Add phis in SimplifyIfs to enable branch redirection

For example it turns:
  /  \
 B1  B2
  \ /
  /  \
 B3  B4

  /  \
 B1  B2
  \ /
if(Phi(1, 0))
  /  \
 B3  B4

Following this, SimplifyIfs is able to connect B1->B3
and B2->B4 effectively skipping an if.

Locally, speed compiling on a Pixel 5:
 * system server: -4.0KB (-0.01%)
 * SystemUIGoogle: -8.0KB (-0.03%)
 * AGSA: -17.75KB (-0.01%)

Test: art/test/testrunner/ --host --64 --optimizing -b
Change-Id: I3b2e6a986b4d5e162bec28d72e9b0e2a3de1a4c3
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index 8e3010d..5437d9b 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -313,54 +313,45 @@
   return false;
-// Simplify the pattern:
-//        B1    B2    ...
-//       goto  goto  goto
-//         \    |    /
-//          \   |   /
-//             B3
-//     i1 = phi(input, input)
-//     (i2 = condition on i1)
-//        if i1 (or i2)
-//          /     \
-//         /       \
-//        B4       B5
-// Into:
-//       B1      B2    ...
-//        |      |      |
-//       B4      B5    B?
-// Note that individual edges can be redirected (for example B2->B3
-// can be redirected as B2->B5) without applying this optimization
-// to other incoming edges.
-// This simplification cannot be applied to catch blocks, because
-// exception handler edges do not represent normal control flow.
-// Though in theory this could still apply to normal control flow
-// going directly to a catch block, we cannot support it at the
-// moment because the catch Phi's inputs do not correspond to the
-// catch block's predecessors, so we cannot identify which
-// predecessor corresponds to a given statically evaluated input.
-// We do not apply this optimization to loop headers as this could
-// create irreducible loops. We rely on the suspend check in the
-// loop header to prevent the pattern match.
-// Note that we rely on the dead code elimination to get rid of B3.
 bool HDeadCodeElimination::SimplifyIfs() {
   bool simplified_one_or_more_ifs = false;
   bool rerun_dominance_and_loop_analysis = false;
-  for (HBasicBlock* block : graph_->GetReversePostOrder()) {
+  // Iterating in PostOrder it's better for MaybeAddPhi as it can add a Phi for multiple If
+  // instructions in a chain without updating the dominator chain. The branch redirection itself can
+  // work in PostOrder or ReversePostOrder without issues.
+  for (HBasicBlock* block : graph_->GetPostOrder()) {
+    if (block->IsCatchBlock()) {
+      // This simplification cannot be applied to catch blocks, because exception handler edges do
+      // not represent normal control flow. Though in theory this could still apply to normal
+      // control flow going directly to a catch block, we cannot support it at the moment because
+      // the catch Phi's inputs do not correspond to the catch block's predecessors, so we cannot
+      // identify which predecessor corresponds to a given statically evaluated input.
+      continue;
+    }
     HInstruction* last = block->GetLastInstruction();
-    HInstruction* first = block->GetFirstInstruction();
-    if (!block->IsCatchBlock() &&
-        last->IsIf() &&
-        block->HasSinglePhi() &&
+    if (!last->IsIf()) {
+      continue;
+    }
+    if (block->IsLoopHeader()) {
+      // We do not apply this optimization to loop headers as this could create irreducible loops.
+      continue;
+    }
+    // We will add a Phi which allows the simplification to take place in cases where it wouldn't.
+    MaybeAddPhi(block);
+    // TODO(solanes): Investigate support for multiple phis in `block`. We can potentially "push
+    // downwards" existing Phis into the true/false branches. For example, let's say we have another
+    // Phi: Phi(x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6). This could turn into Phi(x1,x2) in the true branch, Phi(x3,x4)
+    // in the false branch, and remain as Phi(x5,x6) in `block` (for edges that we couldn't
+    // redirect). We might even be able to remove some phis altogether as they will have only one
+    // value.
