLIR1(kX86CallI, 0);
+ call->flags.fixup = kFixupLabel;
+ LIR* pop = NewLIR1(kX86Pop32R, r_dest.GetReg());
+ pop->flags.fixup = kFixupLabel;
+ DCHECK(NEXT_LIR(call) == pop);
+ return call;
+RegStorage X86Mir2Lir::GetPcAndAnchor(LIR** anchor, RegStorage r_tmp) {
+ if (pc_rel_base_reg_.Valid()) {
+ DCHECK(setup_pc_rel_base_reg_ != nullptr);
+ *anchor = NEXT_LIR(setup_pc_rel_base_reg_);
+ DCHECK(*anchor != nullptr);
+ DCHECK_EQ((*anchor)->opcode, kX86Pop32R);
+ pc_rel_base_reg_used_ = true;
+ return pc_rel_base_reg_;
+ } else {
+ RegStorage r_pc = r_tmp.Valid() ? r_tmp : AllocTempRef();
+ LIR* load_pc = OpLoadPc(r_pc);
+ *anchor = NEXT_LIR(load_pc);
+ DCHECK(*anchor != nullptr);
+ DCHECK_EQ((*anchor)->opcode, kX86Pop32R);
+ return r_pc;
+ }
void X86Mir2Lir::OpPcRelDexCacheArrayLoad(const DexFile* dex_file, int offset,
@@ -1369,11 +1417,18 @@
mov->flags.fixup = kFixupLabel;
mov->operands[3] = WrapPointer(dex_file);
mov->operands[4] = offset;
+ mov->target = mov; // Used for pc_insn_offset (not used by x86-64 relative patcher).
} else {
- // TODO: Implement for 32-bit.
- LOG(FATAL) << "Unimplemented.";
+ // Get the PC to a register and get the anchor. Use r_dest for the temp if needed.
+ LIR* anchor;
+ RegStorage r_pc = GetPcAndAnchor(&anchor, r_dest);
+ LIR* mov = NewLIR3(kX86Mov32RM, r_dest.GetReg(), r_pc.GetReg(), kDummy32BitOffset);
+ mov->flags.fixup = kFixupLabel;
+ mov->operands[3] = WrapPointer(dex_file);
+ mov->operands[4] = offset;
+ mov->target = anchor; // Used for pc_insn_offset.
+ dex_cache_access_insns_.push_back(mov);
diff --git a/compiler/dex/quick/x86/ b/compiler/dex/quick/x86/
index 081f80f..a16e242 100755
--- a/compiler/dex/quick/x86/
+++ b/compiler/dex/quick/x86/
@@ -724,6 +724,14 @@
return long_or_fp ? num_vector_temps - 2 : num_vector_temps - 1;
+static dwarf::Reg DwarfCoreReg(bool is_x86_64, int num) {
+ return is_x86_64 ? dwarf::Reg::X86_64Core(num) : dwarf::Reg::X86Core(num);
+static dwarf::Reg DwarfFpReg(bool is_x86_64, int num) {
+ return is_x86_64 ? dwarf::Reg::X86_64Fp(num) : dwarf::Reg::X86Fp(num);
void X86Mir2Lir::SpillCoreRegs() {
if (num_core_spills_ == 0) {
@@ -734,11 +742,11 @@
frame_size_ - (GetInstructionSetPointerSize(cu_->instruction_set) * num_core_spills_);
OpSize size = cu_->target64 ? k64 : k32;
const RegStorage rs_rSP = cu_->target64 ? rs_rX86_SP_64 : rs_rX86_SP_32;
- for (int reg = 0; mask; mask >>= 1, reg++) {
- if (mask & 0x1) {
- StoreBaseDisp(rs_rSP, offset,
- cu_->target64 ? RegStorage::Solo64(reg) : RegStorage::Solo32(reg),
- size, kNotVolatile);
+ for (int reg = 0; mask != 0u; mask >>= 1, reg++) {
+ if ((mask & 0x1) != 0u) {
+ RegStorage r_src = cu_->target64 ? RegStorage::Solo64(reg) : RegStorage::Solo32(reg);
+ StoreBaseDisp(rs_rSP, offset, r_src, size, kNotVolatile);
+ cfi_.RelOffset(DwarfCoreReg(cu_->target64, reg), offset);
offset += GetInstructionSetPointerSize(cu_->instruction_set);
@@ -753,10 +761,11 @@
int offset = frame_size_ - (GetInstructionSetPointerSize(cu_->instruction_set) * num_core_spills_);
OpSize size = cu_->target64 ? k64 : k32;
const RegStorage rs_rSP = cu_->target64 ? rs_rX86_SP_64 : rs_rX86_SP_32;
- for (int reg = 0; mask; mask >>= 1, reg++) {
- if (mask & 0x1) {
- LoadBaseDisp(rs_rSP, offset, cu_->target64 ? RegStorage::Solo64(reg) : RegStorage::Solo32(reg),
- size, kNotVolatile);
+ for (int reg = 0; mask != 0u; mask >>= 1, reg++) {
+ if ((mask & 0x1) != 0u) {
+ RegStorage r_dest = cu_->target64 ? RegStorage::Solo64(reg) : RegStorage::Solo32(reg);
+ LoadBaseDisp(rs_rSP, offset, r_dest, size, kNotVolatile);
+ cfi_.Restore(DwarfCoreReg(cu_->target64, reg));
offset += GetInstructionSetPointerSize(cu_->instruction_set);
@@ -770,9 +779,10 @@
int offset = frame_size_ -
(GetInstructionSetPointerSize(cu_->instruction_set) * (num_fp_spills_ + num_core_spills_));
const RegStorage rs_rSP = cu_->target64 ? rs_rX86_SP_64 : rs_rX86_SP_32;
- for (int reg = 0; mask; mask >>= 1, reg++) {
- if (mask & 0x1) {
+ for (int reg = 0; mask != 0u; mask >>= 1, reg++) {
+ if ((mask & 0x1) != 0u) {
StoreBaseDisp(rs_rSP, offset, RegStorage::FloatSolo64(reg), k64, kNotVolatile);
+ cfi_.RelOffset(DwarfFpReg(cu_->target64, reg), offset);
offset += sizeof(double);
@@ -785,10 +795,11 @@
int offset = frame_size_ -
(GetInstructionSetPointerSize(cu_->instruction_set) * (num_fp_spills_ + num_core_spills_));
const RegStorage rs_rSP = cu_->target64 ? rs_rX86_SP_64 : rs_rX86_SP_32;
- for (int reg = 0; mask; mask >>= 1, reg++) {
- if (mask & 0x1) {
+ for (int reg = 0; mask != 0u; mask >>= 1, reg++) {
+ if ((mask & 0x1) != 0u) {
LoadBaseDisp(rs_rSP, offset, RegStorage::FloatSolo64(reg),
k64, kNotVolatile);
+ cfi_.Restore(DwarfFpReg(cu_->target64, reg));
offset += sizeof(double);
@@ -824,7 +835,9 @@
X86Mir2Lir::X86Mir2Lir(CompilationUnit* cu, MIRGraph* mir_graph, ArenaAllocator* arena)
: Mir2Lir(cu, mir_graph, arena),
in_to_reg_storage_x86_64_mapper_(this), in_to_reg_storage_x86_mapper_(this),
- base_of_code_(nullptr), store_method_addr_(false), store_method_addr_used_(false),
+ pc_rel_base_reg_(RegStorage::InvalidReg()),
+ pc_rel_base_reg_used_(false),
+ setup_pc_rel_base_reg_(nullptr),
@@ -833,12 +846,11 @@
- store_method_addr_used_ = false;
- for (int i = 0; i < kX86Last; i++) {
- DCHECK_EQ(X86Mir2Lir::EncodingMap[i].opcode, i)
- << "Encoding order for " << X86Mir2Lir::EncodingMap[i].name
- << " is wrong: expecting " << i << ", seeing "
- << static_cast<int>(X86Mir2Lir::EncodingMap[i].opcode);
+ for (int i = 0; i < kX86Last; i++) {
+ DCHECK_EQ(X86Mir2Lir::EncodingMap[i].opcode, i)
+ << "Encoding order for " << X86Mir2Lir::EncodingMap[i].name
+ << " is wrong: expecting " << i << ", seeing "
+ << static_cast<int>(X86Mir2Lir::EncodingMap[i].opcode);
@@ -923,14 +935,6 @@
<< ", orig: " << loc.orig_sreg;
-void X86Mir2Lir::Materialize() {
- // A good place to put the analysis before starting.
- AnalyzeMIR();
- // Now continue with regular code generation.
- Mir2Lir::Materialize();
void X86Mir2Lir::LoadMethodAddress(const MethodReference& target_method, InvokeType type,
SpecialTargetRegister symbolic_reg) {
@@ -1105,7 +1109,8 @@
// The offset to patch is the last 4 bytes of the instruction.
int patch_offset = p->offset + p->flags.size - 4;
- patches_.push_back(LinkerPatch::DexCacheArrayPatch(patch_offset, dex_file, p->offset, offset));
+ patches_.push_back(LinkerPatch::DexCacheArrayPatch(patch_offset, dex_file,
+ p->target->offset, offset));
// And do the normal processing.
@@ -1315,6 +1320,11 @@
if (!cu_->target64) {
// EDI is promotable in 32-bit mode.
NewLIR1(kX86Push32R, rs_rDI.GetReg());
+ cfi_.AdjustCFAOffset(4);
+ // Record cfi only if it is not already spilled.
+ if (!CoreSpillMaskContains(rs_rDI.GetReg())) {
+ cfi_.RelOffset(DwarfCoreReg(cu_->target64, rs_rDI.GetReg()), 0);
+ }
if (zero_based) {
@@ -1410,8 +1420,13 @@
// And join up at the end.
all_done->target = NewLIR0(kPseudoTargetLabel);
- if (!cu_->target64)
+ if (!cu_->target64) {
NewLIR1(kX86Pop32R, rs_rDI.GetReg());
+ cfi_.AdjustCFAOffset(-4);
+ if (!CoreSpillMaskContains(rs_rDI.GetReg())) {
+ cfi_.Restore(DwarfCoreReg(cu_->target64, rs_rDI.GetReg()));
+ }
+ }
// Out of line code returns here.
if (slowpath_branch != nullptr) {
@@ -1560,20 +1575,17 @@
LIR* load;
ScopedMemRefType mem_ref_type(this, ResourceMask::kLiteral);
if (cu_->target64) {
- load = NewLIR3(opcode, reg, kRIPReg, 256 /* bogus */);
+ load = NewLIR3(opcode, reg, kRIPReg, kDummy32BitOffset);
} else {
- // Address the start of the method.
- RegLocation rl_method = mir_graph_->GetRegLocation(base_of_code_->s_reg_low);
- if (rl_method.wide) {
- rl_method = LoadValueWide(rl_method, kCoreReg);
- } else {
- rl_method = LoadValue(rl_method, kCoreReg);
+ // Get the PC to a register and get the anchor.
+ LIR* anchor;
+ RegStorage r_pc = GetPcAndAnchor(&anchor);
+ load = NewLIR3(opcode, reg, r_pc.GetReg(), kDummy32BitOffset);
+ load->operands[4] = WrapPointer(anchor);
+ if (IsTemp(r_pc)) {
+ FreeTemp(r_pc);
- load = NewLIR3(opcode, reg, rl_method.reg.GetReg(), 256 /* bogus */);
- // The literal pool needs position independent logic.
- store_method_addr_used_ = true;
load->flags.fixup = kFixupLoad;
load->target = data_target;
diff --git a/compiler/dex/quick/x86/ b/compiler/dex/quick/x86/
index 893b98a..efcb9ee 100644
--- a/compiler/dex/quick/x86/
+++ b/compiler/dex/quick/x86/
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
#include "codegen_x86.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
+#include "dex/mir_graph.h"
#include "dex/quick/mir_to_lir-inl.h"
#include "dex/dataflow_iterator-inl.h"
#include "dex/quick/dex_file_method_inliner.h"
@@ -574,7 +575,7 @@
if (value == 0) {
return NewLIR2(kX86XorpdRR, low_reg_val, low_reg_val);
- } else if (base_of_code_ != nullptr || cu_->target64) {
+ } else if (pc_rel_base_reg_.Valid() || cu_->target64) {
// We will load the value from the literal area.
LIR* data_target = ScanLiteralPoolWide(literal_list_, val_lo, val_hi);
if (data_target == NULL) {
@@ -589,17 +590,16 @@
if (cu_->target64) {
res = NewLIR3(kX86MovsdRM, low_reg_val, kRIPReg, 256 /* bogus */);
} else {
- // Address the start of the method.
- RegLocation rl_method = mir_graph_->GetRegLocation(base_of_code_->s_reg_low);
- if (rl_method.wide) {
- rl_method = LoadValueWide(rl_method, kCoreReg);
- } else {
- rl_method = LoadValue(rl_method, kCoreReg);
- }
+ // Get the PC to a register and get the anchor.
+ LIR* anchor;
+ RegStorage r_pc = GetPcAndAnchor(&anchor);
- res = LoadBaseDisp(rl_method.reg, 256 /* bogus */, RegStorage::FloatSolo64(low_reg_val),
+ res = LoadBaseDisp(r_pc, kDummy32BitOffset, RegStorage::FloatSolo64(low_reg_val),
kDouble, kNotVolatile);
- store_method_addr_used_ = true;
+ res->operands[4] = WrapPointer(anchor);
+ if (IsTemp(r_pc)) {
+ FreeTemp(r_pc);
+ }
res->target = data_target;
res->flags.fixup = kFixupLoad;
@@ -954,82 +954,14 @@
return branch;
-void X86Mir2Lir::AnalyzeMIR() {
- // Assume we don't need a pointer to the base of the code.
- cu_->NewTimingSplit("X86 MIR Analysis");
- store_method_addr_ = false;
- // Walk the MIR looking for interesting items.
- PreOrderDfsIterator iter(mir_graph_);
- BasicBlock* curr_bb = iter.Next();
- while (curr_bb != NULL) {
- AnalyzeBB(curr_bb);
- curr_bb = iter.Next();
- }
- // Did we need a pointer to the method code? Not in 64 bit mode.
- base_of_code_ = nullptr;
- // store_method_addr_ must be false for x86_64, since RIP addressing is used.
- CHECK(!(cu_->target64 && store_method_addr_));
- if (store_method_addr_) {
- base_of_code_ = mir_graph_->GetNewCompilerTemp(kCompilerTempBackend, false);
- DCHECK(base_of_code_ != nullptr);
- }
-void X86Mir2Lir::AnalyzeBB(BasicBlock* bb) {
- if (bb->block_type == kDead) {
- // Ignore dead blocks
+void X86Mir2Lir::AnalyzeMIR(RefCounts* core_counts, MIR* mir, uint32_t weight) {
+ if (cu_->target64) {
+ Mir2Lir::AnalyzeMIR(core_counts, mir, weight);
- for (MIR* mir = bb->first_mir_insn; mir != NULL; mir = mir->next) {
- int opcode = mir->dalvikInsn.opcode;
- if (MIR::DecodedInstruction::IsPseudoMirOp(opcode)) {
- AnalyzeExtendedMIR(opcode, bb, mir);
- } else {
- AnalyzeMIR(opcode, bb, mir);
- }
- }
-void X86Mir2Lir::AnalyzeExtendedMIR(int opcode, BasicBlock* bb, MIR* mir) {
- switch (opcode) {
- // Instructions referencing doubles.
- case kMirOpFusedCmplDouble:
- case kMirOpFusedCmpgDouble:
- AnalyzeFPInstruction(opcode, bb, mir);
- break;
- case kMirOpConstVector:
- if (!cu_->target64) {
- store_method_addr_ = true;
- }
- break;
- case kMirOpPackedMultiply:
- case kMirOpPackedShiftLeft:
- case kMirOpPackedSignedShiftRight:
- case kMirOpPackedUnsignedShiftRight:
- if (!cu_->target64) {
- // Byte emulation requires constants from the literal pool.
- OpSize opsize = static_cast<OpSize>(mir->dalvikInsn.vC >> 16);
- if (opsize == kSignedByte || opsize == kUnsignedByte) {
- store_method_addr_ = true;
- }
- }
- break;
- default:
- // Ignore the rest.
- break;
- }
-void X86Mir2Lir::AnalyzeMIR(int opcode, BasicBlock* bb, MIR* mir) {
- // Looking for
- // - Do we need a pointer to the code (used for packed switches and double lits)?
- // 64 bit uses RIP addressing instead.
+ int opcode = mir->dalvikInsn.opcode;
+ bool uses_pc_rel_load = false;
switch (opcode) {
// Instructions referencing doubles.
case Instruction::CMPL_DOUBLE:
@@ -1045,34 +977,62 @@
case Instruction::MUL_DOUBLE_2ADDR:
case Instruction::DIV_DOUBLE_2ADDR:
case Instruction::REM_DOUBLE_2ADDR:
- AnalyzeFPInstruction(opcode, bb, mir);
+ case kMirOpFusedCmplDouble:
+ case kMirOpFusedCmpgDouble:
+ uses_pc_rel_load = AnalyzeFPInstruction(opcode, mir);
- // Packed switches and array fills need a pointer to the base of the method.
- case Instruction::FILL_ARRAY_DATA:
+ // Packed switch needs the PC-relative pointer if it's large.
case Instruction::PACKED_SWITCH:
- if (!cu_->target64) {
- store_method_addr_ = true;
+ if (mir_graph_->GetTable(mir, mir->dalvikInsn.vB)[1] > kSmallSwitchThreshold) {
+ uses_pc_rel_load = true;
+ case kMirOpConstVector:
+ uses_pc_rel_load = true;
+ break;
+ case kMirOpPackedMultiply:
+ case kMirOpPackedShiftLeft:
+ case kMirOpPackedSignedShiftRight:
+ case kMirOpPackedUnsignedShiftRight:
+ {
+ // Byte emulation requires constants from the literal pool.
+ OpSize opsize = static_cast<OpSize>(mir->dalvikInsn.vC >> 16);
+ if (opsize == kSignedByte || opsize == kUnsignedByte) {
+ uses_pc_rel_load = true;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
case Instruction::INVOKE_STATIC:
case Instruction::INVOKE_STATIC_RANGE:
- AnalyzeInvokeStatic(opcode, bb, mir);
- break;
+ if (mir_graph_->GetMethodLoweringInfo(mir).IsIntrinsic()) {
+ uses_pc_rel_load = AnalyzeInvokeStaticIntrinsic(mir);
+ break;
+ }
- // Other instructions are not interesting yet.
+ Mir2Lir::AnalyzeMIR(core_counts, mir, weight);
+ if (uses_pc_rel_load) {
+ DCHECK(pc_rel_temp_ != nullptr);
+ core_counts[SRegToPMap(pc_rel_temp_->s_reg_low)].count += weight;
+ }
-void X86Mir2Lir::AnalyzeFPInstruction(int opcode, BasicBlock* bb, MIR* mir) {
- UNUSED(bb);
+bool X86Mir2Lir::AnalyzeFPInstruction(int opcode, MIR* mir) {
+ DCHECK(!cu_->target64);
// Look at all the uses, and see if they are double constants.
uint64_t attrs = MIRGraph::GetDataFlowAttributes(static_cast<Instruction::Code>(opcode));
int next_sreg = 0;
if (attrs & DF_UA) {
if (attrs & DF_A_WIDE) {
- AnalyzeDoubleUse(mir_graph_->GetSrcWide(mir, next_sreg));
+ if (AnalyzeDoubleUse(mir_graph_->GetSrcWide(mir, next_sreg))) {
+ return true;
+ }
next_sreg += 2;
} else {
@@ -1080,7 +1040,9 @@
if (attrs & DF_UB) {
if (attrs & DF_B_WIDE) {
- AnalyzeDoubleUse(mir_graph_->GetSrcWide(mir, next_sreg));
+ if (AnalyzeDoubleUse(mir_graph_->GetSrcWide(mir, next_sreg))) {
+ return true;
+ }
next_sreg += 2;
} else {
@@ -1088,15 +1050,39 @@
if (attrs & DF_UC) {
if (attrs & DF_C_WIDE) {
- AnalyzeDoubleUse(mir_graph_->GetSrcWide(mir, next_sreg));
+ if (AnalyzeDoubleUse(mir_graph_->GetSrcWide(mir, next_sreg))) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
-void X86Mir2Lir::AnalyzeDoubleUse(RegLocation use) {
+inline bool X86Mir2Lir::AnalyzeDoubleUse(RegLocation use) {
// If this is a double literal, we will want it in the literal pool on 32b platforms.
- if (use.is_const && !cu_->target64) {
- store_method_addr_ = true;
+ DCHECK(!cu_->target64);
+ return use.is_const;
+bool X86Mir2Lir::AnalyzeInvokeStaticIntrinsic(MIR* mir) {
+ // 64 bit RIP addressing doesn't need this analysis.
+ DCHECK(!cu_->target64);
+ // Retrieve the type of the intrinsic.
+ MethodReference method_ref = mir_graph_->GetMethodLoweringInfo(mir).GetTargetMethod();
+ DCHECK(cu_->compiler_driver->GetMethodInlinerMap() != nullptr);
+ DexFileMethodInliner* method_inliner =
+ cu_->compiler_driver->GetMethodInlinerMap()->GetMethodInliner(method_ref.dex_file);
+ InlineMethod method;
+ bool is_intrinsic = method_inliner->IsIntrinsic(method_ref.dex_method_index, &method);
+ DCHECK(is_intrinsic);
+ switch (method.opcode) {
+ case kIntrinsicAbsDouble:
+ case kIntrinsicMinMaxDouble:
+ return true;
+ default:
+ return false;
@@ -1128,31 +1114,6 @@
return loc;
-void X86Mir2Lir::AnalyzeInvokeStatic(int opcode, BasicBlock* bb, MIR* mir) {
- UNUSED(opcode, bb);
- // 64 bit RIP addressing doesn't need store_method_addr_ set.
- if (cu_->target64) {
- return;
- }
- uint32_t index = mir->dalvikInsn.vB;
- DCHECK(cu_->compiler_driver->GetMethodInlinerMap() != nullptr);
- DexFileMethodInliner* method_inliner =
- cu_->compiler_driver->GetMethodInlinerMap()->GetMethodInliner(cu_->dex_file);
- InlineMethod method;
- if (method_inliner->IsIntrinsic(index, &method)) {
- switch (method.opcode) {
- case kIntrinsicAbsDouble:
- case kIntrinsicMinMaxDouble:
- store_method_addr_ = true;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
LIR* X86Mir2Lir::InvokeTrampoline(OpKind op, RegStorage r_tgt, QuickEntrypointEnum trampoline) {
UNUSED(r_tgt); // Call to absolute memory location doesn't need a temporary target register.
if (cu_->target64) {
@@ -1162,4 +1123,39 @@
+void X86Mir2Lir::CountRefs(RefCounts* core_counts, RefCounts* fp_counts, size_t num_regs) {
+ // Start with the default counts.
+ Mir2Lir::CountRefs(core_counts, fp_counts, num_regs);
+ if (pc_rel_temp_ != nullptr) {
+ // Now, if the dex cache array base temp is used only once outside any loops (weight = 1),
+ // avoid the promotion, otherwise boost the weight by factor 2 because the full PC-relative
+ // load sequence is 3 instructions long and by promoting the PC base we save 2 instructions
+ // per use.
+ int p_map_idx = SRegToPMap(pc_rel_temp_->s_reg_low);
+ if (core_counts[p_map_idx].count == 1) {
+ core_counts[p_map_idx].count = 0;
+ } else {
+ core_counts[p_map_idx].count *= 2;
+ }
+ }
+void X86Mir2Lir::DoPromotion() {
+ if (!cu_->target64) {
+ pc_rel_temp_ = mir_graph_->GetNewCompilerTemp(kCompilerTempBackend, false);
+ }
+ Mir2Lir::DoPromotion();
+ if (pc_rel_temp_ != nullptr) {
+ // Now, if the dex cache array base temp is promoted, remember the register but
+ // always remove the temp's stack location to avoid unnecessarily bloating the stack.
+ pc_rel_base_reg_ = mir_graph_->reg_location_[pc_rel_temp_->s_reg_low].reg;
+ DCHECK(!pc_rel_base_reg_.Valid() || !pc_rel_base_reg_.IsFloat());
+ mir_graph_->RemoveLastCompilerTemp(kCompilerTempBackend, false, pc_rel_temp_);
+ pc_rel_temp_ = nullptr;
+ }
} // namespace art
diff --git a/compiler/dex/quick/x86/x86_lir.h b/compiler/dex/quick/x86/x86_lir.h
index 7dea09a..57db015 100644
--- a/compiler/dex/quick/x86/x86_lir.h
+++ b/compiler/dex/quick/x86/x86_lir.h
@@ -635,8 +635,6 @@
kX86CallT, // call fs:[disp]; fs: is equal to Thread::Current(); lir operands - 0: disp
kX86CallI, // call <relative> - 0: disp; Used for core.oat linking only
kX86Ret, // ret; no lir operands
- kX86StartOfMethod, // call 0; pop reg; sub reg, # - generate start of method into reg
- // lir operands - 0: reg
kX86PcRelLoadRA, // mov reg, [base + index * scale + PC relative displacement]
// lir operands - 0: reg, 1: base, 2: index, 3: scale, 4: table
kX86PcRelAdr, // mov reg, PC relative displacement; lir operands - 0: reg, 1: table
@@ -670,7 +668,6 @@
kRegMemCond, // RM instruction kind followed by a condition.
kJmp, kJcc, kCall, // Branch instruction kinds.
kPcRel, // Operation with displacement that is PC relative
- kMacro, // An instruction composing multiple others
kUnimplemented // Encoding used when an instruction isn't yet implemented.
diff --git a/compiler/driver/ b/compiler/driver/
index c2b8375..f263f6d 100644
--- a/compiler/driver/
+++ b/compiler/driver/
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
#include "dex/verified_method.h"
#include "dex/quick/dex_file_method_inliner.h"
#include "driver/compiler_options.h"
+#include "elf_writer_quick.h"
#include "jni_internal.h"
#include "object_lock.h"
#include "profiler.h"
@@ -72,6 +73,9 @@
static constexpr bool kTimeCompileMethod = !kIsDebugBuild;
+// Whether to produce 64-bit ELF files for 64-bit targets. Leave this off for now.
+static constexpr bool kProduce64BitELFFiles = false;
static double Percentage(size_t x, size_t y) {
return 100.0 * (static_cast<double>(x)) / (static_cast<double>(x + y));
@@ -2368,7 +2372,11 @@
OatWriter* oat_writer,
art::File* file)
SHARED_LOCKS_REQUIRED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
- return compiler_->WriteElf(file, oat_writer, dex_files, android_root, is_host);
+ if (kProduce64BitELFFiles && Is64BitInstructionSet(GetInstructionSet())) {
+ return art::ElfWriterQuick64::Create(file, oat_writer, dex_files, android_root, is_host, *this);
+ } else {
+ return art::ElfWriterQuick32::Create(file, oat_writer, dex_files, android_root, is_host, *this);
+ }
bool CompilerDriver::SkipCompilation(const std::string& method_name) {
diff --git a/compiler/dwarf/debug_frame_opcode_writer.h b/compiler/dwarf/debug_frame_opcode_writer.h
index cc4ef8f..d0d1821 100644
--- a/compiler/dwarf/debug_frame_opcode_writer.h
+++ b/compiler/dwarf/debug_frame_opcode_writer.h
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
#include "dwarf.h"
#include "register.h"
#include "writer.h"
+#include "utils.h"
namespace art {
namespace dwarf {
@@ -41,45 +42,51 @@
static constexpr int kCodeAlignmentFactor = 1;
// Explicitely advance the program counter to given location.
- void AdvancePC(int absolute_pc) {
+ void ALWAYS_INLINE AdvancePC(int absolute_pc) {
DCHECK_GE(absolute_pc, current_pc_);
- int delta = FactorCodeOffset(absolute_pc - current_pc_);
- if (delta != 0) {
- if (delta <= 0x3F) {
- this->PushUint8(DW_CFA_advance_loc | delta);
- } else if (delta <= UINT8_MAX) {
- this->PushUint8(DW_CFA_advance_loc1);
- this->PushUint8(delta);
- } else if (delta <= UINT16_MAX) {
- this->PushUint8(DW_CFA_advance_loc2);
- this->PushUint16(delta);
- } else {
- this->PushUint8(DW_CFA_advance_loc4);
- this->PushUint32(delta);
+ if (UNLIKELY(enabled_)) {
+ int delta = FactorCodeOffset(absolute_pc - current_pc_);
+ if (delta != 0) {
+ if (delta <= 0x3F) {
+ this->PushUint8(DW_CFA_advance_loc | delta);
+ } else if (delta <= UINT8_MAX) {
+ this->PushUint8(DW_CFA_advance_loc1);
+ this->PushUint8(delta);
+ } else if (delta <= UINT16_MAX) {
+ this->PushUint8(DW_CFA_advance_loc2);
+ this->PushUint16(delta);
+ } else {
+ this->PushUint8(DW_CFA_advance_loc4);
+ this->PushUint32(delta);
+ }
+ current_pc_ = absolute_pc;
- current_pc_ = absolute_pc;
// Override this method to automatically advance the PC before each opcode.
virtual void ImplicitlyAdvancePC() { }
// Common alias in assemblers - spill relative to current stack pointer.
- void RelOffset(Reg reg, int offset) {
+ void ALWAYS_INLINE RelOffset(Reg reg, int offset) {
Offset(reg, offset - current_cfa_offset_);
// Common alias in assemblers - increase stack frame size.
- void AdjustCFAOffset(int delta) {
+ void ALWAYS_INLINE AdjustCFAOffset(int delta) {
DefCFAOffset(current_cfa_offset_ + delta);
// Custom alias - spill many registers based on bitmask.
- void RelOffsetForMany(Reg reg_base, int offset, uint32_t reg_mask,
- int reg_size) {
+ void ALWAYS_INLINE RelOffsetForMany(Reg reg_base, int offset,
+ uint32_t reg_mask, int reg_size) {
DCHECK(reg_size == 4 || reg_size == 8);
- for (int i = 0; reg_mask != 0u; reg_mask >>= 1, i++) {
- if ((reg_mask & 1) != 0u) {
+ if (UNLIKELY(enabled_)) {
+ for (int i = 0; reg_mask != 0u; reg_mask >>= 1, i++) {
+ // Skip zero bits and go to the set bit.
+ int num_zeros = CTZ(reg_mask);
+ i += num_zeros;
+ reg_mask >>= num_zeros;
RelOffset(Reg(reg_base.num() + i), offset);
offset += reg_size;
@@ -87,171 +94,214 @@
// Custom alias - unspill many registers based on bitmask.
- void RestoreMany(Reg reg_base, uint32_t reg_mask) {
- for (int i = 0; reg_mask != 0u; reg_mask >>= 1, i++) {
- if ((reg_mask & 1) != 0u) {
+ void ALWAYS_INLINE RestoreMany(Reg reg_base, uint32_t reg_mask) {
+ if (UNLIKELY(enabled_)) {
+ for (int i = 0; reg_mask != 0u; reg_mask >>= 1, i++) {
+ // Skip zero bits and go to the set bit.
+ int num_zeros = CTZ(reg_mask);
+ i += num_zeros;
+ reg_mask >>= num_zeros;
Restore(Reg(reg_base.num() + i));
- void Nop() {
- this->PushUint8(DW_CFA_nop);
+ void ALWAYS_INLINE Nop() {
+ if (UNLIKELY(enabled_)) {
+ this->PushUint8(DW_CFA_nop);
+ }
- void Offset(Reg reg, int offset) {
- ImplicitlyAdvancePC();
- int factored_offset = FactorDataOffset(offset); // May change sign.
- if (factored_offset >= 0) {
- if (0 <= reg.num() && reg.num() <= 0x3F) {
- this->PushUint8(DW_CFA_offset | reg.num());
- this->PushUleb128(factored_offset);
+ void ALWAYS_INLINE Offset(Reg reg, int offset) {
+ if (UNLIKELY(enabled_)) {
+ ImplicitlyAdvancePC();
+ int factored_offset = FactorDataOffset(offset); // May change sign.
+ if (factored_offset >= 0) {
+ if (0 <= reg.num() && reg.num() <= 0x3F) {
+ this->PushUint8(DW_CFA_offset | reg.num());
+ this->PushUleb128(factored_offset);
+ } else {
+ this->PushUint8(DW_CFA_offset_extended);
+ this->PushUleb128(reg.num());
+ this->PushUleb128(factored_offset);
+ }
} else {
- this->PushUint8(DW_CFA_offset_extended);
+ uses_dwarf3_features_ = true;
+ this->PushUint8(DW_CFA_offset_extended_sf);
- this->PushUleb128(factored_offset);
+ this->PushSleb128(factored_offset);
- } else {
- uses_dwarf3_features_ = true;
- this->PushUint8(DW_CFA_offset_extended_sf);
- this->PushUleb128(reg.num());
- this->PushSleb128(factored_offset);
- void Restore(Reg reg) {
- ImplicitlyAdvancePC();
- if (0 <= reg.num() && reg.num() <= 0x3F) {
- this->PushUint8(DW_CFA_restore | reg.num());
- } else {
- this->PushUint8(DW_CFA_restore_extended);
+ void ALWAYS_INLINE Restore(Reg reg) {
+ if (UNLIKELY(enabled_)) {
+ ImplicitlyAdvancePC();
+ if (0 <= reg.num() && reg.num() <= 0x3F) {
+ this->PushUint8(DW_CFA_restore | reg.num());
+ } else {
+ this->PushUint8(DW_CFA_restore_extended);
+ this->PushUleb128(reg.num());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void ALWAYS_INLINE Undefined(Reg reg) {
+ if (UNLIKELY(enabled_)) {
+ ImplicitlyAdvancePC();
+ this->PushUint8(DW_CFA_undefined);
- void Undefined(Reg reg) {
- ImplicitlyAdvancePC();
- this->PushUint8(DW_CFA_undefined);
- this->PushUleb128(reg.num());
- }
- void SameValue(Reg reg) {
- ImplicitlyAdvancePC();
- this->PushUint8(DW_CFA_same_value);
- this->PushUleb128(reg.num());
+ void ALWAYS_INLINE SameValue(Reg reg) {
+ if (UNLIKELY(enabled_)) {
+ ImplicitlyAdvancePC();
+ this->PushUint8(DW_CFA_same_value);
+ this->PushUleb128(reg.num());
+ }
// The previous value of "reg" is stored in register "new_reg".
- void Register(Reg reg, Reg new_reg) {
- ImplicitlyAdvancePC();
- this->PushUint8(DW_CFA_register);
- this->PushUleb128(reg.num());
- this->PushUleb128(new_reg.num());
- }
- void RememberState() {
- // Note that we do not need to advance the PC.
- this->PushUint8(DW_CFA_remember_state);
- }
- void RestoreState() {
- ImplicitlyAdvancePC();
- this->PushUint8(DW_CFA_restore_state);
- }
- void DefCFA(Reg reg, int offset) {
- ImplicitlyAdvancePC();
- if (offset >= 0) {
- this->PushUint8(DW_CFA_def_cfa);
+ void ALWAYS_INLINE Register(Reg reg, Reg new_reg) {
+ if (UNLIKELY(enabled_)) {
+ ImplicitlyAdvancePC();
+ this->PushUint8(DW_CFA_register);
- this->PushUleb128(offset); // Non-factored.
- } else {
- uses_dwarf3_features_ = true;
- this->PushUint8(DW_CFA_def_cfa_sf);
- this->PushUleb128(reg.num());
- this->PushSleb128(FactorDataOffset(offset));
+ this->PushUleb128(new_reg.num());
- current_cfa_offset_ = offset;
- void DefCFARegister(Reg reg) {
- ImplicitlyAdvancePC();
- this->PushUint8(DW_CFA_def_cfa_register);
- this->PushUleb128(reg.num());
+ void ALWAYS_INLINE RememberState() {
+ if (UNLIKELY(enabled_)) {
+ ImplicitlyAdvancePC();
+ this->PushUint8(DW_CFA_remember_state);
+ }
- void DefCFAOffset(int offset) {
- if (current_cfa_offset_ != offset) {
+ void ALWAYS_INLINE RestoreState() {
+ if (UNLIKELY(enabled_)) {
+ ImplicitlyAdvancePC();
+ this->PushUint8(DW_CFA_restore_state);
+ }
+ }
+ void ALWAYS_INLINE DefCFA(Reg reg, int offset) {
+ if (UNLIKELY(enabled_)) {
if (offset >= 0) {
- this->PushUint8(DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset);
+ this->PushUint8(DW_CFA_def_cfa);
+ this->PushUleb128(reg.num());
this->PushUleb128(offset); // Non-factored.
} else {
uses_dwarf3_features_ = true;
- this->PushUint8(DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset_sf);
+ this->PushUint8(DW_CFA_def_cfa_sf);
+ this->PushUleb128(reg.num());
- current_cfa_offset_ = offset;
- }
- void ValOffset(Reg reg, int offset) {
- ImplicitlyAdvancePC();
- uses_dwarf3_features_ = true;
- int factored_offset = FactorDataOffset(offset); // May change sign.
- if (factored_offset >= 0) {
- this->PushUint8(DW_CFA_val_offset);
- this->PushUleb128(reg.num());
- this->PushUleb128(factored_offset);
- } else {
- this->PushUint8(DW_CFA_val_offset_sf);
- this->PushUleb128(reg.num());
- this->PushSleb128(factored_offset);
- }
- }
- void DefCFAExpression(void* expr, int expr_size) {
- ImplicitlyAdvancePC();
- uses_dwarf3_features_ = true;
- this->PushUint8(DW_CFA_def_cfa_expression);
- this->PushUleb128(expr_size);
- this->PushData(expr, expr_size);
- }
- void Expression(Reg reg, void* expr, int expr_size) {
- ImplicitlyAdvancePC();
- uses_dwarf3_features_ = true;
- this->PushUint8(DW_CFA_expression);
- this->PushUleb128(reg.num());
- this->PushUleb128(expr_size);
- this->PushData(expr, expr_size);
- }
- void ValExpression(Reg reg, void* expr, int expr_size) {
- ImplicitlyAdvancePC();
- uses_dwarf3_features_ = true;
- this->PushUint8(DW_CFA_val_expression);
- this->PushUleb128(reg.num());
- this->PushUleb128(expr_size);
- this->PushData(expr, expr_size);
- }
- int GetCurrentCFAOffset() const {
- return current_cfa_offset_;
- }
- void SetCurrentCFAOffset(int offset) {
current_cfa_offset_ = offset;
+ void ALWAYS_INLINE DefCFARegister(Reg reg) {
+ if (UNLIKELY(enabled_)) {
+ ImplicitlyAdvancePC();
+ this->PushUint8(DW_CFA_def_cfa_register);
+ this->PushUleb128(reg.num());
+ }
+ }
+ void ALWAYS_INLINE DefCFAOffset(int offset) {
+ if (UNLIKELY(enabled_)) {
+ if (current_cfa_offset_ != offset) {
+ ImplicitlyAdvancePC();
+ if (offset >= 0) {
+ this->PushUint8(DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset);
+ this->PushUleb128(offset); // Non-factored.
+ } else {
+ uses_dwarf3_features_ = true;
+ this->PushUint8(DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset_sf);
+ this->PushSleb128(FactorDataOffset(offset));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Uncoditional so that the user can still get and check the value.
+ current_cfa_offset_ = offset;
+ }
+ void ALWAYS_INLINE ValOffset(Reg reg, int offset) {
+ if (UNLIKELY(enabled_)) {
+ ImplicitlyAdvancePC();
+ uses_dwarf3_features_ = true;
+ int factored_offset = FactorDataOffset(offset); // May change sign.
+ if (factored_offset >= 0) {
+ this->PushUint8(DW_CFA_val_offset);
+ this->PushUleb128(reg.num());
+ this->PushUleb128(factored_offset);
+ } else {
+ this->PushUint8(DW_CFA_val_offset_sf);
+ this->PushUleb128(reg.num());
+ this->PushSleb128(factored_offset);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void ALWAYS_INLINE DefCFAExpression(void * expr, int expr_size) {
+ if (UNLIKELY(enabled_)) {
+ ImplicitlyAdvancePC();
+ uses_dwarf3_features_ = true;
+ this->PushUint8(DW_CFA_def_cfa_expression);
+ this->PushUleb128(expr_size);
+ this->PushData(expr, expr_size);
+ }
+ }
+ void ALWAYS_INLINE Expression(Reg reg, void * expr, int expr_size) {
+ if (UNLIKELY(enabled_)) {
+ ImplicitlyAdvancePC();
+ uses_dwarf3_features_ = true;
+ this->PushUint8(DW_CFA_expression);
+ this->PushUleb128(reg.num());
+ this->PushUleb128(expr_size);
+ this->PushData(expr, expr_size);
+ }
+ }
+ void ALWAYS_INLINE ValExpression(Reg reg, void * expr, int expr_size) {
+ if (UNLIKELY(enabled_)) {
+ ImplicitlyAdvancePC();
+ uses_dwarf3_features_ = true;
+ this->PushUint8(DW_CFA_val_expression);
+ this->PushUleb128(reg.num());
+ this->PushUleb128(expr_size);
+ this->PushData(expr, expr_size);
+ }
+ }
+ bool IsEnabled() const { return enabled_; }
+ void SetEnabled(bool value) { enabled_ = value; }
+ int GetCurrentPC() const { return current_pc_; }
+ int GetCurrentCFAOffset() const { return current_cfa_offset_; }
+ void SetCurrentCFAOffset(int offset) { current_cfa_offset_ = offset; }
using Writer<Allocator>::data;
- DebugFrameOpCodeWriter(const Allocator& alloc = Allocator())
+ DebugFrameOpCodeWriter(bool enabled = true,
+ const Allocator& alloc = Allocator())
: Writer<Allocator>(&opcodes_),
+ enabled_(enabled),
uses_dwarf3_features_(false) {
+ if (enabled) {
+ // Best guess based on couple of observed outputs.
+ opcodes_.reserve(16);
+ }
virtual ~DebugFrameOpCodeWriter() { }
@@ -267,6 +317,7 @@
return offset / kCodeAlignmentFactor;
+ bool enabled_; // If disabled all writes are no-ops.
std::vector<uint8_t, Allocator> opcodes_;
int current_cfa_offset_;
int current_pc_;
diff --git a/compiler/dwarf/debug_frame_writer.h b/compiler/dwarf/debug_frame_writer.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6de45f5..0000000
--- a/compiler/dwarf/debug_frame_writer.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include "debug_frame_opcode_writer.h"
-#include "dwarf.h"
-#include "writer.h"
-namespace art {
-namespace dwarf {
-// Writer for the .eh_frame section (which extends .debug_frame specification).
-template<typename Allocator = std::allocator<uint8_t>>
-class DebugFrameWriter FINAL : private Writer<Allocator> {
- public:
- void WriteCIE(Reg return_address_register,
- const uint8_t* initial_opcodes,
- int initial_opcodes_size) {
- DCHECK(cie_header_start_ == ~0u);
- cie_header_start_ = this->data()->size();
- this->PushUint32(0); // Length placeholder.
- this->PushUint32(0); // CIE id.
- this->PushUint8(1); // Version.
- this->PushString("zR");
- this->PushUleb128(DebugFrameOpCodeWriter<Allocator>::kCodeAlignmentFactor);
- this->PushSleb128(DebugFrameOpCodeWriter<Allocator>::kDataAlignmentFactor);
- this->PushUleb128(return_address_register.num()); // ubyte in DWARF2.
- this->PushUleb128(1); // z: Augmentation data size.
- if (use_64bit_address_) {
- this->PushUint8(0x04); // R: ((DW_EH_PE_absptr << 4) | DW_EH_PE_udata8).
- } else {
- this->PushUint8(0x03); // R: ((DW_EH_PE_absptr << 4) | DW_EH_PE_udata4).
- }
- this->PushData(initial_opcodes, initial_opcodes_size);
- this->Pad(use_64bit_address_ ? 8 : 4);
- this->UpdateUint32(cie_header_start_, this->data()->size() - cie_header_start_ - 4);
- }
- void WriteCIE(Reg return_address_register,
- const DebugFrameOpCodeWriter<Allocator>& opcodes) {
- WriteCIE(return_address_register,>data(),>size());
- }
- void WriteFDE(uint64_t initial_address,
- uint64_t address_range,
- const uint8_t* unwind_opcodes,
- int unwind_opcodes_size) {
- DCHECK(cie_header_start_ != ~0u);
- size_t fde_header_start = this->data()->size();
- this->PushUint32(0); // Length placeholder.
- this->PushUint32(this->data()->size() - cie_header_start_); // 'CIE_pointer'
- if (use_64bit_address_) {
- this->PushUint64(initial_address);
- this->PushUint64(address_range);
- } else {
- this->PushUint32(initial_address);
- this->PushUint32(address_range);
- }
- this->PushUleb128(0); // Augmentation data size.
- this->PushData(unwind_opcodes, unwind_opcodes_size);
- this->Pad(use_64bit_address_ ? 8 : 4);
- this->UpdateUint32(fde_header_start, this->data()->size() - fde_header_start - 4);
- }
- DebugFrameWriter(std::vector<uint8_t, Allocator>* buffer, bool use_64bit_address)
- : Writer<Allocator>(buffer),
- use_64bit_address_(use_64bit_address),
- cie_header_start_(~0u) {
- }
- private:
- bool use_64bit_address_;
- size_t cie_header_start_;
-} // namespace dwarf
-} // namespace art
diff --git a/compiler/dwarf/debug_info_entry_writer.h b/compiler/dwarf/debug_info_entry_writer.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0350b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/dwarf/debug_info_entry_writer.h
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include <unordered_map>
+#include "dwarf.h"
+#include "leb128.h"
+#include "writer.h"
+namespace art {
+namespace dwarf {
+// 32-bit FNV-1a hash function which we use to find duplicate abbreviations.
+// See
+template< typename Allocator >
+struct FNVHash {
+ size_t operator()(const std::vector<uint8_t, Allocator>& v) const {
+ uint32_t hash = 2166136261u;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) {
+ hash = (hash ^ v[i]) * 16777619u;
+ }
+ return hash;
+ }
+ * Writer for debug information entries (DIE).
+ * It also handles generation of abbreviations.
+ *
+ * Usage:
+ * StartTag(DW_TAG_compile_unit, DW_CHILDREN_yes);
+ * WriteStrp(DW_AT_producer, "Compiler name", debug_str);
+ * StartTag(DW_TAG_subprogram, DW_CHILDREN_no);
+ * WriteStrp(DW_AT_name, "Foo", debug_str);
+ * EndTag();
+ * EndTag();
+ */
+template< typename Allocator = std::allocator<uint8_t> >
+class DebugInfoEntryWriter FINAL : private Writer<Allocator> {
+ public:
+ // Start debugging information entry.
+ void StartTag(Tag tag, Children children) {
+ DCHECK(has_children) << "This tag can not have nested tags";
+ if (inside_entry_) {
+ // Write abbrev code for the previous entry.
+ this->UpdateUleb128(abbrev_code_offset_, EndAbbrev());
+ inside_entry_ = false;
+ }
+ StartAbbrev(tag, children);
+ // Abbrev code placeholder of sufficient size.
+ abbrev_code_offset_ = this->data()->size();
+ this->PushUleb128(NextAbbrevCode());
+ depth_++;
+ inside_entry_ = true;
+ has_children = (children == DW_CHILDREN_yes);
+ }
+ // End debugging information entry.
+ void EndTag() {
+ DCHECK_GT(depth_, 0);
+ if (inside_entry_) {
+ // Write abbrev code for this tag.
+ this->UpdateUleb128(abbrev_code_offset_, EndAbbrev());
+ inside_entry_ = false;
+ }
+ if (has_children) {
+ this->PushUint8(0); // End of children.
+ }
+ depth_--;
+ has_children = true; // Parent tag obviously has children.
+ }
+ void WriteAddr(Attribute attrib, uint64_t value) {
+ AddAbbrevAttribute(attrib, DW_FORM_addr);
+ if (is64bit_) {
+ this->PushUint64(value);
+ } else {
+ this->PushUint32(value);
+ }
+ }
+ void WriteBlock(Attribute attrib, const void* ptr, int size) {
+ AddAbbrevAttribute(attrib, DW_FORM_block);
+ this->PushUleb128(size);
+ this->PushData(ptr, size);
+ }
+ void WriteData1(Attribute attrib, uint8_t value) {
+ AddAbbrevAttribute(attrib, DW_FORM_data1);
+ this->PushUint8(value);
+ }
+ void WriteData2(Attribute attrib, uint16_t value) {
+ AddAbbrevAttribute(attrib, DW_FORM_data2);
+ this->PushUint16(value);
+ }
+ void WriteData4(Attribute attrib, uint32_t value) {
+ AddAbbrevAttribute(attrib, DW_FORM_data4);
+ this->PushUint32(value);
+ }
+ void WriteData8(Attribute attrib, uint64_t value) {
+ AddAbbrevAttribute(attrib, DW_FORM_data8);
+ this->PushUint64(value);
+ }
+ void WriteSdata(Attribute attrib, int value) {
+ AddAbbrevAttribute(attrib, DW_FORM_sdata);
+ this->PushSleb128(value);
+ }
+ void WriteUdata(Attribute attrib, int value) {
+ AddAbbrevAttribute(attrib, DW_FORM_udata);
+ this->PushUleb128(value);
+ }
+ void WriteUdata(Attribute attrib, uint32_t value) {
+ AddAbbrevAttribute(attrib, DW_FORM_udata);
+ this->PushUleb128(value);
+ }
+ void WriteFlag(Attribute attrib, bool value) {
+ AddAbbrevAttribute(attrib, DW_FORM_flag);
+ this->PushUint8(value ? 1 : 0);
+ }
+ void WriteRef4(Attribute attrib, int cu_offset) {
+ AddAbbrevAttribute(attrib, DW_FORM_ref4);
+ this->PushUint32(cu_offset);
+ }
+ void WriteRef(Attribute attrib, int cu_offset) {
+ AddAbbrevAttribute(attrib, DW_FORM_ref_udata);
+ this->PushUleb128(cu_offset);
+ }
+ void WriteString(Attribute attrib, const char* value) {
+ AddAbbrevAttribute(attrib, DW_FORM_string);
+ this->PushString(value);
+ }
+ void WriteStrp(Attribute attrib, int address) {
+ AddAbbrevAttribute(attrib, DW_FORM_strp);
+ this->PushUint32(address);
+ }
+ void WriteStrp(Attribute attrib, const char* value, std::vector<uint8_t>* debug_str) {
+ AddAbbrevAttribute(attrib, DW_FORM_strp);
+ int address = debug_str->size();
+ debug_str->insert(debug_str->end(), value, value + strlen(value) + 1);
+ this->PushUint32(address);
+ }
+ bool is64bit() const { return is64bit_; }
+ using Writer<Allocator>::data;
+ DebugInfoEntryWriter(bool is64bitArch,
+ std::vector<uint8_t, Allocator>* debug_abbrev,
+ const Allocator& alloc = Allocator())
+ : Writer<Allocator>(&entries_),
+ debug_abbrev_(debug_abbrev),
+ current_abbrev_(alloc),
+ abbrev_codes_(alloc),
+ entries_(alloc),
+ is64bit_(is64bitArch) {
+ debug_abbrev_.PushUint8(0); // Add abbrev table terminator.
+ }
+ ~DebugInfoEntryWriter() {
+ DCHECK_EQ(depth_, 0);
+ }
+ private:
+ // Start abbreviation declaration.
+ void StartAbbrev(Tag tag, Children children) {
+ DCHECK(!inside_entry_);
+ current_abbrev_.clear();
+ EncodeUnsignedLeb128(¤t_abbrev_, tag);
+ current_abbrev_.push_back(children);
+ }
+ // Add attribute specification.
+ void AddAbbrevAttribute(Attribute name, Form type) {
+ DCHECK(inside_entry_) << "Call StartTag before adding attributes.";
+ EncodeUnsignedLeb128(¤t_abbrev_, name);
+ EncodeUnsignedLeb128(¤t_abbrev_, type);
+ }
+ int NextAbbrevCode() {
+ return 1 + abbrev_codes_.size();
+ }
+ // End abbreviation declaration and return its code.
+ int EndAbbrev() {
+ DCHECK(inside_entry_);
+ auto it = abbrev_codes_.insert(std::make_pair(std::move(current_abbrev_),
+ NextAbbrevCode()));
+ int abbrev_code = it.first->second;
+ if (UNLIKELY(it.second)) { // Inserted new entry.
+ const std::vector<uint8_t, Allocator>& abbrev = it.first->first;
+ debug_abbrev_.Pop(); // Remove abbrev table terminator.
+ debug_abbrev_.PushUleb128(abbrev_code);
+ debug_abbrev_.PushData(, abbrev.size());
+ debug_abbrev_.PushUint8(0); // Attribute list end.
+ debug_abbrev_.PushUint8(0); // Attribute list end.
+ debug_abbrev_.PushUint8(0); // Add abbrev table terminator.
+ }
+ return abbrev_code;
+ }
+ private:
+ // Fields for writing and deduplication of abbrevs.
+ Writer<Allocator> debug_abbrev_;
+ std::vector<uint8_t, Allocator> current_abbrev_;
+ std::unordered_map<std::vector<uint8_t, Allocator>, int,
+ FNVHash<Allocator> > abbrev_codes_;
+ // Fields for writing of debugging information entries.
+ std::vector<uint8_t, Allocator> entries_;
+ bool is64bit_;
+ int depth_ = 0;
+ size_t abbrev_code_offset_ = 0; // Location to patch once we know the code.
+ bool inside_entry_ = false; // Entry ends at first child (if any).
+ bool has_children = true;
+} // namespace dwarf
+} // namespace art
diff --git a/compiler/dwarf/debug_line_writer.h b/compiler/dwarf/debug_line_writer.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b7d8d9..0000000
--- a/compiler/dwarf/debug_line_writer.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include "debug_line_opcode_writer.h"
-#include "dwarf.h"
-#include "writer.h"
-#include <string>
-namespace art {
-namespace dwarf {
-// Writer for the .debug_line section (DWARF-3).
-template<typename Allocator = std::allocator<uint8_t>>
-class DebugLineWriter FINAL : private Writer<Allocator> {
- public:
- struct FileEntry {
- std::string file_name;
- int directory_index;
- int modification_time;
- int file_size;
- };
- void WriteTable(const std::vector<std::string>& include_directories,
- const std::vector<FileEntry>& files,
- const DebugLineOpCodeWriter<Allocator>& opcodes) {
- size_t header_start = this->data()->size();
- this->PushUint32(0); // Section-length placeholder.
- // Claim DWARF-2 version even though we use some DWARF-3 features.
- // DWARF-2 consumers will ignore the unknown opcodes.
- // This is what clang currently does.
- this->PushUint16(2); // .debug_line version.
- size_t header_length_pos = this->data()->size();
- this->PushUint32(0); // Header-length placeholder.
- this->PushUint8(1 << opcodes.GetCodeFactorBits());
- this->PushUint8(DebugLineOpCodeWriter<Allocator>::kDefaultIsStmt ? 1 : 0);
- this->PushInt8(DebugLineOpCodeWriter<Allocator>::kLineBase);
- this->PushUint8(DebugLineOpCodeWriter<Allocator>::kLineRange);
- this->PushUint8(DebugLineOpCodeWriter<Allocator>::kOpcodeBase);
- static const int opcode_lengths[DebugLineOpCodeWriter<Allocator>::kOpcodeBase] = {
- 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1 };
- for (int i = 1; i < DebugLineOpCodeWriter<Allocator>::kOpcodeBase; i++) {
- this->PushUint8(opcode_lengths[i]);
- }
- for (const std::string& directory : include_directories) {
- this->PushData(, directory.size() + 1);
- }
- this->PushUint8(0); // Terminate include_directories list.
- for (const FileEntry& file : files) {
- this->PushData(, file.file_name.size() + 1);
- this->PushUleb128(file.directory_index);
- this->PushUleb128(file.modification_time);
- this->PushUleb128(file.file_size);
- }
- this->PushUint8(0); // Terminate file list.
