Remove art-runtime
This module is unused, and it references files
that are built by image apexes that are otherwise
unneccesary and can be removed.
Bug: 254205429
Test: Presubmits
Test: Golem tests:
Change-Id: I1a999916247b181cd86f55e387a4ec7e693a4016
diff --git a/ b/
index 041c23c..573a36c 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -380,76 +380,6 @@
art_apex_manifest_file :=
-# Fake packages for ART
-# The art-runtime package depends on the core ART libraries and binaries. It exists so we can
-# manipulate the set of things shipped, e.g., add debug versions and so on.
-include $(CLEAR_VARS)
-LOCAL_MODULE := art-runtime
-LOCAL_LICENSE_KINDS := SPDX-license-identifier-Apache-2.0
-# Reference the libraries and binaries in the appropriate APEX module, because
-# they don't have platform variants. However if
-# ART_MODULE_BUILD_FROM_SOURCE isn't true then the APEX
-# modules are disabled, so Soong won't apply the APEX mutators to them, and
-# then they are available with their plain names.
- art_module_lib = $(1)
- art_module_debug_lib = $(1)
- art_module_lib = $(1)
- art_module_debug_lib = $(1)
-# Base requirements.
- $(call art_module_lib,dalvikvm) \
- $(call art_module_lib,dex2oat) \
- $(call art_module_lib,dexoptanalyzer) \
- $(call art_module_lib,libart) \
- $(call art_module_lib,libart-compiler) \
- $(call art_module_lib,libopenjdkjvm) \
- $(call art_module_lib,libopenjdkjvmti) \
- $(call art_module_lib,odrefresh) \
- $(call art_module_lib,profman) \
- $(call art_module_lib,libadbconnection) \
- $(call art_module_lib,libperfetto_hprof) \
-# Potentially add in debug variants:
-# * We will never add them if PRODUCT_ART_TARGET_INCLUDE_DEBUG_BUILD = false.
-# * We will always add them if PRODUCT_ART_TARGET_INCLUDE_DEBUG_BUILD = true.
-# * Otherwise, we will add them by default to eng builds.
-art_target_include_debug_build := $(PRODUCT_ART_TARGET_INCLUDE_DEBUG_BUILD)
-ifneq (false,$(art_target_include_debug_build))
-ifneq (,$(filter eng,$(TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT)))
- art_target_include_debug_build := true
-ifeq (true,$(art_target_include_debug_build))
- $(call art_module_debug_lib,dex2oatd) \
- $(call art_module_debug_lib,dexoptanalyzerd) \
- $(call art_module_debug_lib,libartd) \
- $(call art_module_debug_lib,libartd-compiler) \
- $(call art_module_debug_lib,libopenjdkd) \
- $(call art_module_debug_lib,libopenjdkjvmd) \
- $(call art_module_debug_lib,libopenjdkjvmtid) \
- $(call art_module_debug_lib,profmand) \
- $(call art_module_debug_lib,libadbconnectiond) \
- $(call art_module_debug_lib,libperfetto_hprofd) \
-art_module_lib :=
-art_module_debug_lib :=
# Fake packages to ensure generation of libopenjdkd when one builds with mm/mmm/mmma.
@@ -728,12 +658,6 @@
-# Phony target for building what go/lem requires for syncing /system to target.
-.PHONY: build-art-unbundled-golem
-art_apex_jars := $(foreach pair,$(ART_APEX_JARS), $(call word-colon,2,$(pair)))
-build-art-unbundled-golem: art-runtime linker oatdump $(art_apex_jars) conscrypt crash_dump
# Rules for building all dependencies for tests.
.PHONY: build-art-host-gtests build-art-host-run-tests build-art-host-tests