Refactor arm assembly tests.
Another step in preparation to move to the LLVM toolchain.
Bug: 147817558
Test: m test-art-host-gtest
Change-Id: Ie5be337165d8f24e04740de0486144fa6a62f063
diff --git a/compiler/debug/dwarf/dwarf_test.h b/compiler/debug/dwarf/dwarf_test.h
index 1b32745..caa7437 100644
--- a/compiler/debug/dwarf/dwarf_test.h
+++ b/compiler/debug/dwarf/dwarf_test.h
@@ -86,8 +86,8 @@
// Read the elf file back using objdump.
std::vector<std::string> lines;
- std::string cmd = GetAndroidHostToolsDir();
- cmd = cmd + "objdump " + args + " " + file.GetFilename() + " 2>&1";
+ std::string cmd = GetAndroidTool("objdump");
+ cmd = cmd + " " + args + " " + file.GetFilename() + " 2>&1";
FILE* output = popen(, "r");
char buffer[1024];
const char* line;
diff --git a/compiler/utils/assembler_test_base.h b/compiler/utils/assembler_test_base.h
index 7eb3d04..1567367 100644
--- a/compiler/utils/assembler_test_base.h
+++ b/compiler/utils/assembler_test_base.h
@@ -35,12 +35,6 @@
namespace art {
-// Location of prebuilt tools (e.g. objdump).
-// The path needs to be updated when the prebuilt tools are updated.
-// TODO: Consider moving this logic to the build system.
-static constexpr char kPrebuiltToolsPath[] =
- "prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/x86/x86_64-linux-android-4.9/x86_64-linux-android/bin/";
// If you want to take a look at the differences between the ART assembler and clang,
// set this flag to true. The disassembled files will then remain in the tmp directory.
static constexpr bool kKeepDisassembledFiles = false;
@@ -137,29 +131,49 @@
virtual InstructionSet GetIsa() = 0;
std::string FindTool(const std::string& tool_name) {
- return GetRootPath() + kPrebuiltToolsPath + tool_name;
+ return CommonArtTest::GetAndroidTool(tool_name.c_str(), GetIsa());
virtual std::vector<std::string> GetAssemblerCommand() {
- return {FindTool("as"), Is64BitInstructionSet(GetIsa()) ? "--64" : "--32"};
+ switch (GetIsa()) {
+ case InstructionSet::kX86:
+ return {FindTool("as"), "--32"};
+ case InstructionSet::kX86_64:
+ return {FindTool("as"), "--64"};
+ default:
+ return {FindTool("as")};
+ }
virtual std::vector<std::string> GetDisassemblerCommand() {
- return {FindTool("objdump"), "--disassemble", "--no-show-raw-insn"};
+ switch (GetIsa()) {
+ case InstructionSet::kThumb2:
+ return {FindTool("objdump"), "--disassemble", "-M", "force-thumb"};
+ default:
+ return {FindTool("objdump"), "--disassemble", "--no-show-raw-insn"};
+ }
- private:
bool Assemble(const std::string& asm_file, const std::string& obj_file) {
std::vector<std::string> args = GetAssemblerCommand();
args.insert(args.end(), {"-o", obj_file, asm_file});
std::string output;
- return CommonArtTestImpl::ForkAndExec(args, [](){ return true; }, &output).StandardSuccess();
+ bool ok = CommonArtTestImpl::ForkAndExec(args, [](){ return true; }, &output).StandardSuccess();
+ if (!ok) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "Assembler error:\n" << output;
+ }
+ return ok;
bool Disassemble(const std::string& obj_file, std::string* output) {
std::vector<std::string> args = GetDisassemblerCommand();
args.insert(args.end(), {obj_file});
- return CommonArtTestImpl::ForkAndExec(args, [](){ return true; }, output).StandardSuccess();
+ bool ok = CommonArtTestImpl::ForkAndExec(args, [](){ return true; }, output).StandardSuccess();
+ if (!ok) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "Disassembler error:\n" << *output;
+ }
+ *output = Replace(*output, "\t", " ");
+ return ok;
std::vector<uint8_t> ReadFile(const std::string& filename) {
@@ -219,9 +233,16 @@
return getcwd(temp, 1024) ? std::string(temp) + "/" : std::string("");
- std::string& Replace(std::string& str, const std::string& from, const std::string& to) {
- auto it = str.find(from);
- return (it != std::string::npos) ? str.replace(it, it + from.size(), to) : str;
+ std::string Replace(const std::string& str, const std::string& from, const std::string& to) {
+ std::string output;
+ size_t pos = 0;
+ for (auto match = str.find(from); match != str.npos; match = str.find(from, pos)) {
+ output += str.substr(pos, match - pos);
+ output += to;
+ pos = match + from.size();
+ }
+ output += str.substr(pos, str.size() - pos);
+ return output;
std::optional<ScratchDir> scratch_dir_;
diff --git a/compiler/utils/ b/compiler/utils/
index 4e1518b..72dfef1 100644
--- a/compiler/utils/
+++ b/compiler/utils/
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
#include "jni/quick/calling_convention.h"
#include "utils/arm/jni_macro_assembler_arm_vixl.h"
+#include "utils/assembler_test_base.h"
#include "base/hex_dump.h"
#include "base/malloc_arena_pool.h"
@@ -36,170 +37,54 @@
// Include results file (generated manually)
#include ""
-// This controls whether the results are printed to the
-// screen or compared against the expected output.
-// To generate new expected output, set this to true and
-// copy the output into the file in the form
-// of the other results.
-// When this is false, the results are not printed to the
-// output, but are compared against the expected results
-// in the file.
-static constexpr bool kPrintResults = false;
-void SetAndroidData() {
- const char* data = getenv("ANDROID_DATA");
- if (data == nullptr) {
- setenv("ANDROID_DATA", "/tmp", 1);
- }
-int CompareIgnoringSpace(const char* s1, const char* s2) {
- while (*s1 != '\0') {
- while (isspace(*s1)) ++s1;
- while (isspace(*s2)) ++s2;
- if (*s1 == '\0' || *s1 != *s2) {
- break;
- }
- ++s1;
- ++s2;
- }
- return *s1 - *s2;
-void InitResults() {
- if (test_results.empty()) {
- setup_results();
- }
-std::string GetToolsDir() {
- // This will only work on the host. There is no as, objcopy or objdump on the device.
- static std::string toolsdir;
- if (toolsdir.empty()) {
- setup_results();
- toolsdir = CommonRuntimeTest::GetAndroidTargetToolsDir(InstructionSet::kThumb2);
- SetAndroidData();
- }
- return toolsdir;
- return std::string();
-void DumpAndCheck(std::vector<uint8_t>& code, const char* testname, const char* const* results) {
- static std::string toolsdir = GetToolsDir();
- ScratchFile file;
- const char* filename = file.GetFilename().c_str();
- std::ofstream out(filename);
- if (out) {
- out << ".section \".text\"\n";
- out << ".syntax unified\n";
- out << ".arch armv7-a\n";
- out << ".thumb\n";
- out << ".thumb_func\n";
- out << ".type " << testname << ", #function\n";
- out << ".global " << testname << "\n";
- out << testname << ":\n";
- out << ".fnstart\n";
- for (uint32_t i = 0 ; i < code.size(); ++i) {
- out << ".byte " << (static_cast<int>(code[i]) & 0xff) << "\n";
- }
- out << ".fnend\n";
- out << ".size " << testname << ", .-" << testname << "\n";
- }
- out.close();
- char cmd[1024];
- // Assemble the .S
- snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "%sas %s -o %s.o", toolsdir.c_str(), filename, filename);
- int cmd_result = system(cmd);
- ASSERT_EQ(cmd_result, 0) << cmd << strerror(errno);
- // Disassemble.
- snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "%sobjdump -D -M force-thumb --section=.text %s.o | grep '^ *[0-9a-f][0-9a-f]*:'",
- toolsdir.c_str(), filename);
- if (kPrintResults) {
- // Print the results only, don't check. This is used to generate new output for inserting
- // into the .inc file, so let's add the appropriate prefix/suffix needed in the C++ code.
- strcat(cmd, " | sed '-es/^/ \"/' | sed '-es/$/\\\\n\",/'");
- int cmd_result3 = system(cmd);
- ASSERT_EQ(cmd_result3, 0) << strerror(errno);
- } else {
- // Check the results match the appropriate results in the .inc file.
- FILE *fp = popen(cmd, "r");
- ASSERT_TRUE(fp != nullptr);
- uint32_t lineindex = 0;
- while (!feof(fp)) {
- char testline[256];
- char *s = fgets(testline, sizeof(testline), fp);
- if (s == nullptr) {
- break;
- }
- if (CompareIgnoringSpace(results[lineindex], testline) != 0) {
- LOG(FATAL) << "Output is not as expected at line: " << lineindex
- << results[lineindex] << "/" << testline << ", test name: " << testname;
- }
- ++lineindex;
- }
- // Check that we are at the end.
- ASSERT_TRUE(results[lineindex] == nullptr);
- fclose(fp);
- }
- char buf[FILENAME_MAX];
- snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s.o", filename);
- unlink(buf);
-class ArmVIXLAssemblerTest : public ::testing::Test {
+class ArmVIXLAssemblerTest : public AssemblerTestBase {
ArmVIXLAssemblerTest() : pool(), allocator(&pool), assembler(&allocator) { }
+ protected:
+ InstructionSet GetIsa() override { return InstructionSet::kThumb2; }
+ void DumpAndCheck(std::vector<uint8_t>& code, const char* testname, const std::string& expected) {
+ std::string obj_file = scratch_dir_->GetPath() + testname + ".o";
+ WriteElf</*IsElf64=*/false>(obj_file, InstructionSet::kThumb2, code);
+ std::string disassembly;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(Disassemble(obj_file, &disassembly));
+ std::string expected2 = "\n" +
+ obj_file + ": file format elf32-littlearm\n\n\n"
+ "Disassembly of section .text:\n\n"
+ "00000000 <.text>:\n" +
+ expected;
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected2, disassembly);
+ if (expected2 != disassembly) {
+ std::string out = " \"" + Replace(disassembly, "\n", "\\n\"\n \"") + "\"";
+ printf("C++ formatted disassembler output for %s:\n%s\n", testname, out.c_str());
+ }
+ }
+#define __ assembler.
+ void EmitAndCheck(const char* testname, const char* expected) {
+ __ FinalizeCode();
+ size_t cs = __ CodeSize();
+ std::vector<uint8_t> managed_code(cs);
+ MemoryRegion code(&managed_code[0], managed_code.size());
+ __ FinalizeInstructions(code);
+ DumpAndCheck(managed_code, testname, expected);
+ }
+#undef __
+#define __ assembler.
MallocArenaPool pool;
ArenaAllocator allocator;
ArmVIXLJNIMacroAssembler assembler;
-#define __ assembler->
-void EmitAndCheck(ArmVIXLJNIMacroAssembler* assembler, const char* testname,
- const char* const* results) {
- __ FinalizeCode();
- size_t cs = __ CodeSize();
- std::vector<uint8_t> managed_code(cs);
- MemoryRegion code(&managed_code[0], managed_code.size());
- __ FinalizeInstructions(code);
- DumpAndCheck(managed_code, testname, results);
-void EmitAndCheck(ArmVIXLJNIMacroAssembler* assembler, const char* testname) {
- InitResults();
- std::map<std::string, const char* const*>::iterator results = test_results.find(testname);
- ASSERT_NE(results, test_results.end());
- EmitAndCheck(assembler, testname, results->second);
-#undef __
-#define __ assembler.
TEST_F(ArmVIXLAssemblerTest, VixlJniHelpers) {
// Run the test only with Baker read barriers, as the expected
// generated code contains a Marking Register refresh instruction.
@@ -296,7 +181,7 @@
__ DecreaseFrameSize(32);
__ RemoveFrame(frame_size, callee_save_regs, /* may_suspend= */ true);
- EmitAndCheck(&assembler, "VixlJniHelpers");
+ EmitAndCheck("VixlJniHelpers", VixlJniHelpersResults);
#undef __
@@ -339,7 +224,7 @@
__ LoadFromOffset(kLoadUnsignedByte, R2, R4, 12);
__ LoadFromOffset(kLoadSignedHalfword, R2, R4, 12);
- EmitAndCheck(&assembler, "VixlLoadFromOffset");
+ EmitAndCheck("VixlLoadFromOffset", VixlLoadFromOffsetResults);
TEST_F(ArmVIXLAssemblerTest, VixlStoreToOffset) {
@@ -370,7 +255,7 @@
__ StoreToOffset(kStoreByte, R2, R4, 12);
- EmitAndCheck(&assembler, "VixlStoreToOffset");
+ EmitAndCheck("VixlStoreToOffset", VixlStoreToOffsetResults);
#undef __
diff --git a/compiler/utils/ b/compiler/utils/
index b7a6058..efe62c6 100644
--- a/compiler/utils/
+++ b/compiler/utils/
@@ -1,267 +1,258 @@
-const char* const VixlJniHelpersResults[] = {
- " 0: e92d 4de0 stmdb sp!, {r5, r6, r7, r8, sl, fp, lr}\n",
- " 4: ed2d 8a10 vpush {s16-s31}\n",
- " 8: b089 sub sp, #36 ; 0x24\n",
- " a: 9000 str r0, [sp, #0]\n",
- " c: 9121 str r1, [sp, #132] ; 0x84\n",
- " e: ed8d 0a22 vstr s0, [sp, #136] ; 0x88\n",
- " 12: 9223 str r2, [sp, #140] ; 0x8c\n",
- " 14: 9324 str r3, [sp, #144] ; 0x90\n",
- " 16: b088 sub sp, #32\n",
- " 18: f5ad 5d80 sub.w sp, sp, #4096 ; 0x1000\n",
- " 1c: 9808 ldr r0, [sp, #32]\n",
- " 1e: 981f ldr r0, [sp, #124] ; 0x7c\n",
- " 20: 9821 ldr r0, [sp, #132] ; 0x84\n",
- " 22: 98ff ldr r0, [sp, #1020] ; 0x3fc\n",
- " 24: f8dd 0400 ldr.w r0, [sp, #1024] ; 0x400\n",
- " 28: f8dd cffc ldr.w ip, [sp, #4092] ; 0xffc\n",
- " 2c: f50d 5c80 add.w ip, sp, #4096 ; 0x1000\n",
- " 30: f8dc c000 ldr.w ip, [ip]\n",
- " 34: f8d9 c200 ldr.w ip, [r9, #512] ; 0x200\n",
- " 38: f8dc 0080 ldr.w r0, [ip, #128] ; 0x80\n",
- " 3c: 9008 str r0, [sp, #32]\n",
- " 3e: 901f str r0, [sp, #124] ; 0x7c\n",
- " 40: 9021 str r0, [sp, #132] ; 0x84\n",
- " 42: 90ff str r0, [sp, #1020] ; 0x3fc\n",
- " 44: f8cd 0400 str.w r0, [sp, #1024] ; 0x400\n",
- " 48: f8cd cffc str.w ip, [sp, #4092] ; 0xffc\n",
- " 4c: f84d 5d04 str.w r5, [sp, #-4]!\n",
- " 50: f50d 5580 add.w r5, sp, #4096 ; 0x1000\n",
- " 54: f8c5 c004 str.w ip, [r5, #4]\n",