- this->UpdateUint32(header_length_pos, this->data()->size() - header_length_pos - 4);
- this->PushData(>data(),>size());
- this->UpdateUint32(header_start, this->data()->size() - header_start - 4);
- }
- explicit DebugLineWriter(std::vector<uint8_t, Allocator>* buffer)
- : Writer<Allocator>(buffer) {
- }
- private:
-} // namespace dwarf
-} // namespace art
diff --git a/compiler/dwarf/ b/compiler/dwarf/
index f3553bc..ec18e96 100644
--- a/compiler/dwarf/
+++ b/compiler/dwarf/
@@ -17,9 +17,9 @@
#include "dwarf_test.h"
#include "dwarf/debug_frame_opcode_writer.h"
-#include "dwarf/debug_frame_writer.h"
+#include "dwarf/debug_info_entry_writer.h"
#include "dwarf/debug_line_opcode_writer.h"
-#include "dwarf/debug_line_writer.h"
+#include "dwarf/headers.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
namespace art {
@@ -118,22 +118,20 @@
DW_CHECK_NEXT("DW_CFA_restore: r2 (edx)");
DW_CHECK_NEXT("DW_CFA_restore: r5 (ebp)");
- DebugFrameWriter<> eh_frame(&eh_frame_data_, is64bit);
DebugFrameOpCodeWriter<> initial_opcodes;
- eh_frame.WriteCIE(Reg(is64bit ? 16 : 8), // Return address register.
- initial_opcodes); // Initial opcodes.
- eh_frame.WriteFDE(0x01000000, 0x01000000,
+ WriteEhFrameCIE(is64bit, Reg(is64bit ? 16 : 8), initial_opcodes, &eh_frame_data_);
+ WriteEhFrameFDE(is64bit, 0, 0x01000000, 0x01000000,, &eh_frame_data_);
CheckObjdumpOutput(is64bit, "-W");
-TEST_F(DwarfTest, DebugFrame64) {
- const bool is64bit = true;
- DebugFrameWriter<> eh_frame(&eh_frame_data_, is64bit);
- DebugFrameOpCodeWriter<> no_opcodes;
- eh_frame.WriteCIE(Reg(16), no_opcodes);
- eh_frame.WriteFDE(0x0100000000000000, 0x0200000000000000,
+// TODO: objdump seems to have trouble with 64bit CIE length.
+TEST_F(DwarfTest, DISABLED_DebugFrame64) {
+ constexpr bool is64bit = true;
+ DebugFrameOpCodeWriter<> initial_opcodes;
+ WriteEhFrameCIE(is64bit, Reg(16), initial_opcodes, &eh_frame_data_);
+ DebugFrameOpCodeWriter<> opcodes;
+ WriteEhFrameFDE(is64bit, 0, 0x0100000000000000, 0x0200000000000000,
+, &eh_frame_data_);
DW_CHECK("FDE cie=00000000 pc=100000000000000..300000000000000");
CheckObjdumpOutput(is64bit, "-W");
@@ -147,7 +145,7 @@
- std::vector<DebugLineWriter<>::FileEntry> files {
+ std::vector<FileEntry> files {
{ "file0.c", 0, 1000, 2000 },
{ "file1.c", 1, 1000, 2000 },
{ "file2.c", 1, 1000, 2000 },
@@ -186,8 +184,7 @@
- DebugLineWriter<> debug_line(&debug_line_data_);
- debug_line.WriteTable(include_directories, files, opcodes);
+ WriteDebugLineTable(include_directories, files, opcodes, &debug_line_data_);
CheckObjdumpOutput(is64bit, "-W");
@@ -221,14 +218,63 @@
EXPECT_LT(>size(), num_rows * 3);
std::vector<std::string> directories;
- std::vector<DebugLineWriter<>::FileEntry> files {
- { "file.c", 0, 1000, 2000 },
- };
- DebugLineWriter<> debug_line(&debug_line_data_);
- debug_line.WriteTable(directories, files, opcodes);
+ std::vector<FileEntry> files { { "file.c", 0, 1000, 2000 } }; // NOLINT
+ WriteDebugLineTable(directories, files, opcodes, &debug_line_data_);
CheckObjdumpOutput(is64bit, "-W -WL");
+TEST_F(DwarfTest, DebugInfo) {
+ constexpr bool is64bit = false;
+ DebugInfoEntryWriter<> info(is64bit, &debug_abbrev_data_);
+ DW_CHECK("Contents of the .debug_info section:");
+ info.StartTag(dwarf::DW_TAG_compile_unit, dwarf::DW_CHILDREN_yes);
+ DW_CHECK("Abbrev Number: 1 (DW_TAG_compile_unit)");
+ info.WriteStrp(dwarf::DW_AT_producer, "Compiler name", &debug_str_data_);
+ DW_CHECK_NEXT("DW_AT_producer : (indirect string, offset: 0x0): Compiler name");
+ info.WriteAddr(dwarf::DW_AT_low_pc, 0x01000000);
+ DW_CHECK_NEXT("DW_AT_low_pc : 0x1000000");
+ info.WriteAddr(dwarf::DW_AT_high_pc, 0x02000000);
+ DW_CHECK_NEXT("DW_AT_high_pc : 0x2000000");
+ info.StartTag(dwarf::DW_TAG_subprogram, dwarf::DW_CHILDREN_no);
+ DW_CHECK("Abbrev Number: 2 (DW_TAG_subprogram)");
+ info.WriteStrp(dwarf::DW_AT_name, "Foo", &debug_str_data_);
+ DW_CHECK_NEXT("DW_AT_name : (indirect string, offset: 0xe): Foo");
+ info.WriteAddr(dwarf::DW_AT_low_pc, 0x01010000);
+ DW_CHECK_NEXT("DW_AT_low_pc : 0x1010000");
+ info.WriteAddr(dwarf::DW_AT_high_pc, 0x01020000);
+ DW_CHECK_NEXT("DW_AT_high_pc : 0x1020000");
+ info.EndTag(); // DW_TAG_subprogram
+ info.StartTag(dwarf::DW_TAG_subprogram, dwarf::DW_CHILDREN_no);
+ DW_CHECK("Abbrev Number: 2 (DW_TAG_subprogram)");
+ info.WriteStrp(dwarf::DW_AT_name, "Bar", &debug_str_data_);
+ DW_CHECK_NEXT("DW_AT_name : (indirect string, offset: 0x12): Bar");
+ info.WriteAddr(dwarf::DW_AT_low_pc, 0x01020000);
+ DW_CHECK_NEXT("DW_AT_low_pc : 0x1020000");
+ info.WriteAddr(dwarf::DW_AT_high_pc, 0x01030000);
+ DW_CHECK_NEXT("DW_AT_high_pc : 0x1030000");
+ info.EndTag(); // DW_TAG_subprogram
+ info.EndTag(); // DW_TAG_compile_unit
+ // Test that previous list was properly terminated and empty children.
+ info.StartTag(dwarf::DW_TAG_compile_unit, dwarf::DW_CHILDREN_yes);
+ info.EndTag(); // DW_TAG_compile_unit
+ // The abbrev table is just side product, but check it as well.
+ DW_CHECK("Abbrev Number: 3 (DW_TAG_compile_unit)");
+ DW_CHECK("Contents of the .debug_abbrev section:");
+ DW_CHECK("1 DW_TAG_compile_unit [has children]");
+ DW_CHECK_NEXT("DW_AT_producer DW_FORM_strp");
+ DW_CHECK_NEXT("DW_AT_low_pc DW_FORM_addr");
+ DW_CHECK_NEXT("DW_AT_high_pc DW_FORM_addr");
+ DW_CHECK("2 DW_TAG_subprogram [no children]");
+ DW_CHECK_NEXT("DW_AT_name DW_FORM_strp");
+ DW_CHECK_NEXT("DW_AT_low_pc DW_FORM_addr");
+ DW_CHECK_NEXT("DW_AT_high_pc DW_FORM_addr");
+ DW_CHECK("3 DW_TAG_compile_unit [has children]");
+ dwarf::WriteDebugInfoCU(0 /* debug_abbrev_offset */, info, &debug_info_data_);
+ CheckObjdumpOutput(is64bit, "-W");
} // namespace dwarf
diff --git a/compiler/dwarf/headers.h b/compiler/dwarf/headers.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d866b91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/dwarf/headers.h
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "debug_frame_opcode_writer.h"
+#include "debug_info_entry_writer.h"
+#include "debug_line_opcode_writer.h"
+#include "register.h"
+#include "writer.h"
+namespace art {
+namespace dwarf {
+// Write common information entry (CIE) to .eh_frame section.
+template<typename Allocator>
+void WriteEhFrameCIE(bool is64bit, Reg return_address_register,
+ const DebugFrameOpCodeWriter<Allocator>& opcodes,
+ std::vector<uint8_t>* eh_frame) {
+ Writer<> writer(eh_frame);
+ size_t cie_header_start_ =>size();
+ if (is64bit) {
+ // TODO: This is not related to being 64bit.
+ writer.PushUint32(0xffffffff);
+ writer.PushUint64(0); // Length placeholder.
+ writer.PushUint64(0); // CIE id.
+ } else {
+ writer.PushUint32(0); // Length placeholder.
+ writer.PushUint32(0); // CIE id.
+ }
+ writer.PushUint8(1); // Version.
+ writer.PushString("zR");
+ writer.PushUleb128(DebugFrameOpCodeWriter<Allocator>::kCodeAlignmentFactor);
+ writer.PushSleb128(DebugFrameOpCodeWriter<Allocator>::kDataAlignmentFactor);
+ writer.PushUleb128(return_address_register.num()); // ubyte in DWARF2.
+ writer.PushUleb128(1); // z: Augmentation data size.
+ if (is64bit) {
+ writer.PushUint8(0x04); // R: ((DW_EH_PE_absptr << 4) | DW_EH_PE_udata8).
+ } else {
+ writer.PushUint8(0x03); // R: ((DW_EH_PE_absptr << 4) | DW_EH_PE_udata4).
+ }
+ writer.PushData(;
+ writer.Pad(is64bit ? 8 : 4);
+ if (is64bit) {
+ writer.UpdateUint64(cie_header_start_ + 4,>size() - cie_header_start_ - 12);
+ } else {
+ writer.UpdateUint32(cie_header_start_,>size() - cie_header_start_ - 4);
+ }
+// Write frame description entry (FDE) to .eh_frame section.
+template<typename Allocator>
+void WriteEhFrameFDE(bool is64bit, size_t cie_offset,
+ uint64_t initial_address, uint64_t address_range,
+ const std::vector<uint8_t, Allocator>* opcodes,
+ std::vector<uint8_t>* eh_frame) {
+ Writer<> writer(eh_frame);
+ size_t fde_header_start =>size();
+ if (is64bit) {
+ // TODO: This is not related to being 64bit.
+ writer.PushUint32(0xffffffff);
+ writer.PushUint64(0); // Length placeholder.
+ uint64_t cie_pointer =>size() - cie_offset;
+ writer.PushUint64(cie_pointer);
+ } else {
+ writer.PushUint32(0); // Length placeholder.
+ uint32_t cie_pointer =>size() - cie_offset;
+ writer.PushUint32(cie_pointer);
+ }
+ if (is64bit) {
+ writer.PushUint64(initial_address);
+ writer.PushUint64(address_range);
+ } else {
+ writer.PushUint32(initial_address);
+ writer.PushUint32(address_range);
+ }
+ writer.PushUleb128(0); // Augmentation data size.
+ writer.PushData(opcodes);
+ writer.Pad(is64bit ? 8 : 4);
+ if (is64bit) {
+ writer.UpdateUint64(fde_header_start + 4,>size() - fde_header_start - 12);
+ } else {
+ writer.UpdateUint32(fde_header_start,>size() - fde_header_start - 4);
+ }
+// Write compilation unit (CU) to .debug_info section.
+template<typename Allocator>
+void WriteDebugInfoCU(uint32_t debug_abbrev_offset,
+ const DebugInfoEntryWriter<Allocator>& entries,
+ std::vector<uint8_t>* debug_info) {
+ Writer<> writer(debug_info);
+ size_t start =>size();
+ writer.PushUint32(0); // Length placeholder.
+ writer.PushUint16(3); // Version.
+ writer.PushUint32(debug_abbrev_offset);
+ writer.PushUint8(entries.is64bit() ? 8 : 4);
+ writer.PushData(;
+ writer.UpdateUint32(start,>size() - start - 4);
+struct FileEntry {
+ std::string file_name;
+ int directory_index;
+ int modification_time;
+ int file_size;
+// Write line table to .debug_line section.
+template<typename Allocator>
+void WriteDebugLineTable(const std::vector<std::string>& include_directories,
+ const std::vector<FileEntry>& files,
+ const DebugLineOpCodeWriter<Allocator>& opcodes,
+ std::vector<uint8_t>* debug_line) {
+ Writer<> writer(debug_line);
+ size_t header_start =>size();
+ writer.PushUint32(0); // Section-length placeholder.
+ // Claim DWARF-2 version even though we use some DWARF-3 features.
+ // DWARF-2 consumers will ignore the unknown opcodes.
+ // This is what clang currently does.
+ writer.PushUint16(2); // .debug_line version.
+ size_t header_length_pos =>size();
+ writer.PushUint32(0); // Header-length placeholder.
+ writer.PushUint8(1 << opcodes.GetCodeFactorBits());
+ writer.PushUint8(DebugLineOpCodeWriter<Allocator>::kDefaultIsStmt ? 1 : 0);
+ writer.PushInt8(DebugLineOpCodeWriter<Allocator>::kLineBase);
+ writer.PushUint8(DebugLineOpCodeWriter<Allocator>::kLineRange);
+ writer.PushUint8(DebugLineOpCodeWriter<Allocator>::kOpcodeBase);
+ static const int opcode_lengths[DebugLineOpCodeWriter<Allocator>::kOpcodeBase] = {
+ 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1 };
+ for (int i = 1; i < DebugLineOpCodeWriter<Allocator>::kOpcodeBase; i++) {
+ writer.PushUint8(opcode_lengths[i]);
+ }
+ for (const std::string& directory : include_directories) {
+ writer.PushData(, directory.size() + 1);
+ }
+ writer.PushUint8(0); // Terminate include_directories list.
+ for (const FileEntry& file : files) {
+ writer.PushData(, file.file_name.size() + 1);
+ writer.PushUleb128(file.directory_index);
+ writer.PushUleb128(file.modification_time);
+ writer.PushUleb128(file.file_size);
+ }
+ writer.PushUint8(0); // Terminate file list.
+ writer.UpdateUint32(header_length_pos,>size() - header_length_pos - 4);
+ writer.PushData(>data(),>size());
+ writer.UpdateUint32(header_start,>size() - header_start - 4);
+} // namespace dwarf
+} // namespace art
diff --git a/compiler/dwarf/writer.h b/compiler/dwarf/writer.h
index d8e29f0..3b9c558 100644
--- a/compiler/dwarf/writer.h
+++ b/compiler/dwarf/writer.h
@@ -116,6 +116,11 @@
data_->insert(data_->end(), p, p + size);
+ template<typename Allocator2>
+ void PushData(const std::vector<uint8_t, Allocator2>* buffer) {
+ data_->insert(data_->end(), buffer->begin(), buffer->end());
+ }
void UpdateUint32(size_t offset, uint32_t value) {
DCHECK_LT(offset + 3, data_->size());
(*data_)[offset + 0] = (value >> 0) & 0xFF;
@@ -136,6 +141,15 @@
(*data_)[offset + 7] = (value >> 56) & 0xFF;
+ void UpdateUleb128(size_t offset, uint32_t value) {
+ DCHECK_LE(offset + UnsignedLeb128Size(value), data_->size());
+ UpdateUnsignedLeb128(data_->data() + offset, value);
+ }
+ void Pop() {
+ return data_->pop_back();
+ }
void Pad(int alignment) {
DCHECK_NE(alignment, 0);
data_->resize(RoundUp(data_->size(), alignment), 0);
diff --git a/compiler/ b/compiler/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e8e24b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/
@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "elf_writer_debug.h"
+#include "compiled_method.h"
+#include "driver/compiler_driver.h"
+#include "dex_file-inl.h"
+#include "dwarf/headers.h"
+#include "dwarf/register.h"
+#include "oat_writer.h"
+namespace art {
+namespace dwarf {
+static void WriteEhFrameCIE(InstructionSet isa, std::vector<uint8_t>* eh_frame) {
+ // Scratch registers should be marked as undefined. This tells the
+ // debugger that its value in the previous frame is not recoverable.
+ bool is64bit = Is64BitInstructionSet(isa);
+ switch (isa) {
+ case kArm:
+ case kThumb2: {
+ DebugFrameOpCodeWriter<> opcodes;
+ opcodes.DefCFA(Reg::ArmCore(13), 0); // R13(SP).
+ // core registers.
+ for (int reg = 0; reg < 13; reg++) {
+ if (reg < 4 || reg == 12) {
+ opcodes.Undefined(Reg::ArmCore(reg));
+ } else {
+ opcodes.SameValue(Reg::ArmCore(reg));
+ }
+ }
+ // fp registers.
+ for (int reg = 0; reg < 32; reg++) {
+ if (reg < 16) {
+ opcodes.Undefined(Reg::ArmFp(reg));
+ } else {
+ opcodes.SameValue(Reg::ArmFp(reg));
+ }
+ }
+ auto return_address_reg = Reg::ArmCore(14); // R14(LR).
+ WriteEhFrameCIE(is64bit, return_address_reg, opcodes, eh_frame);
+ return;
+ }
+ case kArm64: {
+ DebugFrameOpCodeWriter<> opcodes;
+ opcodes.DefCFA(Reg::Arm64Core(31), 0); // R31(SP).
+ // core registers.
+ for (int reg = 0; reg < 30; reg++) {
+ if (reg < 8 || reg == 16 || reg == 17) {
+ opcodes.Undefined(Reg::Arm64Core(reg));
+ } else {
+ opcodes.SameValue(Reg::Arm64Core(reg));
+ }
+ }
+ // fp registers.
+ for (int reg = 0; reg < 32; reg++) {
+ if (reg < 8 || reg >= 16) {
+ opcodes.Undefined(Reg::Arm64Fp(reg));
+ } else {
+ opcodes.SameValue(Reg::Arm64Fp(reg));
+ }
+ }
+ auto return_address_reg = Reg::Arm64Core(30); // R30(LR).
+ WriteEhFrameCIE(is64bit, return_address_reg, opcodes, eh_frame);
+ return;
+ }
+ case kMips:
+ case kMips64: {
+ DebugFrameOpCodeWriter<> opcodes;
+ opcodes.DefCFA(Reg::MipsCore(29), 0); // R29(SP).
+ // core registers.
+ for (int reg = 1; reg < 26; reg++) {
+ if (reg < 16 || reg == 24 || reg == 25) { // AT, V*, A*, T*.
+ opcodes.Undefined(Reg::MipsCore(reg));
+ } else {
+ opcodes.SameValue(Reg::MipsCore(reg));
+ }
+ }
+ auto return_address_reg = Reg::MipsCore(31); // R31(RA).
+ WriteEhFrameCIE(is64bit, return_address_reg, opcodes, eh_frame);
+ return;
+ }
+ case kX86: {
+ DebugFrameOpCodeWriter<> opcodes;
+ opcodes.DefCFA(Reg::X86Core(4), 4); // R4(ESP).
+ opcodes.Offset(Reg::X86Core(8), -4); // R8(EIP).
+ // core registers.
+ for (int reg = 0; reg < 8; reg++) {
+ if (reg <= 3) {
+ opcodes.Undefined(Reg::X86Core(reg));
+ } else if (reg == 4) {
+ // Stack pointer.
+ } else {
+ opcodes.SameValue(Reg::X86Core(reg));
+ }
+ }
+ // fp registers.
+ for (int reg = 0; reg < 8; reg++) {
+ opcodes.Undefined(Reg::X86Fp(reg));
+ }
+ auto return_address_reg = Reg::X86Core(8); // R8(EIP).
+ WriteEhFrameCIE(is64bit, return_address_reg, opcodes, eh_frame);
+ return;
+ }
+ case kX86_64: {
+ DebugFrameOpCodeWriter<> opcodes;
+ opcodes.DefCFA(Reg::X86_64Core(4), 8); // R4(RSP).
+ opcodes.Offset(Reg::X86_64Core(16), -8); // R16(RIP).
+ // core registers.
+ for (int reg = 0; reg < 16; reg++) {
+ if (reg == 4) {
+ // Stack pointer.
+ } else if (reg < 12 && reg != 3 && reg != 5) { // except EBX and EBP.
+ opcodes.Undefined(Reg::X86_64Core(reg));
+ } else {
+ opcodes.SameValue(Reg::X86_64Core(reg));
+ }
+ }
+ // fp registers.
+ for (int reg = 0; reg < 16; reg++) {
+ if (reg < 12) {
+ opcodes.Undefined(Reg::X86_64Fp(reg));
+ } else {
+ opcodes.SameValue(Reg::X86_64Fp(reg));
+ }
+ }
+ auto return_address_reg = Reg::X86_64Core(16); // R16(RIP).
+ WriteEhFrameCIE(is64bit, return_address_reg, opcodes, eh_frame);
+ return;
+ }
+ case kNone:
+ break;
+ }
+ LOG(FATAL) << "Can not write CIE frame for ISA " << isa;
+ * @brief Generate the DWARF sections.
+ * @param oat_writer The Oat file Writer.
+ * @param eh_frame Call Frame Information.
+ * @param debug_info Compilation unit information.
+ * @param debug_abbrev Abbreviations used to generate dbg_info.
+ * @param debug_str Debug strings.
+ * @param debug_line Line number table.
+ */
+void WriteDebugSections(const CompilerDriver* compiler,
+ const OatWriter* oat_writer,
+ uint32_t text_section_offset,
+ std::vector<uint8_t>* eh_frame,
+ std::vector<uint8_t>* debug_info,
+ std::vector<uint8_t>* debug_abbrev,
+ std::vector<uint8_t>* debug_str,
+ std::vector<uint8_t>* debug_line) {
+ const std::vector<OatWriter::DebugInfo>& method_infos = oat_writer->GetMethodDebugInfo();
+ const InstructionSet isa = compiler->GetInstructionSet();
+ uint32_t cunit_low_pc = static_cast<uint32_t>(-1);
+ uint32_t cunit_high_pc = 0;
+ for (auto method_info : method_infos) {
+ cunit_low_pc = std::min(cunit_low_pc, method_info.low_pc_);
+ cunit_high_pc = std::max(cunit_high_pc, method_info.high_pc_);
+ }
+ // Write .eh_frame section.
+ size_t cie_offset = eh_frame->size();
+ WriteEhFrameCIE(isa, eh_frame);
+ for (const OatWriter::DebugInfo& mi : method_infos) {
+ const SwapVector<uint8_t>* opcodes = mi.compiled_method_->GetCFIInfo();
+ if (opcodes != nullptr) {
+ WriteEhFrameFDE(Is64BitInstructionSet(isa), cie_offset,
+ text_section_offset + mi.low_pc_, mi.high_pc_ - mi.low_pc_,
+ opcodes, eh_frame);
+ }
+ }
+ // Write .debug_info section.
+ size_t debug_abbrev_offset = debug_abbrev->size();
+ DebugInfoEntryWriter<> info(false /* 32 bit */, debug_abbrev);
+ info.StartTag(DW_TAG_compile_unit, DW_CHILDREN_yes);
+ info.WriteStrp(DW_AT_producer, "Android dex2oat", debug_str);
+ info.WriteData1(DW_AT_language, DW_LANG_Java);
+ info.WriteAddr(DW_AT_low_pc, cunit_low_pc + text_section_offset);
+ info.WriteAddr(DW_AT_high_pc, cunit_high_pc + text_section_offset);
+ info.WriteData4(DW_AT_stmt_list, debug_line->size());
+ for (auto method_info : method_infos) {
+ std::string method_name = PrettyMethod(method_info.dex_method_index_,
+ *method_info.dex_file_, true);
+ if (method_info.deduped_) {
+ // TODO We should place the DEDUPED tag on the first instance of a deduplicated symbol
+ // so that it will show up in a debuggerd crash report.
+ method_name += " [ DEDUPED ]";
+ }
+ info.StartTag(DW_TAG_subprogram, DW_CHILDREN_no);
+ info.WriteStrp(DW_AT_name,, debug_str);
+ info.WriteAddr(DW_AT_low_pc, method_info.low_pc_ + text_section_offset);
+ info.WriteAddr(DW_AT_high_pc, method_info.high_pc_ + text_section_offset);
+ info.EndTag(); // DW_TAG_subprogram
+ }
+ info.EndTag(); // DW_TAG_compile_unit
+ WriteDebugInfoCU(debug_abbrev_offset, info, debug_info);
+ // TODO: in gdb info functions <regexp> - reports Java functions, but
+ // source file is <unknown> because .debug_line is formed as one
+ // compilation unit. To fix this it is possible to generate
+ // a separate compilation unit for every distinct Java source.
+ // Each of the these compilation units can have several non-adjacent
+ // method ranges.
+ // Write .debug_line section.
+ std::vector<FileEntry> files;
+ std::unordered_map<std::string, size_t> files_map;
+ std::vector<std::string> directories;
+ std::unordered_map<std::string, size_t> directories_map;
+ int code_factor_bits_ = 0;
+ int dwarf_isa = -1;
+ switch (isa) {
+ case kArm: // arm actually means thumb2.
+ case kThumb2:
+ code_factor_bits_ = 1; // 16-bit instuctions
+ dwarf_isa = 1; // DW_ISA_ARM_thumb.
+ break;
+ case kArm64:
+ case kMips:
+ case kMips64:
+ code_factor_bits_ = 2; // 32-bit instructions
+ break;
+ case kNone:
+ case kX86:
+ case kX86_64:
+ break;
+ }
+ DebugLineOpCodeWriter<> opcodes(false /* 32bit */, code_factor_bits_);
+ opcodes.SetAddress(text_section_offset + cunit_low_pc);
+ if (dwarf_isa != -1) {
+ opcodes.SetISA(dwarf_isa);
+ }
+ for (const OatWriter::DebugInfo& mi : method_infos) {
+ // Addresses in the line table should be unique and increasing.
+ if (mi.deduped_) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ struct DebugInfoCallbacks {
+ static bool NewPosition(void* ctx, uint32_t address, uint32_t line) {
+ auto* context = reinterpret_cast<DebugInfoCallbacks*>(ctx);
+ context->dex2line_.push_back({address, static_cast<int32_t>(line)});
+ return false;
+ }
+ DefaultSrcMap dex2line_;
+ } debug_info_callbacks;
+ const DexFile* dex = mi.dex_file_;
+ if (mi.code_item_ != nullptr) {
+ dex->DecodeDebugInfo(mi.code_item_,
+ (mi.access_flags_ & kAccStatic) != 0,
+ mi.dex_method_index_,
+ DebugInfoCallbacks::NewPosition,
+ nullptr,
+ &debug_info_callbacks);
+ }
+ // Get and deduplicate directory and filename.
+ int file_index = 0; // 0 - primary source file of the compilation.
+ auto& dex_class_def = dex->GetClassDef(mi.class_def_index_);
+ const char* source_file = dex->GetSourceFile(dex_class_def);
+ if (source_file != nullptr) {
+ std::string file_name(source_file);
+ size_t file_name_slash = file_name.find_last_of('/');
+ std::string class_name(dex->GetClassDescriptor(dex_class_def));
+ size_t class_name_slash = class_name.find_last_of('/');
+ std::string full_path(file_name);
+ // Guess directory from package name.
+ int directory_index = 0; // 0 - current directory of the compilation.
+ if (file_name_slash == std::string::npos && // Just filename.
+ class_name.front() == 'L' && // Type descriptor for a class.
+ class_name_slash != std::string::npos) { // Has package name.
+ std::string package_name = class_name.substr(1, class_name_slash - 1);
+ auto it = directories_map.find(package_name);
+ if (it == directories_map.end()) {
+ directory_index = 1 + directories.size();
+ directories_map.emplace(package_name, directory_index);
+ directories.push_back(package_name);
+ } else {
+ directory_index = it->second;
+ }
+ full_path = package_name + "/" + file_name;
+ }
+ // Add file entry.
+ auto it2 = files_map.find(full_path);
+ if (it2 == files_map.end()) {
+ file_index = 1 + files.size();
+ files_map.emplace(full_path, file_index);
+ files.push_back(FileEntry {
+ file_name,
+ directory_index,
+ 0, // Modification time - NA.
+ 0, // File size - NA.
+ });
+ } else {
+ file_index = it2->second;
+ }
+ }
+ opcodes.SetFile(file_index);
+ // Generate mapping opcodes from PC to Java lines.
+ const DefaultSrcMap& dex2line_map = debug_info_callbacks.dex2line_;
+ uint32_t low_pc = text_section_offset + mi.low_pc_;
+ if (file_index != 0 && !dex2line_map.empty()) {
+ bool first = true;
+ for (SrcMapElem pc2dex : mi.compiled_method_->GetSrcMappingTable()) {
+ uint32_t pc = pc2dex.from_;
+ int dex_pc = pc2dex.to_;
+ auto dex2line = dex2line_map.Find(static_cast<uint32_t>(dex_pc));
+ if (dex2line.first) {
+ int line = dex2line.second;
+ if (first) {
+ first = false;
+ if (pc > 0) {
+ // Assume that any preceding code is prologue.
+ int first_line = dex2line_map.front().to_;
+ // Prologue is not a sensible place for a breakpoint.
+ opcodes.NegateStmt();
+ opcodes.AddRow(low_pc, first_line);
+ opcodes.NegateStmt();
+ opcodes.SetPrologueEnd();
+ }
+ opcodes.AddRow(low_pc + pc, line);
+ } else if (line != opcodes.CurrentLine()) {
+ opcodes.AddRow(low_pc + pc, line);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // line 0 - instruction cannot be attributed to any source line.
+ opcodes.AddRow(low_pc, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ opcodes.AdvancePC(text_section_offset + cunit_high_pc);
+ opcodes.EndSequence();
+ WriteDebugLineTable(directories, files, opcodes, debug_line);
+} // namespace dwarf
+} // namespace art
diff --git a/compiler/elf_writer_debug.h b/compiler/elf_writer_debug.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..39a99d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/elf_writer_debug.h
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include <vector>
+#include "oat_writer.h"
+namespace art {
+namespace dwarf {
+void WriteDebugSections(const CompilerDriver* compiler,
+ const OatWriter* oat_writer,
+ uint32_t text_section_offset,
+ std::vector<uint8_t>* eh_frame_data,
+ std::vector<uint8_t>* debug_info_data,
+ std::vector<uint8_t>* debug_abbrev_data,
+ std::vector<uint8_t>* debug_str_data,
+ std::vector<uint8_t>* debug_line_data);
+} // namespace dwarf
+} // namespace art
diff --git a/compiler/ b/compiler/
index 1bd83b6..e9af25f 100644
--- a/compiler/
+++ b/compiler/
@@ -22,14 +22,13 @@
#include "base/unix_file/fd_file.h"
#include "buffered_output_stream.h"
#include "compiled_method.h"
+#include "dex_file-inl.h"
#include "driver/compiler_driver.h"
#include "driver/compiler_options.h"
-#include "dwarf.h"
-#include "dwarf/debug_frame_writer.h"
-#include "dwarf/debug_line_writer.h"
#include "elf_builder.h"
#include "elf_file.h"
#include "elf_utils.h"
+#include "elf_writer_debug.h"
#include "file_output_stream.h"
#include "globals.h"
#include "leb128.h"
@@ -39,42 +38,6 @@
namespace art {
-static void PushByte(std::vector<uint8_t>* buf, int data) {
- buf->push_back(data & 0xff);
-static uint32_t PushStr(std::vector<uint8_t>* buf, const char* str, const char* def = nullptr) {
- if (str == nullptr) {
- str = def;
- }
- uint32_t offset = buf->size();
- for (size_t i = 0; str[i] != '\0'; ++i) {
- buf->push_back(str[i]);
- }
- buf->push_back('\0');
- return offset;
-static uint32_t PushStr(std::vector<uint8_t>* buf, const std::string &str) {
- uint32_t offset = buf->size();
- buf->insert(buf->end(), str.begin(), str.end());
- buf->push_back('\0');
- return offset;
-static void UpdateWord(std::vector<uint8_t>* buf, int offset, int data) {
- (*buf)[offset+0] = data;
- (*buf)[offset+1] = data >> 8;
- (*buf)[offset+2] = data >> 16;
- (*buf)[offset+3] = data >> 24;
-static void PushHalf(std::vector<uint8_t>* buf, int data) {
- buf->push_back(data & 0xff);
- buf->push_back((data >> 8) & 0xff);
template <typename Elf_Word, typename Elf_Sword, typename Elf_Addr,
typename Elf_Dyn, typename Elf_Sym, typename Elf_Ehdr,
typename Elf_Phdr, typename Elf_Shdr>
@@ -147,7 +110,8 @@
return false;
- if (compiler_driver_->GetCompilerOptions().GetIncludeDebugSymbols()) {
+ if (compiler_driver_->GetCompilerOptions().GetIncludeDebugSymbols() &&
+ !oat_writer->GetMethodDebugInfo().empty()) {
WriteDebugSymbols(compiler_driver_, builder.get(), oat_writer);
@@ -167,341 +131,6 @@
return builder->Write();
-// TODO: rewriting it using DexFile::DecodeDebugInfo needs unneeded stuff.
-static void GetLineInfoForJava(const uint8_t* dbgstream, DefaultSrcMap* dex2line) {
- if (dbgstream == nullptr) {
- return;
- }
- int adjopcode;
- uint32_t dex_offset = 0;
- uint32_t java_line = DecodeUnsignedLeb128(&dbgstream);
- // skip parameters
- for (uint32_t param_count = DecodeUnsignedLeb128(&dbgstream); param_count != 0; --param_count) {
- DecodeUnsignedLeb128(&dbgstream);
- }
- for (bool is_end = false; is_end == false; ) {
- uint8_t opcode = *dbgstream;
- dbgstream++;
- switch (opcode) {
- case DexFile::DBG_END_SEQUENCE:
- is_end = true;
- break;
- case DexFile::DBG_ADVANCE_PC:
- dex_offset += DecodeUnsignedLeb128(&dbgstream);
- break;
- case DexFile::DBG_ADVANCE_LINE:
- java_line += DecodeSignedLeb128(&dbgstream);
- break;
- case DexFile::DBG_START_LOCAL:
- DecodeUnsignedLeb128(&dbgstream);
- DecodeUnsignedLeb128(&dbgstream);
- DecodeUnsignedLeb128(&dbgstream);
- if (opcode == DexFile::DBG_START_LOCAL_EXTENDED) {
- DecodeUnsignedLeb128(&dbgstream);
- }
- break;
- case DexFile::DBG_END_LOCAL:
- case DexFile::DBG_RESTART_LOCAL:
- DecodeUnsignedLeb128(&dbgstream);
- break;
- case DexFile::DBG_SET_FILE:
- break;
- default:
- adjopcode = opcode - DexFile::DBG_FIRST_SPECIAL;
- dex_offset += adjopcode / DexFile::DBG_LINE_RANGE;
- java_line += DexFile::DBG_LINE_BASE + (adjopcode % DexFile::DBG_LINE_RANGE);
- dex2line->push_back({dex_offset, static_cast<int32_t>(java_line)});
- break;
- }
- }
- * @brief Generate the DWARF debug_info and debug_abbrev sections
- * @param oat_writer The Oat file Writer.
- * @param dbg_info Compilation unit information.
- * @param dbg_abbrev Abbreviations used to generate dbg_info.
- * @param dbg_str Debug strings.
- */
-static void FillInCFIInformation(OatWriter* oat_writer,
- std::vector<uint8_t>* dbg_info,
- std::vector<uint8_t>* dbg_abbrev,
- std::vector<uint8_t>* dbg_str,
- std::vector<uint8_t>* dbg_line,
- uint32_t text_section_offset) {
- const std::vector<OatWriter::DebugInfo>& method_infos = oat_writer->GetCFIMethodInfo();
- uint32_t producer_str_offset = PushStr(dbg_str, "Android dex2oat");
- constexpr bool use_64bit_addresses = false;
- // Create the debug_abbrev section with boilerplate information.
- // We only care about low_pc and high_pc right now for the compilation
- // unit and methods.
- // Tag 1: Compilation unit: DW_TAG_compile_unit.
- PushByte(dbg_abbrev, 1);
- PushByte(dbg_abbrev, dwarf::DW_TAG_compile_unit);
- // There are children (the methods).
- PushByte(dbg_abbrev, dwarf::DW_CHILDREN_yes);
- // DW_AT_producer DW_FORM_data1.
- // REVIEW: we can get rid of dbg_str section if
- // DW_FORM_string (immediate string) was used everywhere instead of
- // DW_FORM_strp (ref to string from .debug_str section).
- // DW_FORM_strp makes sense only if we reuse the strings.
- PushByte(dbg_abbrev, dwarf::DW_AT_producer);
- PushByte(dbg_abbrev, dwarf::DW_FORM_strp);
- // DW_LANG_Java DW_FORM_data1.
- PushByte(dbg_abbrev, dwarf::DW_AT_language);
- PushByte(dbg_abbrev, dwarf::DW_FORM_data1);
- // DW_AT_low_pc DW_FORM_addr.
- PushByte(dbg_abbrev, dwarf::DW_AT_low_pc);
- PushByte(dbg_abbrev, dwarf::DW_FORM_addr);
- // DW_AT_high_pc DW_FORM_addr.
- PushByte(dbg_abbrev, dwarf::DW_AT_high_pc);
- PushByte(dbg_abbrev, dwarf::DW_FORM_addr);
- if (dbg_line != nullptr) {
- // DW_AT_stmt_list DW_FORM_sec_offset.
- PushByte(dbg_abbrev, dwarf::DW_AT_stmt_list);
- PushByte(dbg_abbrev, dwarf::DW_FORM_data4);
- }
- // End of DW_TAG_compile_unit.
- PushByte(dbg_abbrev, 0); // DW_AT.
- PushByte(dbg_abbrev, 0); // DW_FORM.
- // Tag 2: Compilation unit: DW_TAG_subprogram.
- PushByte(dbg_abbrev, 2);
- PushByte(dbg_abbrev, dwarf::DW_TAG_subprogram);
- // There are no children.
- PushByte(dbg_abbrev, dwarf::DW_CHILDREN_no);
- // Name of the method.
- PushByte(dbg_abbrev, dwarf::DW_AT_name);
- PushByte(dbg_abbrev, dwarf::DW_FORM_strp);
- // DW_AT_low_pc DW_FORM_addr.
- PushByte(dbg_abbrev, dwarf::DW_AT_low_pc);
- PushByte(dbg_abbrev, dwarf::DW_FORM_addr);
- // DW_AT_high_pc DW_FORM_addr.
- PushByte(dbg_abbrev, dwarf::DW_AT_high_pc);
- PushByte(dbg_abbrev, dwarf::DW_FORM_addr);
- // End of DW_TAG_subprogram.
- PushByte(dbg_abbrev, 0); // DW_AT.
- PushByte(dbg_abbrev, 0); // DW_FORM.
- // End of abbrevs for compilation unit
- PushByte(dbg_abbrev, 0);
- // Start the debug_info section with the header information
- // 'unit_length' will be filled in later.
- int cunit_length = dbg_info->size();
- Push32(dbg_info, 0);
- // 'version' - 3.
- PushHalf(dbg_info, 3);
- // Offset into .debug_abbrev section (always 0).
- Push32(dbg_info, 0);
- // Address size: 4 or 8.
- PushByte(dbg_info, use_64bit_addresses ? 8 : 4);
- // Start the description for the compilation unit.
- // This uses tag 1.
- PushByte(dbg_info, 1);
- // The producer is Android dex2oat.
- Push32(dbg_info, producer_str_offset);
- // The language is Java.
- PushByte(dbg_info, dwarf::DW_LANG_Java);
- // low_pc and high_pc.
- uint32_t cunit_low_pc = static_cast<uint32_t>(-1);
- uint32_t cunit_high_pc = 0;
- for (auto method_info : method_infos) {
- cunit_low_pc = std::min(cunit_low_pc, method_info.low_pc_);
- cunit_high_pc = std::max(cunit_high_pc, method_info.high_pc_);
- }
- Push32(dbg_info, cunit_low_pc + text_section_offset);
- Push32(dbg_info, cunit_high_pc + text_section_offset);
- if (dbg_line != nullptr) {
- // Line number table offset.
- Push32(dbg_info, dbg_line->size());
- }
- for (auto method_info : method_infos) {
- // Start a new TAG: subroutine (2).
- PushByte(dbg_info, 2);
- // Enter name, low_pc, high_pc.
- Push32(dbg_info, PushStr(dbg_str, method_info.method_name_));
- Push32(dbg_info, method_info.low_pc_ + text_section_offset);
- Push32(dbg_info, method_info.high_pc_ + text_section_offset);
- }
- if (dbg_line != nullptr) {
- // TODO: in gdb info functions <regexp> - reports Java functions, but
- // source file is <unknown> because .debug_line is formed as one
- // compilation unit. To fix this it is possible to generate
- // a separate compilation unit for every distinct Java source.
- // Each of the these compilation units can have several non-adjacent
- // method ranges.
- std::vector<dwarf::DebugLineWriter<>::FileEntry> files;
- std::unordered_map<std::string, size_t> files_map;
- std::vector<std::string> directories;
- std::unordered_map<std::string, size_t> directories_map;
- int code_factor_bits_ = 0;
- int isa = -1;
- switch (oat_writer->GetOatHeader().GetInstructionSet()) {
- case kArm: // arm actually means thumb2.
- case kThumb2:
- code_factor_bits_ = 1; // 16-bit instuctions
- isa = 1; // DW_ISA_ARM_thumb.
- break;
- case kArm64:
- case kMips:
- case kMips64:
- code_factor_bits_ = 2; // 32-bit instructions
- break;
- case kNone:
- case kX86:
- case kX86_64:
- break;
- }
- dwarf::DebugLineOpCodeWriter<> opcodes(use_64bit_addresses, code_factor_bits_);
- opcodes.SetAddress(text_section_offset + cunit_low_pc);
- if (isa != -1) {
- opcodes.SetISA(isa);
- }
- DefaultSrcMap dex2line_map;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < method_infos.size(); i++) {
- const OatWriter::DebugInfo& method_info = method_infos[i];
- // Addresses in the line table should be unique and increasing.
- if (method_info.deduped_) {
- continue;
- }
- // Get and deduplicate directory and filename.
- int file_index = 0; // 0 - primary source file of the compilation.
- if (method_info.src_file_name_ != nullptr) {
- std::string file_name(method_info.src_file_name_);
- size_t file_name_slash = file_name.find_last_of('/');
- std::string class_name(method_info.class_descriptor_);
- size_t class_name_slash = class_name.find_last_of('/');
- std::string full_path(file_name);
- // Guess directory from package name.
- int directory_index = 0; // 0 - current directory of the compilation.
- if (file_name_slash == std::string::npos && // Just filename.
- class_name.front() == 'L' && // Type descriptor for a class.
- class_name_slash != std::string::npos) { // Has package name.
- std::string package_name = class_name.substr(1, class_name_slash - 1);
- auto it = directories_map.find(package_name);
- if (it == directories_map.end()) {
- directory_index = 1 + directories.size();
- directories_map.emplace(package_name, directory_index);
- directories.push_back(package_name);
- } else {
- directory_index = it->second;
- }
- full_path = package_name + "/" + file_name;
- }
- // Add file entry.
- auto it2 = files_map.find(full_path);
- if (it2 == files_map.end()) {
- file_index = 1 + files.size();
- files_map.emplace(full_path, file_index);
- files.push_back(dwarf::DebugLineWriter<>::FileEntry {
- file_name,
- directory_index,
- 0, // Modification time - NA.
- 0, // File size - NA.
- });
- } else {
- file_index = it2->second;
- }
- }
- opcodes.SetFile(file_index);
- // Generate mapping opcodes from PC to Java lines.
- dex2line_map.clear();
- GetLineInfoForJava(method_info.dbgstream_, &dex2line_map);
- uint32_t low_pc = text_section_offset + method_info.low_pc_;
- if (file_index != 0 && !dex2line_map.empty()) {
- bool first = true;
- for (SrcMapElem pc2dex : method_info.compiled_method_->GetSrcMappingTable()) {
- uint32_t pc = pc2dex.from_;
- int dex = pc2dex.to_;
- auto dex2line = dex2line_map.Find(static_cast<uint32_t>(dex));
- if (dex2line.first) {
- int line = dex2line.second;
- if (first) {
- first = false;
- if (pc > 0) {
- // Assume that any preceding code is prologue.
- int first_line = dex2line_map.front().to_;
- // Prologue is not a sensible place for a breakpoint.
- opcodes.NegateStmt();
- opcodes.AddRow(low_pc, first_line);
- opcodes.NegateStmt();
- opcodes.SetPrologueEnd();
- }
- opcodes.AddRow(low_pc + pc, line);
- } else if (line != opcodes.CurrentLine()) {
- opcodes.AddRow(low_pc + pc, line);
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- // line 0 - instruction cannot be attributed to any source line.
- opcodes.AddRow(low_pc, 0);
- }
- }
- opcodes.AdvancePC(text_section_offset + cunit_high_pc);
- opcodes.EndSequence();
- dwarf::DebugLineWriter<> dbg_line_writer(dbg_line);
- dbg_line_writer.WriteTable(directories, files, opcodes);
- }
- // One byte terminator.
- PushByte(dbg_info, 0);
- // We have now walked all the methods. Fill in lengths.
- UpdateWord(dbg_info, cunit_length, dbg_info->size() - cunit_length - 4);
template <typename Elf_Word, typename Elf_Sword, typename Elf_Addr,
typename Elf_Dyn, typename Elf_Sym, typename Elf_Ehdr,
typename Elf_Phdr, typename Elf_Shdr>
@@ -511,18 +140,22 @@
ElfBuilder<Elf_Word, Elf_Sword, Elf_Addr, Elf_Dyn,
Elf_Sym, Elf_Ehdr, Elf_Phdr, Elf_Shdr>* builder,
OatWriter* oat_writer) {
- UNUSED(compiler_driver);
- Elf_Addr text_section_address = builder->GetTextBuilder().GetSection()->sh_addr;
// Iterate over the compiled methods.
- const std::vector<OatWriter::DebugInfo>& method_info = oat_writer->GetCFIMethodInfo();
+ const std::vector<OatWriter::DebugInfo>& method_info = oat_writer->GetMethodDebugInfo();
ElfSymtabBuilder<Elf_Word, Elf_Sword, Elf_Addr, Elf_Sym, Elf_Shdr>* symtab =
for (auto it = method_info.begin(); it != method_info.end(); ++it) {
+ std::string name = PrettyMethod(it->dex_method_index_, *it->dex_file_, true);
+ if (it->deduped_) {
+ // TODO We should place the DEDUPED tag on the first instance of a deduplicated symbol
+ // so that it will show up in a debuggerd crash report.
+ name += " [ DEDUPED ]";
+ }
uint32_t low_pc = it->low_pc_;
// Add in code delta, e.g., thumb bit 0 for Thumb2 code.
low_pc += it->compiled_method_->CodeDelta();
- symtab->AddSymbol(it->method_name_, &builder->GetTextBuilder(), low_pc,
+ symtab->AddSymbol(name, &builder->GetTextBuilder(), low_pc,
true, it->high_pc_ - it->low_pc_, STB_GLOBAL, STT_FUNC);
// Conforming to aaelf, add $t mapping symbol to indicate start of a sequence of thumb2
@@ -533,43 +166,27 @@
- bool hasLineInfo = false;
- for (auto& dbg_info : oat_writer->GetCFIMethodInfo()) {
- if (dbg_info.dbgstream_ != nullptr &&
- !dbg_info.compiled_method_->GetSrcMappingTable().empty()) {
- hasLineInfo = true;
- break;
- }
- }
+ typedef ElfRawSectionBuilder<Elf_Word, Elf_Sword, Elf_Shdr> Section;
+ Section eh_frame(".eh_frame", SHT_PROGBITS, SHF_ALLOC, nullptr, 0, 4, 0);
+ Section debug_info(".debug_info", SHT_PROGBITS, 0, nullptr, 0, 1, 0);
+ Section debug_abbrev(".debug_abbrev", SHT_PROGBITS, 0, nullptr, 0, 1, 0);
+ Section debug_str(".debug_str", SHT_PROGBITS, 0, nullptr, 0, 1, 0);
+ Section debug_line(".debug_line", SHT_PROGBITS, 0, nullptr, 0, 1, 0);
- if (hasLineInfo) {
- ElfRawSectionBuilder<Elf_Word, Elf_Sword, Elf_Shdr> debug_info(".debug_info",
- 0, nullptr, 0, 1, 0);
- ElfRawSectionBuilder<Elf_Word, Elf_Sword, Elf_Shdr> debug_abbrev(".debug_abbrev",
- 0, nullptr, 0, 1, 0);
- ElfRawSectionBuilder<Elf_Word, Elf_Sword, Elf_Shdr> debug_str(".debug_str",
- 0, nullptr, 0, 1, 0);
- ElfRawSectionBuilder<Elf_Word, Elf_Sword, Elf_Shdr> debug_line(".debug_line",
- 0, nullptr, 0, 1, 0);
+ dwarf::WriteDebugSections(compiler_driver,
+ oat_writer,
+ builder->GetTextBuilder().GetSection()->sh_addr,
+ eh_frame.GetBuffer(),
+ debug_info.GetBuffer(),
+ debug_abbrev.GetBuffer(),
+ debug_str.GetBuffer(),
+ debug_line.GetBuffer());
- FillInCFIInformation(oat_writer, debug_info.GetBuffer(),
- debug_abbrev.GetBuffer(), debug_str.GetBuffer(),
- hasLineInfo ? debug_line.GetBuffer() : nullptr,
- text_section_address);
- builder->RegisterRawSection(debug_info);
- builder->RegisterRawSection(debug_abbrev);
- if (hasLineInfo) {
- builder->RegisterRawSection(debug_line);
- }
- builder->RegisterRawSection(debug_str);
- }
+ builder->RegisterRawSection(eh_frame);
+ builder->RegisterRawSection(debug_info);
+ builder->RegisterRawSection(debug_abbrev);
+ builder->RegisterRawSection(debug_str);
+ builder->RegisterRawSection(debug_line);
// Explicit instantiations
diff --git a/compiler/jni/ b/compiler/jni/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a0d520
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/jni/
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include <memory>
+#include <vector>
+#include "arch/instruction_set.h"
+#include "cfi_test.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
+#include "jni/quick/calling_convention.h"
+#include "utils/assembler.h"
+#include "jni/"
+namespace art {
+// Run the tests only on host.
+class JNICFITest : public CFITest {
+ public:
+ // Enable this flag to generate the expected outputs.
+ static constexpr bool kGenerateExpected = false;
+ void TestImpl(InstructionSet isa, const char* isa_str,
+ const std::vector<uint8_t>& expected_asm,
+ const std::vector<uint8_t>& expected_cfi) {
+ // Description of simple method.
+ const bool is_static = true;
+ const bool is_synchronized = false;
+ const char* shorty = "IIFII";
+ std::unique_ptr<JniCallingConvention> jni_conv(
+ JniCallingConvention::Create(is_static, is_synchronized, shorty, isa));
+ std::unique_ptr<ManagedRuntimeCallingConvention> mr_conv(
+ ManagedRuntimeCallingConvention::Create(is_static, is_synchronized, shorty, isa));
+ const int frame_size(jni_conv->FrameSize());
+ const std::vector<ManagedRegister>& callee_save_regs = jni_conv->CalleeSaveRegisters();
+ // Assemble the method.
