Added code generation framework.

visitors.h: Contains only IR visitor declarations for now.
code_gen.h: Code generation vistor declaration (needs llvm). generation visitor implementation (needs llvm).
instruction_nodes.h: Classes for each type of instruction; this
            enables the visitor to visit each instruction differently and
            corresponds to the sea of nodes paper.
sea_node.h : Moved base Sea IR Node to this separate header.
             Replaced NO_REGISTER with enum (including RETURN_REGISTER) Addded code generation call.
        Set parent region for SignatureNodes.
        Propagate method and class ids in IR generation routine.
        Create InstructionNode subclasses.
*.mk: Updated to support the new files. Fixed some pre-existing formatting.
instruction_tools.h: Fixed double-define of NO_REGISTER to
                     refer to the new enum. Added support for one more instruction in
                    HasRegXX and VRegXX functions.

Change-Id: I7c78f603e41df7bf9da5b77951b8485dd1b49200
diff --git a/compiler/ b/compiler/
index 0bb8770..c43d5a5 100644
--- a/compiler/
+++ b/compiler/
@@ -74,8 +74,8 @@
 	llvm/ \
 	llvm/ \
 	llvm/ \
-        stubs/portable/ \
-        stubs/quick/ \
+	stubs/portable/ \
+	stubs/quick/ \ \ \ \
@@ -86,7 +86,9 @@
 ifeq ($(ART_SEA_IR_MODE),true)
 	sea_ir/ \
-	sea_ir/
+	sea_ir/ \
+	sea_ir/ \
+	sea_ir/
@@ -173,7 +175,6 @@
   LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES += libbcc libbcinfo libLLVM
diff --git a/compiler/sea_ir/ b/compiler/sea_ir/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0bb3a26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/sea_ir/
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include <llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h>
+#include "sea.h"
+#include "code_gen.h"
+namespace sea_ir {
+void CodeGenPrepassVisitor::Visit(PhiInstructionNode* phi) {
+  Region* r = phi->GetRegion();
+  const std::vector<Region*>* predecessors = r->GetPredecessors();
+  DCHECK(NULL != predecessors);
+  DCHECK_GT(predecessors->size(), 0u);
+  llvm::PHINode *llvm_phi  = llvm_data_->builder_.CreatePHI(
+      llvm::Type::getInt32Ty(*llvm_data_->context_), predecessors->size(), phi->StringId());
+  llvm_data_->AddValue(phi, llvm_phi);
+void CodeGenPassVisitor::Initialize(SeaGraph* graph) {
+  Region* root_region;
+  ordered_regions_.clear();
+  for (std::vector<Region*>::const_iterator cit = graph->GetRegions()->begin();
+        cit != graph->GetRegions()->end(); cit++ ) {
+    if ((*cit)->GetIDominator() == (*cit)) {
+      root_region = *cit;
+    }
+  }
+  ordered_regions_.push_back(root_region);
+  for (unsigned int id = 0; id < ordered_regions_.size(); id++) {
+    Region* current_region =;
+    const std::set<Region*>* dominated_regions = current_region->GetIDominatedSet();
+    for (std::set<Region*>::const_iterator cit = dominated_regions->begin();
+            cit != dominated_regions->end(); cit++ ) {
+      ordered_regions_.push_back(*cit);
+    }
+  }
+void CodeGenPostpassVisitor::Visit(SeaGraph* graph) {
+  std::vector<SignatureNode*>* parameters = graph->GetParameterNodes();
+  std::cout << "=== SeaGraph ===" << parameters->size() << std::endl;
+void CodeGenVisitor::Visit(SeaGraph* graph) {
+  std::vector<SignatureNode*>* parameters = graph->GetParameterNodes();
+  std::cout << "=== SeaGraph ===" << parameters->size() << std::endl;
+void CodeGenPrepassVisitor::Visit(SeaGraph* graph) {
+  std::vector<SignatureNode*>* parameters = graph->GetParameterNodes();
+  std::cout << "=== SeaGraph ===" << parameters->size() << std::endl;
+  // TODO: Extract correct types from dex for params and return value.
+  DCHECK(parameters != NULL);
+  std::vector<llvm::Type*> parameter_types(parameters->size(),
+      llvm::Type::getInt32Ty(*llvm_data_->context_));
+  // Build llvm function name.
+  std::string function_name = "class=";
+  std::stringstream ss;
+  ss << graph->class_def_idx_ << "_method=" << graph->method_idx_;
+  function_name.append(ss.str());
+  // Build llvm function type and parameters.
+  llvm::FunctionType *function_type = llvm::FunctionType::get(
+      llvm::Type::getInt32Ty(*llvm_data_->context_),
+      parameter_types, false);
+  llvm_data_->function_ = llvm::Function::Create(function_type,
+      llvm::Function::ExternalLinkage, function_name, &llvm_data_->module_);
+  unsigned param_id = 0;
+  for (llvm::Function::arg_iterator arg_it = llvm_data_->function_->arg_begin();
+      param_id != llvm_data_->function_->arg_size(); ++arg_it, ++param_id) {
+    DCHECK(parameters->size() > param_id) << "Insufficient parameters for function signature";
+    // Build parameter register name for LLVM IR clarity.
+    std::stringstream ss;
+    ss << "r" << parameters->at(param_id);
+    std::string arg_name;
+    arg_name.append(ss.str());
+    arg_it->setName(arg_name);
+    SignatureNode* parameter = parameters->at(param_id);
+    llvm_data_->AddValue(parameter, arg_it);
+  }
+  std::vector<Region*>* regions = &ordered_regions_;
+  DCHECK_GT(regions->size(), 0u);
+  // Then create all other basic blocks.
+  for (std::vector<Region*>::const_iterator cit = regions->begin(); cit != regions->end(); cit++) {
+    llvm::BasicBlock* new_basic_block = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(*llvm_data_->context_,
+        (*cit)->StringId(), llvm_data_->function_);
+    llvm_data_->AddBlock((*cit), new_basic_block);
+  }
+void CodeGenPrepassVisitor::Visit(Region* region) {
+  std::cout << " == Region " << region->StringId() << " ==" << std::endl;
+  llvm_data_->builder_.SetInsertPoint(llvm_data_->GetBlock(region));
+void CodeGenPostpassVisitor::Visit(Region* region) {
+  std::cout << " == Region " << region->StringId() << " ==" << std::endl;
+  llvm_data_->builder_.SetInsertPoint(llvm_data_->GetBlock(region));
+void CodeGenVisitor::Visit(Region* region) {
+  std::cout << " == Region " << region->StringId() << " ==" << std::endl;
+  llvm_data_->builder_.SetInsertPoint(llvm_data_->GetBlock(region));
+void CodeGenVisitor::Visit(InstructionNode* instruction) {
+  std::string instr = instruction->GetInstruction()->DumpString(NULL);
+  DCHECK(0); // This whole function is useful only during development.
