Revert "Revert "Enable IntermediateAddress for primitive arrays with read barriers.""

This reverts commit 4a3aa578eff94eb10450fae1772deb7cb8ddc6a6.

The failing assertion (see b/30762467):

08-09 11:32:46.767  1654  1656 F dex2oatd: art/compiler/optimizing/] Check failed: interval->GetDefinedBy()->IsActualObject() IntermediateAddress@InstanceFieldGet

that motivated the initial revert has been removed by a
previous CL (commit

Test: ART host and target (ARM, ARM64) tests with `ART_USE_READ_BARRIER=true`.
Bug: 26601270
Bug: 12687968
Change-Id: I09cae0c6c38ca403924153e9f0eb0cc3ff4540e7
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index 04e063c..c2b1374 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -231,15 +231,6 @@
                                   HInstruction* array,
                                   HInstruction* index,
                                   size_t data_offset) {
-  if (kEmitCompilerReadBarrier) {
-    // The read barrier instrumentation does not support the
-    // HIntermediateAddress instruction yet.
-    //
-    // TODO: Handle this case properly in the ARM64 and ARM code generator and
-    // re-enable this optimization; otherwise, remove this TODO.
-    // b/26601270
-    return false;
-  }
   if (index->IsConstant() ||
       (index->IsBoundsCheck() && index->AsBoundsCheck()->GetIndex()->IsConstant())) {
     // When the index is a constant all the addressing can be fitted in the
@@ -251,14 +242,20 @@
     // The access may require a runtime call or the original array pointer.
     return false;
+  if (kEmitCompilerReadBarrier &&
+      access->IsArrayGet() &&
+      access->GetType() == Primitive::kPrimNot) {
+    // For object arrays, the read barrier instrumentation requires
+    // the original array pointer.
+    return false;
+  }
   // Proceed to extract the base address computation.
   HGraph* graph = access->GetBlock()->GetGraph();
   ArenaAllocator* arena = graph->GetArena();
   HIntConstant* offset = graph->GetIntConstant(data_offset);
-  HIntermediateAddress* address =
-      new (arena) HIntermediateAddress(array, offset, kNoDexPc);
+  HIntermediateAddress* address = new (arena) HIntermediateAddress(array, offset, kNoDexPc);
   // TODO: Is it ok to not have this on the intermediate address?
   // address->SetReferenceTypeInfo(array->GetReferenceTypeInfo());
   access->GetBlock()->InsertInstructionBefore(address, access);