Reland^2 "ART: Rewrite compiled code check in FaultHandler."

This reverts commit 0110e952e488bc41429f6f33f36e8884f41a26d8.

Reason for revert: Reland with a fix: Release the
mutator lock before requesting an empty checkpoint.

Test: m test-art-host-gtest
Test: --host --optimizing --jit
Test: --target --optimizing
Bug: 38383823
Change-Id: Idf82d3b77465453b8e70b40e32af193f266b357b
diff --git a/runtime/ b/runtime/
index 8f247ec..ed87669 100644
--- a/runtime/
+++ b/runtime/
@@ -3919,7 +3919,8 @@
   std::string dex_file_location = dex_file.GetLocation();
   // The following paths checks don't work on preopt when using boot dex files, where the dex
   // cache location is the one on device, and the dex_file's location is the one on host.
-  if (!(Runtime::Current()->IsAotCompiler() && class_loader == nullptr && !kIsTargetBuild)) {
+  Runtime* runtime = Runtime::Current();
+  if (!(runtime->IsAotCompiler() && class_loader == nullptr && !kIsTargetBuild)) {
     CHECK_GE(dex_file_location.length(), dex_cache_length)
         << dex_cache_location << " " << dex_file.GetLocation();
     const std::string dex_file_suffix = dex_file_location.substr(
@@ -3931,7 +3932,7 @@
   // Check if we need to initialize OatFile data ( and .bss
-  // sections) needed for code execution.
+  // sections) needed for code execution and register the oat code range.
   const OatFile* oat_file =
       (dex_file.GetOatDexFile() != nullptr) ? dex_file.GetOatDexFile()->GetOatFile() : nullptr;
   bool initialize_oat_file_data = (oat_file != nullptr) && oat_file->IsExecutable();
@@ -3947,6 +3948,13 @@
   if (initialize_oat_file_data) {
+    // Notify the fault handler about the new executable code range if needed.
+    size_t exec_offset = oat_file->GetOatHeader().GetExecutableOffset();
+    DCHECK_LE(exec_offset, oat_file->Size());
+    size_t exec_size = oat_file->Size() - exec_offset;
+    if (exec_size != 0u) {
+      runtime->AddGeneratedCodeRange(oat_file->Begin() + exec_offset, exec_size);
+    }
   // Let hiddenapi assign a domain to the newly registered dex file.
@@ -10330,16 +10338,23 @@
+  std::set<const OatFile*> unregistered_oat_files;
   if (!to_delete.empty()) {
     JavaVMExt* vm = self->GetJniEnv()->GetVm();
     WriterMutexLock mu(self, *Locks::dex_lock_);
     for (auto it = dex_caches_.begin(), end = dex_caches_.end(); it != end; ) {
+      const DexFile* dex_file = it->first;
       const DexCacheData& data = it->second;
       if (self->DecodeJObject(data.weak_root) == nullptr) {
         DCHECK(to_delete.end() != std::find_if(
             [&](const ClassLoaderData& cld) { return cld.class_table == data.class_table; }));
+        if (dex_file->GetOatDexFile() != nullptr &&
+            dex_file->GetOatDexFile()->GetOatFile() != nullptr &&
+            dex_file->GetOatDexFile()->GetOatFile()->IsExecutable()) {
+          unregistered_oat_files.insert(dex_file->GetOatDexFile()->GetOatFile());
+        }
         vm->DeleteWeakGlobalRef(self, data.weak_root);
         it = dex_caches_.erase(it);
       } else {
@@ -10347,10 +10362,24 @@
-  ScopedDebugDisallowReadBarriers sddrb(self);
-  for (ClassLoaderData& data : to_delete) {
-    // CHA unloading analysis and SingleImplementaion cleanups are required.
-    DeleteClassLoader(self, data, /*cleanup_cha=*/ true);
+  {
+    ScopedDebugDisallowReadBarriers sddrb(self);
+    for (ClassLoaderData& data : to_delete) {
+      // CHA unloading analysis and SingleImplementaion cleanups are required.
+      DeleteClassLoader(self, data, /*cleanup_cha=*/ true);
+    }
+  }
+  if (!unregistered_oat_files.empty()) {
+    for (const OatFile* oat_file : unregistered_oat_files) {
+      // Notify the fault handler about removal of the executable code range if needed.
+      DCHECK(oat_file->IsExecutable());
+      size_t exec_offset = oat_file->GetOatHeader().GetExecutableOffset();
+      DCHECK_LE(exec_offset, oat_file->Size());
+      size_t exec_size = oat_file->Size() - exec_offset;
+      if (exec_size != 0u) {
+        Runtime::Current()->RemoveGeneratedCodeRange(oat_file->Begin() + exec_offset, exec_size);
+      }
+    }