+void CodeGenVisitor::Visit(ConstInstructionNode* instruction) {
+  std::string instr = instruction->GetInstruction()->DumpString(NULL);
+  std::cout << "1.Instruction: " << instr << std::endl;
+  llvm_data_->AddValue(instruction,
+      llvm::ConstantInt::get(*llvm_data_->context_, llvm::APInt(32, instruction->GetConstValue())));
+void CodeGenVisitor::Visit(ReturnInstructionNode* instruction) {
+  std::string instr = instruction->GetInstruction()->DumpString(NULL);
+  std::cout << "2.Instruction: " << instr << std::endl;
+  DCHECK_GT(instruction->GetSSAUses().size(), 0u);
+  llvm::Value* return_value = llvm_data_->GetValue(instruction->GetSSAUses().at(0));
+  llvm_data_->builder_.CreateRet(return_value);
+void CodeGenVisitor::Visit(IfNeInstructionNode* instruction) {
+  std::string instr = instruction->GetInstruction()->DumpString(NULL);
+  std::cout << "3.Instruction: " << instr << std::endl;
+  std::vector<InstructionNode*> ssa_uses = instruction->GetSSAUses();
+  DCHECK_GT(ssa_uses.size(), 1u);
+  InstructionNode* use_l =;
+  llvm::Value* left = llvm_data_->GetValue(use_l);
+  InstructionNode* use_r =;
+  llvm::Value* right = llvm_data_->GetValue(use_r);
+  llvm::Value* ifne = llvm_data_->builder_.CreateICmpNE(left, right, instruction->StringId());
+  DCHECK(instruction->GetRegion() != NULL);
+  std::vector<Region*>* successors = instruction->GetRegion()->GetSuccessors();
+  DCHECK_GT(successors->size(), 0u);
+  llvm::BasicBlock* then_block = llvm_data_->GetBlock(successors->at(0));
+  llvm::BasicBlock* else_block = llvm_data_->GetBlock(successors->at(1));
+  llvm_data_->builder_.CreateCondBr(ifne, then_block, else_block);
+void CodeGenVisitor::Visit(AddIntLitInstructionNode* instruction) {
+  std::string instr = instruction->GetInstruction()->DumpString(NULL);
+  std::cout << "4.Instruction: " << instr << std::endl;
+  std::vector<InstructionNode*> ssa_uses = instruction->GetSSAUses();
+  InstructionNode* use_l =;
+  llvm::Value* left = llvm_data->GetValue(use_l);
+  llvm::Value* right = llvm::ConstantInt::get(*llvm_data->context_,
+      llvm::APInt(32, instruction->GetConstValue()));
+  llvm::Value* result = llvm_data->builder_.CreateAdd(left, right);
+  llvm_data->AddValue(instruction, result);
+void CodeGenVisitor::Visit(MoveResultInstructionNode* instruction) {
+  std::string instr = instruction->GetInstruction()->DumpString(NULL);
+  std::cout << "5.Instruction: " << instr << std::endl;
+  // TODO: Currently, this "mov" instruction is simulated by "res = return_register + 0".
+  // This is inefficient, but should be optimized out by the coalescing phase of the reg alloc.
+  // The TODO is to either ensure that this happens, or to
+  // remove the move-result instructions completely from the IR
+  // by merging them with the invoke-* instructions,
+  // since their purpose of minimizing the number of opcodes in dex is
+  // not relevant for the IR. (Will need to have different
+  // instruction subclasses for functions and procedures.)
+  std::vector<InstructionNode*> ssa_uses = instruction->GetSSAUses();
+  InstructionNode* use_l =;
+  llvm::Value* left = llvm_data_->GetValue(use_l);
+  llvm::Value* right = llvm::ConstantInt::get(*llvm_data_->context_, llvm::APInt(32, 0));
+  llvm::Value* result = llvm_data_->builder_.CreateAdd(left, right);
+  llvm_data_->AddValue(instruction, result);
+void CodeGenVisitor::Visit(InvokeStaticInstructionNode* invoke) {
+  std::string instr = invoke->GetInstruction()->DumpString(NULL);
+  std::cout << "6.Instruction: " << instr << std::endl;
+  // TODO: Build callee llvm function name.
+  std::string function_name = "class=";
+  std::stringstream ss;
+  ss << 0 << "_method=" << 1;
+  function_name.append(ss.str());
+  llvm::Function *callee = llvm_data_->module_.getFunction(function_name);
+  // TODO: Add proper checking of the matching between formal and actual signature.
+  DCHECK(NULL != callee);
+  std::vector<llvm::Value*> parameter_values;
+  std::vector<InstructionNode*> parameter_sources = invoke->GetSSAUses();
+  for (std::vector<InstructionNode*>::const_iterator cit = parameter_sources.begin();
+      cit != parameter_sources.end(); ++cit) {
+    llvm::Value* parameter_value = llvm_data_->GetValue((*cit));
+    DCHECK(NULL != parameter_value);
+    parameter_values.push_back(parameter_value);
+  }
+  llvm::Value* return_value = llvm_data_->builder_.CreateCall(callee,
+      parameter_values, invoke->StringId());
+  llvm_data_->AddValue(invoke, return_value);
+void CodeGenVisitor::Visit(AddIntInstructionNode* instruction) {
+  std::string instr = instruction->GetInstruction()->DumpString(NULL);
+  std::cout << "7.Instruction: " << instr << std::endl;
+  std::vector<InstructionNode*> ssa_uses = instruction->GetSSAUses();
+  DCHECK_GT(ssa_uses.size(), 1u);
+  InstructionNode* use_l =;
+  InstructionNode* use_r =;
+  llvm::Value* left = llvm_data_->GetValue(use_l);
+  llvm::Value* right = llvm_data_->GetValue(use_r);
+  llvm::Value* result = llvm_data_->builder_.CreateAdd(left, right);
+  llvm_data_->AddValue(instruction, result);
+void CodeGenVisitor::Visit(GotoInstructionNode* instruction) {
+  std::string instr = instruction->GetInstruction()->DumpString(NULL);
+  std::cout << "8.Instruction: " << instr << std::endl;
+  std::vector<sea_ir::Region*>* targets = instruction->GetRegion()->GetSuccessors();
+  DCHECK_EQ(targets->size(), 1u);
+  llvm::BasicBlock* target_block = llvm_data_->GetBlock(targets->at(0));
+  llvm_data_->builder_.CreateBr(target_block);
+void CodeGenVisitor::Visit(IfEqzInstructionNode* instruction) {
+  std::string instr = instruction->GetInstruction()->DumpString(NULL);
+  std::cout << "9. Instruction: " << instr << "; Id: " <<instruction << std::endl;
+  std::vector<InstructionNode*> ssa_uses = instruction->GetSSAUses();
+  DCHECK_GT(ssa_uses.size(), 0u);
+  InstructionNode* use_l =;
+  llvm::Value* left = llvm_data_->GetValue(use_l);
+  llvm::Value* ifeqz = llvm_data_->builder_.CreateICmpEQ(left,
+      llvm::ConstantInt::get(*llvm_data_->context_, llvm::APInt::getNullValue(32)),
+      instruction->StringId());
+  DCHECK(instruction->GetRegion() != NULL);
+  std::vector<Region*>* successors = instruction->GetRegion()->GetSuccessors();
+  DCHECK_GT(successors->size(), 0u);
+  llvm::BasicBlock* then_block = llvm_data_->GetBlock(successors->at(0));
+  llvm::BasicBlock* else_block = llvm_data_->GetBlock(successors->at(1));
+  llvm_data_->builder_.CreateCondBr(ifeqz, then_block, else_block);
+void CodeGenPostpassVisitor::Visit(PhiInstructionNode* phi) {
+  std::cout << "Phi node for: " << phi->GetRegisterNumber() << std::endl;
+  Region* r = phi->GetRegion();
+  const std::vector<Region*>* predecessors = r->GetPredecessors();
+  DCHECK(NULL != predecessors);
+  DCHECK_GT(predecessors->size(), 0u);
+  // Prepass (CodeGenPrepassVisitor) should create the phi function value.
