Remove duplicate of DexFile::DecodeDebugInfo.

Call DexFile::DecodeDebugInfo instead of having a local copy.

Change-Id: I4f94fd56a81fea1a2d10d5a26b9650d6d7ff9448
diff --git a/compiler/oat_writer.h b/compiler/oat_writer.h
index c472000..b4a6411 100644
--- a/compiler/oat_writer.h
+++ b/compiler/oat_writer.h
@@ -115,22 +115,14 @@
   struct DebugInfo {
-    DebugInfo(const std::string& method_name, bool deduped,
-              const char* class_descriptor, const char* src_file_name,
-              uint32_t low_pc, uint32_t high_pc,
-              const uint8_t* dbgstream, CompiledMethod* compiled_method)
-      : method_name_(method_name), deduped_(deduped),
-        class_descriptor_(class_descriptor), src_file_name_(src_file_name),
-        low_pc_(low_pc), high_pc_(high_pc),
-        dbgstream_(dbgstream), compiled_method_(compiled_method) {
-    }
-    std::string method_name_;  // Note: this name is a pretty-printed name.
-    bool        deduped_;
-    const char* class_descriptor_;
-    const char* src_file_name_;
-    uint32_t    low_pc_;
-    uint32_t    high_pc_;
-    const uint8_t* dbgstream_;
+    const DexFile* dex_file_;
+    size_t class_def_index_;
+    uint32_t dex_method_index_;
+    uint32_t access_flags_;
+    const DexFile::CodeItem *code_item_;
+    bool deduped_;
+    uint32_t low_pc_;
+    uint32_t high_pc_;
     CompiledMethod* compiled_method_;