+ std::unique_ptr<Assembler> jni_asm(Assembler::Create(isa));
+ jni_asm->BuildFrame(frame_size, mr_conv->MethodRegister(),
+ callee_save_regs, mr_conv->EntrySpills());
+ jni_asm->IncreaseFrameSize(32);
+ jni_asm->DecreaseFrameSize(32);
+ jni_asm->RemoveFrame(frame_size, callee_save_regs);
+ jni_asm->EmitSlowPaths();
+ std::vector<uint8_t> actual_asm(jni_asm->CodeSize());
+ MemoryRegion code(&actual_asm[0], actual_asm.size());
+ jni_asm->FinalizeInstructions(code);
+ ASSERT_EQ(jni_asm->cfi().GetCurrentCFAOffset(), frame_size);
+ const std::vector<uint8_t>& actual_cfi = *(jni_asm->cfi().data());
+ if (kGenerateExpected) {
+ GenerateExpected(stdout, isa, isa_str, actual_asm, actual_cfi);
+ } else {
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_asm, actual_asm);
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_cfi, actual_cfi);
+ }
+ }
+#define TEST_ISA(isa) \
+ TEST_F(JNICFITest, isa) { \
+ std::vector<uint8_t> expected_asm(expected_asm_##isa, \
+ expected_asm_##isa + arraysize(expected_asm_##isa)); \
+ std::vector<uint8_t> expected_cfi(expected_cfi_##isa, \
+ expected_cfi_##isa + arraysize(expected_cfi_##isa)); \
+ TestImpl(isa, #isa, expected_asm, expected_cfi); \
+ }
+#endif // HAVE_ANDROID_OS
+} // namespace art
diff --git a/compiler/jni/ b/compiler/jni/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47e6f10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/jni/
@@ -0,0 +1,505 @@
+static constexpr uint8_t expected_asm_kThumb2[] = {
+ 0x2D, 0xE9, 0xE0, 0x4D, 0x2D, 0xED, 0x10, 0x8A, 0x89, 0xB0, 0x00, 0x90,
+ 0xCD, 0xF8, 0x84, 0x10, 0x8D, 0xED, 0x22, 0x0A, 0xCD, 0xF8, 0x8C, 0x20,
+ 0xCD, 0xF8, 0x90, 0x30, 0x88, 0xB0, 0x08, 0xB0, 0x09, 0xB0, 0xBD, 0xEC,
+ 0x10, 0x8A, 0xBD, 0xE8, 0xE0, 0x8D,
+static constexpr uint8_t expected_cfi_kThumb2[] = {
+ 0x44, 0x0E, 0x1C, 0x85, 0x07, 0x86, 0x06, 0x87, 0x05, 0x88, 0x04, 0x8A,
+ 0x03, 0x8B, 0x02, 0x8E, 0x01, 0x44, 0x0E, 0x5C, 0x05, 0x50, 0x17, 0x05,
+ 0x51, 0x16, 0x05, 0x52, 0x15, 0x05, 0x53, 0x14, 0x05, 0x54, 0x13, 0x05,
+ 0x55, 0x12, 0x05, 0x56, 0x11, 0x05, 0x57, 0x10, 0x05, 0x58, 0x0F, 0x05,
+ 0x59, 0x0E, 0x05, 0x5A, 0x0D, 0x05, 0x5B, 0x0C, 0x05, 0x5C, 0x0B, 0x05,
+ 0x5D, 0x0A, 0x05, 0x5E, 0x09, 0x05, 0x5F, 0x08, 0x42, 0x0E, 0x80, 0x01,
+ 0x54, 0x0E, 0xA0, 0x01, 0x42, 0x0E, 0x80, 0x01, 0x0A, 0x42, 0x0E, 0x5C,
+ 0x44, 0x0E, 0x1C, 0x06, 0x50, 0x06, 0x51, 0x06, 0x52, 0x06, 0x53, 0x06,
+ 0x54, 0x06, 0x55, 0x06, 0x56, 0x06, 0x57, 0x06, 0x58, 0x06, 0x59, 0x06,
+ 0x5A, 0x06, 0x5B, 0x06, 0x5C, 0x06, 0x5D, 0x06, 0x5E, 0x06, 0x5F, 0x44,
+ 0x0B, 0x0E, 0x80, 0x01,
+// 0x00000000: push {r5, r6, r7, r8, r10, r11, lr}
+// 0x00000004: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 28
+// 0x00000004: .cfi_offset: r5 at cfa-28
+// 0x00000004: .cfi_offset: r6 at cfa-24
+// 0x00000004: .cfi_offset: r7 at cfa-20
+// 0x00000004: .cfi_offset: r8 at cfa-16
+// 0x00000004: .cfi_offset: r10 at cfa-12
+// 0x00000004: .cfi_offset: r11 at cfa-8
+// 0x00000004: .cfi_offset: r14 at cfa-4
+// 0x00000004: vpush.f32 {s16-s31}
+// 0x00000008: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 92
+// 0x00000008: .cfi_offset_extended: r80 at cfa-92
+// 0x00000008: .cfi_offset_extended: r81 at cfa-88
+// 0x00000008: .cfi_offset_extended: r82 at cfa-84
+// 0x00000008: .cfi_offset_extended: r83 at cfa-80
+// 0x00000008: .cfi_offset_extended: r84 at cfa-76
+// 0x00000008: .cfi_offset_extended: r85 at cfa-72
+// 0x00000008: .cfi_offset_extended: r86 at cfa-68
+// 0x00000008: .cfi_offset_extended: r87 at cfa-64
+// 0x00000008: .cfi_offset_extended: r88 at cfa-60
+// 0x00000008: .cfi_offset_extended: r89 at cfa-56
+// 0x00000008: .cfi_offset_extended: r90 at cfa-52
+// 0x00000008: .cfi_offset_extended: r91 at cfa-48
+// 0x00000008: .cfi_offset_extended: r92 at cfa-44
+// 0x00000008: .cfi_offset_extended: r93 at cfa-40
+// 0x00000008: .cfi_offset_extended: r94 at cfa-36
+// 0x00000008: .cfi_offset_extended: r95 at cfa-32
+// 0x00000008: sub sp, sp, #36
+// 0x0000000a: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 128
+// 0x0000000a: str r0, [sp, #0]
+// 0x0000000c: str.w r1, [sp, #132]
+// 0x00000010: vstr.f32 s0, [sp, #136]
+// 0x00000014: str.w r2, [sp, #140]
+// 0x00000018: str.w r3, [sp, #144]
+// 0x0000001c: sub sp, sp, #32
+// 0x0000001e: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 160
+// 0x0000001e: add sp, sp, #32
+// 0x00000020: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 128
+// 0x00000020: .cfi_remember_state
+// 0x00000020: add sp, sp, #36
+// 0x00000022: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 92
+// 0x00000022: vpop.f32 {s16-s31}
+// 0x00000026: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 28
+// 0x00000026: .cfi_restore_extended: r80
+// 0x00000026: .cfi_restore_extended: r81
+// 0x00000026: .cfi_restore_extended: r82
+// 0x00000026: .cfi_restore_extended: r83
+// 0x00000026: .cfi_restore_extended: r84
+// 0x00000026: .cfi_restore_extended: r85
+// 0x00000026: .cfi_restore_extended: r86
+// 0x00000026: .cfi_restore_extended: r87
+// 0x00000026: .cfi_restore_extended: r88
+// 0x00000026: .cfi_restore_extended: r89
+// 0x00000026: .cfi_restore_extended: r90
+// 0x00000026: .cfi_restore_extended: r91
+// 0x00000026: .cfi_restore_extended: r92
+// 0x00000026: .cfi_restore_extended: r93
+// 0x00000026: .cfi_restore_extended: r94
+// 0x00000026: .cfi_restore_extended: r95
+// 0x00000026: pop {r5, r6, r7, r8, r10, r11, pc}
+// 0x0000002a: .cfi_restore_state
+// 0x0000002a: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 128
+static constexpr uint8_t expected_asm_kArm64[] = {
+ 0xFF, 0x03, 0x03, 0xD1, 0xFE, 0x5F, 0x00, 0xF9, 0xFD, 0x5B, 0x00, 0xF9,
+ 0xFC, 0x57, 0x00, 0xF9, 0xFB, 0x53, 0x00, 0xF9, 0xFA, 0x4F, 0x00, 0xF9,
+ 0xF9, 0x4B, 0x00, 0xF9, 0xF8, 0x47, 0x00, 0xF9, 0xF7, 0x43, 0x00, 0xF9,
+ 0xF6, 0x3F, 0x00, 0xF9, 0xF5, 0x3B, 0x00, 0xF9, 0xF4, 0x37, 0x00, 0xF9,
+ 0xEF, 0x33, 0x00, 0xFD, 0xEE, 0x2F, 0x00, 0xFD, 0xED, 0x2B, 0x00, 0xFD,
+ 0xEC, 0x27, 0x00, 0xFD, 0xEB, 0x23, 0x00, 0xFD, 0xEA, 0x1F, 0x00, 0xFD,
+ 0xE9, 0x1B, 0x00, 0xFD, 0xE8, 0x17, 0x00, 0xFD, 0xF5, 0x03, 0x12, 0xAA,
+ 0xE0, 0x03, 0x00, 0xB9, 0xE1, 0xC7, 0x00, 0xB9, 0xE0, 0xCB, 0x00, 0xBD,
+ 0xE2, 0xCF, 0x00, 0xB9, 0xE3, 0xD3, 0x00, 0xB9, 0xFF, 0x83, 0x00, 0xD1,
+ 0xFF, 0x83, 0x00, 0x91, 0xF2, 0x03, 0x15, 0xAA, 0xFE, 0x5F, 0x40, 0xF9,
+ 0xFD, 0x5B, 0x40, 0xF9, 0xFC, 0x57, 0x40, 0xF9, 0xFB, 0x53, 0x40, 0xF9,
+ 0xFA, 0x4F, 0x40, 0xF9, 0xF9, 0x4B, 0x40, 0xF9, 0xF8, 0x47, 0x40, 0xF9,
+ 0xF7, 0x43, 0x40, 0xF9, 0xF6, 0x3F, 0x40, 0xF9, 0xF5, 0x3B, 0x40, 0xF9,
+ 0xF4, 0x37, 0x40, 0xF9, 0xEF, 0x33, 0x40, 0xFD, 0xEE, 0x2F, 0x40, 0xFD,
+ 0xED, 0x2B, 0x40, 0xFD, 0xEC, 0x27, 0x40, 0xFD, 0xEB, 0x23, 0x40, 0xFD,
+ 0xEA, 0x1F, 0x40, 0xFD, 0xE9, 0x1B, 0x40, 0xFD, 0xE8, 0x17, 0x40, 0xFD,
+ 0xFF, 0x03, 0x03, 0x91, 0xC0, 0x03, 0x5F, 0xD6,
+static constexpr uint8_t expected_cfi_kArm64[] = {
+ 0x44, 0x0E, 0xC0, 0x01, 0x44, 0x9E, 0x02, 0x44, 0x9D, 0x04, 0x44, 0x9C,
+ 0x06, 0x44, 0x9B, 0x08, 0x44, 0x9A, 0x0A, 0x44, 0x99, 0x0C, 0x44, 0x98,
+ 0x0E, 0x44, 0x97, 0x10, 0x44, 0x96, 0x12, 0x44, 0x95, 0x14, 0x44, 0x94,
+ 0x16, 0x44, 0x05, 0x4F, 0x18, 0x44, 0x05, 0x4E, 0x1A, 0x44, 0x05, 0x4D,
+ 0x1C, 0x44, 0x05, 0x4C, 0x1E, 0x44, 0x05, 0x4B, 0x20, 0x44, 0x05, 0x4A,
+ 0x22, 0x44, 0x05, 0x49, 0x24, 0x44, 0x05, 0x48, 0x26, 0x5C, 0x0E, 0xE0,
+ 0x01, 0x44, 0x0E, 0xC0, 0x01, 0x0A, 0x48, 0xDE, 0x44, 0xDD, 0x44, 0xDC,
+ 0x44, 0xDB, 0x44, 0xDA, 0x44, 0xD9, 0x44, 0xD8, 0x44, 0xD7, 0x44, 0xD6,
+ 0x44, 0xD5, 0x44, 0xD4, 0x44, 0x06, 0x4F, 0x44, 0x06, 0x4E, 0x44, 0x06,
+ 0x4D, 0x44, 0x06, 0x4C, 0x44, 0x06, 0x4B, 0x44, 0x06, 0x4A, 0x44, 0x06,
+ 0x49, 0x44, 0x06, 0x48, 0x44, 0x0E, 0x00, 0x44, 0x0B, 0x0E, 0xC0, 0x01,
+// 0x00000000: sub sp, sp, #0xc0 (192)
+// 0x00000004: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 192
+// 0x00000004: str lr, [sp, #184]
+// 0x00000008: .cfi_offset: r30 at cfa-8
+// 0x00000008: str x29, [sp, #176]
+// 0x0000000c: .cfi_offset: r29 at cfa-16
+// 0x0000000c: str x28, [sp, #168]
+// 0x00000010: .cfi_offset: r28 at cfa-24
+// 0x00000010: str x27, [sp, #160]
+// 0x00000014: .cfi_offset: r27 at cfa-32
+// 0x00000014: str x26, [sp, #152]
+// 0x00000018: .cfi_offset: r26 at cfa-40
+// 0x00000018: str x25, [sp, #144]
+// 0x0000001c: .cfi_offset: r25 at cfa-48
+// 0x0000001c: str x24, [sp, #136]
+// 0x00000020: .cfi_offset: r24 at cfa-56
+// 0x00000020: str x23, [sp, #128]
+// 0x00000024: .cfi_offset: r23 at cfa-64
+// 0x00000024: str x22, [sp, #120]
+// 0x00000028: .cfi_offset: r22 at cfa-72
+// 0x00000028: str x21, [sp, #112]
+// 0x0000002c: .cfi_offset: r21 at cfa-80
+// 0x0000002c: str x20, [sp, #104]
+// 0x00000030: .cfi_offset: r20 at cfa-88
+// 0x00000030: str d15, [sp, #96]
+// 0x00000034: .cfi_offset_extended: r79 at cfa-96
+// 0x00000034: str d14, [sp, #88]
+// 0x00000038: .cfi_offset_extended: r78 at cfa-104
+// 0x00000038: str d13, [sp, #80]
+// 0x0000003c: .cfi_offset_extended: r77 at cfa-112
+// 0x0000003c: str d12, [sp, #72]
+// 0x00000040: .cfi_offset_extended: r76 at cfa-120
+// 0x00000040: str d11, [sp, #64]
+// 0x00000044: .cfi_offset_extended: r75 at cfa-128
+// 0x00000044: str d10, [sp, #56]
+// 0x00000048: .cfi_offset_extended: r74 at cfa-136
+// 0x00000048: str d9, [sp, #48]
+// 0x0000004c: .cfi_offset_extended: r73 at cfa-144
+// 0x0000004c: str d8, [sp, #40]
+// 0x00000050: .cfi_offset_extended: r72 at cfa-152
+// 0x00000050: mov x21, tr
+// 0x00000054: str w0, [sp]
+// 0x00000058: str w1, [sp, #196]
+// 0x0000005c: str s0, [sp, #200]
+// 0x00000060: str w2, [sp, #204]
+// 0x00000064: str w3, [sp, #208]
+// 0x00000068: sub sp, sp, #0x20 (32)
+// 0x0000006c: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 224
+// 0x0000006c: add sp, sp, #0x20 (32)
+// 0x00000070: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 192
+// 0x00000070: .cfi_remember_state
+// 0x00000070: mov tr, x21
+// 0x00000074: ldr lr, [sp, #184]
+// 0x00000078: .cfi_restore: r30
+// 0x00000078: ldr x29, [sp, #176]
+// 0x0000007c: .cfi_restore: r29
+// 0x0000007c: ldr x28, [sp, #168]
+// 0x00000080: .cfi_restore: r28
+// 0x00000080: ldr x27, [sp, #160]
+// 0x00000084: .cfi_restore: r27
+// 0x00000084: ldr x26, [sp, #152]
+// 0x00000088: .cfi_restore: r26
+// 0x00000088: ldr x25, [sp, #144]
+// 0x0000008c: .cfi_restore: r25
+// 0x0000008c: ldr x24, [sp, #136]
+// 0x00000090: .cfi_restore: r24
+// 0x00000090: ldr x23, [sp, #128]
+// 0x00000094: .cfi_restore: r23
+// 0x00000094: ldr x22, [sp, #120]
+// 0x00000098: .cfi_restore: r22
+// 0x00000098: ldr x21, [sp, #112]
+// 0x0000009c: .cfi_restore: r21
+// 0x0000009c: ldr x20, [sp, #104]
+// 0x000000a0: .cfi_restore: r20
+// 0x000000a0: ldr d15, [sp, #96]
+// 0x000000a4: .cfi_restore_extended: r79
+// 0x000000a4: ldr d14, [sp, #88]
+// 0x000000a8: .cfi_restore_extended: r78
+// 0x000000a8: ldr d13, [sp, #80]
+// 0x000000ac: .cfi_restore_extended: r77
+// 0x000000ac: ldr d12, [sp, #72]
+// 0x000000b0: .cfi_restore_extended: r76
+// 0x000000b0: ldr d11, [sp, #64]
+// 0x000000b4: .cfi_restore_extended: r75
+// 0x000000b4: ldr d10, [sp, #56]
+// 0x000000b8: .cfi_restore_extended: r74
+// 0x000000b8: ldr d9, [sp, #48]
+// 0x000000bc: .cfi_restore_extended: r73
+// 0x000000bc: ldr d8, [sp, #40]
+// 0x000000c0: .cfi_restore_extended: r72
+// 0x000000c0: add sp, sp, #0xc0 (192)
+// 0x000000c4: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 0
+// 0x000000c4: ret
+// 0x000000c8: .cfi_restore_state
+// 0x000000c8: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 192
+static constexpr uint8_t expected_asm_kX86[] = {
+ 0x57, 0x56, 0x55, 0x83, 0xC4, 0xE4, 0x50, 0x89, 0x4C, 0x24, 0x34, 0xF3,
+ 0x0F, 0x11, 0x44, 0x24, 0x38, 0x89, 0x54, 0x24, 0x3C, 0x89, 0x5C, 0x24,
+ 0x40, 0x83, 0xC4, 0xE0, 0x83, 0xC4, 0x20, 0x83, 0xC4, 0x20, 0x5D, 0x5E,
+ 0x5F, 0xC3,
+static constexpr uint8_t expected_cfi_kX86[] = {
+ 0x41, 0x0E, 0x08, 0x87, 0x02, 0x41, 0x0E, 0x0C, 0x86, 0x03, 0x41, 0x0E,
+ 0x10, 0x85, 0x04, 0x43, 0x0E, 0x2C, 0x41, 0x0E, 0x30, 0x55, 0x0E, 0x50,
+ 0x43, 0x0E, 0x30, 0x0A, 0x43, 0x0E, 0x10, 0x41, 0x0E, 0x0C, 0xC5, 0x41,
+ 0x0E, 0x08, 0xC6, 0x41, 0x0E, 0x04, 0xC7, 0x41, 0x0B, 0x0E, 0x30,
+// 0x00000000: push edi
+// 0x00000001: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 8
+// 0x00000001: .cfi_offset: r7 at cfa-8
+// 0x00000001: push esi
+// 0x00000002: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 12
+// 0x00000002: .cfi_offset: r6 at cfa-12
+// 0x00000002: push ebp
+// 0x00000003: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 16
+// 0x00000003: .cfi_offset: r5 at cfa-16
+// 0x00000003: add esp, -28
+// 0x00000006: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 44
+// 0x00000006: push eax
+// 0x00000007: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 48
+// 0x00000007: mov [esp + 52], ecx
+// 0x0000000b: movss [esp + 56], xmm0
+// 0x00000011: mov [esp + 60], edx
+// 0x00000015: mov [esp + 64], ebx
+// 0x00000019: add esp, -32
+// 0x0000001c: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 80
+// 0x0000001c: add esp, 32
+// 0x0000001f: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 48
+// 0x0000001f: .cfi_remember_state
+// 0x0000001f: add esp, 32
+// 0x00000022: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 16
+// 0x00000022: pop ebp
+// 0x00000023: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 12
+// 0x00000023: .cfi_restore: r5
+// 0x00000023: pop esi
+// 0x00000024: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 8
+// 0x00000024: .cfi_restore: r6
+// 0x00000024: pop edi
+// 0x00000025: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 4
+// 0x00000025: .cfi_restore: r7
+// 0x00000025: ret
+// 0x00000026: .cfi_restore_state
+// 0x00000026: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 48
+static constexpr uint8_t expected_asm_kX86_64[] = {
+ 0x41, 0x57, 0x41, 0x56, 0x41, 0x55, 0x41, 0x54, 0x55, 0x53, 0x48, 0x83,
+ 0xEC, 0x48, 0xF2, 0x44, 0x0F, 0x11, 0x7C, 0x24, 0x40, 0xF2, 0x44, 0x0F,
+ 0x11, 0x74, 0x24, 0x38, 0xF2, 0x44, 0x0F, 0x11, 0x6C, 0x24, 0x30, 0xF2,
+ 0x44, 0x0F, 0x11, 0x64, 0x24, 0x28, 0x89, 0x3C, 0x24, 0x89, 0xB4, 0x24,
+ 0x84, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xF3, 0x0F, 0x11, 0x84, 0x24, 0x88, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x89, 0x94, 0x24, 0x8C, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x89, 0x8C, 0x24, 0x90,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x48, 0x83, 0xC4, 0xE0, 0x48, 0x83, 0xC4, 0x20, 0xF2,
+ 0x44, 0x0F, 0x10, 0x64, 0x24, 0x28, 0xF2, 0x44, 0x0F, 0x10, 0x6C, 0x24,
+ 0x30, 0xF2, 0x44, 0x0F, 0x10, 0x74, 0x24, 0x38, 0xF2, 0x44, 0x0F, 0x10,
+ 0x7C, 0x24, 0x40, 0x48, 0x83, 0xC4, 0x48, 0x5B, 0x5D, 0x41, 0x5C, 0x41,
+ 0x5D, 0x41, 0x5E, 0x41, 0x5F, 0xC3,
+static constexpr uint8_t expected_cfi_kX86_64[] = {
+ 0x42, 0x0E, 0x10, 0x8F, 0x04, 0x42, 0x0E, 0x18, 0x8E, 0x06, 0x42, 0x0E,
+ 0x20, 0x8D, 0x08, 0x42, 0x0E, 0x28, 0x8C, 0x0A, 0x41, 0x0E, 0x30, 0x86,
+ 0x0C, 0x41, 0x0E, 0x38, 0x83, 0x0E, 0x44, 0x0E, 0x80, 0x01, 0x47, 0xA0,
+ 0x10, 0x47, 0x9F, 0x12, 0x47, 0x9E, 0x14, 0x47, 0x9D, 0x16, 0x65, 0x0E,
+ 0xA0, 0x01, 0x44, 0x0E, 0x80, 0x01, 0x0A, 0x47, 0xDD, 0x47, 0xDE, 0x47,
+ 0xDF, 0x47, 0xE0, 0x44, 0x0E, 0x38, 0x41, 0x0E, 0x30, 0xC3, 0x41, 0x0E,
+ 0x28, 0xC6, 0x42, 0x0E, 0x20, 0xCC, 0x42, 0x0E, 0x18, 0xCD, 0x42, 0x0E,
+ 0x10, 0xCE, 0x42, 0x0E, 0x08, 0xCF, 0x41, 0x0B, 0x0E, 0x80, 0x01,
+// 0x00000000: push r15
+// 0x00000002: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 16
+// 0x00000002: .cfi_offset: r15 at cfa-16
+// 0x00000002: push r14
+// 0x00000004: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 24
+// 0x00000004: .cfi_offset: r14 at cfa-24
+// 0x00000004: push r13
+// 0x00000006: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 32
+// 0x00000006: .cfi_offset: r13 at cfa-32
+// 0x00000006: push r12
+// 0x00000008: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 40
+// 0x00000008: .cfi_offset: r12 at cfa-40
+// 0x00000008: push rbp
+// 0x00000009: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 48
+// 0x00000009: .cfi_offset: r6 at cfa-48
+// 0x00000009: push rbx
+// 0x0000000a: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 56
+// 0x0000000a: .cfi_offset: r3 at cfa-56
+// 0x0000000a: subq rsp, 72
+// 0x0000000e: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 128
+// 0x0000000e: movsd [rsp + 64], xmm15
+// 0x00000015: .cfi_offset: r32 at cfa-64
+// 0x00000015: movsd [rsp + 56], xmm14
+// 0x0000001c: .cfi_offset: r31 at cfa-72
+// 0x0000001c: movsd [rsp + 48], xmm13
+// 0x00000023: .cfi_offset: r30 at cfa-80
+// 0x00000023: movsd [rsp + 40], xmm12
+// 0x0000002a: .cfi_offset: r29 at cfa-88
+// 0x0000002a: mov [rsp], edi
+// 0x0000002d: mov [rsp + 132], esi
+// 0x00000034: movss [rsp + 136], xmm0
+// 0x0000003d: mov [rsp + 140], edx
+// 0x00000044: mov [rsp + 144], ecx
+// 0x0000004b: addq rsp, -32
+// 0x0000004f: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 160
+// 0x0000004f: addq rsp, 32
+// 0x00000053: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 128
+// 0x00000053: .cfi_remember_state
+// 0x00000053: movsd xmm12, [rsp + 40]
+// 0x0000005a: .cfi_restore: r29
+// 0x0000005a: movsd xmm13, [rsp + 48]
+// 0x00000061: .cfi_restore: r30
+// 0x00000061: movsd xmm14, [rsp + 56]
+// 0x00000068: .cfi_restore: r31
+// 0x00000068: movsd xmm15, [rsp + 64]
+// 0x0000006f: .cfi_restore: r32
+// 0x0000006f: addq rsp, 72
+// 0x00000073: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 56
+// 0x00000073: pop rbx
+// 0x00000074: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 48
+// 0x00000074: .cfi_restore: r3
+// 0x00000074: pop rbp
+// 0x00000075: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 40
+// 0x00000075: .cfi_restore: r6
+// 0x00000075: pop r12
+// 0x00000077: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 32
+// 0x00000077: .cfi_restore: r12
+// 0x00000077: pop r13
+// 0x00000079: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 24
+// 0x00000079: .cfi_restore: r13
+// 0x00000079: pop r14
+// 0x0000007b: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 16
+// 0x0000007b: .cfi_restore: r14
+// 0x0000007b: pop r15
+// 0x0000007d: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 8
+// 0x0000007d: .cfi_restore: r15
+// 0x0000007d: ret
+// 0x0000007e: .cfi_restore_state
+// 0x0000007e: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 128
+static constexpr uint8_t expected_asm_kMips[] = {
+ 0xC0, 0xFF, 0xBD, 0x27, 0x3C, 0x00, 0xBF, 0xAF, 0x38, 0x00, 0xB8, 0xAF,
+ 0x34, 0x00, 0xAF, 0xAF, 0x30, 0x00, 0xAE, 0xAF, 0x2C, 0x00, 0xAD, 0xAF,
+ 0x28, 0x00, 0xAC, 0xAF, 0x24, 0x00, 0xAB, 0xAF, 0x20, 0x00, 0xAA, 0xAF,
+ 0x1C, 0x00, 0xA9, 0xAF, 0x18, 0x00, 0xA8, 0xAF, 0x00, 0x00, 0xA4, 0xAF,
+ 0x44, 0x00, 0xA5, 0xAF, 0x48, 0x00, 0xA6, 0xAF, 0x4C, 0x00, 0xA7, 0xAF,
+ 0xE0, 0xFF, 0xBD, 0x27, 0x20, 0x00, 0xBD, 0x27, 0x18, 0x00, 0xA8, 0x8F,
+ 0x1C, 0x00, 0xA9, 0x8F, 0x20, 0x00, 0xAA, 0x8F, 0x24, 0x00, 0xAB, 0x8F,
+ 0x28, 0x00, 0xAC, 0x8F, 0x2C, 0x00, 0xAD, 0x8F, 0x30, 0x00, 0xAE, 0x8F,
+ 0x34, 0x00, 0xAF, 0x8F, 0x38, 0x00, 0xB8, 0x8F, 0x3C, 0x00, 0xBF, 0x8F,
+ 0x40, 0x00, 0xBD, 0x27, 0x09, 0x00, 0xE0, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+static constexpr uint8_t expected_cfi_kMips[] = {
+ 0x44, 0x0E, 0x40, 0x44, 0x9F, 0x01, 0x44, 0x98, 0x02, 0x44, 0x8F, 0x03,
+ 0x44, 0x8E, 0x04, 0x44, 0x8D, 0x05, 0x44, 0x8C, 0x06, 0x44, 0x8B, 0x07,
+ 0x44, 0x8A, 0x08, 0x44, 0x89, 0x09, 0x44, 0x88, 0x0A, 0x54, 0x0E, 0x60,
+ 0x44, 0x0E, 0x40, 0x0A, 0x44, 0xC8, 0x44, 0xC9, 0x44, 0xCA, 0x44, 0xCB,
+ 0x44, 0xCC, 0x44, 0xCD, 0x44, 0xCE, 0x44, 0xCF, 0x44, 0xD8, 0x44, 0xDF,
+ 0x44, 0x0E, 0x00, 0x48, 0x0B, 0x0E, 0x40,
+// 0x00000000: addiu r29, r29, -64
+// 0x00000004: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 64
+// 0x00000004: sw r31, +60(r29)
+// 0x00000008: .cfi_offset: r31 at cfa-4
+// 0x00000008: sw r24, +56(r29)
+// 0x0000000c: .cfi_offset: r24 at cfa-8
+// 0x0000000c: sw r15, +52(r29)
+// 0x00000010: .cfi_offset: r15 at cfa-12
+// 0x00000010: sw r14, +48(r29)
+// 0x00000014: .cfi_offset: r14 at cfa-16
+// 0x00000014: sw r13, +44(r29)
+// 0x00000018: .cfi_offset: r13 at cfa-20
+// 0x00000018: sw r12, +40(r29)
+// 0x0000001c: .cfi_offset: r12 at cfa-24
+// 0x0000001c: sw r11, +36(r29)
+// 0x00000020: .cfi_offset: r11 at cfa-28
+// 0x00000020: sw r10, +32(r29)
+// 0x00000024: .cfi_offset: r10 at cfa-32
+// 0x00000024: sw r9, +28(r29)
+// 0x00000028: .cfi_offset: r9 at cfa-36
+// 0x00000028: sw r8, +24(r29)
+// 0x0000002c: .cfi_offset: r8 at cfa-40
+// 0x0000002c: sw r4, +0(r29)
+// 0x00000030: sw r5, +68(r29)
+// 0x00000034: sw r6, +72(r29)
+// 0x00000038: sw r7, +76(r29)
+// 0x0000003c: addiu r29, r29, -32
+// 0x00000040: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 96
+// 0x00000040: addiu r29, r29, 32
+// 0x00000044: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 64
+// 0x00000044: .cfi_remember_state
+// 0x00000044: lw r8, +24(r29)
+// 0x00000048: .cfi_restore: r8
+// 0x00000048: lw r9, +28(r29)
+// 0x0000004c: .cfi_restore: r9
+// 0x0000004c: lw r10, +32(r29)
+// 0x00000050: .cfi_restore: r10
+// 0x00000050: lw r11, +36(r29)
+// 0x00000054: .cfi_restore: r11
+// 0x00000054: lw r12, +40(r29)
+// 0x00000058: .cfi_restore: r12
+// 0x00000058: lw r13, +44(r29)
+// 0x0000005c: .cfi_restore: r13
+// 0x0000005c: lw r14, +48(r29)
+// 0x00000060: .cfi_restore: r14
+// 0x00000060: lw r15, +52(r29)
+// 0x00000064: .cfi_restore: r15
+// 0x00000064: lw r24, +56(r29)
+// 0x00000068: .cfi_restore: r24
+// 0x00000068: lw r31, +60(r29)
+// 0x0000006c: .cfi_restore: r31
+// 0x0000006c: addiu r29, r29, 64
+// 0x00000070: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 0
+// 0x00000070: jalr r0, r31
+// 0x00000074: nop
+// 0x00000078: .cfi_restore_state
+// 0x00000078: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 64
+static constexpr uint8_t expected_asm_kMips64[] = {
+ 0xA0, 0xFF, 0xBD, 0x67, 0x58, 0x00, 0xBF, 0xFF, 0x50, 0x00, 0xBE, 0xFF,
+ 0x48, 0x00, 0xBC, 0xFF, 0x40, 0x00, 0xB7, 0xFF, 0x38, 0x00, 0xB6, 0xFF,
+ 0x30, 0x00, 0xB5, 0xFF, 0x28, 0x00, 0xB4, 0xFF, 0x20, 0x00, 0xB3, 0xFF,
+ 0x18, 0x00, 0xB2, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0xA4, 0xAF, 0x64, 0x00, 0xA5, 0xAF,
+ 0x68, 0x00, 0xAE, 0xE7, 0x6C, 0x00, 0xA7, 0xAF, 0x70, 0x00, 0xA8, 0xAF,
+ 0xE0, 0xFF, 0xBD, 0x67, 0x20, 0x00, 0xBD, 0x67, 0x18, 0x00, 0xB2, 0xDF,
+ 0x20, 0x00, 0xB3, 0xDF, 0x28, 0x00, 0xB4, 0xDF, 0x30, 0x00, 0xB5, 0xDF,
+ 0x38, 0x00, 0xB6, 0xDF, 0x40, 0x00, 0xB7, 0xDF, 0x48, 0x00, 0xBC, 0xDF,
+ 0x50, 0x00, 0xBE, 0xDF, 0x58, 0x00, 0xBF, 0xDF, 0x60, 0x00, 0xBD, 0x67,
+ 0x09, 0x00, 0xE0, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+static constexpr uint8_t expected_cfi_kMips64[] = {
+ 0x44, 0x0E, 0x60, 0x44, 0x9F, 0x02, 0x44, 0x9E, 0x04, 0x44, 0x9C, 0x06,
+ 0x44, 0x97, 0x08, 0x44, 0x96, 0x0A, 0x44, 0x95, 0x0C, 0x44, 0x94, 0x0E,
+ 0x44, 0x93, 0x10, 0x44, 0x92, 0x12, 0x58, 0x0E, 0x80, 0x01, 0x44, 0x0E,
+ 0x60, 0x0A, 0x44, 0xD2, 0x44, 0xD3, 0x44, 0xD4, 0x44, 0xD5, 0x44, 0xD6,
+ 0x44, 0xD7, 0x44, 0xDC, 0x44, 0xDE, 0x44, 0xDF, 0x44, 0x0E, 0x00, 0x48,
+ 0x0B, 0x0E, 0x60,
+// 0x00000000: daddiu r29, r29, -96
+// 0x00000004: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 96
+// 0x00000004: sd r31, +88(r29)
+// 0x00000008: .cfi_offset: r31 at cfa-8
+// 0x00000008: sd r30, +80(r29)
+// 0x0000000c: .cfi_offset: r30 at cfa-16
+// 0x0000000c: sd r28, +72(r29)
+// 0x00000010: .cfi_offset: r28 at cfa-24
+// 0x00000010: sd r23, +64(r29)
+// 0x00000014: .cfi_offset: r23 at cfa-32
+// 0x00000014: sd r22, +56(r29)
+// 0x00000018: .cfi_offset: r22 at cfa-40
+// 0x00000018: sd r21, +48(r29)
+// 0x0000001c: .cfi_offset: r21 at cfa-48
+// 0x0000001c: sd r20, +40(r29)
+// 0x00000020: .cfi_offset: r20 at cfa-56
+// 0x00000020: sd r19, +32(r29)
+// 0x00000024: .cfi_offset: r19 at cfa-64
+// 0x00000024: sd r18, +24(r29)
+// 0x00000028: .cfi_offset: r18 at cfa-72
+// 0x00000028: sw r4, +0(r29)
+// 0x0000002c: sw r5, +100(r29)
+// 0x00000030: swc1 f14, +104(r29)
+// 0x00000034: sw r7, +108(r29)
+// 0x00000038: sw r8, +112(r29)
+// 0x0000003c: daddiu r29, r29, -32
+// 0x00000040: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 128
+// 0x00000040: daddiu r29, r29, 32
+// 0x00000044: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 96
+// 0x00000044: .cfi_remember_state
+// 0x00000044: ld r18, +24(r29)
+// 0x00000048: .cfi_restore: r18
+// 0x00000048: ld r19, +32(r29)
+// 0x0000004c: .cfi_restore: r19
+// 0x0000004c: ld r20, +40(r29)
+// 0x00000050: .cfi_restore: r20
+// 0x00000050: ld r21, +48(r29)
+// 0x00000054: .cfi_restore: r21
+// 0x00000054: ld r22, +56(r29)
+// 0x00000058: .cfi_restore: r22
+// 0x00000058: ld r23, +64(r29)
+// 0x0000005c: .cfi_restore: r23
+// 0x0000005c: ld r28, +72(r29)
+// 0x00000060: .cfi_restore: r28
+// 0x00000060: ld r30, +80(r29)
+// 0x00000064: .cfi_restore: r30
+// 0x00000064: ld r31, +88(r29)
+// 0x00000068: .cfi_restore: r31
+// 0x00000068: daddiu r29, r29, 96
+// 0x0000006c: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 0
+// 0x0000006c: jr r31
+// 0x00000070: nop
+// 0x00000074: .cfi_restore_state
+// 0x00000074: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 96
diff --git a/compiler/jni/quick/ b/compiler/jni/quick/
index 45e2fd0..8a14038 100644
--- a/compiler/jni/quick/
+++ b/compiler/jni/quick/
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
#include "compiled_method.h"
#include "dex_file-inl.h"
#include "driver/compiler_driver.h"
+#include "driver/compiler_options.h"
#include "entrypoints/quick/quick_entrypoints.h"
#include "jni_env_ext.h"
#include "mirror/art_method.h"
@@ -93,6 +94,7 @@
// Assembler that holds generated instructions
std::unique_ptr<Assembler> jni_asm(Assembler::Create(instruction_set));
+ jni_asm->cfi().SetEnabled(driver->GetCompilerOptions().GetIncludeDebugSymbols());
// Offsets into data structures
// TODO: if cross compiling these offsets are for the host not the target
@@ -104,6 +106,7 @@
const size_t frame_size(main_jni_conv->FrameSize());
const std::vector<ManagedRegister>& callee_save_regs = main_jni_conv->CalleeSaveRegisters();
__ BuildFrame(frame_size, mr_conv->MethodRegister(), callee_save_regs, mr_conv->EntrySpills());
+ DCHECK_EQ(jni_asm->cfi().GetCurrentCFAOffset(), static_cast<int>(frame_size));
// 2. Set up the HandleScope
@@ -423,7 +426,9 @@
// 16. Remove activation - need to restore callee save registers since the GC may have changed
// them.
+ DCHECK_EQ(jni_asm->cfi().GetCurrentCFAOffset(), static_cast<int>(frame_size));
__ RemoveFrame(frame_size, callee_save_regs);
+ DCHECK_EQ(jni_asm->cfi().GetCurrentCFAOffset(), static_cast<int>(frame_size));
// 17. Finalize code generation
__ EmitSlowPaths();
@@ -432,13 +437,18 @@
MemoryRegion code(&managed_code[0], managed_code.size());
__ FinalizeInstructions(code);
- return CompiledMethod::SwapAllocCompiledMethodCFI(driver,
- instruction_set,
- ArrayRef<const uint8_t>(managed_code),
- frame_size,
- main_jni_conv->CoreSpillMask(),
- main_jni_conv->FpSpillMask(),
- ArrayRef<const uint8_t>());
+ return CompiledMethod::SwapAllocCompiledMethod(driver,
+ instruction_set,
+ ArrayRef<const uint8_t>(managed_code),
+ frame_size,
+ main_jni_conv->CoreSpillMask(),
+ main_jni_conv->FpSpillMask(),
+ nullptr, // src_mapping_table.
+ ArrayRef<const uint8_t>(), // mapping_table.
+ ArrayRef<const uint8_t>(), // vmap_table.
+ ArrayRef<const uint8_t>(), // native_gc_map.
+ ArrayRef<const uint8_t>(*jni_asm->cfi().data()),
+ ArrayRef<const LinkerPatch>());
// Copy a single parameter from the managed to the JNI calling convention
diff --git a/compiler/linker/arm64/ b/compiler/linker/arm64/
index 1cbe481..72ddf07 100644
--- a/compiler/linker/arm64/
+++ b/compiler/linker/arm64/
@@ -258,12 +258,36 @@
if ((patch_offset & 0xff8) == 0xff8) { // ...ff8 or ...ffc
uint32_t adrp = GetInsn(code, literal_offset);
DCHECK_EQ(adrp & 0xff000000, 0x90000000);
- // TODO: Improve the check. For now, we're just checking if the next insn is
- // the LDR using the result of the ADRP, otherwise we implement the workaround.
+ uint32_t next_offset = patch_offset + 4u;
uint32_t next_insn = GetInsn(code, literal_offset + 4u);
- bool ok = (next_insn & 0xffc00000) == 0xb9400000 && // LDR <Wt>, [<Xn>, #pimm]
- (((next_insn >> 5) ^ adrp) & 0x1f) == 0; // <Xn> == ADRP destination reg
- return !ok;
+ // Below we avoid patching sequences where the adrp is followed by a load which can easily
+ // be proved to be aligned.
+ // First check if the next insn is the LDR using the result of the ADRP.
+ // LDR <Wt>, [<Xn>, #pimm], where <Xn> == ADRP destination reg.
+ if ((next_insn & 0xffc00000) == 0xb9400000 &&
+ (((next_insn >> 5) ^ adrp) & 0x1f) == 0) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // LDR <Wt>, <label> is always aligned and thus it doesn't cause boundary crossing.
+ if ((next_insn & 0xff000000) == 0x18000000) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // LDR <Xt>, <label> is aligned iff the pc + displacement is a multiple of 8.
+ if ((next_insn & 0xff000000) == 0x58000000) {
+ bool is_aligned_load = (((next_offset >> 2) ^ (next_insn >> 5)) & 1) == 0;
+ return !is_aligned_load;
+ }
+ // LDR <Wt>, [SP, #<pimm>] and LDR <Xt>, [SP, #<pimm>] are always aligned loads, as SP is
+ // guaranteed to be 128-bits aligned and <pimm> is multiple of the load size.
+ if ((next_insn & 0xbfc003e0) == 0xb94003e0) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
return false;
diff --git a/compiler/linker/arm64/ b/compiler/linker/arm64/
index b36e6d0..21f9367 100644
--- a/compiler/linker/arm64/
+++ b/compiler/linker/arm64/
@@ -42,6 +42,15 @@
// LDUR x2, [sp, #4], i.e. unaligned load crossing 64-bit boundary (assuming aligned sp).
static constexpr uint32_t kLdurInsn = 0xf840405fu;
+ // LDR w12, <label> and LDR x12, <label>. Bits 5-23 contain label displacement in 4-byte units.
+ static constexpr uint32_t kLdrWPcRelInsn = 0x1800000cu;
+ static constexpr uint32_t kLdrXPcRelInsn = 0x5800000cu;
+ // LDR w13, [SP, #<pimm>] and LDR x13, [SP, #<pimm>]. Bits 10-21 contain displacement from SP
+ // in units of 4-bytes (for 32-bit load) or 8-bytes (for 64-bit load).
+ static constexpr uint32_t kLdrWSpRelInsn = 0xb94003edu;
+ static constexpr uint32_t kLdrXSpRelInsn = 0xf94003edu;
uint32_t Create2MethodsWithGap(const ArrayRef<const uint8_t>& method1_code,
const ArrayRef<const LinkerPatch>& method1_patches,
const ArrayRef<const uint8_t>& last_method_code,
@@ -260,20 +269,43 @@
- void TestAdrpLdurLdr(uint32_t adrp_offset, bool has_thunk,
- uint32_t dex_cache_arrays_begin, uint32_t element_offset) {
+ void TestAdrpInsn2Ldr(uint32_t insn2, uint32_t adrp_offset, bool has_thunk,
+ uint32_t dex_cache_arrays_begin, uint32_t element_offset) {
uint32_t method1_offset =
CompiledCode::AlignCode(kTrampolineSize, kArm64) + sizeof(OatQuickMethodHeader);
ASSERT_LT(method1_offset, adrp_offset);
ASSERT_EQ(adrp_offset & 3u, 0u);
uint32_t num_nops = (adrp_offset - method1_offset) / 4u;
if (has_thunk) {
- TestNopsAdrpInsn2LdrHasThunk(num_nops, kLdurInsn, dex_cache_arrays_begin, element_offset);
+ TestNopsAdrpInsn2LdrHasThunk(num_nops, insn2, dex_cache_arrays_begin, element_offset);
} else {
- TestNopsAdrpInsn2Ldr(num_nops, kLdurInsn, dex_cache_arrays_begin, element_offset);
+ TestNopsAdrpInsn2Ldr(num_nops, insn2, dex_cache_arrays_begin, element_offset);
ASSERT_EQ(method1_offset, GetMethodOffset(1u)); // If this fails, num_nops is wrong.
+ void TestAdrpLdurLdr(uint32_t adrp_offset, bool has_thunk,
+ uint32_t dex_cache_arrays_begin, uint32_t element_offset) {
+ TestAdrpInsn2Ldr(kLdurInsn, adrp_offset, has_thunk, dex_cache_arrays_begin, element_offset);
+ }
+ void TestAdrpLdrPcRelLdr(uint32_t pcrel_ldr_insn, int32_t pcrel_disp,
+ uint32_t adrp_offset, bool has_thunk,
+ uint32_t dex_cache_arrays_begin, uint32_t element_offset) {
+ ASSERT_LT(pcrel_disp, 0x100000);
+ ASSERT_GE(pcrel_disp, -0x100000);
+ ASSERT_EQ(pcrel_disp & 0x3, 0);
+ uint32_t insn2 = pcrel_ldr_insn | (((static_cast<uint32_t>(pcrel_disp) >> 2) & 0x7ffffu) << 5);
+ TestAdrpInsn2Ldr(insn2, adrp_offset, has_thunk, dex_cache_arrays_begin, element_offset);
+ }
+ void TestAdrpLdrSpRelLdr(uint32_t sprel_ldr_insn, uint32_t sprel_disp_in_load_units,
+ uint32_t adrp_offset, bool has_thunk,
+ uint32_t dex_cache_arrays_begin, uint32_t element_offset) {
+ ASSERT_LT(sprel_disp_in_load_units, 0x1000u);
+ uint32_t insn2 = sprel_ldr_insn | ((sprel_disp_in_load_units & 0xfffu) << 10);
+ TestAdrpInsn2Ldr(insn2, adrp_offset, has_thunk, dex_cache_arrays_begin, element_offset);
+ }
const uint8_t Arm64RelativePatcherTest::kCallRawCode[] = {
@@ -509,5 +541,42 @@
TestAdrpLdurLdr(0x1000u, false, 0x12345678u, 0x1234u);
+#define TEST_FOR_OFFSETS(test, disp1, disp2) \
+ test(0xff4u, disp1) test(0xff8u, disp1) test(0xffcu, disp1) test(0x1000u, disp1) \
+ test(0xff4u, disp2) test(0xff8u, disp2) test(0xffcu, disp2) test(0x1000u, disp2)
+// LDR <Wt>, <label> is always aligned. We should never have to use a fixup.
+#define LDRW_PCREL_TEST(adrp_offset, disp) \
+ TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault, DexCacheReference ## adrp_offset ## WPcRel ## disp) { \
+ TestAdrpLdrPcRelLdr(kLdrWPcRelInsn, disp, adrp_offset, false, 0x12345678u, 0x1234u); \
+ }
+// LDR <Xt>, <label> is aligned when offset + displacement is a multiple of 8.
+#define LDRX_PCREL_TEST(adrp_offset, disp) \
+ TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault, DexCacheReference ## adrp_offset ## XPcRel ## disp) { \
+ bool unaligned = ((adrp_offset + 4u + static_cast<uint32_t>(disp)) & 7u) != 0; \
+ bool has_thunk = (adrp_offset == 0xff8u || adrp_offset == 0xffcu) && unaligned; \
+ TestAdrpLdrPcRelLdr(kLdrXPcRelInsn, disp, adrp_offset, has_thunk, 0x12345678u, 0x1234u); \
+ }
+// LDR <Wt>, [SP, #<pimm>] and LDR <Xt>, [SP, #<pimm>] are always aligned. No fixup needed.
+#define LDRW_SPREL_TEST(adrp_offset, disp) \
+ TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault, DexCacheReference ## adrp_offset ## WSpRel ## disp) { \
+ TestAdrpLdrSpRelLdr(kLdrWSpRelInsn, disp >> 2, adrp_offset, false, 0x12345678u, 0x1234u); \
+ }
+#define LDRX_SPREL_TEST(adrp_offset, disp) \
+ TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault, DexCacheReference ## adrp_offset ## XSpRel ## disp) { \
+ TestAdrpLdrSpRelLdr(kLdrXSpRelInsn, disp >> 3, adrp_offset, false, 0x12345678u, 0x1234u); \
+ }
} // namespace linker
} // namespace art
diff --git a/compiler/linker/x86/ b/compiler/linker/x86/
index 246cf11..315585d 100644
--- a/compiler/linker/x86/
+++ b/compiler/linker/x86/
@@ -16,14 +16,43 @@
#include "linker/x86/relative_patcher_x86.h"
+#include "compiled_method.h"
namespace art {
namespace linker {
-void X86RelativePatcher::PatchDexCacheReference(std::vector<uint8_t>* code ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
- const LinkerPatch& patch ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
- uint32_t patch_offset ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
- uint32_t target_offset ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) {
- LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected relative dex cache array patch.";
+void X86RelativePatcher::PatchDexCacheReference(std::vector<uint8_t>* code,
+ const LinkerPatch& patch,
+ uint32_t patch_offset,
+ uint32_t target_offset) {
+ uint32_t anchor_literal_offset = patch.PcInsnOffset();
+ uint32_t literal_offset = patch.LiteralOffset();
+ // Check that the anchor points to pop in a "call +0; pop <reg>" sequence.
+ DCHECK_GE(anchor_literal_offset, 5u);
+ DCHECK_LT(anchor_literal_offset, code->size());
+ DCHECK_EQ((*code)[anchor_literal_offset - 5u], 0xe8u);
+ DCHECK_EQ((*code)[anchor_literal_offset - 4u], 0x00u);
+ DCHECK_EQ((*code)[anchor_literal_offset - 3u], 0x00u);
+ DCHECK_EQ((*code)[anchor_literal_offset - 2u], 0x00u);
+ DCHECK_EQ((*code)[anchor_literal_offset - 1u], 0x00u);
+ DCHECK_EQ((*code)[anchor_literal_offset] & 0xf8u, 0x58u);
+ // Check that the patched data contains kDummy32BitOffset.
+ constexpr int kDummy32BitOffset = 256; // Must match X86Mir2Lir::kDummy32BitOffset.
+ DCHECK_LE(literal_offset, code->size());
+ DCHECK_EQ((*code)[literal_offset + 0u], static_cast<uint8_t>(kDummy32BitOffset >> 0));
+ DCHECK_EQ((*code)[literal_offset + 1u], static_cast<uint8_t>(kDummy32BitOffset >> 8));
+ DCHECK_EQ((*code)[literal_offset + 2u], static_cast<uint8_t>(kDummy32BitOffset >> 16));
+ DCHECK_EQ((*code)[literal_offset + 3u], static_cast<uint8_t>(kDummy32BitOffset >> 24));
+ // Apply patch.
+ uint32_t anchor_offset = patch_offset - literal_offset + anchor_literal_offset;
+ uint32_t diff = target_offset - anchor_offset;
+ (*code)[literal_offset + 0u] = static_cast<uint8_t>(diff >> 0);
+ (*code)[literal_offset + 1u] = static_cast<uint8_t>(diff >> 8);
+ (*code)[literal_offset + 2u] = static_cast<uint8_t>(diff >> 16);
+ (*code)[literal_offset + 3u] = static_cast<uint8_t>(diff >> 24);
} // namespace linker
diff --git a/compiler/linker/x86/ b/compiler/linker/x86/
index 15ac47e..7acc330 100644
--- a/compiler/linker/x86/
+++ b/compiler/linker/x86/
@@ -101,5 +101,35 @@
EXPECT_TRUE(CheckLinkedMethod(MethodRef(1u), ArrayRef<const uint8_t>(expected_code)));
+TEST_F(X86RelativePatcherTest, DexCacheReference) {
+ dex_cache_arrays_begin_ = 0x12345678;
+ constexpr size_t kElementOffset = 0x1234;
+ static const uint8_t raw_code[] = {
+ 0xe8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // call +0
+ 0x5b, // pop ebx
+ 0x8b, 0x83, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, // mov eax, [ebx + 256 (kDummy32BitValue)]
+ };
+ constexpr uint32_t anchor_offset = 5u; // After call +0.
+ ArrayRef<const uint8_t> code(raw_code);
+ LinkerPatch patches[] = {
+ LinkerPatch::DexCacheArrayPatch(code.size() - 4u, nullptr, anchor_offset, kElementOffset),
+ };
+ AddCompiledMethod(MethodRef(1u), code, ArrayRef<const LinkerPatch>(patches));
+ Link();
+ auto result = method_offset_map_.FindMethodOffset(MethodRef(1u));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(result.first);
+ uint32_t diff =
+ dex_cache_arrays_begin_ + kElementOffset - (result.second + anchor_offset);
+ static const uint8_t expected_code[] = {
+ 0xe8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // call +0
+ 0x5b, // pop ebx
+ 0x8b, 0x83, // mov eax, [ebx + diff]
+ static_cast<uint8_t>(diff), static_cast<uint8_t>(diff >> 8),
+ static_cast<uint8_t>(diff >> 16), static_cast<uint8_t>(diff >> 24)
+ };
+ EXPECT_TRUE(CheckLinkedMethod(MethodRef(1u), ArrayRef<const uint8_t>(expected_code)));
} // namespace linker
} // namespace art
diff --git a/compiler/ b/compiler/
index 7120920..5b4cc54 100644
--- a/compiler/
+++ b/compiler/
@@ -450,24 +450,18 @@
if (writer_->compiler_driver_->GetCompilerOptions().GetIncludeDebugSymbols()) {
// Record debug information for this function if we are doing that.
- std::string name = PrettyMethod(it.GetMemberIndex(), *dex_file_, true);
- if (deduped) {
- // TODO We should place the DEDUPED tag on the first instance of a deduplicated symbol
- // so that it will show up in a debuggerd crash report.
- name += " [ DEDUPED ]";
- }
const uint32_t quick_code_start = quick_code_offset -
writer_->oat_header_->GetExecutableOffset() - thumb_offset;
- const DexFile::CodeItem *code_item = it.GetMethodCodeItem();
- const DexFile::ClassDef& class_def = dex_file_->GetClassDef(class_def_index_);
- writer_->method_info_.push_back(DebugInfo(name, deduped,
- dex_file_->GetClassDescriptor(class_def),
- dex_file_->GetSourceFile(class_def),
- quick_code_start, quick_code_start + code_size,
- code_item == nullptr ? nullptr : dex_file_->GetDebugInfoStream(code_item),
- compiled_method));
+ writer_->method_info_.push_back(DebugInfo {
+ dex_file_,
+ class_def_index_,
+ it.GetMemberIndex(),
+ it.GetMethodAccessFlags(),
+ it.GetMethodCodeItem(),
+ deduped,
+ quick_code_start,
+ quick_code_start + code_size,
+ compiled_method});
if (kIsDebugBuild) {
diff --git a/compiler/oat_writer.h b/compiler/oat_writer.h
index c472000..51bc9b4 100644
--- a/compiler/oat_writer.h
+++ b/compiler/oat_writer.h
@@ -115,26 +115,18 @@
struct DebugInfo {
- DebugInfo(const std::string& method_name, bool deduped,
- const char* class_descriptor, const char* src_file_name,
- uint32_t low_pc, uint32_t high_pc,
- const uint8_t* dbgstream, CompiledMethod* compiled_method)
- : method_name_(method_name), deduped_(deduped),
- class_descriptor_(class_descriptor), src_file_name_(src_file_name),
- low_pc_(low_pc), high_pc_(high_pc),
- dbgstream_(dbgstream), compiled_method_(compiled_method) {
- }
- std::string method_name_; // Note: this name is a pretty-printed name.
- bool deduped_;
- const char* class_descriptor_;
- const char* src_file_name_;
- uint32_t low_pc_;
- uint32_t high_pc_;
- const uint8_t* dbgstream_;
+ const DexFile* dex_file_;
+ size_t class_def_index_;
+ uint32_t dex_method_index_;
+ uint32_t access_flags_;
+ const DexFile::CodeItem *code_item_;
+ bool deduped_;
+ uint32_t low_pc_;
+ uint32_t high_pc_;
CompiledMethod* compiled_method_;
- const std::vector<DebugInfo>& GetCFIMethodInfo() const {
+ const std::vector<DebugInfo>& GetMethodDebugInfo() const {
return method_info_;
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index da28dc7..8736374 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -82,6 +82,7 @@
HGraphVisitor* instruction_visitor = GetInstructionVisitor();
DCHECK_EQ(current_block_index_, 0u);
+ DCHECK_EQ(GetAssembler()->cfi().GetCurrentCFAOffset(), static_cast<int>(frame_size_));
for (size_t e = block_order_->Size(); current_block_index_ < e; ++current_block_index_) {
HBasicBlock* block = block_order_->Get(current_block_index_);
// Don't generate code for an empty block. Its predecessors will branch to its successor
@@ -415,7 +416,16 @@
-void CodeGenerator::BuildMappingTable(std::vector<uint8_t>* data, DefaultSrcMap* src_map) const {
+void CodeGenerator::BuildSourceMap(DefaultSrcMap* src_map) const {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < pc_infos_.Size(); i++) {
+ struct PcInfo pc_info = pc_infos_.Get(i);
+ uint32_t pc2dex_offset = pc_info.native_pc;
+ int32_t pc2dex_dalvik_offset = pc_info.dex_pc;
+ src_map->push_back(SrcMapElem({pc2dex_offset, pc2dex_dalvik_offset}));
+ }
+void CodeGenerator::BuildMappingTable(std::vector<uint8_t>* data) const {
uint32_t pc2dex_data_size = 0u;
uint32_t pc2dex_entries = pc_infos_.Size();
uint32_t pc2dex_offset = 0u;
@@ -425,19 +435,12 @@
uint32_t dex2pc_offset = 0u;
int32_t dex2pc_dalvik_offset = 0;
- if (src_map != nullptr) {
- src_map->reserve(pc2dex_entries);
- }
for (size_t i = 0; i < pc2dex_entries; i++) {
struct PcInfo pc_info = pc_infos_.Get(i);
pc2dex_data_size += UnsignedLeb128Size(pc_info.native_pc - pc2dex_offset);
pc2dex_data_size += SignedLeb128Size(pc_info.dex_pc - pc2dex_dalvik_offset);
pc2dex_offset = pc_info.native_pc;
pc2dex_dalvik_offset = pc_info.dex_pc;
- if (src_map != nullptr) {
- src_map->push_back(SrcMapElem({pc2dex_offset, pc2dex_dalvik_offset}));
- }
// Walk over the blocks and find which ones correspond to catch block entries.
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/code_generator.h b/compiler/optimizing/code_generator.h
index 07ca6b1..b888aca 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/code_generator.h
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/code_generator.h
@@ -205,7 +205,8 @@
- void BuildMappingTable(std::vector<uint8_t>* vector, DefaultSrcMap* src_map) const;
+ void BuildSourceMap(DefaultSrcMap* src_map) const;
+ void BuildMappingTable(std::vector<uint8_t>* vector) const;
void BuildVMapTable(std::vector<uint8_t>* vector) const;
void BuildNativeGCMap(
std::vector<uint8_t>* vector, const DexCompilationUnit& dex_compilation_unit) const;
@@ -425,6 +426,8 @@
StackMapStream stack_map_stream_;
+ friend class OptimizingCFITest;
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index cfc798a..a799a51 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -513,6 +513,14 @@
+static dwarf::Reg DWARFReg(Register reg) {
+ return dwarf::Reg::ArmCore(static_cast<int>(reg));
+static dwarf::Reg DWARFReg(SRegister reg) {
+ return dwarf::Reg::ArmFp(static_cast<int>(reg));
void CodeGeneratorARM::GenerateFrameEntry() {
bool skip_overflow_check =
IsLeafMethod() && !FrameNeedsStackCheck(GetFrameSize(), InstructionSet::kArm);
@@ -531,12 +539,19 @@
// PC is in the list of callee-save to mimic Quick, but we need to push
// LR at entry instead.