- " 58: f85d 5b04 ldr.w r5, [sp], #4\n",
- " 5c: f04f 0cff mov.w ip, #255 ; 0xff\n",
- " 60: f8cd c030 str.w ip, [sp, #48] ; 0x30\n",
- " 64: f06f 4c7f mvn.w ip, #4278190080 ; 0xff000000\n",
- " 68: f8cd c030 str.w ip, [sp, #48] ; 0x30\n",
- " 6c: f8cd c030 str.w ip, [sp, #48] ; 0x30\n",
- " 70: f8cd c030 str.w ip, [sp, #48] ; 0x30\n",
- " 74: 900c str r0, [sp, #48] ; 0x30\n",
- " 76: f8dd c030 ldr.w ip, [sp, #48] ; 0x30\n",
- " 7a: f8cd c034 str.w ip, [sp, #52] ; 0x34\n",
- " 7e: f50d 5c80 add.w ip, sp, #4096 ; 0x1000\n",
- " 82: f8c9 c200 str.w ip, [r9, #512] ; 0x200\n",
- " 86: f8c9 d200 str.w sp, [r9, #512] ; 0x200\n",
- " 8a: f8d0 e030 ldr.w lr, [r0, #48] ; 0x30\n",
- " 8e: 47f0 blx lr\n",
- " 90: f8dd c02c ldr.w ip, [sp, #44] ; 0x2c\n",
- " 94: f8cd c030 str.w ip, [sp, #48] ; 0x30\n",
- " 98: f8d9 c200 ldr.w ip, [r9, #512] ; 0x200\n",
- " 9c: f8cd c02c str.w ip, [sp, #44] ; 0x2c\n",
- " a0: f8dd c02c ldr.w ip, [sp, #44] ; 0x2c\n",
- " a4: f8cd c030 str.w ip, [sp, #48] ; 0x30\n",
- " a8: 4648 mov r0, r9\n",
- " aa: f8cd 9030 str.w r9, [sp, #48] ; 0x30\n",
- " ae: 4604 mov r4, r0\n",
- " b0: f1bc 0f00 cmp.w ip, #0\n",
- " b4: bf18 it ne\n",
- " b6: f10d 0c30 addne.w ip, sp, #48 ; 0x30\n",
- " ba: f10d 0c30 add.w ip, sp, #48 ; 0x30\n",
- " be: f1bc 0f00 cmp.w ip, #0\n",
- " c2: bf0c ite eq\n",
- " c4: 2000 moveq r0, #0\n",
- " c6: a80c addne r0, sp, #48 ; 0x30\n",
- " c8: f8dd c040 ldr.w ip, [sp, #64] ; 0x40\n",
- " cc: f1bc 0f00 cmp.w ip, #0\n",
- " d0: bf18 it ne\n",
- " d2: f10d 0c40 addne.w ip, sp, #64 ; 0x40\n",
- " d6: f8cd c030 str.w ip, [sp, #48] ; 0x30\n",
- " da: f1bc 0f00 cmp.w ip, #0\n",
- " de: bf0c ite eq\n",
- " e0: 2000 moveq r0, #0\n",
- " e2: 4668 movne r0, sp\n",
- " e4: f1bc 0f00 cmp.w ip, #0\n",
- " e8: bf0c ite eq\n",
- " ea: 2000 moveq r0, #0\n",
- " ec: f20d 4001 addwne r0, sp, #1025 ; 0x401\n",
- " f0: f1bc 0f00 cmp.w ip, #0\n",
- " f4: bf18 it ne\n",
- " f6: f20d 4c01 addwne ip, sp, #1025 ; 0x401\n",
- " fa: f8d9 c0a4 ldr.w ip, [r9, #164] ; 0xa4\n",
- " fe: f1bc 0f00 cmp.w ip, #0\n",
- " 102: d171 bne.n 1e8 <VixlJniHelpers+0x1e8>\n",
- " 104: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n",
- " 108: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n",
- " 10c: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n",
- " 110: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n",
- " 114: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n",
- " 118: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n",
- " 11c: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n",
- " 120: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n",
- " 124: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n",
- " 128: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n",
- " 12c: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n",
- " 130: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n",
- " 134: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n",
- " 138: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n",
- " 13c: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n",
- " 140: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n",
- " 144: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n",
- " 148: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n",
- " 14c: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n",
- " 150: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n",
- " 154: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n",
- " 158: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n",
- " 15c: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n",
- " 160: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n",
- " 164: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n",
- " 168: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n",
- " 16c: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n",
- " 170: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n",
- " 174: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n",
- " 178: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n",
- " 17c: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n",
- " 180: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n",
- " 184: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n",
- " 188: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n",
- " 18c: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n",
- " 190: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n",
- " 194: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n",
- " 198: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n",
- " 19c: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n",
- " 1a0: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n",
- " 1a4: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n",
- " 1a8: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n",
- " 1ac: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n",
- " 1b0: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n",
- " 1b4: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n",
- " 1b8: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n",
- " 1bc: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n",
- " 1c0: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n",
- " 1c4: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n",
- " 1c8: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n",
- " 1cc: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n",
- " 1d0: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n",
- " 1d4: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n",
- " 1d8: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n",
- " 1dc: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n",
- " 1e0: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n",
- " 1e4: f000 b802 b.w 1ec <VixlJniHelpers+0x1ec>\n",
