Enable annotation parsing in profman

Class and method samples can now be annotated with the package that
generated then by using "{annotation}" prefix in front of a profile line.

This is a pre-step for allowing the testing of boot image profile
generation in profman.

Test: gtest
Bug: 152574358
Merged-In: Ibd5e459ae8d6ae0ca1407d0937872b82f1eb2572
Change-Id: Ibd5e459ae8d6ae0ca1407d0937872b82f1eb2572
diff --git a/profman/profman.cc b/profman/profman.cc
index b76bb2e..cfd1bf6 100644
--- a/profman/profman.cc
+++ b/profman/profman.cc
@@ -57,6 +57,8 @@
 namespace art {
+using ProfileSampleAnnotation = ProfileCompilationInfo::ProfileSampleAnnotation;
 static int original_argc;
 static char** original_argv;
@@ -179,6 +181,8 @@
 static const std::string kInvalidClassDescriptor = "invalid_class";  // NOLINT [runtime/string] [4]
 static const std::string kInvalidMethod = "invalid_method";  // NOLINT [runtime/string] [4]
 static const std::string kClassAllMethods = "*";  // NOLINT [runtime/string] [4]
+static constexpr char kAnnotationStart = '{';
+static constexpr char kAnnotationEnd = '}';
 static constexpr char kProfileParsingInlineChacheSep = '+';
 static constexpr char kProfileParsingTypeSep = ',';
 static constexpr char kProfileParsingFirstCharInSignature = '(';
@@ -936,18 +940,42 @@
   // Process a line defining a class or a method and its inline caches.
   // Upon success return true and add the class or the method info to profile.
   // The possible line formats are:
-  // "LJustTheCass;".
+  // "LJustTheClass;".
   // "LTestInline;->inlinePolymorphic(LSuper;)I+LSubA;,LSubB;,LSubC;".
   // "LTestInline;->inlinePolymorphic(LSuper;)I+LSubA;,LSubB;,invalid_class".
   // "LTestInline;->inlineMissingTypes(LSuper;)I+missing_types".
-  // "LTestInline;->inlineNoInlineCaches(LSuper;)I".
+  // "{annotation}LTestInline;->inlineNoInlineCaches(LSuper;)I".
   // "LTestInline;->*".
   // "invalid_class".
   // "LTestInline;->invalid_method".
   // The method and classes are searched only in the given dex files.
   bool ProcessLine(const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>>& dex_files,
-                   const std::string& line,
+                   const std::string& maybe_annotated_line,
                    /*out*/ProfileCompilationInfo* profile) {
+    // First, process the annotation.
+    if (maybe_annotated_line.empty()) {
+      return true;
+    }
+    // Working line variable which will contain the user input without the annotations.
+    std::string line = maybe_annotated_line;
+    std::string annotation_string;
+    if (maybe_annotated_line[0] == kAnnotationStart) {
+      size_t end_pos = maybe_annotated_line.find(kAnnotationEnd, 0);
+      if (end_pos == std::string::npos || end_pos == 0) {
+        LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid line: " << maybe_annotated_line;
+        return false;
+      }
+      annotation_string = maybe_annotated_line.substr(1, end_pos - 1);
+      // Update the working line.
+      line = maybe_annotated_line.substr(end_pos + 1);
+    }
+    ProfileSampleAnnotation annotation = annotation_string.empty()
+        ? ProfileSampleAnnotation::kNone
+        : ProfileSampleAnnotation(annotation_string);
+    // Now process the rest of the lines.
     std::string klass;
     std::string method_str;
     bool is_hot = false;
@@ -1010,10 +1038,11 @@
       // TODO: Check return values?
-      profile->AddMethods(methods, static_cast<ProfileCompilationInfo::MethodHotness::Flag>(flags));
+      profile->AddMethods(
+          methods, static_cast<ProfileCompilationInfo::MethodHotness::Flag>(flags), annotation);
       std::set<dex::TypeIndex> classes;
-      profile->AddClassesForDex(dex_file, classes.begin(), classes.end());
+      profile->AddClassesForDex(dex_file, classes.begin(), classes.end(), annotation);
       return true;
@@ -1065,14 +1094,16 @@
     MethodReference ref(class_ref.dex_file, method_index);
     if (is_hot) {
       profile->AddMethod(ProfileMethodInfo(ref, inline_caches),
-          static_cast<ProfileCompilationInfo::MethodHotness::Flag>(flags));
+          static_cast<ProfileCompilationInfo::MethodHotness::Flag>(flags),
+          annotation);
     if (flags != 0) {
       if (!profile->AddMethod(ProfileMethodInfo(ref),
-                              static_cast<ProfileCompilationInfo::MethodHotness::Flag>(flags))) {
+                              static_cast<ProfileCompilationInfo::MethodHotness::Flag>(flags),
+                              annotation)) {
         return false;
-      DCHECK(profile->GetMethodHotness(ref).IsInProfile());
+      DCHECK(profile->GetMethodHotness(ref, annotation).IsInProfile()) << method_spec;
     return true;