jni: Do not create a managed frame for @CriticalNative.
Omit managed frame for @CriticalNative methods, do not check
for exceptions and and make a tail call when possible.
Pass the method pointer in a hidden argument to prepare for
implementing late binding for @CriticalNative methods.
This changes only the JNI compiler, Generic JNI shall be
updated in a separate change.
Performance improvements reported by Golem (art-opt-cc):
x86 x86-64 arm arm64
NativeDowncallStaticCritical6 +17% +50% +88% +139%
NativeDowncallStaticCritical +37% +32% +103% +216%
Test: m test-art-host-gtest
Test: testrunner.py --host --optimizing
Test: aosp_taimen-userdebug boots.
Test: run-gtests.sh
Test: testrunner.py --target --optimizing
Bug: 112189621
Change-Id: I5758c8f478627f2eee8f615b4537a907c211b9f8
diff --git a/compiler/jni/quick/calling_convention.h b/compiler/jni/quick/calling_convention.h
index 77a5d59..3d4cefe 100644
--- a/compiler/jni/quick/calling_convention.h
+++ b/compiler/jni/quick/calling_convention.h
@@ -49,12 +49,7 @@
// Register that holds result of this method invocation.
virtual ManagedRegister ReturnRegister() = 0;
// Register reserved for scratch usage during procedure calls.
- virtual ManagedRegister InterproceduralScratchRegister() = 0;
- // Offset of Method within the frame.
- FrameOffset MethodStackOffset() {
- return displacement_;
- }
+ virtual ManagedRegister InterproceduralScratchRegister() const = 0;
// Iterator interface
@@ -70,6 +65,14 @@
itr_float_and_doubles_ = 0;
+ FrameOffset GetDisplacement() const {
+ return displacement_;
+ }
+ PointerSize GetFramePointerSize() const {
+ return frame_pointer_size_;
+ }
virtual ~CallingConvention() {}
@@ -239,6 +242,11 @@
const char* shorty,
InstructionSet instruction_set);
+ // Offset of Method within the managed frame.
+ FrameOffset MethodStackOffset() {
+ return FrameOffset(0u);
+ }
// Register that holds the incoming method argument
virtual ManagedRegister MethodRegister() = 0;
@@ -296,10 +304,10 @@
// Size of frame excluding space for outgoing args (its assumed Method* is
// always at the bottom of a frame, but this doesn't work for outgoing
// native args). Includes alignment.
- virtual size_t FrameSize() = 0;
+ virtual size_t FrameSize() const = 0;
// Size of outgoing arguments (stack portion), including alignment.
// -- Arguments that are passed via registers are excluded from this size.
- virtual size_t OutArgSize() = 0;
+ virtual size_t OutArgSize() const = 0;
// Number of references in stack indirect reference table
size_t ReferenceCount() const;
// Location where the segment state of the local indirect reference table is saved
@@ -365,6 +373,32 @@
virtual ~JniCallingConvention() {}
+ bool IsCriticalNative() const {
+ return is_critical_native_;
+ }
+ // Does the transition have a method pointer in the stack frame?
+ bool SpillsMethod() const {
+ // Exclude method pointer for @CriticalNative methods for optimization speed.
+ return !IsCriticalNative();
+ }
+ // Hidden argument register, used to pass the method pointer for @CriticalNative call.
+ virtual ManagedRegister HiddenArgumentRegister() const = 0;
+ // Whether to use tail call (used only for @CriticalNative).
+ virtual bool UseTailCall() const = 0;
+ // Whether the return type is small. Used for RequiresSmallResultTypeExtension()
+ // on architectures that require the sign/zero extension.
+ bool HasSmallReturnType() const {
+ Primitive::Type return_type = GetReturnType();
+ return return_type == Primitive::kPrimByte ||
+ return_type == Primitive::kPrimShort ||
+ return_type == Primitive::kPrimBoolean ||
+ return_type == Primitive::kPrimChar;
+ }
// Named iterator positions
enum IteratorPos {
@@ -380,24 +414,41 @@
: CallingConvention(is_static, is_synchronized, shorty, frame_pointer_size),
is_critical_native_(is_critical_native) {}
- // Number of stack slots for outgoing arguments, above which the handle scope is
- // located
- virtual size_t NumberOfOutgoingStackArgs() = 0;
size_t NumberOfExtraArgumentsForJni() const;
// Does the transition have a StackHandleScope?
- bool HasHandleScope() const;
+ bool HasHandleScope() const {
+ // Exclude HandleScope for @CriticalNative methods for optimization speed.
+ return !IsCriticalNative();
+ }
// Does the transition have a local reference segment state?
- bool HasLocalReferenceSegmentState() const;
- // Has a JNIEnv* parameter implicitly?
- bool HasJniEnv() const;
- // Has a 'jclass' parameter implicitly?
- bool HasSelfClass() const;
+ bool HasLocalReferenceSegmentState() const {
+ // Exclude local reference segment states for @CriticalNative methods for optimization speed.
+ return !IsCriticalNative();
+ }
+ // Does the transition back spill the return value in the stack frame?
+ bool SpillsReturnValue() const {
+ // Exclude return value for @CriticalNative methods for optimization speed.
+ return !IsCriticalNative();
+ }
// Are there extra JNI arguments (JNIEnv* and maybe jclass)?
- bool HasExtraArgumentsForJni() const;
+ bool HasExtraArgumentsForJni() const {
+ // @CriticalNative jni implementations exclude both JNIEnv* and the jclass/jobject parameters.
+ return !IsCriticalNative();
+ }
+ // Has a JNIEnv* parameter implicitly?
+ bool HasJniEnv() const {
+ // Exclude "JNIEnv*" parameter for @CriticalNative methods.
+ return HasExtraArgumentsForJni();
+ }
+ // Has a 'jclass' parameter implicitly?
+ bool HasSelfClass() const;
// Returns the position of itr_args_, fixed up by removing the offset of extra JNI arguments.
unsigned int GetIteratorPositionWithinShorty() const;