Move mterp and switch interpreter to tiered JIT.

This is an intermediate step to move ProfilingInfo usage only within the
baseline compiler.

It also makes the system consistent with all intepreters now going to
baseline compilation before optimized.

Bug: 112676029
Change-Id: I8505ca46ede9095683ac3f5f86f0c70335bed633
diff --git a/runtime/jit/ b/runtime/jit/
index 59f1576..a1a96d2 100644
--- a/runtime/jit/
+++ b/runtime/jit/
@@ -1191,25 +1191,8 @@
       // Start polling the liveness of compiled code to prepare for the next full collection.
       if (next_collection_will_be_full) {
-        if (Runtime::Current()->GetJITOptions()->CanCompileBaseline()) {
-          for (ProfilingInfo* info : profiling_infos_) {
-            info->SetBaselineHotnessCount(0);
-          }
-        } else {
-          // Save the entry point of methods we have compiled, and update the entry
-          // point of those methods to the interpreter. If the method is invoked, the
-          // interpreter will update its entry point to the compiled code and call it.
-          for (ProfilingInfo* info : profiling_infos_) {
-            const void* entry_point = info->GetMethod()->GetEntryPointFromQuickCompiledCode();
-            if (!IsInZygoteDataSpace(info) && ContainsPc(entry_point)) {
-              info->SetSavedEntryPoint(entry_point);
-              // Don't call Instrumentation::UpdateMethodsCode(), as it can check the declaring
-              // class of the method. We may be concurrently running a GC which makes accessing
-              // the class unsafe. We know it is OK to bypass the instrumentation as we've just
-              // checked that the current entry point is JIT compiled code.
-              info->GetMethod()->SetEntryPointFromQuickCompiledCode(GetQuickToInterpreterBridge());
-            }
-          }
+        for (ProfilingInfo* info : profiling_infos_) {
+          info->SetBaselineHotnessCount(0);
         // Change entry points of native methods back to the GenericJNI entrypoint.
@@ -1349,54 +1332,24 @@
     MutexLock mu(self, *Locks::jit_lock_);
-    if (Runtime::Current()->GetJITOptions()->CanCompileBaseline()) {
-      // Update to interpreter the methods that have baseline entrypoints and whose baseline
-      // hotness count is zero.
-      // Note that these methods may be in thread stack or concurrently revived
-      // between. That's OK, as the thread executing it will mark it.
-      for (ProfilingInfo* info : profiling_infos_) {
-        if (info->GetBaselineHotnessCount() == 0) {
-          const void* entry_point = info->GetMethod()->GetEntryPointFromQuickCompiledCode();
-          if (ContainsPc(entry_point)) {
-            OatQuickMethodHeader* method_header =
-                OatQuickMethodHeader::FromEntryPoint(entry_point);
-            if (CodeInfo::IsBaseline(method_header->GetOptimizedCodeInfoPtr())) {
-              info->GetMethod()->SetEntryPointFromQuickCompiledCode(GetQuickToInterpreterBridge());
-            }
+    // Update to interpreter the methods that have baseline entrypoints and whose baseline
+    // hotness count is zero.
+    // Note that these methods may be in thread stack or concurrently revived
+    // between. That's OK, as the thread executing it will mark it.
+    for (ProfilingInfo* info : profiling_infos_) {
+      if (info->GetBaselineHotnessCount() == 0) {
+        const void* entry_point = info->GetMethod()->GetEntryPointFromQuickCompiledCode();
+        if (ContainsPc(entry_point)) {
+          OatQuickMethodHeader* method_header =
+              OatQuickMethodHeader::FromEntryPoint(entry_point);
+          if (CodeInfo::IsBaseline(method_header->GetOptimizedCodeInfoPtr())) {
+            info->GetMethod()->SetEntryPointFromQuickCompiledCode(GetQuickToInterpreterBridge());
-      // TODO: collect profiling info
-      // TODO: collect optimized code?
-    } else {
-      if (collect_profiling_info) {
-        // Clear the profiling info of methods that do not have compiled code as entrypoint.
-        // Also remove the saved entry point from the ProfilingInfo objects.
-        for (ProfilingInfo* info : profiling_infos_) {
-          const void* ptr = info->GetMethod()->GetEntryPointFromQuickCompiledCode();
-          if (!ContainsPc(ptr) &&
-              !IsMethodBeingCompiled(info->GetMethod()) &&
-              !info->IsInUseByCompiler() &&
-              !IsInZygoteDataSpace(info)) {
-            info->GetMethod()->SetProfilingInfo(nullptr);
-          }
-          if (info->GetSavedEntryPoint() != nullptr) {
-            info->SetSavedEntryPoint(nullptr);
-            // We are going to move this method back to interpreter. Clear the counter now to
-            // give it a chance to be hot again.
-            ClearMethodCounter(info->GetMethod(), /*was_warm=*/ true);
-          }
-        }
-      } else if (kIsDebugBuild) {
-        // Check that the profiling infos do not have a dangling entry point.
-        for (ProfilingInfo* info : profiling_infos_) {
-          DCHECK(!Runtime::Current()->IsZygote());
-          const void* entry_point = info->GetSavedEntryPoint();
-          DCHECK(entry_point == nullptr || IsInZygoteExecSpace(entry_point));
-        }
-      }
+    // TODO: collect profiling info
+    // TODO: collect optimized code
     // Mark compiled code that are entrypoints of ArtMethods. Compiled code that is not
     // an entry point is either: