Rewrite in python
Bug: 142039427
Test: --mode=host
Test: --mode=device
Change-Id: I9d90fa97a0b1540b80d358ce7482012202a62687
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
index 0aedd66..7cbf5ea 100755
--- a/tools/
+++ b/tools/
@@ -14,341 +14,4 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
-# Exit on errors.
-set -e
-if [ ! -d libcore ]; then
- echo "Script needs to be run at the root of the android tree"
- exit 1
-# "Root" (actually "system") directory on device (in the case of
-# target testing).
-function classes_jar_path {
- local var="$1"
- local suffix="jar"
- if [ -z "$ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT" ] ; then
- local java_libraries=out/target/common/obj/JAVA_LIBRARIES
- else
- local java_libraries=${ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT}/../../common/obj/JAVA_LIBRARIES
- fi
- echo "${java_libraries}/${var}_intermediates/classes.${suffix}"
-function cparg {
- for var
- do
- printf -- "--classpath $(classes_jar_path "$var") ";
- done
-function boot_classpath_arg {
- local dir="$1"
- shift 1
- printf -- "--vm-arg -Xbootclasspath"
- for var
- do
- printf -- ":${dir}/${var}.jar";
- done
- printf -- ":/apex/";
-function usage {
- local me=$(basename "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")
- (
- cat << EOF
- Usage: ${me} --mode=<mode> [options] [-- <package_to_test> ...]
- Run libcore tests using the vogar testing tool.
- Required parameters:
- --mode=device|host|jvm Specify where tests should be run.
- Optional parameters:
- --debug Use debug version of ART (device|host only).
- --dry-run Print vogar command-line, but do not run.
- --no-getrandom Ignore failures from getrandom() (for kernel < 3.17).
- --no-jit Disable JIT (device|host only).
- --gcstress Enable GC stress configuration (device|host only).
- The script passes unrecognized options to the command-line created for vogar.
- The script runs a hardcoded list of libcore test packages by default. The user
- may run a subset of packages by appending '--' followed by a list of package
- names.
- Examples:
- 1. Run full test suite on host:
- ${me} --mode=host
- 2. Run full test suite on device:
- ${me} --mode=device
- 3. Run tests only from the package on device:
- ${me} --mode=device --
- ) | sed -e 's/^ //' >&2 # Strip leading whitespace from heredoc.
-# Packages that currently work correctly with the expectation files.
- ""
- "libcore.dalvik.system"
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- "libcore.javax.crypto"
- ""
- ""
- "libcore.javax.sql"
- "libcore.javax.xml"
- ""
- "libcore.libcore.internal"
- ""
- ""
- "libcore.libcore.reflect"
- "libcore.libcore.util"
- "libcore.sun.invoke"
- ""
- "libcore.sun.misc"
- ""
- "libcore.sun.util"
- "libcore.xml"
- "org.apache.harmony.annotation"
- "org.apache.harmony.crypto"
- "org.apache.harmony.luni"
- "org.apache.harmony.nio"
- "org.apache.harmony.regex"
- "org.apache.harmony.testframework"
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- "jsr166")
-# List of packages we could run, but don't have rights to revert
-# changes in case of failures.
-# ""
-# Setup environment for running tests.
-source build/ >&/dev/null # for get_build_var, setpaths
-setpaths # include platform prebuilt java, javac, etc in $PATH.
-# Note: This must start with the CORE_IMG_JARS in
-# because that's what we use for compiling the image.
-# It may contain additional modules from TEST_CORE_JARS.
-BOOT_CLASSPATH_JARS="core-oj core-libart okhttp bouncycastle apache-xml"
-DEPS="core-tests jsr166-tests mockito-target"
-for lib in $DEPS
- if [[ ! -f "$(classes_jar_path "$lib")" ]]; then
- echo "${lib} is missing. Before running, you must run art/tools/"
- exit 1
- fi
-# Defaults affected by command-line parsing
-# Use JIT compiling by default.
-# Run tests that use the getrandom() syscall? (Requires Linux 3.17+).
-# Execution mode specifies where to run tests (device|host|jvm).
-# Default expectations file.
-expectations="--expectations art/tools/libcore_failures.txt"
-while [ -n "$1" ]; do
- case "$1" in
- --mode=device)
- vogar_args="$vogar_args --mode=device"
- vogar_args="$vogar_args --vm-arg -Ximage:/apex/"
- vogar_args="$vogar_args $(boot_classpath_arg /apex/ $BOOT_CLASSPATH_JARS)"
- execution_mode="device"
- ;;
- --mode=host)
- # We explicitly give a wrong path for the image, to ensure vogar
- # will create a boot image with the default compiler. Note that
- # giving an existing image on host does not work because of
- # classpath/resources differences when compiling the boot image.
- vogar_args="$vogar_args $1 --vm-arg -Ximage:/non/existent/"
- execution_mode="host"
- ;;
- --mode=jvm)
- vogar_args="$vogar_args $1"
- execution_mode="jvm"
- ;;
- --no-getrandom)
- getrandom=false
- ;;
- --no-jit)
- use_jit=false
- ;;
- --debug)
- vogar_args="$vogar_args --vm-arg --vm-arg -XX:SlowDebug=true"
- debug=true
- ;;
- --gcstress)
- vogar_args="$vogar_args --vm-arg -Xgc:gcstress"
- gcstress=true
- ;;
- -Xgc:gcstress)
- # Deprecated option for selecting gcstress (b/172923084).
- echo "Warning: -Xgc:gcstress is deprecated, use --gcstress instead." 1>&2
- vogar_args="$vogar_args $1" # note: requires --vm-arg before -Xgc:gcstress
- gcstress=true
- ;;
- --dry-run)
- dry_run=true
- ;;
- --)
- shift
- # Assume remaining elements are packages to test.
- user_packages=("$@")
- break
- ;;
- --help)
- usage
- exit 1
- ;;
- *)
- vogar_args="$vogar_args $1"
- ;;
- esac
- shift
-if [ -z "$execution_mode" ]; then
- usage
- exit 1
-# Default timeout, gets overridden on device under gcstress.
-if [ $execution_mode = "device" ]; then
- # Honor environment variable ART_TEST_CHROOT.
- if [[ -n "$ART_TEST_CHROOT" ]]; then
- # Set Vogar's `--chroot` option.
- vogar_args="$vogar_args --chroot $ART_TEST_CHROOT"
- vogar_args="$vogar_args --device-dir=/tmp"
- else
- # When not using a chroot on device, set Vogar's work directory to
- # /data/local/tmp.
- vogar_args="$vogar_args --device-dir=/data/local/tmp"
- fi
- vogar_args="$vogar_args --vm-command=$android_root/bin/art"
- # Increase the timeout, as vogar cannot set individual test
- # timeout when being asked to run packages, and some tests go above
- # the default timeout.
- if $gcstress; then
- if $debug; then
- # Increasing for unwinding changes (b/185305054).
- default_timeout_secs=1800
- else
- default_timeout_secs=1200
- fi
- elif $heap_poisoning && $debug; then
- # Increase the timeout for heap poisoning and debug combo
- # following ICU rewrites (b/161420453).
- default_timeout_secs=600
- fi
-elif [ $execution_mode = "host" ]; then
- # Increase timeout for gcstress and debug combo following ICU
- # rewrites (b/161420453).
- if $gcstress && $debug; then
- default_timeout_secs=600
- fi
-if [ $execution_mode = "device" -o $execution_mode = "host" ]; then
- # Add timeout to vogar command-line (if not explicitly present in the command-line arguments) .
- if [[ "$vogar_args" != *" --timeout "* ]]; then
- vogar_args="$vogar_args --timeout $default_timeout_secs"
- fi
- # Suppress explicit gc logs that are triggered an absurd number of times by these tests.
- vogar_args="$vogar_args --vm-arg -XX:AlwaysLogExplicitGcs:false"
- # set the toolchain to use.
- vogar_args="$vogar_args --toolchain d8 --language CUR"
- # JIT settings.
- if $use_jit; then
- vogar_args="$vogar_args --vm-arg -Xcompiler-option --vm-arg --compiler-filter=quicken"
- fi
- vogar_args="$vogar_args --vm-arg -Xusejit:$use_jit"
- # gcstress may lead to timeouts, so we need dedicated expectations files for it.
- if $gcstress; then
- expectations="$expectations --expectations art/tools/libcore_gcstress_failures.txt"
- if $debug; then
- expectations="$expectations --expectations art/tools/libcore_gcstress_debug_failures.txt"
- fi
- # Bump pause threshold as long pauses cause explicit gc logging to occur irrespective
- # of -XX:AlwayLogExplicitGcs:false.
- vogar_args="$vogar_args --vm-arg -XX:LongPauseLogThreshold=15" # 15 ms (default: 5ms)
- else
- # Include debug expectations if not on fugu.
- if $debug && $getrandom; then
- expectations="$expectations --expectations art/tools/libcore_debug_failures.txt"
- fi
- # We only run this package when user has not specified packages
- # to run and not under gcstress / debug as it can cause timeouts. See
- # b/78228743 and b/178351808.
- if ! $debug ; then
- working_packages+=("libcore.highmemorytest")
- fi
- fi
- if $getrandom; then :; else
- # Ignore failures in tests that use the system calls not supported
- # on fugu (Nexus Player, kernel version Linux 3.10).
- expectations="$expectations --expectations art/tools/libcore_fugu_failures.txt"
- fi
-if [ ! -t 1 ] ; then
- # Suppress color codes if not attached to a terminal
- vogar_args="$vogar_args --no-color"
-# Override working_packages if user provided specific packages to
-# test.
-if [[ ${#user_packages[@]} != 0 ]] ; then
- working_packages=("${user_packages[@]}")
-# Run the tests using vogar.
-echo "Running tests for the following test packages:"
-echo ${working_packages[@]} | tr " " "\n"
-cmd="vogar $vogar_args $expectations $(cparg $DEPS) ${working_packages[@]}"
-echo "Running $cmd"
-$dry_run || eval $cmd
+art/tools/ "$@"