Delta-encoding of mapping tables.

Both PC offsets and dalvik offsets are delta-encoded. Since
PC offsets are increasing, the deltas are then compressed as
unsigned LEB128. Dalvik offsets are not monotonic, so their
deltas are compressed as signed LEB128.

This reduces the size of the mapping tables by about 30%
on average, 25% from the PC offset and 5% from the dalvik
offset delta encoding.

Bug: 9437697
Change-Id: I600ab9c22dec178088d4947a811cca3bc8bd4cf4
diff --git a/compiler/dex/quick/ b/compiler/dex/quick/
index 4bc0b35..92b24e1 100644
--- a/compiler/dex/quick/
+++ b/compiler/dex/quick/
@@ -556,12 +556,34 @@
 void Mir2Lir::CreateMappingTables() {
+  uint32_t pc2dex_data_size = 0u;
+  uint32_t pc2dex_entries = 0u;
+  uint32_t pc2dex_offset = 0u;
+  uint32_t pc2dex_dalvik_offset = 0u;
+  uint32_t dex2pc_data_size = 0u;
+  uint32_t dex2pc_entries = 0u;
+  uint32_t dex2pc_offset = 0u;
+  uint32_t dex2pc_dalvik_offset = 0u;
   for (LIR* tgt_lir = first_lir_insn_; tgt_lir != NULL; tgt_lir = NEXT_LIR(tgt_lir)) {
     if (!tgt_lir->flags.is_nop && (tgt_lir->opcode == kPseudoSafepointPC)) {
+      pc2dex_entries += 1;
+      DCHECK(pc2dex_offset <= tgt_lir->offset);
+      pc2dex_data_size += UnsignedLeb128Size(tgt_lir->offset - pc2dex_offset);
+      pc2dex_data_size += SignedLeb128Size(static_cast<int32_t>(tgt_lir->dalvik_offset) -
+                                           static_cast<int32_t>(pc2dex_dalvik_offset));
+      pc2dex_offset = tgt_lir->offset;
+      pc2dex_dalvik_offset = tgt_lir->dalvik_offset;
     if (!tgt_lir->flags.is_nop && (tgt_lir->opcode == kPseudoExportedPC)) {
+      dex2pc_entries += 1;
+      DCHECK(dex2pc_offset <= tgt_lir->offset);
+      dex2pc_data_size += UnsignedLeb128Size(tgt_lir->offset - dex2pc_offset);
+      dex2pc_data_size += SignedLeb128Size(static_cast<int32_t>(tgt_lir->dalvik_offset) -
+                                           static_cast<int32_t>(dex2pc_dalvik_offset));
+      dex2pc_offset = tgt_lir->offset;
+      dex2pc_dalvik_offset = tgt_lir->dalvik_offset;
@@ -569,32 +591,57 @@
   if (kIsDebugBuild) {
-  CHECK_EQ(pc2dex_mapping_table_.size() & 1, 0U);
-  CHECK_EQ(dex2pc_mapping_table_.size() & 1, 0U);
-  uint32_t total_entries = (pc2dex_mapping_table_.size() + dex2pc_mapping_table_.size()) / 2;
-  uint32_t pc2dex_entries = pc2dex_mapping_table_.size() / 2;
-  encoded_mapping_table_.PushBack(total_entries);
-  encoded_mapping_table_.PushBack(pc2dex_entries);
-  encoded_mapping_table_.InsertBack(pc2dex_mapping_table_.begin(), pc2dex_mapping_table_.end());
-  encoded_mapping_table_.InsertBack(dex2pc_mapping_table_.begin(), dex2pc_mapping_table_.end());
+  DCHECK_EQ(pc2dex_mapping_table_.size(), 2u * pc2dex_entries);
+  DCHECK_EQ(dex2pc_mapping_table_.size(), 2u * dex2pc_entries);
+  uint32_t total_entries = pc2dex_entries + dex2pc_entries;
+  uint32_t hdr_data_size = UnsignedLeb128Size(total_entries) + UnsignedLeb128Size(pc2dex_entries);
