Implement irreducible loop support in optimizing.

So we don't fallback to the interpreter in the presence of
irreducible loops.

- A loop pre-header does not necessarily dominate a loop header.
- Non-constant redundant phis will be kept in loop headers, to
  satisfy our linear scan register allocation algorithm.
- while-graph optimizations, such as gvn, licm, lse, and dce
  need to know when they are dealing with irreducible loops.

Change-Id: I2cea8934ce0b40162d215353497c7f77d6c9137e
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index 5f1328f..32c3a92 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -486,7 +486,9 @@
         StartAttributeStream("is_low") << interval->IsLowInterval();
         StartAttributeStream("is_high") << interval->IsHighInterval();
-    } else if (IsPass(RegisterAllocator::kRegisterAllocatorPassName) && is_after_pass_) {
+    }
+    if (IsPass(RegisterAllocator::kRegisterAllocatorPassName) && is_after_pass_) {
       StartAttributeStream("liveness") << instruction->GetLifetimePosition();
       LocationSummary* locations = instruction->GetLocations();
       if (locations != nullptr) {
@@ -498,15 +500,29 @@
         attr << inputs << "->";
         DumpLocation(attr, locations->Out());
-    } else if (IsPass(LICM::kLoopInvariantCodeMotionPassName)
-               || IsPass(HDeadCodeElimination::kFinalDeadCodeEliminationPassName)) {
+    }
+    if (IsPass(LICM::kLoopInvariantCodeMotionPassName)
+        || IsPass(HDeadCodeElimination::kFinalDeadCodeEliminationPassName)
+        || IsPass(HDeadCodeElimination::kInitialDeadCodeEliminationPassName)
+        || IsPass(SsaBuilder::kSsaBuilderPassName)) {
       HLoopInformation* info = instruction->GetBlock()->GetLoopInformation();
       if (info == nullptr) {
         StartAttributeStream("loop") << "none";
       } else {
         StartAttributeStream("loop") << "B" << info->GetHeader()->GetBlockId();
+        HLoopInformation* outer = info->GetPreHeader()->GetLoopInformation();
+        if (outer != nullptr) {
+          StartAttributeStream("outer_loop") << "B" << outer->GetHeader()->GetBlockId();
+        } else {
+          StartAttributeStream("outer_loop") << "none";
+        }
+        StartAttributeStream("irreducible")
+            << std::boolalpha << info->IsIrreducible() << std::noboolalpha;
-    } else if ((IsPass(SsaBuilder::kSsaBuilderPassName)
+    }
+    if ((IsPass(SsaBuilder::kSsaBuilderPassName)
         || IsPass(HInliner::kInlinerPassName))
         && (instruction->GetType() == Primitive::kPrimNot)) {
       ReferenceTypeInfo info = instruction->IsLoadClass()