- " 1e8: f000 b81b b.w 222 <VixlJniHelpers+0x222>\n",
- " 1ec: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n",
- " 1f0: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n",
- " 1f4: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n",
- " 1f8: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n",
- " 1fc: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n",
- " 200: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n",
- " 204: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n",
- " 208: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n",
- " 20c: f50d 5d80 add.w sp, sp, #4096 ; 0x1000\n",
- " 210: b008 add sp, #32\n",
- " 212: b009 add sp, #36 ; 0x24\n",
- " 214: ecbd 8a10 vpop {s16-s31}\n",
- " 218: e8bd 4de0 ldmia.w sp!, {r5, r6, r7, r8, sl, fp, lr}\n",
- " 21c: f8d9 8034 ldr.w r8, [r9, #52] ; 0x34\n",
- " 220: 4770 bx lr\n",
- " 222: 4660 mov r0, ip\n",
- " 224: f8d9 e2e8 ldr.w lr, [r9, #744] ; 0x2e8\n",
- " 228: 47f0 blx lr\n",
- nullptr
+const char* const VixlJniHelpersResults = {
+ " 0: e92d 4de0 stmdb sp!, {r5, r6, r7, r8, sl, fp, lr}\n"
+ " 4: ed2d 8a10 vpush {s16-s31}\n"
+ " 8: b089 sub sp, #36 ; 0x24\n"
+ " a: 9000 str r0, [sp, #0]\n"
+ " c: 9121 str r1, [sp, #132] ; 0x84\n"
+ " e: ed8d 0a22 vstr s0, [sp, #136] ; 0x88\n"
+ " 12: 9223 str r2, [sp, #140] ; 0x8c\n"
+ " 14: 9324 str r3, [sp, #144] ; 0x90\n"
+ " 16: b088 sub sp, #32\n"
+ " 18: f5ad 5d80 sub.w sp, sp, #4096 ; 0x1000\n"
+ " 1c: 9808 ldr r0, [sp, #32]\n"
+ " 1e: 981f ldr r0, [sp, #124] ; 0x7c\n"
+ " 20: 9821 ldr r0, [sp, #132] ; 0x84\n"
+ " 22: 98ff ldr r0, [sp, #1020] ; 0x3fc\n"
+ " 24: f8dd 0400 ldr.w r0, [sp, #1024] ; 0x400\n"
+ " 28: f8dd cffc ldr.w ip, [sp, #4092] ; 0xffc\n"
+ " 2c: f50d 5c80 add.w ip, sp, #4096 ; 0x1000\n"
+ " 30: f8dc c000 ldr.w ip, [ip]\n"
+ " 34: f8d9 c200 ldr.w ip, [r9, #512] ; 0x200\n"
+ " 38: f8dc 0080 ldr.w r0, [ip, #128] ; 0x80\n"
+ " 3c: 9008 str r0, [sp, #32]\n"
+ " 3e: 901f str r0, [sp, #124] ; 0x7c\n"
+ " 40: 9021 str r0, [sp, #132] ; 0x84\n"
+ " 42: 90ff str r0, [sp, #1020] ; 0x3fc\n"
+ " 44: f8cd 0400 str.w r0, [sp, #1024] ; 0x400\n"
+ " 48: f8cd cffc str.w ip, [sp, #4092] ; 0xffc\n"
+ " 4c: f84d 5d04 str.w r5, [sp, #-4]!\n"
+ " 50: f50d 5580 add.w r5, sp, #4096 ; 0x1000\n"
+ " 54: f8c5 c004 str.w ip, [r5, #4]\n"
+ " 58: f85d 5b04 ldr.w r5, [sp], #4\n"
+ " 5c: f04f 0cff mov.w ip, #255 ; 0xff\n"
+ " 60: f8cd c030 str.w ip, [sp, #48] ; 0x30\n"
+ " 64: f06f 4c7f mvn.w ip, #4278190080 ; 0xff000000\n"
+ " 68: f8cd c030 str.w ip, [sp, #48] ; 0x30\n"
+ " 6c: f8cd c030 str.w ip, [sp, #48] ; 0x30\n"
+ " 70: f8cd c030 str.w ip, [sp, #48] ; 0x30\n"
+ " 74: 900c str r0, [sp, #48] ; 0x30\n"
+ " 76: f8dd c030 ldr.w ip, [sp, #48] ; 0x30\n"
+ " 7a: f8cd c034 str.w ip, [sp, #52] ; 0x34\n"
+ " 7e: f50d 5c80 add.w ip, sp, #4096 ; 0x1000\n"
+ " 82: f8c9 c200 str.w ip, [r9, #512] ; 0x200\n"
+ " 86: f8c9 d200 str.w sp, [r9, #512] ; 0x200\n"
+ " 8a: f8d0 e030 ldr.w lr, [r0, #48] ; 0x30\n"
+ " 8e: 47f0 blx lr\n"
+ " 90: f8dd c02c ldr.w ip, [sp, #44] ; 0x2c\n"
+ " 94: f8cd c030 str.w ip, [sp, #48] ; 0x30\n"
+ " 98: f8d9 c200 ldr.w ip, [r9, #512] ; 0x200\n"
+ " 9c: f8cd c02c str.w ip, [sp, #44] ; 0x2c\n"
+ " a0: f8dd c02c ldr.w ip, [sp, #44] ; 0x2c\n"
+ " a4: f8cd c030 str.w ip, [sp, #48] ; 0x30\n"
+ " a8: 4648 mov r0, r9\n"
+ " aa: f8cd 9030 str.w r9, [sp, #48] ; 0x30\n"
+ " ae: 4604 mov r4, r0\n"
+ " b0: f1bc 0f00 cmp.w ip, #0\n"
+ " b4: bf18 it ne\n"
+ " b6: f10d 0c30 addne.w ip, sp, #48 ; 0x30\n"
+ " ba: f10d 0c30 add.w ip, sp, #48 ; 0x30\n"
+ " be: f1bc 0f00 cmp.w ip, #0\n"
+ " c2: bf0c ite eq\n"
+ " c4: 2000 moveq r0, #0\n"
+ " c6: a80c addne r0, sp, #48 ; 0x30\n"
+ " c8: f8dd c040 ldr.w ip, [sp, #64] ; 0x40\n"
+ " cc: f1bc 0f00 cmp.w ip, #0\n"
+ " d0: bf18 it ne\n"
+ " d2: f10d 0c40 addne.w ip, sp, #64 ; 0x40\n"
+ " d6: f8cd c030 str.w ip, [sp, #48] ; 0x30\n"
+ " da: f1bc 0f00 cmp.w ip, #0\n"
+ " de: bf0c ite eq\n"
+ " e0: 2000 moveq r0, #0\n"
+ " e2: 4668 movne r0, sp\n"
+ " e4: f1bc 0f00 cmp.w ip, #0\n"
+ " e8: bf0c ite eq\n"
+ " ea: 2000 moveq r0, #0\n"
+ " ec: f20d 4001 addwne r0, sp, #1025 ; 0x401\n"
+ " f0: f1bc 0f00 cmp.w ip, #0\n"
+ " f4: bf18 it ne\n"
+ " f6: f20d 4c01 addwne ip, sp, #1025 ; 0x401\n"
+ " fa: f8d9 c0a4 ldr.w ip, [r9, #164] ; 0xa4\n"
+ " fe: f1bc 0f00 cmp.w ip, #0\n"
+ " 102: d171 bne.n 0x1e8\n"
+ " 104: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n"
+ " 108: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n"
+ " 10c: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n"
+ " 110: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n"
+ " 114: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n"
+ " 118: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n"
+ " 11c: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n"
+ " 120: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n"
+ " 124: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n"
+ " 128: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n"
+ " 12c: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n"
+ " 130: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n"
+ " 134: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n"
+ " 138: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n"
+ " 13c: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n"
+ " 140: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n"
+ " 144: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n"
+ " 148: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n"
+ " 14c: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n"
+ " 150: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n"
+ " 154: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n"
+ " 158: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n"
+ " 15c: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n"