+  uint32_t data_size = hdr_data_size + pc2dex_data_size + dex2pc_data_size;
+  encoded_mapping_table_.Reserve(data_size);
+  encoded_mapping_table_.PushBackUnsigned(total_entries);
+  encoded_mapping_table_.PushBackUnsigned(pc2dex_entries);
+  dex2pc_offset = 0u;
+  dex2pc_dalvik_offset = 0u;
+  pc2dex_offset = 0u;
+  pc2dex_dalvik_offset = 0u;
+  for (uint32_t i = 0; i != pc2dex_entries; ++i) {
+    encoded_mapping_table_.PushBackUnsigned(pc2dex_mapping_table_[2 * i] - pc2dex_offset);
+    encoded_mapping_table_.PushBackSigned(static_cast<int32_t>(pc2dex_mapping_table_[2 * i + 1]) -
+                                          static_cast<int32_t>(pc2dex_dalvik_offset));
+    pc2dex_offset = pc2dex_mapping_table_[2 * i];
+    pc2dex_dalvik_offset = pc2dex_mapping_table_[2 * i + 1];
+  }
+  DCHECK(encoded_mapping_table_.GetData().size() == hdr_data_size + pc2dex_data_size);
+  for (uint32_t i = 0; i != dex2pc_entries; ++i) {
+    encoded_mapping_table_.PushBackUnsigned(dex2pc_mapping_table_[2 * i] - dex2pc_offset);
+    encoded_mapping_table_.PushBackSigned(static_cast<int32_t>(dex2pc_mapping_table_[2 * i + 1]) -
+                                          static_cast<int32_t>(dex2pc_dalvik_offset));
+    dex2pc_offset = dex2pc_mapping_table_[2 * i];
+    dex2pc_dalvik_offset = dex2pc_mapping_table_[2 * i + 1];
+  }
+  DCHECK(encoded_mapping_table_.GetData().size() == data_size);
   if (kIsDebugBuild) {
     // Verify the encoded table holds the expected data.
     MappingTable table(&encoded_mapping_table_.GetData()[0]);
     CHECK_EQ(table.TotalSize(), total_entries);
     CHECK_EQ(table.PcToDexSize(), pc2dex_entries);
     CHECK_EQ(table.DexToPcSize(), dex2pc_mapping_table_.size() / 2);
-    MappingTable::PcToDexIterator it = table.PcToDexBegin();
+    auto it = table.PcToDexBegin();
     for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pc2dex_mapping_table_.size(); ++i, ++it) {
       CHECK_EQ(, it.NativePcOffset());
       CHECK_EQ(, it.DexPc());
-    MappingTable::DexToPcIterator it2 = table.DexToPcBegin();
+    CHECK(it == table.PcToDexEnd());
+    auto it2 = table.DexToPcBegin();
     for (uint32_t i = 0; i < dex2pc_mapping_table_.size(); ++i, ++it2) {
       CHECK_EQ(, it2.NativePcOffset());
       CHECK_EQ(, it2.DexPc());
+    CHECK(it2 == table.DexToPcEnd());
@@ -986,11 +1033,11 @@
   for (uint32_t i = 0; i < fp_vmap_table_.size(); i++) {
-  UnsignedLeb128EncodingVector vmap_encoder;
+  Leb128EncodingVector vmap_encoder;
   // Prefix the encoded data with its size.
-  vmap_encoder.PushBack(raw_vmap_table.size());
+  vmap_encoder.PushBackUnsigned(raw_vmap_table.size());
   for (uint16_t cur : raw_vmap_table) {
-    vmap_encoder.PushBack(cur);
+    vmap_encoder.PushBackUnsigned(cur);
   CompiledMethod* result =
       new CompiledMethod(*cu_->compiler_driver, cu_->instruction_set, code_buffer_, frame_size_,