Move assembler out of runtime into compiler/utils.

Other directory layout bits of clean up. There is still work to separate quick
and portable in some files (e.g. argument visitor, proxy..).

Change-Id: If8fecffda8ba5c4c47a035f0c622c538c6b58351
diff --git a/compiler/utils/arm/constants_arm.h b/compiler/utils/arm/constants_arm.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc795b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/utils/arm/constants_arm.h
@@ -0,0 +1,449 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <iosfwd>
+#include "arch/arm/registers_arm.h"
+#include "base/casts.h"
+#include "base/logging.h"
+#include "globals.h"
+namespace art {
+namespace arm {
+// Defines constants and accessor classes to assemble, disassemble and
+// simulate ARM instructions.
+// Section references in the code refer to the "ARM Architecture Reference
+// Manual" from July 2005 (available at
+// Constants for specific fields are defined in their respective named enums.
+// General constants are in an anonymous enum in class Instr.
+// We support both VFPv3-D16 and VFPv3-D32 profiles, but currently only one at
+// a time, so that compile time optimizations can be applied.
+// Warning: VFPv3-D32 is untested.
+#define VFPv3_D16
+#if defined(VFPv3_D16) == defined(VFPv3_D32)
+#error "Exactly one of VFPv3_D16 or VFPv3_D32 can be defined at a time."
+enum ScaleFactor {
+  TIMES_1 = 0,
+  TIMES_2 = 1,
+  TIMES_4 = 2,
+  TIMES_8 = 3
+// Values for double-precision floating point registers.
+enum DRegister {
+  D0  =  0,
+  D1  =  1,
+  D2  =  2,
+  D3  =  3,
+  D4  =  4,
+  D5  =  5,
+  D6  =  6,
+  D7  =  7,
+  D8  =  8,
+  D9  =  9,
+  D10 = 10,
+  D11 = 11,
+  D12 = 12,
+  D13 = 13,
+  D14 = 14,
+  D15 = 15,
+#ifdef VFPv3_D16
+  kNumberOfDRegisters = 16,
+  D16 = 16,
+  D17 = 17,
+  D18 = 18,
+  D19 = 19,
+  D20 = 20,
+  D21 = 21,
+  D22 = 22,
+  D23 = 23,
+  D24 = 24,
+  D25 = 25,
+  D26 = 26,
+  D27 = 27,
+  D28 = 28,
+  D29 = 29,
+  D30 = 30,
+  D31 = 31,
+  kNumberOfDRegisters = 32,
+  kNumberOfOverlappingDRegisters = 16,
+  kNoDRegister = -1,
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const DRegister& rhs);
+// Values for the condition field as defined in section A3.2.
+enum Condition {
+  kNoCondition = -1,
+  EQ =  0,  // equal
+  NE =  1,  // not equal
+  CS =  2,  // carry set/unsigned higher or same
+  CC =  3,  // carry clear/unsigned lower
+  MI =  4,  // minus/negative
+  PL =  5,  // plus/positive or zero
+  VS =  6,  // overflow
+  VC =  7,  // no overflow
+  HI =  8,  // unsigned higher
+  LS =  9,  // unsigned lower or same
+  GE = 10,  // signed greater than or equal
+  LT = 11,  // signed less than
+  GT = 12,  // signed greater than
+  LE = 13,  // signed less than or equal
+  AL = 14,  // always (unconditional)
+  kSpecialCondition = 15,  // special condition (refer to section A3.2.1)
+  kMaxCondition = 16,
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Condition& rhs);
+// Opcodes for Data-processing instructions (instructions with a type 0 and 1)
+// as defined in section A3.4
+enum Opcode {
+  kNoOperand = -1,
+  AND =  0,  // Logical AND
+  EOR =  1,  // Logical Exclusive OR
+  SUB =  2,  // Subtract
+  RSB =  3,  // Reverse Subtract
+  ADD =  4,  // Add
+  ADC =  5,  // Add with Carry
+  SBC =  6,  // Subtract with Carry
+  RSC =  7,  // Reverse Subtract with Carry
+  TST =  8,  // Test
+  TEQ =  9,  // Test Equivalence
+  CMP = 10,  // Compare
+  CMN = 11,  // Compare Negated
+  ORR = 12,  // Logical (inclusive) OR
+  MOV = 13,  // Move
+  BIC = 14,  // Bit Clear
+  MVN = 15,  // Move Not
+  kMaxOperand = 16
+// Shifter types for Data-processing operands as defined in section A5.1.2.