- __ PushList((core_spill_mask_ & (~(1 << PC))) | 1 << LR);
+ uint32_t push_mask = (core_spill_mask_ & (~(1 << PC))) | 1 << LR;
+ __ PushList(push_mask);
+ __ cfi().AdjustCFAOffset(kArmWordSize * POPCOUNT(push_mask));
+ __ cfi().RelOffsetForMany(DWARFReg(Register(0)), 0, push_mask, kArmWordSize);
if (fpu_spill_mask_ != 0) {
SRegister start_register = SRegister(LeastSignificantBit(fpu_spill_mask_));
__ vpushs(start_register, POPCOUNT(fpu_spill_mask_));
+ __ cfi().AdjustCFAOffset(kArmWordSize * POPCOUNT(fpu_spill_mask_));
+ __ cfi().RelOffsetForMany(DWARFReg(SRegister(0)), 0, fpu_spill_mask_, kArmWordSize);
- __ AddConstant(SP, -(GetFrameSize() - FrameEntrySpillSize()));
+ int adjust = GetFrameSize() - FrameEntrySpillSize();
+ __ AddConstant(SP, -adjust);
+ __ cfi().AdjustCFAOffset(adjust);
__ StoreToOffset(kStoreWord, R0, SP, 0);
@@ -545,10 +560,14 @@
__ bx(LR);
- __ AddConstant(SP, GetFrameSize() - FrameEntrySpillSize());
+ int adjust = GetFrameSize() - FrameEntrySpillSize();
+ __ AddConstant(SP, adjust);
+ __ cfi().AdjustCFAOffset(-adjust);
if (fpu_spill_mask_ != 0) {
SRegister start_register = SRegister(LeastSignificantBit(fpu_spill_mask_));
__ vpops(start_register, POPCOUNT(fpu_spill_mask_));
+ __ cfi().AdjustCFAOffset(-kArmPointerSize * POPCOUNT(fpu_spill_mask_));
+ __ cfi().RestoreMany(DWARFReg(SRegister(0)), fpu_spill_mask_);
__ PopList(core_spill_mask_);
@@ -1190,7 +1209,10 @@
void InstructionCodeGeneratorARM::VisitReturnVoid(HReturnVoid* ret) {
+ __ cfi().RememberState();
+ __ cfi().RestoreState();
+ __ cfi().DefCFAOffset(codegen_->GetFrameSize());
void LocationsBuilderARM::VisitReturn(HReturn* ret) {
@@ -1201,7 +1223,10 @@
void InstructionCodeGeneratorARM::VisitReturn(HReturn* ret) {
+ __ cfi().RememberState();
+ __ cfi().RestoreState();
+ __ cfi().DefCFAOffset(codegen_->GetFrameSize());
void LocationsBuilderARM::VisitInvokeStaticOrDirect(HInvokeStaticOrDirect* invoke) {
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index 439e85c..5fe8adc 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -465,20 +465,67 @@
// ... : reserved frame space.
// sp[0] : current method.
__ Str(kArtMethodRegister, MemOperand(sp, -frame_size, PreIndex));
- __ PokeCPURegList(GetFramePreservedCoreRegisters(), frame_size - GetCoreSpillSize());
- __ PokeCPURegList(GetFramePreservedFPRegisters(), frame_size - FrameEntrySpillSize());
+ GetAssembler()->cfi().AdjustCFAOffset(frame_size);
+ SpillRegisters(GetFramePreservedCoreRegisters(), frame_size - GetCoreSpillSize());
+ SpillRegisters(GetFramePreservedFPRegisters(), frame_size - FrameEntrySpillSize());
void CodeGeneratorARM64::GenerateFrameExit() {
if (!HasEmptyFrame()) {
int frame_size = GetFrameSize();
- __ PeekCPURegList(GetFramePreservedFPRegisters(), frame_size - FrameEntrySpillSize());
- __ PeekCPURegList(GetFramePreservedCoreRegisters(), frame_size - GetCoreSpillSize());
+ UnspillRegisters(GetFramePreservedFPRegisters(), frame_size - FrameEntrySpillSize());
+ UnspillRegisters(GetFramePreservedCoreRegisters(), frame_size - GetCoreSpillSize());
__ Drop(frame_size);
+ GetAssembler()->cfi().AdjustCFAOffset(-frame_size);
+static inline dwarf::Reg DWARFReg(CPURegister reg) {
+ if (reg.IsFPRegister()) {
+ return dwarf::Reg::Arm64Fp(reg.code());
+ } else {
+ DCHECK_LT(reg.code(), 31u); // X0 - X30.
+ return dwarf::Reg::Arm64Core(reg.code());
+ }
+void CodeGeneratorARM64::SpillRegisters(vixl::CPURegList registers, int offset) {
+ int size = registers.RegisterSizeInBytes();
+ while (registers.Count() >= 2) {
+ const CPURegister& dst0 = registers.PopLowestIndex();
+ const CPURegister& dst1 = registers.PopLowestIndex();
+ __ Stp(dst0, dst1, MemOperand(__ StackPointer(), offset));
+ GetAssembler()->cfi().RelOffset(DWARFReg(dst0), offset);
+ GetAssembler()->cfi().RelOffset(DWARFReg(dst1), offset + size);
+ offset += 2 * size;
+ }
+ if (!registers.IsEmpty()) {
+ const CPURegister& dst0 = registers.PopLowestIndex();
+ __ Str(dst0, MemOperand(__ StackPointer(), offset));
+ GetAssembler()->cfi().RelOffset(DWARFReg(dst0), offset);
+ }
+ DCHECK(registers.IsEmpty());
+void CodeGeneratorARM64::UnspillRegisters(vixl::CPURegList registers, int offset) {
+ int size = registers.RegisterSizeInBytes();
+ while (registers.Count() >= 2) {
+ const CPURegister& dst0 = registers.PopLowestIndex();
+ const CPURegister& dst1 = registers.PopLowestIndex();
+ __ Ldp(dst0, dst1, MemOperand(__ StackPointer(), offset));
+ GetAssembler()->cfi().Restore(DWARFReg(dst0));
+ GetAssembler()->cfi().Restore(DWARFReg(dst1));
+ offset += 2 * size;
+ }
+ if (!registers.IsEmpty()) {
+ const CPURegister& dst0 = registers.PopLowestIndex();
+ __ Ldr(dst0, MemOperand(__ StackPointer(), offset));
+ GetAssembler()->cfi().Restore(DWARFReg(dst0));
+ }
+ DCHECK(registers.IsEmpty());
void CodeGeneratorARM64::Bind(HBasicBlock* block) {
__ Bind(GetLabelOf(block));
@@ -1659,11 +1706,26 @@
Register lhs = InputRegisterAt(condition, 0);
Operand rhs = InputOperandAt(condition, 1);
Condition arm64_cond = ARM64Condition(condition->GetCondition());
- if ((arm64_cond == eq || arm64_cond == ne) && rhs.IsImmediate() && (rhs.immediate() == 0)) {
- if (arm64_cond == eq) {
- __ Cbz(lhs, true_target);
- } else {
- __ Cbnz(lhs, true_target);
+ if ((arm64_cond != gt && arm64_cond != le) && rhs.IsImmediate() && (rhs.immediate() == 0)) {
+ switch (arm64_cond) {
+ case eq:
+ __ Cbz(lhs, true_target);
+ break;
+ case ne:
+ __ Cbnz(lhs, true_target);
+ break;
+ case lt:
+ // Test the sign bit and branch accordingly.
+ __ Tbnz(lhs, (lhs.IsX() ? kXRegSize : kWRegSize) - 1, true_target);
+ break;
+ case ge:
+ // Test the sign bit and branch accordingly.
+ __ Tbz(lhs, (lhs.IsX() ? kXRegSize : kWRegSize) - 1, true_target);
+ break;
+ default:
+ // Without the `static_cast` the compiler throws an error for
+ // `-Werror=sign-promo`.
+ LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected condition: " << static_cast<int>(arm64_cond);
} else {
__ Cmp(lhs, rhs);
@@ -2403,8 +2465,11 @@
void InstructionCodeGeneratorARM64::VisitReturn(HReturn* instruction) {
+ GetAssembler()->cfi().RememberState();
__ Ret();
+ GetAssembler()->cfi().RestoreState();
+ GetAssembler()->cfi().DefCFAOffset(codegen_->GetFrameSize());
void LocationsBuilderARM64::VisitReturnVoid(HReturnVoid* instruction) {
@@ -2413,8 +2478,11 @@
void InstructionCodeGeneratorARM64::VisitReturnVoid(HReturnVoid* instruction) {
+ GetAssembler()->cfi().RememberState();
__ Ret();
+ GetAssembler()->cfi().RestoreState();
+ GetAssembler()->cfi().DefCFAOffset(codegen_->GetFrameSize());
void LocationsBuilderARM64::VisitShl(HShl* shl) {
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_arm64.h b/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_arm64.h
index 7edb129..9430e31 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_arm64.h
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_arm64.h
@@ -227,6 +227,8 @@
void GenerateFrameEntry() OVERRIDE;
void GenerateFrameExit() OVERRIDE;
+ void SpillRegisters(vixl::CPURegList registers, int offset);
+ void UnspillRegisters(vixl::CPURegList registers, int offset);
vixl::CPURegList GetFramePreservedCoreRegisters() const {
return vixl::CPURegList(vixl::CPURegister::kRegister, vixl::kXRegSize,
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..921c1d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "code_generator_utils.h"
+#include "base/logging.h"
+namespace art {
+void CalculateMagicAndShiftForDivRem(int64_t divisor, bool is_long,
+ int64_t* magic, int* shift) {
+ // It does not make sense to calculate magic and shift for zero divisor.
+ DCHECK_NE(divisor, 0);
+ /* Implementation according to H.S.Warren's "Hacker's Delight" (Addison Wesley, 2002)
+ * Chapter 10 and T.Grablund, P.L.Montogomery's "Division by Invariant Integers Using
+ * Multiplication" (PLDI 1994).
+ * The magic number M and shift S can be calculated in the following way:
+ * Let nc be the most positive value of numerator(n) such that nc = kd - 1,
+ * where divisor(d) >= 2.
+ * Let nc be the most negative value of numerator(n) such that nc = kd + 1,
+ * where divisor(d) <= -2.
+ * Thus nc can be calculated like:
+ * nc = exp + exp % d - 1, where d >= 2 and exp = 2^31 for int or 2^63 for long
+ * nc = -exp + (exp + 1) % d, where d >= 2 and exp = 2^31 for int or 2^63 for long
+ *
+ * So the shift p is the smallest p satisfying
+ * 2^p > nc * (d - 2^p % d), where d >= 2
+ * 2^p > nc * (d + 2^p % d), where d <= -2.
+ *
+ * The magic number M is calculated by
+ * M = (2^p + d - 2^p % d) / d, where d >= 2
+ * M = (2^p - d - 2^p % d) / d, where d <= -2.
+ *
+ * Notice that p is always bigger than or equal to 32 (resp. 64), so we just return 32 - p
+ * (resp. 64 - p) as the shift number S.
+ */
+ int64_t p = is_long ? 63 : 31;
+ const uint64_t exp = is_long ? (UINT64_C(1) << 63) : (UINT32_C(1) << 31);
+ // Initialize the computations.
+ uint64_t abs_d = (divisor >= 0) ? divisor : -divisor;
+ uint64_t sign_bit = is_long ? static_cast<uint64_t>(divisor) >> 63 :
+ static_cast<uint32_t>(divisor) >> 31;
+ uint64_t tmp = exp + sign_bit;
+ uint64_t abs_nc = tmp - 1 - (tmp % abs_d);
+ uint64_t quotient1 = exp / abs_nc;
+ uint64_t remainder1 = exp % abs_nc;
+ uint64_t quotient2 = exp / abs_d;
+ uint64_t remainder2 = exp % abs_d;
+ /*
+ * To avoid handling both positive and negative divisor, "Hacker's Delight"
+ * introduces a method to handle these 2 cases together to avoid duplication.
+ */
+ uint64_t delta;
+ do {
+ p++;
+ quotient1 = 2 * quotient1;
+ remainder1 = 2 * remainder1;
+ if (remainder1 >= abs_nc) {
+ quotient1++;
+ remainder1 = remainder1 - abs_nc;
+ }
+ quotient2 = 2 * quotient2;
+ remainder2 = 2 * remainder2;
+ if (remainder2 >= abs_d) {
+ quotient2++;
+ remainder2 = remainder2 - abs_d;
+ }
+ delta = abs_d - remainder2;
+ } while (quotient1 < delta || (quotient1 == delta && remainder1 == 0));
+ *magic = (divisor > 0) ? (quotient2 + 1) : (-quotient2 - 1);
+ if (!is_long) {
+ *magic = static_cast<int>(*magic);
+ }
+ *shift = is_long ? p - 64 : p - 32;
+} // namespace art
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_utils.h b/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_utils.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59b495c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_utils.h
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include <cstdint>
+namespace art {
+// Computes the magic number and the shift needed in the div/rem by constant algorithm, as out
+// arguments `magic` and `shift`
+void CalculateMagicAndShiftForDivRem(int64_t divisor, bool is_long, int64_t* magic, int* shift);
+} // namespace art
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index 92b62e2..a6fb07f 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
#include "code_generator_x86.h"
+#include "code_generator_utils.h"
#include "entrypoints/quick/quick_entrypoints.h"
#include "entrypoints/quick/quick_entrypoints_enum.h"
#include "gc/accounting/card_table.h"
@@ -459,7 +460,12 @@
codegen_(codegen) {}
+static dwarf::Reg DWARFReg(Register reg) {
+ return dwarf::Reg::X86Core(static_cast<int>(reg));
void CodeGeneratorX86::GenerateFrameEntry() {
+ __ cfi().SetCurrentCFAOffset(kX86WordSize); // return address
__ Bind(&frame_entry_label_);
bool skip_overflow_check =
IsLeafMethod() && !FrameNeedsStackCheck(GetFrameSize(), InstructionSet::kX86);
@@ -478,10 +484,14 @@
Register reg = kCoreCalleeSaves[i];
if (allocated_registers_.ContainsCoreRegister(reg)) {
__ pushl(reg);
+ __ cfi().AdjustCFAOffset(kX86WordSize);
+ __ cfi().RelOffset(DWARFReg(reg), 0);
- __ subl(ESP, Immediate(GetFrameSize() - FrameEntrySpillSize()));
+ int adjust = GetFrameSize() - FrameEntrySpillSize();
+ __ subl(ESP, Immediate(adjust));
+ __ cfi().AdjustCFAOffset(adjust);
__ movl(Address(ESP, kCurrentMethodStackOffset), EAX);
@@ -490,12 +500,16 @@
- __ addl(ESP, Immediate(GetFrameSize() - FrameEntrySpillSize()));
+ int adjust = GetFrameSize() - FrameEntrySpillSize();
+ __ addl(ESP, Immediate(adjust));
+ __ cfi().AdjustCFAOffset(-adjust);
for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kCoreCalleeSaves); ++i) {
Register reg = kCoreCalleeSaves[i];
if (allocated_registers_.ContainsCoreRegister(reg)) {
__ popl(reg);
+ __ cfi().AdjustCFAOffset(-static_cast<int>(kX86WordSize));
+ __ cfi().Restore(DWARFReg(reg));
@@ -1102,8 +1116,11 @@
void InstructionCodeGeneratorX86::VisitReturnVoid(HReturnVoid* ret) {
+ __ cfi().RememberState();
__ ret();
+ __ cfi().RestoreState();
+ __ cfi().DefCFAOffset(codegen_->GetFrameSize());
void LocationsBuilderX86::VisitReturn(HReturn* ret) {
@@ -1161,8 +1178,11 @@
LOG(FATAL) << "Unknown return type " << ret->InputAt(0)->GetType();
+ __ cfi().RememberState();
__ ret();
+ __ cfi().RestoreState();
+ __ cfi().DefCFAOffset(codegen_->GetFrameSize());
void LocationsBuilderX86::VisitInvokeStaticOrDirect(HInvokeStaticOrDirect* invoke) {
@@ -2278,6 +2298,133 @@
__ addl(ESP, Immediate(2 * elem_size));
+void InstructionCodeGeneratorX86::DivRemOneOrMinusOne(HBinaryOperation* instruction) {
+ DCHECK(instruction->IsDiv() || instruction->IsRem());
+ LocationSummary* locations = instruction->GetLocations();
+ DCHECK(locations->InAt(1).IsConstant());
+ DCHECK(locations->InAt(1).GetConstant()->IsIntConstant());
+ Register out_register = locations->Out().AsRegister<Register>();
+ Register input_register = locations->InAt(0).AsRegister<Register>();
+ int32_t imm = locations->InAt(1).GetConstant()->AsIntConstant()->GetValue();
+ DCHECK(imm == 1 || imm == -1);
+ if (instruction->IsRem()) {
+ __ xorl(out_register, out_register);
+ } else {
+ __ movl(out_register, input_register);
+ if (imm == -1) {
+ __ negl(out_register);
+ }
+ }
+void InstructionCodeGeneratorX86::DivByPowerOfTwo(HDiv* instruction) {
+ LocationSummary* locations = instruction->GetLocations();
+ Register out_register = locations->Out().AsRegister<Register>();
+ Register input_register = locations->InAt(0).AsRegister<Register>();
+ int32_t imm = locations->InAt(1).GetConstant()->AsIntConstant()->GetValue();
+ DCHECK(IsPowerOfTwo(std::abs(imm)));
+ Register num = locations->GetTemp(0).AsRegister<Register>();
+ __ leal(num, Address(input_register, std::abs(imm) - 1));
+ __ testl(input_register, input_register);
+ __ cmovl(kGreaterEqual, num, input_register);
+ int shift = CTZ(imm);
+ __ sarl(num, Immediate(shift));
+ if (imm < 0) {
+ __ negl(num);
+ }
+ __ movl(out_register, num);
+void InstructionCodeGeneratorX86::GenerateDivRemWithAnyConstant(HBinaryOperation* instruction) {
+ DCHECK(instruction->IsDiv() || instruction->IsRem());
+ LocationSummary* locations = instruction->GetLocations();
+ int imm = locations->InAt(1).GetConstant()->AsIntConstant()->GetValue();
+ Register eax = locations->InAt(0).AsRegister<Register>();
+ Register out = locations->Out().AsRegister<Register>();
+ Register num;
+ Register edx;
+ if (instruction->IsDiv()) {
+ edx = locations->GetTemp(0).AsRegister<Register>();
+ num = locations->GetTemp(1).AsRegister<Register>();
+ } else {
+ edx = locations->Out().AsRegister<Register>();
+ num = locations->GetTemp(0).AsRegister<Register>();
+ }
+ DCHECK_EQ(EAX, eax);
+ DCHECK_EQ(EDX, edx);
+ if (instruction->IsDiv()) {
+ DCHECK_EQ(EAX, out);
+ } else {
+ DCHECK_EQ(EDX, out);
+ }
+ int64_t magic;
+ int shift;
+ CalculateMagicAndShiftForDivRem(imm, false /* is_long */, &magic, &shift);
+ Label ndiv;
+ Label end;
+ // If numerator is 0, the result is 0, no computation needed.
+ __ testl(eax, eax);
+ __ j(kNotEqual, &ndiv);
+ __ xorl(out, out);
+ __ jmp(&end);
+ __ Bind(&ndiv);
+ // Save the numerator.
+ __ movl(num, eax);
+ // EAX = magic
+ __ movl(eax, Immediate(magic));
+ // EDX:EAX = magic * numerator
+ __ imull(num);
+ if (imm > 0 && magic < 0) {
+ // EDX += num
+ __ addl(edx, num);
+ } else if (imm < 0 && magic > 0) {
+ __ subl(edx, num);
+ }
+ // Shift if needed.
+ if (shift != 0) {
+ __ sarl(edx, Immediate(shift));
+ }
+ // EDX += 1 if EDX < 0
+ __ movl(eax, edx);
+ __ shrl(edx, Immediate(31));
+ __ addl(edx, eax);
+ if (instruction->IsRem()) {
+ __ movl(eax, num);
+ __ imull(edx, Immediate(imm));
+ __ subl(eax, edx);
+ __ movl(edx, eax);
+ } else {
+ __ movl(eax, edx);
+ }
+ __ Bind(&end);
void InstructionCodeGeneratorX86::GenerateDivRemIntegral(HBinaryOperation* instruction) {
DCHECK(instruction->IsDiv() || instruction->IsRem());
@@ -2289,28 +2436,42 @@
switch (instruction->GetResultType()) {
case Primitive::kPrimInt: {
- Register second_reg = second.AsRegister<Register>();
DCHECK_EQ(EAX, first.AsRegister<Register>());
DCHECK_EQ(is_div ? EAX : EDX, out.AsRegister<Register>());
- SlowPathCodeX86* slow_path =
+ if (instruction->InputAt(1)->IsIntConstant()) {
+ int32_t imm = second.GetConstant()->AsIntConstant()->GetValue();
+ if (imm == 0) {
+ // Do not generate anything for 0. DivZeroCheck would forbid any generated code.
+ } else if (imm == 1 || imm == -1) {
+ DivRemOneOrMinusOne(instruction);
+ } else if (is_div && IsPowerOfTwo(std::abs(imm))) {
+ DivByPowerOfTwo(instruction->AsDiv());
+ } else {
+ DCHECK(imm <= -2 || imm >= 2);
+ GenerateDivRemWithAnyConstant(instruction);
+ }
+ } else {
+ SlowPathCodeX86* slow_path =
new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) DivRemMinusOneSlowPathX86(out.AsRegister<Register>(),
- is_div);
- codegen_->AddSlowPath(slow_path);
+ is_div);
+ codegen_->AddSlowPath(slow_path);
- // 0x80000000/-1 triggers an arithmetic exception!
- // Dividing by -1 is actually negation and -0x800000000 = 0x80000000 so
- // it's safe to just use negl instead of more complex comparisons.
+ Register second_reg = second.AsRegister<Register>();
+ // 0x80000000/-1 triggers an arithmetic exception!
+ // Dividing by -1 is actually negation and -0x800000000 = 0x80000000 so
+ // it's safe to just use negl instead of more complex comparisons.
- __ cmpl(second_reg, Immediate(-1));
- __ j(kEqual, slow_path->GetEntryLabel());
+ __ cmpl(second_reg, Immediate(-1));
+ __ j(kEqual, slow_path->GetEntryLabel());
- // edx:eax <- sign-extended of eax
- __ cdq();
- // eax = quotient, edx = remainder
- __ idivl(second_reg);
- __ Bind(slow_path->GetExitLabel());
+ // edx:eax <- sign-extended of eax
+ __ cdq();
+ // eax = quotient, edx = remainder
+ __ idivl(second_reg);
+ __ Bind(slow_path->GetExitLabel());
+ }
@@ -2350,10 +2511,16 @@
switch (div->GetResultType()) {
case Primitive::kPrimInt: {
locations->SetInAt(0, Location::RegisterLocation(EAX));
- locations->SetInAt(1, Location::RequiresRegister());
+ locations->SetInAt(1, Location::RegisterOrConstant(div->InputAt(1)));
// Intel uses edx:eax as the dividend.
+ // We need to save the numerator while we tweak eax and edx. As we are using imul in a way
+ // which enforces results to be in EAX and EDX, things are simpler if we use EAX also as
+ // output and request another temp.
+ if (div->InputAt(1)->IsIntConstant()) {
+ locations->AddTemp(Location::RequiresRegister());
+ }
case Primitive::kPrimLong: {
@@ -2411,6 +2578,7 @@
void LocationsBuilderX86::VisitRem(HRem* rem) {
Primitive::Type type = rem->GetResultType();
LocationSummary::CallKind call_kind = (rem->GetResultType() == Primitive::kPrimLong)
? LocationSummary::kCall
: LocationSummary::kNoCall;
@@ -2419,8 +2587,14 @@
switch (type) {
case Primitive::kPrimInt: {
locations->SetInAt(0, Location::RegisterLocation(EAX));
- locations->SetInAt(1, Location::RequiresRegister());
+ locations->SetInAt(1, Location::RegisterOrConstant(rem->InputAt(1)));
+ // We need to save the numerator while we tweak eax and edx. As we are using imul in a way
+ // which enforces results to be in EAX and EDX, things are simpler if we use EDX also as
+ // output and request another temp.
+ if (rem->InputAt(1)->IsIntConstant()) {
+ locations->AddTemp(Location::RequiresRegister());
+ }
case Primitive::kPrimLong: {
@@ -2538,16 +2712,16 @@
switch (op->GetResultType()) {
case Primitive::kPrimInt: {
- locations->SetInAt(0, Location::RequiresRegister());
- // The shift count needs to be in CL.
+ locations->SetInAt(0, Location::Any());
+ // The shift count needs to be in CL or a constant.
locations->SetInAt(1, Location::ByteRegisterOrConstant(ECX, op->InputAt(1)));
case Primitive::kPrimLong: {
locations->SetInAt(0, Location::RequiresRegister());
- // The shift count needs to be in CL.
- locations->SetInAt(1, Location::RegisterLocation(ECX));
+ // The shift count needs to be in CL or a constant.
+ locations->SetInAt(1, Location::ByteRegisterOrConstant(ECX, op->InputAt(1)));
@@ -2566,46 +2740,115 @@
switch (op->GetResultType()) {
case Primitive::kPrimInt: {
- Register first_reg = first.AsRegister<Register>();
+ if (first.IsRegister()) {
+ Register first_reg = first.AsRegister<Register>();
+ if (second.IsRegister()) {
+ Register second_reg = second.AsRegister<Register>();
+ DCHECK_EQ(ECX, second_reg);
+ if (op->IsShl()) {
+ __ shll(first_reg, second_reg);
+ } else if (op->IsShr()) {
+ __ sarl(first_reg, second_reg);
+ } else {
+ __ shrl(first_reg, second_reg);
+ }
+ } else {
+ int32_t shift = second.GetConstant()->AsIntConstant()->GetValue() & kMaxIntShiftValue;
+ if (shift == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ Immediate imm(shift);
+ if (op->IsShl()) {
+ __ shll(first_reg, imm);
+ } else if (op->IsShr()) {
+ __ sarl(first_reg, imm);
+ } else {
+ __ shrl(first_reg, imm);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ DCHECK(first.IsStackSlot()) << first;
+ Address addr(ESP, first.GetStackIndex());
+ if (second.IsRegister()) {
+ Register second_reg = second.AsRegister<Register>();
+ DCHECK_EQ(ECX, second_reg);
+ if (op->IsShl()) {
+ __ shll(addr, second_reg);
+ } else if (op->IsShr()) {
+ __ sarl(addr, second_reg);
+ } else {
+ __ shrl(addr, second_reg);
+ }
+ } else {
+ int32_t shift = second.GetConstant()->AsIntConstant()->GetValue() & kMaxIntShiftValue;
+ if (shift == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ Immediate imm(shift);
+ if (op->IsShl()) {
+ __ shll(addr, imm);
+ } else if (op->IsShr()) {
+ __ sarl(addr, imm);
+ } else {
+ __ shrl(addr, imm);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case Primitive::kPrimLong: {
if (second.IsRegister()) {
Register second_reg = second.AsRegister<Register>();
DCHECK_EQ(ECX, second_reg);
if (op->IsShl()) {
- __ shll(first_reg, second_reg);
+ GenerateShlLong(first, second_reg);
} else if (op->IsShr()) {
- __ sarl(first_reg, second_reg);
+ GenerateShrLong(first, second_reg);
} else {
- __ shrl(first_reg, second_reg);
+ GenerateUShrLong(first, second_reg);
} else {
- Immediate imm(second.GetConstant()->AsIntConstant()->GetValue() & kMaxIntShiftValue);
- if (op->IsShl()) {
- __ shll(first_reg, imm);
- } else if (op->IsShr()) {
- __ sarl(first_reg, imm);
- } else {
- __ shrl(first_reg, imm);
+ // Shift by a constant.
+ int shift = second.GetConstant()->AsIntConstant()->GetValue() & kMaxLongShiftValue;
+ // Nothing to do if the shift is 0, as the input is already the output.
+ if (shift != 0) {
+ if (op->IsShl()) {
+ GenerateShlLong(first, shift);
+ } else if (op->IsShr()) {
+ GenerateShrLong(first, shift);
+ } else {
+ GenerateUShrLong(first, shift);
+ }
- case Primitive::kPrimLong: {
- Register second_reg = second.AsRegister<Register>();
- DCHECK_EQ(ECX, second_reg);
- if (op->IsShl()) {
- GenerateShlLong(first, second_reg);
- } else if (op->IsShr()) {
- GenerateShrLong(first, second_reg);
- } else {
- GenerateUShrLong(first, second_reg);
- }
- break;
- }
LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected op type " << op->GetResultType();
+void InstructionCodeGeneratorX86::GenerateShlLong(const Location& loc, int shift) {
+ Register low = loc.AsRegisterPairLow<Register>();
+ Register high = loc.AsRegisterPairHigh<Register>();
+ if (shift == 32) {
+ // Shift by 32 is easy. High gets low, and low gets 0.
+ codegen_->EmitParallelMoves(
+ loc.ToLow(), loc.ToHigh(),
+ Location::ConstantLocation(GetGraph()->GetIntConstant(0)), loc.ToLow());
+ } else if (shift > 32) {
+ // Low part becomes 0. High part is low part << (shift-32).
+ __ movl(high, low);
+ __ shll(high, Immediate(shift - 32));
+ __ xorl(low, low);
+ } else {
+ // Between 1 and 31.
+ __ shld(high, low, Immediate(shift));
+ __ shll(low, Immediate(shift));
+ }
void InstructionCodeGeneratorX86::GenerateShlLong(const Location& loc, Register shifter) {
Label done;
__ shld(loc.AsRegisterPairHigh<Register>(), loc.AsRegisterPairLow<Register>(), shifter);
@@ -2617,6 +2860,27 @@
__ Bind(&done);
+void InstructionCodeGeneratorX86::GenerateShrLong(const Location& loc, int shift) {
+ Register low = loc.AsRegisterPairLow<Register>();
+ Register high = loc.AsRegisterPairHigh<Register>();
+ if (shift == 32) {
+ // Need to copy the sign.
+ DCHECK_NE(low, high);
+ __ movl(low, high);
+ __ sarl(high, Immediate(31));
+ } else if (shift > 32) {
+ DCHECK_NE(low, high);
+ // High part becomes sign. Low part is shifted by shift - 32.
+ __ movl(low, high);
+ __ sarl(high, Immediate(31));
+ __ shrl(low, Immediate(shift - 32));
+ } else {
+ // Between 1 and 31.
+ __ shrd(low, high, Immediate(shift));
+ __ sarl(high, Immediate(shift));
+ }
void InstructionCodeGeneratorX86::GenerateShrLong(const Location& loc, Register shifter) {
Label done;
__ shrd(loc.AsRegisterPairLow<Register>(), loc.AsRegisterPairHigh<Register>(), shifter);
@@ -2628,6 +2892,26 @@
__ Bind(&done);
+void InstructionCodeGeneratorX86::GenerateUShrLong(const Location& loc, int shift) {
+ Register low = loc.AsRegisterPairLow<Register>();
+ Register high = loc.AsRegisterPairHigh<Register>();
+ if (shift == 32) {
+ // Shift by 32 is easy. Low gets high, and high gets 0.
+ codegen_->EmitParallelMoves(
+ loc.ToHigh(), loc.ToLow(),
+ Location::ConstantLocation(GetGraph()->GetIntConstant(0)), loc.ToHigh());
+ } else if (shift > 32) {
+ // Low part is high >> (shift - 32). High part becomes 0.
+ __ movl(low, high);
+ __ shrl(low, Immediate(shift - 32));
+ __ xorl(high, high);
+ } else {
+ // Between 1 and 31.
+ __ shrd(low, high, Immediate(shift));
+ __ shrl(high, Immediate(shift));
+ }
void InstructionCodeGeneratorX86::GenerateUShrLong(const Location& loc, Register shifter) {
Label done;
__ shrd(loc.AsRegisterPairLow<Register>(), loc.AsRegisterPairHigh<Register>(), shifter);
@@ -3388,7 +3672,13 @@
// Ensure the value is in a byte register.
locations->SetInAt(2, Location::ByteRegisterOrConstant(EAX, instruction->InputAt(2)));
} else {
- locations->SetInAt(2, Location::RegisterOrConstant(instruction->InputAt(2)));
+ bool is_fp_type = (value_type == Primitive::kPrimFloat)
+ || (value_type == Primitive::kPrimDouble);
+ if (is_fp_type) {
+ locations->SetInAt(2, Location::RequiresFpuRegister());
+ } else {
+ locations->SetInAt(2, Location::RegisterOrConstant(instruction->InputAt(2)));
+ }
// Temporary registers for the write barrier.
if (needs_write_barrier) {
@@ -3667,23 +3957,43 @@
void ParallelMoveResolverX86::MoveMemoryToMemory32(int dst, int src) {
- ScratchRegisterScope ensure_scratch(
- this, kNoRegister, EAX, codegen_->GetNumberOfCoreRegisters());
- Register temp_reg = static_cast<Register>(ensure_scratch.GetRegister());
- int stack_offset = ensure_scratch.IsSpilled() ? kX86WordSize : 0;
- __ movl(temp_reg, Address(ESP, src + stack_offset));
- __ movl(Address(ESP, dst + stack_offset), temp_reg);
+ ScratchRegisterScope possible_scratch(
+ this, kNoRegister, codegen_->GetNumberOfCoreRegisters());
+ int temp = possible_scratch.GetRegister();
+ if (temp == kNoRegister) {
+ // Use the stack.
+ __ pushl(Address(ESP, src));
+ __ popl(Address(ESP, dst));
+ } else {
+ Register temp_reg = static_cast<Register>(temp);
+ __ movl(temp_reg, Address(ESP, src));
+ __ movl(Address(ESP, dst), temp_reg);
+ }
void ParallelMoveResolverX86::MoveMemoryToMemory64(int dst, int src) {
- ScratchRegisterScope ensure_scratch(
- this, kNoRegister, EAX, codegen_->GetNumberOfCoreRegisters());
- Register temp_reg = static_cast<Register>(ensure_scratch.GetRegister());
- int stack_offset = ensure_scratch.IsSpilled() ? kX86WordSize : 0;
- __ movl(temp_reg, Address(ESP, src + stack_offset));
- __ movl(Address(ESP, dst + stack_offset), temp_reg);
- __ movl(temp_reg, Address(ESP, src + stack_offset + kX86WordSize));
- __ movl(Address(ESP, dst + stack_offset + kX86WordSize), temp_reg);
+ ScratchRegisterScope possible_scratch(
+ this, kNoRegister, codegen_->GetNumberOfCoreRegisters());
+ int temp = possible_scratch.GetRegister();
+ if (temp == kNoRegister) {
+ // Use the stack instead.
+ // Push src low word.
+ __ pushl(Address(ESP, src));
+ // Push src high word. Stack offset = 4.
+ __ pushl(Address(ESP, src + 4 /* offset */ + kX86WordSize /* high */));
+ // Pop into dst high word. Stack offset = 8.
+ // Pop with ESP address uses the 'after increment' value of ESP.
+ __ popl(Address(ESP, dst + 4 /* offset */ + kX86WordSize /* high */));
+ // Finally dst low word. Stack offset = 4.
+ __ popl(Address(ESP, dst));
+ } else {
+ Register temp_reg = static_cast<Register>(temp);
+ __ movl(temp_reg, Address(ESP, src));
+ __ movl(Address(ESP, dst), temp_reg);
+ __ movl(temp_reg, Address(ESP, src + kX86WordSize));
+ __ movl(Address(ESP, dst + kX86WordSize), temp_reg);
+ }
void ParallelMoveResolverX86::EmitMove(size_t index) {
@@ -3748,10 +4058,18 @@
__ xorps(dest, dest);
} else {
ScratchRegisterScope ensure_scratch(
- this, kNoRegister, EAX, codegen_->GetNumberOfCoreRegisters());
- Register temp = static_cast<Register>(ensure_scratch.GetRegister());
- __ movl(temp, Immediate(value));
- __ movd(dest, temp);
+ this, kNoRegister, codegen_->GetNumberOfCoreRegisters());
+ int temp_reg = ensure_scratch.GetRegister();
+ if (temp_reg == kNoRegister) {
+ // Avoid spilling/restoring a scratch register by using the stack.
+ __ pushl(Immediate(value));
+ __ movss(dest, Address(ESP, 0));
+ __ addl(ESP, Immediate(4));
+ } else {
+ Register temp = static_cast<Register>(temp_reg);
+ __ movl(temp, Immediate(value));
+ __ movd(dest, temp);
+ }
} else {
DCHECK(destination.IsStackSlot()) << destination;
@@ -3800,42 +4118,96 @@
-void ParallelMoveResolverX86::Exchange(Register reg, int mem) {
- Register suggested_scratch = reg == EAX ? EBX : EAX;
- ScratchRegisterScope ensure_scratch(
- this, reg, suggested_scratch, codegen_->GetNumberOfCoreRegisters());
+void ParallelMoveResolverX86::Exchange(Register reg1, Register reg2) {
+ // Prefer to avoid xchg as it isn't speedy on smaller processors.
+ ScratchRegisterScope possible_scratch(
+ this, reg1, codegen_->GetNumberOfCoreRegisters());
+ int temp_reg = possible_scratch.GetRegister();
+ if (temp_reg == kNoRegister || temp_reg == reg2) {
+ __ pushl(reg1);
+ __ movl(reg1, reg2);
+ __ popl(reg2);
+ } else {
+ Register temp = static_cast<Register>(temp_reg);
+ __ movl(temp, reg1);
+ __ movl(reg1, reg2);
+ __ movl(reg2, temp);
+ }
- int stack_offset = ensure_scratch.IsSpilled() ? kX86WordSize : 0;
- __ movl(static_cast<Register>(ensure_scratch.GetRegister()), Address(ESP, mem + stack_offset));
- __ movl(Address(ESP, mem + stack_offset), reg);
- __ movl(reg, static_cast<Register>(ensure_scratch.GetRegister()));
+void ParallelMoveResolverX86::Exchange(Register reg, int mem) {
+ ScratchRegisterScope possible_scratch(
+ this, reg, codegen_->GetNumberOfCoreRegisters());
+ int temp_reg = possible_scratch.GetRegister();
+ if (temp_reg == kNoRegister) {
+ __ pushl(Address(ESP, mem));
+ __ movl(Address(ESP, mem + kX86WordSize), reg);
+ __ popl(reg);
+ } else {
+ Register temp = static_cast<Register>(temp_reg);
+ __ movl(temp, Address(ESP, mem));
+ __ movl(Address(ESP, mem), reg);
+ __ movl(reg, temp);
+ }
void ParallelMoveResolverX86::Exchange32(XmmRegister reg, int mem) {
- ScratchRegisterScope ensure_scratch(
- this, kNoRegister, EAX, codegen_->GetNumberOfCoreRegisters());
- Register temp_reg = static_cast<Register>(ensure_scratch.GetRegister());
- int stack_offset = ensure_scratch.IsSpilled() ? kX86WordSize : 0;
- __ movl(temp_reg, Address(ESP, mem + stack_offset));
- __ movss(Address(ESP, mem + stack_offset), reg);
- __ movd(reg, temp_reg);
+ ScratchRegisterScope possible_scratch(
+ this, kNoRegister, codegen_->GetNumberOfCoreRegisters());
+ int temp_reg = possible_scratch.GetRegister();
+ if (temp_reg == kNoRegister) {
+ __ pushl(Address(ESP, mem));
+ __ movss(Address(ESP, mem + kX86WordSize), reg);
+ __ movss(reg, Address(ESP, 0));
+ __ addl(ESP, Immediate(kX86WordSize));
+ } else {
+ Register temp = static_cast<Register>(temp_reg);
+ __ movl(temp, Address(ESP, mem));
+ __ movss(Address(ESP, mem), reg);
+ __ movd(reg, temp);
+ }
void ParallelMoveResolverX86::Exchange(int mem1, int mem2) {
- ScratchRegisterScope ensure_scratch1(
- this, kNoRegister, EAX, codegen_->GetNumberOfCoreRegisters());
+ ScratchRegisterScope possible_scratch1(
+ this, kNoRegister, codegen_->GetNumberOfCoreRegisters());
+ int temp_reg1 = possible_scratch1.GetRegister();
+ if (temp_reg1 == kNoRegister) {
+ // No free registers. Use the stack.
+ __ pushl(Address(ESP, mem1));
+ __ pushl(Address(ESP, mem2 + kX86WordSize));
+ // Pop with ESP address uses the 'after increment' value of ESP.
+ __ popl(Address(ESP, mem1 + kX86WordSize));
+ __ popl(Address(ESP, mem2));
+ } else {
+ // Got the first one. Try for a second.
+ ScratchRegisterScope possible_scratch2(
+ this, temp_reg1, codegen_->GetNumberOfCoreRegisters());
+ int temp_reg2 = possible_scratch2.GetRegister();
+ if (temp_reg2 == kNoRegister) {
+ Register temp = static_cast<Register>(temp_reg1);
+ // Bummer. Only have one free register to use.
+ // Save mem1 on the stack.
+ __ pushl(Address(ESP, mem1));
- Register suggested_scratch = ensure_scratch1.GetRegister() == EAX ? EBX : EAX;
- ScratchRegisterScope ensure_scratch2(
- this, ensure_scratch1.GetRegister(), suggested_scratch, codegen_->GetNumberOfCoreRegisters());
+ // Copy mem2 into mem1.
+ __ movl(temp, Address(ESP, mem2 + kX86WordSize));
+ __ movl(Address(ESP, mem1 + kX86WordSize), temp);
- int stack_offset = ensure_scratch1.IsSpilled() ? kX86WordSize : 0;
- stack_offset += ensure_scratch2.IsSpilled() ? kX86WordSize : 0;
- __ movl(static_cast<Register>(ensure_scratch1.GetRegister()), Address(ESP, mem1 + stack_offset));
- __ movl(static_cast<Register>(ensure_scratch2.GetRegister()), Address(ESP, mem2 + stack_offset));
- __ movl(Address(ESP, mem2 + stack_offset), static_cast<Register>(ensure_scratch1.GetRegister()));
- __ movl(Address(ESP, mem1 + stack_offset), static_cast<Register>(ensure_scratch2.GetRegister()));
+ // Now pop mem1 into mem2.
+ // Pop with ESP address uses the 'after increment' value of ESP.
+ __ popl(Address(ESP, mem2));
+ } else {
+ // Great. We have 2 registers to play with.
+ Register temp1 = static_cast<Register>(temp_reg1);
+ Register temp2 = static_cast<Register>(temp_reg2);
+ DCHECK_NE(temp1, temp2);
+ __ movl(temp1, Address(ESP, mem1));
+ __ movl(temp2, Address(ESP, mem2));
+ __ movl(Address(ESP, mem2), temp1);
+ __ movl(Address(ESP, mem1), temp2);
+ }
+ }
void ParallelMoveResolverX86::EmitSwap(size_t index) {
@@ -3844,7 +4216,7 @@
Location destination = move->GetDestination();
if (source.IsRegister() && destination.IsRegister()) {
- __ xchgl(destination.AsRegister<Register>(), source.AsRegister<Register>());
+ Exchange(destination.AsRegister<Register>(), source.AsRegister<Register>());
} else if (source.IsRegister() && destination.IsStackSlot()) {
Exchange(source.AsRegister<Register>(), destination.GetStackIndex());
} else if (source.IsStackSlot() && destination.IsRegister()) {
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_x86.h b/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_x86.h
index 0cc3c65..8c56e35 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_x86.h
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_x86.h
@@ -106,6 +106,7 @@
X86Assembler* GetAssembler() const;
+ void Exchange(Register reg1, Register Reg2);
void Exchange(Register reg, int mem);
void Exchange(int mem1, int mem2);
void Exchange32(XmmRegister reg, int mem);
@@ -163,11 +164,17 @@
void GenerateClassInitializationCheck(SlowPathCodeX86* slow_path, Register class_reg);
void HandleBitwiseOperation(HBinaryOperation* instruction);
void GenerateDivRemIntegral(HBinaryOperation* instruction);
+ void DivRemOneOrMinusOne(HBinaryOperation* instruction);
+ void DivByPowerOfTwo(HDiv* instruction);
+ void GenerateDivRemWithAnyConstant(HBinaryOperation* instruction);
void GenerateRemFP(HRem *rem);
void HandleShift(HBinaryOperation* instruction);
void GenerateShlLong(const Location& loc, Register shifter);
void GenerateShrLong(const Location& loc, Register shifter);
void GenerateUShrLong(const Location& loc, Register shifter);
+ void GenerateShlLong(const Location& loc, int shift);
+ void GenerateShrLong(const Location& loc, int shift);
+ void GenerateUShrLong(const Location& loc, int shift);
void GenerateMemoryBarrier(MemBarrierKind kind);
void HandleFieldSet(HInstruction* instruction, const FieldInfo& field_info);
void HandleFieldGet(HInstruction* instruction, const FieldInfo& field_info);
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index cdbc778..01b24ea 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
#include "code_generator_x86_64.h"
+#include "code_generator_utils.h"
#include "entrypoints/quick/quick_entrypoints.h"
#include "gc/accounting/card_table.h"
#include "intrinsics.h"
@@ -428,7 +429,8 @@
location_builder_(graph, this),
instruction_visitor_(graph, this),
move_resolver_(graph->GetArena(), this),
- isa_features_(isa_features) {
+ isa_features_(isa_features),
+ constant_area_start_(0) {
@@ -481,7 +483,15 @@
+static dwarf::Reg DWARFReg(Register reg) {
+ return dwarf::Reg::X86_64Core(static_cast<int>(reg));
+static dwarf::Reg DWARFReg(FloatRegister reg) {
+ return dwarf::Reg::X86_64Fp(static_cast<int>(reg));
void CodeGeneratorX86_64::GenerateFrameEntry() {
+ __ cfi().SetCurrentCFAOffset(kX86_64WordSize); // return address
__ Bind(&frame_entry_label_);
bool skip_overflow_check = IsLeafMethod()
&& !FrameNeedsStackCheck(GetFrameSize(), InstructionSet::kX86_64);
@@ -501,17 +511,22 @@
Register reg = kCoreCalleeSaves[i];
if (allocated_registers_.ContainsCoreRegister(reg)) {
__ pushq(CpuRegister(reg));
+ __ cfi().AdjustCFAOffset(kX86_64WordSize);
+ __ cfi().RelOffset(DWARFReg(reg), 0);
- __ subq(CpuRegister(RSP), Immediate(GetFrameSize() - GetCoreSpillSize()));
+ int adjust = GetFrameSize() - GetCoreSpillSize();
+ __ subq(CpuRegister(RSP), Immediate(adjust));
+ __ cfi().AdjustCFAOffset(adjust);
uint32_t xmm_spill_location = GetFpuSpillStart();
size_t xmm_spill_slot_size = GetFloatingPointSpillSlotSize();
for (int i = arraysize(kFpuCalleeSaves) - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
if (allocated_registers_.ContainsFloatingPointRegister(kFpuCalleeSaves[i])) {
- __ movsd(Address(CpuRegister(RSP), xmm_spill_location + (xmm_spill_slot_size * i)),
- XmmRegister(kFpuCalleeSaves[i]));
+ int offset = xmm_spill_location + (xmm_spill_slot_size * i);
+ __ movsd(Address(CpuRegister(RSP), offset), XmmRegister(kFpuCalleeSaves[i]));
+ __ cfi().RelOffset(DWARFReg(kFpuCalleeSaves[i]), offset);
@@ -526,17 +541,22 @@
size_t xmm_spill_slot_size = GetFloatingPointSpillSlotSize();
for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kFpuCalleeSaves); ++i) {
if (allocated_registers_.ContainsFloatingPointRegister(kFpuCalleeSaves[i])) {
- __ movsd(XmmRegister(kFpuCalleeSaves[i]),
- Address(CpuRegister(RSP), xmm_spill_location + (xmm_spill_slot_size * i)));
+ int offset = xmm_spill_location + (xmm_spill_slot_size * i);
+ __ movsd(XmmRegister(kFpuCalleeSaves[i]), Address(CpuRegister(RSP), offset));
+ __ cfi().Restore(DWARFReg(kFpuCalleeSaves[i]));
- __ addq(CpuRegister(RSP), Immediate(GetFrameSize() - GetCoreSpillSize()));
+ int adjust = GetFrameSize() - GetCoreSpillSize();
+ __ addq(CpuRegister(RSP), Immediate(adjust));
+ __ cfi().AdjustCFAOffset(-adjust);
for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kCoreCalleeSaves); ++i) {
Register reg = kCoreCalleeSaves[i];
if (allocated_registers_.ContainsCoreRegister(reg)) {
__ popq(CpuRegister(reg));
+ __ cfi().AdjustCFAOffset(-static_cast<int>(kX86_64WordSize));
+ __ cfi().Restore(DWARFReg(reg));
@@ -1123,8 +1143,11 @@
void InstructionCodeGeneratorX86_64::VisitReturnVoid(HReturnVoid* ret) {
+ __ cfi().RememberState();
__ ret();
+ __ cfi().RestoreState();
+ __ cfi().DefCFAOffset(codegen_->GetFrameSize());
void LocationsBuilderX86_64::VisitReturn(HReturn* ret) {
@@ -1175,8 +1198,11 @@
LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected return type " << ret->InputAt(0)->GetType();
+ __ cfi().RememberState();
__ ret();
+ __ cfi().RestoreState();
+ __ cfi().DefCFAOffset(codegen_->GetFrameSize());
Location InvokeDexCallingConventionVisitor::GetNextLocation(Primitive::Type type) {
@@ -1951,7 +1977,7 @@
case Primitive::kPrimDouble:
case Primitive::kPrimFloat: {
locations->SetInAt(0, Location::RequiresFpuRegister());
- locations->SetInAt(1, Location::RequiresFpuRegister());
+ locations->SetInAt(1, Location::Any());
@@ -2015,12 +2041,30 @@
case Primitive::kPrimFloat: {
- __ addss(first.AsFpuRegister<XmmRegister>(), second.AsFpuRegister<XmmRegister>());
+ if (second.IsFpuRegister()) {
+ __ addss(first.AsFpuRegister<XmmRegister>(), second.AsFpuRegister<XmmRegister>());
+ } else if (second.IsConstant()) {
+ __ addss(first.AsFpuRegister<XmmRegister>(),
+ codegen_->LiteralFloatAddress(second.GetConstant()->AsFloatConstant()->GetValue()));
+ } else {
+ DCHECK(second.IsStackSlot());
+ __ addss(first.AsFpuRegister<XmmRegister>(),
+ Address(CpuRegister(RSP), second.GetStackIndex()));
+ }
case Primitive::kPrimDouble: {
- __ addsd(first.AsFpuRegister<XmmRegister>(), second.AsFpuRegister<XmmRegister>());
+ if (second.IsFpuRegister()) {
+ __ addsd(first.AsFpuRegister<XmmRegister>(), second.AsFpuRegister<XmmRegister>());
+ } else if (second.IsConstant()) {
+ __ addsd(first.AsFpuRegister<XmmRegister>(),
+ codegen_->LiteralDoubleAddress(second.GetConstant()->AsDoubleConstant()->GetValue()));
+ } else {
+ DCHECK(second.IsDoubleStackSlot());
+ __ addsd(first.AsFpuRegister<XmmRegister>(),
+ Address(CpuRegister(RSP), second.GetStackIndex()));
+ }
@@ -2048,7 +2092,7 @@
case Primitive::kPrimFloat:
case Primitive::kPrimDouble: {
locations->SetInAt(0, Location::RequiresFpuRegister());
- locations->SetInAt(1, Location::RequiresFpuRegister());
+ locations->SetInAt(1, Location::Any());
@@ -2086,12 +2130,30 @@
case Primitive::kPrimFloat: {
- __ subss(first.AsFpuRegister<XmmRegister>(), second.AsFpuRegister<XmmRegister>());
+ if (second.IsFpuRegister()) {
+ __ subss(first.AsFpuRegister<XmmRegister>(), second.AsFpuRegister<XmmRegister>());
+ } else if (second.IsConstant()) {
+ __ subss(first.AsFpuRegister<XmmRegister>(),
+ codegen_->LiteralFloatAddress(second.GetConstant()->AsFloatConstant()->GetValue()));
+ } else {
+ DCHECK(second.IsStackSlot());
+ __ subss(first.AsFpuRegister<XmmRegister>(),
+ Address(CpuRegister(RSP), second.GetStackIndex()));
+ }
case Primitive::kPrimDouble: {
- __ subsd(first.AsFpuRegister<XmmRegister>(), second.AsFpuRegister<XmmRegister>());
+ if (second.IsFpuRegister()) {
+ __ subsd(first.AsFpuRegister<XmmRegister>(), second.AsFpuRegister<XmmRegister>());
+ } else if (second.IsConstant()) {
+ __ subsd(first.AsFpuRegister<XmmRegister>(),
+ codegen_->LiteralDoubleAddress(second.GetConstant()->AsDoubleConstant()->GetValue()));
+ } else {
+ DCHECK(second.IsDoubleStackSlot());
+ __ subsd(first.AsFpuRegister<XmmRegister>(),
+ Address(CpuRegister(RSP), second.GetStackIndex()));
+ }
@@ -2124,7 +2186,7 @@
case Primitive::kPrimFloat:
case Primitive::kPrimDouble: {
locations->SetInAt(0, Location::RequiresFpuRegister());
- locations->SetInAt(1, Location::RequiresFpuRegister());
+ locations->SetInAt(1, Location::Any());
@@ -2169,13 +2231,31 @@
case Primitive::kPrimFloat: {
- __ mulss(first.AsFpuRegister<XmmRegister>(), second.AsFpuRegister<XmmRegister>());
+ if (second.IsFpuRegister()) {
+ __ mulss(first.AsFpuRegister<XmmRegister>(), second.AsFpuRegister<XmmRegister>());
+ } else if (second.IsConstant()) {
+ __ mulss(first.AsFpuRegister<XmmRegister>(),
+ codegen_->LiteralFloatAddress(second.GetConstant()->AsFloatConstant()->GetValue()));
+ } else {
+ DCHECK(second.IsStackSlot());
+ __ mulss(first.AsFpuRegister<XmmRegister>(),
+ Address(CpuRegister(RSP), second.GetStackIndex()));
+ }
case Primitive::kPrimDouble: {
- __ mulsd(first.AsFpuRegister<XmmRegister>(), second.AsFpuRegister<XmmRegister>());
+ if (second.IsFpuRegister()) {
+ __ mulsd(first.AsFpuRegister<XmmRegister>(), second.AsFpuRegister<XmmRegister>());
+ } else if (second.IsConstant()) {
+ __ mulsd(first.AsFpuRegister<XmmRegister>(),
+ codegen_->LiteralDoubleAddress(second.GetConstant()->AsDoubleConstant()->GetValue()));
+ } else {
+ DCHECK(second.IsDoubleStackSlot());
+ __ mulsd(first.AsFpuRegister<XmmRegister>(),
+ Address(CpuRegister(RSP), second.GetStackIndex()));
+ }
@@ -2259,6 +2339,216 @@
__ addq(CpuRegister(RSP), Immediate(2 * elem_size));
+void InstructionCodeGeneratorX86_64::DivRemOneOrMinusOne(HBinaryOperation* instruction) {
+ DCHECK(instruction->IsDiv() || instruction->IsRem());
+ LocationSummary* locations = instruction->GetLocations();
+ Location second = locations->InAt(1);
+ DCHECK(second.IsConstant());
+ CpuRegister output_register = locations->Out().AsRegister<CpuRegister>();
+ CpuRegister input_register = locations->InAt(0).AsRegister<CpuRegister>();
+ int64_t imm = Int64FromConstant(second.GetConstant());
+ DCHECK(imm == 1 || imm == -1);
+ switch (instruction->GetResultType()) {
+ case Primitive::kPrimInt: {
+ if (instruction->IsRem()) {
+ __ xorl(output_register, output_register);
+ } else {
+ __ movl(output_register, input_register);
+ if (imm == -1) {
+ __ negl(output_register);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case Primitive::kPrimLong: {
+ if (instruction->IsRem()) {
+ __ xorq(output_register, output_register);
+ } else {
+ __ movq(output_register, input_register);
+ if (imm == -1) {
+ __ negq(output_register);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected type for div by (-)1 " << instruction->GetResultType();
+ }
+void InstructionCodeGeneratorX86_64::DivByPowerOfTwo(HDiv* instruction) {
+ LocationSummary* locations = instruction->GetLocations();
+ Location second = locations->InAt(1);
+ CpuRegister output_register = locations->Out().AsRegister<CpuRegister>();
+ CpuRegister numerator = locations->InAt(0).AsRegister<CpuRegister>();
+ int64_t imm = Int64FromConstant(second.GetConstant());
+ DCHECK(IsPowerOfTwo(std::abs(imm)));
+ CpuRegister tmp = locations->GetTemp(0).AsRegister<CpuRegister>();
+ if (instruction->GetResultType() == Primitive::kPrimInt) {
+ __ leal(tmp, Address(numerator, std::abs(imm) - 1));
+ __ testl(numerator, numerator);
+ __ cmov(kGreaterEqual, tmp, numerator);
+ int shift = CTZ(imm);
+ __ sarl(tmp, Immediate(shift));
+ if (imm < 0) {
+ __ negl(tmp);
+ }
+ __ movl(output_register, tmp);
+ } else {
+ DCHECK_EQ(instruction->GetResultType(), Primitive::kPrimLong);
+ CpuRegister rdx = locations->GetTemp(0).AsRegister<CpuRegister>();
+ __ movq(rdx, Immediate(std::abs(imm) - 1));
+ __ addq(rdx, numerator);
+ __ testq(numerator, numerator);
+ __ cmov(kGreaterEqual, rdx, numerator);
+ int shift = CTZ(imm);
+ __ sarq(rdx, Immediate(shift));
+ if (imm < 0) {
+ __ negq(rdx);
+ }
+ __ movq(output_register, rdx);
+ }
+void InstructionCodeGeneratorX86_64::GenerateDivRemWithAnyConstant(HBinaryOperation* instruction) {
+ DCHECK(instruction->IsDiv() || instruction->IsRem());
+ LocationSummary* locations = instruction->GetLocations();
+ Location second = locations->InAt(1);
+ CpuRegister numerator = instruction->IsDiv() ? locations->GetTemp(1).AsRegister<CpuRegister>()
+ : locations->GetTemp(0).AsRegister<CpuRegister>();
+ CpuRegister eax = locations->InAt(0).AsRegister<CpuRegister>();
+ CpuRegister edx = instruction->IsDiv() ? locations->GetTemp(0).AsRegister<CpuRegister>()
+ : locations->Out().AsRegister<CpuRegister>();
+ CpuRegister out = locations->Out().AsRegister<CpuRegister>();
+ DCHECK_EQ(RAX, eax.AsRegister());
+ DCHECK_EQ(RDX, edx.AsRegister());
+ if (instruction->IsDiv()) {
+ DCHECK_EQ(RAX, out.AsRegister());
+ } else {
+ DCHECK_EQ(RDX, out.AsRegister());
+ }
+ int64_t magic;
+ int shift;
+ // TODO: can these branches be written as one?
