Guard pause histogram with lock.
There is a race condition since the GC was updating this without
holding any locks. But the signal catcher could be dumping the
timings with DumpGcPerformanceInfo at the same time. This could
potentially cause out of bound errors, etc..
Also did a bit of cleanup.
Bug: 15446488
Change-Id: Icaff19d872cc7f7d31c34e4ddaae97502454e09c
diff --git a/runtime/gc/ b/runtime/gc/
index bf8cca7..152a853 100644
--- a/runtime/gc/
+++ b/runtime/gc/
@@ -772,28 +772,9 @@
// Dump cumulative loggers for each GC type.
uint64_t total_paused_time = 0;
for (auto& collector : garbage_collectors_) {
- const CumulativeLogger& logger = collector->GetCumulativeTimings();
- const size_t iterations = logger.GetIterations();
- const Histogram<uint64_t>& pause_histogram = collector->GetPauseHistogram();
- if (iterations != 0 && pause_histogram.SampleSize() != 0) {
- os << ConstDumpable<CumulativeLogger>(logger);
- const uint64_t total_ns = logger.GetTotalNs();
- const uint64_t total_pause_ns = collector->GetTotalPausedTimeNs();
- double seconds = NsToMs(logger.GetTotalNs()) / 1000.0;
- const uint64_t freed_bytes = collector->GetTotalFreedBytes();
- const uint64_t freed_objects = collector->GetTotalFreedObjects();
- Histogram<uint64_t>::CumulativeData cumulative_data;
- pause_histogram.CreateHistogram(&cumulative_data);
- pause_histogram.PrintConfidenceIntervals(os, 0.99, cumulative_data);
- os << collector->GetName() << " total time: " << PrettyDuration(total_ns)
- << " mean time: " << PrettyDuration(total_ns / iterations) << "\n"
- << collector->GetName() << " freed: " << freed_objects
- << " objects with total size " << PrettySize(freed_bytes) << "\n"
- << collector->GetName() << " throughput: " << freed_objects / seconds << "/s / "
- << PrettySize(freed_bytes / seconds) << "/s\n";
- total_duration += total_ns;
- total_paused_time += total_pause_ns;
- }
+ total_duration += collector->GetCumulativeTimings().GetTotalNs();
+ total_paused_time += collector->GetTotalPausedTimeNs();
+ collector->DumpPerformanceInfo(os);
uint64_t allocation_time =