+enum Shift {
+  kNoShift = -1,
+  LSL = 0,  // Logical shift left
+  LSR = 1,  // Logical shift right
+  ASR = 2,  // Arithmetic shift right
+  ROR = 3,  // Rotate right
+  kMaxShift = 4
+// Constants used for the decoding or encoding of the individual fields of
+// instructions. Based on the "Figure 3-1 ARM instruction set summary".
+enum InstructionFields {
+  kConditionShift = 28,
+  kConditionBits = 4,
+  kTypeShift = 25,
+  kTypeBits = 3,
+  kLinkShift = 24,
+  kLinkBits = 1,
+  kUShift = 23,
+  kUBits = 1,
+  kOpcodeShift = 21,
+  kOpcodeBits = 4,
+  kSShift = 20,
+  kSBits = 1,
+  kRnShift = 16,
+  kRnBits = 4,
+  kRdShift = 12,
+  kRdBits = 4,
+  kRsShift = 8,
+  kRsBits = 4,
+  kRmShift = 0,
+  kRmBits = 4,
+  // Immediate instruction fields encoding.
+  kRotateShift = 8,
+  kRotateBits = 4,
+  kImmed8Shift = 0,
+  kImmed8Bits = 8,
+  // Shift instruction register fields encodings.
+  kShiftImmShift = 7,
+  kShiftRegisterShift = 8,
+  kShiftImmBits = 5,
+  kShiftShift = 5,
+  kShiftBits = 2,
+  // Load/store instruction offset field encoding.
+  kOffset12Shift = 0,
+  kOffset12Bits = 12,
+  kOffset12Mask = 0x00000fff,
+  // Mul instruction register fields encodings.
+  kMulRdShift = 16,
+  kMulRdBits = 4,
+  kMulRnShift = 12,
+  kMulRnBits = 4,
+  kBranchOffsetMask = 0x00ffffff
+// Size (in bytes) of registers.
+const int kRegisterSize = 4;
+// List of registers used in load/store multiple.
+typedef uint16_t RegList;
+// The class Instr enables access to individual fields defined in the ARM
+// architecture instruction set encoding as described in figure A3-1.
+// Example: Test whether the instruction at ptr does set the condition code
+// bits.
+// bool InstructionSetsConditionCodes(byte* ptr) {
+//   Instr* instr = Instr::At(ptr);
+//   int type = instr->TypeField();
+//   return ((type == 0) || (type == 1)) && instr->HasS();
+// }
+class Instr {
+ public:
+  enum {
+    kInstrSize = 4,
+    kInstrSizeLog2 = 2,
+    kPCReadOffset = 8
+  };
+  bool IsBreakPoint() {
+    return IsBkpt();
+  }
+  // Get the raw instruction bits.
+  inline int32_t InstructionBits() const {
+    return *reinterpret_cast<const int32_t*>(this);
+  }
+  // Set the raw instruction bits to value.
+  inline void SetInstructionBits(int32_t value) {
+    *reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(this) = value;
+  }
+  // Read one particular bit out of the instruction bits.
+  inline int Bit(int nr) const {
+    return (InstructionBits() >> nr) & 1;
+  }
+  // Read a bit field out of the instruction bits.
+  inline int Bits(int shift, int count) const {
+    return (InstructionBits() >> shift) & ((1 << count) - 1);
+  }
+  // Accessors for the different named fields used in the ARM encoding.
+  // The naming of these accessor corresponds to figure A3-1.