+ if (instruction->GetResultType() == Primitive::kPrimInt) {
+ int imm = second.GetConstant()->AsIntConstant()->GetValue();
+ CalculateMagicAndShiftForDivRem(imm, false /* is_long */, &magic, &shift);
+ __ movl(numerator, eax);
+ Label no_div;
+ Label end;
+ __ testl(eax, eax);
+ __ j(kNotEqual, &no_div);
+ __ xorl(out, out);
+ __ jmp(&end);
+ __ Bind(&no_div);
+ __ movl(eax, Immediate(magic));
+ __ imull(numerator);
+ if (imm > 0 && magic < 0) {
+ __ addl(edx, numerator);
+ } else if (imm < 0 && magic > 0) {
+ __ subl(edx, numerator);
+ }
+ if (shift != 0) {
+ __ sarl(edx, Immediate(shift));
+ }
+ __ movl(eax, edx);
+ __ shrl(edx, Immediate(31));
+ __ addl(edx, eax);
+ if (instruction->IsRem()) {
+ __ movl(eax, numerator);
+ __ imull(edx, Immediate(imm));
+ __ subl(eax, edx);
+ __ movl(edx, eax);
+ } else {
+ __ movl(eax, edx);
+ }
+ __ Bind(&end);
+ } else {
+ int64_t imm = second.GetConstant()->AsLongConstant()->GetValue();
+ DCHECK_EQ(instruction->GetResultType(), Primitive::kPrimLong);
+ CpuRegister rax = eax;
+ CpuRegister rdx = edx;
+ CalculateMagicAndShiftForDivRem(imm, true /* is_long */, &magic, &shift);
+ // Save the numerator.
+ __ movq(numerator, rax);
+ // RAX = magic
+ __ movq(rax, Immediate(magic));
+ // RDX:RAX = magic * numerator
+ __ imulq(numerator);
+ if (imm > 0 && magic < 0) {
+ // RDX += numerator
+ __ addq(rdx, numerator);
+ } else if (imm < 0 && magic > 0) {
+ // RDX -= numerator
+ __ subq(rdx, numerator);
+ }
+ // Shift if needed.
+ if (shift != 0) {
+ __ sarq(rdx, Immediate(shift));
+ }
+ // RDX += 1 if RDX < 0
+ __ movq(rax, rdx);
+ __ shrq(rdx, Immediate(63));
+ __ addq(rdx, rax);
+ if (instruction->IsRem()) {
+ __ movq(rax, numerator);
+ if (IsInt<32>(imm)) {
+ __ imulq(rdx, Immediate(static_cast<int32_t>(imm)));
+ } else {
+ __ movq(numerator, Immediate(imm));
+ __ imulq(rdx, numerator);
+ }
+ __ subq(rax, rdx);
+ __ movq(rdx, rax);
+ } else {
+ __ movq(rax, rdx);
+ }
+ }
void InstructionCodeGeneratorX86_64::GenerateDivRemIntegral(HBinaryOperation* instruction) {
DCHECK(instruction->IsDiv() || instruction->IsRem());
Primitive::Type type = instruction->GetResultType();
@@ -2267,37 +2557,52 @@
bool is_div = instruction->IsDiv();
LocationSummary* locations = instruction->GetLocations();
- CpuRegister out_reg = locations->Out().AsRegister<CpuRegister>();
- CpuRegister second_reg = locations->InAt(1).AsRegister<CpuRegister>();
+ CpuRegister out = locations->Out().AsRegister<CpuRegister>();
+ Location second = locations->InAt(1);
DCHECK_EQ(RAX, locations->InAt(0).AsRegister<CpuRegister>().AsRegister());
- DCHECK_EQ(is_div ? RAX : RDX, out_reg.AsRegister());
+ DCHECK_EQ(is_div ? RAX : RDX, out.AsRegister());
- SlowPathCodeX86_64* slow_path =
- new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) DivRemMinusOneSlowPathX86_64(
- out_reg.AsRegister(), type, is_div);
- codegen_->AddSlowPath(slow_path);
+ if (second.IsConstant()) {
+ int64_t imm = Int64FromConstant(second.GetConstant());
- // 0x80000000(00000000)/-1 triggers an arithmetic exception!
- // Dividing by -1 is actually negation and -0x800000000(00000000) = 0x80000000(00000000)
- // so it's safe to just use negl instead of more complex comparisons.
- if (type == Primitive::kPrimInt) {
- __ cmpl(second_reg, Immediate(-1));
- __ j(kEqual, slow_path->GetEntryLabel());
- // edx:eax <- sign-extended of eax
- __ cdq();
- // eax = quotient, edx = remainder
- __ idivl(second_reg);
+ if (imm == 0) {
+ // Do not generate anything. DivZeroCheck would prevent any code to be executed.
+ } else if (imm == 1 || imm == -1) {
+ DivRemOneOrMinusOne(instruction);
+ } else if (instruction->IsDiv() && IsPowerOfTwo(std::abs(imm))) {
+ DivByPowerOfTwo(instruction->AsDiv());
+ } else {
+ DCHECK(imm <= -2 || imm >= 2);
+ GenerateDivRemWithAnyConstant(instruction);
+ }
} else {
- __ cmpq(second_reg, Immediate(-1));
- __ j(kEqual, slow_path->GetEntryLabel());
- // rdx:rax <- sign-extended of rax
- __ cqo();
- // rax = quotient, rdx = remainder
- __ idivq(second_reg);
- }
+ SlowPathCodeX86_64* slow_path =
+ new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) DivRemMinusOneSlowPathX86_64(
+ out.AsRegister(), type, is_div);
+ codegen_->AddSlowPath(slow_path);
- __ Bind(slow_path->GetExitLabel());
+ CpuRegister second_reg = second.AsRegister<CpuRegister>();
+ // 0x80000000(00000000)/-1 triggers an arithmetic exception!
+ // Dividing by -1 is actually negation and -0x800000000(00000000) = 0x80000000(00000000)
+ // so it's safe to just use negl instead of more complex comparisons.
+ if (type == Primitive::kPrimInt) {
+ __ cmpl(second_reg, Immediate(-1));
+ __ j(kEqual, slow_path->GetEntryLabel());
+ // edx:eax <- sign-extended of eax
+ __ cdq();
+ // eax = quotient, edx = remainder
+ __ idivl(second_reg);
+ } else {
+ __ cmpq(second_reg, Immediate(-1));
+ __ j(kEqual, slow_path->GetEntryLabel());
+ // rdx:rax <- sign-extended of rax
+ __ cqo();
+ // rax = quotient, rdx = remainder
+ __ idivq(second_reg);
+ }
+ __ Bind(slow_path->GetExitLabel());
+ }
void LocationsBuilderX86_64::VisitDiv(HDiv* div) {
@@ -2307,17 +2612,23 @@
case Primitive::kPrimInt:
case Primitive::kPrimLong: {
locations->SetInAt(0, Location::RegisterLocation(RAX));
- locations->SetInAt(1, Location::RequiresRegister());
+ locations->SetInAt(1, Location::RegisterOrConstant(div->InputAt(1)));
// Intel uses edx:eax as the dividend.
+ // We need to save the numerator while we tweak rax and rdx. As we are using imul in a way
+ // which enforces results to be in RAX and RDX, things are simpler if we use RDX also as
+ // output and request another temp.
+ if (div->InputAt(1)->IsConstant()) {
+ locations->AddTemp(Location::RequiresRegister());
+ }
case Primitive::kPrimFloat:
case Primitive::kPrimDouble: {
locations->SetInAt(0, Location::RequiresFpuRegister());
- locations->SetInAt(1, Location::RequiresFpuRegister());
+ locations->SetInAt(1, Location::Any());
@@ -2342,12 +2653,30 @@
case Primitive::kPrimFloat: {
- __ divss(first.AsFpuRegister<XmmRegister>(), second.AsFpuRegister<XmmRegister>());
+ if (second.IsFpuRegister()) {
+ __ divss(first.AsFpuRegister<XmmRegister>(), second.AsFpuRegister<XmmRegister>());
+ } else if (second.IsConstant()) {
+ __ divss(first.AsFpuRegister<XmmRegister>(),
+ codegen_->LiteralFloatAddress(second.GetConstant()->AsFloatConstant()->GetValue()));
+ } else {
+ DCHECK(second.IsStackSlot());
+ __ divss(first.AsFpuRegister<XmmRegister>(),
+ Address(CpuRegister(RSP), second.GetStackIndex()));
+ }
case Primitive::kPrimDouble: {
- __ divsd(first.AsFpuRegister<XmmRegister>(), second.AsFpuRegister<XmmRegister>());
+ if (second.IsFpuRegister()) {
+ __ divsd(first.AsFpuRegister<XmmRegister>(), second.AsFpuRegister<XmmRegister>());
+ } else if (second.IsConstant()) {
+ __ divsd(first.AsFpuRegister<XmmRegister>(),
+ codegen_->LiteralDoubleAddress(second.GetConstant()->AsDoubleConstant()->GetValue()));
+ } else {
+ DCHECK(second.IsDoubleStackSlot());
+ __ divsd(first.AsFpuRegister<XmmRegister>(),
+ Address(CpuRegister(RSP), second.GetStackIndex()));
+ }
@@ -2365,9 +2694,15 @@
case Primitive::kPrimInt:
case Primitive::kPrimLong: {
locations->SetInAt(0, Location::RegisterLocation(RAX));
- locations->SetInAt(1, Location::RequiresRegister());
+ locations->SetInAt(1, Location::RegisterOrConstant(rem->InputAt(1)));
// Intel uses rdx:rax as the dividend and puts the remainder in rdx
+ // We need to save the numerator while we tweak eax and edx. As we are using imul in a way
+ // which enforces results to be in RAX and RDX, things are simpler if we use EAX also as
+ // output and request another temp.
+ if (rem->InputAt(1)->IsConstant()) {
+ locations->AddTemp(Location::RequiresRegister());
+ }
@@ -3486,15 +3821,27 @@
void ParallelMoveResolverX86_64::Exchange64(int mem1, int mem2) {
ScratchRegisterScope ensure_scratch(
- this, TMP, RAX, codegen_->GetNumberOfCoreRegisters());
+ this, TMP, codegen_->GetNumberOfCoreRegisters());
- int stack_offset = ensure_scratch.IsSpilled() ? kX86_64WordSize : 0;
- __ movq(CpuRegister(TMP), Address(CpuRegister(RSP), mem1 + stack_offset));
- __ movq(CpuRegister(ensure_scratch.GetRegister()),
- Address(CpuRegister(RSP), mem2 + stack_offset));
- __ movq(Address(CpuRegister(RSP), mem2 + stack_offset), CpuRegister(TMP));
- __ movq(Address(CpuRegister(RSP), mem1 + stack_offset),
- CpuRegister(ensure_scratch.GetRegister()));
+ int temp_reg = ensure_scratch.GetRegister();
+ if (temp_reg == kNoRegister) {
+ // Use the stack as a temporary.
+ // Save mem1 on the stack.
+ __ pushq(Address(CpuRegister(RSP), mem1));
+ // Copy mem2 into mem1.
+ __ movq(CpuRegister(TMP), Address(CpuRegister(RSP), mem2 + kX86_64WordSize));
+ __ movq(Address(CpuRegister(RSP), mem1 + kX86_64WordSize), CpuRegister(TMP));
+ // Now pop mem1 into mem2.
+ __ popq(Address(CpuRegister(RSP), mem2));
+ } else {
+ CpuRegister temp = CpuRegister(temp_reg);
+ __ movq(CpuRegister(TMP), Address(CpuRegister(RSP), mem1));
+ __ movq(temp, Address(CpuRegister(RSP), mem2));
+ __ movq(Address(CpuRegister(RSP), mem2), CpuRegister(TMP));
+ __ movq(Address(CpuRegister(RSP), mem1), temp);
+ }
void ParallelMoveResolverX86_64::Exchange32(XmmRegister reg, int mem) {
@@ -3503,6 +3850,13 @@
__ movd(reg, CpuRegister(TMP));
+void ParallelMoveResolverX86_64::Exchange64(CpuRegister reg1, CpuRegister reg2) {
+ // Prefer to avoid xchg as it isn't speedy on smaller processors.
+ __ movq(CpuRegister(TMP), reg1);
+ __ movq(reg1, reg2);
+ __ movq(reg2, CpuRegister(TMP));
void ParallelMoveResolverX86_64::Exchange64(XmmRegister reg, int mem) {
__ movq(CpuRegister(TMP), Address(CpuRegister(RSP), mem));
__ movsd(Address(CpuRegister(RSP), mem), reg);
@@ -3515,7 +3869,7 @@
Location destination = move->GetDestination();
if (source.IsRegister() && destination.IsRegister()) {
- __ xchgq(destination.AsRegister<CpuRegister>(), source.AsRegister<CpuRegister>());
+ Exchange64(destination.AsRegister<CpuRegister>(), source.AsRegister<CpuRegister>());
} else if (source.IsRegister() && destination.IsStackSlot()) {
Exchange32(source.AsRegister<CpuRegister>(), destination.GetStackIndex());
} else if (source.IsStackSlot() && destination.IsRegister()) {
@@ -3880,5 +4234,66 @@
LOG(FATAL) << "Unreachable";
+void CodeGeneratorX86_64::Finalize(CodeAllocator* allocator) {
+ // Generate the constant area if needed.
+ X86_64Assembler* assembler = GetAssembler();
+ if (!assembler->IsConstantAreaEmpty()) {
+ // Align to 4 byte boundary to reduce cache misses, as the data is 4 and 8
+ // byte values. If used for vectors at a later time, this will need to be
+ // updated to 16 bytes with the appropriate offset.
+ assembler->Align(4, 0);
+ constant_area_start_ = assembler->CodeSize();
+ assembler->AddConstantArea();
+ }
+ // And finish up.
+ CodeGenerator::Finalize(allocator);
+ * Class to handle late fixup of offsets into constant area.
+ */
+class RIPFixup : public AssemblerFixup, public ArenaObject<kArenaAllocMisc> {
+ public:
+ RIPFixup(const CodeGeneratorX86_64& codegen, int offset)
+ : codegen_(codegen), offset_into_constant_area_(offset) {}
+ private:
+ void Process(const MemoryRegion& region, int pos) OVERRIDE {
+ // Patch the correct offset for the instruction. We use the address of the
+ // 'next' instruction, which is 'pos' (patch the 4 bytes before).
+ int constant_offset = codegen_.ConstantAreaStart() + offset_into_constant_area_;
+ int relative_position = constant_offset - pos;
+ // Patch in the right value.
+ region.StoreUnaligned<int32_t>(pos - 4, relative_position);
+ }
+ const CodeGeneratorX86_64& codegen_;
+ // Location in constant area that the fixup refers to.
+ int offset_into_constant_area_;
+Address CodeGeneratorX86_64::LiteralDoubleAddress(double v) {
+ AssemblerFixup* fixup = new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) RIPFixup(*this, __ AddDouble(v));
+ return Address::RIP(fixup);
+Address CodeGeneratorX86_64::LiteralFloatAddress(float v) {
+ AssemblerFixup* fixup = new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) RIPFixup(*this, __ AddFloat(v));
+ return Address::RIP(fixup);
+Address CodeGeneratorX86_64::LiteralInt32Address(int32_t v) {
+ AssemblerFixup* fixup = new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) RIPFixup(*this, __ AddInt32(v));
+ return Address::RIP(fixup);
+Address CodeGeneratorX86_64::LiteralInt64Address(int64_t v) {
+ AssemblerFixup* fixup = new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) RIPFixup(*this, __ AddInt64(v));
+ return Address::RIP(fixup);
} // namespace x86_64
} // namespace art
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_x86_64.h b/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_x86_64.h
index 375c0b0..61bf6ac 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_x86_64.h
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_x86_64.h
@@ -118,6 +118,7 @@
void Exchange32(CpuRegister reg, int mem);
void Exchange32(XmmRegister reg, int mem);
void Exchange32(int mem1, int mem2);
+ void Exchange64(CpuRegister reg1, CpuRegister reg2);
void Exchange64(CpuRegister reg, int mem);
void Exchange64(XmmRegister reg, int mem);
void Exchange64(int mem1, int mem2);
@@ -173,6 +174,9 @@
void GenerateClassInitializationCheck(SlowPathCodeX86_64* slow_path, CpuRegister class_reg);
void HandleBitwiseOperation(HBinaryOperation* operation);
void GenerateRemFP(HRem *rem);
+ void DivRemOneOrMinusOne(HBinaryOperation* instruction);
+ void DivByPowerOfTwo(HDiv* instruction);
+ void GenerateDivRemWithAnyConstant(HBinaryOperation* instruction);
void GenerateDivRemIntegral(HBinaryOperation* instruction);
void HandleShift(HBinaryOperation* operation);
void GenerateMemoryBarrier(MemBarrierKind kind);
@@ -243,6 +247,7 @@
Location AllocateFreeRegister(Primitive::Type type) const OVERRIDE;
void DumpCoreRegister(std::ostream& stream, int reg) const OVERRIDE;
void DumpFloatingPointRegister(std::ostream& stream, int reg) const OVERRIDE;
+ void Finalize(CodeAllocator* allocator) OVERRIDE;
InstructionSet GetInstructionSet() const OVERRIDE {
return InstructionSet::kX86_64;
@@ -274,6 +279,15 @@
return isa_features_;
+ int ConstantAreaStart() const {
+ return constant_area_start_;
+ }
+ Address LiteralDoubleAddress(double v);
+ Address LiteralFloatAddress(float v);
+ Address LiteralInt32Address(int32_t v);
+ Address LiteralInt64Address(int64_t v);
// Labels for each block that will be compiled.
GrowableArray<Label> block_labels_;
@@ -284,6 +298,10 @@
X86_64Assembler assembler_;
const X86_64InstructionSetFeatures& isa_features_;
+ // Offset to the start of the constant area in the assembled code.
+ // Used for fixups to the constant area.
+ int constant_area_start_;
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index 56ec8a7..afbc490 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -24,9 +24,21 @@
class InstructionSimplifierVisitor : public HGraphVisitor {
InstructionSimplifierVisitor(HGraph* graph, OptimizingCompilerStats* stats)
- : HGraphVisitor(graph), stats_(stats) {}
+ : HGraphVisitor(graph),
+ stats_(stats) {}
+ void Run();
+ void RecordSimplification() {
+ simplification_occurred_ = true;
+ simplifications_at_current_position_++;
+ if (stats_) {
+ stats_->RecordStat(kInstructionSimplifications);
+ }
+ }
+ bool TryMoveNegOnInputsAfterBinop(HBinaryOperation* binop);
void VisitShift(HBinaryOperation* shift);
void VisitSuspendCheck(HSuspendCheck* check) OVERRIDE;
@@ -40,6 +52,8 @@
void VisitAnd(HAnd* instruction) OVERRIDE;
void VisitDiv(HDiv* instruction) OVERRIDE;
void VisitMul(HMul* instruction) OVERRIDE;
+ void VisitNeg(HNeg* instruction) OVERRIDE;
+ void VisitNot(HNot* instruction) OVERRIDE;
void VisitOr(HOr* instruction) OVERRIDE;
void VisitShl(HShl* instruction) OVERRIDE;
void VisitShr(HShr* instruction) OVERRIDE;
@@ -48,11 +62,38 @@
void VisitXor(HXor* instruction) OVERRIDE;
OptimizingCompilerStats* stats_;
+ bool simplification_occurred_ = false;
+ int simplifications_at_current_position_ = 0;
+ // We ensure we do not loop infinitely. The value is a finger in the air guess
+ // that should allow enough simplification.
+ static constexpr int kMaxSamePositionSimplifications = 10;
void InstructionSimplifier::Run() {
InstructionSimplifierVisitor visitor(graph_, stats_);
- visitor.VisitInsertionOrder();
+ visitor.Run();
+void InstructionSimplifierVisitor::Run() {
+ for (HReversePostOrderIterator it(*GetGraph()); !it.Done();) {
+ // The simplification of an instruction to another instruction may yield
+ // possibilities for other simplifications. So although we perform a reverse
+ // post order visit, we sometimes need to revisit an instruction index.
+ simplification_occurred_ = false;
+ VisitBasicBlock(it.Current());
+ if (simplification_occurred_ &&
+ (simplifications_at_current_position_ < kMaxSamePositionSimplifications)) {
+ // New simplifications may be applicable to the instruction at the
+ // current index, so don't advance the iterator.
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (simplifications_at_current_position_ >= kMaxSamePositionSimplifications) {
+ LOG(WARNING) << "Too many simplifications (" << simplifications_at_current_position_
+ << ") occurred at the current position.";
+ }
+ simplifications_at_current_position_ = 0;
+ it.Advance();
+ }
namespace {
@@ -63,6 +104,35 @@
} // namespace
+// Returns true if the code was simplified to use only one negation operation
+// after the binary operation instead of one on each of the inputs.
+bool InstructionSimplifierVisitor::TryMoveNegOnInputsAfterBinop(HBinaryOperation* binop) {
+ DCHECK(binop->IsAdd() || binop->IsSub());
+ DCHECK(binop->GetLeft()->IsNeg() && binop->GetRight()->IsNeg());
+ HNeg* left_neg = binop->GetLeft()->AsNeg();
+ HNeg* right_neg = binop->GetRight()->AsNeg();
+ if (!left_neg->HasOnlyOneNonEnvironmentUse() ||
+ !right_neg->HasOnlyOneNonEnvironmentUse()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Replace code looking like
+ // NEG tmp1, a
+ // NEG tmp2, b
+ // ADD dst, tmp1, tmp2
+ // with
+ // ADD tmp, a, b
+ // NEG dst, tmp
+ binop->ReplaceInput(left_neg->GetInput(), 0);
+ binop->ReplaceInput(right_neg->GetInput(), 1);
+ left_neg->GetBlock()->RemoveInstruction(left_neg);
+ right_neg->GetBlock()->RemoveInstruction(right_neg);
+ HNeg* neg = new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) HNeg(binop->GetType(), binop);
+ binop->GetBlock()->InsertInstructionBefore(neg, binop->GetNext());
+ binop->ReplaceWithExceptInReplacementAtIndex(neg, 0);
+ RecordSimplification();
+ return true;
void InstructionSimplifierVisitor::VisitShift(HBinaryOperation* instruction) {
DCHECK(instruction->IsShl() || instruction->IsShr() || instruction->IsUShr());
HConstant* input_cst = instruction->GetConstantRight();
@@ -182,6 +252,36 @@
// src
+ return;
+ }
+ HInstruction* left = instruction->GetLeft();
+ HInstruction* right = instruction->GetRight();
+ bool left_is_neg = left->IsNeg();
+ bool right_is_neg = right->IsNeg();
+ if (left_is_neg && right_is_neg) {
+ if (TryMoveNegOnInputsAfterBinop(instruction)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ HNeg* neg = left_is_neg ? left->AsNeg() : right->AsNeg();
+ if ((left_is_neg ^ right_is_neg) && neg->HasOnlyOneNonEnvironmentUse()) {
+ // Replace code looking like
+ // NEG tmp, b
+ // ADD dst, a, tmp
+ // with
+ // SUB dst, a, b
+ // We do not perform the optimization if the input negation has environment
+ // uses or multiple non-environment uses as it could lead to worse code. In
+ // particular, we do not want the live range of `b` to be extended if we are
+ // not sure the initial 'NEG' instruction can be removed.
+ HInstruction* other = left_is_neg ? right : left;
+ HSub* sub = new(GetGraph()->GetArena()) HSub(instruction->GetType(), other, neg->GetInput());
+ instruction->GetBlock()->ReplaceAndRemoveInstructionWith(instruction, sub);
+ RecordSimplification();
+ neg->GetBlock()->RemoveInstruction(neg);
@@ -201,7 +301,7 @@
// We assume that GVN has run before, so we only perform a pointer comparison.
// If for some reason the values are equal but the pointers are different, we
- // are still correct and only miss an optimisation opportunity.
+ // are still correct and only miss an optimization opportunity.
if (instruction->GetLeft() == instruction->GetRight()) {
// Replace code looking like
// AND dst, src, src
@@ -235,6 +335,7 @@
// NEG dst, src
instruction, (new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) HNeg(type, input_other)));
+ RecordSimplification();
@@ -267,6 +368,7 @@
// NEG dst, src
HNeg* neg = new (allocator) HNeg(type, input_other);
block->ReplaceAndRemoveInstructionWith(instruction, neg);
+ RecordSimplification();
@@ -280,6 +382,7 @@
// The 'int' and 'long' cases are handled below.
new (allocator) HAdd(type, input_other, input_other));
+ RecordSimplification();
@@ -295,10 +398,75 @@
HIntConstant* shift = GetGraph()->GetIntConstant(WhichPowerOf2(factor));
HShl* shl = new(allocator) HShl(type, input_other, shift);
block->ReplaceAndRemoveInstructionWith(instruction, shl);
+ RecordSimplification();
+void InstructionSimplifierVisitor::VisitNeg(HNeg* instruction) {
+ HInstruction* input = instruction->GetInput();
+ if (input->IsNeg()) {
+ // Replace code looking like
+ // NEG tmp, src
+ // NEG dst, tmp
+ // with
+ // src
+ HNeg* previous_neg = input->AsNeg();
+ instruction->ReplaceWith(previous_neg->GetInput());
+ instruction->GetBlock()->RemoveInstruction(instruction);
+ // We perform the optimization even if the input negation has environment
+ // uses since it allows removing the current instruction. But we only delete
+ // the input negation only if it is does not have any uses left.
+ if (!previous_neg->HasUses()) {
+ previous_neg->GetBlock()->RemoveInstruction(previous_neg);
+ }
+ RecordSimplification();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (input->IsSub() && input->HasOnlyOneNonEnvironmentUse()) {
+ // Replace code looking like
+ // SUB tmp, a, b
+ // NEG dst, tmp
+ // with
+ // SUB dst, b, a
+ // We do not perform the optimization if the input subtraction has
+ // environment uses or multiple non-environment uses as it could lead to
+ // worse code. In particular, we do not want the live ranges of `a` and `b`
+ // to be extended if we are not sure the initial 'SUB' instruction can be
+ // removed.
+ HSub* sub = input->AsSub();
+ HSub* new_sub =
+ new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) HSub(instruction->GetType(), sub->GetRight(), sub->GetLeft());
+ instruction->GetBlock()->ReplaceAndRemoveInstructionWith(instruction, new_sub);
+ if (!sub->HasUses()) {
+ sub->GetBlock()->RemoveInstruction(sub);
+ }
+ RecordSimplification();
+ }
+void InstructionSimplifierVisitor::VisitNot(HNot* instruction) {
+ HInstruction* input = instruction->GetInput();
+ if (input->IsNot()) {
+ // Replace code looking like
+ // NOT tmp, src
+ // NOT dst, tmp
+ // with
+ // src
+ // We perform the optimization even if the input negation has environment
+ // uses since it allows removing the current instruction. But we only delete
+ // the input negation only if it is does not have any uses left.
+ HNot* previous_not = input->AsNot();
+ instruction->ReplaceWith(previous_not->GetInput());
+ instruction->GetBlock()->RemoveInstruction(instruction);
+ if (!previous_not->HasUses()) {
+ previous_not->GetBlock()->RemoveInstruction(previous_not);
+ }
+ RecordSimplification();
+ }
void InstructionSimplifierVisitor::VisitOr(HOr* instruction) {
HConstant* input_cst = instruction->GetConstantRight();
HInstruction* input_other = instruction->GetLeastConstantLeft();
@@ -315,7 +483,7 @@
// We assume that GVN has run before, so we only perform a pointer comparison.
// If for some reason the values are equal but the pointers are different, we
- // are still correct and only miss an optimisation opportunity.
+ // are still correct and only miss an optimization opportunity.
if (instruction->GetLeft() == instruction->GetRight()) {
// Replace code looking like
// OR dst, src, src
@@ -356,20 +524,61 @@
HBasicBlock* block = instruction->GetBlock();
ArenaAllocator* allocator = GetGraph()->GetArena();
- if (instruction->GetLeft()->IsConstant()) {
- int64_t left = Int64FromConstant(instruction->GetLeft()->AsConstant());
- if (left == 0) {
+ HInstruction* left = instruction->GetLeft();
+ HInstruction* right = instruction->GetRight();
+ if (left->IsConstant()) {
+ if (Int64FromConstant(left->AsConstant()) == 0) {
// Replace code looking like
// SUB dst, 0, src
// with
// NEG dst, src
- // Note that we cannot optimise `0.0 - x` to `-x` for floating-point. When
+ // Note that we cannot optimize `0.0 - x` to `-x` for floating-point. When
// `x` is `0.0`, the former expression yields `0.0`, while the later
// yields `-0.0`.
- HNeg* neg = new (allocator) HNeg(type, instruction->GetRight());
+ HNeg* neg = new (allocator) HNeg(type, right);
block->ReplaceAndRemoveInstructionWith(instruction, neg);
+ RecordSimplification();
+ return;
+ if (left->IsNeg() && right->IsNeg()) {
+ if (TryMoveNegOnInputsAfterBinop(instruction)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (right->IsNeg() && right->HasOnlyOneNonEnvironmentUse()) {
+ // Replace code looking like
+ // NEG tmp, b
+ // SUB dst, a, tmp
+ // with
+ // ADD dst, a, b
+ HAdd* add = new(GetGraph()->GetArena()) HAdd(type, left, right->AsNeg()->GetInput());
+ instruction->GetBlock()->ReplaceAndRemoveInstructionWith(instruction, add);
+ RecordSimplification();
+ right->GetBlock()->RemoveInstruction(right);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (left->IsNeg() && left->HasOnlyOneNonEnvironmentUse()) {
+ // Replace code looking like
+ // NEG tmp, a
+ // SUB dst, tmp, b
+ // with
+ // ADD tmp, a, b
+ // NEG dst, tmp
+ // The second version is not intrinsically better, but enables more
+ // transformations.
+ HAdd* add = new(GetGraph()->GetArena()) HAdd(type, left->AsNeg()->GetInput(), right);
+ instruction->GetBlock()->InsertInstructionBefore(add, instruction);
+ HNeg* neg = new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) HNeg(instruction->GetType(), add);
+ instruction->GetBlock()->InsertInstructionBefore(neg, instruction);
+ instruction->ReplaceWith(neg);
+ instruction->GetBlock()->RemoveInstruction(instruction);
+ RecordSimplification();
+ left->GetBlock()->RemoveInstruction(left);
+ }
void InstructionSimplifierVisitor::VisitUShr(HUShr* instruction) {
@@ -397,6 +606,7 @@
// NOT dst, src
HNot* bitwise_not = new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) HNot(instruction->GetType(), input_other);
instruction->GetBlock()->ReplaceAndRemoveInstructionWith(instruction, bitwise_not);
+ RecordSimplification();
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index 5122a00..cbf94f0 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -298,25 +298,27 @@
// TODO: Allow x86 to work with memory. This requires assembler support, see below.
// locations->SetInAt(0, Location::Any()); // X86 can work on memory directly.
- locations->AddTemp(Location::RequiresRegister()); // Immediate constant.
- locations->AddTemp(Location::RequiresFpuRegister()); // FP version of above.
+ locations->AddTemp(Location::RequiresFpuRegister()); // FP reg to hold mask.
-static void MathAbsFP(LocationSummary* locations, bool is64bit, X86_64Assembler* assembler) {
+static void MathAbsFP(LocationSummary* locations,
+ bool is64bit,
+ X86_64Assembler* assembler,
+ CodeGeneratorX86_64* codegen) {
Location output = locations->Out();
- CpuRegister cpu_temp = locations->GetTemp(0).AsRegister<CpuRegister>();
if (output.IsFpuRegister()) {
// In-register
- XmmRegister xmm_temp = locations->GetTemp(1).AsFpuRegister<XmmRegister>();
+ XmmRegister xmm_temp = locations->GetTemp(0).AsFpuRegister<XmmRegister>();
+ // TODO: Can mask directly with constant area using pand if we can guarantee
+ // that the literal is aligned on a 16 byte boundary. This will avoid a
+ // temporary.
if (is64bit) {
- __ movq(cpu_temp, Immediate(INT64_C(0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF)));
- __ movd(xmm_temp, cpu_temp);
+ __ movsd(xmm_temp, codegen->LiteralInt64Address(INT64_C(0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF)));
__ andpd(output.AsFpuRegister<XmmRegister>(), xmm_temp);
} else {
- __ movl(cpu_temp, Immediate(INT64_C(0x7FFFFFFF)));
- __ movd(xmm_temp, cpu_temp);
+ __ movss(xmm_temp, codegen->LiteralInt32Address(INT32_C(0x7FFFFFFF)));
__ andps(output.AsFpuRegister<XmmRegister>(), xmm_temp);
} else {
@@ -341,7 +343,7 @@
void IntrinsicCodeGeneratorX86_64::VisitMathAbsDouble(HInvoke* invoke) {
- MathAbsFP(invoke->GetLocations(), true, GetAssembler());
+ MathAbsFP(invoke->GetLocations(), true, GetAssembler(), codegen_);
void IntrinsicLocationsBuilderX86_64::VisitMathAbsFloat(HInvoke* invoke) {
@@ -349,7 +351,7 @@
void IntrinsicCodeGeneratorX86_64::VisitMathAbsFloat(HInvoke* invoke) {
- MathAbsFP(invoke->GetLocations(), false, GetAssembler());
+ MathAbsFP(invoke->GetLocations(), false, GetAssembler(), codegen_);
static void CreateIntToIntPlusTemp(ArenaAllocator* arena, HInvoke* invoke) {
@@ -399,8 +401,11 @@
GenAbsInteger(invoke->GetLocations(), true, GetAssembler());
-static void GenMinMaxFP(LocationSummary* locations, bool is_min, bool is_double,
- X86_64Assembler* assembler) {
+static void GenMinMaxFP(LocationSummary* locations,
+ bool is_min,
+ bool is_double,
+ X86_64Assembler* assembler,
+ CodeGeneratorX86_64* codegen) {
Location op1_loc = locations->InAt(0);
Location op2_loc = locations->InAt(1);
Location out_loc = locations->Out();
@@ -427,7 +432,7 @@
// This removes one jmp, but needs to copy one input (op1) to out.
- // TODO: This is straight from Quick (except literal pool). Make NaN an out-of-line slowpath?
+ // TODO: This is straight from Quick. Make NaN an out-of-line slowpath?
XmmRegister op2 = op2_loc.AsFpuRegister<XmmRegister>();
@@ -461,14 +466,11 @@
// NaN handling.
__ Bind(&nan);
- CpuRegister cpu_temp = locations->GetTemp(0).AsRegister<CpuRegister>();
- // TODO: Literal pool. Trades 64b immediate in CPU reg for direct memory access.
if (is_double) {
- __ movq(cpu_temp, Immediate(INT64_C(0x7FF8000000000000)));
+ __ movsd(out, codegen->LiteralInt64Address(INT64_C(0x7FF8000000000000)));
} else {
- __ movl(cpu_temp, Immediate(INT64_C(0x7FC00000)));
+ __ movss(out, codegen->LiteralInt32Address(INT32_C(0x7FC00000)));
- __ movd(out, cpu_temp, is_double);
__ jmp(&done);
// out := op2;
@@ -483,7 +485,7 @@
__ Bind(&done);
-static void CreateFPFPToFPPlusTempLocations(ArenaAllocator* arena, HInvoke* invoke) {
+static void CreateFPFPToFP(ArenaAllocator* arena, HInvoke* invoke) {
LocationSummary* locations = new (arena) LocationSummary(invoke,
@@ -492,39 +494,38 @@
// The following is sub-optimal, but all we can do for now. It would be fine to also accept
// the second input to be the output (we can simply swap inputs).
- locations->AddTemp(Location::RequiresRegister()); // Immediate constant.
void IntrinsicLocationsBuilderX86_64::VisitMathMinDoubleDouble(HInvoke* invoke) {
- CreateFPFPToFPPlusTempLocations(arena_, invoke);
+ CreateFPFPToFP(arena_, invoke);
void IntrinsicCodeGeneratorX86_64::VisitMathMinDoubleDouble(HInvoke* invoke) {
- GenMinMaxFP(invoke->GetLocations(), true, true, GetAssembler());
+ GenMinMaxFP(invoke->GetLocations(), true, true, GetAssembler(), codegen_);
void IntrinsicLocationsBuilderX86_64::VisitMathMinFloatFloat(HInvoke* invoke) {
- CreateFPFPToFPPlusTempLocations(arena_, invoke);
+ CreateFPFPToFP(arena_, invoke);
void IntrinsicCodeGeneratorX86_64::VisitMathMinFloatFloat(HInvoke* invoke) {
- GenMinMaxFP(invoke->GetLocations(), true, false, GetAssembler());
+ GenMinMaxFP(invoke->GetLocations(), true, false, GetAssembler(), codegen_);
void IntrinsicLocationsBuilderX86_64::VisitMathMaxDoubleDouble(HInvoke* invoke) {
- CreateFPFPToFPPlusTempLocations(arena_, invoke);
+ CreateFPFPToFP(arena_, invoke);
void IntrinsicCodeGeneratorX86_64::VisitMathMaxDoubleDouble(HInvoke* invoke) {
- GenMinMaxFP(invoke->GetLocations(), false, true, GetAssembler());
+ GenMinMaxFP(invoke->GetLocations(), false, true, GetAssembler(), codegen_);
void IntrinsicLocationsBuilderX86_64::VisitMathMaxFloatFloat(HInvoke* invoke) {
- CreateFPFPToFPPlusTempLocations(arena_, invoke);
+ CreateFPFPToFP(arena_, invoke);
void IntrinsicCodeGeneratorX86_64::VisitMathMaxFloatFloat(HInvoke* invoke) {
- GenMinMaxFP(invoke->GetLocations(), false, false, GetAssembler());
+ GenMinMaxFP(invoke->GetLocations(), false, false, GetAssembler(), codegen_);
static void GenMinMax(LocationSummary* locations, bool is_min, bool is_long,
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/nodes.h b/compiler/optimizing/nodes.h
index f764eb4..5f50494 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/nodes.h
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/nodes.h
@@ -1177,6 +1177,9 @@
bool HasUses() const { return !uses_.IsEmpty() || !env_uses_.IsEmpty(); }
bool HasEnvironmentUses() const { return !env_uses_.IsEmpty(); }
bool HasNonEnvironmentUses() const { return !uses_.IsEmpty(); }
+ bool HasOnlyOneNonEnvironmentUse() const {
+ return !HasEnvironmentUses() && GetUses().HasOnlyOneUse();
+ }
// Does this instruction strictly dominate `other_instruction`?
// Returns false if this instruction and `other_instruction` are the same.
@@ -1214,6 +1217,13 @@
void ReplaceWith(HInstruction* instruction);
void ReplaceInput(HInstruction* replacement, size_t index);
+ // This is almost the same as doing `ReplaceWith()`. But in this helper, the
+ // uses of this instruction by `other` are *not* updated.
+ void ReplaceWithExceptInReplacementAtIndex(HInstruction* other, size_t use_index) {
+ ReplaceWith(other);
+ other->ReplaceInput(this, use_index);
+ }
// Move `this` instruction before `cursor`.
void MoveBefore(HInstruction* cursor);
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d986ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include <memory>
+#include <vector>
+#include "arch/instruction_set.h"
+#include "cfi_test.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
+#include "optimizing/code_generator.h"
+#include "utils/assembler.h"
+#include "optimizing/"
+namespace art {
+// Run the tests only on host.
+class OptimizingCFITest : public CFITest {
+ public:
+ // Enable this flag to generate the expected outputs.
+ static constexpr bool kGenerateExpected = false;
+ void TestImpl(InstructionSet isa, const char* isa_str,
+ const std::vector<uint8_t>& expected_asm,
+ const std::vector<uint8_t>& expected_cfi) {
+ // Setup simple context.
+ ArenaPool pool;
+ ArenaAllocator allocator(&pool);
+ CompilerOptions opts;
+ std::unique_ptr<const InstructionSetFeatures> isa_features;
+ std::string error;
+ isa_features.reset(InstructionSetFeatures::FromVariant(isa, "default", &error));
+ HGraph graph(&allocator);
+ // Generate simple frame with some spills.
+ std::unique_ptr<CodeGenerator> code_gen(
+ CodeGenerator::Create(&graph, isa, *isa_features.get(), opts));
+ const int frame_size = 64;
+ int core_reg = 0;
+ int fp_reg = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { // Two registers of each kind.
+ for (; core_reg < 32; core_reg++) {
+ if (code_gen->IsCoreCalleeSaveRegister(core_reg)) {
+ auto location = Location::RegisterLocation(core_reg);
+ code_gen->AddAllocatedRegister(location);
+ core_reg++;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ for (; fp_reg < 32; fp_reg++) {
+ if (code_gen->IsFloatingPointCalleeSaveRegister(fp_reg)) {
+ auto location = Location::FpuRegisterLocation(fp_reg);
+ code_gen->AddAllocatedRegister(location);
+ fp_reg++;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ code_gen->ComputeSpillMask();
+ code_gen->SetFrameSize(frame_size);
+ code_gen->GenerateFrameEntry();
+ code_gen->GetInstructionVisitor()->VisitReturnVoid(new (&allocator) HReturnVoid());
+ // Get the outputs.
+ InternalCodeAllocator code_allocator;
+ code_gen->Finalize(&code_allocator);
+ const std::vector<uint8_t>& actual_asm = code_allocator.GetMemory();
+ Assembler* opt_asm = code_gen->GetAssembler();
+ const std::vector<uint8_t>& actual_cfi = *(opt_asm->cfi().data());
+ if (kGenerateExpected) {
+ GenerateExpected(stdout, isa, isa_str, actual_asm, actual_cfi);
+ } else {
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_asm, actual_asm);
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_cfi, actual_cfi);
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ class InternalCodeAllocator : public CodeAllocator {
+ public:
+ InternalCodeAllocator() {}
+ virtual uint8_t* Allocate(size_t size) {
+ memory_.resize(size);
+ return;
+ }
+ const std::vector<uint8_t>& GetMemory() { return memory_; }
+ private:
+ std::vector<uint8_t> memory_;
+ DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(InternalCodeAllocator);
+ };
+#define TEST_ISA(isa) \
+ TEST_F(OptimizingCFITest, isa) { \
+ std::vector<uint8_t> expected_asm(expected_asm_##isa, \
+ expected_asm_##isa + arraysize(expected_asm_##isa)); \
+ std::vector<uint8_t> expected_cfi(expected_cfi_##isa, \
+ expected_cfi_##isa + arraysize(expected_cfi_##isa)); \
+ TestImpl(isa, #isa, expected_asm, expected_cfi); \
+ }
+#endif // HAVE_ANDROID_OS
+} // namespace art
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2125f6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+static constexpr uint8_t expected_asm_kThumb2[] = {
+ 0x60, 0xB5, 0x2D, 0xED, 0x02, 0x8A, 0x8B, 0xB0, 0x00, 0x90, 0x0B, 0xB0,
+ 0xBD, 0xEC, 0x02, 0x8A, 0x60, 0xBD,
+static constexpr uint8_t expected_cfi_kThumb2[] = {
+ 0x42, 0x0E, 0x0C, 0x85, 0x03, 0x86, 0x02, 0x8E, 0x01, 0x44, 0x0E, 0x14,
+ 0x05, 0x50, 0x05, 0x05, 0x51, 0x04, 0x42, 0x0E, 0x40, 0x42, 0x0A, 0x42,
+ 0x0E, 0x14, 0x44, 0x0E, 0x0C, 0x06, 0x50, 0x06, 0x51, 0x42, 0x0B, 0x0E,
+ 0x40,
+// 0x00000000: push {r5, r6, lr}
+// 0x00000002: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 12
+// 0x00000002: .cfi_offset: r5 at cfa-12
+// 0x00000002: .cfi_offset: r6 at cfa-8
+// 0x00000002: .cfi_offset: r14 at cfa-4
+// 0x00000002: vpush.f32 {s16-s17}
+// 0x00000006: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 20
+// 0x00000006: .cfi_offset_extended: r80 at cfa-20
+// 0x00000006: .cfi_offset_extended: r81 at cfa-16
+// 0x00000006: sub sp, sp, #44
+// 0x00000008: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 64
+// 0x00000008: str r0, [sp, #0]
+// 0x0000000a: .cfi_remember_state
+// 0x0000000a: add sp, sp, #44
+// 0x0000000c: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 20
+// 0x0000000c: vpop.f32 {s16-s17}
+// 0x00000010: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 12
+// 0x00000010: .cfi_restore_extended: r80
+// 0x00000010: .cfi_restore_extended: r81
+// 0x00000010: pop {r5, r6, pc}
+// 0x00000012: .cfi_restore_state
+// 0x00000012: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 64
+static constexpr uint8_t expected_asm_kArm64[] = {
+ 0xE0, 0x0F, 0x1C, 0xB8, 0xF3, 0xD3, 0x02, 0xA9, 0xFE, 0x1F, 0x00, 0xF9,
+ 0xE8, 0xA7, 0x01, 0x6D, 0xE8, 0xA7, 0x41, 0x6D, 0xF3, 0xD3, 0x42, 0xA9,
+ 0xFE, 0x1F, 0x40, 0xF9, 0xFF, 0x03, 0x01, 0x91, 0xC0, 0x03, 0x5F, 0xD6,
+static constexpr uint8_t expected_cfi_kArm64[] = {
+ 0x44, 0x0E, 0x40, 0x44, 0x93, 0x06, 0x94, 0x04, 0x44, 0x9E, 0x02, 0x44,
+ 0x05, 0x48, 0x0A, 0x05, 0x49, 0x08, 0x0A, 0x44, 0x06, 0x48, 0x06, 0x49,
+ 0x44, 0xD3, 0xD4, 0x44, 0xDE, 0x44, 0x0E, 0x00, 0x44, 0x0B, 0x0E, 0x40,
+// 0x00000000: str w0, [sp, #-64]!
+// 0x00000004: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 64
+// 0x00000004: stp x19, x20, [sp, #40]
+// 0x00000008: .cfi_offset: r19 at cfa-24
+// 0x00000008: .cfi_offset: r20 at cfa-16
+// 0x00000008: str lr, [sp, #56]
+// 0x0000000c: .cfi_offset: r30 at cfa-8
+// 0x0000000c: stp d8, d9, [sp, #24]
+// 0x00000010: .cfi_offset_extended: r72 at cfa-40
+// 0x00000010: .cfi_offset_extended: r73 at cfa-32
+// 0x00000010: .cfi_remember_state
+// 0x00000010: ldp d8, d9, [sp, #24]
+// 0x00000014: .cfi_restore_extended: r72
+// 0x00000014: .cfi_restore_extended: r73
+// 0x00000014: ldp x19, x20, [sp, #40]
+// 0x00000018: .cfi_restore: r19
+// 0x00000018: .cfi_restore: r20
+// 0x00000018: ldr lr, [sp, #56]
+// 0x0000001c: .cfi_restore: r30
+// 0x0000001c: add sp, sp, #0x40 (64)
+// 0x00000020: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 0
+// 0x00000020: ret
+// 0x00000024: .cfi_restore_state
+// 0x00000024: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 64
+static constexpr uint8_t expected_asm_kX86[] = {
+ 0x56, 0x55, 0x83, 0xEC, 0x34, 0x89, 0x04, 0x24, 0x83, 0xC4, 0x34, 0x5D,
+ 0x5E, 0xC3,
+static constexpr uint8_t expected_cfi_kX86[] = {
+ 0x41, 0x0E, 0x08, 0x86, 0x02, 0x41, 0x0E, 0x0C, 0x85, 0x03, 0x43, 0x0E,
+ 0x40, 0x43, 0x0A, 0x43, 0x0E, 0x0C, 0x41, 0x0E, 0x08, 0xC5, 0x41, 0x0E,
+ 0x04, 0xC6, 0x41, 0x0B, 0x0E, 0x40,
+// 0x00000000: push esi
+// 0x00000001: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 8
+// 0x00000001: .cfi_offset: r6 at cfa-8
+// 0x00000001: push ebp
+// 0x00000002: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 12
+// 0x00000002: .cfi_offset: r5 at cfa-12
+// 0x00000002: sub esp, 52
+// 0x00000005: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 64
+// 0x00000005: mov [esp], eax
+// 0x00000008: .cfi_remember_state
+// 0x00000008: add esp, 52
+// 0x0000000b: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 12
+// 0x0000000b: pop ebp
+// 0x0000000c: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 8
+// 0x0000000c: .cfi_restore: r5
+// 0x0000000c: pop esi
+// 0x0000000d: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 4
+// 0x0000000d: .cfi_restore: r6
+// 0x0000000d: ret
+// 0x0000000e: .cfi_restore_state
+// 0x0000000e: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 64
+static constexpr uint8_t expected_asm_kX86_64[] = {
+ 0x55, 0x53, 0x48, 0x83, 0xEC, 0x28, 0xF2, 0x44, 0x0F, 0x11, 0x6C, 0x24,
+ 0x20, 0xF2, 0x44, 0x0F, 0x11, 0x64, 0x24, 0x18, 0x89, 0x3C, 0x24, 0xF2,
+ 0x44, 0x0F, 0x10, 0x64, 0x24, 0x18, 0xF2, 0x44, 0x0F, 0x10, 0x6C, 0x24,
+ 0x20, 0x48, 0x83, 0xC4, 0x28, 0x5B, 0x5D, 0xC3,
+static constexpr uint8_t expected_cfi_kX86_64[] = {
+ 0x41, 0x0E, 0x10, 0x86, 0x04, 0x41, 0x0E, 0x18, 0x83, 0x06, 0x44, 0x0E,
+ 0x40, 0x47, 0x9E, 0x08, 0x47, 0x9D, 0x0A, 0x43, 0x0A, 0x47, 0xDD, 0x47,
+ 0xDE, 0x44, 0x0E, 0x18, 0x41, 0x0E, 0x10, 0xC3, 0x41, 0x0E, 0x08, 0xC6,
+ 0x41, 0x0B, 0x0E, 0x40,
+// 0x00000000: push rbp
+// 0x00000001: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 16
+// 0x00000001: .cfi_offset: r6 at cfa-16
+// 0x00000001: push rbx
+// 0x00000002: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 24
+// 0x00000002: .cfi_offset: r3 at cfa-24
+// 0x00000002: subq rsp, 40
+// 0x00000006: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 64
+// 0x00000006: movsd [rsp + 32], xmm13
+// 0x0000000d: .cfi_offset: r30 at cfa-32
+// 0x0000000d: movsd [rsp + 24], xmm12
+// 0x00000014: .cfi_offset: r29 at cfa-40
+// 0x00000014: mov [rsp], edi
+// 0x00000017: .cfi_remember_state
+// 0x00000017: movsd xmm12, [rsp + 24]
+// 0x0000001e: .cfi_restore: r29
+// 0x0000001e: movsd xmm13, [rsp + 32]
+// 0x00000025: .cfi_restore: r30
+// 0x00000025: addq rsp, 40
+// 0x00000029: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 24
+// 0x00000029: pop rbx
+// 0x0000002a: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 16
+// 0x0000002a: .cfi_restore: r3
+// 0x0000002a: pop rbp
+// 0x0000002b: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 8
+// 0x0000002b: .cfi_restore: r6
+// 0x0000002b: ret
+// 0x0000002c: .cfi_restore_state
+// 0x0000002c: .cfi_def_cfa_offset: 64
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index 12798ed..a428c75 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@
#include "ssa_builder.h"
#include "ssa_phi_elimination.h"
#include "ssa_liveness_analysis.h"
+#include "utils/assembler.h"
#include "reference_type_propagation.h"
namespace art {
@@ -199,20 +200,6 @@
- bool WriteElf(art::File* file,
- OatWriter* oat_writer,
- const std::vector<const art::DexFile*>& dex_files,
- const std::string& android_root,
- bool is_host) const OVERRIDE SHARED_LOCKS_REQUIRED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
- if (kProduce64BitELFFiles && Is64BitInstructionSet(GetCompilerDriver()->GetInstructionSet())) {
- return art::ElfWriterQuick64::Create(file, oat_writer, dex_files, android_root, is_host,
- *GetCompilerDriver());
- } else {
- return art::ElfWriterQuick32::Create(file, oat_writer, dex_files, android_root, is_host,
- *GetCompilerDriver());
- }
- }
void InitCompilationUnit(CompilationUnit& cu) const OVERRIDE;
void Init() OVERRIDE;
@@ -370,6 +357,9 @@
return ArrayRef<const uint8_t>(vector);
+// TODO: The function below uses too much stack space.
+#pragma GCC diagnostic push
+#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wframe-larger-than="
CompiledMethod* OptimizingCompiler::CompileOptimized(HGraph* graph,
CodeGenerator* codegen,
@@ -395,12 +385,17 @@
CodeVectorAllocator allocator;
+ DefaultSrcMap src_mapping_table;
+ if (compiler_driver->GetCompilerOptions().GetIncludeDebugSymbols()) {
+ codegen->BuildSourceMap(&src_mapping_table);
+ }
std::vector<uint8_t> stack_map;
- return CompiledMethod::SwapAllocCompiledMethodStackMap(
+ return CompiledMethod::SwapAllocCompiledMethod(
ArrayRef<const uint8_t>(allocator.GetMemory()),
@@ -410,9 +405,15 @@
codegen->HasEmptyFrame() ? 0 : codegen->GetFrameSize(),
- ArrayRef<const uint8_t>(stack_map));
+ &src_mapping_table,
+ ArrayRef<const uint8_t>(), // mapping_table.
+ ArrayRef<const uint8_t>(stack_map),
+ ArrayRef<const uint8_t>(), // native_gc_map.