+    if (block->HasSinglePhi() &&
         block->GetFirstPhi()->HasOnlyOneNonEnvironmentUse()) {
+      HInstruction* first = block->GetFirstInstruction();
       bool has_only_phi_and_if = (last == first) && (last->InputAt(0) == block->GetFirstPhi());
       bool has_only_phi_condition_and_if =
           !has_only_phi_and_if &&
@@ -371,7 +362,6 @@
       if (has_only_phi_and_if || has_only_phi_condition_and_if) {
-        DCHECK(!block->IsLoopHeader());
         HPhi* phi = block->GetFirstPhi()->AsPhi();
         bool phi_input_is_left = (first->InputAt(0) == phi);
@@ -456,6 +446,125 @@
   return simplified_one_or_more_ifs;
+void HDeadCodeElimination::MaybeAddPhi(HBasicBlock* block) {
+  DCHECK(block->GetLastInstruction()->IsIf());
+  HIf* if_instruction = block->GetLastInstruction()->AsIf();
+  if (if_instruction->InputAt(0)->IsConstant()) {
+    // Constant values are handled in RemoveDeadBlocks.
+    return;
+  }
+  if (block->GetNumberOfPredecessors() < 2u) {
+    // Nothing to redirect.
+    return;
+  }
+  if (!block->GetPhis().IsEmpty()) {
+    // SimplifyIf doesn't currently work with multiple phis. Adding a phi here won't help that
+    // optimization.
+    return;
+  }
+  HBasicBlock* dominator = block->GetDominator();
+  if (!dominator->EndsWithIf()) {
+    return;
+  }
+  HInstruction* input = if_instruction->InputAt(0);
+  HInstruction* dominator_input = dominator->GetLastInstruction()->AsIf()->InputAt(0);
+  const bool same_input = dominator_input == input;
+  if (!same_input) {
+    // Try to see if the dominator has the opposite input (e.g. if(cond) and if(!cond)). If that's
+    // the case, we can perform the optimization with the false and true branches reversed.
+    if (!dominator_input->IsCondition() || !input->IsCondition()) {
+      return;
+    }
+    HCondition* block_cond = input->AsCondition();
+    HCondition* dominator_cond = dominator_input->AsCondition();
+    if (block_cond->GetLeft() != dominator_cond->GetLeft() ||
+        block_cond->GetRight() != dominator_cond->GetRight() ||
+        block_cond->GetOppositeCondition() != dominator_cond->GetCondition()) {
+      return;
+    }
+  }
+  if (kIsDebugBuild) {
+    // `block`'s successors should have only one predecessor. Otherwise, we have a critical edge in
+    // the graph.
+    for (HBasicBlock* succ : block->GetSuccessors()) {
+      DCHECK_EQ(succ->GetNumberOfPredecessors(), 1u);
+    }
+  }
+  const size_t pred_size = block->GetNumberOfPredecessors();
+  HPhi* new_phi = new (graph_->GetAllocator())
+      HPhi(graph_->GetAllocator(), kNoRegNumber, pred_size, DataType::Type::kInt32);
+  for (size_t index = 0; index < pred_size; index++) {
+    HBasicBlock* pred = block->GetPredecessors()[index];
+    const bool dominated_by_true =
+        dominator->GetLastInstruction()->AsIf()->IfTrueSuccessor()->Dominates(pred);
+    const bool dominated_by_false =
+        dominator->GetLastInstruction()->AsIf()->IfFalseSuccessor()->Dominates(pred);
+    if (dominated_by_true == dominated_by_false) {
+      // In this case, we can't know if we are coming from the true branch, or the false branch. It
+      // happens in cases like:
+      //      1 (outer if)
+      //     / \
+      //    2   3 (inner if)
+      //    |  / \
+      //    | 4  5
+      //     \/  |
+      //      6  |
+      //       \ |
+      //         7 (has the same if(cond) as 1)
+      //         |
+      //         8
+      // `7` (which would be `block` in this example), and `6` will come from both the true path and
+      // the false path of `1`. We bumped into something similar in SelectGenerator. See
+      // HSelectGenerator::TryFixupDoubleDiamondPattern.
+      // TODO(solanes): Figure out if we can fix up the graph into a double diamond in a generic way
+      // so that DeadCodeElimination and SelectGenerator can take advantage of it.
+      if (!same_input) {
+        // `1` and `7` having the opposite condition is a case we are missing. We could potentially
+        // add a BooleanNot instruction to be able to add the Phi, but it seems like overkill since