+  // Generally applicable fields
+  inline Condition ConditionField() const {
+    return static_cast<Condition>(Bits(kConditionShift, kConditionBits));
+  }
+  inline int TypeField() const { return Bits(kTypeShift, kTypeBits); }
+  inline Register RnField() const { return static_cast<Register>(
+                                        Bits(kRnShift, kRnBits)); }
+  inline Register RdField() const { return static_cast<Register>(
+                                        Bits(kRdShift, kRdBits)); }
+  // Fields used in Data processing instructions
+  inline Opcode OpcodeField() const {
+    return static_cast<Opcode>(Bits(kOpcodeShift, kOpcodeBits));
+  }
+  inline int SField() const { return Bits(kSShift, kSBits); }
+  // with register
+  inline Register RmField() const {
+    return static_cast<Register>(Bits(kRmShift, kRmBits));
+  }
+  inline Shift ShiftField() const { return static_cast<Shift>(
+                                        Bits(kShiftShift, kShiftBits)); }
+  inline int RegShiftField() const { return Bit(4); }
+  inline Register RsField() const {
+    return static_cast<Register>(Bits(kRsShift, kRsBits));
+  }
+  inline int ShiftAmountField() const { return Bits(kShiftImmShift,
+                                                    kShiftImmBits); }
+  // with immediate
+  inline int RotateField() const { return Bits(kRotateShift, kRotateBits); }
+  inline int Immed8Field() const { return Bits(kImmed8Shift, kImmed8Bits); }
+  // Fields used in Load/Store instructions
+  inline int PUField() const { return Bits(23, 2); }
+  inline int  BField() const { return Bit(22); }
+  inline int  WField() const { return Bit(21); }
+  inline int  LField() const { return Bit(20); }
+  // with register uses same fields as Data processing instructions above
+  // with immediate
+  inline int Offset12Field() const { return Bits(kOffset12Shift,
+                                                 kOffset12Bits); }
+  // multiple
+  inline int RlistField() const { return Bits(0, 16); }
+  // extra loads and stores
+  inline int SignField() const { return Bit(6); }
+  inline int HField() const { return Bit(5); }
+  inline int ImmedHField() const { return Bits(8, 4); }
+  inline int ImmedLField() const { return Bits(0, 4); }
+  // Fields used in Branch instructions
+  inline int LinkField() const { return Bits(kLinkShift, kLinkBits); }
+  inline int SImmed24Field() const { return ((InstructionBits() << 8) >> 8); }
+  // Fields used in Supervisor Call instructions
+  inline uint32_t SvcField() const { return Bits(0, 24); }
+  // Field used in Breakpoint instruction
+  inline uint16_t BkptField() const {
+    return ((Bits(8, 12) << 4) | Bits(0, 4));
+  }
+  // Field used in 16-bit immediate move instructions
+  inline uint16_t MovwField() const {
+    return ((Bits(16, 4) << 12) | Bits(0, 12));
+  }
+  // Field used in VFP float immediate move instruction
+  inline float ImmFloatField() const {
+    uint32_t imm32 = (Bit(19) << 31) | (((1 << 5) - Bit(18)) << 25) |
+                     (Bits(16, 2) << 23) | (Bits(0, 4) << 19);
+    return bit_cast<float, uint32_t>(imm32);
+  }
+  // Field used in VFP double immediate move instruction
+  inline double ImmDoubleField() const {
+    uint64_t imm64 = (Bit(19)*(1LL << 63)) | (((1LL << 8) - Bit(18)) << 54) |
+                     (Bits(16, 2)*(1LL << 52)) | (Bits(0, 4)*(1LL << 48));
+    return bit_cast<double, uint64_t>(imm64);
+  }
+  // Test for data processing instructions of type 0 or 1.
+  // See "ARM Architecture Reference Manual ARMv7-A and ARMv7-R edition",
+  // section A5.1 "ARM instruction set encoding".
+  inline bool IsDataProcessing() const {
+    CHECK_NE(ConditionField(), kSpecialCondition);
+    CHECK_EQ(Bits(26, 2), 0);  // Type 0 or 1.
+    return ((Bits(20, 5) & 0x19) != 0x10) &&
+      ((Bit(25) == 1) ||  // Data processing immediate.
+       (Bit(4) == 0) ||  // Data processing register.
+       (Bit(7) == 0));  // Data processing register-shifted register.