+ " 160: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n"
+ " 164: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n"
+ " 168: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n"
+ " 16c: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n"
+ " 170: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n"
+ " 174: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n"
+ " 178: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n"
+ " 17c: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n"
+ " 180: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n"
+ " 184: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n"
+ " 188: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n"
+ " 18c: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n"
+ " 190: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n"
+ " 194: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n"
+ " 198: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n"
+ " 19c: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n"
+ " 1a0: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n"
+ " 1a4: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n"
+ " 1a8: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n"
+ " 1ac: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n"
+ " 1b0: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n"
+ " 1b4: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n"
+ " 1b8: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n"
+ " 1bc: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n"
+ " 1c0: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n"
+ " 1c4: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n"
+ " 1c8: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n"
+ " 1cc: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n"
+ " 1d0: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n"
+ " 1d4: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n"
+ " 1d8: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n"
+ " 1dc: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n"
+ " 1e0: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n"
+ " 1e4: f000 b802 b.w 0x1ec\n"
+ " 1e8: f000 b81b b.w 0x222\n"
+ " 1ec: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n"
+ " 1f0: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n"
+ " 1f4: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n"
+ " 1f8: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n"
+ " 1fc: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n"
+ " 200: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n"
+ " 204: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n"
+ " 208: f8cd c7ff str.w ip, [sp, #2047] ; 0x7ff\n"
+ " 20c: f50d 5d80 add.w sp, sp, #4096 ; 0x1000\n"
+ " 210: b008 add sp, #32\n"
+ " 212: b009 add sp, #36 ; 0x24\n"
+ " 214: ecbd 8a10 vpop {s16-s31}\n"
+ " 218: e8bd 4de0 ldmia.w sp!, {r5, r6, r7, r8, sl, fp, lr}\n"
+ " 21c: f8d9 8034 ldr.w r8, [r9, #52] ; 0x34\n"
+ " 220: 4770 bx lr\n"
+ " 222: 4660 mov r0, ip\n"
+ " 224: f8d9 e2e8 ldr.w lr, [r9, #744] ; 0x2e8\n"
+ " 228: 47f0 blx lr\n"
-const char* const VixlLoadFromOffsetResults[] = {
- " 0: 68e2 ldr r2, [r4, #12]\n",
- " 2: f8d4 2fff ldr.w r2, [r4, #4095] ; 0xfff\n",
- " 6: f504 5280 add.w r2, r4, #4096 ; 0x1000\n",
- " a: 6812 ldr r2, [r2, #0]\n",
- " c: f504 1280 add.w r2, r4, #1048576 ; 0x100000\n",
- " 10: f8d2 20a4 ldr.w r2, [r2, #164] ; 0xa4\n",
- " 14: f44f 5280 mov.w r2, #4096 ; 0x1000\n",
- " 18: f2c0 0210 movt r2, #16\n",
- " 1c: 4422 add r2, r4\n",
- " 1e: 6812 ldr r2, [r2, #0]\n",
- " 20: f44f 5c80 mov.w ip, #4096 ; 0x1000\n",
- " 24: f2c0 0c10 movt ip, #16\n",
- " 28: 4464 add r4, ip\n",
- " 2a: 6824 ldr r4, [r4, #0]\n",
- " 2c: 89a2 ldrh r2, [r4, #12]\n",
- " 2e: f8b4 2fff ldrh.w r2, [r4, #4095] ; 0xfff\n",
- " 32: f504 5280 add.w r2, r4, #4096 ; 0x1000\n",
- " 36: 8812 ldrh r2, [r2, #0]\n",
- " 38: f504 1280 add.w r2, r4, #1048576 ; 0x100000\n",
- " 3c: f8b2 20a4 ldrh.w r2, [r2, #164] ; 0xa4\n",
- " 40: f44f 5280 mov.w r2, #4096 ; 0x1000\n",
- " 44: f2c0 0210 movt r2, #16\n",
- " 48: 4422 add r2, r4\n",
- " 4a: 8812 ldrh r2, [r2, #0]\n",
- " 4c: f44f 5c80 mov.w ip, #4096 ; 0x1000\n",
- " 50: f2c0 0c10 movt ip, #16\n",
- " 54: 4464 add r4, ip\n",
- " 56: 8824 ldrh r4, [r4, #0]\n",
- " 58: e9d4 2303 ldrd r2, r3, [r4, #12]\n",
- " 5c: e9d4 23ff ldrd r2, r3, [r4, #1020] ; 0x3fc\n",
- " 60: f504 6280 add.w r2, r4, #1024 ; 0x400\n",
- " 64: e9d2 2300 ldrd r2, r3, [r2]\n",
- " 68: f504 2280 add.w r2, r4, #262144 ; 0x40000\n",
- " 6c: e9d2 2329 ldrd r2, r3, [r2, #164] ; 0xa4\n",
- " 70: f44f 6280 mov.w r2, #1024 ; 0x400\n",
- " 74: f2c0 0204 movt r2, #4\n",
- " 78: 4422 add r2, r4\n",
- " 7a: e9d2 2300 ldrd r2, r3, [r2]\n",
- " 7e: f44f 6c80 mov.w ip, #1024 ; 0x400\n",
- " 82: f2c0 0c04 movt ip, #4\n",
- " 86: 4464 add r4, ip\n",
- " 88: e9d4 4500 ldrd r4, r5, [r4]\n",
- " 8c: f8dc 000c ldr.w r0, [ip, #12]\n",
- " 90: f5a4 1280 sub.w r2, r4, #1048576 ; 0x100000\n",
- " 94: f8d2 20a4 ldr.w r2, [r2, #164] ; 0xa4\n",
- " 98: f994 200c ldrsb.w r2, [r4, #12]\n",
- " 9c: 7b22 ldrb r2, [r4, #12]\n",
- " 9e: f9b4 200c ldrsh.w r2, [r4, #12]\n",
- nullptr
-const char* const VixlStoreToOffsetResults[] = {
- " 0: 60e2 str r2, [r4, #12]\n",
- " 2: f8c4 2fff str.w r2, [r4, #4095] ; 0xfff\n",
- " 6: f504 5c80 add.w ip, r4, #4096 ; 0x1000\n",
- " a: f8cc 2000 str.w r2, [ip]\n",
- " e: f504 1c80 add.w ip, r4, #1048576 ; 0x100000\n",
- " 12: f8cc 20a4 str.w r2, [ip, #164] ; 0xa4\n",
- " 16: f44f 5c80 mov.w ip, #4096 ; 0x1000\n",
- " 1a: f2c0 0c10 movt ip, #16\n",
- " 1e: 44a4 add ip, r4\n",
- " 20: f8cc 2000 str.w r2, [ip]\n",
- " 24: f44f 5c80 mov.w ip, #4096 ; 0x1000\n",
- " 28: f2c0 0c10 movt ip, #16\n",
- " 2c: 44a4 add ip, r4\n",
- " 2e: f8cc 4000 str.w r4, [ip]\n",
- " 32: 81a2 strh r2, [r4, #12]\n",
- " 34: f8a4 2fff strh.w r2, [r4, #4095] ; 0xfff\n",
