Update ahat version number to 1.4.

Test: m ahat-test
Test: open heap dump and verify version number on overview page
Change-Id: I03a38e62d9f0c7d3ccbbfb0ddbf6297ef04d73ba
diff --git a/tools/ahat/README.txt b/tools/ahat/README.txt
index ed40cb7..a765b17 100644
--- a/tools/ahat/README.txt
+++ b/tools/ahat/README.txt
@@ -48,15 +48,22 @@
  * That we don't show the 'extra' column in the DominatedList if we are
    showing all the instances.
- * That Instance.asString properly takes into account "offset" and
-   "count" fields, if they are present.
  * Instance.getDexCacheLocation
 Reported Issues:
  * Request to be able to sort tables by size.
 Release History:
- 1.4 Pending
+ 1.5 Pending
+ 1.4 October 03, 2017
+   Give better error messages on failure to launch ahat.
+   Properly mark thread and non-default root objects as roots.
+   Improve startup performance, in some cases significantly.
+   Other miscellaneous bug fixes.
+ 1.3.1 August 22, 2017
+   Don't include weak references in sample paths.
  1.3 July 25, 2017
    Improve diffing of static and instance fields.
diff --git a/tools/ahat/src/manifest.txt b/tools/ahat/src/manifest.txt
index d893c5e..1753406 100644
--- a/tools/ahat/src/manifest.txt
+++ b/tools/ahat/src/manifest.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 Name: ahat/
 Implementation-Title: ahat
-Implementation-Version: 1.3
+Implementation-Version: 1.4
 Main-Class: com.android.ahat.Main