Implement invoke-static and invoke-direct instructions.
Change-Id: Ida7025c29394d069175208bca7b4db77e9a9899a
diff --git a/src/compiler_llvm/ b/src/compiler_llvm/
index a09b68e..152067b 100644
--- a/src/compiler_llvm/
+++ b/src/compiler_llvm/
@@ -598,11 +598,11 @@
case Instruction::INVOKE_DIRECT:
- EmitInsn_InvokeDirect(ARGS, false);
+ EmitInsn_InvokeStaticDirect(ARGS, /* is_range */ false, /* is_static */ false);
case Instruction::INVOKE_STATIC:
- EmitInsn_InvokeStatic(ARGS, false);
+ EmitInsn_InvokeStaticDirect(ARGS, /* is_range */ false, /* is_static */ true);
case Instruction::INVOKE_INTERFACE:
@@ -618,11 +618,11 @@
case Instruction::INVOKE_DIRECT_RANGE:
- EmitInsn_InvokeDirect(ARGS, true);
+ EmitInsn_InvokeStaticDirect(ARGS, /* is_range */ true, /* is_static */ false);
case Instruction::INVOKE_STATIC_RANGE:
- EmitInsn_InvokeStatic(ARGS, true);
+ EmitInsn_InvokeStaticDirect(ARGS, /* is_range */ true, /* is_static */ true);
@@ -2554,6 +2554,60 @@
+llvm::Value* MethodCompiler::
+EmitLoadCalleeThis(Instruction::DecodedInstruction const& dec_insn,
+ bool is_range) {
+ if (is_range) {
+ return EmitLoadDalvikReg(dec_insn.vC_, kObject, kAccurate);
+ } else {
+ return EmitLoadDalvikReg(dec_insn.arg_[0], kObject, kAccurate);
+ }
+void MethodCompiler::
+EmitLoadActualParameters(std::vector<llvm::Value*>& args,
+ uint32_t callee_method_idx,
+ Instruction::DecodedInstruction const& dec_insn,
+ bool is_range,
+ bool is_static) {
+ // Get method signature
+ DexFile::MethodId const& method_id =
+ dex_file_->GetMethodId(callee_method_idx);
+ int32_t shorty_size;
+ char const* shorty = dex_file_->GetMethodShorty(method_id, &shorty_size);
+ CHECK_GE(shorty_size, 1);
+ // Load argument values according to the shorty (without "this")
+ uint16_t reg_count = 0;
+ if (!is_static) {
+ ++reg_count; // skip the "this" pointer
+ }
+ for (int32_t i = 1; i < shorty_size; ++i) {
+ uint32_t reg_idx = (is_range) ? (dec_insn.vC_ + reg_count)
+ : (dec_insn.arg_[reg_count]);
+ args.push_back(EmitLoadDalvikReg(reg_idx, shorty[i], kAccurate));
+ ++reg_count;
+ if (shorty[i] == 'J' || shorty[i] == 'D') {
+ // Wide types, such as long and double, are using a pair of registers
+ // to store the value, so we have to increase arg_reg again.
+ ++reg_count;
+ }
+ }
+ DCHECK_EQ(reg_count, dec_insn.vA_)
+ << "Actual argument mismatch for callee: "
+ << PrettyMethod(callee_method_idx, *dex_file_);
void MethodCompiler::EmitInsn_InvokeVirtual(uint32_t dex_pc,
Instruction const* insn,
bool is_range) {
@@ -2570,18 +2624,78 @@
-void MethodCompiler::EmitInsn_InvokeDirect(uint32_t dex_pc,
- Instruction const* insn,
- bool is_range) {
- irb_.CreateBr(GetNextBasicBlock(dex_pc));
+void MethodCompiler::EmitInsn_InvokeStaticDirect(uint32_t dex_pc,
+ Instruction const* insn,
+ bool is_range,
+ bool is_static) {
+ Instruction::DecodedInstruction dec_insn(insn);
-void MethodCompiler::EmitInsn_InvokeStatic(uint32_t dex_pc,
- Instruction const* insn,
- bool is_range) {
+ uint32_t callee_method_idx = dec_insn.vB_;
+ // Find the method object at compile time
+ Method* callee_method = dex_cache_->GetResolvedMethod(callee_method_idx);
+ CHECK_NE(callee_method, static_cast<Method*>(NULL));
+ llvm::Value* this_addr = NULL;
+ if (!is_static) {
+ // Test: Is *this* parameter equal to null?
+ this_addr = EmitLoadCalleeThis(dec_insn, is_range);
+ EmitGuard_NullPointerException(dex_pc, this_addr);
+ }
+ // Load method function pointers
+ // TODO: Besides finding the callee function address through Code and
+ // Direct Methods (CADMS) at runtime, try to find the callee function
+ // through something like compiler_llvm_->GetCompiledMethod(...)
+ // so that we can perform inlining.
+ llvm::Value* code_addr_field_addr = NULL;
+ llvm::Value* method_field_addr = NULL;
+ EmitLoadDexCacheCodeAndDirectMethodFieldAddr(
+ code_addr_field_addr, method_field_addr, callee_method_idx);
+ // NOTE: Since CADMS are mixing int type with pointer type, we have to
+ // cast the integer type to pointer type. Following code must be refined
+ // when we are going to port to 64bit architecture.
+ llvm::Value* code_addr_int = irb_.CreateLoad(code_addr_field_addr);
+ llvm::FunctionType* callee_type =
+ GetFunctionType(callee_method_idx, is_static);
+ llvm::Value* code_addr =
+ irb_.CreateIntToPtr(code_addr_int, callee_type->getPointerTo());
+ llvm::Value* callee_method_value_int = irb_.CreateLoad(method_field_addr);
+ llvm::Value* callee_method_object_addr =
+ irb_.CreateIntToPtr(callee_method_value_int, irb_.getJObjectTy());
+ // Load the actual parameter
+ std::vector<llvm::Value*> args;
+ args.push_back(callee_method_object_addr); // method object for callee
+ if (!is_static) {
+ args.push_back(this_addr); // "this" object for callee
+ }
+ EmitLoadActualParameters(args, callee_method_idx, dec_insn,
+ is_range, is_static);
+ llvm::Value* retval = irb_.CreateCall(code_addr, args);
+ EmitGuard_ExceptionLandingPad(dex_pc);
+ MethodHelper method_helper(callee_method);
+ char ret_shorty = method_helper.GetShorty()[0];
+ if (ret_shorty != 'V') {
+ EmitStoreDalvikRetValReg(ret_shorty, kAccurate, retval);
+ }