+ ArrayRef<const uint8_t>(*codegen->GetAssembler()->cfi().data()),
+ ArrayRef<const LinkerPatch>());
+#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
CompiledMethod* OptimizingCompiler::CompileBaseline(
CodeGenerator* codegen,
@@ -422,9 +423,11 @@
std::vector<uint8_t> mapping_table;
+ codegen->BuildMappingTable(&mapping_table);
DefaultSrcMap src_mapping_table;
- bool include_debug_symbol = compiler_driver->GetCompilerOptions().GetIncludeDebugSymbols();
- codegen->BuildMappingTable(&mapping_table, include_debug_symbol ? &src_mapping_table : nullptr);
+ if (compiler_driver->GetCompilerOptions().GetIncludeDebugSymbols()) {
+ codegen->BuildSourceMap(&src_mapping_table);
+ }
std::vector<uint8_t> vmap_table;
std::vector<uint8_t> gc_map;
@@ -445,7 +448,8 @@
- ArrayRef<const uint8_t>());
+ ArrayRef<const uint8_t>(*codegen->GetAssembler()->cfi().data()),
+ ArrayRef<const LinkerPatch>());
CompiledMethod* OptimizingCompiler::TryCompile(const DexFile::CodeItem* code_item,
@@ -511,6 +515,8 @@
return nullptr;
+ codegen->GetAssembler()->cfi().SetEnabled(
+ compiler_driver->GetCompilerOptions().GetIncludeDebugSymbols());
PassInfoPrinter pass_info_printer(graph,
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/optimizing_compiler_stats.h b/compiler/optimizing/optimizing_compiler_stats.h
index b97a667..4d5b8d0 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/optimizing_compiler_stats.h
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/optimizing_compiler_stats.h
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@
+ kInstructionSimplifications,
@@ -110,6 +111,7 @@
case kNotCompiledUnhandledInstruction : return "kNotCompiledUnhandledInstruction";
case kRemovedCheckedCast: return "kRemovedCheckedCast";
case kRemovedNullCheck: return "kRemovedNullCheck";
+ case kInstructionSimplifications: return "kInstructionSimplifications";
default: LOG(FATAL) << "invalid stat";
return "";
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index 9df8f56..4936685 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -269,6 +269,20 @@
+int ParallelMoveResolver::AllocateScratchRegister(int blocked,
+ int register_count) {
+ int scratch = -1;
+ for (int reg = 0; reg < register_count; ++reg) {
+ if ((blocked != reg) && IsScratchLocation(Location::RegisterLocation(reg))) {
+ scratch = reg;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return scratch;
ParallelMoveResolver* resolver, int blocked, int if_scratch, int number_of_registers)
: resolver_(resolver),
@@ -282,6 +296,16 @@
+ ParallelMoveResolver* resolver, int blocked, int number_of_registers)
+ : resolver_(resolver),
+ reg_(kNoRegister),
+ spilled_(false) {
+ // We don't want to spill a register if none are free.
+ reg_ = resolver_->AllocateScratchRegister(blocked, number_of_registers);
ParallelMoveResolver::ScratchRegisterScope::~ScratchRegisterScope() {
if (spilled_) {
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/parallel_move_resolver.h b/compiler/optimizing/parallel_move_resolver.h
index 3fa1b37..173cffc 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/parallel_move_resolver.h
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/parallel_move_resolver.h
@@ -42,10 +42,15 @@
class ScratchRegisterScope : public ValueObject {
+ // Spill a scratch register if no regs are free.
ScratchRegisterScope(ParallelMoveResolver* resolver,
int blocked,
int if_scratch,
int number_of_registers);
+ // Grab a scratch register only if available.
+ ScratchRegisterScope(ParallelMoveResolver* resolver,
+ int blocked,
+ int number_of_registers);
int GetRegister() const { return reg_; }
@@ -62,6 +67,8 @@
// Allocate a scratch register for performing a move. The method will try to use
// a register that is the destination of a move, but that move has not been emitted yet.
int AllocateScratchRegister(int blocked, int if_scratch, int register_count, bool* spilled);
+ // As above, but return -1 if no free register.
+ int AllocateScratchRegister(int blocked, int register_count);
// Emit a move.
virtual void EmitMove(size_t index) = 0;
diff --git a/compiler/utils/arm/ b/compiler/utils/arm/
index 8059289..c410660 100644
--- a/compiler/utils/arm/
+++ b/compiler/utils/arm/
@@ -370,40 +370,46 @@
+static dwarf::Reg DWARFReg(Register reg) {
+ return dwarf::Reg::ArmCore(static_cast<int>(reg));
+static dwarf::Reg DWARFReg(SRegister reg) {
+ return dwarf::Reg::ArmFp(static_cast<int>(reg));
constexpr size_t kFramePointerSize = 4;
void ArmAssembler::BuildFrame(size_t frame_size, ManagedRegister method_reg,
const std::vector<ManagedRegister>& callee_save_regs,
const ManagedRegisterEntrySpills& entry_spills) {
+ CHECK_EQ(buffer_.Size(), 0U); // Nothing emitted yet
CHECK_ALIGNED(frame_size, kStackAlignment);
CHECK_EQ(R0, method_reg.AsArm().AsCoreRegister());
// Push callee saves and link register.
- RegList push_list = 1 << LR;
- size_t pushed_values = 1;
- int32_t min_s = kNumberOfSRegisters;
- int32_t max_s = -1;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < callee_save_regs.size(); i++) {
- if ( {
- Register reg =;
- push_list |= 1 << reg;
- pushed_values++;
+ RegList core_spill_mask = 1 << LR;
+ uint32_t fp_spill_mask = 0;
+ for (const ManagedRegister& reg : callee_save_regs) {
+ if (reg.AsArm().IsCoreRegister()) {
+ core_spill_mask |= 1 << reg.AsArm().AsCoreRegister();
} else {
- min_s = std::min(static_cast<int>(, min_s);
- max_s = std::max(static_cast<int>(, max_s);
+ fp_spill_mask |= 1 << reg.AsArm().AsSRegister();
- PushList(push_list);
- if (max_s != -1) {
- pushed_values += 1 + max_s - min_s;
- vpushs(static_cast<SRegister>(min_s), 1 + max_s - min_s);
+ PushList(core_spill_mask);
+ cfi_.AdjustCFAOffset(POPCOUNT(core_spill_mask) * kFramePointerSize);
+ cfi_.RelOffsetForMany(DWARFReg(Register(0)), 0, core_spill_mask, kFramePointerSize);
+ if (fp_spill_mask != 0) {
+ vpushs(SRegister(CTZ(fp_spill_mask)), POPCOUNT(fp_spill_mask));
+ cfi_.AdjustCFAOffset(POPCOUNT(fp_spill_mask) * kFramePointerSize);
+ cfi_.RelOffsetForMany(DWARFReg(SRegister(0)), 0, fp_spill_mask, kFramePointerSize);
// Increase frame to required size.
+ int pushed_values = POPCOUNT(core_spill_mask) + POPCOUNT(fp_spill_mask);
CHECK_GT(frame_size, pushed_values * kFramePointerSize); // Must at least have space for Method*.
- size_t adjust = frame_size - (pushed_values * kFramePointerSize);
- IncreaseFrameSize(adjust);
+ IncreaseFrameSize(frame_size - pushed_values * kFramePointerSize); // handles CFI as well.
// Write out Method*.
StoreToOffset(kStoreWord, R0, SP, 0);
@@ -432,46 +438,46 @@
void ArmAssembler::RemoveFrame(size_t frame_size,
const std::vector<ManagedRegister>& callee_save_regs) {
CHECK_ALIGNED(frame_size, kStackAlignment);
+ cfi_.RememberState();
// Compute callee saves to pop and PC.
- RegList pop_list = 1 << PC;
- size_t pop_values = 1;
- int32_t min_s = kNumberOfSRegisters;
- int32_t max_s = -1;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < callee_save_regs.size(); i++) {
- if ( {
- Register reg =;
- pop_list |= 1 << reg;
- pop_values++;
+ RegList core_spill_mask = 1 << PC;
+ uint32_t fp_spill_mask = 0;
+ for (const ManagedRegister& reg : callee_save_regs) {
+ if (reg.AsArm().IsCoreRegister()) {
+ core_spill_mask |= 1 << reg.AsArm().AsCoreRegister();
} else {
- min_s = std::min(static_cast<int>(, min_s);
- max_s = std::max(static_cast<int>(, max_s);
+ fp_spill_mask |= 1 << reg.AsArm().AsSRegister();
- if (max_s != -1) {
- pop_values += 1 + max_s - min_s;
- }
// Decrease frame to start of callee saves.
+ int pop_values = POPCOUNT(core_spill_mask) + POPCOUNT(fp_spill_mask);
CHECK_GT(frame_size, pop_values * kFramePointerSize);
- size_t adjust = frame_size - (pop_values * kFramePointerSize);
- DecreaseFrameSize(adjust);
+ DecreaseFrameSize(frame_size - (pop_values * kFramePointerSize)); // handles CFI as well.
- if (max_s != -1) {
- vpops(static_cast<SRegister>(min_s), 1 + max_s - min_s);
+ if (fp_spill_mask != 0) {
+ vpops(SRegister(CTZ(fp_spill_mask)), POPCOUNT(fp_spill_mask));
+ cfi_.AdjustCFAOffset(-kFramePointerSize * POPCOUNT(fp_spill_mask));
+ cfi_.RestoreMany(DWARFReg(SRegister(0)), fp_spill_mask);
// Pop callee saves and PC.
- PopList(pop_list);
+ PopList(core_spill_mask);
+ // The CFI should be restored for any code that follows the exit block.
+ cfi_.RestoreState();
+ cfi_.DefCFAOffset(frame_size);
void ArmAssembler::IncreaseFrameSize(size_t adjust) {
AddConstant(SP, -adjust);
+ cfi_.AdjustCFAOffset(adjust);
void ArmAssembler::DecreaseFrameSize(size_t adjust) {
AddConstant(SP, adjust);
+ cfi_.AdjustCFAOffset(-adjust);
void ArmAssembler::Store(FrameOffset dest, ManagedRegister msrc, size_t size) {
diff --git a/compiler/utils/arm/ b/compiler/utils/arm/
index 6286b10..3b42f63 100644
--- a/compiler/utils/arm/
+++ b/compiler/utils/arm/
@@ -373,24 +373,34 @@
void Thumb2Assembler::ldrd(Register rd, const Address& ad, Condition cond) {
+ ldrd(rd, Register(rd + 1), ad, cond);
+void Thumb2Assembler::ldrd(Register rd, Register rd2, const Address& ad, Condition cond) {
- CHECK_EQ(rd % 2, 0);
+ // Encoding T1.
// This is different from other loads. The encoding is like ARM.
int32_t encoding = B31 | B30 | B29 | B27 | B22 | B20 |
static_cast<int32_t>(rd) << 12 |
- (static_cast<int32_t>(rd) + 1) << 8 |
+ static_cast<int32_t>(rd2) << 8 |
void Thumb2Assembler::strd(Register rd, const Address& ad, Condition cond) {
+ strd(rd, Register(rd + 1), ad, cond);
+void Thumb2Assembler::strd(Register rd, Register rd2, const Address& ad, Condition cond) {
- CHECK_EQ(rd % 2, 0);
+ // Encoding T1.
// This is different from other loads. The encoding is like ARM.
int32_t encoding = B31 | B30 | B29 | B27 | B22 |
static_cast<int32_t>(rd) << 12 |
- (static_cast<int32_t>(rd) + 1) << 8 |
+ static_cast<int32_t>(rd2) << 8 |
@@ -2613,14 +2623,16 @@
Register tmp_reg = kNoRegister;
if (!Address::CanHoldStoreOffsetThumb(type, offset)) {
CHECK_NE(base, IP);
- if (reg != IP) {
+ if (reg != IP &&
+ (type != kStoreWordPair || reg + 1 != IP)) {
tmp_reg = IP;
} else {
- // Be careful not to use IP twice (for `reg` and to build the
- // Address object used by the store instruction(s) below).
- // Instead, save R5 on the stack (or R6 if R5 is not available),
- // use it as secondary temporary register, and restore it after
- // the store instruction has been emitted.
+ // Be careful not to use IP twice (for `reg` (or `reg` + 1 in
+ // the case of a word-pair store)) and to build the Address
+ // object used by the store instruction(s) below). Instead,
+ // save R5 on the stack (or R6 if R5 is not available), use it
+ // as secondary temporary register, and restore it after the
+ // store instruction has been emitted.
tmp_reg = base != R5 ? R5 : R6;
if (base == SP) {
diff --git a/compiler/utils/arm/assembler_thumb2.h b/compiler/utils/arm/assembler_thumb2.h
index 81dd138..e33c240 100644
--- a/compiler/utils/arm/assembler_thumb2.h
+++ b/compiler/utils/arm/assembler_thumb2.h
@@ -135,9 +135,17 @@
void ldrsb(Register rd, const Address& ad, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void ldrsh(Register rd, const Address& ad, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+ // Load/store register dual instructions using registers `rd` and `rd` + 1.
void ldrd(Register rd, const Address& ad, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void strd(Register rd, const Address& ad, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
+ // Load/store register dual instructions using registers `rd` and `rd2`.
+ // Note that contrary to the ARM A1 encoding, the Thumb-2 T1 encoding
+ // does not require `rd` to be even, nor `rd2' to be equal to `rd` + 1.
+ void ldrd(Register rd, Register rd2, const Address& ad, Condition cond);
+ void strd(Register rd, Register rd2, const Address& ad, Condition cond);
void ldm(BlockAddressMode am, Register base,
RegList regs, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void stm(BlockAddressMode am, Register base,
diff --git a/compiler/utils/arm/ b/compiler/utils/arm/
index 62e0b90..5f5561a 100644
--- a/compiler/utils/arm/
+++ b/compiler/utils/arm/
@@ -291,4 +291,59 @@
DriverStr(expected, "StoreWordToNonThumbOffset");
+TEST_F(AssemblerThumb2Test, StoreWordPairToThumbOffset) {
+ arm::StoreOperandType type = arm::kStoreWordPair;
+ int32_t offset = 1020;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(arm::Address::CanHoldStoreOffsetThumb(type, offset));
+ __ StoreToOffset(type, arm::R0, arm::SP, offset);
+ // We cannot use IP (i.e. R12) as first source register, as it would
+ // force us to use SP (i.e. R13) as second source register, which
+ // would have an "unpredictable" effect according to the ARMv7
+ // specification (the T1 encoding describes the result as
+ // UNPREDICTABLE when of the source registers is R13).
+ //
+ // So we use (R11, IP) (e.g. (R11, R12)) as source registers in the
+ // following instructions.
+ __ StoreToOffset(type, arm::R11, arm::SP, offset);
+ __ StoreToOffset(type, arm::R11, arm::R5, offset);
+ const char* expected =
+ "strd r0, r1, [sp, #1020]\n"
+ "strd r11, ip, [sp, #1020]\n"
+ "strd r11, ip, [r5, #1020]\n";
+ DriverStr(expected, "StoreWordPairToThumbOffset");
+TEST_F(AssemblerThumb2Test, StoreWordPairToNonThumbOffset) {
+ arm::StoreOperandType type = arm::kStoreWordPair;
+ int32_t offset = 1024;
+ ASSERT_FALSE(arm::Address::CanHoldStoreOffsetThumb(type, offset));
+ __ StoreToOffset(type, arm::R0, arm::SP, offset);
+ // Same comment as in AssemblerThumb2Test.StoreWordPairToThumbOffset
+ // regarding the use of (R11, IP) (e.g. (R11, R12)) as source
+ // registers in the following instructions.
+ __ StoreToOffset(type, arm::R11, arm::SP, offset);
+ __ StoreToOffset(type, arm::R11, arm::R5, offset);
+ const char* expected =
+ "mov ip, #1024\n" // LoadImmediate(ip, 1024)
+ "add ip, ip, sp\n"
+ "strd r0, r1, [ip, #0]\n"
+ "str r5, [sp, #-4]!\n" // Push(r5)
+ "movw r5, #1028\n" // LoadImmediate(r5, 1024 + kRegisterSize)
+ "add r5, r5, sp\n"
+ "strd r11, ip, [r5, #0]\n"
+ "ldr r5, [sp], #4\n" // Pop(r5)
+ "str r6, [sp, #-4]!\n" // Push(r6)
+ "mov r6, #1024\n" // LoadImmediate(r6, 1024)
+ "add r6, r6, r5\n"
+ "strd r11, ip, [r6, #0]\n"
+ "ldr r6, [sp], #4\n"; // Pop(r6)
+ DriverStr(expected, "StoreWordPairToNonThumbOffset");
} // namespace art
diff --git a/compiler/utils/arm/managed_register_arm.h b/compiler/utils/arm/managed_register_arm.h
index a496c87..5fde9e8 100644
--- a/compiler/utils/arm/managed_register_arm.h
+++ b/compiler/utils/arm/managed_register_arm.h
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "constants_arm.h"
+#include "dwarf/register.h"
#include "utils/managed_register.h"
namespace art {
diff --git a/compiler/utils/arm64/ b/compiler/utils/arm64/
index 58c7367..fbd0411 100644
--- a/compiler/utils/arm64/
+++ b/compiler/utils/arm64/
@@ -63,12 +63,14 @@
void Arm64Assembler::IncreaseFrameSize(size_t adjust) {
CHECK_ALIGNED(adjust, kStackAlignment);
AddConstant(SP, -adjust);
+ cfi().AdjustCFAOffset(adjust);
// See Arm64 PCS Section
void Arm64Assembler::DecreaseFrameSize(size_t adjust) {
CHECK_ALIGNED(adjust, kStackAlignment);
AddConstant(SP, adjust);
+ cfi().AdjustCFAOffset(-adjust);
void Arm64Assembler::AddConstant(XRegister rd, int32_t value, Condition cond) {
@@ -638,6 +640,14 @@
___ Brk();
+static dwarf::Reg DWARFReg(XRegister reg) {
+ return dwarf::Reg::Arm64Core(static_cast<int>(reg));
+static dwarf::Reg DWARFReg(DRegister reg) {
+ return dwarf::Reg::Arm64Fp(static_cast<int>(reg));
constexpr size_t kFramePointerSize = 8;
constexpr unsigned int kJniRefSpillRegsSize = 11 + 8;
@@ -660,45 +670,20 @@
// TUNING: Use stp.
// Note: Must match Arm64JniCallingConvention::CoreSpillMask().
size_t reg_offset = frame_size;
- reg_offset -= 8;
- StoreToOffset(LR, SP, reg_offset);
- reg_offset -= 8;
- StoreToOffset(X29, SP, reg_offset);
- reg_offset -= 8;
- StoreToOffset(X28, SP, reg_offset);
- reg_offset -= 8;
- StoreToOffset(X27, SP, reg_offset);
- reg_offset -= 8;
- StoreToOffset(X26, SP, reg_offset);
- reg_offset -= 8;
- StoreToOffset(X25, SP, reg_offset);
- reg_offset -= 8;
- StoreToOffset(X24, SP, reg_offset);
- reg_offset -= 8;
- StoreToOffset(X23, SP, reg_offset);
- reg_offset -= 8;
- StoreToOffset(X22, SP, reg_offset);
- reg_offset -= 8;
- StoreToOffset(X21, SP, reg_offset);
- reg_offset -= 8;
- StoreToOffset(X20, SP, reg_offset);
- reg_offset -= 8;
- StoreDToOffset(D15, SP, reg_offset);
- reg_offset -= 8;
- StoreDToOffset(D14, SP, reg_offset);
- reg_offset -= 8;
- StoreDToOffset(D13, SP, reg_offset);
- reg_offset -= 8;
- StoreDToOffset(D12, SP, reg_offset);
- reg_offset -= 8;
- StoreDToOffset(D11, SP, reg_offset);
- reg_offset -= 8;
- StoreDToOffset(D10, SP, reg_offset);
- reg_offset -= 8;
- StoreDToOffset(D9, SP, reg_offset);
- reg_offset -= 8;
- StoreDToOffset(D8, SP, reg_offset);
+ static constexpr XRegister x_spills[] = {
+ LR, X29, X28, X27, X26, X25, X24, X23, X22, X21, X20 };
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(x_spills); i++) {
+ XRegister reg = x_spills[i];
+ reg_offset -= 8;
+ StoreToOffset(reg, SP, reg_offset);
+ cfi_.RelOffset(DWARFReg(reg), reg_offset);
+ }
+ for (int d = 15; d >= 8; d--) {
+ DRegister reg = static_cast<DRegister>(d);
+ reg_offset -= 8;
+ StoreDToOffset(reg, SP, reg_offset);
+ cfi_.RelOffset(DWARFReg(reg), reg_offset);
+ }
// Move TR(Caller saved) to ETR(Callee saved). The original (ETR)X21 has been saved on stack.
// This way we make sure that TR is not trashed by native code.
@@ -734,6 +719,7 @@
void Arm64Assembler::RemoveFrame(size_t frame_size, const std::vector<ManagedRegister>& callee_save_regs) {
CHECK_ALIGNED(frame_size, kStackAlignment);
+ cfi_.RememberState();
// For now we only check that the size of the frame is greater than the spill size.
CHECK_EQ(callee_save_regs.size(), kJniRefSpillRegsSize);
@@ -748,51 +734,30 @@
// TUNING: Use ldp.
// Note: Must match Arm64JniCallingConvention::CoreSpillMask().
size_t reg_offset = frame_size;
- reg_offset -= 8;
- LoadFromOffset(LR, SP, reg_offset);
- reg_offset -= 8;
- LoadFromOffset(X29, SP, reg_offset);
- reg_offset -= 8;
- LoadFromOffset(X28, SP, reg_offset);
- reg_offset -= 8;
- LoadFromOffset(X27, SP, reg_offset);
- reg_offset -= 8;
- LoadFromOffset(X26, SP, reg_offset);
- reg_offset -= 8;
- LoadFromOffset(X25, SP, reg_offset);
- reg_offset -= 8;
- LoadFromOffset(X24, SP, reg_offset);
- reg_offset -= 8;
- LoadFromOffset(X23, SP, reg_offset);
- reg_offset -= 8;
- LoadFromOffset(X22, SP, reg_offset);
- reg_offset -= 8;
- LoadFromOffset(X21, SP, reg_offset);
- reg_offset -= 8;
- LoadFromOffset(X20, SP, reg_offset);
- reg_offset -= 8;
- LoadDFromOffset(D15, SP, reg_offset);
- reg_offset -= 8;
- LoadDFromOffset(D14, SP, reg_offset);
- reg_offset -= 8;
- LoadDFromOffset(D13, SP, reg_offset);
- reg_offset -= 8;
- LoadDFromOffset(D12, SP, reg_offset);
- reg_offset -= 8;
- LoadDFromOffset(D11, SP, reg_offset);
- reg_offset -= 8;
- LoadDFromOffset(D10, SP, reg_offset);
- reg_offset -= 8;
- LoadDFromOffset(D9, SP, reg_offset);
- reg_offset -= 8;
- LoadDFromOffset(D8, SP, reg_offset);
+ static constexpr XRegister x_spills[] = {
+ LR, X29, X28, X27, X26, X25, X24, X23, X22, X21, X20 };
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(x_spills); i++) {
+ XRegister reg = x_spills[i];
+ reg_offset -= 8;
+ LoadFromOffset(reg, SP, reg_offset);
+ cfi_.Restore(DWARFReg(reg));
+ }
+ for (int d = 15; d >= 8; d--) {
+ DRegister reg = static_cast<DRegister>(d);
+ reg_offset -= 8;
+ LoadDFromOffset(reg, SP, reg_offset);
+ cfi_.Restore(DWARFReg(reg));
+ }
// Decrease frame size to start of callee saved regs.
// Pop callee saved and return to LR.
___ Ret();
+ // The CFI should be restored for any code that follows the exit block.
+ cfi_.RestoreState();
+ cfi_.DefCFAOffset(frame_size);
} // namespace arm64
diff --git a/compiler/utils/arm64/managed_register_arm64.h b/compiler/utils/arm64/managed_register_arm64.h
index e1d6f31..62c1d4d 100644
--- a/compiler/utils/arm64/managed_register_arm64.h
+++ b/compiler/utils/arm64/managed_register_arm64.h
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "constants_arm64.h"
+#include "dwarf/register.h"
#include "utils/managed_register.h"
namespace art {
diff --git a/compiler/utils/ b/compiler/utils/
index 5340dd3..36342c6 100644
--- a/compiler/utils/
+++ b/compiler/utils/
@@ -105,6 +105,9 @@
CHECK_EQ(Size(), old_size);
+void DebugFrameOpCodeWriterForAssembler::ImplicitlyAdvancePC() {
+ this->AdvancePC(assembler_->CodeSize());
Assembler* Assembler::Create(InstructionSet instruction_set) {
switch (instruction_set) {
diff --git a/compiler/utils/assembler.h b/compiler/utils/assembler.h
index 323f93c..ebafd3d 100644
--- a/compiler/utils/assembler.h
+++ b/compiler/utils/assembler.h
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
#include "offsets.h"
#include "x86/constants_x86.h"
#include "x86_64/constants_x86_64.h"
+#include "dwarf/debug_frame_opcode_writer.h"
namespace art {
@@ -354,6 +355,23 @@
friend class AssemblerFixup;
+// The purpose of this class is to ensure that we do not have to explicitly
+// call the AdvancePC method (which is good for convenience and correctness).
+class DebugFrameOpCodeWriterForAssembler FINAL
+ : public dwarf::DebugFrameOpCodeWriter<> {
+ public:
+ // This method is called the by the opcode writers.
+ virtual void ImplicitlyAdvancePC() FINAL;
+ explicit DebugFrameOpCodeWriterForAssembler(Assembler* buffer)
+ : dwarf::DebugFrameOpCodeWriter<>(),
+ assembler_(buffer) {
+ }
+ private:
+ Assembler* assembler_;
class Assembler {
static Assembler* Create(InstructionSet instruction_set);
@@ -506,10 +524,18 @@
virtual ~Assembler() {}
+ /**
+ * @brief Buffer of DWARF's Call Frame Information opcodes.
+ * @details It is used by debuggers and other tools to unwind the call stack.
+ */
+ DebugFrameOpCodeWriterForAssembler& cfi() { return cfi_; }
- Assembler() : buffer_() {}
+ Assembler() : buffer_(), cfi_(this) {}
AssemblerBuffer buffer_;
+ DebugFrameOpCodeWriterForAssembler cfi_;
} // namespace art
diff --git a/compiler/utils/assembler_test.h b/compiler/utils/assembler_test.h
index b13edb6..3fe1a31 100644
--- a/compiler/utils/assembler_test.h
+++ b/compiler/utils/assembler_test.h
@@ -44,7 +44,9 @@
enum class RegisterView { // private
- kUseSecondaryName
+ kUseSecondaryName,
+ kUseTertiaryName,
+ kUseQuaternaryName,
template<typename Ass, typename Reg, typename FPReg, typename Imm>
@@ -97,6 +99,15 @@
+ std::string Repeatrb(void (Ass::*f)(Reg, Reg), std::string fmt) {
+ return RepeatTemplatedRegisters<Reg, Reg>(f,
+ GetRegisters(),
+ GetRegisters(),
+ &AssemblerTest::GetRegName<RegisterView::kUseSecondaryName>,
+ &AssemblerTest::GetRegName<RegisterView::kUseQuaternaryName>,
+ fmt);
+ }
std::string RepeatRr(void (Ass::*f)(Reg, Reg), std::string fmt) {
return RepeatTemplatedRegisters<Reg, Reg>(f,
@@ -240,6 +251,18 @@
+ // Tertiary register names are the tertiary view on registers, e.g., 16b on 64b systems.
+ virtual std::string GetTertiaryRegisterName(const Reg& reg ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) {
+ UNIMPLEMENTED(FATAL) << "Architecture does not support tertiary registers";
+ }
+ // Quaternary register names are the quaternary view on registers, e.g., 8b on 64b systems.
+ virtual std::string GetQuaternaryRegisterName(const Reg& reg ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) {
+ UNIMPLEMENTED(FATAL) << "Architecture does not support quaternary registers";
+ }
std::string GetRegisterName(const Reg& reg) {
return GetRegName<RegisterView::kUsePrimaryName>(reg);
@@ -520,6 +543,14 @@
case RegisterView::kUseSecondaryName:
sreg << GetSecondaryRegisterName(reg);
+ case RegisterView::kUseTertiaryName:
+ sreg << GetTertiaryRegisterName(reg);
+ break;
+ case RegisterView::kUseQuaternaryName:
+ sreg << GetQuaternaryRegisterName(reg);
+ break;
return sreg.str();
diff --git a/compiler/utils/mips/ b/compiler/utils/mips/
index b5437b0..709a911 100644
--- a/compiler/utils/mips/
+++ b/compiler/utils/mips/
@@ -536,6 +536,10 @@
Sdc1(reg, base, offset);
+static dwarf::Reg DWARFReg(Register reg) {
+ return dwarf::Reg::MipsCore(static_cast<int>(reg));
constexpr size_t kFramePointerSize = 4;
void MipsAssembler::BuildFrame(size_t frame_size, ManagedRegister method_reg,
@@ -549,10 +553,12 @@
// Push callee saves and return address
int stack_offset = frame_size - kFramePointerSize;
StoreToOffset(kStoreWord, RA, SP, stack_offset);
+ cfi_.RelOffset(DWARFReg(RA), stack_offset);
for (int i = callee_save_regs.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
stack_offset -= kFramePointerSize;
Register reg =;
StoreToOffset(kStoreWord, reg, SP, stack_offset);
+ cfi_.RelOffset(DWARFReg(reg), stack_offset);
// Write out Method*.
@@ -568,31 +574,40 @@
void MipsAssembler::RemoveFrame(size_t frame_size,
const std::vector<ManagedRegister>& callee_save_regs) {
CHECK_ALIGNED(frame_size, kStackAlignment);
+ cfi_.RememberState();
// Pop callee saves and return address
int stack_offset = frame_size - (callee_save_regs.size() * kFramePointerSize) - kFramePointerSize;
for (size_t i = 0; i < callee_save_regs.size(); ++i) {
Register reg =;
LoadFromOffset(kLoadWord, reg, SP, stack_offset);
+ cfi_.Restore(DWARFReg(reg));
stack_offset += kFramePointerSize;
LoadFromOffset(kLoadWord, RA, SP, stack_offset);
+ cfi_.Restore(DWARFReg(RA));
// Decrease frame to required size.
// Then jump to the return address.
+ // The CFI should be restored for any code that follows the exit block.
+ cfi_.RestoreState();
+ cfi_.DefCFAOffset(frame_size);
void MipsAssembler::IncreaseFrameSize(size_t adjust) {
CHECK_ALIGNED(adjust, kStackAlignment);
AddConstant(SP, SP, -adjust);
+ cfi_.AdjustCFAOffset(adjust);
void MipsAssembler::DecreaseFrameSize(size_t adjust) {
CHECK_ALIGNED(adjust, kStackAlignment);
AddConstant(SP, SP, adjust);
+ cfi_.AdjustCFAOffset(-adjust);
void MipsAssembler::Store(FrameOffset dest, ManagedRegister msrc, size_t size) {
diff --git a/compiler/utils/mips/managed_register_mips.h b/compiler/utils/mips/managed_register_mips.h
index dd55cc4..40d39e3 100644
--- a/compiler/utils/mips/managed_register_mips.h
+++ b/compiler/utils/mips/managed_register_mips.h
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
#include "constants_mips.h"
+#include "dwarf/register.h"
#include "utils/managed_register.h"
namespace art {
diff --git a/compiler/utils/mips64/ b/compiler/utils/mips64/
index 388d274..282ab96 100644
--- a/compiler/utils/mips64/
+++ b/compiler/utils/mips64/
@@ -568,6 +568,10 @@
+static dwarf::Reg DWARFReg(GpuRegister reg) {
+ return dwarf::Reg::Mips64Core(static_cast<int>(reg));
constexpr size_t kFramePointerSize = 8;
void Mips64Assembler::BuildFrame(size_t frame_size, ManagedRegister method_reg,
@@ -581,10 +585,12 @@
// Push callee saves and return address
int stack_offset = frame_size - kFramePointerSize;
StoreToOffset(kStoreDoubleword, RA, SP, stack_offset);
+ cfi_.RelOffset(DWARFReg(RA), stack_offset);
for (int i = callee_save_regs.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
stack_offset -= kFramePointerSize;
GpuRegister reg =;
StoreToOffset(kStoreDoubleword, reg, SP, stack_offset);
+ cfi_.RelOffset(DWARFReg(reg), stack_offset);
// Write out Method*.
@@ -612,31 +618,40 @@
void Mips64Assembler::RemoveFrame(size_t frame_size,
const std::vector<ManagedRegister>& callee_save_regs) {
CHECK_ALIGNED(frame_size, kStackAlignment);
+ cfi_.RememberState();
// Pop callee saves and return address
int stack_offset = frame_size - (callee_save_regs.size() * kFramePointerSize) - kFramePointerSize;
for (size_t i = 0; i < callee_save_regs.size(); ++i) {
GpuRegister reg =;
LoadFromOffset(kLoadDoubleword, reg, SP, stack_offset);
+ cfi_.Restore(DWARFReg(reg));
stack_offset += kFramePointerSize;
LoadFromOffset(kLoadDoubleword, RA, SP, stack_offset);
+ cfi_.Restore(DWARFReg(RA));
// Decrease frame to required size.
// Then jump to the return address.
+ // The CFI should be restored for any code that follows the exit block.
+ cfi_.RestoreState();
+ cfi_.DefCFAOffset(frame_size);
void Mips64Assembler::IncreaseFrameSize(size_t adjust) {
CHECK_ALIGNED(adjust, kStackAlignment);
AddConstant64(SP, SP, -adjust);
+ cfi_.AdjustCFAOffset(adjust);
void Mips64Assembler::DecreaseFrameSize(size_t adjust) {
CHECK_ALIGNED(adjust, kStackAlignment);
AddConstant64(SP, SP, adjust);
+ cfi_.AdjustCFAOffset(-adjust);
void Mips64Assembler::Store(FrameOffset dest, ManagedRegister msrc, size_t size) {
diff --git a/compiler/utils/mips64/managed_register_mips64.h b/compiler/utils/mips64/managed_register_mips64.h
index 924a928..4c4705b 100644
--- a/compiler/utils/mips64/managed_register_mips64.h
+++ b/compiler/utils/mips64/managed_register_mips64.h
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
#include "constants_mips64.h"
+#include "dwarf/register.h"
#include "utils/managed_register.h"
namespace art {
diff --git a/compiler/utils/x86/ b/compiler/utils/x86/
index 4cca529..f8bba07 100644
--- a/compiler/utils/x86/
+++ b/compiler/utils/x86/
@@ -1285,32 +1285,62 @@
void X86Assembler::shll(Register reg, const Immediate& imm) {
- EmitGenericShift(4, reg, imm);
+ EmitGenericShift(4, Operand(reg), imm);
void X86Assembler::shll(Register operand, Register shifter) {
- EmitGenericShift(4, operand, shifter);
+ EmitGenericShift(4, Operand(operand), shifter);
+void X86Assembler::shll(const Address& address, const Immediate& imm) {
+ EmitGenericShift(4, address, imm);
+void X86Assembler::shll(const Address& address, Register shifter) {
+ EmitGenericShift(4, address, shifter);
void X86Assembler::shrl(Register reg, const Immediate& imm) {
- EmitGenericShift(5, reg, imm);
+ EmitGenericShift(5, Operand(reg), imm);
void X86Assembler::shrl(Register operand, Register shifter) {
- EmitGenericShift(5, operand, shifter);
+ EmitGenericShift(5, Operand(operand), shifter);
+void X86Assembler::shrl(const Address& address, const Immediate& imm) {
+ EmitGenericShift(5, address, imm);
+void X86Assembler::shrl(const Address& address, Register shifter) {
+ EmitGenericShift(5, address, shifter);
void X86Assembler::sarl(Register reg, const Immediate& imm) {
- EmitGenericShift(7, reg, imm);
+ EmitGenericShift(7, Operand(reg), imm);
void X86Assembler::sarl(Register operand, Register shifter) {
- EmitGenericShift(7, operand, shifter);
+ EmitGenericShift(7, Operand(operand), shifter);
+void X86Assembler::sarl(const Address& address, const Immediate& imm) {
+ EmitGenericShift(7, address, imm);
+void X86Assembler::sarl(const Address& address, Register shifter) {
+ EmitGenericShift(7, address, shifter);
@@ -1323,6 +1353,15 @@
+void X86Assembler::shld(Register dst, Register src, const Immediate& imm) {
+ AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
+ EmitUint8(0x0F);
+ EmitUint8(0xA4);
+ EmitRegisterOperand(src, dst);
+ EmitUint8(imm.value() & 0xFF);
void X86Assembler::shrd(Register dst, Register src, Register shifter) {
DCHECK_EQ(ECX, shifter);
AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
@@ -1332,6 +1371,15 @@
+void X86Assembler::shrd(Register dst, Register src, const Immediate& imm) {
+ AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
+ EmitUint8(0x0F);
+ EmitUint8(0xAC);
+ EmitRegisterOperand(src, dst);
+ EmitUint8(imm.value() & 0xFF);
void X86Assembler::negl(Register reg) {
AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
@@ -1615,28 +1663,32 @@
void X86Assembler::EmitGenericShift(int reg_or_opcode,
- Register reg,
+ const Operand& operand,
const Immediate& imm) {
AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
if (imm.value() == 1) {
- EmitOperand(reg_or_opcode, Operand(reg));
+ EmitOperand(reg_or_opcode, operand);
} else {
- EmitOperand(reg_or_opcode, Operand(reg));
+ EmitOperand(reg_or_opcode, operand);
EmitUint8(imm.value() & 0xFF);
void X86Assembler::EmitGenericShift(int reg_or_opcode,
- Register operand,
+ const Operand& operand,
Register shifter) {
AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
CHECK_EQ(shifter, ECX);
- EmitOperand(reg_or_opcode, Operand(operand));
+ EmitOperand(reg_or_opcode, operand);
+static dwarf::Reg DWARFReg(Register reg) {
+ return dwarf::Reg::X86Core(static_cast<int>(reg));
constexpr size_t kFramePointerSize = 4;
@@ -1645,12 +1697,15 @@
const std::vector<ManagedRegister>& spill_regs,
const ManagedRegisterEntrySpills& entry_spills) {
DCHECK_EQ(buffer_.Size(), 0U); // Nothing emitted yet.
+ cfi_.SetCurrentCFAOffset(4); // Return address on stack.
CHECK_ALIGNED(frame_size, kStackAlignment);
int gpr_count = 0;
for (int i = spill_regs.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
Register spill =;
+ cfi_.AdjustCFAOffset(kFramePointerSize);
+ cfi_.RelOffset(DWARFReg(spill), 0);
// return address then method on stack.
@@ -1658,7 +1713,10 @@
sizeof(StackReference<mirror::ArtMethod>) /*method*/ -
kFramePointerSize /*return address*/;
addl(ESP, Immediate(-adjust));
+ cfi_.AdjustCFAOffset(adjust);
+ cfi_.AdjustCFAOffset(kFramePointerSize);
+ DCHECK_EQ(static_cast<size_t>(cfi_.GetCurrentCFAOffset()), frame_size);
for (size_t i = 0; i < entry_spills.size(); ++i) {
ManagedRegisterSpill spill =;
@@ -1680,25 +1738,33 @@
void X86Assembler::RemoveFrame(size_t frame_size,
const std::vector<ManagedRegister>& spill_regs) {
CHECK_ALIGNED(frame_size, kStackAlignment);
+ cfi_.RememberState();
int adjust = frame_size - (spill_regs.size() * kFramePointerSize) -
addl(ESP, Immediate(adjust));
+ cfi_.AdjustCFAOffset(-adjust);
for (size_t i = 0; i < spill_regs.size(); ++i) {
- x86::X86ManagedRegister spill =;
- DCHECK(spill.IsCpuRegister());
- popl(spill.AsCpuRegister());
+ Register spill =;
+ popl(spill);
+ cfi_.AdjustCFAOffset(-static_cast<int>(kFramePointerSize));
+ cfi_.Restore(DWARFReg(spill));
+ // The CFI should be restored for any code that follows the exit block.
+ cfi_.RestoreState();
+ cfi_.DefCFAOffset(frame_size);
void X86Assembler::IncreaseFrameSize(size_t adjust) {
CHECK_ALIGNED(adjust, kStackAlignment);
addl(ESP, Immediate(-adjust));
+ cfi_.AdjustCFAOffset(adjust);
void X86Assembler::DecreaseFrameSize(size_t adjust) {
CHECK_ALIGNED(adjust, kStackAlignment);
addl(ESP, Immediate(adjust));
+ cfi_.AdjustCFAOffset(-adjust);
void X86Assembler::Store(FrameOffset offs, ManagedRegister msrc, size_t size) {
diff --git a/compiler/utils/x86/assembler_x86.h b/compiler/utils/x86/assembler_x86.h
index f3675ae..37acb6e 100644
--- a/compiler/utils/x86/assembler_x86.h
+++ b/compiler/utils/x86/assembler_x86.h
@@ -429,12 +429,20 @@
void shll(Register reg, const Immediate& imm);
void shll(Register operand, Register shifter);
+ void shll(const Address& address, const Immediate& imm);
+ void shll(const Address& address, Register shifter);
void shrl(Register reg, const Immediate& imm);
void shrl(Register operand, Register shifter);
+ void shrl(const Address& address, const Immediate& imm);
+ void shrl(const Address& address, Register shifter);
void sarl(Register reg, const Immediate& imm);
void sarl(Register operand, Register shifter);
+ void sarl(const Address& address, const Immediate& imm);
+ void sarl(const Address& address, Register shifter);
void shld(Register dst, Register src, Register shifter);
+ void shld(Register dst, Register src, const Immediate& imm);
void shrd(Register dst, Register src, Register shifter);
+ void shrd(Register dst, Register src, const Immediate& imm);
void negl(Register reg);
void notl(Register reg);
@@ -619,8 +627,8 @@
void EmitLabelLink(Label* label);
void EmitNearLabelLink(Label* label);
- void EmitGenericShift(int rm, Register reg, const Immediate& imm);
- void EmitGenericShift(int rm, Register operand, Register shifter);
+ void EmitGenericShift(int rm, const Operand& operand, const Immediate& imm);
+ void EmitGenericShift(int rm, const Operand& operand, Register shifter);
diff --git a/compiler/utils/x86/managed_register_x86.h b/compiler/utils/x86/managed_register_x86.h
index 09d2b49..4e8c41e 100644
--- a/compiler/utils/x86/managed_register_x86.h
+++ b/compiler/utils/x86/managed_register_x86.h
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
#include "constants_x86.h"
+#include "dwarf/register.h"
#include "utils/managed_register.h"
namespace art {
diff --git a/compiler/utils/x86_64/ b/compiler/utils/x86_64/
index 2e0d9e1..638659d 100644
--- a/compiler/utils/x86_64/
+++ b/compiler/utils/x86_64/
@@ -209,7 +209,9 @@
void X86_64Assembler::movzxb(CpuRegister dst, const Address& src) {
AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
- EmitOptionalByteRegNormalizingRex32(dst, src);
+ // Byte register is only in the source register form, so we don't use
+ // EmitOptionalByteRegNormalizingRex32(dst, src);
+ EmitOptionalRex32(dst, src);
EmitOperand(dst.LowBits(), src);
@@ -227,7 +229,9 @@
void X86_64Assembler::movsxb(CpuRegister dst, const Address& src) {
AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
- EmitOptionalByteRegNormalizingRex32(dst, src);
+ // Byte register is only in the source register form, so we don't use
+ // EmitOptionalByteRegNormalizingRex32(dst, src);
+ EmitOptionalRex32(dst, src);
EmitOperand(dst.LowBits(), src);
@@ -1620,6 +1624,14 @@
+void X86_64Assembler::imulq(CpuRegister reg) {
+ AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
+ EmitRex64(reg);
+ EmitUint8(0xF7);
+ EmitOperand(5, Operand(reg));
void X86_64Assembler::imull(const Address& address) {
AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
@@ -1967,6 +1979,10 @@
for (int i = 1; i < length; i++) {
+ AssemblerFixup* fixup = operand.GetFixup();
+ if (fixup != nullptr) {
+ EmitFixup(fixup);
+ }
@@ -2165,11 +2181,18 @@
void X86_64Assembler::EmitOptionalByteRegNormalizingRex32(CpuRegister dst, CpuRegister src) {
- EmitOptionalRex(true, false, dst.NeedsRex(), false, src.NeedsRex());
+ // For src, SPL, BPL, SIL, DIL need the rex prefix.
+ bool force = src.AsRegister() > 3;
+ EmitOptionalRex(force, false, dst.NeedsRex(), false, src.NeedsRex());
void X86_64Assembler::EmitOptionalByteRegNormalizingRex32(CpuRegister dst, const Operand& operand) {
- uint8_t rex = 0x40 | operand.rex(); // REX.0000
+ uint8_t rex = operand.rex();
+ // For dst, SPL, BPL, SIL, DIL need the rex prefix.
+ bool force = dst.AsRegister() > 3;
+ if (force) {
+ rex |= 0x40; // REX.0000
+ }
if (dst.NeedsRex()) {
rex |= 0x44; // REX.0R00
@@ -2178,12 +2201,20 @@
+static dwarf::Reg DWARFReg(Register reg) {
+ return dwarf::Reg::X86_64Core(static_cast<int>(reg));
+static dwarf::Reg DWARFReg(FloatRegister reg) {
+ return dwarf::Reg::X86_64Fp(static_cast<int>(reg));
constexpr size_t kFramePointerSize = 8;
void X86_64Assembler::BuildFrame(size_t frame_size, ManagedRegister method_reg,
const std::vector<ManagedRegister>& spill_regs,
const ManagedRegisterEntrySpills& entry_spills) {
DCHECK_EQ(buffer_.Size(), 0U); // Nothing emitted yet.
+ cfi_.SetCurrentCFAOffset(8); // Return address on stack.
CHECK_ALIGNED(frame_size, kStackAlignment);
int gpr_count = 0;
for (int i = spill_regs.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
@@ -2191,6 +2222,8 @@
if (spill.IsCpuRegister()) {
+ cfi_.AdjustCFAOffset(kFramePointerSize);
+ cfi_.RelOffset(DWARFReg(spill.AsCpuRegister().AsRegister()), 0);
// return address then method on stack.
@@ -2198,6 +2231,7 @@
- (gpr_count * kFramePointerSize)
- kFramePointerSize /*return address*/;
subq(CpuRegister(RSP), Immediate(rest_of_frame));
+ cfi_.AdjustCFAOffset(rest_of_frame);
// spill xmms
int64_t offset = rest_of_frame;
@@ -2206,6 +2240,7 @@
if (spill.IsXmmRegister()) {
offset -= sizeof(double);
movsd(Address(CpuRegister(RSP), offset), spill.AsXmmRegister());
+ cfi_.RelOffset(DWARFReg(spill.AsXmmRegister().AsFloatRegister()), offset);
@@ -2237,6 +2272,7 @@
void X86_64Assembler::RemoveFrame(size_t frame_size,
const std::vector<ManagedRegister>& spill_regs) {
CHECK_ALIGNED(frame_size, kStackAlignment);
+ cfi_.RememberState();
int gpr_count = 0;
// unspill xmms
int64_t offset = static_cast<int64_t>(frame_size) - (spill_regs.size() * kFramePointerSize) - 2 * kFramePointerSize;
@@ -2245,28 +2281,38 @@
if (spill.IsXmmRegister()) {
offset += sizeof(double);
movsd(spill.AsXmmRegister(), Address(CpuRegister(RSP), offset));
+ cfi_.Restore(DWARFReg(spill.AsXmmRegister().AsFloatRegister()));
} else {
- addq(CpuRegister(RSP), Immediate(static_cast<int64_t>(frame_size) - (gpr_count * kFramePointerSize) - kFramePointerSize));
+ int adjust = static_cast<int>(frame_size) - (gpr_count * kFramePointerSize) - kFramePointerSize;
+ addq(CpuRegister(RSP), Immediate(adjust));
+ cfi_.AdjustCFAOffset(-adjust);
for (size_t i = 0; i < spill_regs.size(); ++i) {
x86_64::X86_64ManagedRegister spill =;
if (spill.IsCpuRegister()) {
+ cfi_.AdjustCFAOffset(-static_cast<int>(kFramePointerSize));
+ cfi_.Restore(DWARFReg(spill.AsCpuRegister().AsRegister()));
+ // The CFI should be restored for any code that follows the exit block.
+ cfi_.RestoreState();
+ cfi_.DefCFAOffset(frame_size);
void X86_64Assembler::IncreaseFrameSize(size_t adjust) {
CHECK_ALIGNED(adjust, kStackAlignment);
addq(CpuRegister(RSP), Immediate(-static_cast<int64_t>(adjust)));
+ cfi_.AdjustCFAOffset(adjust);
void X86_64Assembler::DecreaseFrameSize(size_t adjust) {
CHECK_ALIGNED(adjust, kStackAlignment);
addq(CpuRegister(RSP), Immediate(adjust));
+ cfi_.AdjustCFAOffset(-adjust);
void X86_64Assembler::Store(FrameOffset offs, ManagedRegister msrc, size_t size) {
@@ -2694,5 +2740,55 @@
#undef __
+void X86_64Assembler::AddConstantArea() {
+ const std::vector<int32_t>& area = constant_area_.GetBuffer();
+ for (size_t i = 0, e = area.size(); i < e; i++) {
+ AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
+ EmitInt32(area[i]);
+ }
+int ConstantArea::AddInt32(int32_t v) {
+ for (size_t i = 0, e = buffer_.size(); i < e; i++) {
+ if (v == buffer_[i]) {
+ return i * elem_size_;
+ }
+ }
+ // Didn't match anything.
+ int result = buffer_.size() * elem_size_;
+ buffer_.push_back(v);
+ return result;
+int ConstantArea::AddInt64(int64_t v) {
+ int32_t v_low = v;
+ int32_t v_high = v >> 32;
+ if (buffer_.size() > 1) {
+ // Ensure we don't pass the end of the buffer.
+ for (size_t i = 0, e = buffer_.size() - 1; i < e; i++) {
+ if (v_low == buffer_[i] && v_high == buffer_[i + 1]) {
+ return i * elem_size_;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Didn't match anything.
+ int result = buffer_.size() * elem_size_;
+ buffer_.push_back(v_low);
+ buffer_.push_back(v_high);
+ return result;
+int ConstantArea::AddDouble(double v) {
+ // Treat the value as a 64-bit integer value.
+ return AddInt64(bit_cast<int64_t, double>(v));
+int ConstantArea::AddFloat(float v) {
+ // Treat the value as a 32-bit integer value.
+ return AddInt32(bit_cast<int32_t, float>(v));
} // namespace x86_64
} // namespace art
diff --git a/compiler/utils/x86_64/assembler_x86_64.h b/compiler/utils/x86_64/assembler_x86_64.h
index a786a6c..15b8b15 100644
--- a/compiler/utils/x86_64/assembler_x86_64.h
+++ b/compiler/utils/x86_64/assembler_x86_64.h
@@ -97,9 +97,13 @@
&& (reg.NeedsRex() == ((rex_ & 1) != 0)); // REX.000B bits match.
+ AssemblerFixup* GetFixup() const {
+ return fixup_;
+ }
// Operand can be sub classed (e.g: Address).
- Operand() : rex_(0), length_(0) { }
+ Operand() : rex_(0), length_(0), fixup_(nullptr) { }
void SetModRM(uint8_t mod_in, CpuRegister rm_in) {
CHECK_EQ(mod_in & ~3, 0);
@@ -136,12 +140,17 @@
length_ += disp_size;
+ void SetFixup(AssemblerFixup* fixup) {
+ fixup_ = fixup;
+ }
uint8_t rex_;
uint8_t length_;
uint8_t encoding_[6];
+ AssemblerFixup* fixup_;
- explicit Operand(CpuRegister reg) : rex_(0), length_(0) { SetModRM(3, reg); }
+ explicit Operand(CpuRegister reg) : rex_(0), length_(0), fixup_(nullptr) { SetModRM(3, reg); }
// Get the operand encoding byte at the given index.
uint8_t encoding_at(int index_in) const {
@@ -226,12 +235,25 @@
result.SetSIB(TIMES_1, CpuRegister(RSP), CpuRegister(RBP));
} else {
+ // RIP addressing is done using RBP as the base register.
+ // The value in RBP isn't used. Instead the offset is added to RIP.
result.SetModRM(0, CpuRegister(RBP));
return result;
+ // An RIP relative address that will be fixed up later.
+ static Address RIP(AssemblerFixup* fixup) {
+ Address result;
+ // RIP addressing is done using RBP as the base register.
+ // The value in RBP isn't used. Instead the offset is added to RIP.
+ result.SetModRM(0, CpuRegister(RBP));
+ result.SetDisp32(0);
+ result.SetFixup(fixup);
+ return result;
+ }
// If no_rip is true then the Absolute address isn't RIP relative.
static Address Absolute(ThreadOffset<8> addr, bool no_rip = false) {
return Absolute(addr.Int32Value(), no_rip);
@@ -242,6 +264,43 @@
+ * Class to handle constant area values.
+ */
+class ConstantArea {
+ public:
+ ConstantArea() {}
+ // Add a double to the constant area, returning the offset into
+ // the constant area where the literal resides.
+ int AddDouble(double v);
+ // Add a float to the constant area, returning the offset into
+ // the constant area where the literal resides.
+ int AddFloat(float v);
+ // Add an int32_t to the constant area, returning the offset into
+ // the constant area where the literal resides.
+ int AddInt32(int32_t v);
+ // Add an int64_t to the constant area, returning the offset into
+ // the constant area where the literal resides.
+ int AddInt64(int64_t v);
+ int GetSize() const {
+ return buffer_.size() * elem_size_;
+ }
+ const std::vector<int32_t>& GetBuffer() const {
+ return buffer_;
+ }
+ private:
+ static constexpr size_t elem_size_ = sizeof(int32_t);
+ std::vector<int32_t> buffer_;
class X86_64Assembler FINAL : public Assembler {
X86_64Assembler() {}
@@ -468,6 +527,7 @@
void imull(CpuRegister reg, const Immediate& imm);
void imull(CpuRegister reg, const Address& address);
+ void imulq(CpuRegister src);
void imulq(CpuRegister dst, CpuRegister src);
void imulq(CpuRegister reg, const Immediate& imm);
void imulq(CpuRegister reg, const Address& address);
@@ -668,6 +728,28 @@
// and branch to a ExceptionSlowPath if it is.
void ExceptionPoll(ManagedRegister scratch, size_t stack_adjust) OVERRIDE;
+ // Add a double to the constant area, returning the offset into
+ // the constant area where the literal resides.
+ int AddDouble(double v) { return constant_area_.AddDouble(v); }
+ // Add a float to the constant area, returning the offset into
+ // the constant area where the literal resides.
+ int AddFloat(float v) { return constant_area_.AddFloat(v); }
+ // Add an int32_t to the constant area, returning the offset into
+ // the constant area where the literal resides.
+ int AddInt32(int32_t v) { return constant_area_.AddInt32(v); }
+ // Add an int64_t to the constant area, returning the offset into
+ // the constant area where the literal resides.
+ int AddInt64(int64_t v) { return constant_area_.AddInt64(v); }
+ // Add the contents of the constant area to the assembler buffer.
+ void AddConstantArea();
+ // Is the constant area empty? Return true if there are no literals in the constant area.