- " 38: f504 5c80 add.w ip, r4, #4096 ; 0x1000\n",
- " 3c: f8ac 2000 strh.w r2, [ip]\n",
- " 40: f504 1c80 add.w ip, r4, #1048576 ; 0x100000\n",
- " 44: f8ac 20a4 strh.w r2, [ip, #164] ; 0xa4\n",
- " 48: f44f 5c80 mov.w ip, #4096 ; 0x1000\n",
- " 4c: f2c0 0c10 movt ip, #16\n",
- " 50: 44a4 add ip, r4\n",
- " 52: f8ac 2000 strh.w r2, [ip]\n",
- " 56: f44f 5c80 mov.w ip, #4096 ; 0x1000\n",
- " 5a: f2c0 0c10 movt ip, #16\n",
- " 5e: 44a4 add ip, r4\n",
- " 60: f8ac 4000 strh.w r4, [ip]\n",
- " 64: e9c4 2303 strd r2, r3, [r4, #12]\n",
- " 68: e9c4 23ff strd r2, r3, [r4, #1020] ; 0x3fc\n",
- " 6c: f504 6c80 add.w ip, r4, #1024 ; 0x400\n",
- " 70: e9cc 2300 strd r2, r3, [ip]\n",
- " 74: f504 2c80 add.w ip, r4, #262144 ; 0x40000\n",
- " 78: e9cc 2329 strd r2, r3, [ip, #164] ; 0xa4\n",
- " 7c: f44f 6c80 mov.w ip, #1024 ; 0x400\n",
- " 80: f2c0 0c04 movt ip, #4\n",
- " 84: 44a4 add ip, r4\n",
- " 86: e9cc 2300 strd r2, r3, [ip]\n",
- " 8a: f44f 6c80 mov.w ip, #1024 ; 0x400\n",
- " 8e: f2c0 0c04 movt ip, #4\n",
- " 92: 44a4 add ip, r4\n",
- " 94: e9cc 4500 strd r4, r5, [ip]\n",
- " 98: f8cc 000c str.w r0, [ip, #12]\n",
- " 9c: f5a4 1c80 sub.w ip, r4, #1048576 ; 0x100000\n",
- " a0: f8cc 20a4 str.w r2, [ip, #164] ; 0xa4\n",
- " a4: 7322 strb r2, [r4, #12]\n",
- nullptr
+const char* const VixlLoadFromOffsetResults = {
+ " 0: 68e2 ldr r2, [r4, #12]\n"
+ " 2: f8d4 2fff ldr.w r2, [r4, #4095] ; 0xfff\n"
+ " 6: f504 5280 add.w r2, r4, #4096 ; 0x1000\n"
+ " a: 6812 ldr r2, [r2, #0]\n"
+ " c: f504 1280 add.w r2, r4, #1048576 ; 0x100000\n"
+ " 10: f8d2 20a4 ldr.w r2, [r2, #164] ; 0xa4\n"
+ " 14: f44f 5280 mov.w r2, #4096 ; 0x1000\n"
+ " 18: f2c0 0210 movt r2, #16\n"
+ " 1c: 4422 add r2, r4\n"
+ " 1e: 6812 ldr r2, [r2, #0]\n"
+ " 20: f44f 5c80 mov.w ip, #4096 ; 0x1000\n"
+ " 24: f2c0 0c10 movt ip, #16\n"
+ " 28: 4464 add r4, ip\n"
+ " 2a: 6824 ldr r4, [r4, #0]\n"
+ " 2c: 89a2 ldrh r2, [r4, #12]\n"
+ " 2e: f8b4 2fff ldrh.w r2, [r4, #4095] ; 0xfff\n"
+ " 32: f504 5280 add.w r2, r4, #4096 ; 0x1000\n"
+ " 36: 8812 ldrh r2, [r2, #0]\n"
+ " 38: f504 1280 add.w r2, r4, #1048576 ; 0x100000\n"
+ " 3c: f8b2 20a4 ldrh.w r2, [r2, #164] ; 0xa4\n"
+ " 40: f44f 5280 mov.w r2, #4096 ; 0x1000\n"
+ " 44: f2c0 0210 movt r2, #16\n"
+ " 48: 4422 add r2, r4\n"
+ " 4a: 8812 ldrh r2, [r2, #0]\n"
+ " 4c: f44f 5c80 mov.w ip, #4096 ; 0x1000\n"
+ " 50: f2c0 0c10 movt ip, #16\n"
+ " 54: 4464 add r4, ip\n"
+ " 56: 8824 ldrh r4, [r4, #0]\n"
+ " 58: e9d4 2303 ldrd r2, r3, [r4, #12]\n"
+ " 5c: e9d4 23ff ldrd r2, r3, [r4, #1020] ; 0x3fc\n"
+ " 60: f504 6280 add.w r2, r4, #1024 ; 0x400\n"
+ " 64: e9d2 2300 ldrd r2, r3, [r2]\n"
+ " 68: f504 2280 add.w r2, r4, #262144 ; 0x40000\n"
+ " 6c: e9d2 2329 ldrd r2, r3, [r2, #164] ; 0xa4\n"
+ " 70: f44f 6280 mov.w r2, #1024 ; 0x400\n"
+ " 74: f2c0 0204 movt r2, #4\n"
+ " 78: 4422 add r2, r4\n"
+ " 7a: e9d2 2300 ldrd r2, r3, [r2]\n"
+ " 7e: f44f 6c80 mov.w ip, #1024 ; 0x400\n"
+ " 82: f2c0 0c04 movt ip, #4\n"
+ " 86: 4464 add r4, ip\n"
+ " 88: e9d4 4500 ldrd r4, r5, [r4]\n"
+ " 8c: f8dc 000c ldr.w r0, [ip, #12]\n"
+ " 90: f5a4 1280 sub.w r2, r4, #1048576 ; 0x100000\n"
+ " 94: f8d2 20a4 ldr.w r2, [r2, #164] ; 0xa4\n"
+ " 98: f994 200c ldrsb.w r2, [r4, #12]\n"
+ " 9c: 7b22 ldrb r2, [r4, #12]\n"
+ " 9e: f9b4 200c ldrsh.w r2, [r4, #12]\n"
-std::map<std::string, const char* const*> test_results;
-void setup_results() {
- test_results["VixlJniHelpers"] = VixlJniHelpersResults;
- test_results["VixlStoreToOffset"] = VixlStoreToOffsetResults;
- test_results["VixlLoadFromOffset"] = VixlLoadFromOffsetResults;
+const char* const VixlStoreToOffsetResults = {
+ " 0: 60e2 str r2, [r4, #12]\n"
+ " 2: f8c4 2fff str.w r2, [r4, #4095] ; 0xfff\n"
+ " 6: f504 5c80 add.w ip, r4, #4096 ; 0x1000\n"
+ " a: f8cc 2000 str.w r2, [ip]\n"
+ " e: f504 1c80 add.w ip, r4, #1048576 ; 0x100000\n"
+ " 12: f8cc 20a4 str.w r2, [ip, #164] ; 0xa4\n"
+ " 16: f44f 5c80 mov.w ip, #4096 ; 0x1000\n"
+ " 1a: f2c0 0c10 movt ip, #16\n"
+ " 1e: 44a4 add ip, r4\n"
+ " 20: f8cc 2000 str.w r2, [ip]\n"
+ " 24: f44f 5c80 mov.w ip, #4096 ; 0x1000\n"
+ " 28: f2c0 0c10 movt ip, #16\n"
+ " 2c: 44a4 add ip, r4\n"
+ " 2e: f8cc 4000 str.w r4, [ip]\n"
+ " 32: 81a2 strh r2, [r4, #12]\n"
+ " 34: f8a4 2fff strh.w r2, [r4, #4095] ; 0xfff\n"
+ " 38: f504 5c80 add.w ip, r4, #4096 ; 0x1000\n"
+ " 3c: f8ac 2000 strh.w r2, [ip]\n"
+ " 40: f504 1c80 add.w ip, r4, #1048576 ; 0x100000\n"
+ " 44: f8ac 20a4 strh.w r2, [ip, #164] ; 0xa4\n"
+ " 48: f44f 5c80 mov.w ip, #4096 ; 0x1000\n"
+ " 4c: f2c0 0c10 movt ip, #16\n"
+ " 50: 44a4 add ip, r4\n"
+ " 52: f8ac 2000 strh.w r2, [ip]\n"
+ " 56: f44f 5c80 mov.w ip, #4096 ; 0x1000\n"
+ " 5a: f2c0 0c10 movt ip, #16\n"
+ " 5e: 44a4 add ip, r4\n"
+ " 60: f8ac 4000 strh.w r4, [ip]\n"
+ " 64: e9c4 2303 strd r2, r3, [r4, #12]\n"
+ " 68: e9c4 23ff strd r2, r3, [r4, #1020] ; 0x3fc\n"
+ " 6c: f504 6c80 add.w ip, r4, #1024 ; 0x400\n"
+ " 70: e9cc 2300 strd r2, r3, [ip]\n"
+ " 74: f504 2c80 add.w ip, r4, #262144 ; 0x40000\n"
+ " 78: e9cc 2329 strd r2, r3, [ip, #164] ; 0xa4\n"
+ " 7c: f44f 6c80 mov.w ip, #1024 ; 0x400\n"
+ " 80: f2c0 0c04 movt ip, #4\n"
+ " 84: 44a4 add ip, r4\n"
+ " 86: e9cc 2300 strd r2, r3, [ip]\n"
+ " 8a: f44f 6c80 mov.w ip, #1024 ; 0x400\n"
+ " 8e: f2c0 0c04 movt ip, #4\n"
+ " 92: 44a4 add ip, r4\n"
+ " 94: e9cc 4500 strd r4, r5, [ip]\n"
+ " 98: f8cc 000c str.w r0, [ip, #12]\n"
+ " 9c: f5a4 1c80 sub.w ip, r4, #1048576 ; 0x100000\n"
+ " a0: f8cc 20a4 str.w r2, [ip, #164] ; 0xa4\n"
+ " a4: 7322 strb r2, [r4, #12]\n"
diff --git a/libartbase/base/ b/libartbase/base/
index 043d35e..c6a593c 100644
--- a/libartbase/base/
+++ b/libartbase/base/
@@ -141,49 +141,69 @@
CHECK_EQ(0, unlink_result);
-void CommonArtTestImpl::SetUpAndroidRootEnvVars() {
- if (IsHost()) {
- // Look at how we were invoked to extract reasonable default paths.
