Unify naming of buildbot commands

Rename buildbot scripts so they all begin with the prefix "buildbot-"
as this lets autocomplete make life easy for you when working with
device tests from the command line.

Temporarily add symlinks for keep other infra working until that is
updated too.

Test: manual
Change-Id: I5c14448ca4ce36eff7fa3ee149cee7f822e0ca86
diff --git a/tools/buildbot-teardown-device.sh b/tools/buildbot-teardown-device.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e067a70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/buildbot-teardown-device.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# This script undoes (most of) the work done by tools/buildbot-setup-device.sh.
+# Make sure to keep these files in sync.
+if [ -t 1 ]; then
+  # Color sequences if terminal is a tty.
+  green='\033[0;32m'
+  nc='\033[0m'
+# Setup as root, as some actions performed here require it.
+adb root
+adb wait-for-device
+if [[ -n "$ART_TEST_CHROOT" ]]; then
+  # Check that ART_TEST_CHROOT is correctly defined.
+  [[ "x$ART_TEST_CHROOT" = x/* ]] || { echo "$ART_TEST_CHROOT is not an absolute path"; exit 1; }
+  if adb shell test -d "$ART_TEST_CHROOT"; then
+    # Display users of the chroot dir.
+    echo -e "${green}List open files under chroot dir $ART_TEST_CHROOT${nc}"
+    adb shell lsof | grep "$ART_TEST_CHROOT"
+    # for_all_chroot_process ACTION
+    # -----------------------------
+    # Execute ACTION on all processes running from binaries located
+    # under the chroot directory. ACTION is passed two arguments: the
+    # PID of the process, and a string containing the command line
+    # that started this process.
+    for_all_chroot_process() {
+      local action=$1
+      adb shell ls -ld "/proc/*/root" \
+        | sed -n -e "s,^.* \\(/proc/.*/root\\) -> $ART_TEST_CHROOT\$,\\1,p" \
+        | while read link; do
+            local dir=$(dirname "$link")
+            local pid=$(basename "$dir")
+            local cmdline=$(adb shell cat "$dir"/cmdline | tr '\000' ' ')
+            $action "$pid" "$cmdline"
+          done
+    }
+    # display_process PID CMDLINE
+    # ---------------------------
+    # Display information about process with given PID, that was started with CMDLINE.
+    display_process() {
+      local pid=$1
+      local cmdline=$2
+      echo "$cmdline (PID: $pid)"
+    }
+    echo -e "${green}List processes running from binaries under chroot dir $ART_TEST_CHROOT${nc}"
+    for_all_chroot_process display_process
+    # Tear down the chroot dir.
+    echo -e "${green}Tear down the chroot set up in $ART_TEST_CHROOT${nc}"
+    # remove_filesystem_from_chroot DIR-IN-CHROOT FSTYPE REMOVE-DIR-IN-CHROOT
+    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # Unmount filesystem with type FSTYPE mounted in directory DIR-IN-CHROOT
+    # under the chroot directory.
+    # Remove DIR-IN-CHROOT under the chroot if REMOVE-DIR-IN-CHROOT is
+    # true.
+    remove_filesystem_from_chroot() {
+      local dir_in_chroot=$1
+      local fstype=$2
+      local remove_dir=$3
+      local dir="$ART_TEST_CHROOT/$dir_in_chroot"
+      adb shell test -d "$dir" \
+        && adb shell mount | grep -q "^$fstype on $dir type $fstype " \
+        && if adb shell umount "$dir"; then
+             $remove_dir && adb shell rmdir "$dir"
+           else
+             echo "Files still open in $dir:"
+             adb shell lsof | grep "$dir"
+           fi
+    }
+    # Remove /apex from chroot.
+    adb shell rm -rf "$ART_TEST_CHROOT/apex"
+    # Remove /dev from chroot.
+    remove_filesystem_from_chroot dev tmpfs true
+    # Remove /sys/kernel/debug from chroot.
+    # The /sys/kernel/debug directory under the chroot dir cannot be
+    # deleted, as it is part of the host device's /sys filesystem.
+    remove_filesystem_from_chroot sys/kernel/debug debugfs false
+    # Remove /sys from chroot.
+    remove_filesystem_from_chroot sys sysfs true
+    # Remove /proc from chroot.
+    remove_filesystem_from_chroot proc proc true
+    # Remove /etc from chroot.
+    adb shell rm -f "$ART_TEST_CHROOT/etc"
+    adb shell rm -rf "$ART_TEST_CHROOT/system/etc"
+    # Remove directories used for ART testing in chroot.
+    adb shell rm -rf "$ART_TEST_CHROOT/data/local/tmp"
+    adb shell rm -rf "$ART_TEST_CHROOT/data/dalvik-cache"
+    adb shell rm -rf "$ART_TEST_CHROOT/tmp"
+    # Remove property_contexts file(s) from chroot.
+    property_context_files="/property_contexts \
+      /system/etc/selinux/plat_property_contexts \
+      /vendor/etc/selinux/nonplat_property_context \
+      /plat_property_contexts \
+      /nonplat_property_contexts"
+    for f in $property_context_files; do
+      adb shell rm -f "$ART_TEST_CHROOT$f"
+    done
+    # Kill processes still running in the chroot.
+    # kill_process PID CMDLINE
+    # ------------------------
+    # Kill process with given PID, that was started with CMDLINE.
+    kill_process() {
+      local pid=$1
+      local cmdline=$2
+      echo "Killing $cmdline (PID: $pid)"
+      adb shell kill -9 "$pid"
+    }
+    echo -e "${green}Kill processes still running from binaries under" \
+      "chroot dir $ART_TEST_CHROOT (if any)${nc} "
+    for_all_chroot_process kill_process
+  fi