+ bool IsConstantAreaEmpty() const { return constant_area_.GetSize() == 0; }
void EmitUint8(uint8_t value);
void EmitInt32(int32_t value);
@@ -713,6 +795,8 @@
void EmitOptionalByteRegNormalizingRex32(CpuRegister dst, CpuRegister src);
void EmitOptionalByteRegNormalizingRex32(CpuRegister dst, const Operand& operand);
+ ConstantArea constant_area_;
diff --git a/compiler/utils/x86_64/ b/compiler/utils/x86_64/
index a79bd09..116190a 100644
--- a/compiler/utils/x86_64/
+++ b/compiler/utils/x86_64/
@@ -174,6 +174,40 @@
secondary_register_names_.emplace(x86_64::CpuRegister(x86_64::R14), "r14d");
secondary_register_names_.emplace(x86_64::CpuRegister(x86_64::R15), "r15d");
+ tertiary_register_names_.emplace(x86_64::CpuRegister(x86_64::RAX), "ax");
+ tertiary_register_names_.emplace(x86_64::CpuRegister(x86_64::RBX), "bx");
+ tertiary_register_names_.emplace(x86_64::CpuRegister(x86_64::RCX), "cx");
+ tertiary_register_names_.emplace(x86_64::CpuRegister(x86_64::RDX), "dx");
+ tertiary_register_names_.emplace(x86_64::CpuRegister(x86_64::RBP), "bp");
+ tertiary_register_names_.emplace(x86_64::CpuRegister(x86_64::RSP), "sp");
+ tertiary_register_names_.emplace(x86_64::CpuRegister(x86_64::RSI), "si");
+ tertiary_register_names_.emplace(x86_64::CpuRegister(x86_64::RDI), "di");
+ tertiary_register_names_.emplace(x86_64::CpuRegister(x86_64::R8), "r8w");
+ tertiary_register_names_.emplace(x86_64::CpuRegister(x86_64::R9), "r9w");
+ tertiary_register_names_.emplace(x86_64::CpuRegister(x86_64::R10), "r10w");
+ tertiary_register_names_.emplace(x86_64::CpuRegister(x86_64::R11), "r11w");
+ tertiary_register_names_.emplace(x86_64::CpuRegister(x86_64::R12), "r12w");
+ tertiary_register_names_.emplace(x86_64::CpuRegister(x86_64::R13), "r13w");
+ tertiary_register_names_.emplace(x86_64::CpuRegister(x86_64::R14), "r14w");
+ tertiary_register_names_.emplace(x86_64::CpuRegister(x86_64::R15), "r15w");
+ quaternary_register_names_.emplace(x86_64::CpuRegister(x86_64::RAX), "al");
+ quaternary_register_names_.emplace(x86_64::CpuRegister(x86_64::RBX), "bl");
+ quaternary_register_names_.emplace(x86_64::CpuRegister(x86_64::RCX), "cl");
+ quaternary_register_names_.emplace(x86_64::CpuRegister(x86_64::RDX), "dl");
+ quaternary_register_names_.emplace(x86_64::CpuRegister(x86_64::RBP), "bpl");
+ quaternary_register_names_.emplace(x86_64::CpuRegister(x86_64::RSP), "spl");
+ quaternary_register_names_.emplace(x86_64::CpuRegister(x86_64::RSI), "sil");
+ quaternary_register_names_.emplace(x86_64::CpuRegister(x86_64::RDI), "dil");
+ quaternary_register_names_.emplace(x86_64::CpuRegister(x86_64::R8), "r8b");
+ quaternary_register_names_.emplace(x86_64::CpuRegister(x86_64::R9), "r9b");
+ quaternary_register_names_.emplace(x86_64::CpuRegister(x86_64::R10), "r10b");
+ quaternary_register_names_.emplace(x86_64::CpuRegister(x86_64::R11), "r11b");
+ quaternary_register_names_.emplace(x86_64::CpuRegister(x86_64::R12), "r12b");
+ quaternary_register_names_.emplace(x86_64::CpuRegister(x86_64::R13), "r13b");
+ quaternary_register_names_.emplace(x86_64::CpuRegister(x86_64::R14), "r14b");
+ quaternary_register_names_.emplace(x86_64::CpuRegister(x86_64::R15), "r15b");
fp_registers_.push_back(new x86_64::XmmRegister(x86_64::XMM0));
fp_registers_.push_back(new x86_64::XmmRegister(x86_64::XMM1));
fp_registers_.push_back(new x86_64::XmmRegister(x86_64::XMM2));
@@ -216,9 +250,21 @@
return secondary_register_names_[reg];
+ std::string GetTertiaryRegisterName(const x86_64::CpuRegister& reg) OVERRIDE {
+ CHECK(tertiary_register_names_.find(reg) != tertiary_register_names_.end());
+ return tertiary_register_names_[reg];
+ }
+ std::string GetQuaternaryRegisterName(const x86_64::CpuRegister& reg) OVERRIDE {
+ CHECK(quaternary_register_names_.find(reg) != quaternary_register_names_.end());
+ return quaternary_register_names_[reg];
+ }
std::vector<x86_64::CpuRegister*> registers_;
std::map<x86_64::CpuRegister, std::string, X86_64CpuRegisterCompare> secondary_register_names_;
+ std::map<x86_64::CpuRegister, std::string, X86_64CpuRegisterCompare> tertiary_register_names_;
+ std::map<x86_64::CpuRegister, std::string, X86_64CpuRegisterCompare> quaternary_register_names_;
std::vector<x86_64::XmmRegister*> fp_registers_;
@@ -269,6 +315,10 @@
DriverStr(Repeatri(&x86_64::X86_64Assembler::addl, 4U, "add ${imm}, %{reg}"), "addli");
+TEST_F(AssemblerX86_64Test, ImulqReg1) {
+ DriverStr(RepeatR(&x86_64::X86_64Assembler::imulq, "imulq %{reg}"), "imulq");
TEST_F(AssemblerX86_64Test, ImulqRegs) {
DriverStr(RepeatRR(&x86_64::X86_64Assembler::imulq, "imulq %{reg2}, %{reg1}"), "imulq");
@@ -874,31 +924,12 @@
"l", "ge", "le" };
std::vector<x86_64::CpuRegister*> registers = assembler_test->GetRegisters();
- std::string byte_regs[16];
- byte_regs[x86_64::RAX] = "al";
- byte_regs[x86_64::RBX] = "bl";
- byte_regs[x86_64::RCX] = "cl";
- byte_regs[x86_64::RDX] = "dl";
- byte_regs[x86_64::RBP] = "bpl";
- byte_regs[x86_64::RSP] = "spl";
- byte_regs[x86_64::RSI] = "sil";
- byte_regs[x86_64::RDI] = "dil";
- byte_regs[x86_64::R8] = "r8b";
- byte_regs[x86_64::R9] = "r9b";
- byte_regs[x86_64::R10] = "r10b";
- byte_regs[x86_64::R11] = "r11b";
- byte_regs[x86_64::R12] = "r12b";
- byte_regs[x86_64::R13] = "r13b";
- byte_regs[x86_64::R14] = "r14b";
- byte_regs[x86_64::R15] = "r15b";
std::ostringstream str;
for (auto reg : registers) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < 15; ++i) {
assembler->setcc(static_cast<x86_64::Condition>(i), *reg);
- str << "set" << suffixes[i] << " %" << byte_regs[reg->AsRegister()] << "\n";
+ str << "set" << suffixes[i] << " %" << assembler_test->GetQuaternaryRegisterName(*reg) << "\n";
@@ -1029,4 +1060,12 @@
DriverFn(&decreaseframe_test_fn, "DecreaseFrame");
+TEST_F(AssemblerX86_64Test, MovzxbRegs) {
+ DriverStr(Repeatrb(&x86_64::X86_64Assembler::movzxb, "movzbl %{reg2}, %{reg1}"), "movzxb");
+TEST_F(AssemblerX86_64Test, MovsxbRegs) {
+ DriverStr(Repeatrb(&x86_64::X86_64Assembler::movsxb, "movsbl %{reg2}, %{reg1}"), "movsxb");
} // namespace art
diff --git a/compiler/utils/x86_64/managed_register_x86_64.h b/compiler/utils/x86_64/managed_register_x86_64.h
index 822659f..47bbb44 100644
--- a/compiler/utils/x86_64/managed_register_x86_64.h
+++ b/compiler/utils/x86_64/managed_register_x86_64.h
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
#include "constants_x86_64.h"
+#include "dwarf/register.h"
#include "utils/managed_register.h"
namespace art {
diff --git a/dex2oat/ b/dex2oat/
index 2e1b7ae..10949e4 100644
--- a/dex2oat/
+++ b/dex2oat/
@@ -1503,11 +1503,16 @@
return failure_count;
- // Returns true if dex_files has a dex with the named location.
+ // Returns true if dex_files has a dex with the named location. We compare canonical locations,
+ // so that relative and absolute paths will match. Not caching for the dex_files isn't very
+ // efficient, but under normal circumstances the list is neither large nor is this part too
+ // sensitive.
static bool DexFilesContains(const std::vector<const DexFile*>& dex_files,
const std::string& location) {
+ std::string canonical_location(DexFile::GetDexCanonicalLocation(location.c_str()));
for (size_t i = 0; i < dex_files.size(); ++i) {
- if (dex_files[i]->GetLocation() == location) {
+ if (DexFile::GetDexCanonicalLocation(dex_files[i]->GetLocation().c_str()) ==
+ canonical_location) {
return true;
diff --git a/disassembler/ b/disassembler/
index 1cfd45a..691c43f 100644
--- a/disassembler/
+++ b/disassembler/
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ \ \ \
- \
# $(1): target or host
diff --git a/disassembler/ b/disassembler/
index fbc8dbb..c05c3ed 100644
--- a/disassembler/
+++ b/disassembler/
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@
#include "disassembler_arm.h"
#include "disassembler_arm64.h"
#include "disassembler_mips.h"
-#include "disassembler_mips64.h"
#include "disassembler_x86.h"
namespace art {
@@ -34,9 +33,9 @@
} else if (instruction_set == kArm64) {
return new arm64::DisassemblerArm64(options);
} else if (instruction_set == kMips) {
- return new mips::DisassemblerMips(options);
+ return new mips::DisassemblerMips(options, false);
} else if (instruction_set == kMips64) {
- return new mips64::DisassemblerMips64(options);
+ return new mips::DisassemblerMips(options, true);
} else if (instruction_set == kX86) {
return new x86::DisassemblerX86(options, false);
} else if (instruction_set == kX86_64) {
diff --git a/disassembler/ b/disassembler/
index e2b7341..ac81737 100644
--- a/disassembler/
+++ b/disassembler/
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@
static const uint32_t kITypeMask = (0x3f << kOpcodeShift);
static const uint32_t kJTypeMask = (0x3f << kOpcodeShift);
static const uint32_t kRTypeMask = ((0x3f << kOpcodeShift) | (0x3f));
+static const uint32_t kSpecial0Mask = (0x3f << kOpcodeShift);
static const uint32_t kSpecial2Mask = (0x3f << kOpcodeShift);
static const uint32_t kFpMask = kRTypeMask;
@@ -61,6 +62,7 @@
{ kRTypeMask, 7, "srav", "DTS", },
{ kRTypeMask, 8, "jr", "S", },
{ kRTypeMask | (0x1f << 11), 9 | (31 << 11), "jalr", "S", }, // rd = 31 is implicit.
+ { kRTypeMask | (0x1f << 11), 9, "jr", "S", }, // rd = 0 is implicit.
{ kRTypeMask, 9, "jalr", "DS", }, // General case.
{ kRTypeMask | (0x1f << 6), 10, "movz", "DST", },
{ kRTypeMask | (0x1f << 6), 11, "movn", "DST", },
@@ -71,6 +73,9 @@
{ kRTypeMask, 17, "mthi", "S", },
{ kRTypeMask, 18, "mflo", "D", },
{ kRTypeMask, 19, "mtlo", "S", },
+ { kRTypeMask, 20, "dsllv", "DTS", },
+ { kRTypeMask, 22, "dsrlv", "DTS", },
+ { kRTypeMask, 23, "dsrav", "DTS", },
{ kRTypeMask | (0x1f << 6), 24, "mult", "ST", },
{ kRTypeMask | (0x1f << 6), 25, "multu", "ST", },
{ kRTypeMask | (0x1f << 6), 26, "div", "ST", },
@@ -89,12 +94,38 @@
{ kRTypeMask, 39, "nor", "DST", },
{ kRTypeMask, 42, "slt", "DST", },
{ kRTypeMask, 43, "sltu", "DST", },
- // 0, 48, tge
- // 0, 49, tgeu
- // 0, 50, tlt
- // 0, 51, tltu
- // 0, 52, teq
- // 0, 54, tne
+ { kRTypeMask, 45, "daddu", "DST", },
+ { kRTypeMask, 46, "dsub", "DST", },
+ { kRTypeMask, 47, "dsubu", "DST", },
+ // TODO: tge[u], tlt[u], teg, tne
+ // TODO: seleqz, selnez
+ { kRTypeMask, 56, "dsll", "DTA", },
+ { kRTypeMask, 58, "dsrl", "DTA", },
+ { kRTypeMask, 59, "dsra", "DTA", },
+ { kRTypeMask, 60, "dsll32", "DTA", },
+ { kRTypeMask | (0x1f << 21), 62 | (1 << 21), "drotr32", "DTA", },
+ { kRTypeMask, 62, "dsrl32", "DTA", },
+ { kRTypeMask, 63, "dsra32", "DTA", },
+ { kSpecial0Mask | 0x7ff, (2 << 6) | 24, "mul", "DST" },
+ { kSpecial0Mask | 0x7ff, (3 << 6) | 24, "muh", "DST" },
+ { kSpecial0Mask | 0x7ff, (2 << 6) | 25, "mulu", "DST" },
+ { kSpecial0Mask | 0x7ff, (3 << 6) | 25, "muhu", "DST" },
+ { kSpecial0Mask | 0x7ff, (2 << 6) | 26, "div", "DST" },
+ { kSpecial0Mask | 0x7ff, (3 << 6) | 26, "mod", "DST" },
+ { kSpecial0Mask | 0x7ff, (2 << 6) | 27, "divu", "DST" },
+ { kSpecial0Mask | 0x7ff, (3 << 6) | 27, "modu", "DST" },
+ { kSpecial0Mask | 0x7ff, (2 << 6) | 28, "dmul", "DST" },
+ { kSpecial0Mask | 0x7ff, (3 << 6) | 28, "dmuh", "DST" },
+ { kSpecial0Mask | 0x7ff, (2 << 6) | 29, "dmulu", "DST" },
+ { kSpecial0Mask | 0x7ff, (3 << 6) | 29, "dmuhu", "DST" },
+ { kSpecial0Mask | 0x7ff, (2 << 6) | 30, "ddiv", "DST" },
+ { kSpecial0Mask | 0x7ff, (3 << 6) | 30, "dmod", "DST" },
+ { kSpecial0Mask | 0x7ff, (2 << 6) | 31, "ddivu", "DST" },
+ { kSpecial0Mask | 0x7ff, (3 << 6) | 31, "dmodu", "DST" },
+ // TODO: [d]clz, [d]clo
+ // TODO: sdbbp
{ kSpecial2Mask | 0x7ff, (28 << kOpcodeShift) | 2, "mul", "DST" },
@@ -120,6 +151,8 @@
{ kITypeMask | (0x1f << 16), 1 << kOpcodeShift | (18 << 16), "bltzall", "SB" },
{ kITypeMask | (0x1f << 16), 6 << kOpcodeShift | (0 << 16), "blez", "SB" },
{ kITypeMask | (0x1f << 16), 7 << kOpcodeShift | (0 << 16), "bgtz", "SB" },
+ { kITypeMask | (0x1f << 16), 1 << kOpcodeShift | (6 << 16), "dahi", "Si", },
+ { kITypeMask | (0x1f << 16), 1 << kOpcodeShift | (30 << 16), "dati", "Si", },
{ 0xffff0000, (4 << kOpcodeShift), "b", "B" },
{ 0xffff0000, (1 << kOpcodeShift) | (17 << 16), "bal", "B" },
@@ -130,27 +163,35 @@
{ kITypeMask, 11 << kOpcodeShift, "sltiu", "TSi", },
{ kITypeMask, 12 << kOpcodeShift, "andi", "TSi", },
{ kITypeMask, 13 << kOpcodeShift, "ori", "TSi", },
- { kITypeMask, 14 << kOpcodeShift, "ori", "TSi", },
- { kITypeMask, 15 << kOpcodeShift, "lui", "TI", },
+ { kITypeMask, 14 << kOpcodeShift, "xori", "TSi", },
+ { kITypeMask | (0x1f << 21), 15 << kOpcodeShift, "lui", "TI", },
+ { kITypeMask, 15 << kOpcodeShift, "aui", "TSI", },
+ { kITypeMask, 25 << kOpcodeShift, "daddiu", "TSi", },
+ { kITypeMask, 29 << kOpcodeShift, "daui", "TSi", },
{ kITypeMask, 32u << kOpcodeShift, "lb", "TO", },
{ kITypeMask, 33u << kOpcodeShift, "lh", "TO", },
{ kITypeMask, 35u << kOpcodeShift, "lw", "TO", },
{ kITypeMask, 36u << kOpcodeShift, "lbu", "TO", },
{ kITypeMask, 37u << kOpcodeShift, "lhu", "TO", },
+ { kITypeMask, 39u << kOpcodeShift, "lwu", "TO", },
{ kITypeMask, 40u << kOpcodeShift, "sb", "TO", },
{ kITypeMask, 41u << kOpcodeShift, "sh", "TO", },
{ kITypeMask, 43u << kOpcodeShift, "sw", "TO", },
{ kITypeMask, 49u << kOpcodeShift, "lwc1", "tO", },
{ kITypeMask, 53u << kOpcodeShift, "ldc1", "tO", },
+ { kITypeMask, 55u << kOpcodeShift, "ld", "TO", },
{ kITypeMask, 57u << kOpcodeShift, "swc1", "tO", },
{ kITypeMask, 61u << kOpcodeShift, "sdc1", "tO", },
+ { kITypeMask, 63u << kOpcodeShift, "sd", "TO", },
// Floating point.
- { kFpMask | (0x1f << 21), kCop1 | (0x00 << 21) | 0, "mfc1", "Td" },
- { kFpMask | (0x1f << 21), kCop1 | (0x03 << 21) | 0, "mfhc1", "Td" },
- { kFpMask | (0x1f << 21), kCop1 | (0x04 << 21) | 0, "mtc1", "Td" },
- { kFpMask | (0x1f << 21), kCop1 | (0x07 << 21) | 0, "mthc1", "Td" },
+ { kFpMask | (0x1f << 21), kCop1 | (0x00 << 21), "mfc1", "Td" },
+ { kFpMask | (0x1f << 21), kCop1 | (0x01 << 21), "dmfc1", "Td" },
+ { kFpMask | (0x1f << 21), kCop1 | (0x03 << 21), "mfhc1", "Td" },
+ { kFpMask | (0x1f << 21), kCop1 | (0x04 << 21), "mtc1", "Td" },
+ { kFpMask | (0x1f << 21), kCop1 | (0x05 << 21), "dmtc1", "Td" },
+ { kFpMask | (0x1f << 21), kCop1 | (0x07 << 21), "mthc1", "Td" },
{ kFpMask | (0x10 << 21), kCop1 | (0x10 << 21) | 0, "add", "fadt" },
{ kFpMask | (0x10 << 21), kCop1 | (0x10 << 21) | 1, "sub", "fadt" },
{ kFpMask | (0x10 << 21), kCop1 | (0x10 << 21) | 2, "mul", "fadt" },
@@ -249,7 +290,11 @@
args << StringPrintf("%+d(r%d)", offset, rs);
if (rs == 17) {
args << " ; ";
- Thread::DumpThreadOffset<4>(args, offset);
+ if (is64bit_) {
+ Thread::DumpThreadOffset<8>(args, offset);
+ } else {
+ Thread::DumpThreadOffset<4>(args, offset);
+ }
diff --git a/disassembler/disassembler_mips.h b/disassembler/disassembler_mips.h
index 00b2f8d..67c3fcb 100644
--- a/disassembler/disassembler_mips.h
+++ b/disassembler/disassembler_mips.h
@@ -26,12 +26,15 @@
class DisassemblerMips FINAL : public Disassembler {
- explicit DisassemblerMips(DisassemblerOptions* options) : Disassembler(options) {}
+ explicit DisassemblerMips(DisassemblerOptions* options, bool is64bit) : Disassembler(options),
+ is64bit_(is64bit) {}
size_t Dump(std::ostream& os, const uint8_t* begin) OVERRIDE;
void Dump(std::ostream& os, const uint8_t* begin, const uint8_t* end) OVERRIDE;
+ const bool is64bit_;
diff --git a/disassembler/ b/disassembler/
deleted file mode 100644
index f1c7d8e..0000000
--- a/disassembler/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,289 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include "disassembler_mips64.h"
-#include <ostream>
-#include <sstream>
-#include "base/logging.h"
-#include "base/stringprintf.h"
-#include "thread.h"
-namespace art {
-namespace mips64 {
-struct Mips64Instruction {
- uint32_t mask;
- uint32_t value;
- const char* name;
- const char* args_fmt;
- bool Matches(uint32_t instruction) const {
- return (instruction & mask) == value;
- }
-static const uint32_t kOpcodeShift = 26;
-static const uint32_t kCop1 = (17 << kOpcodeShift);
-static const uint32_t kITypeMask = (0x3f << kOpcodeShift);
-static const uint32_t kJTypeMask = (0x3f << kOpcodeShift);
-static const uint32_t kRTypeMask = ((0x3f << kOpcodeShift) | (0x3f));
-static const uint32_t kSpecial0Mask = (0x3f << kOpcodeShift);
-static const uint32_t kFpMask = kRTypeMask;
-static const Mips64Instruction gMips64Instructions[] = {
- // "sll r0, r0, 0" is the canonical "nop", used in delay slots.
- { 0xffffffff, 0, "nop", "" },
- // R-type instructions.
- { kRTypeMask, 0, "sll", "DTA", },
- // 0, 1, movci
- { kRTypeMask, 2, "srl", "DTA", },
- { kRTypeMask, 3, "sra", "DTA", },
- { kRTypeMask, 4, "sllv", "DTS", },
- { kRTypeMask, 6, "srlv", "DTS", },
- { kRTypeMask, 7, "srav", "DTS", },
- { kRTypeMask | (0x1f << 11), 9 | (31 << 11), "jalr", "S", }, // rd = 31 is implicit.
- { kRTypeMask | (0x1f << 11), 9, "jr", "S", }, // rd = 0 is implicit.
- { kRTypeMask, 9, "jalr", "DS", }, // General case.
- { kRTypeMask, 12, "syscall", "", }, // TODO: code
- { kRTypeMask, 13, "break", "", }, // TODO: code
- { kRTypeMask, 15, "sync", "", }, // TODO: type
- { kRTypeMask, 20, "dsllv", "DTS", },
- { kRTypeMask, 22, "dsrlv", "DTS", },
- { kRTypeMask, 23, "dsrav", "DTS", },
- { kRTypeMask, 33, "addu", "DST", },
- { kRTypeMask, 34, "sub", "DST", },
- { kRTypeMask, 35, "subu", "DST", },
- { kRTypeMask, 36, "and", "DST", },
- { kRTypeMask, 37, "or", "DST", },
- { kRTypeMask, 38, "xor", "DST", },
- { kRTypeMask, 39, "nor", "DST", },
- { kRTypeMask, 42, "slt", "DST", },
- { kRTypeMask, 43, "sltu", "DST", },
- { kRTypeMask, 45, "daddu", "DST", },
- { kRTypeMask, 46, "dsub", "DST", },
- { kRTypeMask, 47, "dsubu", "DST", },
- // TODO: seleqz, selnez
- { kRTypeMask, 56, "dsll", "DTA", },
- { kRTypeMask, 58, "dsrl", "DTA", },
- { kRTypeMask, 59, "dsra", "DTA", },
- { kRTypeMask, 60, "dsll32", "DTA", },
- { kRTypeMask | (0x1f << 21), 62 | (1 << 21), "drotr32", "DTA", },
- { kRTypeMask, 62, "dsrl32", "DTA", },
- { kRTypeMask, 63, "dsra32", "DTA", },
- { kSpecial0Mask | 0x7ff, (2 << 6) | 24, "mul", "DST" },
- { kSpecial0Mask | 0x7ff, (3 << 6) | 24, "muh", "DST" },
- { kSpecial0Mask | 0x7ff, (2 << 6) | 25, "mulu", "DST" },
- { kSpecial0Mask | 0x7ff, (3 << 6) | 25, "muhu", "DST" },
- { kSpecial0Mask | 0x7ff, (2 << 6) | 26, "div", "DST" },
- { kSpecial0Mask | 0x7ff, (3 << 6) | 26, "mod", "DST" },
- { kSpecial0Mask | 0x7ff, (2 << 6) | 27, "divu", "DST" },
- { kSpecial0Mask | 0x7ff, (3 << 6) | 27, "modu", "DST" },
- { kSpecial0Mask | 0x7ff, (2 << 6) | 28, "dmul", "DST" },
- { kSpecial0Mask | 0x7ff, (3 << 6) | 28, "dmuh", "DST" },
- { kSpecial0Mask | 0x7ff, (2 << 6) | 29, "dmulu", "DST" },
- { kSpecial0Mask | 0x7ff, (3 << 6) | 29, "dmuhu", "DST" },
- { kSpecial0Mask | 0x7ff, (2 << 6) | 30, "ddiv", "DST" },
- { kSpecial0Mask | 0x7ff, (3 << 6) | 30, "dmod", "DST" },
- { kSpecial0Mask | 0x7ff, (2 << 6) | 31, "ddivu", "DST" },
- { kSpecial0Mask | 0x7ff, (3 << 6) | 31, "dmodu", "DST" },
- // TODO: [d]clz, [d]clo
- // TODO: sdbbp
- // J-type instructions.
- { kJTypeMask, 2 << kOpcodeShift, "j", "L" },
- { kJTypeMask, 3 << kOpcodeShift, "jal", "L" },
- // I-type instructions.
- { kITypeMask, 4 << kOpcodeShift, "beq", "STB" },
- { kITypeMask, 5 << kOpcodeShift, "bne", "STB" },
- { kITypeMask | (0x1f << 16), 1 << kOpcodeShift | (1 << 16), "bgez", "SB" },
- { kITypeMask | (0x1f << 16), 1 << kOpcodeShift | (0 << 16), "bltz", "SB" },
- { kITypeMask | (0x1f << 16), 6 << kOpcodeShift | (0 << 16), "blez", "SB" },
- { kITypeMask | (0x1f << 16), 7 << kOpcodeShift | (0 << 16), "bgtz", "SB" },
- { kITypeMask | (0x1f << 16), 1 << kOpcodeShift | (6 << 16), "dahi", "Si", },
- { kITypeMask | (0x1f << 16), 1 << kOpcodeShift | (30 << 16), "dati", "Si", },
- { 0xffff0000, (4 << kOpcodeShift), "b", "B" },
- { 0xffff0000, (1 << kOpcodeShift) | (17 << 16), "bal", "B" },
- { kITypeMask, 9 << kOpcodeShift, "addiu", "TSi", },
- { kITypeMask, 10 << kOpcodeShift, "slti", "TSi", },
- { kITypeMask, 11 << kOpcodeShift, "sltiu", "TSi", },
- { kITypeMask, 12 << kOpcodeShift, "andi", "TSi", },
- { kITypeMask, 13 << kOpcodeShift, "ori", "TSi", },
- { kITypeMask, 14 << kOpcodeShift, "xori", "TSi", },
- { kITypeMask | (0x1f << 21), 15 << kOpcodeShift, "lui", "TI", },
- { kITypeMask, 15 << kOpcodeShift, "aui", "TSI", },
- { kITypeMask, 25 << kOpcodeShift, "daddiu", "TSi", },
- { kITypeMask, 29 << kOpcodeShift, "daui", "TSi", },
- { kITypeMask, 32u << kOpcodeShift, "lb", "TO", },
- { kITypeMask, 33u << kOpcodeShift, "lh", "TO", },
- { kITypeMask, 35u << kOpcodeShift, "lw", "TO", },
- { kITypeMask, 36u << kOpcodeShift, "lbu", "TO", },
- { kITypeMask, 37u << kOpcodeShift, "lhu", "TO", },
- { kITypeMask, 39u << kOpcodeShift, "lwu", "TO", },
- { kITypeMask, 40u << kOpcodeShift, "sb", "TO", },
- { kITypeMask, 41u << kOpcodeShift, "sh", "TO", },
- { kITypeMask, 43u << kOpcodeShift, "sw", "TO", },
- { kITypeMask, 49u << kOpcodeShift, "lwc1", "tO", },
- { kITypeMask, 53u << kOpcodeShift, "ldc1", "tO", },
- { kITypeMask, 55u << kOpcodeShift, "ld", "TO", },
- { kITypeMask, 57u << kOpcodeShift, "swc1", "tO", },
- { kITypeMask, 61u << kOpcodeShift, "sdc1", "tO", },
- { kITypeMask, 63u << kOpcodeShift, "sd", "TO", },
- // Floating point.
- { kFpMask | (0x1f << 21), kCop1 | (0x00 << 21), "mfc1", "Td" },
- { kFpMask | (0x1f << 21), kCop1 | (0x01 << 21), "dmfc1", "Td" },
- { kFpMask | (0x1f << 21), kCop1 | (0x04 << 21), "mtc1", "Td" },
- { kFpMask | (0x1f << 21), kCop1 | (0x05 << 21), "dmtc1", "Td" },
- { kFpMask | (0x10 << 21), kCop1 | (0x10 << 21) | 0, "add", "fadt" },
- { kFpMask | (0x10 << 21), kCop1 | (0x10 << 21) | 1, "sub", "fadt" },
- { kFpMask | (0x10 << 21), kCop1 | (0x10 << 21) | 2, "mul", "fadt" },
- { kFpMask | (0x10 << 21), kCop1 | (0x10 << 21) | 3, "div", "fadt" },
- { kFpMask | (0x10 << 21), kCop1 | (0x10 << 21) | 4, "sqrt", "fad" },
- { kFpMask | (0x21f << 16), kCop1 | (0x200 << 16) | 5, "abs", "fad" },
- { kFpMask | (0x21f << 16), kCop1 | (0x200 << 16) | 6, "mov", "fad" },
- { kFpMask | (0x21f << 16), kCop1 | (0x200 << 16) | 7, "neg", "fad" },
- { kFpMask | (0x21f << 16), kCop1 | (0x200 << 16) | 8, "round.l", "fad" },
- { kFpMask | (0x21f << 16), kCop1 | (0x200 << 16) | 9, "trunc.l", "fad" },
- { kFpMask | (0x21f << 16), kCop1 | (0x200 << 16) | 10, "ceil.l", "fad" },
- { kFpMask | (0x21f << 16), kCop1 | (0x200 << 16) | 11, "floor.l", "fad" },
- { kFpMask | (0x21f << 16), kCop1 | (0x200 << 16) | 12, "round.w", "fad" },
- { kFpMask | (0x21f << 16), kCop1 | (0x200 << 16) | 13, "trunc.w", "fad" },
- { kFpMask | (0x21f << 16), kCop1 | (0x200 << 16) | 14, "ceil.w", "fad" },
- { kFpMask | (0x21f << 16), kCop1 | (0x200 << 16) | 15, "floor.w", "fad" },
- { kFpMask | (0x21f << 16), kCop1 | (0x200 << 16) | 32, "cvt.s", "fad" },
- { kFpMask | (0x21f << 16), kCop1 | (0x200 << 16) | 33, "cvt.d", "fad" },
- { kFpMask | (0x21f << 16), kCop1 | (0x200 << 16) | 36, "cvt.w", "fad" },
- { kFpMask | (0x21f << 16), kCop1 | (0x200 << 16) | 37, "cvt.l", "fad" },
- { kFpMask | (0x21f << 16), kCop1 | (0x200 << 16) | 38, "", "fad" },
-static uint32_t ReadU32(const uint8_t* ptr) {
- // We only support little-endian MIPS64.
- return ptr[0] | (ptr[1] << 8) | (ptr[2] << 16) | (ptr[3] << 24);
-size_t DisassemblerMips64::Dump(std::ostream& os, const uint8_t* instr_ptr) {
- uint32_t instruction = ReadU32(instr_ptr);
- uint32_t rs = (instruction >> 21) & 0x1f; // I-type, R-type.
- uint32_t rt = (instruction >> 16) & 0x1f; // I-type, R-type.
- uint32_t rd = (instruction >> 11) & 0x1f; // R-type.
- uint32_t sa = (instruction >> 6) & 0x1f; // R-type.
- std::string opcode;
- std::ostringstream args;
- // TODO: remove this!
- uint32_t op = (instruction >> 26) & 0x3f;
- uint32_t function = (instruction & 0x3f); // R-type.
- opcode = StringPrintf("op=%d fn=%d", op, function);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(gMips64Instructions); ++i) {
- if (gMips64Instructions[i].Matches(instruction)) {
- opcode = gMips64Instructions[i].name;
- for (const char* args_fmt = gMips64Instructions[i].args_fmt; *args_fmt; ++args_fmt) {
- switch (*args_fmt) {
- case 'A': // sa (shift amount).
- args << sa;
- break;
- case 'B': // Branch offset.
- {
- int32_t offset = static_cast<int16_t>(instruction & 0xffff);
- offset <<= 2;
- offset += 4; // Delay slot.
- args << StringPrintf("%p ; %+d", instr_ptr + offset, offset);
- }
- break;
- case 'D': args << 'r' << rd; break;
- case 'd': args << 'f' << rd; break;
- case 'a': args << 'f' << sa; break;
- case 'f': // Floating point "fmt".
- {
- size_t fmt = (instruction >> 21) & 0x7; // TODO: other fmts?
- switch (fmt) {
- case 0: opcode += ".s"; break;
- case 1: opcode += ".d"; break;
- case 4: opcode += ".w"; break;
- case 5: opcode += ".l"; break;
- case 6: opcode += ".ps"; break;
- default: opcode += ".?"; break;
- }
- continue; // No ", ".
- }
- case 'I': // Upper 16-bit immediate.
- args << reinterpret_cast<void*>((instruction & 0xffff) << 16);
- break;
- case 'i': // Sign-extended lower 16-bit immediate.
- args << static_cast<int16_t>(instruction & 0xffff);
- break;
- case 'L': // Jump label.
- {
- // TODO: is this right?
- uint32_t instr_index = (instruction & 0x1ffffff);
- uint32_t target = (instr_index << 2);
- target |= (reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(instr_ptr + 4)
- & 0xf0000000);
- args << reinterpret_cast<void*>(target);
- }
- break;
- case 'O': // +x(rs)
- {
- int32_t offset = static_cast<int16_t>(instruction & 0xffff);
- args << StringPrintf("%+d(r%d)", offset, rs);
- if (rs == 17) {
- args << " ; ";
- Thread::DumpThreadOffset<8>(args, offset);
- }
- }
- break;
- case 'S': args << 'r' << rs; break;
- case 's': args << 'f' << rs; break;
- case 'T': args << 'r' << rt; break;
- case 't': args << 'f' << rt; break;
- }
- if (*(args_fmt + 1)) {
- args << ", ";
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- os << FormatInstructionPointer(instr_ptr)
- << StringPrintf(": %08x\t%-7s ", instruction, opcode.c_str())
- << args.str() << '\n';
- return 4;
-void DisassemblerMips64::Dump(std::ostream& os, const uint8_t* begin,
- const uint8_t* end) {
- for (const uint8_t* cur = begin; cur < end; cur += 4) {
- Dump(os, cur);
- }
-} // namespace mips64
-} // namespace art
diff --git a/disassembler/disassembler_mips64.h b/disassembler/disassembler_mips64.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 06efdc8..0000000
--- a/disassembler/disassembler_mips64.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include <vector>
-#include "disassembler.h"
-namespace art {
-namespace mips64 {
-class DisassemblerMips64 FINAL : public Disassembler {
- public:
- explicit DisassemblerMips64(DisassemblerOptions* options) : Disassembler(options) {}
- size_t Dump(std::ostream& os, const uint8_t* begin) OVERRIDE;
- void Dump(std::ostream& os, const uint8_t* begin, const uint8_t* end) OVERRIDE;
- private:
- DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(DisassemblerMips64);
-} // namespace mips64
-} // namespace art
diff --git a/disassembler/ b/disassembler/
index a1834e1..ba0c0bd 100644
--- a/disassembler/
+++ b/disassembler/
@@ -942,7 +942,7 @@
opcode1 = "pextrw";
prefix[2] = 0;
has_modrm = true;
- store = true;
+ load = true;
src_reg_file = SSE;
immediate_bytes = 1;
} else {
diff --git a/runtime/ b/runtime/
index cd59365..5012965 100644
--- a/runtime/
+++ b/runtime/
@@ -64,7 +64,8 @@
IndirectReferenceTable::IndirectReferenceTable(size_t initialCount,
- size_t maxCount, IndirectRefKind desiredKind)
+ size_t maxCount, IndirectRefKind desiredKind,
+ bool abort_on_error)
: kind_(desiredKind),
max_entries_(maxCount) {
CHECK_GT(initialCount, 0U);
@@ -75,16 +76,28 @@
const size_t table_bytes = maxCount * sizeof(IrtEntry);
table_mem_map_.reset(MemMap::MapAnonymous("indirect ref table", nullptr, table_bytes,
PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, false, false, &error_str));
- CHECK(table_mem_map_.get() != nullptr) << error_str;
- CHECK_EQ(table_mem_map_->Size(), table_bytes);
+ if (abort_on_error) {
+ CHECK(table_mem_map_.get() != nullptr) << error_str;
+ CHECK_EQ(table_mem_map_->Size(), table_bytes);
+ CHECK(table_mem_map_->Begin() != nullptr);
+ } else if (table_mem_map_.get() == nullptr ||
+ table_mem_map_->Size() != table_bytes ||
+ table_mem_map_->Begin() == nullptr) {
+ table_mem_map_.reset();
+ LOG(ERROR) << error_str;
+ return;
+ }
table_ = reinterpret_cast<IrtEntry*>(table_mem_map_->Begin());
- CHECK(table_ != nullptr);
segment_state_.all = IRT_FIRST_SEGMENT;
IndirectReferenceTable::~IndirectReferenceTable() {
+bool IndirectReferenceTable::IsValid() const {
+ return table_mem_map_.get() != nullptr;
IndirectRef IndirectReferenceTable::Add(uint32_t cookie, mirror::Object* obj) {
IRTSegmentState prevState;
prevState.all = cookie;
diff --git a/runtime/indirect_reference_table.h b/runtime/indirect_reference_table.h
index 25b0281..0072184 100644
--- a/runtime/indirect_reference_table.h
+++ b/runtime/indirect_reference_table.h
@@ -258,10 +258,15 @@
class IndirectReferenceTable {
- IndirectReferenceTable(size_t initialCount, size_t maxCount, IndirectRefKind kind);
+ // WARNING: When using with abort_on_error = false, the object may be in a partially
+ // initialized state. Use IsValid() to check.
+ IndirectReferenceTable(size_t initialCount, size_t maxCount, IndirectRefKind kind,
+ bool abort_on_error = true);
+ bool IsValid() const;
* Add a new entry. "obj" must be a valid non-NULL object reference.
diff --git a/runtime/ b/runtime/
index b2d3835..84fc404 100644
--- a/runtime/
+++ b/runtime/
@@ -28,11 +28,29 @@
static constexpr size_t kLocalsInitial = 64; // Arbitrary.
+// Checking "locals" requires the mutator lock, but at creation time we're really only interested
+// in validity, which isn't changing. To avoid grabbing the mutator lock, factored out and tagged
+static bool CheckLocalsValid(JNIEnvExt* in) NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS {
+ if (in == nullptr) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return in->locals.IsValid();
+JNIEnvExt* JNIEnvExt::Create(Thread* self_in, JavaVMExt* vm_in) {
+ std::unique_ptr<JNIEnvExt> ret(new JNIEnvExt(self_in, vm_in));
+ if (CheckLocalsValid(ret.get())) {
+ return ret.release();
+ }
+ return nullptr;
JNIEnvExt::JNIEnvExt(Thread* self_in, JavaVMExt* vm_in)
: self(self_in),
- locals(kLocalsInitial, kLocalsMax, kLocal),
+ locals(kLocalsInitial, kLocalsMax, kLocal, false),
monitors("monitors", kMonitorsInitial, kMonitorsMax) {
diff --git a/runtime/jni_env_ext.h b/runtime/jni_env_ext.h
index af87cb4..29d912c 100644
--- a/runtime/jni_env_ext.h
+++ b/runtime/jni_env_ext.h
@@ -34,7 +34,8 @@
static constexpr size_t kLocalsMax = 512;
struct JNIEnvExt : public JNIEnv {
- JNIEnvExt(Thread* self, JavaVMExt* vm);
+ static JNIEnvExt* Create(Thread* self, JavaVMExt* vm);
void DumpReferenceTables(std::ostream& os)
@@ -87,6 +88,11 @@
// Used by -Xcheck:jni.
const JNINativeInterface* unchecked_functions;
+ private:
+ // The constructor should not be called directly. It may leave the object in an erronuous state,
+ // and the result needs to be checked.
+ JNIEnvExt(Thread* self, JavaVMExt* vm);
// Used to save and restore the JNIEnvExt state when not going through code created by the JNI
diff --git a/runtime/leb128.h b/runtime/leb128.h
index d36b690..2e27b8e 100644
--- a/runtime/leb128.h
+++ b/runtime/leb128.h
@@ -136,6 +136,19 @@
+// Overwrite encoded Leb128 with a new value. The new value must be less than
+// or equal to the old value to ensure that it fits the allocated space.
+static inline void UpdateUnsignedLeb128(uint8_t* dest, uint32_t value) {
+ const uint8_t* old_end = dest;
+ uint32_t old_value = DecodeUnsignedLeb128(&old_end);
+ DCHECK_LE(value, old_value);
+ for (uint8_t* end = EncodeUnsignedLeb128(dest, value); end < old_end; end++) {
+ // Use longer encoding than necessary to fill the allocated space.
+ end[-1] |= 0x80;
+ end[0] = 0;
+ }
static inline uint8_t* EncodeSignedLeb128(uint8_t* dest, int32_t value) {
uint32_t extra_bits = static_cast<uint32_t>(value ^ (value >> 31)) >> 6;
uint8_t out = value & 0x7f;
diff --git a/runtime/ b/runtime/
index 5d157dc..87e13ff 100644
--- a/runtime/
+++ b/runtime/
@@ -252,6 +252,25 @@
EXPECT_EQ(data_size, static_cast<size_t>(encoded_data_ptr - encoded_data));
+TEST(Leb128Test, UnsignedUpdate) {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(uleb128_tests); ++i) {
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < arraysize(uleb128_tests); ++j) {
+ uint32_t old_value = uleb128_tests[i].decoded;
+ uint32_t new_value = uleb128_tests[j].decoded;
+ // We can only make the encoded value smaller.
+ if (new_value <= old_value) {
+ uint8_t encoded_data[5];
+ uint8_t* old_end = EncodeUnsignedLeb128(encoded_data, old_value);
+ UpdateUnsignedLeb128(encoded_data, new_value);
+ const uint8_t* new_end = encoded_data;
+ EXPECT_EQ(DecodeUnsignedLeb128(&new_end), new_value);
+ // Even if the new value needs fewer bytes, we should fill the space.
+ EXPECT_EQ(new_end, old_end);
+ }
+ }
+ }
TEST(Leb128Test, Speed) {
std::unique_ptr<Histogram<uint64_t>> enc_hist(new Histogram<uint64_t>("Leb128EncodeSpeedTest", 5));
std::unique_ptr<Histogram<uint64_t>> dec_hist(new Histogram<uint64_t>("Leb128DecodeSpeedTest", 5));
diff --git a/runtime/native/ b/runtime/native/
index c182a4d..87ae64d 100644
--- a/runtime/native/
+++ b/runtime/native/
@@ -297,22 +297,15 @@
return result;
-// Java: dalvik.system.DexFile.UP_TO_DATE
-static const jbyte kUpToDate = 0;
-// Java: dalvik.system.DexFile.DEXOPT_NEEDED
-static const jbyte kPatchoatNeeded = 1;
-// Java: dalvik.system.DexFile.PATCHOAT_NEEDED
-static const jbyte kDexoptNeeded = 2;
-static jbyte IsDexOptNeededInternal(JNIEnv* env, const char* filename,
+static jint GetDexOptNeeded(JNIEnv* env, const char* filename,
const char* pkgname, const char* instruction_set, const jboolean defer) {
if ((filename == nullptr) || !OS::FileExists(filename)) {
- LOG(ERROR) << "DexFile_isDexOptNeeded file '" << filename << "' does not exist";
+ LOG(ERROR) << "DexFile_getDexOptNeeded file '" << filename << "' does not exist";
ScopedLocalRef<jclass> fnfe(env, env->FindClass("java/io/FileNotFoundException"));
const char* message = (filename == nullptr) ? "<empty file name>" : filename;
env->ThrowNew(fnfe.get(), message);
- return kUpToDate;
+ return OatFileAssistant::kNoDexOptNeeded;
const InstructionSet target_instruction_set = GetInstructionSetFromString(instruction_set);
@@ -330,7 +323,7 @@
// Always treat elements of the bootclasspath as up-to-date.
if (oat_file_assistant.IsInBootClassPath()) {
- return kUpToDate;
+ return OatFileAssistant::kNoDexOptNeeded;
// TODO: Checking the profile should probably be done in the GetStatus()
@@ -343,7 +336,7 @@
if (!defer) {
- return kDexoptNeeded;
+ return OatFileAssistant::kDex2OatNeeded;
} else if (oat_file_assistant.ProfileExists()
&& !oat_file_assistant.OldProfileExists()) {
if (!defer) {
@@ -353,16 +346,10 @@
- OatFileAssistant::Status status = oat_file_assistant.GetStatus();
- switch (status) {
- case OatFileAssistant::kUpToDate: return kUpToDate;
- case OatFileAssistant::kNeedsRelocation: return kPatchoatNeeded;
- case OatFileAssistant::kOutOfDate: return kDexoptNeeded;
- }
+ return oat_file_assistant.GetDexOptNeeded();
-static jbyte DexFile_isDexOptNeededInternal(JNIEnv* env, jclass, jstring javaFilename,
+static jint DexFile_getDexOptNeeded(JNIEnv* env, jclass, jstring javaFilename,
jstring javaPkgname, jstring javaInstructionSet, jboolean defer) {
ScopedUtfChars filename(env, javaFilename);
if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
@@ -376,25 +363,25 @@
return 0;
- return IsDexOptNeededInternal(env, filename.c_str(), pkgname.c_str(),
- instruction_set.c_str(), defer);
+ return GetDexOptNeeded(env, filename.c_str(), pkgname.c_str(),
+ instruction_set.c_str(), defer);
// public API, NULL pkgname
static jboolean DexFile_isDexOptNeeded(JNIEnv* env, jclass, jstring javaFilename) {
const char* instruction_set = GetInstructionSetString(kRuntimeISA);
ScopedUtfChars filename(env, javaFilename);
- return kUpToDate != IsDexOptNeededInternal(env, filename.c_str(), nullptr /* pkgname */,
- instruction_set, false /* defer */);
+ jint status = GetDexOptNeeded(env, filename.c_str(), nullptr /* pkgname */,
+ instruction_set, false /* defer */);
+ return (status != OatFileAssistant::kNoDexOptNeeded) ? JNI_TRUE : JNI_FALSE;
static JNINativeMethod gMethods[] = {
NATIVE_METHOD(DexFile, closeDexFile, "(Ljava/lang/Object;)V"),
NATIVE_METHOD(DexFile, defineClassNative, "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Class;"),
NATIVE_METHOD(DexFile, getClassNameList, "(Ljava/lang/Object;)[Ljava/lang/String;"),
NATIVE_METHOD(DexFile, isDexOptNeeded, "(Ljava/lang/String;)Z"),
- NATIVE_METHOD(DexFile, isDexOptNeededInternal, "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Z)B"),
+ NATIVE_METHOD(DexFile, getDexOptNeeded, "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Z)I"),
NATIVE_METHOD(DexFile, openDexFileNative, "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;I)Ljava/lang/Object;"),
diff --git a/runtime/ b/runtime/
index d92f59b..e5c27b2 100644
--- a/runtime/
+++ b/runtime/
@@ -142,31 +142,31 @@
return true;
-OatFileAssistant::Status OatFileAssistant::GetStatus() {
+OatFileAssistant::DexOptNeeded OatFileAssistant::GetDexOptNeeded() {
// TODO: If the profiling code is ever restored, it's worth considering
// whether we should check to see if the profile is out of date here.
- if (OdexFileIsOutOfDate()) {
- // The DEX file is not pre-compiled.
- // TODO: What if the oat file is not out of date? Could we relocate it
- // from itself?
- return OatFileIsUpToDate() ? kUpToDate : kOutOfDate;
- } else {
- // The DEX file is pre-compiled. If the oat file isn't up to date, we can
- // patch the pre-compiled version rather than recompiling.
- if (OatFileIsUpToDate() || OdexFileIsUpToDate()) {
- return kUpToDate;
- } else {
- return kNeedsRelocation;
- }
+ if (OatFileIsUpToDate() || OdexFileIsUpToDate()) {
+ return kNoDexOptNeeded;
+ if (OdexFileNeedsRelocation()) {
+ return kPatchOatNeeded;
+ }
+ if (OatFileNeedsRelocation()) {
+ return kSelfPatchOatNeeded;
+ }
+ return kDex2OatNeeded;
bool OatFileAssistant::MakeUpToDate(std::string* error_msg) {
- switch (GetStatus()) {
- case kUpToDate: return true;
- case kNeedsRelocation: return RelocateOatFile(error_msg);
- case kOutOfDate: return GenerateOatFile(error_msg);
+ switch (GetDexOptNeeded()) {
+ case kNoDexOptNeeded: return true;
+ case kDex2OatNeeded: return GenerateOatFile(error_msg);
+ case kPatchOatNeeded: return RelocateOatFile(OdexFileName(), error_msg);
+ case kSelfPatchOatNeeded: return RelocateOatFile(OatFileName(), error_msg);
@@ -269,14 +269,14 @@
return GetOdexFile() != nullptr;
-OatFileAssistant::Status OatFileAssistant::OdexFileStatus() {
+OatFileAssistant::OatStatus OatFileAssistant::OdexFileStatus() {
if (OdexFileIsOutOfDate()) {
- return kOutOfDate;
+ return kOatOutOfDate;
if (OdexFileIsUpToDate()) {
- return kUpToDate;
+ return kOatUpToDate;
- return kNeedsRelocation;
+ return kOatNeedsRelocation;
bool OatFileAssistant::OdexFileIsOutOfDate() {
@@ -293,7 +293,7 @@
bool OatFileAssistant::OdexFileNeedsRelocation() {
- return OdexFileStatus() == kNeedsRelocation;
+ return OdexFileStatus() == kOatNeedsRelocation;
bool OatFileAssistant::OdexFileIsUpToDate() {
@@ -338,14 +338,14 @@
return GetOatFile() != nullptr;
-OatFileAssistant::Status OatFileAssistant::OatFileStatus() {
+OatFileAssistant::OatStatus OatFileAssistant::OatFileStatus() {
if (OatFileIsOutOfDate()) {
- return kOutOfDate;
+ return kOatOutOfDate;
if (OatFileIsUpToDate()) {
- return kUpToDate;
+ return kOatUpToDate;
- return kNeedsRelocation;
+ return kOatNeedsRelocation;
bool OatFileAssistant::OatFileIsOutOfDate() {
@@ -362,7 +362,7 @@
bool OatFileAssistant::OatFileNeedsRelocation() {
- return OatFileStatus() == kNeedsRelocation;
+ return OatFileStatus() == kOatNeedsRelocation;
bool OatFileAssistant::OatFileIsUpToDate() {
@@ -378,17 +378,17 @@
return cached_oat_file_is_up_to_date_;
-OatFileAssistant::Status OatFileAssistant::GivenOatFileStatus(const OatFile& file) {
+OatFileAssistant::OatStatus OatFileAssistant::GivenOatFileStatus(const OatFile& file) {
// TODO: This could cause GivenOatFileIsOutOfDate to be called twice, which
// is more work than we need to do. If performance becomes a concern, and
// this method is actually called, this should be fixed.
if (GivenOatFileIsOutOfDate(file)) {
- return kOutOfDate;
+ return kOatOutOfDate;
if (GivenOatFileIsUpToDate(file)) {
- return kUpToDate;
+ return kOatUpToDate;
- return kNeedsRelocation;
+ return kOatNeedsRelocation;
bool OatFileAssistant::GivenOatFileIsOutOfDate(const OatFile& file) {
@@ -451,7 +451,7 @@
bool OatFileAssistant::GivenOatFileNeedsRelocation(const OatFile& file) {
- return GivenOatFileStatus(file) == kNeedsRelocation;
+ return GivenOatFileStatus(file) == kOatNeedsRelocation;
bool OatFileAssistant::GivenOatFileIsUpToDate(const OatFile& file) {
@@ -592,16 +592,17 @@
-bool OatFileAssistant::RelocateOatFile(std::string* error_msg) {
+bool OatFileAssistant::RelocateOatFile(const std::string* input_file,
+ std::string* error_msg) {
CHECK(error_msg != nullptr);
- if (OdexFileName() == nullptr) {
+ if (input_file == nullptr) {
*error_msg = "Patching of oat file for dex location "
+ std::string(dex_location_)
- + " not attempted because the odex file name could not be determined.";
+ + " not attempted because the input file name could not be determined.";
return false;
- const std::string& odex_file_name = *OdexFileName();
+ const std::string& input_file_name = *input_file;
if (OatFileName() == nullptr) {
*error_msg = "Patching of oat file for dex location "
@@ -628,7 +629,7 @@
std::vector<std::string> argv;
argv.push_back("--instruction-set=" + std::string(GetInstructionSetString(isa_)));
- argv.push_back("--input-oat-file=" + odex_file_name);
+ argv.push_back("--input-oat-file=" + input_file_name);
argv.push_back("--output-oat-file=" + oat_file_name);
argv.push_back("--patched-image-location=" + image_info->location);
diff --git a/runtime/oat_file_assistant.h b/runtime/oat_file_assistant.h
index f2abcf9..9e7c2ef 100644
--- a/runtime/oat_file_assistant.h
+++ b/runtime/oat_file_assistant.h
@@ -43,20 +43,43 @@
// be restored and tested, or removed.
class OatFileAssistant {
- enum Status {
- // kOutOfDate - An oat file is said to be out of date if the file does not
- // exist, or is out of date with respect to the dex file or boot image.
- kOutOfDate,
+ enum DexOptNeeded {
+ // kNoDexOptNeeded - The code for this dex location is up to date and can
+ // be used as is.
+ // Matches Java: dalvik.system.DexFile.NO_DEXOPT_NEEDED = 0
+ kNoDexOptNeeded = 0,
- // kNeedsRelocation - An oat file is said to need relocation if the code
- // is up to date, but not yet properly relocated for address space layout
- // randomization (ASLR). In this case, the oat file is neither "out of
- // date" nor "up to date".
- kNeedsRelocation,
+ // kDex2OatNeeded - In order to make the code for this dex location up to
+ // date, dex2oat must be run on the dex file.
+ // Matches Java: dalvik.system.DexFile.DEX2OAT_NEEDED = 1
+ kDex2OatNeeded = 1,
- // kUpToDate - An oat file is said to be up to date if it is not out of
+ // kPatchOatNeeded - In order to make the code for this dex location up to
+ // date, patchoat must be run on the odex file.
+ // Matches Java: dalvik.system.DexFile.PATCHOAT_NEEDED = 2
+ kPatchOatNeeded = 2,
+ // kSelfPatchOatNeeded - In order to make the code for this dex location
+ // up to date, patchoat must be run on the oat file.
+ // Matches Java: dalvik.system.DexFile.SELF_PATCHOAT_NEEDED = 3
+ kSelfPatchOatNeeded = 3,
+ };
+ enum OatStatus {
+ // kOatOutOfDate - An oat file is said to be out of date if the file does
+ // not exist, or is out of date with respect to the dex file or boot
+ // image.
+ kOatOutOfDate,
+ // kOatNeedsRelocation - An oat file is said to need relocation if the
+ // code is up to date, but not yet properly relocated for address space
+ // layout randomization (ASLR). In this case, the oat file is neither
+ // "out of date" nor "up to date".
+ kOatNeedsRelocation,
+ // kOatUpToDate - An oat file is said to be up to date if it is not out of
// date and has been properly relocated for the purposes of ASLR.
- kUpToDate,
+ kOatUpToDate,
// Constructs an OatFileAssistant object to assist the oat file
@@ -67,7 +90,6 @@
// Typically the dex_location is the absolute path to the original,
// un-optimized dex file.
- //
// Note: Currently the dex_location must have an extension.
// TODO: Relax this restriction?
@@ -121,8 +143,9 @@
// file.
bool Lock(std::string* error_msg);
- // Returns the overall compilation status for the given dex location.
- Status GetStatus();
+ // Return what action needs to be taken to produce up-to-date code for this
+ // dex location.