+  llvm::PHINode* llvm_phi = (llvm::PHINode*) llvm_data_->GetValue(phi);
+  int predecessor_pos = 0;
+  for (std::vector<Region*>::const_iterator cit = predecessors->begin();
+      cit != predecessors->end(); ++cit) {
+    std::vector<InstructionNode*>* defining_instructions = phi->GetSSAUses(predecessor_pos++);
+    DCHECK_EQ(defining_instructions->size(), 1u);
+    InstructionNode* defining_instruction = defining_instructions->at(0);
+    DCHECK(NULL != defining_instruction);
+    Region* incoming_region = *cit;
+    llvm::BasicBlock* incoming_basic_block = llvm_data_->GetBlock(incoming_region);
+    llvm::Value* incoming_value = llvm_data_->GetValue(defining_instruction);
+    llvm_phi->addIncoming(incoming_value, incoming_basic_block);
+  }
+void CodeGenVisitor::Visit(SignatureNode* signature) {
+  std::cout << "Signature: ;" << "Id:" << signature->StringId() << std::endl;
+  DCHECK_EQ(signature->GetDefinitions().size(), 1u) << "Signature nodes must correspond to a single parameter register.";
+void CodeGenPrepassVisitor::Visit(SignatureNode* signature) {
+  std::cout << "Signature: ;" << "Id:" << signature->StringId() << std::endl;
+  DCHECK_EQ(signature->GetDefinitions().size(), 1u) << "Signature nodes must correspond to a single parameter register.";
+void CodeGenPostpassVisitor::Visit(SignatureNode* signature) {
+  std::cout << "Signature: ;" << "Id:" << signature->StringId() << std::endl;
+  DCHECK_EQ(signature->GetDefinitions().size(), 1u) << "Signature nodes must correspond to a single parameter register.";
+} // end namespace sea_ir
diff --git a/compiler/sea_ir/code_gen.h b/compiler/sea_ir/code_gen.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f0b2f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/sea_ir/code_gen.h
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "llvm/IR/IRBuilder.h"
+#include "llvm/IR/LLVMContext.h"
+#include "llvm/IR/Module.h"
+#include "llvm/Analysis/Verifier.h"
+#include "visitor.h"
+namespace sea_ir {
+// Abstracts away the containers we use to map SEA IR objects to LLVM IR objects.
+class CodeGenData {
+ public:
+  explicit CodeGenData(): context_(&llvm::getGlobalContext()), module_("sea_ir", *context_),
+      builder_(*context_), function_(), blocks_(), values_() { }
+  // Returns the llvm::BasicBlock* corresponding to the sea_ir::Region with id @region_id.
+  llvm::BasicBlock* GetBlock(int region_id) {
+    std::map<int, llvm::BasicBlock*>::iterator block_it = blocks_.find(region_id);
+    DCHECK(block_it != blocks_.end());
+    return block_it->second;
+  }
+  // Returns the llvm::BasicBlock* corresponding top the sea_ir::Region @region.
+  llvm::BasicBlock* GetBlock(Region* region) {
+    return GetBlock(region->Id());
+  }
+  // Records @block as corresponding to the sea_ir::Region with id @region_id.
+  void AddBlock(int region_id, llvm::BasicBlock* block) {
+    blocks_.insert(std::pair<int, llvm::BasicBlock*>(region_id, block));
+  }
+  // Records @block as corresponding to the sea_ir::Region with @region.
+  void AddBlock(Region* region, llvm::BasicBlock* block) {
+    AddBlock(region->Id(), block);
+  }
+  llvm::Value* GetValue(int instruction_id) {
+    std::map<int, llvm::Value*>::iterator value_it = values_.find(instruction_id);
+    DCHECK(value_it != values_.end());
+    return value_it->second;
+  }
+  // Returns the llvm::Value* corresponding to the output of @instruction.
+  llvm::Value* GetValue(InstructionNode* instruction) {
+    return GetValue(instruction->Id());
+  }
+  // Records @value as corresponding to the sea_ir::InstructionNode with id @instruction_id.
+  void AddValue(int instruction_id, llvm::Value* value) {
+    values_.insert(std::pair<int, llvm::Value*>(instruction_id, value));
+  }
+  // Records @value as corresponding to the sea_ir::InstructionNode  @instruction.
+  void AddValue(InstructionNode* instruction, llvm::Value* value) {
+      AddValue(instruction->Id(), value);
+  }
+  llvm::LLVMContext* const context_;
+  llvm::Module module_;
+  llvm::IRBuilder<> builder_;
+  llvm::Function* function_;
+ private:
+  std::map<int, llvm::BasicBlock*> blocks_;
+  std::map<int, llvm::Value*> values_;
+class CodeGenPassVisitor: public IRVisitor {
+ public:
+  explicit CodeGenPassVisitor(CodeGenData* cgd): llvm_data_(cgd) { }
+  CodeGenPassVisitor(): llvm_data_(new CodeGenData()) { }
+  // Initialize any data structure needed before the start of visiting.
+  virtual void Initialize(SeaGraph* graph);
+  CodeGenData* GetData() {
+    return llvm_data_;
+  }
+  void Write(std::string file) {
+      llvm_data_->module_.dump();
+      llvm::verifyFunction(*llvm_data_->function_);
+    }
+ protected:
+  CodeGenData* const llvm_data_;
+class CodeGenPrepassVisitor: public CodeGenPassVisitor {
+ public:
+  void Visit(SeaGraph* graph);
+  void Visit(SignatureNode* region);
+  void Visit(Region* region);
+  void Visit(InstructionNode* instruction) { }
+  void Visit(ConstInstructionNode* instruction) { }
+  void Visit(ReturnInstructionNode* instruction) { }
+  void Visit(IfNeInstructionNode* instruction) { }
+  //void Visit(AddIntLitInstructionNode* instruction) { }
+  void Visit(MoveResultInstructionNode* instruction) { }
+  void Visit(InvokeStaticInstructionNode* instruction) { }
+  void Visit(AddIntInstructionNode* instruction) { }
+  void Visit(GotoInstructionNode* instruction) { }
+  void Visit(IfEqzInstructionNode* instruction) { }
+  void Visit(PhiInstructionNode* region);
+class CodeGenPostpassVisitor: public CodeGenPassVisitor {
+ public:
+  explicit CodeGenPostpassVisitor(CodeGenData* code_gen_data): CodeGenPassVisitor(code_gen_data) { }
+  void Visit(SeaGraph* graph);
+  void Visit(SignatureNode* region);
+  void Visit(Region* region);
+  void Visit(InstructionNode* region) { }
+  void Visit(ConstInstructionNode* instruction) { }
+  void Visit(ReturnInstructionNode* instruction) { }
+  void Visit(IfNeInstructionNode* instruction) { }
+  //void Visit(AddIntLitInstructionNode* instruction) { }
+  void Visit(MoveResultInstructionNode* instruction) { }
+  void Visit(InvokeStaticInstructionNode* instruction) { }
+  void Visit(AddIntInstructionNode* instruction) { }
+  void Visit(GotoInstructionNode* instruction) { }
+  void Visit(IfEqzInstructionNode* instruction) { }
+  void Visit(PhiInstructionNode* region);
+class CodeGenVisitor: public CodeGenPassVisitor {
+ public:
+  explicit CodeGenVisitor(CodeGenData* code_gen_data): CodeGenPassVisitor(code_gen_data) { }
+  void Visit(SeaGraph* graph);
+  void Visit(SignatureNode* region);
+  void Visit(Region* region);
+  void Visit(InstructionNode* region);
+  void Visit(ConstInstructionNode* instruction);
+  void Visit(ReturnInstructionNode* instruction);
+  void Visit(IfNeInstructionNode* instruction);
+  //void Visit(AddIntLitInstructionNode* instruction);
+  void Visit(MoveResultInstructionNode* instruction);
+  void Visit(InvokeStaticInstructionNode* instruction);
+  void Visit(AddIntInstructionNode* instruction);
+  void Visit(GotoInstructionNode* instruction);
+  void Visit(IfEqzInstructionNode* instruction);
+  void Visit(PhiInstructionNode* region) { }
+} // end namespace sea_ir
diff --git a/compiler/sea_ir/instruction_nodes.h b/compiler/sea_ir/instruction_nodes.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f6d2dd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/sea_ir/instruction_nodes.h
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "sea_node.h"
+#include "visitor.h"
+#include "dex_instruction-inl.h"
+namespace sea_ir {
+enum SpecialRegisters {
+  NO_REGISTER = -1,             // Usually signifies that there is no register
+                                // that respects the condition you asked for.
+  RETURN_REGISTER = -2,         // Written by the invoke* instructions, read by move-results.
