Bisection bug search tool

Bisection Bug Search is a tool for finding compiler optimization
bugs. It accepts a program which exposes a bug by producing incorrect
output and expected correct output for the program. The tool will
then attempt to narrow down the issue to a single method and
optimization pass.

Given methods in order M0..Mn finds smallest i such that compiling
Mi and interpreting all other methods produces incorrect output.
Then, given ordered optimization passes P0..Pl, finds smallest j
such that compiling Mi with passes P0..Pj-1 produces expected output
and compiling Mi with passes P0..Pj produces incorrect output.
Prints Mi and Pj.

Test: unit tests ./art/tools/bisection-search/
Manual testing:
./ -cp classes.dex --expected-output output Test

Change-Id: Ic40a82184975d42c9a403f697995e5c9654b8e52
diff --git a/tools/bisection-search/ b/tools/bisection-search/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d6c1749
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/bisection-search/
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3.4
+# Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Performs bisection bug search on methods and optimizations.
+Example usage:
+./ -cp classes.dex --expected-output output Test
+import argparse
+import re
+import sys
+from common import DeviceTestEnv
+from common import FatalError
+from common import GetEnvVariableOrError
+from common import HostTestEnv
+# Passes that are never disabled during search process because disabling them
+# would compromise correctness.
+MANDATORY_PASSES = ['dex_cache_array_fixups_arm',
+                    'dex_cache_array_fixups_mips',
+                    'instruction_simplifier$before_codegen',
+                    'pc_relative_fixups_x86',
+                    'pc_relative_fixups_mips',
+                    'x86_memory_operand_generation']
+# Passes that show up as optimizations in compiler verbose output but aren't
+# driven by run-passes mechanism. They are mandatory and will always run, we
+# never pass them to --run-passes.
+NON_PASSES = ['builder', 'prepare_for_register_allocation',
+              'liveness', 'register']
+class Dex2OatWrapperTestable(object):
+  """Class representing a testable compilation.
+  Accepts filters on compiled methods and optimization passes.
+  """
+  def __init__(self, base_cmd, test_env, class_name, args,
+               expected_output=None, verbose=False):
+    """Constructor.
+    Args:
+      base_cmd: list of strings, base command to run.
+      test_env: ITestEnv.
+      class_name: string, name of class to run.
+      args: list of strings, program arguments to pass.
+      expected_output: string, expected output to compare against or None.
+      verbose: bool, enable verbose output.
+    """
+    self._base_cmd = base_cmd
+    self._test_env = test_env
+    self._class_name = class_name
+    self._args = args
+    self._expected_output = expected_output
+    self._compiled_methods_path = self._test_env.CreateFile('compiled_methods')
+    self._passes_to_run_path = self._test_env.CreateFile('run_passes')
+    self._verbose = verbose
+  def Test(self, compiled_methods, passes_to_run=None):
+    """Tests compilation with compiled_methods and run_passes switches active.
+    If compiled_methods is None then compiles all methods.
+    If passes_to_run is None then runs default passes.
+    Args:
+      compiled_methods: list of strings representing methods to compile or None.
+      passes_to_run: list of strings representing passes to run or None.
+    Returns:
+      True if test passes with given settings. False otherwise.
+    """
+    if self._verbose:
+      print('Testing methods: {0} passes:{1}.'.format(
+          compiled_methods, passes_to_run))
+    cmd = self._PrepareCmd(compiled_methods=compiled_methods,
+                           passes_to_run=passes_to_run,
+                           verbose_compiler=True)
+    (output, _, ret_code) = self._test_env.RunCommand(cmd)
+    res = ret_code == 0 and (self._expected_output is None
+                             or output == self._expected_output)
+    if self._verbose:
+      print('Test passed: {0}.'.format(res))
+    return res
+  def GetAllMethods(self):
+    """Get methods compiled during the test.
+    Returns:
+      List of strings representing methods compiled during the test.
+    Raises:
+      FatalError: An error occurred when retrieving methods list.
+    """
+    cmd = self._PrepareCmd(verbose_compiler=True)
+    (_, err_output, _) = self._test_env.RunCommand(cmd)
+    match_methods = re.findall(r'Building ([^\n]+)\n', err_output)
+    if not match_methods:
+      raise FatalError('Failed to retrieve methods list. '
+                       'Not recognized output format.')
+    return match_methods
+  def GetAllPassesForMethod(self, compiled_method):
+    """Get all optimization passes ran for a method during the test.
+    Args:
+      compiled_method: string representing method to compile.
+    Returns:
+      List of strings representing passes ran for compiled_method during test.
+    Raises:
+      FatalError: An error occurred when retrieving passes list.
+    """
+    cmd = self._PrepareCmd(compiled_methods=[compiled_method],
+                           verbose_compiler=True)
+    (_, err_output, _) = self._test_env.RunCommand(cmd)
+    match_passes = re.findall(r'Starting pass: ([^\n]+)\n', err_output)
+    if not match_passes:
+      raise FatalError('Failed to retrieve passes list. '
+                       'Not recognized output format.')
+    return [p for p in match_passes if p not in NON_PASSES]
+  def _PrepareCmd(self, compiled_methods=None, passes_to_run=None,
+                  verbose_compiler=False):
+    """Prepare command to run."""
+    cmd = list(self._base_cmd)
+    if compiled_methods is not None:
+      self._test_env.WriteLines(self._compiled_methods_path, compiled_methods)