+  }
+  // Tests for special encodings of type 0 instructions (extra loads and stores,
+  // as well as multiplications, synchronization primitives, and miscellaneous).
+  // Can only be called for a type 0 or 1 instruction.
+  inline bool IsMiscellaneous() const {
+    CHECK_EQ(Bits(26, 2), 0);  // Type 0 or 1.
+    return ((Bit(25) == 0) && ((Bits(20, 5) & 0x19) == 0x10) && (Bit(7) == 0));
+  }
+  inline bool IsMultiplyOrSyncPrimitive() const {
+    CHECK_EQ(Bits(26, 2), 0);  // Type 0 or 1.
+    return ((Bit(25) == 0) && (Bits(4, 4) == 9));
+  }
+  // Test for Supervisor Call instruction.
+  inline bool IsSvc() const {
+    return ((InstructionBits() & 0xff000000) == 0xef000000);
+  }
+  // Test for Breakpoint instruction.
+  inline bool IsBkpt() const {
+    return ((InstructionBits() & 0xfff000f0) == 0xe1200070);
+  }
+  // VFP register fields.
+  inline SRegister SnField() const {
+    return static_cast<SRegister>((Bits(kRnShift, kRnBits) << 1) + Bit(7));
+  }
+  inline SRegister SdField() const {
+    return static_cast<SRegister>((Bits(kRdShift, kRdBits) << 1) + Bit(22));
+  }
+  inline SRegister SmField() const {
+    return static_cast<SRegister>((Bits(kRmShift, kRmBits) << 1) + Bit(5));
+  }
+  inline DRegister DnField() const {
+    return static_cast<DRegister>(Bits(kRnShift, kRnBits) + (Bit(7) << 4));
+  }
+  inline DRegister DdField() const {
+    return static_cast<DRegister>(Bits(kRdShift, kRdBits) + (Bit(22) << 4));
+  }
+  inline DRegister DmField() const {
+    return static_cast<DRegister>(Bits(kRmShift, kRmBits) + (Bit(5) << 4));
+  }
+  // Test for VFP data processing or single transfer instructions of type 7.
+  inline bool IsVFPDataProcessingOrSingleTransfer() const {
+    CHECK_NE(ConditionField(), kSpecialCondition);
+    CHECK_EQ(TypeField(), 7);
+    return ((Bit(24) == 0) && (Bits(9, 3) == 5));
+    // Bit(4) == 0: Data Processing
+    // Bit(4) == 1: 8, 16, or 32-bit Transfer between ARM Core and VFP
+  }
+  // Test for VFP 64-bit transfer instructions of type 6.
+  inline bool IsVFPDoubleTransfer() const {
+    CHECK_NE(ConditionField(), kSpecialCondition);
+    CHECK_EQ(TypeField(), 6);
+    return ((Bits(21, 4) == 2) && (Bits(9, 3) == 5) &&
+            ((Bits(4, 4) & 0xd) == 1));
+  }
+  // Test for VFP load and store instructions of type 6.
+  inline bool IsVFPLoadStore() const {
+    CHECK_NE(ConditionField(), kSpecialCondition);
+    CHECK_EQ(TypeField(), 6);
+    return ((Bits(20, 5) & 0x12) == 0x10) && (Bits(9, 3) == 5);
+  }
+  // Special accessors that test for existence of a value.
+  inline bool HasS() const { return SField() == 1; }
+  inline bool HasB() const { return BField() == 1; }
+  inline bool HasW() const { return WField() == 1; }
+  inline bool HasL() const { return LField() == 1; }
+  inline bool HasSign() const { return SignField() == 1; }
+  inline bool HasH() const { return HField() == 1; }
+  inline bool HasLink() const { return LinkField() == 1; }
+  // Instructions are read out of a code stream. The only way to get a
+  // reference to an instruction is to convert a pointer. There is no way
+  // to allocate or create instances of class Instr.
+  // Use the At(pc) function to create references to Instr.
+  static Instr* At(uword pc) { return reinterpret_cast<Instr*>(pc); }
+  Instr* Next() { return this + kInstrSize; }
+ private:
+  // We need to prevent the creation of instances of class Instr.
+}  // namespace arm
+}  // namespace art