+  UNNAMED_CONST_REGISTER = -3   // Written by UnnamedConst* instructions, read by *Lit* instruction.
+class IRVisitor;
+// This class represents an instruction in SEA IR.
+// As we add support for specific classes of instructions,
+// the number of InstructionNode objects should dwindle, while the
+// number of subclasses and instances of subclasses will go up.
+class InstructionNode: public SeaNode {
+ public:
+  static std::vector<sea_ir::InstructionNode*> Create(const art::Instruction* in);
+  // Returns the Dalvik instruction around which this InstructionNode is wrapped.
+  const art::Instruction* GetInstruction() const {
+    DCHECK(NULL != instruction_) << "Tried to access NULL instruction in an InstructionNode.";
+    return instruction_;
+  }
+  // Returns the register that is defined by the current instruction, or NO_REGISTER otherwise.
+  virtual int GetResultRegister() const;
+  // Returns the set of registers defined by the current instruction.
+  virtual std::vector<int> GetDefinitions() const;
+  // Returns the set of register numbers that are used by the instruction.
+  virtual std::vector<int> GetUses();
+  // Appends to @result the .dot string representation of the instruction.
+  virtual void ToDot(std::string& result) const;
+  // Mark the current instruction as a downward exposed definition.
+  void MarkAsDEDef();
+  // Rename the use of @reg_no to refer to the instruction @definition,
+  // essentially creating SSA form.
+  void RenameToSSA(int reg_no, InstructionNode* definition) {
+    definition_edges_.insert(std::pair<int, InstructionNode*>(reg_no, definition));
+  }
+  // Returns the ordered set of Instructions that define the input operands of this instruction.
+  // Precondition: SeaGraph.ConvertToSSA().
+  std::vector<InstructionNode*> GetSSAUses() {
+    std::vector<int> uses = GetUses();
+    std::vector<InstructionNode*> ssa_uses;
+    for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator cit = uses.begin(); cit != uses.end(); cit++) {
+      ssa_uses.push_back((*definition_edges_.find(*cit)).second);
+    }
+    return ssa_uses;
+  }
+  void Accept(IRVisitor* v) {
+    v->Visit(this);
+    v->Traverse(this);
+  }
+  // Set the region to which this instruction belongs.
+  Region* GetRegion() {
+    DCHECK(NULL != region_);
+    return region_;
+  }
+  // Get the region to which this instruction belongs.
+  void SetRegion(Region* region) {
+    region_ = region;
+  }
+ protected:
+  explicit InstructionNode(const art::Instruction* in):
+      SeaNode(), instruction_(in), de_def_(false), region_(NULL) { }
+ protected:
+  const art::Instruction* const instruction_;
+  std::map<int, InstructionNode* > definition_edges_;
+  bool de_def_;
+  Region* region_;
+class ConstInstructionNode: public InstructionNode {
+ public:
+  explicit ConstInstructionNode(const art::Instruction* inst):
+      InstructionNode(inst) { }
+  void Accept(IRVisitor* v) {
+    v->Visit(this);
+    v->Traverse(this);
+  }
+  virtual int32_t GetConstValue() const {
+    return GetInstruction()->VRegB_11n();
+  }
+class UnnamedConstInstructionNode: public ConstInstructionNode {
+ public:
+  explicit UnnamedConstInstructionNode(const art::Instruction* inst, int32_t value):
+      ConstInstructionNode(inst), value_(value) { }
+  void Accept(IRVisitor* v) {
+    v->Visit(this);
+    v->Traverse(this);
+  }
+  int GetResultRegister() const {
+  }
+  int32_t GetConstValue() const {
+    return value_;
+  }
+  void ToDot(std::string& result) const {
+    std::ostringstream sstream;
+    sstream << GetConstValue();
+    const std::string value_as_string(sstream.str());
+    result += "// Instruction ("+StringId()+"): \n" + StringId() +
+        " [label=\"const/x v-3, #"+ value_as_string + "\"";
+    if (de_def_) {
+      result += "style=bold";
+    }
+    result += "];\n";
+    // SSA definitions:
+    for (std::map<int, InstructionNode* >::const_iterator def_it = definition_edges_.begin();
+        def_it != definition_edges_.end(); def_it++) {
+      if (NULL != def_it->second) {
+        result += def_it->second->StringId() + " -> " + StringId() +"[color=red,label=\"";
+        std::stringstream ss;
+        ss << def_it->first;
+        result.append(ss.str());
+        result += "\"] ; // ssa edge\n";
+      }
+    }
+  }
+ private:
+  const int32_t value_;
+class ReturnInstructionNode: public InstructionNode {
+ public:
+  explicit ReturnInstructionNode(const art::Instruction* inst): InstructionNode(inst) { }
+  void Accept(IRVisitor* v) {
+    v->Visit(this);
+    v->Traverse(this);
+  }
+class IfNeInstructionNode: public InstructionNode {
+ public:
+  explicit IfNeInstructionNode(const art::Instruction* inst): InstructionNode(inst) {
+    DCHECK(InstructionTools::IsDefinition(inst) == false);
+  }
+  void Accept(IRVisitor* v) {
+    v->Visit(this);
+    v->Traverse(this);
+  }
+class MoveResultInstructionNode: public InstructionNode {
+ public:
+  explicit MoveResultInstructionNode(const art::Instruction* inst): InstructionNode(inst) { }
+  std::vector<int> GetUses() {
+    std::vector<int> uses; // Using vector<> instead of set<> because order matters.
+    uses.push_back(RETURN_REGISTER);
+    return uses;
+  }
+  void Accept(IRVisitor* v) {
+    v->Visit(this);
+    v->Traverse(this);
+  }
+class InvokeStaticInstructionNode: public InstructionNode {
+ public:
+  explicit InvokeStaticInstructionNode(const art::Instruction* inst): InstructionNode(inst) { }
+  int GetResultRegister() const {
+    return RETURN_REGISTER;
+  }
+  void Accept(IRVisitor* v) {
+    v->Visit(this);
+    v->Traverse(this);
+  }
+class AddIntInstructionNode: public InstructionNode {
+ public:
+  explicit AddIntInstructionNode(const art::Instruction* inst): InstructionNode(inst) { }
+  void Accept(IRVisitor* v) {
+    v->Visit(this);
+    v->Traverse(this);
+  }
+class AddIntLitInstructionNode: public AddIntInstructionNode {
+ public:
+  explicit AddIntLitInstructionNode(const art::Instruction* inst):
+      AddIntInstructionNode(inst) { }
+  std::vector<int> GetUses() {
+    std::vector<int> uses =  AddIntInstructionNode::GetUses();
+    uses.push_back(UNNAMED_CONST_REGISTER);
+    return uses;
+    }
+  void Accept(IRVisitor* v) {
+    v->Visit(this);
+    v->Traverse(this);
+  }
+class GotoInstructionNode: public InstructionNode {
+ public:
+  explicit GotoInstructionNode(const art::Instruction* inst): InstructionNode(inst) { }
+  void Accept(IRVisitor* v) {
+    v->Visit(this);
+    v->Traverse(this);
+  }
+class IfEqzInstructionNode: public InstructionNode {
+ public:
+  explicit IfEqzInstructionNode(const art::Instruction* inst): InstructionNode(inst) {
+    DCHECK(InstructionTools::IsDefinition(inst) == false);
+  }
+  void Accept(IRVisitor* v) {
+    v->Visit(this);
+    v->Traverse(this);
+  }
+} // end namespace sea_ir
diff --git a/compiler/sea_ir/instruction_tools.h b/compiler/sea_ir/instruction_tools.h
index b0bbc27..0c22753 100644
--- a/compiler/sea_ir/instruction_tools.h
+++ b/compiler/sea_ir/instruction_tools.h
@@ -14,12 +14,13 @@
  * limitations under the License.