- std::string argv;
- if (android::base::ReadFileToString("/proc/self/cmdline", &argv)) {
- // /proc/self/cmdline is the programs 'argv' with elements delimited by '\0'.
- std::filesystem::path path(argv.substr(0, argv.find('\0')));
- path = std::filesystem::absolute(path);
- // Walk up until we find the one of the well-known directories.
- for (; path.parent_path() != path; path = path.parent_path()) {
- // We are running tests from out/host/linux-x86 on developer machine.
- if (path.filename() == std::filesystem::path("linux-x86")) {
- char* cwd = getcwd(nullptr, 0);
- setenv("ANDROID_BUILD_TOP", cwd, /*overwrite=*/ 0); // No-op if already set.
- free(cwd);
- setenv("ANDROID_HOST_OUT", path.c_str(), /*overwrite=*/ 0); // No-op if already set.
- break;
- }
- // We are running tests from testcases (extracted from zip) on tradefed.
- if (path.filename() == std::filesystem::path("testcases")) {
- path.append("art_common");
- bool ok = chdir(path.c_str()) == 0;
- CHECK(ok);
- setenv("ANDROID_BUILD_TOP", path.c_str(), /*overwrite=*/ 0); // No-op if already set.
- path.append("out/host/linux-x86");
- setenv("ANDROID_HOST_OUT", path.c_str(), /*overwrite=*/ 0); // No-op if already set.
- break;
- }
+std::string CommonArtTestImpl::GetAndroidBuildTop() {
+ CHECK(IsHost());
+ std::string android_build_top;
+ // Look at how we were invoked to find the expected directory.
+ std::string argv;
+ if (android::base::ReadFileToString("/proc/self/cmdline", &argv)) {
+ // /proc/self/cmdline is the programs 'argv' with elements delimited by '\0'.
+ std::filesystem::path path(argv.substr(0, argv.find('\0')));
+ path = std::filesystem::absolute(path);
+ // Walk up until we find the one of the well-known directories.
+ for (; path.parent_path() != path; path = path.parent_path()) {
+ // We are running tests from out/host/linux-x86 on developer machine.
+ if (path.filename() == std::filesystem::path("linux-x86")) {
+ android_build_top = path.parent_path().parent_path().parent_path();
+ break;
+ }
+ // We are running tests from testcases (extracted from zip) on tradefed.
+ if (path.filename() == std::filesystem::path("testcases")) {
+ android_build_top = path.append("art_common");
+ break;
- const char* android_build_top_from_env = getenv("ANDROID_BUILD_TOP");
- DCHECK(android_build_top_from_env != nullptr);
- DCHECK(std::filesystem::exists(android_build_top_from_env)) << android_build_top_from_env;
- const char* android_host_out_from_env = getenv("ANDROID_HOST_OUT");
- DCHECK(android_host_out_from_env != nullptr);
- DCHECK(std::filesystem::exists(android_host_out_from_env)) << android_host_out_from_env;
+ }
+ CHECK(!android_build_top.empty());
+ // Check that the expected directory matches the environment variable.
+ const char* android_build_top_from_env = getenv("ANDROID_BUILD_TOP");
+ if (android_build_top_from_env != nullptr) {
+ CHECK_EQ(android_build_top, android_build_top_from_env);
+ } else {
+ setenv("ANDROID_BUILD_TOP", android_build_top.c_str(), /*overwrite=*/0);
+ }
+ if (android_build_top.back() != '/') {
+ android_build_top += '/';
+ }
+ return android_build_top;
+std::string CommonArtTestImpl::GetAndroidHostOut() {
+ CHECK(IsHost());
+ std::string android_host_out = GetAndroidBuildTop() + "out/host/linux-x86";
+ // Check that the expected directory matches the environment variable.
+ const char* android_host_out_from_env = getenv("ANDROID_HOST_OUT");
+ if (android_host_out_from_env != nullptr) {
+ CHECK_EQ(android_host_out, android_host_out_from_env);
+ } else {
+ setenv("ANDROID_HOST_OUT", android_host_out.c_str(), /*overwrite=*/0);
+ }
+ return android_host_out;
+void CommonArtTestImpl::SetUpAndroidRootEnvVars() {
+ if (IsHost()) {
+ std::string android_host_out = GetAndroidHostOut();
// Environment variable ANDROID_ROOT is set on the device, but not
// necessarily on the host.
const char* android_root_from_env = getenv("ANDROID_ROOT");
if (android_root_from_env == nullptr) {
- setenv("ANDROID_ROOT", android_host_out_from_env, 1);
+ setenv("ANDROID_ROOT", android_host_out.c_str(), 1);
android_root_from_env = getenv("ANDROID_ROOT");
@@ -193,7 +213,7 @@
const char* android_i18n_root_from_env = getenv("ANDROID_I18N_ROOT");
if (android_i18n_root_from_env == nullptr) {
- std::string android_i18n_root = android_host_out_from_env;
+ std::string android_i18n_root = android_host_out.c_str();
android_i18n_root += "/";
setenv("ANDROID_I18N_ROOT", android_i18n_root.c_str(), 1);
@@ -204,7 +224,7 @@
const char* android_art_root_from_env = getenv("ANDROID_ART_ROOT");
if (android_art_root_from_env == nullptr) {
- std::string android_art_root = android_host_out_from_env;
+ std::string android_art_root = android_host_out.c_str();
android_art_root += "/";
setenv("ANDROID_ART_ROOT", android_art_root.c_str(), 1);
@@ -215,7 +235,7 @@
const char* android_tzdata_root_from_env = getenv("ANDROID_TZDATA_ROOT");
if (android_tzdata_root_from_env == nullptr) {
- std::string android_tzdata_root = android_host_out_from_env;
+ std::string android_tzdata_root = android_host_out.c_str();
android_tzdata_root += "/";
setenv("ANDROID_TZDATA_ROOT", android_tzdata_root.c_str(), 1);
@@ -278,59 +298,30 @@
-std::string CommonArtTestImpl::GetAndroidBuildTop() {
- std::string root;
- const char* android_build_top = getenv("ANDROID_BUILD_TOP");
- if (android_build_top != nullptr) {
- root = android_build_top;
- } else {
- // Not set by build server, so default to current directory
- char* cwd = getcwd(nullptr, 0);
- setenv("ANDROID_BUILD_TOP", cwd, 1);
- root = cwd;
- free(cwd);
+// Get prebuilt binary tool.
