Fill in empty iftable early

Previously it would not get filled in and remain null for some
erroneous classes. This caused crashes for things like

Added regression test (sample failure):
class_linker_test F 12-15 14:20:09 28771 28771 class-inl.h:532] Check failed: ret != nullptr java.lang.Class<Erroneous>

Bug: 33650297
Bug: 33642884

Test: test-art-host

Change-Id: I506210bad17d6d2c58ca7870165f8a4a514f64fe
diff --git a/runtime/ b/runtime/
index 6565f6b..a66479b 100644
--- a/runtime/
+++ b/runtime/
@@ -2663,6 +2663,8 @@
   ObjectLock<mirror::Class> lock(self, klass);
+  // Make sure we have a valid empty iftable even if there are errors.
+  klass->SetIfTable(GetClassRoot(kJavaLangObject)->GetIfTable());
   // Add the newly loaded class to the loaded classes table.
   ObjPtr<mirror::Class> existing = InsertClass(descriptor, klass.Get(), hash);