+#include "sea.h"
 #include "dex_instruction.h"
 // Note: This file has content cannibalized for SEA_IR from the MIR implementation,
 //       to avoid having a dependence on MIR.
 namespace sea_ir {
diff --git a/compiler/sea_ir/ b/compiler/sea_ir/
index c5ec2b9..347fcff 100644
--- a/compiler/sea_ir/
+++ b/compiler/sea_ir/
@@ -14,19 +14,42 @@
  * limitations under the License.
-#include "sea.h"
 #include "file_output_stream.h"
 #include "instruction_tools.h"
+#include "sea.h"
+#include "code_gen.h"
+// TODO: When development is done, this define should not
+// be needed, it is currently used as a cutoff
+// for cases where the iterative fixed point algorithm
+// does not reach a fixed point because of a bug.
 namespace sea_ir {
 SeaGraph SeaGraph::graph_;
 int SeaNode::current_max_node_id_ = 0;
+void IRVisitor::Traverse(Region* region) {
+  std::vector<PhiInstructionNode*>* phis = region->GetPhiNodes();
+  for (std::vector<PhiInstructionNode*>::const_iterator cit = phis->begin();
+      cit != phis->end(); cit++) {
+    (*cit)->Accept(this);
+  }
+  std::vector<InstructionNode*>* instructions = region->GetInstructions();
+  for (std::vector<InstructionNode*>::const_iterator cit = instructions->begin();
+      cit != instructions->end(); cit++) {
+    (*cit)->Accept(this);
+  }
+void IRVisitor::Traverse(SeaGraph* graph) {
+  for (std::vector<Region*>::const_iterator cit = ordered_regions_.begin();
+          cit != ordered_regions_.end(); cit++ ) {
+    (*cit)->Accept(this);
+  }
 SeaGraph* SeaGraph::GetCurrentGraph() {
   return &sea_ir::SeaGraph::graph_;
@@ -169,7 +192,10 @@
 void SeaGraph::BuildMethodSeaGraph(const art::DexFile::CodeItem* code_item,
-    const art::DexFile& dex_file) {
+    const art::DexFile& dex_file, uint32_t class_def_idx, uint32_t method_idx) {
+  class_def_idx_ = class_def_idx;
+  method_idx_ = method_idx;
   const uint16_t* code = code_item->insns_;
   const size_t size_in_code_units = code_item->insns_size_in_code_units_;
   // This maps target instruction pointers to their corresponding region objects.
@@ -194,42 +220,53 @@
     i += inst->SizeInCodeUnits();
+  Region* r = GetNewRegion();
+  // Insert one SignatureNode per function argument,
+  // to serve as placeholder definitions in dataflow analysis.
+  for (unsigned int crt_offset = 0; crt_offset < code_item->ins_size_; crt_offset++) {
+    SignatureNode* parameter_def_node =
+        new sea_ir::SignatureNode(code_item->registers_size_ - 1 - crt_offset);
+    AddParameterNode(parameter_def_node);
+    r->AddChild(parameter_def_node);
+  }
   // Pass: Assign instructions to region nodes and
   //         assign branches their control flow successors.
   i = 0;
-  Region* r = GetNewRegion();
-  SignatureNode* parameter_def_node = new sea_ir::SignatureNode(code_item->registers_size_-1,
-        code_item->ins_size_);
-  r->AddChild(parameter_def_node);
   sea_ir::InstructionNode* last_node = NULL;
   sea_ir::InstructionNode* node = NULL;
   while (i < size_in_code_units) {
-    const art::Instruction* inst = art::Instruction::At(&code[i]); //TODO: find workaround for this
-    last_node = node;
-    node = new sea_ir::InstructionNode(inst);
+    const art::Instruction* inst = art::Instruction::At(&code[i]);
+    std::vector<InstructionNode*> sea_instructions_for_dalvik = sea_ir::InstructionNode::Create(inst);
+    for (std::vector<InstructionNode*>::const_iterator cit = sea_instructions_for_dalvik.begin();
+        sea_instructions_for_dalvik.end() != cit; ++cit) {
+      last_node = node;
+      node = *cit;
-    if (inst->IsBranch() || inst->IsUnconditional()) {
-      int32_t offset = inst->GetTargetOffset();
-      std::map<const uint16_t*, Region*>::iterator it = target_regions.find(&code[i + offset]);
-      DCHECK(it != target_regions.end());
-      AddEdge(r, it->second); // Add edge to branch target.
-    }
-    std::map<const uint16_t*, Region*>::iterator it = target_regions.find(&code[i]);
-    if (target_regions.end() != it) {
-      // Get the already created region because this is a branch target.
-      Region* nextRegion = it->second;
-      if (last_node->GetInstruction()->IsBranch()
-          && last_node->GetInstruction()->CanFlowThrough()) {
-        AddEdge(r, it->second); // Add flow-through edge.
+      if (inst->IsBranch() || inst->IsUnconditional()) {
+        int32_t offset = inst->GetTargetOffset();
+        std::map<const uint16_t*, Region*>::iterator it = target_regions.find(&code[i + offset]);
+        DCHECK(it != target_regions.end());
+        AddEdge(r, it->second); // Add edge to branch target.
-      r = nextRegion;
-    }
-    bool definesRegister = (0 != InstructionTools::instruction_attributes_[inst->Opcode()]
-        && (1 << kDA));
-    LOG(INFO)<< inst->GetDexPc(code) << "*** " << inst->DumpString(&dex_file)
-    << " region:" <<r->StringId() << "Definition?" << definesRegister << std::endl;
-    r->AddChild(node);
+      std::map<const uint16_t*, Region*>::iterator it = target_regions.find(&code[i]);
+      if (target_regions.end() != it) {
+        // Get the already created region because this is a branch target.
+        Region* nextRegion = it->second;
+        if (last_node->GetInstruction()->IsBranch()
+            && last_node->GetInstruction()->CanFlowThrough()) {
+          AddEdge(r, it->second); // Add flow-through edge.
+        }
+        r = nextRegion;
+      }
+      bool definesRegister = (0 != InstructionTools::instruction_attributes_[inst->Opcode()]
+          && (1 << kDA));
+      LOG(INFO)<< inst->GetDexPc(code) << "*** " << inst->DumpString(&dex_file)
+      << " region:" <<r->StringId() << "Definition?" << definesRegister << std::endl;
+      r->AddChild(node);
+      }
     i += inst->SizeInCodeUnits();
@@ -255,7 +292,6 @@
       RenameAsSSA(*region_it, &scoped_table);
@@ -366,10 +402,25 @@
+void SeaGraph::GenerateLLVM() {
+  // Pass: Generate LLVM IR.
+  CodeGenPrepassVisitor code_gen_prepass_visitor;
+  std::cout << "Generating code..." << std::endl;
+  std::cout << "=== PRE VISITING ===" << std::endl;
+  Accept(&code_gen_prepass_visitor);
+  CodeGenVisitor code_gen_visitor(code_gen_prepass_visitor.GetData());
+  std::cout << "=== VISITING ===" << std::endl;
+  Accept(&code_gen_visitor);
+  std::cout << "=== POST VISITING ===" << std::endl;
+  CodeGenPostpassVisitor code_gen_postpass_visitor(code_gen_visitor.GetData());
+  Accept(&code_gen_postpass_visitor);
+  code_gen_postpass_visitor.Write(std::string("my_file.llvm"));
 void SeaGraph::CompileMethod(const art::DexFile::CodeItem* code_item,
   uint32_t class_def_idx, uint32_t method_idx, const art::DexFile& dex_file) {
   // Two passes: Builds the intermediate structure (non-SSA) of the sea-ir for the function.
-  BuildMethodSeaGraph(code_item, dex_file);
+  BuildMethodSeaGraph(code_item, dex_file, class_def_idx, method_idx);
   //Pass: Compute reverse post-order of regions.
   // Multiple passes: compute immediate dominators.
@@ -382,9 +433,10 @@
   // Two Passes: Phi node insertion.
