Revert "Force OSR compilation on all compilations."

Change was temporary.

This reverts commit c2176669b4c8ee7622609d07ccca0524e6628471.

Change-Id: Iaa039c166827da983f757acc168e0c0f49daec4e
diff --git a/test/common/ b/test/common/
index 9956ac0..80a2780 100644
--- a/test/common/
+++ b/test/common/
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
 namespace art {
-static bool asserts_enabled = false;
+static bool asserts_enabled = true;
 // public static native void disableStackFrameAsserts();
 // Note: to globally disable asserts in unsupported configurations.
diff --git a/test/run-test b/test/run-test
index 6b920e5..09a70e5 100755
--- a/test/run-test
+++ b/test/run-test
@@ -777,6 +777,32 @@
 export TEST_NAME=`basename ${test_dir}`
+# Tests named '<number>-checker-*' will also have their CFGs verified with
+# Checker when compiled with Optimizing on host.
+if [[ "$TEST_NAME" =~ ^[0-9]+-checker- ]]; then
+  if [ "$runtime" = "art" -a "$image_suffix" = "" ]; then
+    # In no-prebuild or no-image mode, the compiler only quickens so disable the checker.
+    if [ "$prebuild_mode" = "yes" -a "$have_image" = "yes" ]; then
+      run_checker="yes"
+      if [ "$target_mode" = "no" ]; then
+        cfg_output_dir="$tmp_dir"
+        checker_args="--arch=${host_arch_name^^}"
+      else
+        cfg_output_dir="$DEX_LOCATION"
+        checker_args="--arch=${target_arch_name^^}"
+      fi
+      if [ "$debuggable" = "yes" ]; then
+        checker_args="$checker_args --debuggable"
+      fi
+      run_args="${run_args} -Xcompiler-option --dump-cfg=$cfg_output_dir/$cfg_output \
+                            -Xcompiler-option -j1"
+    fi
+  fi
   run_args="${run_args} --testlib ${testlib}"
 # To cause tests to fail fast, limit the file sizes created by dx, dex2oat and