odrefresh: Report dex2oat result for each stage.

This is the first step to improve odrefresh metrics collection. More CLs
will follow.

After the change, the metrics should tell:
- whether dex2oat is invoked or not
- whether dex2oat crashed or exited with a code

Partially cherry-picked from
commit fa152ba922a6301a10671d4684b75fe8cb2a2330

Bug: 246534524
Test: m test-art-host-gtest-art_runtime_tests
Test: atest ArtGtestsTargetChroot:OdRefreshTest
Merged-In: Id962a6e6a765371d290a836c51059d725c9250f3
Change-Id: I69ddf64552d4f2e51e111a40871890d41c88721d
8 files changed