+// The paths need to be updated when Android prebuilts update.
+std::string CommonArtTestImpl::GetAndroidTool(const char* name, InstructionSet isa) {
+ std::string path = GetAndroidBuildTop() + "prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/";
+ switch (isa) {
+ case InstructionSet::kX86:
+ case InstructionSet::kX86_64:
+ path += "host/x86_64-linux-glibc2.17-4.8/x86_64-linux/bin/";
+ break;
+ case InstructionSet::kArm:
+ case InstructionSet::kThumb2:
+ path += "arm/arm-linux-androideabi-4.9/arm-linux-androideabi/bin/";
+ break;
+ case InstructionSet::kArm64:
+ path += "aarch64/aarch64-linux-android-4.9/aarch64-linux-android/bin/";
+ break;
+ default:
+ LOG(FATAL) << "Unknown ISA: " << isa;
+ break;
- CHECK(!root.empty());
- if (root.back() != '/') {
- root += '/';
- }
- return root;
-// Helper - find directory with the following format:
-// ${ANDROID_BUILD_TOP}/${subdir1}/${subdir2}-${version}/${subdir3}/bin/
-std::string CommonArtTestImpl::GetAndroidToolsDir(const std::string& subdir1,
- const std::string& subdir2,
- const std::string& subdir3) {
- std::string toolsdir = GetAndroidBuildTop() + subdir1;
- std::string founddir;
- DIR* dir;
- if ((dir = opendir(toolsdir.c_str())) != nullptr) {
- float maxversion = 0;
- struct dirent* entry;
- while ((entry = readdir(dir)) != nullptr) {
- std::string format = subdir2 + "-%f";
- float version;
- if (std::sscanf(entry->d_name, format.c_str(), &version) == 1) {
- if (version > maxversion) {
- maxversion = version;
- founddir = toolsdir + "/" + entry->d_name + "/" + subdir3 + "/bin/";
- }
- }
- }
- closedir(dir);
- }
- if (founddir.empty()) {
- ADD_FAILURE() << "Cannot find Android tools directory.";
- }
- return founddir;
-std::string CommonArtTestImpl::GetAndroidHostToolsDir() {
- return GetAndroidToolsDir("prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/host",
- "x86_64-linux-glibc2.17",
- "x86_64-linux");
+ CHECK(OS::DirectoryExists(path.c_str())) << path;
+ path += name;
+ CHECK(OS::FileExists(path.c_str())) << path;
+ return path;
std::string CommonArtTestImpl::GetCoreArtLocation() {
diff --git a/libartbase/base/common_art_test.h b/libartbase/base/common_art_test.h
index fe045ca..b4e0c5a 100644
--- a/libartbase/base/common_art_test.h
+++ b/libartbase/base/common_art_test.h
@@ -194,9 +194,6 @@
static std::string GetClassPathOption(const char* option,
const std::vector<std::string>& class_path);
- // Returns bin directory which contains host's prebuild tools.
- static std::string GetAndroidHostToolsDir();
// Retuerns the filename for a test dex (i.e. XandY or ManyMethods).
std::string GetTestDexFileName(const char* name) const;
@@ -249,6 +246,9 @@
const PostForkFn& post_fork,
std::string* output);
+ // Helper - find prebuilt tool (e.g. objdump).
+ static std::string GetAndroidTool(const char* name, InstructionSet isa = InstructionSet::kX86_64);
static bool IsHost() {
return !kIsTargetBuild;
@@ -257,11 +257,8 @@
// Returns ${ANDROID_BUILD_TOP}. Ensure it has tailing /.
static std::string GetAndroidBuildTop();
- // Helper - find directory with the following format:
- // ${ANDROID_BUILD_TOP}/${subdir1}/${subdir2}-${version}/${subdir3}/bin/
- static std::string GetAndroidToolsDir(const std::string& subdir1,
- const std::string& subdir2,
- const std::string& subdir3);
+ // Returns ${ANDROID_HOST_OUT}.
+ static std::string GetAndroidHostOut();
// File location to, e.g. /apex/
static std::string GetCoreArtLocation();
diff --git a/runtime/ b/runtime/
index c4e83b9..1d37a42 100644
--- a/runtime/
+++ b/runtime/
@@ -80,29 +80,6 @@
-std::string CommonRuntimeTestImpl::GetAndroidTargetToolsDir(InstructionSet isa) {
- switch (isa) {
- case InstructionSet::kArm:
- case InstructionSet::kThumb2:
- return GetAndroidToolsDir("prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm",
- "arm-linux-androideabi",
- "arm-linux-androideabi");
- case InstructionSet::kArm64:
- return GetAndroidToolsDir("prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/aarch64",
- "aarch64-linux-android",
- "aarch64-linux-android");
- case InstructionSet::kX86:
- case InstructionSet::kX86_64:
- return GetAndroidToolsDir("prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/x86",
- "x86_64-linux-android",
- "x86_64-linux-android");
- default:
- break;
- }
- ADD_FAILURE() << "Invalid isa " << isa;
- return "";
void CommonRuntimeTestImpl::SetUp() {
diff --git a/runtime/common_runtime_test.h b/runtime/common_runtime_test.h
index 797846e..47031a3 100644
--- a/runtime/common_runtime_test.h
+++ b/runtime/common_runtime_test.h
@@ -75,8 +75,6 @@
virtual ~CommonRuntimeTestImpl();
- static std::string GetAndroidTargetToolsDir(InstructionSet isa);
// A helper function to fill the heap.
static void FillHeap(Thread* self,
ClassLinker* class_linker,
diff --git a/runtime/ b/runtime/
index 158d9d6..15b115a 100644
--- a/runtime/
+++ b/runtime/
@@ -26,39 +26,24 @@
class PrebuiltToolsTest : public CommonRuntimeTest {
-static void CheckToolsExist(const std::string& tools_dir) {
- const char* tools[] = { "as", "objcopy", "objdump" };
- for (const char* tool : tools) {
- struct stat exec_st;
- std::string exec_path = tools_dir + tool;
- if (stat(exec_path.c_str(), &exec_st) != 0) {
- ADD_FAILURE() << "Cannot find " << tool << " in " << tools_dir;
+ public:
+ static void CheckToolsExist(InstructionSet isa) {
+ const char* tools[] = { "as", "objcopy", "objdump" };
+ for (const char* tool : tools) {
+ std::string path = GetAndroidTool(tool, isa);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(OS::FileExists(path.c_str())) << path;
TEST_F(PrebuiltToolsTest, CheckHostTools) {
- std::string tools_dir = GetAndroidHostToolsDir();
- if (tools_dir.empty()) {
- ADD_FAILURE() << "Cannot find Android tools directory for host";
- } else {
- CheckToolsExist(tools_dir);
- }
+ CheckToolsExist(InstructionSet::kX86);
+ CheckToolsExist(InstructionSet::kX86_64);
TEST_F(PrebuiltToolsTest, CheckTargetTools) {
- // Other prebuilts are missing from the build server's repo manifest.
- InstructionSet isas[] = { InstructionSet::kThumb2 };
- for (InstructionSet isa : isas) {
- std::string tools_dir = GetAndroidTargetToolsDir(isa);
- if (tools_dir.empty()) {
- ADD_FAILURE() << "Cannot find Android tools directory for " << isa;
- } else {
- CheckToolsExist(tools_dir);
- }
- }
+ CheckToolsExist(InstructionSet::kThumb2);
+ CheckToolsExist(InstructionSet::kArm64);