+  // Pass: Generate LLVM IR.
+  GenerateLLVM();
 void SeaGraph::ComputeDominanceFrontier() {
   for (std::vector<Region*>::iterator region_it = regions_.begin();
       region_it != regions_.end(); region_it++) {
@@ -413,6 +465,7 @@
 void SeaNode::AddSuccessor(Region* successor) {
   DCHECK(successor) << "Tried to add NULL successor to SEA node.";
@@ -423,10 +476,11 @@
   DCHECK(predecessor) << "Tried to add NULL predecessor to SEA node.";
 void Region::AddChild(sea_ir::InstructionNode* instruction) {
   DCHECK(instruction) << "Tried to add NULL instruction to region node.";
+  instruction->SetRegion(this);
 SeaNode* Region::GetLastChild() const {
@@ -582,6 +636,7 @@
   if (!ContainsPhiFor(reg_no)) {
     PhiInstructionNode* new_phi = new PhiInstructionNode(reg_no);
+    new_phi->SetRegion(this);
     return true;
@@ -606,8 +661,47 @@
+std::vector<InstructionNode*> InstructionNode::Create(const art::Instruction* in) {
+  std::vector<InstructionNode*> sea_instructions;
+  switch (in->Opcode()) {
+    case art::Instruction::CONST_4:
+      sea_instructions.push_back(new ConstInstructionNode(in));
+      break;
+    case art::Instruction::RETURN:
+      sea_instructions.push_back(new ReturnInstructionNode(in));
+      break;
+    case art::Instruction::IF_NE:
+      sea_instructions.push_back(new IfNeInstructionNode(in));
+      break;
+    case art::Instruction::ADD_INT_LIT8:
+      sea_instructions.push_back(new UnnamedConstInstructionNode(in, in->VRegB_22b()));
+      sea_instructions.push_back(new AddIntLitInstructionNode(in));
+      break;
+    case art::Instruction::MOVE_RESULT:
+      sea_instructions.push_back(new MoveResultInstructionNode(in));
+      break;
+    case art::Instruction::INVOKE_STATIC:
+      sea_instructions.push_back(new InvokeStaticInstructionNode(in));
+      break;
+    case art::Instruction::ADD_INT:
+      sea_instructions.push_back(new AddIntInstructionNode(in));
+      break;
+    case art::Instruction::GOTO:
+      sea_instructions.push_back(new GotoInstructionNode(in));
+      break;
+    case art::Instruction::IF_EQZ:
+      sea_instructions.push_back(new IfEqzInstructionNode(in));
+      break;
+    default:
+      // Default, generic IR instruction node; default case should never be reached
+      // when support for all instructions ahs been added.
+      sea_instructions.push_back(new InstructionNode(in));
+  }
+  return sea_instructions;
 void InstructionNode::ToDot(std::string& result) const {
-  result += "// Instruction: \n" + StringId() +
+  result += "// Instruction ("+StringId()+"): \n" + StringId() +
       " [label=\"" + instruction_->DumpString(NULL) + "\"";
   if (de_def_) {
     result += "style=bold";
@@ -631,7 +725,7 @@
 int InstructionNode::GetResultRegister() const {
-  if (instruction_->HasVRegA()) {
+  if (instruction_->HasVRegA() && InstructionTools::IsDefinition(instruction_)) {
     return instruction_->VRegA();
   return NO_REGISTER;
@@ -651,7 +745,6 @@
 std::vector<int> InstructionNode::GetUses() {
   std::vector<int> uses; // Using vector<> instead of set<> because order matters.
   if (!InstructionTools::IsDefinition(instruction_) && (instruction_->HasVRegA())) {
     int vA = instruction_->VRegA();
@@ -664,7 +757,6 @@
     int vC = instruction_->VRegC();
-  // TODO: Add support for function argument registers.
   return uses;
@@ -677,24 +769,16 @@
   result += ")\"";
   result += "];\n";
-  for (std::vector<std::map<int, InstructionNode*>*>::const_iterator pred_it = definition_edges_.begin();
+  for (std::vector<std::vector<InstructionNode*>*>::const_iterator pred_it = definition_edges_.begin();
       pred_it != definition_edges_.end(); pred_it++) {
-    std::map<int, InstructionNode*>* defs_from_pred = *pred_it;
-    for (std::map<int, InstructionNode* >::const_iterator def_it = defs_from_pred->begin();
+    std::vector<InstructionNode*>* defs_from_pred = *pred_it;
+    for (std::vector<InstructionNode* >::const_iterator def_it = defs_from_pred->begin();
         def_it != defs_from_pred->end(); def_it++) {
-      if (NULL != def_it->second) {
-        result += def_it->second->StringId() + " -> " + StringId() +"[color=red,label=\"vR = ";
+        result += (*def_it)->StringId() + " -> " + StringId() +"[color=red,label=\"vR = ";
         std::stringstream ss;
-        ss << def_it->first;
+        ss << GetRegisterNumber();
         result += "\"] ; // phi-ssa edge\n";
-      } else {
-        result += StringId() + " -> " + StringId() +"[color=blue,label=\"vR = ";
-        std::stringstream ss;
-        ss << def_it->first;
-        result.append(ss.str());
-        result += "\"] ; // empty phi-ssa edge\n";
-      }
diff --git a/compiler/sea_ir/sea.h b/compiler/sea_ir/sea.h
index 7491d21..81a1b88 100644
--- a/compiler/sea_ir/sea.h
+++ b/compiler/sea_ir/sea.h
@@ -23,14 +23,12 @@
 #include "dex_file.h"
 #include "dex_instruction.h"
-#include "sea_ir/instruction_tools.h"
+#include "instruction_tools.h"
+#include "instruction_nodes.h"
 #include "utils/scoped_hashtable.h"
 namespace sea_ir {
-#define NO_REGISTER             (-1)
 // Reverse post-order numbering constants
 enum RegionNumbering {
   NOT_VISITED = -1,
@@ -38,93 +36,23 @@
 class Region;
 class InstructionNode;
 class PhiInstructionNode;
+class SignatureNode;
-class SeaNode {
- public:
-  explicit SeaNode():id_(GetNewId()), string_id_(), successors_(), predecessors_() {
-    std::stringstream ss;
-    ss << id_;
-    string_id_.append(ss.str());
-  }
-  // Adds CFG predecessors and successors to each block.
-  void AddSuccessor(Region* successor);
-  void AddPredecessor(Region* predecesor);
-  std::vector<sea_ir::Region*>* GetSuccessors() {
-    return &successors_;
-  }
-  std::vector<sea_ir::Region*>* GetPredecessors() {
-    return &predecessors_;
-  }
-  // Returns the id of the current block as string
-  const std::string& StringId() const {
-    return string_id_;
-  }
-  // Appends to @result a dot language formatted string representing the node and
-  //    (by convention) outgoing edges, so that the composition of theToDot() of all nodes
-  //    builds a complete dot graph, but without prolog ("digraph {") and epilog ("}").
-  virtual void ToDot(std::string& result) const = 0;
-  virtual ~SeaNode() {}
- protected:
-  static int GetNewId() {
-    return current_max_node_id_++;
-  }
-  const int id_;
-  std::string string_id_;
-  std::vector<sea_ir::Region*> successors_;    // CFG successor nodes (regions)
-  std::vector<sea_ir::Region*> predecessors_;  // CFG predecessor nodes (instructions/regions)
- private:
-  static int current_max_node_id_;
-class InstructionNode: public SeaNode {
- public:
-  explicit InstructionNode(const art::Instruction* in):
-    SeaNode(), instruction_(in), de_def_(false) {}
-  // Returns the Dalvik instruction around which this InstructionNode is wrapped.
-  const art::Instruction* GetInstruction() const {
-    DCHECK(NULL != instruction_) << "Tried to access NULL instruction in an InstructionNode.";
-    return instruction_;
-  }
-  // Returns the register that is defined by the current instruction, or NO_REGISTER otherwise.