+ DexOptNeeded GetDexOptNeeded();
// Attempts to generate or relocate the oat file as needed to make it up to
// date.
@@ -164,7 +187,7 @@
// determined.
const std::string* OdexFileName();
bool OdexFileExists();
- Status OdexFileStatus();
+ OatStatus OdexFileStatus();
bool OdexFileIsOutOfDate();
bool OdexFileNeedsRelocation();
bool OdexFileIsUpToDate();
@@ -176,20 +199,18 @@
// the dex location.
// Notes:
- // * To get the overall status of the compiled code for this dex_location,
- // use the GetStatus() method, not the OatFileStatus() method.
// * OatFileName may return null if the oat file name could not be
// determined.
const std::string* OatFileName();
bool OatFileExists();
- Status OatFileStatus();
+ OatStatus OatFileStatus();
bool OatFileIsOutOfDate();
bool OatFileNeedsRelocation();
bool OatFileIsUpToDate();
// These methods return the status for a given opened oat file with respect
// to the dex location.
- Status GivenOatFileStatus(const OatFile& file);
+ OatStatus GivenOatFileStatus(const OatFile& file);
bool GivenOatFileIsOutOfDate(const OatFile& file);
bool GivenOatFileNeedsRelocation(const OatFile& file);
bool GivenOatFileIsUpToDate(const OatFile& file);
@@ -216,7 +237,7 @@
// Copy the current profile to the old profile location.
void CopyProfileFile();
- // Generates the oat file by relocation from the odex file.
+ // Generates the oat file by relocation from the named input file.
// This does not check the current status before attempting to relocate the
// oat file.
// Returns true on success.
@@ -224,7 +245,7 @@
// If there is a failure, the value of error_msg will be set to a string
// describing why there was failure. error_msg must not be nullptr.
- bool RelocateOatFile(std::string* error_msg);
+ bool RelocateOatFile(const std::string* input_file, std::string* error_msg);
// Generate the oat file from the dex file.
// This does not check the current status before attempting to generate the
diff --git a/runtime/ b/runtime/
index a198824..d2362a2 100644
--- a/runtime/
+++ b/runtime/
@@ -29,7 +29,9 @@
#include "common_runtime_test.h"
#include "compiler_callbacks.h"
#include "mem_map.h"
+#include "mirror/art_field-inl.h"
#include "os.h"
+#include "scoped_thread_state_change.h"
#include "thread-inl.h"
#include "utils.h"
@@ -267,42 +269,42 @@
// Case: We have a DEX file, but no OAT file for it.
-// Expect: The oat file status is kOutOfDate.
+// Expect: The status is kDex2OatNeeded.
TEST_F(OatFileAssistantTest, DexNoOat) {
std::string dex_location = GetScratchDir() + "/DexNoOat.jar";
Copy(GetDexSrc1(), dex_location);
OatFileAssistant oat_file_assistant(dex_location.c_str(), kRuntimeISA, false);
- EXPECT_EQ(OatFileAssistant::kOutOfDate, oat_file_assistant.GetStatus());
+ EXPECT_EQ(OatFileAssistant::kDex2OatNeeded, oat_file_assistant.GetDexOptNeeded());
- EXPECT_EQ(OatFileAssistant::kOutOfDate, oat_file_assistant.OdexFileStatus());
+ EXPECT_EQ(OatFileAssistant::kOatOutOfDate, oat_file_assistant.OdexFileStatus());
- EXPECT_EQ(OatFileAssistant::kOutOfDate, oat_file_assistant.OatFileStatus());
+ EXPECT_EQ(OatFileAssistant::kOatOutOfDate, oat_file_assistant.OatFileStatus());
// Case: We have no DEX file and no OAT file.
-// Expect: Status is out of date. Loading should fail, but not crash.
+// Expect: Status is kDex2OatNeeded. Loading should fail, but not crash.
TEST_F(OatFileAssistantTest, NoDexNoOat) {
std::string dex_location = GetScratchDir() + "/NoDexNoOat.jar";
OatFileAssistant oat_file_assistant(dex_location.c_str(), kRuntimeISA, true);
- EXPECT_EQ(OatFileAssistant::kOutOfDate, oat_file_assistant.GetStatus());
+ EXPECT_EQ(OatFileAssistant::kDex2OatNeeded, oat_file_assistant.GetDexOptNeeded());
std::unique_ptr<OatFile> oat_file = oat_file_assistant.GetBestOatFile();
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, oat_file.get());
// Case: We have a DEX file and up-to-date OAT file for it.
-// Expect: The oat file status is kUpToDate.
+// Expect: The status is kNoDexOptNeeded.
TEST_F(OatFileAssistantTest, OatUpToDate) {
std::string dex_location = GetScratchDir() + "/OatUpToDate.jar";
Copy(GetDexSrc1(), dex_location);
@@ -310,7 +312,7 @@
OatFileAssistant oat_file_assistant(dex_location.c_str(), kRuntimeISA, false);
- EXPECT_EQ(OatFileAssistant::kUpToDate, oat_file_assistant.GetStatus());
+ EXPECT_EQ(OatFileAssistant::kNoDexOptNeeded, oat_file_assistant.GetDexOptNeeded());
@@ -319,18 +321,20 @@
- EXPECT_EQ(OatFileAssistant::kUpToDate, oat_file_assistant.OatFileStatus());
+ EXPECT_EQ(OatFileAssistant::kOatUpToDate, oat_file_assistant.OatFileStatus());
// Case: We have a MultiDEX file and up-to-date OAT file for it.
-// Expect: The oat file status is kUpToDate.
+// Expect: The status is kNoDexOptNeeded and we load all dex files.
TEST_F(OatFileAssistantTest, MultiDexOatUpToDate) {
std::string dex_location = GetScratchDir() + "/MultiDexOatUpToDate.jar";
Copy(GetMultiDexSrc1(), dex_location);
- // Verify we can load both dex files.
OatFileAssistant oat_file_assistant(dex_location.c_str(), kRuntimeISA, true);
+ EXPECT_EQ(OatFileAssistant::kNoDexOptNeeded, oat_file_assistant.GetDexOptNeeded());
+ // Verify we can load both dex files.
std::unique_ptr<OatFile> oat_file = oat_file_assistant.GetBestOatFile();
ASSERT_TRUE(oat_file.get() != nullptr);
@@ -341,7 +345,7 @@
// Case: We have a MultiDEX file and up-to-date OAT file for it with relative
// encoded dex locations.
-// Expect: The oat file status is kUpToDate.
+// Expect: The oat file status is kNoDexOptNeeded.
TEST_F(OatFileAssistantTest, RelativeEncodedDexLocation) {
std::string dex_location = GetScratchDir() + "/RelativeEncodedDexLocation.jar";
std::string oat_location = GetOdexDir() + "/RelativeEncodedDexLocation.oat";
@@ -370,8 +374,8 @@
EXPECT_EQ(2u, dex_files.size());
-// Case: We have a DEX file and out of date OAT file.
-// Expect: The oat file status is kOutOfDate.
+// Case: We have a DEX file and out-of-date OAT file.
+// Expect: The status is kDex2OatNeeded.
TEST_F(OatFileAssistantTest, OatOutOfDate) {
std::string dex_location = GetScratchDir() + "/OatOutOfDate.jar";
@@ -382,7 +386,7 @@
Copy(GetDexSrc2(), dex_location);
OatFileAssistant oat_file_assistant(dex_location.c_str(), kRuntimeISA, false);
- EXPECT_EQ(OatFileAssistant::kOutOfDate, oat_file_assistant.GetStatus());
+ EXPECT_EQ(OatFileAssistant::kDex2OatNeeded, oat_file_assistant.GetDexOptNeeded());
@@ -394,7 +398,7 @@
// Case: We have a DEX file and an ODEX file, but no OAT file.
-// Expect: The oat file status is kNeedsRelocation.
+// Expect: The status is kPatchOatNeeded.
TEST_F(OatFileAssistantTest, DexOdexNoOat) {
std::string dex_location = GetScratchDir() + "/DexOdexNoOat.jar";
std::string odex_location = GetOdexDir() + "/DexOdexNoOat.odex";
@@ -406,21 +410,20 @@
// Verify the status.
OatFileAssistant oat_file_assistant(dex_location.c_str(), kRuntimeISA, false);
- EXPECT_EQ(OatFileAssistant::kNeedsRelocation, oat_file_assistant.GetStatus());
+ EXPECT_EQ(OatFileAssistant::kPatchOatNeeded, oat_file_assistant.GetDexOptNeeded());
- EXPECT_EQ(OatFileAssistant::kNeedsRelocation, oat_file_assistant.OdexFileNeedsRelocation());
// Case: We have a stripped DEX file and an ODEX file, but no OAT file.
-// Expect: The oat file status is kNeedsRelocation.
+// Expect: The status is kPatchOatNeeded
TEST_F(OatFileAssistantTest, StrippedDexOdexNoOat) {
std::string dex_location = GetScratchDir() + "/StrippedDexOdexNoOat.jar";
std::string odex_location = GetOdexDir() + "/StrippedDexOdexNoOat.odex";
@@ -435,7 +438,7 @@
// Verify the status.
OatFileAssistant oat_file_assistant(dex_location.c_str(), kRuntimeISA, true);
- EXPECT_EQ(OatFileAssistant::kNeedsRelocation, oat_file_assistant.GetStatus());
+ EXPECT_EQ(OatFileAssistant::kPatchOatNeeded, oat_file_assistant.GetDexOptNeeded());
@@ -449,7 +452,7 @@
std::string error_msg;
ASSERT_TRUE(oat_file_assistant.MakeUpToDate(&error_msg)) << error_msg;
- EXPECT_EQ(OatFileAssistant::kUpToDate, oat_file_assistant.GetStatus());
+ EXPECT_EQ(OatFileAssistant::kNoDexOptNeeded, oat_file_assistant.GetDexOptNeeded());
@@ -468,8 +471,8 @@
EXPECT_EQ(1u, dex_files.size());
-// Case: We have a stripped DEX file, an ODEX file, and an out of date OAT file.
-// Expect: The oat file status is kNeedsRelocation.
+// Case: We have a stripped DEX file, an ODEX file, and an out-of-date OAT file.
+// Expect: The status is kPatchOatNeeded.
TEST_F(OatFileAssistantTest, StrippedDexOdexOat) {
std::string dex_location = GetScratchDir() + "/StrippedDexOdexOat.jar";
std::string odex_location = GetOdexDir() + "/StrippedDexOdexOat.odex";
@@ -488,7 +491,7 @@
// Verify the status.
OatFileAssistant oat_file_assistant(dex_location.c_str(), kRuntimeISA, true);
- EXPECT_EQ(OatFileAssistant::kNeedsRelocation, oat_file_assistant.GetStatus());
+ EXPECT_EQ(OatFileAssistant::kPatchOatNeeded, oat_file_assistant.GetDexOptNeeded());
@@ -503,7 +506,7 @@
std::string error_msg;
ASSERT_TRUE(oat_file_assistant.MakeUpToDate(&error_msg)) << error_msg;
- EXPECT_EQ(OatFileAssistant::kUpToDate, oat_file_assistant.GetStatus());
+ EXPECT_EQ(OatFileAssistant::kNoDexOptNeeded, oat_file_assistant.GetDexOptNeeded());
@@ -524,9 +527,59 @@
EXPECT_EQ(1u, dex_files.size());
+// Case: We have a DEX file, no ODEX file and an OAT file that needs
+// relocation.
+// Expect: The status is kSelfPatchOatNeeded.
+TEST_F(OatFileAssistantTest, SelfRelocation) {
+ std::string dex_location = GetScratchDir() + "/SelfRelocation.jar";
+ std::string oat_location = GetOdexDir() + "/SelfRelocation.oat";
+ // Create the dex and odex files
+ Copy(GetDexSrc1(), dex_location);
+ GenerateOdexForTest(dex_location, oat_location);
+ OatFileAssistant oat_file_assistant(dex_location.c_str(),
+ oat_location.c_str(), kRuntimeISA, true);
+ EXPECT_EQ(OatFileAssistant::kSelfPatchOatNeeded, oat_file_assistant.GetDexOptNeeded());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(oat_file_assistant.IsInBootClassPath());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(oat_file_assistant.OdexFileExists());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(oat_file_assistant.OdexFileIsOutOfDate());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(oat_file_assistant.OdexFileNeedsRelocation());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(oat_file_assistant.OdexFileIsUpToDate());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(oat_file_assistant.OatFileExists());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(oat_file_assistant.OatFileNeedsRelocation());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(oat_file_assistant.OatFileIsOutOfDate());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(oat_file_assistant.OatFileIsUpToDate());
+ // Make the oat file up to date.
+ std::string error_msg;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(oat_file_assistant.MakeUpToDate(&error_msg)) << error_msg;
+ EXPECT_EQ(OatFileAssistant::kNoDexOptNeeded, oat_file_assistant.GetDexOptNeeded());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(oat_file_assistant.IsInBootClassPath());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(oat_file_assistant.OdexFileExists());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(oat_file_assistant.OdexFileIsOutOfDate());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(oat_file_assistant.OdexFileNeedsRelocation());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(oat_file_assistant.OdexFileIsUpToDate());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(oat_file_assistant.OatFileExists());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(oat_file_assistant.OatFileIsOutOfDate());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(oat_file_assistant.OatFileNeedsRelocation());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(oat_file_assistant.OatFileIsUpToDate());
+ std::unique_ptr<OatFile> oat_file = oat_file_assistant.GetBestOatFile();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(oat_file.get() != nullptr);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(oat_file->IsExecutable());
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>> dex_files;
+ dex_files = oat_file_assistant.LoadDexFiles(*oat_file, dex_location.c_str());
+ EXPECT_EQ(1u, dex_files.size());
// Case: We have a DEX file, an ODEX file and an OAT file, where the ODEX and
// OAT files both have patch delta of 0.
-// Expect: It shouldn't crash.
+// Expect: It shouldn't crash, and status is kPatchOatNeeded.
TEST_F(OatFileAssistantTest, OdexOatOverlap) {
std::string dex_location = GetScratchDir() + "/OdexOatOverlap.jar";
std::string odex_location = GetOdexDir() + "/OdexOatOverlap.odex";
@@ -544,7 +597,7 @@
OatFileAssistant oat_file_assistant(dex_location.c_str(),
oat_location.c_str(), kRuntimeISA, true);
- EXPECT_EQ(OatFileAssistant::kNeedsRelocation, oat_file_assistant.GetStatus());
+ EXPECT_EQ(OatFileAssistant::kPatchOatNeeded, oat_file_assistant.GetDexOptNeeded());
@@ -564,7 +617,7 @@
// Case: We have a DEX file and a PIC ODEX file, but no OAT file.
-// Expect: The oat file status is kUpToDate, because PIC needs no relocation.
+// Expect: The status is kNoDexOptNeeded, because PIC needs no relocation.
TEST_F(OatFileAssistantTest, DexPicOdexNoOat) {
std::string dex_location = GetScratchDir() + "/DexPicOdexNoOat.jar";
std::string odex_location = GetOdexDir() + "/DexPicOdexNoOat.odex";
@@ -576,7 +629,7 @@
// Verify the status.
OatFileAssistant oat_file_assistant(dex_location.c_str(), kRuntimeISA, false);
- EXPECT_EQ(OatFileAssistant::kUpToDate, oat_file_assistant.GetStatus());
+ EXPECT_EQ(OatFileAssistant::kNoDexOptNeeded, oat_file_assistant.GetDexOptNeeded());
@@ -661,7 +714,7 @@
OatFileAssistant oat_file_assistant(dex_location.c_str(), kRuntimeISA, true);
- EXPECT_EQ(OatFileAssistant::kOutOfDate, oat_file_assistant.GetStatus());
+ EXPECT_EQ(OatFileAssistant::kDex2OatNeeded, oat_file_assistant.GetDexOptNeeded());
@@ -720,7 +773,7 @@
OatFileAssistant oat_file_assistant(dex_location.c_str(), kRuntimeISA, true);
- EXPECT_EQ(OatFileAssistant::kOutOfDate, oat_file_assistant.GetStatus());
+ EXPECT_EQ(OatFileAssistant::kDex2OatNeeded, oat_file_assistant.GetDexOptNeeded());
@@ -737,7 +790,7 @@
OatFileAssistant oat_file_assistant(dex_location.c_str(), kRuntimeISA, true);
- EXPECT_EQ(OatFileAssistant::kOutOfDate, oat_file_assistant.GetStatus());
+ EXPECT_EQ(OatFileAssistant::kDex2OatNeeded, oat_file_assistant.GetDexOptNeeded());
@@ -751,14 +804,14 @@
// Case: Non-standard extension for dex file.
-// Expect: The oat file status is kOutOfDate.
+// Expect: The status is kDex2OatNeeded.
TEST_F(OatFileAssistantTest, LongDexExtension) {
std::string dex_location = GetScratchDir() + "/LongDexExtension.jarx";
Copy(GetDexSrc1(), dex_location);
OatFileAssistant oat_file_assistant(dex_location.c_str(), kRuntimeISA, false);
- EXPECT_EQ(OatFileAssistant::kOutOfDate, oat_file_assistant.GetStatus());
+ EXPECT_EQ(OatFileAssistant::kDex2OatNeeded, oat_file_assistant.GetDexOptNeeded());
@@ -895,6 +948,41 @@
"/foo/bar/baz_noext", kArm, &odex_file, &error_msg));
+// Verify the dexopt status values from dalvik.system.DexFile
+// match the OatFileAssistant::DexOptStatus values.
+TEST_F(OatFileAssistantTest, DexOptStatusValues) {
+ ScopedObjectAccess soa(Thread::Current());
+ StackHandleScope<1> hs(soa.Self());
+ ClassLinker* linker = Runtime::Current()->GetClassLinker();
+ Handle<mirror::Class> dexfile(
+ hs.NewHandle(linker->FindSystemClass(soa.Self(), "Ldalvik/system/DexFile;")));
+ ASSERT_FALSE(dexfile.Get() == nullptr);
+ linker->EnsureInitialized(soa.Self(), dexfile, true, true);
+ mirror::ArtField* no_dexopt_needed = mirror::Class::FindStaticField(
+ soa.Self(), dexfile, "NO_DEXOPT_NEEDED", "I");
+ ASSERT_FALSE(no_dexopt_needed == nullptr);
+ EXPECT_EQ(no_dexopt_needed->GetTypeAsPrimitiveType(), Primitive::kPrimInt);
+ EXPECT_EQ(OatFileAssistant::kNoDexOptNeeded, no_dexopt_needed->GetInt(dexfile.Get()));
+ mirror::ArtField* dex2oat_needed = mirror::Class::FindStaticField(
+ soa.Self(), dexfile, "DEX2OAT_NEEDED", "I");
+ ASSERT_FALSE(dex2oat_needed == nullptr);
+ EXPECT_EQ(dex2oat_needed->GetTypeAsPrimitiveType(), Primitive::kPrimInt);
+ EXPECT_EQ(OatFileAssistant::kDex2OatNeeded, dex2oat_needed->GetInt(dexfile.Get()));
+ mirror::ArtField* patchoat_needed = mirror::Class::FindStaticField(
+ soa.Self(), dexfile, "PATCHOAT_NEEDED", "I");
+ ASSERT_FALSE(patchoat_needed == nullptr);
+ EXPECT_EQ(patchoat_needed->GetTypeAsPrimitiveType(), Primitive::kPrimInt);
+ EXPECT_EQ(OatFileAssistant::kPatchOatNeeded, patchoat_needed->GetInt(dexfile.Get()));
+ mirror::ArtField* self_patchoat_needed = mirror::Class::FindStaticField(
+ soa.Self(), dexfile, "SELF_PATCHOAT_NEEDED", "I");
+ ASSERT_FALSE(self_patchoat_needed == nullptr);
+ EXPECT_EQ(self_patchoat_needed->GetTypeAsPrimitiveType(), Primitive::kPrimInt);
+ EXPECT_EQ(OatFileAssistant::kSelfPatchOatNeeded, self_patchoat_needed->GetInt(dexfile.Get()));
// TODO: More Tests:
// * Test class linker falls back to unquickened dex for DexNoOat
diff --git a/runtime/ b/runtime/
index d1b0464..af11f73 100644
--- a/runtime/
+++ b/runtime/
@@ -377,7 +377,11 @@
tls32_.thin_lock_thread_id = thread_list->AllocThreadId(this);
- tlsPtr_.jni_env = new JNIEnvExt(this, java_vm);
+ tlsPtr_.jni_env = JNIEnvExt::Create(this, java_vm);
+ if (tlsPtr_.jni_env == nullptr) {
+ return false;
+ }
return true;
@@ -2304,8 +2308,8 @@
- if (tlsPtr_.method_verifier != nullptr) {
- tlsPtr_.method_verifier->VisitRoots(visitor, RootInfo(kRootNativeStack, thread_id));
+ for (auto* verifier = tlsPtr_.method_verifier; verifier != nullptr; verifier = verifier->link_) {
+ verifier->VisitRoots(visitor, RootInfo(kRootNativeStack, thread_id));
// Visit roots on this thread's stack
Context* context = GetLongJumpContext();
@@ -2429,14 +2433,14 @@
tlsPtr_.debug_invoke_req = nullptr;
-void Thread::SetVerifier(verifier::MethodVerifier* verifier) {
- CHECK(tlsPtr_.method_verifier == nullptr);
+void Thread::PushVerifier(verifier::MethodVerifier* verifier) {
+ verifier->link_ = tlsPtr_.method_verifier;
tlsPtr_.method_verifier = verifier;
-void Thread::ClearVerifier(verifier::MethodVerifier* verifier) {
+void Thread::PopVerifier(verifier::MethodVerifier* verifier) {
CHECK_EQ(tlsPtr_.method_verifier, verifier);
- tlsPtr_.method_verifier = nullptr;
+ tlsPtr_.method_verifier = verifier->link_;
} // namespace art
diff --git a/runtime/thread.h b/runtime/thread.h
index f89e46b..b095e22 100644
--- a/runtime/thread.h
+++ b/runtime/thread.h
@@ -895,8 +895,8 @@
return tls32_.suspended_at_suspend_check;
- void SetVerifier(verifier::MethodVerifier* verifier);
- void ClearVerifier(verifier::MethodVerifier* verifier);
+ void PushVerifier(verifier::MethodVerifier* verifier);
+ void PopVerifier(verifier::MethodVerifier* verifier);
explicit Thread(bool daemon);
diff --git a/runtime/verifier/ b/runtime/verifier/
index d0f8468..9fc2658 100644
--- a/runtime/verifier/
+++ b/runtime/verifier/
@@ -395,12 +395,12 @@
allow_thread_suspension_(allow_thread_suspension) {
- self->SetVerifier(this);
+ self->PushVerifier(this);
DCHECK(class_def != nullptr);
MethodVerifier::~MethodVerifier() {
- Thread::Current()->ClearVerifier(this);
+ Thread::Current()->PopVerifier(this);
diff --git a/runtime/verifier/method_verifier.h b/runtime/verifier/method_verifier.h
index c813634..8c0321e 100644
--- a/runtime/verifier/method_verifier.h
+++ b/runtime/verifier/method_verifier.h
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
class Instruction;
struct ReferenceMap2Visitor;
+class Thread;
namespace verifier {
@@ -738,6 +739,10 @@
// FindLocksAtDexPC, resulting in deadlocks.
const bool allow_thread_suspension_;
+ // Link, for the method verifier root linked list.
+ MethodVerifier* link_;
+ friend class art::Thread;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const MethodVerifier::FailureKind& rhs);
diff --git a/test/107-int-math2/src/ b/test/107-int-math2/src/
index f0fe934..6a6227c 100644
--- a/test/107-int-math2/src/
+++ b/test/107-int-math2/src/
@@ -379,7 +379,7 @@
static int lit16Test(int x) {
- int[] results = new int[8];
+ int[] results = new int[10];
/* try to generate op-int/lit16" instructions */
results[0] = x + 1000;
@@ -390,6 +390,9 @@
results[5] = x & 1000;
results[6] = x | -1000;
results[7] = x ^ -1000;
+ /* use an 16-bit constant that has its MSB (bit-15) set */
+ results[8] = x / 32769;
+ results[9] = x / -32769;
if (results[0] != 78777) { return 1; }
if (results[1] != -76777) { return 2; }
@@ -399,6 +402,8 @@
if (results[5] != 960) { return 6; }
if (results[6] != -39) { return 7; }
if (results[7] != -76855) { return 8; }
+ if (results[8] != 2) { return 9; }
+ if (results[9] != -2) { return 10; }
return 0;
diff --git a/test/407-arrays/src/ b/test/407-arrays/src/
index d5c5604..4b833be 100644
--- a/test/407-arrays/src/
+++ b/test/407-arrays/src/
@@ -19,9 +19,9 @@
public class Main extends TestCase {
public static void main(String[] args) {
$opt$testReads(new boolean[1], new byte[1], new char[1], new short[1],
- new int[1], new Object[1], new long[1], 0);
+ new int[1], new Object[1], new long[1], new float[1], new double[1], 0);
$opt$testWrites(new boolean[2], new byte[2], new char[2], new short[2],
- new int[2], new Object[2], new long[2], 1);
+ new int[2], new Object[2], new long[2], new float[2], new double[2], 1);
ensureThrows(new boolean[2], 2);
ensureThrows(new boolean[2], 4);
ensureThrows(new boolean[2], -1);
@@ -30,7 +30,8 @@
static void $opt$testReads(boolean[] bools, byte[] bytes, char[] chars, short[] shorts,
- int[] ints, Object[] objects, long[] longs, int index) {
+ int[] ints, Object[] objects, long[] longs, float[] floats,
+ double[] doubles, int index) {
assertEquals(false, bools[0]);
assertEquals(false, bools[index]);
@@ -51,10 +52,17 @@
assertEquals(0, longs[0]);
assertEquals(0, longs[index]);
+ assertEquals(0, floats[0]);
+ assertEquals(0, floats[index]);
+ assertEquals(0, doubles[0]);
+ assertEquals(0, doubles[index]);
static void $opt$testWrites(boolean[] bools, byte[] bytes, char[] chars, short[] shorts,
- int[] ints, Object[] objects, long[] longs, int index) {
+ int[] ints, Object[] objects, long[] longs, float[] floats,
+ double doubles[], int index) {
bools[0] = true;
assertEquals(true, bools[0]);
bools[index] = true;
@@ -99,6 +107,18 @@
// on 32bits. So we call out a long helper to ensure this method gets
// optimized.
$opt$testLongWrites(longs, index);
+ float f = 1.0F;
+ floats[0] = f / (1 | 0);
+ assertEquals(f, floats[0]);
+ floats[index] = f / (1 | 0);
+ assertEquals(f, floats[index]);
+ double d = 1.0F;
+ doubles[0] = d / (1 | 0);
+ assertEquals(d, doubles[0]);
+ doubles[index] = d / (1 | 0);
+ assertEquals(d, doubles[index]);
public static void $opt$testLongWrites(long[] longs, int index) {
diff --git a/test/458-checker-instruction-simplification/src/ b/test/458-checker-instruction-simplification/src/
index ef6428d..3cbcebb 100644
--- a/test/458-checker-instruction-simplification/src/
+++ b/test/458-checker-instruction-simplification/src/
@@ -40,8 +40,10 @@
// CHECK-START: long Main.Add0(long) instruction_simplifier (after)
// CHECK-DAG: [[Arg:j\d+]] ParameterValue
- // CHECK-NOT: Add
// CHECK-DAG: Return [ [[Arg]] ]
+ //
+ // CHECK-START: long Main.Add0(long) instruction_simplifier (after)
+ // CHECK-NOT: Add
public static long Add0(long arg) {
return 0 + arg;
@@ -55,9 +57,11 @@
// CHECK-START: int Main.AndAllOnes(int) instruction_simplifier (after)
// CHECK-DAG: [[Arg:i\d+]] ParameterValue
- // CHECK-NOT: And
// CHECK-DAG: Return [ [[Arg]] ]
+ // CHECK-START: int Main.AndAllOnes(int) instruction_simplifier (after)
+ // CHECK-NOT: And
public static int AndAllOnes(int arg) {
return arg & -1;
@@ -70,9 +74,11 @@
// CHECK-START: long Main.Div1(long) instruction_simplifier (after)
// CHECK-DAG: [[Arg:j\d+]] ParameterValue
- // CHECK-NOT: Div
// CHECK-DAG: Return [ [[Arg]] ]
+ // CHECK-START: long Main.Div1(long) instruction_simplifier (after)
+ // CHECK-NOT: Div
public static long Div1(long arg) {
return arg / 1;
@@ -86,9 +92,11 @@
// CHECK-START: int Main.DivN1(int) instruction_simplifier (after)
// CHECK-DAG: [[Arg:i\d+]] ParameterValue
// CHECK-DAG: [[Neg:i\d+]] Neg [ [[Arg]] ]
- // CHECK-NOT: Div
// CHECK-DAG: Return [ [[Neg]] ]
+ // CHECK-START: int Main.DivN1(int) instruction_simplifier (after)
+ // CHECK-NOT: Div
public static int DivN1(int arg) {
return arg / -1;
@@ -101,9 +109,11 @@
// CHECK-START: long Main.Mul1(long) instruction_simplifier (after)
// CHECK-DAG: [[Arg:j\d+]] ParameterValue
- // CHECK-NOT: Mul
// CHECK-DAG: Return [ [[Arg]] ]
+ // CHECK-START: long Main.Mul1(long) instruction_simplifier (after)
+ // CHECK-NOT: Mul
public static long Mul1(long arg) {
return arg * 1;
@@ -117,9 +127,11 @@
// CHECK-START: int Main.MulN1(int) instruction_simplifier (after)
// CHECK-DAG: [[Arg:i\d+]] ParameterValue
// CHECK-DAG: [[Neg:i\d+]] Neg [ [[Arg]] ]
- // CHECK-NOT: Mul
// CHECK-DAG: Return [ [[Neg]] ]
+ // CHECK-START: int Main.MulN1(int) instruction_simplifier (after)
+ // CHECK-NOT: Mul
public static int MulN1(int arg) {
return arg * -1;
@@ -134,9 +146,11 @@
// CHECK-DAG: [[Arg:j\d+]] ParameterValue
// CHECK-DAG: [[Const7:i\d+]] IntConstant 7
// CHECK-DAG: [[Shl:j\d+]] Shl [ [[Arg]] [[Const7]] ]
- // CHECK-NOT: Mul
// CHECK-DAG: Return [ [[Shl]] ]
+ // CHECK-START: long Main.MulPowerOfTwo128(long) instruction_simplifier (after)
+ // CHECK-NOT: Mul
public static long MulPowerOfTwo128(long arg) {
return arg * 128;
@@ -149,9 +163,11 @@
// CHECK-START: int Main.Or0(int) instruction_simplifier (after)
// CHECK-DAG: [[Arg:i\d+]] ParameterValue
- // CHECK-NOT: Or
// CHECK-DAG: Return [ [[Arg]] ]
+ // CHECK-START: int Main.Or0(int) instruction_simplifier (after)
+ // CHECK-NOT: Or
public static int Or0(int arg) {
return arg | 0;
@@ -163,9 +179,11 @@
// CHECK-START: long Main.OrSame(long) instruction_simplifier (after)
// CHECK-DAG: [[Arg:j\d+]] ParameterValue
- // CHECK-NOT: Or
// CHECK-DAG: Return [ [[Arg]] ]
+ // CHECK-START: long Main.OrSame(long) instruction_simplifier (after)
+ // CHECK-NOT: Or
public static long OrSame(long arg) {
return arg | arg;
@@ -178,9 +196,11 @@
// CHECK-START: int Main.Shl0(int) instruction_simplifier (after)
// CHECK-DAG: [[Arg:i\d+]] ParameterValue
- // CHECK-NOT: Shl
// CHECK-DAG: Return [ [[Arg]] ]
+ // CHECK-START: int Main.Shl0(int) instruction_simplifier (after)
+ // CHECK-NOT: Shl
public static int Shl0(int arg) {
return arg << 0;
@@ -193,9 +213,11 @@
// CHECK-START: long Main.Shr0(long) instruction_simplifier (after)
// CHECK-DAG: [[Arg:j\d+]] ParameterValue
- // CHECK-NOT: Shr
// CHECK-DAG: Return [ [[Arg]] ]
+ // CHECK-START: long Main.Shr0(long) instruction_simplifier (after)
+ // CHECK-NOT: Shr
public static long Shr0(long arg) {
return arg >> 0;
@@ -208,9 +230,11 @@
// CHECK-START: long Main.Sub0(long) instruction_simplifier (after)
// CHECK-DAG: [[Arg:j\d+]] ParameterValue
- // CHECK-NOT: Sub
// CHECK-DAG: Return [ [[Arg]] ]
+ // CHECK-START: long Main.Sub0(long) instruction_simplifier (after)
+ // CHECK-NOT: Sub
public static long Sub0(long arg) {
return arg - 0;
@@ -224,9 +248,11 @@
// CHECK-START: int Main.SubAliasNeg(int) instruction_simplifier (after)
// CHECK-DAG: [[Arg:i\d+]] ParameterValue
// CHECK-DAG: [[Neg:i\d+]] Neg [ [[Arg]] ]
- // CHECK-NOT: Sub
// CHECK-DAG: Return [ [[Neg]] ]
+ // CHECK-START: int Main.SubAliasNeg(int) instruction_simplifier (after)
+ // CHECK-NOT: Sub
public static int SubAliasNeg(int arg) {
return 0 - arg;
@@ -239,9 +265,11 @@
// CHECK-START: long Main.UShr0(long) instruction_simplifier (after)
// CHECK-DAG: [[Arg:j\d+]] ParameterValue
- // CHECK-NOT: UShr
// CHECK-DAG: Return [ [[Arg]] ]
+ // CHECK-START: long Main.UShr0(long) instruction_simplifier (after)
+ // CHECK-NOT: UShr
public static long UShr0(long arg) {
return arg >>> 0;
@@ -254,9 +282,11 @@
// CHECK-START: int Main.Xor0(int) instruction_simplifier (after)
// CHECK-DAG: [[Arg:i\d+]] ParameterValue
- // CHECK-NOT: Xor
// CHECK-DAG: Return [ [[Arg]] ]
+ // CHECK-START: int Main.Xor0(int) instruction_simplifier (after)
+ // CHECK-NOT: Xor
public static int Xor0(int arg) {
return arg ^ 0;
@@ -270,13 +300,466 @@
// CHECK-START: int Main.XorAllOnes(int) instruction_simplifier (after)
// CHECK-DAG: [[Arg:i\d+]] ParameterValue
// CHECK-DAG: [[Not:i\d+]] Not [ [[Arg]] ]
- // CHECK-NOT: Xor
// CHECK-DAG: Return [ [[Not]] ]
+ // CHECK-START: int Main.XorAllOnes(int) instruction_simplifier (after)
+ // CHECK-NOT: Xor
public static int XorAllOnes(int arg) {
return arg ^ -1;
+ /**
+ * Test that addition or subtraction operation with both inputs negated are
+ * optimized to use a single negation after the operation.
+ * The transformation tested is implemented in
+ * `InstructionSimplifierVisitor::TryMoveNegOnInputsAfterBinop`.
+ */
+ // CHECK-START: int Main.AddNegs1(int, int) instruction_simplifier (before)
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Arg1:i\d+]] ParameterValue
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Arg2:i\d+]] ParameterValue
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Neg1:i\d+]] Neg [ [[Arg1]] ]
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Neg2:i\d+]] Neg [ [[Arg2]] ]
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Add:i\d+]] Add [ [[Neg1]] [[Neg2]] ]
+ // CHECK-DAG: Return [ [[Add]] ]
+ // CHECK-START: int Main.AddNegs1(int, int) instruction_simplifier (after)
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Arg1:i\d+]] ParameterValue
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Arg2:i\d+]] ParameterValue
+ // CHECK-NOT: Neg
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Add:i\d+]] Add [ [[Arg1]] [[Arg2]] ]
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Neg:i\d+]] Neg [ [[Add]] ]
+ // CHECK-DAG: Return [ [[Neg]] ]
+ public static int AddNegs1(int arg1, int arg2) {
+ return -arg1 + -arg2;
+ }
+ /**
+ * This is similar to the test-case AddNegs1, but the negations have
+ * multiple uses.
+ * The transformation tested is implemented in
+ * `InstructionSimplifierVisitor::TryMoveNegOnInputsAfterBinop`.
+ * The current code won't perform the previous optimization. The
+ * transformations do not look at other uses of their inputs. As they don't
+ * know what will happen with other uses, they do not take the risk of
+ * increasing the register pressure by creating or extending live ranges.
+ */
+ // CHECK-START: int Main.AddNegs2(int, int) instruction_simplifier (before)
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Arg1:i\d+]] ParameterValue
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Arg2:i\d+]] ParameterValue
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Neg1:i\d+]] Neg [ [[Arg1]] ]
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Neg2:i\d+]] Neg [ [[Arg2]] ]
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Add1:i\d+]] Add [ [[Neg1]] [[Neg2]] ]
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Add2:i\d+]] Add [ [[Neg1]] [[Neg2]] ]
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Or:i\d+]] Or [ [[Add1]] [[Add2]] ]
+ // CHECK-DAG: Return [ [[Or]] ]
+ // CHECK-START: int Main.AddNegs2(int, int) instruction_simplifier (after)
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Arg1:i\d+]] ParameterValue
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Arg2:i\d+]] ParameterValue
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Neg1:i\d+]] Neg [ [[Arg1]] ]
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Neg2:i\d+]] Neg [ [[Arg2]] ]
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Add1:i\d+]] Add [ [[Neg1]] [[Neg2]] ]
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Add2:i\d+]] Add [ [[Neg1]] [[Neg2]] ]
+ // CHECK-NOT: Neg
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Or:i\d+]] Or [ [[Add1]] [[Add2]] ]
+ // CHECK-DAG: Return [ [[Or]] ]
+ public static int AddNegs2(int arg1, int arg2) {
+ int temp1 = -arg1;
+ int temp2 = -arg2;
+ return (temp1 + temp2) | (temp1 + temp2);
+ }
+ /**
+ * This follows test-cases AddNegs1 and AddNegs2.
+ * The transformation tested is implemented in
+ * `InstructionSimplifierVisitor::TryMoveNegOnInputsAfterBinop`.
+ * The optimization should not happen if it moves an additional instruction in
+ * the loop.
+ */
+ // CHECK-START: long Main.AddNegs3(long, long) instruction_simplifier (before)
+ // -------------- Arguments and initial negation operations.
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Arg1:j\d+]] ParameterValue
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Arg2:j\d+]] ParameterValue
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Neg1:j\d+]] Neg [ [[Arg1]] ]
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Neg2:j\d+]] Neg [ [[Arg2]] ]
+ // CHECK: Goto
+ // -------------- Loop
+ // CHECK: SuspendCheck
+ // CHECK: [[Add:j\d+]] Add [ [[Neg1]] [[Neg2]] ]
+ // CHECK: Goto
+ // CHECK-START: long Main.AddNegs3(long, long) instruction_simplifier (after)
+ // -------------- Arguments and initial negation operations.
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Arg1:j\d+]] ParameterValue
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Arg2:j\d+]] ParameterValue
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Neg1:j\d+]] Neg [ [[Arg1]] ]
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Neg2:j\d+]] Neg [ [[Arg2]] ]
+ // CHECK: Goto
+ // -------------- Loop
+ // CHECK: SuspendCheck
+ // CHECK: [[Add:j\d+]] Add [ [[Neg1]] [[Neg2]] ]
+ // CHECK-NOT: Neg
+ // CHECK: Goto
+ public static long AddNegs3(long arg1, long arg2) {
+ long res = 0;
+ long n_arg1 = -arg1;
+ long n_arg2 = -arg2;
+ for (long i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
+ res += n_arg1 + n_arg2 + i;
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test the simplification of an addition with a negated argument into a
+ * subtraction.
+ * The transformation tested is implemented in `InstructionSimplifierVisitor::VisitAdd`.
+ */
+ // CHECK-START: long Main.AddNeg1(long, long) instruction_simplifier (before)
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Arg1:j\d+]] ParameterValue
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Arg2:j\d+]] ParameterValue
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Neg:j\d+]] Neg [ [[Arg1]] ]
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Add:j\d+]] Add [ [[Neg]] [[Arg2]] ]
+ // CHECK-DAG: Return [ [[Add]] ]
+ // CHECK-START: long Main.AddNeg1(long, long) instruction_simplifier (after)
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Arg1:j\d+]] ParameterValue
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Arg2:j\d+]] ParameterValue
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Sub:j\d+]] Sub [ [[Arg2]] [[Arg1]] ]
+ // CHECK-DAG: Return [ [[Sub]] ]
+ // CHECK-START: long Main.AddNeg1(long, long) instruction_simplifier (after)
+ // CHECK-NOT: Neg
+ // CHECK-NOT: Add
+ public static long AddNeg1(long arg1, long arg2) {
+ return -arg1 + arg2;
+ }
+ /**
+ * This is similar to the test-case AddNeg1, but the negation has two uses.
+ * The transformation tested is implemented in `InstructionSimplifierVisitor::VisitAdd`.
+ * The current code won't perform the previous optimization. The
+ * transformations do not look at other uses of their inputs. As they don't
+ * know what will happen with other uses, they do not take the risk of
+ * increasing the register pressure by creating or extending live ranges.
+ */
+ // CHECK-START: long Main.AddNeg2(long, long) instruction_simplifier (before)
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Arg1:j\d+]] ParameterValue
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Arg2:j\d+]] ParameterValue
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Neg:j\d+]] Neg [ [[Arg2]] ]
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Add1:j\d+]] Add [ [[Arg1]] [[Neg]] ]
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Add2:j\d+]] Add [ [[Arg1]] [[Neg]] ]
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Res:j\d+]] Or [ [[Add1]] [[Add2]] ]
+ // CHECK-DAG: Return [ [[Res]] ]
+ // CHECK-START: long Main.AddNeg2(long, long) instruction_simplifier (after)
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Arg1:j\d+]] ParameterValue
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Arg2:j\d+]] ParameterValue
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Neg:j\d+]] Neg [ [[Arg2]] ]
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Add1:j\d+]] Add [ [[Arg1]] [[Neg]] ]
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Add2:j\d+]] Add [ [[Arg1]] [[Neg]] ]
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Res:j\d+]] Or [ [[Add1]] [[Add2]] ]
+ // CHECK-DAG: Return [ [[Res]] ]
+ // CHECK-START: long Main.AddNeg2(long, long) instruction_simplifier (after)
+ // CHECK-NOT: Sub
+ public static long AddNeg2(long arg1, long arg2) {
+ long temp = -arg2;
+ return (arg1 + temp) | (arg1 + temp);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test simplification of the `-(-var)` pattern.
+ * The transformation tested is implemented in `InstructionSimplifierVisitor::VisitNeg`.
+ */
+ // CHECK-START: long Main.NegNeg1(long) instruction_simplifier (before)
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Arg:j\d+]] ParameterValue
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Neg1:j\d+]] Neg [ [[Arg]] ]
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Neg2:j\d+]] Neg [ [[Neg1]] ]
+ // CHECK-DAG: Return [ [[Neg2]] ]
+ // CHECK-START: long Main.NegNeg1(long) instruction_simplifier (after)
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Arg:j\d+]] ParameterValue
+ // CHECK-DAG: Return [ [[Arg]] ]
+ // CHECK-START: long Main.NegNeg1(long) instruction_simplifier (after)
+ // CHECK-NOT: Neg
+ public static long NegNeg1(long arg) {
+ return -(-arg);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test 'multi-step' simplification, where a first transformation yields a
+ * new simplification possibility for the current instruction.
+ * The transformations tested are implemented in `InstructionSimplifierVisitor::VisitNeg`
+ * and in `InstructionSimplifierVisitor::VisitAdd`.
+ */
+ // CHECK-START: int Main.NegNeg2(int) instruction_simplifier (before)
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Arg:i\d+]] ParameterValue
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Neg1:i\d+]] Neg [ [[Arg]] ]
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Neg2:i\d+]] Neg [ [[Neg1]] ]
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Add:i\d+]] Add [ [[Neg1]] [[Neg2]] ]
+ // CHECK-DAG: Return [ [[Add]] ]
+ // CHECK-START: int Main.NegNeg2(int) instruction_simplifier (after)
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Arg:i\d+]] ParameterValue
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Sub:i\d+]] Sub [ [[Arg]] [[Arg]] ]
+ // CHECK-DAG: Return [ [[Sub]] ]
+ // CHECK-START: int Main.NegNeg2(int) instruction_simplifier (after)
+ // CHECK-NOT: Neg
+ // CHECK-NOT: Add
+ public static int NegNeg2(int arg) {
+ int temp = -arg;
+ return temp + -temp;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test another 'multi-step' simplification, where a first transformation
+ * yields a new simplification possibility for the current instruction.
+ * The transformations tested are implemented in `InstructionSimplifierVisitor::VisitNeg`
+ * and in `InstructionSimplifierVisitor::VisitSub`.
+ */
+ // CHECK-START: long Main.NegNeg3(long) instruction_simplifier (before)
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Arg:j\d+]] ParameterValue
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Const0:j\d+]] LongConstant 0
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Neg:j\d+]] Neg [ [[Arg]] ]
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Sub:j\d+]] Sub [ [[Const0]] [[Neg]] ]
+ // CHECK-DAG: Return [ [[Sub]] ]
+ // CHECK-START: long Main.NegNeg3(long) instruction_simplifier (after)
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Arg:j\d+]] ParameterValue
+ // CHECK-DAG: Return [ [[Arg]] ]
+ // CHECK-START: long Main.NegNeg3(long) instruction_simplifier (after)
+ // CHECK-NOT: Neg
+ // CHECK-NOT: Sub
+ public static long NegNeg3(long arg) {
+ return 0 - -arg;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test that a negated subtraction is simplified to a subtraction with its
+ * arguments reversed.
+ * The transformation tested is implemented in `InstructionSimplifierVisitor::VisitNeg`.
+ */
+ // CHECK-START: int Main.NegSub1(int, int) instruction_simplifier (before)
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Arg1:i\d+]] ParameterValue
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Arg2:i\d+]] ParameterValue
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Sub:i\d+]] Sub [ [[Arg1]] [[Arg2]] ]
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Neg:i\d+]] Neg [ [[Sub]] ]
+ // CHECK-DAG: Return [ [[Neg]] ]
+ // CHECK-START: int Main.NegSub1(int, int) instruction_simplifier (after)
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Arg1:i\d+]] ParameterValue
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Arg2:i\d+]] ParameterValue
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Sub:i\d+]] Sub [ [[Arg2]] [[Arg1]] ]
+ // CHECK-DAG: Return [ [[Sub]] ]
+ // CHECK-START: int Main.NegSub1(int, int) instruction_simplifier (after)
+ // CHECK-NOT: Neg
+ public static int NegSub1(int arg1, int arg2) {
+ return -(arg1 - arg2);
+ }
+ /**
+ * This is similar to the test-case NegSub1, but the subtraction has
+ * multiple uses.
+ * The transformation tested is implemented in `InstructionSimplifierVisitor::VisitNeg`.
+ * The current code won't perform the previous optimization. The
+ * transformations do not look at other uses of their inputs. As they don't
+ * know what will happen with other uses, they do not take the risk of
+ * increasing the register pressure by creating or extending live ranges.
+ */
+ // CHECK-START: int Main.NegSub2(int, int) instruction_simplifier (before)
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Arg1:i\d+]] ParameterValue
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Arg2:i\d+]] ParameterValue
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Sub:i\d+]] Sub [ [[Arg1]] [[Arg2]] ]
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Neg1:i\d+]] Neg [ [[Sub]] ]
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Neg2:i\d+]] Neg [ [[Sub]] ]
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Or:i\d+]] Or [ [[Neg1]] [[Neg2]] ]
+ // CHECK-DAG: Return [ [[Or]] ]
+ // CHECK-START: int Main.NegSub2(int, int) instruction_simplifier (after)
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Arg1:i\d+]] ParameterValue
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Arg2:i\d+]] ParameterValue
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Sub:i\d+]] Sub [ [[Arg1]] [[Arg2]] ]
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Neg1:i\d+]] Neg [ [[Sub]] ]
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Neg2:i\d+]] Neg [ [[Sub]] ]
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Or:i\d+]] Or [ [[Neg1]] [[Neg2]] ]
+ // CHECK-DAG: Return [ [[Or]] ]
+ public static int NegSub2(int arg1, int arg2) {
+ int temp = arg1 - arg2;
+ return -temp | -temp;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test simplification of the `~~var` pattern.
+ * The transformation tested is implemented in `InstructionSimplifierVisitor::VisitNot`.
+ */
+ // CHECK-START: long Main.NotNot1(long) instruction_simplifier (before)
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Arg:j\d+]] ParameterValue
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[ConstF1:j\d+]] LongConstant -1
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Xor1:j\d+]] Xor [ [[Arg]] [[ConstF1]] ]
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Xor2:j\d+]] Xor [ [[Xor1]] [[ConstF1]] ]
+ // CHECK-DAG: Return [ [[Xor2]] ]
+ // CHECK-START: long Main.NotNot1(long) instruction_simplifier (after)
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Arg:j\d+]] ParameterValue
+ // CHECK-DAG: Return [ [[Arg]] ]
+ // CHECK-START: long Main.NotNot1(long) instruction_simplifier (after)
+ // CHECK-NOT: Xor
+ public static long NotNot1(long arg) {
+ return ~~arg;
+ }
+ // CHECK-START: int Main.NotNot2(int) instruction_simplifier (before)
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Arg:i\d+]] ParameterValue
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[ConstF1:i\d+]] IntConstant -1
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Xor1:i\d+]] Xor [ [[Arg]] [[ConstF1]] ]
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Xor2:i\d+]] Xor [ [[Xor1]] [[ConstF1]] ]
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Add:i\d+]] Add [ [[Xor1]] [[Xor2]] ]
+ // CHECK-DAG: Return [ [[Add]] ]
+ // CHECK-START: int Main.NotNot2(int) instruction_simplifier (after)
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Arg:i\d+]] ParameterValue
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Not:i\d+]] Not [ [[Arg]] ]
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Add:i\d+]] Add [ [[Not]] [[Arg]] ]
+ // CHECK-DAG: Return [ [[Add]] ]
+ // CHECK-START: int Main.NotNot2(int) instruction_simplifier (after)
+ // CHECK-NOT: Xor
+ public static int NotNot2(int arg) {
+ int temp = ~arg;
+ return temp + ~temp;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test the simplification of a subtraction with a negated argument.
+ * The transformation tested is implemented in `InstructionSimplifierVisitor::VisitSub`.
+ */
+ // CHECK-START: int Main.SubNeg1(int, int) instruction_simplifier (before)
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Arg1:i\d+]] ParameterValue
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Arg2:i\d+]] ParameterValue
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Neg:i\d+]] Neg [ [[Arg1]] ]
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Sub:i\d+]] Sub [ [[Neg]] [[Arg2]] ]
+ // CHECK-DAG: Return [ [[Sub]] ]
+ // CHECK-START: int Main.SubNeg1(int, int) instruction_simplifier (after)
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Arg1:i\d+]] ParameterValue
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Arg2:i\d+]] ParameterValue
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Add:i\d+]] Add [ [[Arg1]] [[Arg2]] ]
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Neg:i\d+]] Neg [ [[Add]] ]
+ // CHECK-DAG: Return [ [[Neg]] ]
+ // CHECK-START: int Main.SubNeg1(int, int) instruction_simplifier (after)
+ // CHECK-NOT: Sub
+ public static int SubNeg1(int arg1, int arg2) {
+ return -arg1 - arg2;
+ }
+ /**
+ * This is similar to the test-case SubNeg1, but the negation has
+ * multiple uses.
+ * The transformation tested is implemented in `InstructionSimplifierVisitor::VisitSub`.
+ * The current code won't perform the previous optimization. The
+ * transformations do not look at other uses of their inputs. As they don't
+ * know what will happen with other uses, they do not take the risk of
+ * increasing the register pressure by creating or extending live ranges.
+ */
+ // CHECK-START: int Main.SubNeg2(int, int) instruction_simplifier (before)
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Arg1:i\d+]] ParameterValue
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Arg2:i\d+]] ParameterValue
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Neg:i\d+]] Neg [ [[Arg1]] ]
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Sub1:i\d+]] Sub [ [[Neg]] [[Arg2]] ]
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Sub2:i\d+]] Sub [ [[Neg]] [[Arg2]] ]
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Or:i\d+]] Or [ [[Sub1]] [[Sub2]] ]
+ // CHECK-DAG: Return [ [[Or]] ]
+ // CHECK-START: int Main.SubNeg2(int, int) instruction_simplifier (after)
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Arg1:i\d+]] ParameterValue
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Arg2:i\d+]] ParameterValue
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Neg:i\d+]] Neg [ [[Arg1]] ]
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Sub1:i\d+]] Sub [ [[Neg]] [[Arg2]] ]
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Sub2:i\d+]] Sub [ [[Neg]] [[Arg2]] ]
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Or:i\d+]] Or [ [[Sub1]] [[Sub2]] ]
+ // CHECK-DAG: Return [ [[Or]] ]
+ // CHECK-START: int Main.SubNeg2(int, int) instruction_simplifier (after)
+ // CHECK-NOT: Add
+ public static int SubNeg2(int arg1, int arg2) {
+ int temp = -arg1;
+ return (temp - arg2) | (temp - arg2);
+ }
+ /**
+ * This follows test-cases SubNeg1 and SubNeg2.
+ * The transformation tested is implemented in `InstructionSimplifierVisitor::VisitSub`.
+ * The optimization should not happen if it moves an additional instruction in
+ * the loop.
+ */
+ // CHECK-START: long Main.SubNeg3(long, long) instruction_simplifier (before)
+ // -------------- Arguments and initial negation operation.
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Arg1:j\d+]] ParameterValue
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Arg2:j\d+]] ParameterValue
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Neg:j\d+]] Neg [ [[Arg1]] ]
+ // CHECK: Goto
+ // -------------- Loop
+ // CHECK: SuspendCheck
+ // CHECK: [[Sub:j\d+]] Sub [ [[Neg]] [[Arg2]] ]
+ // CHECK: Goto
+ // CHECK-START: long Main.SubNeg3(long, long) instruction_simplifier (after)
+ // -------------- Arguments and initial negation operation.
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Arg1:j\d+]] ParameterValue
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Arg2:j\d+]] ParameterValue
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[Neg:j\d+]] Neg [ [[Arg1]] ]
+ // CHECK-DAG: Goto
+ // -------------- Loop
+ // CHECK: SuspendCheck
+ // CHECK: [[Sub:j\d+]] Sub [ [[Neg]] [[Arg2]] ]
+ // CHECK-NOT: Neg
+ // CHECK: Goto
+ public static long SubNeg3(long arg1, long arg2) {
+ long res = 0;
+ long temp = -arg1;
+ for (long i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
+ res += temp - arg2 - i;
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
public static void main(String[] args) {
int arg = 123456;
@@ -296,5 +779,20 @@
assertLongEquals(UShr0(arg), arg);
assertIntEquals(Xor0(arg), arg);
assertIntEquals(XorAllOnes(arg), ~arg);
+ assertIntEquals(AddNegs1(arg, arg + 1), -(arg + arg + 1));
+ assertIntEquals(AddNegs2(arg, arg + 1), -(arg + arg + 1));
+ assertLongEquals(AddNegs3(arg, arg + 1), -(2 * arg + 1));
+ assertLongEquals(AddNeg1(arg, arg + 1), 1);
+ assertLongEquals(AddNeg2(arg, arg + 1), -1);
+ assertLongEquals(NegNeg1(arg), arg);
+ assertIntEquals(NegNeg2(arg), 0);
+ assertLongEquals(NegNeg3(arg), arg);
+ assertIntEquals(NegSub1(arg, arg + 1), 1);
+ assertIntEquals(NegSub2(arg, arg + 1), 1);
+ assertLongEquals(NotNot1(arg), arg);
+ assertIntEquals(NotNot2(arg), -1);
+ assertIntEquals(SubNeg1(arg, arg + 1), -(arg + arg + 1));
+ assertIntEquals(SubNeg2(arg, arg + 1), -(arg + arg + 1));
+ assertLongEquals(SubNeg3(arg, arg + 1), -(2 * arg + 1));