+        // this case is not that common.
+        return;
+      }
+      // The Phi will have `0`, `1`, and `cond` as inputs. If SimplifyIf redirects 0s and 1s, we
+      // will end up with Phi(cond,...,cond) which will be replaced by `cond`. Effectively, we will
+      // redirect edges that we are able to redirect and the rest will remain as before (i.e. we
+      // won't have an extra Phi).
+      new_phi->SetRawInputAt(index, input);
+    } else {
+      // Redirect to either the true branch (1), or the false branch (0).
+      // Given that `dominated_by_true` is the exact opposite of `dominated_by_false`,
+      // `(same_input && dominated_by_true) || (!same_input && dominated_by_false)` is equivalent to
+      // `same_input == dominated_by_true`.
+      new_phi->SetRawInputAt(
+          index,
+          same_input == dominated_by_true ? graph_->GetIntConstant(1) : graph_->GetIntConstant(0));
+    }
+  }
+  block->AddPhi(new_phi);
+  if_instruction->ReplaceInput(new_phi, 0);
+  // Remove the old input now, if possible. This allows the branch redirection in SimplifyIf to
+  // work without waiting for another pass of DCE.
+  if (input->IsDeadAndRemovable()) {
+    DCHECK(!same_input)
+        << " if both blocks have the same condition, it shouldn't be dead and removable since the "
+        << "dominator block's If instruction would be using that condition.";
+    input->GetBlock()->RemoveInstruction(input);
+  }
+  MaybeRecordStat(stats_, MethodCompilationStat::kSimplifyIfAddedPhi);
 void HDeadCodeElimination::ConnectSuccessiveBlocks() {
   // Order does not matter. Skip the entry block by starting at index 1 in reverse post order.
   for (size_t i = 1u, size = graph_->GetReversePostOrder().size(); i != size; ++i) {
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/dead_code_elimination.h b/compiler/optimizing/dead_code_elimination.h
index b91006b..ddd01f7 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/dead_code_elimination.h
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/dead_code_elimination.h
@@ -46,6 +46,31 @@
   bool RemoveDeadBlocks(bool force_recomputation = false, bool force_loop_recomputation = false);
   void RemoveDeadInstructions();
   bool SimplifyAlwaysThrows();
+  // Simplify the pattern:
+  //
+  //        B1    B2    ...
+  //       goto  goto  goto
+  //         \    |    /
+  //          \   |   /
+  //             B3
+  //     i1 = phi(input, input)
+  //     (i2 = condition on i1)
+  //        if i1 (or i2)
+  //          /     \
+  //         /       \
+  //        B4       B5
+  //
+  // Into:
+  //
+  //       B1      B2    ...
+  //        |      |      |
+  //       B4      B5    B?
+  //
+  // Note that individual edges can be redirected (for example B2->B3
+  // can be redirected as B2->B5) without applying this optimization
+  // to other incoming edges.
+  //
+  // Note that we rely on the dead code elimination to get rid of B3.
   bool SimplifyIfs();
   void ConnectSuccessiveBlocks();
   // Updates the graph flags related to instructions (e.g. HasSIMD()) since we may have eliminated
@@ -75,6 +100,28 @@
   // instructions.
   bool RemoveUnneededTries();
+  // Adds a phi in `block`, if `block` and its dominator have the same (or opposite) condition.
+  // For example it turns:
+  // if(cond)
+  //   /  \
+  //  B1  B2
+  //   \ /
+  // if(cond)
+  //   /  \
+  //  B3  B4
+  //
+  // into:
+  // if(cond)
+  //   /  \
+  //  B1  B2
+  //   \ /
+  // if(Phi(1, 0))
+  //   /  \
+  //  B3  B4
+  //
+  // Following this, SimplifyIfs is able to connect B1->B3 and B2->B4 effectively skipping an if.
+  void MaybeAddPhi(HBasicBlock* block);
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/optimizing_compiler_stats.h b/compiler/optimizing/optimizing_compiler_stats.h
index 866c883..a1d0a5a 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/optimizing_compiler_stats.h
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/optimizing_compiler_stats.h
@@ -82,6 +82,7 @@
+  kSimplifyIfAddedPhi,