-  virtual int GetResultRegister() const;
-  // Returns the set of registers defined by the current instruction.
-  virtual std::vector<int> GetDefinitions() const;
-  // Returns the set of register numbers that are used by the instruction.
-  virtual std::vector<int> GetUses();
-  // Appends to @result the .dot string representation of the instruction.
-  void ToDot(std::string& result) const;
-  // Mark the current instruction as a dowward exposed definition.
-  void MarkAsDEDef();
-  // Rename the use of @reg_no to refer to the instruction @definition,
-  // essentially creating SSA form.
-  void RenameToSSA(int reg_no, InstructionNode* definition) {
-    definition_edges_.insert(std::pair<int, InstructionNode*>(reg_no, definition));
-  }
- private:
-  const art::Instruction* const instruction_;
-  std::map<int, InstructionNode* > definition_edges_;
-  bool de_def_;
+// A SignatureNode is a declaration of one parameter in the function signature.
+// This class is used to provide place-holder definitions to which instructions
+// can return from the GetSSAUses() calls, instead of having missing SSA edges.
 class SignatureNode: public InstructionNode {
-  explicit SignatureNode(unsigned int start_register, unsigned int count):
+  explicit SignatureNode(unsigned int parameter_register):
       InstructionNode(NULL), defined_regs_() {
-    for (unsigned int crt_offset = 0; crt_offset < count; crt_offset++) {
-      defined_regs_.push_back(start_register - crt_offset);
-    }
+    defined_regs_.push_back(parameter_register);
   void ToDot(std::string& result) const {
-    result += StringId() +"[label=\"signature:";
+    result += StringId() +" [label=\"signature:";
     std::stringstream vector_printer;
     if (!defined_regs_.empty()) {
       for (unsigned int crt_el = 0; crt_el < defined_regs_.size()-1; crt_el++) {
@@ -147,11 +75,15 @@
     return std::vector<int>();
+  void Accept(IRVisitor* v) {
+    v->Visit(this);
+    v->Traverse(this);
+  }
   std::vector<int> defined_regs_;
 class PhiInstructionNode: public InstructionNode {
   explicit PhiInstructionNode(int register_no):
@@ -159,11 +91,11 @@
   // Appends to @result the .dot string representation of the instruction.
   void ToDot(std::string& result) const;
   // Returns the register on which this phi-function is used.
-  int GetRegisterNumber() {
+  int GetRegisterNumber() const {
     return register_no_;
-  // Rename the use of @reg_no to refer to the instruction @definition.
+  // Renames the use of @reg_no to refer to the instruction @definition.
   // Phi-functions are different than normal instructions in that they
   // have multiple predecessor regions; this is why RenameToSSA has
   // the additional parameter specifying that @parameter_id is the incoming
@@ -174,27 +106,40 @@
     if (definition_edges_.size() < predecessor_id+1) {
       definition_edges_.resize(predecessor_id+1, NULL);
     if (NULL == {
-      definition_edges_[predecessor_id] = new std::map<int, InstructionNode*>();
+      definition_edges_[predecessor_id] = new std::vector<InstructionNode*>();
-    definition_edges_[predecessor_id]->insert(std::pair<int, InstructionNode*>(reg_no, definition));
+    definition_edges_[predecessor_id]->push_back(definition);
+  }
+  // Returns the instruction that defines the phi register from predecessor
+  // on position @predecessor_pos. Note that the return value is vector<> just
+  // for consistency with the return value of GetSSAUses() on regular instructions,
+  // The returned vector should always have a single element because the IR is SSA.
+  std::vector<InstructionNode*>* GetSSAUses(int predecessor_pos) {
+    return;
+  }
+  void Accept(IRVisitor* v) {
+    v->Visit(this);
+    v->Traverse(this);
   int register_no_;
-  std::vector<std::map<int, InstructionNode*>*> definition_edges_;
+  std::vector<std::vector<InstructionNode*>*> definition_edges_;
+// This class corresponds to a basic block in traditional compiler IRs.
+// The dataflow analysis relies on this class both during execution and
+// for storing its results.
 class Region : public SeaNode {
   explicit Region():
-    SeaNode(), reaching_defs_size_(0), rpo_(NOT_VISITED), idom_(NULL),
-    idominated_set_(), df_(), phi_set_() {}
+    SeaNode(), successors_(), predecessors_(), reaching_defs_size_(0),
+    rpo_(NOT_VISITED), idom_(NULL), idominated_set_(), df_(), phi_set_() {}
   // Adds @instruction as an instruction node child in the current region.
-  void AddChild(sea_ir::InstructionNode* insttruction);
+  void AddChild(sea_ir::InstructionNode* instruction);
   // Returns the last instruction node child of the current region.
   // This child has the CFG successors pointing to the new regions.
   SeaNode* GetLastChild() const;
@@ -207,10 +152,8 @@
   //    builds a complete dot graph (without prolog and epilog though).
   virtual void ToDot(std::string& result) const;
   // Computes Downward Exposed Definitions for the current node.
   void ComputeDownExposedDefs();
   const std::map<int, sea_ir::InstructionNode*>* GetDownExposedDefs() const;
   // Performs one iteration of the reaching definitions algorithm
   // and returns true if the reaching definitions set changed.
   bool UpdateReachingDefs();
@@ -240,7 +183,6 @@
   const std::set<Region*>* GetIDominatedSet() {
     return &idominated_set_;
   // Adds @df_reg to the dominance frontier of the current region.
   void AddToDominanceFrontier(Region* df_reg) {
@@ -266,7 +208,31 @@
   void SetPhiDefinitionsForUses(const utils::ScopedHashtable<int, InstructionNode*>* scoped_table,
       Region* predecessor);
+  void Accept(IRVisitor* v) {
+    v->Visit(this);
+    v->Traverse(this);
+  }
+  void AddSuccessor(Region* successor) {
+    DCHECK(successor) << "Tried to add NULL successor to SEA node.";
+    successors_.push_back(successor);
+    return;
+  }
+  void AddPredecessor(Region* predecessor) {
+    DCHECK(predecessor) << "Tried to add NULL predecessor to SEA node.";
+    predecessors_.push_back(predecessor);
+  }
+  std::vector<sea_ir::Region*>* GetSuccessors() {
+    return &successors_;
+  }
+  std::vector<sea_ir::Region*>* GetPredecessors() {
+    return &predecessors_;
+  }
+  std::vector<sea_ir::Region*> successors_;    // CFG successor nodes (regions)
+  std::vector<sea_ir::Region*> predecessors_;  // CFG predecessor nodes (instructions/regions)
   std::vector<sea_ir::InstructionNode*> instructions_;
   std::map<int, sea_ir::InstructionNode*> de_defs_;
   std::map<int, std::set<sea_ir::InstructionNode*>* > reaching_defs_;
@@ -283,28 +249,49 @@
   std::vector<PhiInstructionNode*> phi_instructions_;
-class SeaGraph {
+// A SeaGraph instance corresponds to a source code function.
+// Its main point is to encapsulate the SEA IR representation of it
+// and acts as starting point for visitors (ex: during code generation).
+class SeaGraph: IVisitable {
   static SeaGraph* GetCurrentGraph();
   void CompileMethod(const art::DexFile::CodeItem* code_item,
       uint32_t class_def_idx, uint32_t method_idx, const art::DexFile& dex_file);
+  // Returns all regions corresponding to this SeaGraph.
+  std::vector<Region*>* GetRegions() {
+    return &regions_;
+  }
   // Returns a string representation of the region and its Instruction children.
   void DumpSea(std::string filename) const;
   // Recursively computes the reverse postorder value for @crt_bb and successors.
   static void ComputeRPO(Region* crt_bb, int& crt_rpo);
   // Returns the "lowest common ancestor" of @i and @j in the dominator tree.
   static Region* Intersect(Region* i, Region* j);
+  //Returns the vector of parameters of the function.