+      cmd += ['-Xcompiler-option', '--compiled-methods={0}'.format(
+          self._compiled_methods_path)]
+    if passes_to_run is not None:
+      self._test_env.WriteLines(self._passes_to_run_path, passes_to_run)
+      cmd += ['-Xcompiler-option', '--run-passes={0}'.format(
+          self._passes_to_run_path)]
+    if verbose_compiler:
+      cmd += ['-Xcompiler-option', '--runtime-arg', '-Xcompiler-option',
+              '-verbose:compiler']
+    cmd += ['-classpath', self._test_env.classpath, self._class_name]
+    cmd += self._args
+    return cmd
+def BinarySearch(start, end, test):
+  """Binary search integers using test function to guide the process."""
+  while start < end:
+    mid = (start + end) // 2
+    if test(mid):
+      start = mid + 1
+    else:
+      end = mid
+  return start
+def FilterPasses(passes, cutoff_idx):
+  """Filters passes list according to cutoff_idx but keeps mandatory passes."""
+  return [opt_pass for idx, opt_pass in enumerate(passes)
+          if opt_pass in MANDATORY_PASSES or idx < cutoff_idx]
+def BugSearch(testable):
+  """Find buggy (method, optimization pass) pair for a given testable.
+  Args:
+    testable: Dex2OatWrapperTestable.
+  Returns:
+    (string, string) tuple. First element is name of method which when compiled
+    exposes test failure. Second element is name of optimization pass such that
+    for aforementioned method running all passes up to and excluding the pass
+    results in test passing but running all passes up to and including the pass
+    results in test failing.
+    (None, None) if test passes when compiling all methods.
+    (string, None) if a method is found which exposes the failure, but the
+      failure happens even when running just mandatory passes.
+  Raises:
+    FatalError: Testable fails with no methods compiled.
+    AssertionError: Method failed for all passes when bisecting methods, but
+    passed when bisecting passes. Possible sporadic failure.
+  """
+  all_methods = testable.GetAllMethods()
+  faulty_method_idx = BinarySearch(
+      0,
+      len(all_methods),
+      lambda mid: testable.Test(all_methods[0:mid]))
+  if faulty_method_idx == len(all_methods):
+    return (None, None)
+  if faulty_method_idx == 0:
+    raise FatalError('Testable fails with no methods compiled. '
+                     'Perhaps issue lies outside of compiler.')
+  faulty_method = all_methods[faulty_method_idx - 1]
+  all_passes = testable.GetAllPassesForMethod(faulty_method)
+  faulty_pass_idx = BinarySearch(
+      0,
+      len(all_passes),
+      lambda mid: testable.Test([faulty_method],
+                                FilterPasses(all_passes, mid)))
+  if faulty_pass_idx == 0:
+    return (faulty_method, None)
+  assert faulty_pass_idx != len(all_passes), 'Method must fail for some passes.'
+  faulty_pass = all_passes[faulty_pass_idx - 1]
+  return (faulty_method, faulty_pass)
+def PrepareParser():
+  """Prepares argument parser."""
+  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+  parser.add_argument(
+      '-cp', '--classpath', required=True, type=str, help='classpath')
+  parser.add_argument('--expected-output', type=str,
+                      help='file containing expected output')
+  parser.add_argument(
+      '--device', action='store_true', default=False, help='run on device')
+  parser.add_argument('classname', type=str, help='name of class to run')
+  parser.add_argument('--lib', dest='lib', type=str, default='',
+                      help='lib to use, default:')
+  parser.add_argument('--64', dest='x64', action='store_true',
+                      default=False, help='x64 mode')
+  parser.add_argument('--dalvikvm-option', dest='dalvikvm_opts',
+                      metavar='OPTION', nargs='*', default=[],
+                      help='additional dalvikvm option')
+  parser.add_argument('--arg', dest='test_args', nargs='*', default=[],
+                      help='argument to pass to program')
+  parser.add_argument('--image', type=str, help='path to image')
+  parser.add_argument('--verbose', action='store_true',
+                      default=False, help='enable verbose output')
+  return parser
+def main():
+  # Parse arguments
+  parser = PrepareParser()
+  args = parser.parse_args()
+  # Prepare environment
+  if args.expected_output is not None:
+    with open(args.expected_output, 'r') as f:
+      expected_output =
+  else:
+    expected_output = None
+  if args.device:
+    run_cmd = ['dalvikvm64'] if args.x64 else ['dalvikvm32']
+    test_env = DeviceTestEnv(args.classpath)
+  else:
+    run_cmd = ['dalvikvm64'] if args.x64 else ['dalvikvm32']
+    run_cmd += ['-XXlib:{0}'.format(args.lib)]
+    if not args.image:
+      image_path = '{0}/framework/'.format(
+          GetEnvVariableOrError('ANDROID_HOST_OUT'))
+    else:
+      image_path = args.image
+    run_cmd += ['-Ximage:{0}'.format(image_path)]
+    if args.dalvikvm_opts:
+      run_cmd += args.dalvikvm_opts
+    test_env = HostTestEnv(args.classpath, args.x64)
+  # Perform the search
+  try:
+    testable = Dex2OatWrapperTestable(run_cmd, test_env, args.classname,
+                                      args.test_args, expected_output,
+                                      args.verbose)
+    (method, opt_pass) = BugSearch(testable)
+  except Exception as e:
+    print('Error. Refer to logfile: {0}'.format(
+    test_env.logfile.write('Exception: {0}\n'.format(e))
+    raise
+  # Report results
+  if method is None:
+    print('Couldn\'t find any bugs.')
+  elif opt_pass is None:
+    print('Faulty method: {0}. Fails with just mandatory passes.'.format(
+        method))
+  else:
+    print('Faulty method and pass: {0}, {1}.'.format(method, opt_pass))
+  print('Logfile: {0}'.format(
+  sys.exit(0)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  main()