+  std::vector<SignatureNode*>* GetParameterNodes() {
+    return &parameters_;
+  }
+  uint32_t class_def_idx_;
+  uint32_t method_idx_;
+  SeaGraph(): class_def_idx_(0), method_idx_(0), regions_(), parameters_() {
+  }
   // Registers @childReg as a region belonging to the SeaGraph instance.
   void AddRegion(Region* childReg);
   // Returns new region and registers it with the  SeaGraph instance.
   Region* GetNewRegion();
+  // Adds a (formal) parameter node to the vector of parameters of the function.
+  void AddParameterNode(SignatureNode* parameterNode) {
+    parameters_.push_back(parameterNode);
+  }
   // Adds a CFG edge from @src node to @dst node.
   void AddEdge(Region* src, Region* dst) const;
-  // Builds the non-SSA sea-ir representation of the function @code_item from @dex_file.
-  void BuildMethodSeaGraph(const art::DexFile::CodeItem* code_item, const art::DexFile& dex_file);
+  // Builds the non-SSA sea-ir representation of the function @code_item from @dex_file
+  // with class id @class_def_idx and method id @method_idx.
+  void BuildMethodSeaGraph(const art::DexFile::CodeItem* code_item,
+      const art::DexFile& dex_file, uint32_t class_def_idx, uint32_t method_idx);
   // Computes immediate dominators for each region.
   // Precondition: ComputeMethodSeaGraph()
   void ComputeIDominators();
@@ -322,15 +309,28 @@
   // Cooper & Torczon, "Engineering a Compiler", second edition, page 499.
   // Precondition: ComputeIDominators()
   void ComputeDominanceFrontier();
+  // Converts the IR to semi-pruned SSA form.
   void ConvertToSSA();
+  // Performs the renaming phase of the SSA transformation during ConvertToSSA() execution.
+  void RenameAsSSA();
   // Identifies the definitions corresponding to uses for region @node
   // by using the scoped hashtable of names @ scoped_table.
   void RenameAsSSA(Region* node, utils::ScopedHashtable<int, InstructionNode*>* scoped_table);
-  void RenameAsSSA();
+  virtual void Accept(IRVisitor* visitor) {
+    visitor->Initialize(this);
+    visitor->Visit(this);
+    visitor->Traverse(this);
+  }
+  virtual ~SeaGraph() {}
+  // Generate LLVM IR for the method.
+  // Precondition: ConvertToSSA().
+  void GenerateLLVM();
   static SeaGraph graph_;
   std::vector<Region*> regions_;
+  std::vector<SignatureNode*> parameters_;
 } // end namespace sea_ir
diff --git a/compiler/sea_ir/sea_node.h b/compiler/sea_ir/sea_node.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bdfa501
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/sea_ir/sea_node.h
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+namespace sea_ir {
+class Region;
+class IRVisitor;
+class IVisitable {
+ public:
+  virtual void Accept(IRVisitor* visitor) = 0;
+  virtual ~IVisitable() {}
+// This abstract class provides the essential services that
+// we want each SEA IR element should have.
+// At the moment, these are:
+// - an id and corresponding string representation.
+// - a .dot graph language representation for .dot output.
+// Note that SEA IR nodes could also be Regions, Projects
+// which are not instructions.
+class SeaNode: public IVisitable {
+ public:
+  explicit SeaNode():id_(GetNewId()), string_id_() {
+    std::stringstream ss;
+    ss << id_;
+    string_id_.append(ss.str());
+  }
+  // Adds CFG predecessors and successors to each block.
+  void AddSuccessor(Region* successor);
+  void AddPredecessor(Region* predecesor);
+  // Returns the id of the current block as string
+  const std::string& StringId() const {
+    return string_id_;
+  }
+  // Returns the id of this node as int. The id is supposed to be unique among
+  // all instances of all subclasses of this class.
+  int Id() const {
+    return id_;
+  }
+  // Appends to @result a dot language formatted string representing the node and
+  //    (by convention) outgoing edges, so that the composition of theToDot() of all nodes
+  //    builds a complete dot graph, but without prolog ("digraph {") and epilog ("}").
+  virtual void ToDot(std::string& result) const = 0;
+  virtual ~SeaNode() {}
+ protected:
+  static int GetNewId() {
+    return current_max_node_id_++;
+  }
+  const int id_;
+  std::string string_id_;
+ private:
+  static int current_max_node_id_;
+} // end namespace sea_ir
diff --git a/compiler/sea_ir/visitor.h b/compiler/sea_ir/visitor.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9859008
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/sea_ir/visitor.h
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "llvm/IR/IRBuilder.h"
+#include "llvm/IR/LLVMContext.h"
+#include "llvm/IR/Module.h"
+#include "llvm/Analysis/Verifier.h"
+// TODO: Separating the root visitor from the code_gen visitor
+// would allow me to not include llvm headers here.
+namespace sea_ir {
+class SeaGraph;
+class Region;
+class InstructionNode;
+class PhiInstructionNode;
+class SignatureNode;
+class ConstInstructionNode;
+class ReturnInstructionNode;
+class IfNeInstructionNode;
+class AddIntLit8InstructionNode;
+class MoveResultInstructionNode;
+class InvokeStaticInstructionNode;
+class AddIntInstructionNode;
+class AddIntLitInstructionNode;
+class GotoInstructionNode;
+class IfEqzInstructionNode;
+class IRVisitor {
+ public:
+  explicit IRVisitor():ordered_regions_() { }
+  virtual void Initialize(SeaGraph* graph) = 0;
+  virtual void Visit(SeaGraph* graph) = 0;
+  virtual void Visit(Region* region) = 0;
+  virtual void Visit(PhiInstructionNode* region) = 0;
+  virtual void Visit(SignatureNode* region) = 0;
+  virtual void Visit(InstructionNode* region) = 0;
+  virtual void Visit(ConstInstructionNode* instruction) = 0;
+  virtual void Visit(ReturnInstructionNode* instruction) = 0;
+  virtual void Visit(IfNeInstructionNode* instruction) = 0;
+  //virtual void Visit(AddIntLitInstructionNode* instruction) = 0;
+  virtual void Visit(MoveResultInstructionNode* instruction) = 0;
+  virtual void Visit(InvokeStaticInstructionNode* instruction) = 0;
+  virtual void Visit(AddIntInstructionNode* instruction) = 0;
+  virtual void Visit(GotoInstructionNode* instruction) = 0;
+  virtual void Visit(IfEqzInstructionNode* instruction) = 0;
+  // Note: This favor of visitor separates the traversal functions from the actual visiting part
+  //       so that the Visitor subclasses don't duplicate code and can't get the traversal wrong.
+  //       The disadvantage is the increased number of functions (and calls).
+  virtual void Traverse(SeaGraph* graph);
+  virtual void Traverse(Region* region);
+  // The following functions are meant to be empty and not pure virtual,
+  // because the parameter classes have no children to traverse.
+  virtual void Traverse(InstructionNode* region) { }
+  virtual void Traverse(ConstInstructionNode* instruction) { }
+  virtual void Traverse(ReturnInstructionNode* instruction) { }
+  virtual void Traverse(IfNeInstructionNode* instruction) { }
+  virtual void Traverse(AddIntLit8InstructionNode* instruction) { }
+  virtual void Traverse(MoveResultInstructionNode* instruction) { }
+  virtual void Traverse(InvokeStaticInstructionNode* instruction) { }
+  virtual void Traverse(AddIntInstructionNode* instruction) { }
+  virtual void Traverse(GotoInstructionNode* instruction) { }
+  virtual void Traverse(IfEqzInstructionNode* instruction) { }
+  virtual void Traverse(PhiInstructionNode* phi) { }
+  virtual void Traverse(SignatureNode* sig) { }
+  virtual ~IRVisitor() { }
+ protected:
+  std::vector<Region*> ordered_regions_;
+} // end namespace sea_ir